AF SNCOA Questions

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A composite of personal characteristics, experiences, and abilities.


A group of people living within a larger society who share values, beliefs, behaviors, etc., that's different from the rest of society.

Comprehensive Airman Fitness

A holistic approach to developing overarching Airman fitness and resilience.

Domains of Culture

Broad categories under which humans commonly organize cultural knowledge, beliefs, values, and behavior.

Demographic Diversity

Socially defined personal characteristics like age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and geographic origin

Religious Diversity

Every Airman is free to practice the religion of their choice or subscribe to no religious belief at all

Cognitive/Behavioral Diversity

Differences in styles of work, thinking, learning, and personality.

TFF Domains

Fitness categories designed keep service members resilient in an environment of sustained deployments and combat operations.

Organizational/Structural Diversity

Interaction between military service component, occupations, and career fields.

Global Diversity

Involves the intimate knowledge of, and experience with, foreign languages, cultures, coalition partners, and foreign nationals whom one interacts with.

5 C's

Positive behaviors that are essential to developing a healthy sense of self and the ability to effectively interact with others.

Cross Cultural Competence

The ability to quickly and accurately comprehend, then appropriately and effectively act across all cultural environments without necessarily having prior exposure to a particular group, region, or language.


The ability to withstand, recover and/or grow in the face of stressors and changing demands.


The creation, maintenance, and transformation across generations of semi- shared patterns of meaning, sensemaking, affiliation, action, and organization by groups.

Power distance

The extent to which the less powerful members of a culture accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.


The human tendency to negatively judge other cultures (beliefs, values, etc.) by the values and assumptions of your own. This may cause you to see the other culture as inferior to your own.


The idea that all aspects of culture are interconnected and integrated where a change in one area may affect change in another area.


The most powerful or most widely practiced cultures in a particular society.


The non-verbal features that accompany speech and contribute to communication but aren't considered part of the language system.

True or False: The Air Force Core Values, Oath of Enlistment, and DOD 5500.7-R assist us in making sound ethical decisions.

True According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, the Air Force Core Values, the Oath of Enlistment, Air Force Instructions, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, DOD 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), and AFI 36-2618, Enlisted Force Structure, all assist SNCOs in making sound ethical decisions.


The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world...a collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.

Total Force Fitness

The state in which the individual, family, and organization can sustain optimal well-being and performance under all conditions.

Cultural Relativism

The tendency to understand people's beliefs and practices within the context of their culture, rather than from your own cultural point of view.

Which ethical principle serves as a reminder to SNCOs that we must always put truth and honor first, followed by mission accomplishment and our Airmen? a. The Three Ps b. The Three Rs c. The Three Ds

a. The Three Ps According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, the Three Ps (Principle, Purpose, and People) serve as a reminder to SNCOs that we must always put Principle (truth-telling and honor) first; Purpose (mission accomplishment and duty)

Which of the following BEST identifies Professional Methods? Professional Methods... a. involve the actual application of professional knowledge and theory b. encompass a combination of emotional, moral, and intellectual qualities c. include both tangible and intangible measurements of performance

a. involve the actual application of professional knowledge and theory According to the Profession of Arms chapter, professional methods involve the actual application of professional knowledge and theory to any given situation.

MSgt Farva has been successful in meeting all of his first quarter spending requirements. Then in the middle of the second quarter, his superintendent says, "We are scheduled to have our mission increase in June. I don't know what the exact expense will be, but do what is necessary to secure funding." He becomes frustrated; however, Farva researches the new missions and calculates and justifies all costs pertaining to the new mission and submits his requests for funds before the third quarter begins. Funds were available when the mission increase began. This scenario BEST explains MSgt Farva's understanding of the __________ and its impact mission effectiveness. a. Budget Cycle b. Resource Management c. Financial Management

a. Budget Cycle Although the scenario hints at resource management, it is not explaining which make up resource management. According to the Resource Management chapter, "is the prudent use of allocated funds and the efficient and effective use of assigned facilities, space, equipment, and people. It also includes the consideration of timelines and milestones. Furthermore, SNCOs must be able to analyze and prioritize them for near and long term success." RATIONALE: According to the Resource Management chapter, "includes quarterly spending targets, unfunded requests, the BER schedule, and end of year closeout." Farva is explaining this concept. CHAPTER: Resource Management (LM11) SOB: Explain Resource Management and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Polen has recently been appointed as superintendent. She explains to squadron members, "Due to a change, I am implementing new work procedures, expect interruptions to your daily routine as we implement new policies." As she was leaving, she heard members grumbling, "This is all we need...another change. The chief will never allow this to happen." This scenario BEST illustrates _________ behavior towards the new procedure. a. Denial b. Depression c. Bargaining

a. Denial According to the Change Management chapter, reactions to change include denial by exhibiting behaviors that indicate your people believe the change won't happen (I can't believe this is happening). In this scenario, MSgt Polen's people members say, "This all we need...another change. The chief will neverallow this to happen." CHAPTER: Change Management (LM04) SOB: Give examples of Change Management and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

After listening to her subordinates complain about a current workplace procedure, SMSgt Monroe personally observes the process to gather first-hand data. Then, she and her subordinates review some key process indicators, conduct a performance gap analysis, and set some challenging but achievable targets. After they analyze the primary causes of all the complaints, they come up with some countermeasures and determine their workability before implementing them. SMSgt Monroe and her subordinates' use of _________ will MOST likely__________ mission effectiveness. a. Eight-Step Problem Solving; decrease b. Lean Principles; enhance c. Lean Principles; hinder Eight-Step Problem Solving; increase

a. Eight-Step Problem Solving; increase In this scenario, SMSgt Monroe used a step by step approach to problem solving. Her efforts will enhance her team's effectiveness. RATIONALE: Because the team used the first five steps of the Eight-Step Problem Solving Process, it is highly likely that they will continue through the rest of the steps to solve the work center problem, and solving the problem will most likely increase mission effectiveness. According to the Continuous Improvement chapter, Problem Solving includes, among other steps, Step 1: Clarify and Validate the Problem, Step 2: Break Down the Problem/Identify Performance Gaps, Step 3: Set Improvement Targets, Step 4: Determine Root Cause, etc. In the scenario, SMSgt Lockhart and her subordinates have used steps 1 through 5 of the eight steps: 1) Observe first-hand what is taking place, 2) Review key process indicators and conduct performance gap analysis, 3) Set challenging but achievable targets, 4) Determine root cause (analyze the primary causes of all the complaints), and 5) Develop countermeasures and determine their workability. CHAPTER: Continuous Improvement (LM10) SOB: Predict the impact of Continuous Improvement on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Lingle is the POC for the installation of a new wireless network in his work center. He uses all of the resources at his disposal and integrates all actions and facets of the project together in order to be successful. He monitors quality while remaining cognizant of timeliness of the product while keeping an eye on potential risks. During the process, he continuously informs the commander of the installation on progress in case adjustments are needed. MSgt Lingle's actions BEST illustrate the project ______ step of Project Management. a. Execution b. Initiation c. Planning

a. Execution MSgt Lingles's actions best illustrate the Execution step of Project Management. According to the Project Management chapter, "The execution process involves coordinating people and resources, as well as integrating and performing the activities of the project in accordance with the project management plan." CHAPTER: Project Management (LM12) SOB: Illustrate Project Management concepts and/or their impact on SNCO and mission effectiveness.

