Adv. English 8 Semester 2 Finals - HOUR OF THE BEES

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Why is Carolina uneasy when they arrive at the ranch?

Because everything looked dead and there was no grass. Also because she is going to be with a grandfather who she never met

Why is Carolina surprised when her father saves Luis from the rattlesnake?

Because she did not know that her father knew how to get a rattlesnake away

What is the real reason that Patricia is upset when Alta arrives at the ranch with a new car?

Because she did not want her daughter to be spoiled by her ex husband, she believed that she should work at it herself. She didn't want to believe that Raul was being a nice father

What happened to the lake in Serge's story?

Bees came by each took a drop away from the lake, drying it up

Description of Alta

Comes off as rude, snarky, nonchalant Always on her phone Claims she doesn't like Carol/her side of the family

What does each villager want so that they can remain safe while traveling?

Something made from the tree bark

Why does Raul burn the barn down?

Termites had infested the wood

What is the imagery in Serge's story similar to?

The Garden of Eden

What does Serge's story center around, and why is that important?

The magical tree; it eventually gets cut down even though it was the central piece of the village

When Rosa travelled, what did Serge do?

He took care of the sheep as normal, but he slept outside each night to wait for her

Where did Carolina and Serge land after the car wreck?

In a lake at the ranch

Why is measuring time so important to Serge?

In his village, time wasn't really important concept - so he needed his own personal way to measure time

What starts to happen to the villagers that travelled and why is that important?

They began to die; this shows that the power of the tree was beginning to stop working since they cut it down

Why do the villagers take more and more of the tree?

They need to protect themselves from the elements of the outside world, and become greedy

What is the real mission of the summer and why is it important?

To get the ranch in good enough shape to sell it; this could be viewed as Raul further "spitting on his roots" (he's getting rid of the last part of his family's past)

Why is the family going to the ranch?

To move Serge to an assisted living home - the Seville

Description of Raul

Tries to bury himself in work so he doesn't have to deal with Serge Hides the fact that he doesn't really want to sell the ranch Blames Serge for his Mom's (Rosa) death

Description of Patricia (Mom)

Trying to keep everything together Stressed a lot of the time Is a nurse

What else does Carolina take from the closet?

A seed

What did Serge promise Rosa as a wedding gift?

A trip outside of the village ("a honeymoon to see the world")

What does Serge associate with both Carolina and Rosa?


What happened to Ines the night before they leave for the city?

She dies

When Carolina returns to school, what is different about her?

She doesn't really want to follow the crowd anymore - she starts to realize what is important and what is not

Why is Carolina so disappointed with her school clothes?

She doesn't think that she (her body) looks good in them

On the mission to find the missing sheep, what does Carolina learn?

She learns that her Grandma Rosa died of cancer, and that all the bumps on Serge's face were bee stings.

When Rosa returns from her travels, she captures the imagination of the village by doing what?

She tells them stories about how her bracelet protected her and shows them souvenirs from her travels

On moving day, what change is the most obvious in Carolina?

She wants to stay at the ranch, and for it not to sell

Why has Alta been so awful all summer?

She was jealous of how close and familiar Carol was with the rest of her family

What does Serge give Alta, and why is this important?

A bracelet like Carol's; it shows that Alta really is a part of the family

What did Serge give to Rosa to protect her during her travels?

A bracelet made of tree bark from the village tree

What does Carolina pick from the closet to keep, and why does Raul approve of it?

A bracelet; it was Rosa's, and Raul says that Carol is beginning to look so much like her.

Based on Serge's story, describe Rosa's personality.

Adventurous, fiery, not willing settle for less

Which character calls a sheep a "dramatic bleeder?"


What is important about the sun cakes?

Carol had believed that Raul had come up with the recipe, when really it was Serge who made them for Raul as a kid

Description of Carol

Going into 7th grade Likes listening to Serge's story Feels a lot of pressure to fit in + meet expectations

Description of Serge

Has dementia Is waiting for the bees to return the rain Wants to tell Carol about his story/life

What has the rain at the ranch brought forth in Serge?

He accepted his mortality, and became okay with dying

What does Serge mean when he asks both Carolina and Raul, "why do you spit on your roots?"

He is asking them why they aren't embracing their culture

In both the novel and Serge's story, describe Serge's perception of time.

It goes by extremely slow, and he uses the number of sheep he sheared to count time

What is the relationship like between Carolina and Alta?

It is a very tense relationship because some days Alta is nice and then the other days Alta is moody

Why is it so important to Carolina that Serge sees the rain?

It's important because at the start of summer he repeated "No rain for 100 years". She wants him to see his dream come true

What is Raul's version of the end of the story, and what does it explain?

Rosa becomes sick, but Serge refuses to take her to a hospital; it explains the reason for the tension between the two

What is the biggest difference between Rosa and Serge in the story?

Rosa wants to leave the village, but Serge wants to stay

What is the real ending to Serge's story?

Rosa was the one who refused to go to the hospital

Describe the relationship between Serge and Raul.

Serge and Raul are very tense w/ each other, Raul is nervous around Serge, they aren't close

What is Serge's reaction to the real estate agent and why is that important?

Serge urgently wants the agents to leave. He feels that his property (ranch) is being invaded. Important because Serge has a protective stance when it comes to one of the things he loves, the ranch. He doesn't want people who don't appreciate its roots to be on it.

Why is the process of cleaning out Rosa's closet important?

The family is moving on from the loss of Rosa

How does the story "begin again?"

The family moves back to the ranch, and Carol starts telling the story to Luis, her baby brother.

Describe the conditions at the ranch.

Very dry and no green grass, hot, drought, lonely, little to no modern technology, difficult

What is Serge's diagnosis?


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