While observing members of her team, MSgt Patrick notices that TSgt Wallace is able to focus on all aspects of the team and fill in when someone is missing in order to keep things progressing. Although he sees things differently compared to the other team members, he is able to communicate effectively with team members. His suggestions are aimed at improving the process and aids in moving the team towards reaching its goal. This scenario BEST illustrates TSgt Wallace's team role preference as a/an _____________. a. Flexer b. Executor c. Advancer

a. Flexer Sgt Wallace's team role preference is a Flexer, which, according to the Team Dynamics chapter, "a Flexer can focus on everything. They are a combination of the other four roles. Flexers have an equal preference for most or all of the roles. Flexers can often adapt their styles to fit the needs of the team, and they probably view issues from different perspectives. Given their ability to adapt their style, Flexers are very good at monitoring contributions of all team members and when necessary, are able step in to fill gaps in order to keep things moving in the right direction." CHAPTER: Team Dynamics (LM08) SOB: Give examples of Team Dynamics and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Moxley was just briefed by SMSgt Fiscus that he will be taking over the Dispatch Operations section because the section has been struggling to meet the service response times outlined by senior leadership. He asks the shift supervisors to gather data necessary to measure just how well they are at meeting their goals. Upon review of the information he begins to notice a trend. Since the installation of the new database in the dispatch section, most of the members are still struggling to input information correctly, resulting in them not being on time for aircrew pickups. MSgt Moxley decides to conduct a training session to get all members up to speed on the new database. MSgt Moxley's action BEST illustrate the use of the_________________ perspective. a. Learning & Growth b. Financial c. Business

a. Learning & Growth Rationale: According to the Strategic Planning chapter, the Learning & Growth perspective includes employee training and corporate cultural attitudes related to both individual and corporate self improvement. In a knowledge-worker organization, people are the main resource. In the current climate of rapid technological change, it is becoming necessary for knowledge workers to be in a continuous learning mode. MSgt Moxley conducted inservice- training to bring his people up to speed on the new database. CHAPTER: Strategic Planning (LM13) SOB: Illustrate Strategic Planning concepts and their impacts on SNCO and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Campbell's unit is preparing for an inspection. As a result, the duty hours have been increased to include Saturday and Sunday to ensure all checklists have been completed and all programs are ready. On Wednesday, one of MSgt Campbell's Airmen asks for Saturday off so she can attend a preplanned religious event. Even though MSgt Campbell has had to deny other requests for time off, he tells the Airman that she can attend her religious event, but, will have to report for duty a little earlier the next day. She agrees and goes back to work. MSgt Campbell's actions BEST illustrate _____________________________ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Leveraging Diversity b. The Five Part Transformation Process c. The Importance of Diversity

a. Leveraging Diversity According to the Diversity chapter, leveraging diversity includes striking the right balance between the need of you people and the needs of the unit's culture/climate and mission. In the scenario, MSgt Campbell was able to meet the Airman's needs (attend her religious event) and the needs of the mission (come in to work early the next day). Since the Airman agrees and goes back to work, his was able to find the right balance.

During a mediation, MSgt Busch questions the parties about their assertions and their demands based on the specific elements of the dispute. Through the use of questions, Busch is able to help the parties see their strengths and weaknesses of their assertions while being neutral in the process. Once the parties reach an understanding, the mediation continues. This scenario BEST illustrates __________ and its impact on SNCO effectiveness. a. Reality Checking b. Worst Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement c. Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement

a. Reality Checking This scenario illustrates Reality Checking, which, according to the Mediation chapter, "Reality checking is a process that works to get the parties to understand, typically through a series of questions, the weaknesses of their issue or demand." CHAPTER: Mediation (LM07) SOB: Illustrate Mediation concepts and/or their impact on subordinate and mission effectiveness.

CMSgt Tate calls MSgt Briggs into her office and notifies her that she has been tasked to depart for her third deployment. MSgt Briggs immediately thinks of her two children ages three and eight; obviously she will miss them deeply. Although her husband will take care of them in her absence she begins to wonder how much longer she can continue to deploy this way. Nonetheless, MSgt Briggs is aware of the importance of her leadership role and informs the Chief she will proudly answer her call to duty. MSgt Briggs actions BEST illustrate the core value of __________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. Service Before Self b. Excellence in All We Do c. Integrity First

a. Service Before Self According to the Profession of Arms chapter, the Air Force Core Values of Service Before Self tells us that professional duties take precedence over personal desires.

While speaking to MSgt Lopez, SMSgt Webb says, "I have noticed that our airmen are struggling with getting their tasks done on time." Lopez replies, "These tasks are new and there is no clear cut way to do them." Webb replies, "Have our airmen track the amount of time it takes to do each task, the best order to perform the task, and ensure we have the necessary resources on hand to complete each task." SMSgt Webb's comments BEST identify ________________. a. Standard Work b. Visual Management c. Value Stream Mapping

a. Standard Work SMSgt Webb's comments are not about Value Stream Mapping which is a simple diagram of every step involved in the material and information flow needed to bring a product from order to delivery. RATIONALE: SMSgt Webb's comments best identify Standard Work which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, "Standard Work consists of 3 key elements: Takt Time - the rate at which products must be made in a process to meet customer demand, Work Sequence - the precise work

SMSgt Bernard has been tasked by Chief Brock to implement a new program that requires major changes in her organization. Since Brock knows Bernard isn't necessarily comfortable with change, he decides to mentor her. He begins by recommending Bernard take a look around the unit to identify any potential issues that might turn into problems during the transition. If so, she should create a few strategies to address them, just in case. Bernard interrupts by saying she might have a problem getting everyone on board with the change right away. Brock agrees, but says Bernard shouldn't dismiss those that seem resistant...they might see something she doesn't see. Finally, Brock ends by saying he knows the change will be challenging and time consuming, but she shouldn't let her personal life suffer as a result of her professional duties. Bernard agrees and says she feels better about leading the change effort. Chief Brock's comments BEST explain ________and its impact on SNCO effectiveness. a. adaptability b. resistance to change c. requirements for change

a. adaptability According to the Change Management chapter, Chief Brock's comments best explain adaptability. It includes cognitive flexibility (take a look around the unit to identify potential issues...create a few strategies to address them), emotional flexibility (Bernard shouldn't dismiss those that seem resistant...they might see something she doesn't see), and dispositional flexibility (She shouldn't let her personal life suffer as a result of her professional duties).

While on deployment, TSgt Johnson states, "It seems like our coalition partners are always late...why is that?" SMSgt Cruz responds, "Just be glad they show up at this culture, it's OK to be late for a meeting...unlike it is in the Air Force. If you remember this and remind yourself to not be offended by it, we can meet our mission requirements despite the differences." SMSgt Cruz's comments BEST illustrate her understanding of _________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. chronemics b. haptics c. kinesics d. proxemics

a. chronemics SMSgt Cruz's comments BEST illustrate her understanding of chronemics and its impact on effectiveness. Chronemics is the study of how people perceive the use of time and how they structure it in their relationships. SMSgt Cruz's comments best illustrate her understanding of kinesics by her words, "just be glad they show up at this culture, it's OK to be late for a meeting."

SMSgt Casey says to his flight, "We've been under a lot of stress for the inspection and I've seen a lot of bickering during the last few weeks. Sometimes, when you're feeling stressed, you may tend to see only the negative. We need to do better. Let's make sure we answer questions with optimistic, helpful feedback." SMSgt Casey's comments BEST identify the ______________________ tenet of social fitness. a. communication b. connectedness c. social support

a. communications The communication tenet of social fitness is the exchange of thoughts, opinions, or information, including problem-solving and relationship management. It includes responding to others with positive, constructive feedback, even when you're feeling distress, and may tend to see only the negative. SMSgt Casey's comments indicate the communication tenet of social fitness when he says, "Let's make sure we answer questions with optimistic, helpful feedback."

MSgt Prince is well liked and appreciates how his subordinates respect him and feel comfortable coming to him about anything. This morning his newest NCO, SSgt James, tells Prince, "I'm still receiving my overseas' cost of living allowance (COLA), but I really need the money, should I update my records." Because he understands James' current financial situation, having experienced financial problems himself, and not wanting to change how James feels about him, Prince replies, "Okay, for now, but you should establish a personal budget and then stop the COLA." MSgt Prince's effectiveness will MOST likely _________ because he _________. a. decrease; fell into an ethical trap b. increase; avoided an ethical trap c. decrease; placed principle before purpose and people d. increase; placed people before principle and purpose

a. decrease; fell into an ethical trap MSgt Prince clearly fell into the ethical trap of worry over image, which according to Ethical Leadership chapter is where a leader makes decisions based on how the decision will impact one's reputation/standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, community etc. rather than on military rules, regulations and codes of conduct. In the scenario, Prince was clearly concerned about his reputation as evidenced by the statement, "Not wanting to change how James feels about him ..." Decreased effectiveness is the only possible outcome of unethical decisionmaking. CHAPTER: Ethical Leadership (LM03) SOB: Predict the impact of Ethical Leadership on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and/or mission effectiveness.

MSgt Webster is the team leader of a diverse group of people. Sometimes, as a result of their differences, it's hard for her to keep them focused and on task. She has an agenda, a checklist of deliverables, and timelines, but they still don't make any major progress. One day, during a meeting, she observed the interaction of her team. She noticed that two of her team members are from Georgia and no matter the topic, they always seem to side with each other. Three others like to come up with new solutions for the problem and get agitated with those that won't jump on their bandwagon. Finally, two Hispanic team members speak Spanish during the meetings, giving others the impression that they're gossiping about them. As a result of her observations, she decides to have a team meeting, discuss the ways they are all different, and ask each individual for one strength they possess that can help the team move forward. This scenario BEST identifies ________________________. a. multidimensional diversity b. one of the AF Priorities c. diversity as a military necessity

a. multidimensional diversity According to the diversity chapter, multidimensional diversity includes all the unique ways your people are different. In the scenario, MSgt Webster's members are diverse in the following ways: demographically (two people are from Georgia...two are Hispanic), cognitively/behaviorally (three people are Innovators).

While deployed, MSgt Newman was assigned to convoy operations. During her deployment, she wrote and posted videos about her experiences and her unit's interaction with the local population online. As time went by, other Airmen in the unit and their families and friends added personal comments to Newman's and a few established a similar online presence. Eventually, the commander started receiving letters and even a personal e-mail from the combatant commander praising Newman's videos. Upon returning to her home station, a popular news anchor contacted Newman to do a feature story about her deployment experiences. MSgt Newman's actions BEST illustrate _______. a. social media b. Strategic Communication c. media engagement

a. social media There is not enough information to know whether MSgt Newman engaged the media. Even if we assume she did engage the media, there is not enough information to know whether it was within the rules and whether it was appropriate or inappropriate. RATIONALE: According to Culture of Engagement chapter concepts/principles, the Air Force respects the rights of its members and social media as a medium of self-expression. MSgt Newman's use of some form of social media (Facebook, BLOG, etc.) to describe her experiences in a positive light inspired others to do the same. CHAPTER: Culture of Engagement (LM14) SOB: Illustrate Culture of Engagement concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.

Overwhelmed by his backlog of work and ongoing issues at home, MSgt Logano decides to unwind with several drinks. The next morning, SMSgt Kenseth asks him, "How's it going?" Startling a few coworkers, Logano yells, "Horrible! I didn't get any sleep last night and I have a hangover. And if that stupid phone rings one more time I'm going to punch somebody!" Kenseth replies, "Chill out Logano. I know your struggling through some tough times right now. Why don't you join me for a beer after work? It'll calm your nerves and help you sleep." That evening, Logano has several drinks and the next day oversleeps and is late for work. MSgt Logano's actions BEST illustrate ___________ and its impact on his effectiveness. a. substance misuse b. substance abuse c. suicide awareness

a. substance misuse According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, substance abuse is a diagnosis provided by a Mental Health provider. There is no evidence in the scenario that illustrates MSgt Logano being diagnosed as a substance abuser. RATIONALE: According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, substance misuse is the use of any illicit drug or the misuse of any prescribed medication or the abuse of alcohol. In this scenario, MSgt Logano has two situations where alcohol has contributed to his behavior (startling coworkers...yelling at work and being late for work due to his drinking), which impact his effectiveness. CHAPTER: Emergent Leadership Issues (LM09) SOB: Give examples of Emergent Leadership Issues and/or their impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

SMSgt Tutor says to his flight, "I learned from the Senior NCO DL course we all have principles that form the framework for our approaches and how we see life in general. They're a reflection of what's important to us as individuals. These should guide us as we approach our next deployment." SMSgt Tutor's comments BEST identify ______________________ tenet of spiritual fitness. a. the core values b. perseverance c. perspective d. purpose

a. the core values The core values tenet of spiritual fitness includes organizational values (core values) and also personal values that can help form the framework for our attitudes and how we see/approach life in general. They're a reflection of what's important to us as individuals. SMSgt Tutor's comments indicate the core values tenet of spiritual fitness when he says, "...we all have principles (values) that form the framework for our approaches (attitudes) and how we see life in general. They're a reflection of what's important to us as individuals."

MSgt Smith is overseeing newly assigned members of his unit performing routine vehicle checks. Through observation, he notices that some of the members are not conducting the checks as required. Although his Airmen are working, MSgt Smith can tell they're not sure as to what they should be doing. He decides he needs to conduct on-the-job training to bring his members up to speed. Because MSgt Smith _____________, his actions will MOST likely ____________ mission effectiveness. a. understands DDR; enhance b. misunderstands DDR; hinder c. understands Professional Methods; enhance

a. understands DDR; enhance MSgt Smith decision to conduct on-the-job training represents his understanding of DDR. Direction is critical to early development and helps you learn your job.

SMSgt Cox explains to his Security Forces team, "Remember, as we go door-to-door, we may encounter many extended family members living in one space because their culture is different than ours. We need to remember this for our safety." Because SMSgt Cox _____, his comments will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness. a. understands collectivism; enhance b. misunderstands collectivism; hinder c. understands individualism; enhance d. misunderstands individualism; hinder

a. understands collectivism; enhance Because SMSgt Cox understands collectivism, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission. The most meaningful definition of family in collectivism is the extended family, consisting of blood relatives of multiple generations and on both parents' sides of the family and in-laws. It is evident that SMSgt Cox understands collectivism by his comments when he says, "Remember as we go door-to-door, we may encounter lots of extended family members in one small space because their culture is different than ours. We need to remember this for our safety."

After attending a unit briefing on how a reduction in deployments will change each section's manning levels, MSgt White immediately goes over the details with his NCOICs. He explains, "I know this is a lot to take in at once. So, let's take a few days to think about it. That way, I can gather more information about how the reduction will impact your subordinates and programs. We'll meet again on Friday and put together a plan. I've already started to think about how I'm going to absorb the cut in our section overall, but we need to look at all programs that could be impacted by the reduction. If you need help between now and then, just let me know." Because MSgt White _____________, his actions will MOST likely ____________ mission effectiveness. a. understands how to minimize resistance; enhance b. misunderstands how to minimize resistance; hinder c. understands pressures for change; enhance d. misunderstands pressures for change; hinder

a. understands how to minimize resistance; enhance According to the Change Management chapter, MSgt White understands how to minimize resistance. He allows time for the change to sink in (" ...let's take a few days to think about it"), knows why the change is necessary ("...I can gather more information about how the reduction will impact..."), is the change he wants to see ("I've already started to think about how I'm going to absorb the cut..."), and offers to help those struggling with the change ("If you need help...just let me know"). White's actions will most likely enhance mission effectiveness.

MSgt Jameson observes SSgt Duris performing an inspection on a newly assigned aircraft. The inspection checklist calls for removing and replacing a part after 90 days of use. Jameson approaches Duris and says, "I noticed you did not change that part even though you signed the checklist. True, the aircraft could fly a successful mission, but what if it crashes because of your actions...would you be embarrassed or humiliated? Also, would you be able to explain this to your family or friends?" Duris apologizes for the short-cut and replaces the part. The scenario BEST illustrates the __________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. use of at least one of Dr. Toner's tests b. the use of at least one of Dr. Toner's supporting principles c. the avoidance of an ethical trap

a. use of at least one of Dr. Toner's tests MSgt Jameson used two of Toner's six tests, which, according to the Ethical Leadership chapter, "consists of the best and worst outcomes of your decision." Jameson asks Duris if he could accept the best outcome (successful mission) or worst possible outcome (aircraft crashing). Jameson used The Shame Test (... would you be embarrassed, discredited, or humiliated) and The Community Test (... would you want your family, peers, neighbors, or friends to know.)

MSgt Chyna, the Operations Superintendent of the 335th Airlift Squadron was in need of qualified personnel due to the heavy deployment load her unit is experiencing and a mission surge that is coming. She tells her commander, "Not to worry sir, the paperwork has been submitted to increase our manning in time for the upcoming surge." A few days before the surge began; Chyna is surprised to learn her request was denied. Standing in front of the commander, Chyna explained, "Sir, I don't understand why, but they denied my request, and now we don't have enough qualified people to fully support the surge." This scenario BEST illustrates inappropriate use of the ________ and its impact on SNCO effectiveness. a. Unit Manpower Document b. Authorization Change Request c. Unit Personnel Management Roster

b. Authorization Change Request The Unit Personnel Management Roster ("The Faces") is not a player in this scenario because according to the Resource Management chapter, the UPMR is the document used to put faces to spaces. This document has the names of your units currently assigned personnel in accordance with the positions listed on your units UMD. If the manpower request had been approved, this document would be updated so the unit could use it to place the right faces in the right spaces. RATIONALE: According to the Resource Management chapter, ACRs should not be submitted to solve short-term problems or when experiencing temporary shortage of assigned personnel. Therefore, MSgt Chyna's inappropriate use of the ACR and her reliance upon it will result in the unit being unprepared for the surge which will impact mission success. CHAPTER: Resource Management (LM11) SOB: Give examples of Resource Management and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Keele returned from the unit weekly staff meeting and briefed his people about a new procedure that impacts how EPRs are submitted to the commander. While most of his people just listened, a few begin to express frustration...they argued that it will take more time than the current process. Even though MSgt Keele tried to explain the rationale behind the change, his rationales were countered with statements that support why the change will fail. Since many of them have experience with the unit's current EPR approval process, they presented a new idea they think is better than the one MSgt Keele briefed. This scenario BEST illustrates _________ behavior towards the new procedure. a. Denial b. Bargaining c. Depression

b. Bargaining According to the Change Management chapter, bargaining behavior includes attempting to put off the change or recommending alternatives to the change. In this scenario, MSgt Keele's people offer an alternative to the commander's new process they think will work better.

MSgt Merk was just briefed her unit is adopting a new process for routing helpdesk trouble tickets. She became upset since a great deal of effort was spent getting her new airmen proficient at using the current process. Immediately, she thought about developing plans to address the change, but decided to talk with her mentor, SMSgt Bellard first. He reminded her to be more optimistic about the change, especially when trying to get her people on board. She agreed but also added that she has to be realistic with them about how difficult the change will be. After her discussion with SMSgt Bellard, she decided to talk with her people to find out what concerns they may have about the new process before taking action. MSgt Merk's actions BEST illustrate the use of ______________Flexibility. a. Cognitive b. Emotional c. Dispositional

b. Emotional According to the Change Management chapter, emotional flexibility involves using your support systems (talking with her mentor, SMSgt Bellard), facing reality (being optimistic and realistic about change), and listening (finding out what concerns her people may have). Although MSgt Merk thought about developing plans to address the change (which might hint at cognitive flexibility), she decided to talk with her mentor instead.

During morning rollcall, MSgt Ledger smells alcohol on SSgt Morgan so she calls Morgan into her office. Ledger says, "Morgan, it smells like you have been drinking." Morgan replies with slurred speech, "I went to a party last night and got home a little late; however I feel fine." Ledger replies, "I should report you, but we are shorthanded today and we are going to be busy so I need you here at work. Get something for your breath and limit your interaction with our customers." This scenario BEST identifies ________________________and its impact on unit effectiveness. a. Loyalty Syndrome b. Ethical Relativism c. Worry Over Image

b. Ethical Relativism According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, Loyalty Syndrome is defined as, "making decisions based on respect and/or loyalty to an individual, unit, or organization rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct." RATIONALE: Rather than reporting Morgan for being possibly drunk on duty, Ledger allows him to remain at work. This is ethical relativism, which, according to the Ethical Leadership chapter, is "determining something to be right (or wrong) based on our personal feelings and values rather than on military rules, regulations, and codes of conduct.." Although Ledger knows that allowing to remain at work is wrong, she allows him to remain at work. CHAPTER: Ethical Leadership (LM03) SOB: Identify Ethical Leadership concepts and/or their impact on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.

__________ are the study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and the study of how we judge those behaviors. a. Morals b. Ethics c. Values

b. Ethics According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, ethics is the study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and the study of how we judge those behaviors. It is a set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties derived from core values. We characterize people as ethical when they act in ways that are consistent with societal moral values. In other words, the ethics of our decisions and actions are defined societally, not individually.

SMSgt Wilson calls SSgt Sanford into her office and says, "I noticed you and your team seem unsure about the new changes we've implemented." Sanford replies, "I know we have to execute the changes. I just think they increase the workload for my team rather than reducing it...I wish we still used the old process." Wilson says, "I understand you and your people aren't comfortable with the changes yet. Let's rally everyone at 07:30 tomorrow morning to discuss it...maybe we can break the implementation up into smaller tasks versus one huge task. Hopefully, that might make things a little easier for everyone". The next day after the morning meeting, Wilson notices Sanford and his team are more comfortable with the idea of the new process. SMSgt Wilson's actions BEST illustrate her understanding of ______ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Roger's Diffusion of Innovations b. Janssen's Model of Change c. Lewin's Phases of Change

b. Janssen's Model of Change SMSgt Wilson's actions best illustrate her understanding of the phases of Janssen's Model of Change...specifically the Confusion phase. According to the Change Management chapter, the Confusion phase includes indications that your people are starting to accept the change, but are a little scattered or unsure as to what to do next ("seem unsure about the new changes"). They may experience anger due to the loss of the 'old way of doing things' ("To me it creates more work rather than alleviating extra steps...I wish we still used the old process"). In the scenario, Wilson uses some general guidelines for navigating through the Confusion phase, such as get people together and share information ("Let's rally everyone at 0730 tomorrow morning to discuss it..."), and focus on short term goals ("...maybe we can break the implementation up into smaller tasks versus one huge task").

Still reeling from severe manning cuts, MSgt Basler is now dealing with skyrocketing customer complaints. While Basler is walking through the waiting area, a customer stops him to complain about the overcrowding and excessive wait time. Looking around, Basler said, "I see what you mean." After remembering that the Air Force has Five Desired Effects to guide improvement initiatives, Basler tells his staff, "To reduce customer complaints, I created an electronic sign-in process and added a TV for customers to watch while waiting." Several days later, Basler checks customer survey data and does not understand why customers are still complaining. MSgt Basler's actions BEST illustrate ineffective use of __________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. a Rapid Improvement Event b. Just Do It c. a High Value Initiative

b. Just Do It Nothing in the scenario indicates use of this concept. According to the Continuous Improvement chapter, Rapid Improvement Events involves a small team and can be completed in less than one week. To increase chances of success, a charter must be developed, a team selected and communication needs to begin as early as possible. RATIONALE: Basler's use of this concept did not yield immediate results. According to the Continuous Improvement chapter, Just Do It involves one person (or a small team) and can be completed in less than a day. It is an improvement that, when implemented, yields immediate results. CHAPTER: Continuous Improvement (LM10) SOB: Give examples of Continuous Improvement and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

SMSgt Young and her team have just finished conducting a SWOT analysis. She says, "Now we need to focus on the issues we discovered. We will begin by writing four statements that target areas that need improvement that are focused on the customers inside and outside of the organization." SMSgt Young's comments BEST explain Strategic Planning ________________. a. Goals b. Priorities c. End State

b. Priorities SMSgt Young's comments do not best explain Strategic Planning Goals. According to the Strategic Planning chapter, "Goals clarify what must be achieved to realize an end state and provide a measurable way to let you know if you have successfully accomplished your priorities." Although milestones are mentioned in the scenario, the statement is used to describe Priorities. RATIONALE: SMSgt Young's comments best explain Strategic Planning Priorities. According to the Strategic Planning chapter, Priorities, "should consist of three to five statements that identify major strategic focus areas and should emphasize what needs to be changed or improved, in order to excel in executing the organizations mission. They should be customer focused and can be directed at customers internal or external to the organization." CHAPTER: Strategic Planning (LM13)

MSgt Smith is two classes shy of completing his Community College of the Air Force Degree. Uncertain about his future in the Air Force he decides to make completion a priority for the upcoming year. He also decides to seek out other opportunities that will help increase his management skills. Looking back he wishes he would have been motived to do so earlier in his career. MSgt Smith actions BEST illustrate ___________. a. Developing Others b. Self-Development c. Direction, Discipline and Recognition

b. Self-Development According to the Profession of Arms chapter, self-development is the disciplined will to leverage learning opportunities that increase or improve your knowledge, skills and attitudes.

In response to a diversity-related problem, SMSgt Porter provides a suggestion to the first sergeant that would require all Airmen in the unit to participate in a series of focus groups that stress the importance of collaboration and fairness. Additionally, he presents an implementation plan that includes a request for an assigned coordinator to oversee and organize the focus groups. He tells the first sergeant that, based on his research, he believes the focus groups can prevent further diversity-related issues in the future. A few months later on the unit climate assessment, the first sergeant noticed that unit morale had increased since the last assessment. This scenario BEST identifies the ____________________ step of the Five Part Transformation Process and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Discovery b. Transformation c. Revitalization

b. Transformation According to the Diversity chapter, Transformation step of the Five Part Transformation Process includes developing a plan to address the root causes of barriers and implementing them. In the scenario, SMSgt Porter presents his solution to the first sergeant along with his implementation plan.

Which of the following BEST describes what is meant by diversimilarity? a. The cognitive map that we operate from b. We are different but we are also the same c. Treat others the way they would have you treat them

b. We are different but we are also the same According to the Diversity chapter, the phrase "We are different but we are also the same" describes diversimiliarity.

SMSgt Downing calls TSgt Wilson into her office and says, "Since you're going to be TSgt Carver's sponsor, don't forget the number of deployments he's had lately. This may have caused a lot of stress on him and his family if they haven't been prepared for the changes. Just keep it in mind as you help him out as the sponsor for this unit." SMSgt Downing's comments BEST identify the ______________________ tenet of mental fitness. a. awareness b. adaptability c. decision making d. positive thinking

b. adaptability The adaptability tenet of mental fitness is the ability to adapt to changes associated with military life, including flexible roles within the family. This is evident in SMSgt Downing's statement when he says "number of deployments he's had lately" (changes associated with military life), and "caused a lot of stress on him and his family if they haven't been prepared for the changes" (including flexible roles within the family).

When diagnosing ethical dilemmas, SNCOs should__________. a. diagnose only the dilemmas that are present b. consider the second and third order consequences c. reconcile dilemmas using the 5-Step Process

b. consider the second and third order consequences According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, as a leader you should always attempt to anticipate and consider the second and third order consequences when making decisions.

While speaking with MSgt Bayne, CMSgt Biffle says, "The local news would like to interview someone from our unit concerning our upcoming deployment and I have selected you." Bayne replies, "I have never done an interview before. What should I say?" Biffle replies, "I am sure you will figure it out." Bayne speaks with some base agencies and watches videos of previous interviews on YouTube. During the interview, when the interviewer strays off topic, Bayne consistently transitions her back to his message. MSgt Bayne's ______will MOST likely ___________ unit effectiveness. a. ineffective use of Hooking; hinder b. effective use of Bridging; enhance c. effective use of Hooking; enhance d. ineffective use of Bridging; hinder

b. effective use of Bridging; enhance According to the Culture of Engagement chapter bridging, " a technique used to move from the reporter's agenda to your message. Bridging is also a way to smoothly transition from the question asked to your message. A direct question deserves a direct answer however, after briefly touching upon the answer, bridge to your message and agenda." MSgt Bayne used bridging as evidenced by the statement, "when the interviewer strays off topic, Bayne consistently transitions her back to his message." CHAPTER: Culture of Engagement (LM14) SOB: Predict the impacts of Culture of Engagement concepts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness

While teaching a 3C lesson, SMSgt Johnson says, "I learned that people in certain cultures pay more attention to the message's framework and the spoken and nonverbal cues than people from other cultures." SMSgt Johnson's comments BEST identify a/an ________________ style/tendency. a. low context b. high context c. collectivism d. individualism

b. high context SMSgt Johnson's comments BEST identify a high context style/tendency. When listening to someone speak, people in relatively high context cultures pay more attention to the message's context and the verbal and nonverbal cues than people in relatively low context cultures. This is evident in SMSgt Johnson's comments when she says, "people in certain cultures pay more attention to the message's framework and the spoken and nonverbal cues than people from other cultures."

MSgt Crawford has been tasked to lead a small team on an upcoming deployment to Senegal. This will be his first time deployed to the region so in preparation he has been studying the cultural environment in an attempt to familiarize himself with the values, beliefs and norms. He is trying to better understand the common way of life of his local counterparts in effort to increase working relations while operating in the area. MSgt Crawford's actions BEST illustrate the ______________dimension of the POA and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. Physical b. Intellectual c. Moral

b. intellectual According to the Profession of Arms chapter, the POA is intellectual because military professionals must be culturally aware; sensitive to differences and the implications those differences have on the operational environment. MSgt Crawford's attempt to familiarize himself with the local environment reflects the Intellectual Dimension of the POA.

Major Erlbaum, Military Justice Officer in Charge, hands MSgt Franklin, Legal Office Superintendent, an Article 15 and says, "Although I've had this for a month, I was finally able to review it for legal sufficiency. Rather than jeopardize our reputation as having the best metrics in the command, it would be easier to enter last Friday's date into the Article 15 database. Franklin answers, "Sir, rather than implement your simple solution, let's discuss how to prevent this situation from happening again." MSgt Franklin's ___________ will MOST likely ________her effectiveness. a. concern for worry over image; hinder b. lack of concern for worry over image; enhance c. drive for success; hinder d. drive for success; enhance

b. lack of concern or worry over image; enhance According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, "Worry over Image is an ethical trap that entails making decisions based on how the decision will impact one's reputation/ standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, community etc. rather than on military rules, regulations and codes of conduct." Because MSgt Franklin is not concerned about her image, her lack of concern will most likely enhance her effectiveness.

SMSgt Bloom explains to his team, "We've all been under a lot of stress. Since we have some time before our next deployment, we should consider getting involved in activities that help us wind down between these difficult times." SMSgt Bloom's comments BEST identify the ______________________ tenet of physical fitness. a. endurance b. recovery c. strength

b. recovery The recovery tenet of physical fitness includes the practices you engage in that help to restore energy to your body and counterbalance stress that could result in adverse moods and/or deteriorating performance. The recovery tenet is evident when SMSgt Bloom says, "We should consider getting involved in activities that help us wind down during these difficult times."

MSgt Petty is good at connecting and negotiating with all types of people and was charged with reconfiguring the work center's floor plan. To help with the task, he selects two members who he believes are creative, can think "outside-the-box", and are good at viewing problems from different perspectives. Next, he selects three members who are capable of analyzing solutions logically. Finally, he chooses two more people who he knows will deliver high-quality results. Several weeks later, Petty's group submits and receives approval for the new floor plan. This scenario BEST identifies MSgt Petty's understanding of _______ impact on team success. a. the "Z" process and its b. team roles and their c. team dynamics and their

b. team roles and their According to the Team Dynamics chapter, the roles that people find most comfortable fulfilling based on their most natural thought processes and behavioral tendencies include Creator, Advancer, Refiner, Executor, and Flexer. MSgt Petty used his understanding of team roles to pick creators (creative and good at viewing problems from different perspectives), refiners (capable of analyzing solutions logically), and executors (deliver high-quality results) to give his team the best chance for success. MSgt Petty's team was successful since the new floor plan was approved. CHAPTER: Team Dynamics (LM08) SOB: Identify Team Dynamics concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO and mission effectiveness.

SMSgt Beaudet has begun ensuring that the members of his organization are working towards the goals established from senior leadership. Next, he looks at details why they should exist over the next few years and longer. Then, he decides the best way to describe their mission and how they are distinctive in comparison to other organizations. Because of SMSgt Beaudet's _____________, his actions will MOST likely ____________ mission effectiveness. a. misunderstanding of a strategy map, hinder b. understanding of a mission statement, enhance c. understanding of a strategy map, enhance d. misunderstanding of a mission statement, hinder

b. understanding of a mission statement, enhance SMSgt Beaudet understands a mission statement, which according to the Strategic Planning chapter, is the "purpose" of the organization; the very reason it exists. An effective mission statement must: give reasons for the organization to exist over the next three years and beyond, best describe the unified mission of the organization, and indicate how unique /different the organization is from the other similar institutions. CHAPTER: Strategic Planning (LM13) SOB: Predict the impact of Strategic Planning on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

During a feedback session with SMSgt Houston, MSgt Brown says, "I try to treat everyone equally, but I have a hard time doing so with others who have different values than my own." Houston replies, "In order to get the most from our diverse organization, everyone should be treated equally and with respect even when the situation is different. They have a right to fair treatment. Think about how you like to be treated." SMSgt Houston's _____ will MOST likely _____ unit effectiveness. a. misunderstanding of Diversimilarity; hinder b. understanding of Diversimilarity; enhance c. misunderstanding of the Rainbow Rule; hinder understanding of the Rainbow Rule; enhance

b. understanding of the Rainbow Rule; enhance There is no evidence of Diversimilitary in the scenario which according to the Diversity chapter, Diversimilarity is an alternate view of diversity in which people learn to respect the differences between people while highlighting their similarities. RATIONALE: According to the Diversity chapter, "The Rainbow Rule..."Members in an inclusive environment are expected to show respect for others regardless of the situation. They should treat one another in an equitable manner at all times (everyone should be treated equally and with respect). Each individual has a right to just treatment and one treat others as one would like others to treat oneself." CHAPTER: Diversity (LM05) SOB: Predict the impact of Diversity concepts on subordinate, SNCO, and/or mission effectiveness.

While conducting roll call with his airmen, SMSgt Hunt says, "When possible, take advantage of training opportunities when they present themselves. When enrolled in a distance learning course, put your best effort into completing it and learning from it. Seek out opportunities that will help you grow as an airman". Because SMSgt Hunt ___________, his actions will MOST likely __________ mission effectiveness. a. understands Professional Standards; enhance b. misunderstands Professional Methods; hinder c. misunderstands Professional Standards; hinder d. understands Professional Methods; enhance

b. understands Professional Methods; enhance Rationale: SMSgt Hunt's comments demonstrates he understands the Professional Methods quality of Progressive Professionalism. The POA chapter states, "As a senior leader, your continued monitoring and commitment to ensuring professional methods are maintained and enhanced should add value to the meaning of professionalism for you and those you lead. If done effectively, these actions can help you (and others) continue to move further along to the right side of the continuum." CHAPTER: POA & the SNCO (LM01) SOB: Predict the impact of the Profession of Arms on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Cripe, the new unit training manager, notices complaints about the upgrade training program. He discusses potential improvements with his assistant, TSgt Barney, who created the program and has maintained it for two years. During the discussion, Barney says, "I don't see how we could possibly make it any better." Cripe replies, "If we consider some new and different approaches, together we can make the process better." MSgt Cripe's comments BEST explain the _______ element of adaptability. a. Emotional Flexibility b. Dispositional Flexibility c. Cognitive Flexibility

c. Cognitive Flexibility In this scenario, MSgt Cripe demonstrates cognitive flexibility (if we consider some new and different approaches, together we can make the process better). According to the Change Management chapter, cognitive flexibility means you are able to keep multiple scenarios in mind so you can adjust to changing,unexpected, or ambiguous situations. CHAPTER: Change Management (LM04) SOB: Identify Change Management concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.

Dr. Toner's _________________ Test answers the question, "Will the end justify the means?" a. Community b. Situation c. Consequences

c. Consequences According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, The Consequences Test answers the question, "Will the end justify the means?"

A1C Rico has really been working hard over the last quarter. In fact, he has come to work early to complete assignments which helped the unit mission success rate stay above average. A1C Rico's efforts haven't gone unnoticed. To keep him motivated and hoping to increase the initiative of other unit members, MSgt Smith submits A1C Rico for Airman of the Quarter. MSgt Smith's actions BEST illustrate his understanding of ________ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Self-Development b. Developing Others c. Direction, Discipline and Recognition

c. Direction, Discipline and Recognition According to the Profession of Arms chapter, DDR is critical to your early development and helps maintain a high degree of professionalism throughout your career.

MSgt Gratz has been placed in charge of integrating a new supply tracking system into his section. During the first team meeting Gratz says, "We need to determine the best way to integrate the new tracking system into the section. With a list of possible solutions developed, we will evaluate each solution by using the objectives of the project as criteria. As we look at each solution, keep in mind that the solution selected has to meet the needs of the sponsor and stakeholders, while improving the unit's current products and services. After a thorough review and discussion, I will select the most appropriate solution from which to define the goals and scope of the new project." MSgt Gratz's comments BEST explain the _____ step of Project Management. a. Monitoring and Controlling b. Execution c. Initiation

c. Initiation According to the Project Management chapter, the project leader will need to generate ideas for solutions, analyze the effect or impact of each solution, and select the appropriate solutions during the project initiation stage. The project leader will also commit to improve processes, products, services, and people. CHAPTER: Project Management (LM12) SOB: Identify Project Management concepts and/or their impact on SNCO and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Ford is briefing his team in preparation for an upcoming TDY to South Sudan. Ford says, "South Sudan has different ideas and beliefs than those of our culture. Be prepared to adapt to this new environment in order to work with local counterparts which will help increase working relations while operating in the area." MSgt Ford's comments BEST illustrate the ______________dimension of the POA and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. Moral b. Physical c. Intellectual

c. Intellectual According to the Profession of Arms chapter, the POA is physical because warfare is a physical 'business'. As a result, physical strength is necessary in order to endure demanding situations associated with military operations, such as deploying forces over vast distances or moving them through complex environments. MSgt Ford's attempts to familiarize himself with the local environment reflect the Intellectual Dimension of the POA. RATIONALE: According to the Profession of Arms chapter, the intellectual dimension also encompasses two cultural aspects of the POA...internal and external. The internal aspect pertains to knowledge of the military's values-based culture (addressed later in the Air Force Guiding Values and Standards section). The external aspect pertains to the need to adapt to varying environments with different cultural and political values. POA is intellectual because military professionals must be culturally aware; sensitive to differences and the implications those differences have on the operational environment. MSgt Ford's attempt to prepare his team reflects the Intellectual Dimension of the POA. CHAPTER: POA & the SNCO (LM01) SOB: Identify POA & the SNCO concepts and/or their impacts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Johnson has noticed that two of his NCOICs have been in some sort of dispute the last couple of days and seem unable to work it out. Johnson decides to call them into his office and they ask him to mediate their dispute. After his opening comments, Johnson allows each party plenty of time to speak about the issue, their interests, and their position so that everyone understands. This scenario BEST identifies the _____step of Mediation. a. Joint Discussion b. Mediator's Opening Statement c. Parties Opening Statement

c. Parties Opening Statement According to the Mediation chapter, during the opening statement, the parties' are given adequate time to speak about the issue at hand and share their interests without interruption. Each party should fully explain the issue, their interests, and positions as they see it so that all parties, including the mediator, understand. This is what the scenario identifies (Johnson allows each party plenty of time to speak about the issue, their interests, and their position so that everyone understands). CHAPTER: Mediation (LM07) SOB: Identify Mediation concepts and/or their impact on subordinate and mission effectiveness

SMSgt Jackson understands the culture in the unit and the many differences of the airmen assigned to it and seeks out mentoring opportunities. He routinely encourages his airmen to share their experiences with others of similar background and is not intimidated when they speak in their native language outside of the unit. Jackson's airmen are consistently performing at a high level. This scenario BEST illustrates _________ and its impact on unit effectiveness. a. Fostering an Inclusive Environment b. The Transformational Process c. Striking the Right Balance

c. Striking the Right Balance According to the Diversity chapter, leaders foster inclusive organizations when they ensure all members feel like an equal part of the organization by giving everyone opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions at appropriate times. RATIONALE: The scenario illustrates Striking the Right Balance, which according to the Diversity chapter "is about balancing the need for individuals to align with the organizational culture with the needs of the organization to recognize individual differences. To successfully manage diverse organizations, senior leaders should first have a clear understanding of their organizational culture. Some Airmen tend to nurture their differences by sharing experiences with those who have a common background. " CHAPTER: Diversity (LM05) SOB: Give examples of Diversity and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

SMSgt Janson, the new flight superintendent, hears that a group of Asian American airmen has been complaining about the work center environment. They feel they're unfairly left out of unit mission planning activities because of their ethnicity. They believe the Caucasian airmen are always invited to participate. As a result, they have lost all faith in the organization and can't wait to PCS. After a few days of thinking, SMSgt Janson asks questions, uncovers the problem, and implements a monthly professional development and pizza lunch event to discuss a variety of issues, ideas, and concerns. At first, the Asian American airmen are skeptical, but after SMSgt Janson starts annotating their comments and concerns, many start to share their ideas. Six months later, the airmen feel more involved and flight morale is at an all-time high. This scenario BEST illustrates _________ and its impact on subordinate effectiveness. a. Striking the Right Balance b. Fostering an Inclusive Environment c. The Five Part Transformational Process

c. The Five Part Transformational Process The scenario best illustrates the Five Part Transformation Process. According to the Diversity chapter the steps are: Discovery (asks questions), Assessment (uncovers problems), Exploration/Transformation (implements a professional development event). As a result of SMSgt Janson's use of this process, subordinate effectiveness is increased (airmen feel more involved...flight morale is at an all-time high).

While speaking with a tribal elder to see if there is any trouble in the area, MSgt Stafford begins to sense that the elder doesn't understand what he is saying. Although the elder is keeping eye contact, Stafford remembers from his cultural training and begins to increase the rate of his speech and adjust his pitch to ensure he is getting through to the elder. MSgt Stafford's __________ will MOST likely ___________his effectiveness. a. misuse of paralanguage; hinder b. understanding of nonverbal communication; enhance c. use of paralanguage; enhance misunderstanding of nonverbal communication; hinder

c. Use of paralanguage; enhance Although the elder is using nonverbal communication, nothing in this scenario indicates MSgt Stafford is using it. According to the Cross Cultural Competence chapter, there are four types of nonverbal communication (haptics, proxemics, chronemics, and kinesics). According to the Cross Cultural Competence chapter, paralanguage shapes how we say what we say via volume, intonation, word emphasis, rate of speech, and pitch. In this scenario, MSgt Stafford is using paralanguage as evidenced by increasing the rate and pitch of his speech. Stafford's use of paralanguage will MOST likely enhance his effectiveness because changing the rate and pitch of his speech with the elder may help him determine/learn about any trouble in the area. CHAPTER: Cross Cultural Competence (LM06) SOB: Predict the impact of Cross-Cultural Competence on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

While completing his overseas housing allowance (OHA) paperwork, SrA Clinton says to one of his co-workers SrA Sanders, "My friends told me to get a 6-month lease so I receive the highest OHA rate and then as soon as the lease expires, move into a similar apartment with two to three roommates. That way I pay less rent, but still draw the higher OHA rate." Sanders responds, "We don't do that sort of thing here. Our 'by the book' supervisor won't tolerate foolishness like that." SrA Sanders' comment BEST illustrates _________ and its impact on unit effectiveness. a. ethical relativism b. the loyalty syndrome c. an ethical work environment

c. an ethical work environment According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, professional actions, decisions, and behaviors can transform a negative corrosive climate into a positive ethical climate just as unprofessional actions, decisions, and behaviors can transform a positive ethical climate into a negative, corrosive climate. Sanders' comment, "We don't do that sort of thing here" indicates ethical behavior which the supervisor has established as evidenced by the co-worker's comment, "Our by the book supervisor won't tolerate foolishness like that." CHAPTER: Ethical Leadership (LM03) SOB: Give examples of Ethical Leadership and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

SMSgt Edwards tells MSgt Elliott, "The parties seem to be at a stalemate." MSgt Elliott replies, "It will get better, they have asked me to step in to help." When the parties of the mediation return, MSgt Elliott says, "Have you thought about what would happen if we aren't successful? It could have a far reaching affect." MSgt Elliott's ______ will MOST likely _____ his effectiveness. a. inappropriate use of BATNA; hinder b. inappropriate use of WATNA; hinder c. appropriate use of WATNA; enhance d. appropriate use of BATNA; enhance

c. appropriate use of WATNA; enhance According to the Mediation chapter, the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), "is an alternative that a negotiator is able to execute independently of the other negotiating party. If a negotiated agreement cannot be achieved, this is the alternative action plan." MSgt Elliott is using WATNA. RATIONALE: According to the Mediation chapter, the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), "is an alternative that a negotiator is able to execute independently of the other negotiating party. If a negotiated agreement cannot be achieved, this is the alternative action plan." MSgt Elliott is using WATNA. According to the Mediation chapter, a WATNA is, "The worst possible action that the party may face if resolution isn't reached in mediation." MSgt Elliott appropriately used WATNA evidenced by the statement ("Have you thought about what would happen if we aren't successful? It could have a far reaching affect."). CHAPTER: Mediation (LM07) SOB: Predict the impact of Mediation concepts on subordinate and mission effectiveness.

SMSgt Mullins calls TSgt Lynn into her office and says, "Being able to evaluate a condition, conclude the desired result, and create a route to get there takes work and good resolution. The ability to do so can enhance your mental fitness." SMSgt Mullin's comments BEST identify the ______________________ tenet of mental fitness. a. awareness b. adaptability c. decision making d. positive thinking

c. decision making The decision making tenet of mental fitness involves the ability to assess a situation, determine the desired outcome, and chart a path to get there. It takes work and good judgment. This is evident in SMSgt Mullins' statement when he says "Being able to evaluate a condition (assess a situation), conclude the desired result (determine the desired outcome), and create a route (chart a path) to get there takes work and good resolution."

While developing an implementation plan to address a problem identified during his barrier analysis, MSgt Kirk decides that even though his unit is experiencing an increase in workload, he still needs a team of people to help him put his training idea into action. So, he asks for volunteers and, surprisingly, he receives a great deal of support from the Airmen and senior leadership. MSgt Kirk thinks to himself, "Once we all get together, I can assign tasks so everyone can get involved. This should get the ball rolling on my training idea quickly." MSgt Kirk's _______________ will MOST likely __________ his effectiveness. a. effective use of multidimensional diversity; enhance b. ineffective use of multidimensional diversity; hinder c. effective use of the Five Part Transformation Process; enhance d. ineffective use of the Five Part Transformation Process; hinder

c. effective use of the Five Part Transformation Process; enhance In the scenario, MSgt Kirk effectively uses the Transformation step of the Five Part Transformation Process by developing a plan. Additionally, he increases his chances of success by developing a committee and by having the support of the unit's senior leadership. As a result, his actions will most likely enhance his effectiveness.

While working on a team project, TSgt Black asks, "It's amazing to me that our folks are able to overcome all of the stress associated with these deployments...I'd go crazy if I had to deploy that much." SMSgt Lopez replies, "You'd be surprised what you can handle. When you embrace our core values as intended, they can help you deal with the tension that might seem to be unbearable." SMSgt Lopez's comments BEST illustrate his understanding of _________ fitness and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. physical b. social c. spiritual

c. spiritual Organizational and personal core values are a part of spiritual fitness. They are useful when dealing with stressors (tension) that might appear to be insurmountable (unbearable). This is evident in Lopez's comments, "When you embrace our core values as intended, they can be help you deal with the tension that might seem to be unbearable."

While preparing for a patrol in his deployed location, SMSgt Swenson tells his team, "In the U.S., we tend to live in our own home and value making our own choices. As we go door to door, we may encounter many extended family members living in one space because their culture is different than ours. Remember this for your and our safety." SMSgt Swenson's comments BEST illustrate ___________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. collectivism b. individualism c. individualism and collectivism

c. individualism and collectivism SMSgt Swenson's comments include both individualism and collectivism. Response Feedback: CHAPTER: Cross Cultural Competence (LM06) SOB: Give examples of Cross-Cultural Competence and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

TSgt Cox is about to deploy for the first time to a region she's not familiar with. SMSgt Wilson calls Cox into her office and says, "I'm sure you've been taught there are differences between our culture and others around the world. This knowledge can help you get acclimated. Normally, you'll get more specific information about the culture and the people you'll be interacting with the closer you get to your deployment date." SMSgt Wilson's comments BEST identify the ________________ component of the 3C model. a. knowledge b. motivation c. learning approaches

c. learning approaches SMSgt Wilson's comments identify the two learning approaches included as a part of the 3C model. The culture-general approach focuses on an awareness of cultural differences (This is evident in SMSgt Wilson's comments when she says, "I'm sure you've been taught there are differences between our culture and others around the world. This knowledge can help you get acclimated." The culture-specific approach focuses on the specific details of a particular culture (This is evident in SMSgt Wilson's comments when she says, "Normally, you'll get more specific information about the culture and the people you'll be interacting with the closer you get to your deployment date."

After the squadron failed yet another inspection, MSgt Blackman, who just finished a stint at the Wing's AFSO21 office, is appointed as superintendent. He explains to squadron members, "Due to inspection failures, expect interruptions to your daily routine as we implement new policies and procedures to fix our problems." In the beginning, there was some resistance, but Blackman listened to their concerns. With Blackman's guidance, after several weeks of grappling with the changes, things began to improve. This morning, the commander tells Blackman, "I know some members still don't like the changes, but they are willing to live with them." MSgt Blackman's ____________ will MOST likely _________ mission effectiveness. a. misunderstanding of Janssen's Model of Change; hinder b. ineffective use of Lewin's Phases of Change; hinder c. understanding of Janssen's Model of Change; enhance d. effective use of Lewin's Phases of Change; enhance

c. understanding of Janssen's Model of Change; enhance According to the Change Management chapter, the four stages of Janssen's Model of Change are contentment (interruptions to your daily routine), denial (some resistance), confusion (grappling with the changes) and renewal (things began to improve...willing to live with them). CHAPTER: Change Management (LM04) SOB: Predict the impacts of Change Management concepts on subordinate, SNCO, and mission effectiveness

SMSgt Gomez explains to his team, "MSgt Leap was put in the superintendent position because he has a good grasp on acute thinking skills, self-awareness, and he's shown the ability to bounce back from diversity...that's what we need for this position." Because SMSgt Gomez __________ fitness, his actions will MOST likely _________ the mission. a. understands social; enhance b. misunderstands social; hinder c. understands mental; enhance d. misunderstands mental; hinder

c. understands mental; enhance By practicing skills such as critical thinking, self-awareness, and flexibility, you're more likely to strengthen your mental fitness...making it easier for you to adapt your thinking and emotions to deal with stressors in a way that helps you return to your normal state quicker. This is evident in Gomez's comments when he says, "he has a good grasp on acute thinking skills (critical thinking), self-awareness, and he's shown the ability to bounce back from diversity (flexibility)". His actions will most likely enhance the mission.

TSgt Hester asks, "Why do the women here in Iraq dress like that? They all wear the same! I'm so glad our culture isn't so restrictive." SMSgt Crews responds, "Their culture doesn't support a lot of freedom of expression. We shouldn't judge their culture just because it's not like ours in the U.S." Because SMSgt Crews _____ domain of culture, his comments will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness. a. understands the Economics and Resources; enhance b. misunderstands the Economics and Resources; hinder c. understands the Aesthetics and Recreation; enhance d. misunderstands the Aesthetics and Recreation; hinder

c. understands the Aesthetics and Recreation; enhance Because SMSgt Crews understands the Aesthetics and Recreation domain of culture, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission. Aesthetics and Recreation refers to people's expression of beauty and style, as well as people's methods of recreation. It is evident that SMSgt Crews understands the Aesthetics and Recreation domain of culture by his comments when he says, "Their culture does not support a lot of freedom of expression. We shouldn't frown upon someone else's culture just because it's not like ours in the U.S."

While in a deployed location in Afghanistan, TSgt Smiley asks, "Why don't you see any Afghani women in leadership roles here?" SMSgt Green says, "Remember, Afghanistan is a different culture and their views are different than ours...understanding the differences will help you accomplish your mission. Because SMSgt Green __________ domain of culture, his comments will MOST likely _________ mission effectiveness. a. understands the Family and Kinship; enhance b. misunderstands the Family and Kinship; hinder c. understands the Sex and Gender; enhance d. misunderstands the Sex and Gender; hinder

c. understands the Sex and Gender; enhance Because SMSgt Green understands the Sex and Gender domain of culture, his comments will MOST likely enhance the mission. Sex and Gender often influences or even fully determines their relationship to parts of every other cultural domain, such as their access to resources, their work, the kinds of social and political relations they can enter, and how they can worship. It is evident that SMSgt Green understands the Sex and Gender domain of culture by his comments when he responds to TSgt Smiley's comments about women in leadership roles by saying "Remember, Afghanistan is a different culture and their views are different than ours ...understanding the differences will help you accomplish your mission."

Which of the following examples BEST identifies the reasons why globalization is a pressure for change? Globalization causes: a. Organizations to try to maintain a competitive advantage by managing and deploying resources; workplace policies and procedures to change based how the organization conducts its activities; changes in leadership philosophies and management styles due to high personnel turnover. b. Changes in policies in programs due to demographic diversity; the requirement for new training programs based on varied religious beliefs and language differences; the development of friction and conflict between demographic groups. c. Increased competition for quality workforces; communication problems due to wider differences in workforce skills, attitudes, and needs; challenges in building cohesion and common purpose because of organizational differences.

c.Increased competition for quality workforces; communication problems due to wider differences in workforce skills, attitudes, and needs; challenges in building cohesion and common purpose because of organizational differences. According to the Change Management chapter, increased competition for quality workforces; communication problems due to wider differences in workforce skills, attitudes, and needs; challenges in building cohesion and common purpose because of organizational differences, are representative of pressure to change based on globalization.

While attending SNCOA, MSgt Hamlin goes downtown with some fellow SNCOs from the class. One of her classmates, MSgt Dillon, buys her several drinks. It wasn't long before, Hamlin is not feeling well and decides to call it a night and heads towards the door. Dillon escorts her back to her room. When they arrive, Hamlin opens the door and Dillon walks in behind her. The next thing she remembers is waking up with bruises and lacerations on her face. Not sure what to do, Hamlin calmly confides in her flight instructor who contacts the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator. MSgt Hamlin's final action will MOST likely result in ____________ and ____________. a. weaker cohesion among flight members; a restricted report b. a climate of zero tolerance towards sexual assault; an unrestricted report c. stronger cohesion among flight members; an unrestricted report d. a climate that tolerates sexual assault; a restricted report

d. a climate of zero tolerance towards sexual assault; an unrestricted report According to the Emergent Leadership Issues chapter, NCOs have a duty to report to law enforcement, their chain of command, and the SARC when they become aware of a sexual assault. MSgt Hamlin's final actions indicate she reported the sexual assault to the flight leader, who must report it to the chain of command, which will result in an unrestricted report. Because this has been reported, MSgt Hamlin's final action will most likely result in a climate of zero tolerance towards sexual assault. CHAPTER: Emergent Leadership Issues (LM09) SOB: Predict the impact of Emergent Leadership issues on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

MSgt Nagle is the superintendent of a flight of 50 people. As a result of a newly published Air Force Instruction, she has to implement changes to processes people have been doing for a long time. She knows she's going to face major resistance, so she decides to give a pre-brief to a few selected people instead of telling everyone in the flight all at once. She feels this smaller, well respected group, tends to adapt to change well and seems to have the ability to 'sell' change to more resistant individuals easier. Even though she knows some people will be upset because they didn't hear about the change early, she believes that by targeting and pre-briefing certain individuals first, she can minimize resistance and get the change implemented faster. MSgt Nagle's decision to target the ____________ will MOST likely _________ her change effort. a. innovators; hinder b. innovators; enhance c. early adopters; hinder d. early adopters; enhance

d. early adopters; enhance MSgt Nagle targets the early adopters. According to the Change Management chapter, they are usually your social and opinion leaders (well respected...have the ability to 'sell' change to more resistance individuals easier). To appeal to this group, you need to provide information about the change (she provides a pre-brief). As a result of her actions, she will most likely enhance her change effort.

MSgt Earnhardt feels there is a better way to configure the work spaces in his building. He drafts a proposal of the estimated costs, and then addresses the project with his leadership. MSgt Earnhardt's__________ Stage of the Project Management Process will MOST likely ________ mission effectiveness. a. ineffective use of the Planning; hinder b. effective use of the Planning; enhance c. effective use of the Initiation; enhance d. ineffective use of the Initiation; hinder

d. ineffective use of the Initiation; hinder MSgt Earnhardt never entered the Planning Stage of Project Management, which, according to the Project Management chapter, "is the stage where we plan time, cost, and resources adequately to estimate the work needed and to effectively manage risk during project execution." RATIONALE: MSgt Earnhardt ineffectively used the Initiation Stage of Project Management. According to the Project Management chapter, "in this stage, the idea for the project is explored and elaborated and the feasibility of the project is examined." MSgt Earnhardt did not explore the feasibility of the project. CHAPTER: Project Management (LM12) SOB: Predict the impact of Project Management on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

While in a deployed environment overseas, TSgt Wells sees two guys talking loudly and 'using their hands to talk'. TSgt Wells asks SMSgt Thomas, "Why do they have to do that?" SMSgt Thomas responds, "Remember we're not in the U.S. and using extravagant hand motions to get the point across might be perfectly acceptable to communicate in that manner here. If we remember this, we can be more effective in our communications." SMSgt Thomas' comments BEST illustrate her understanding of _________ and its impact on mission effectiveness. a. chronemics b. haptics c. proxemics d. kinesics

d. kinesics SMSgt Thomas' comments BEST illustrate her understanding of kinesics and its impact on effectiveness. Kinesics is the technical term for the study of movement and gesture, and it comes from the Greek word "motion" and includes gestures, body movements, facial expressions, and eye behavior. SMSgt Thomas' comments best illustrate her understanding of kinesics by her words, "Remember we're not in the U.S. and using extravagant hand motions to get the point across might be perfectly acceptable to communicate in that manner here. If we remember this, we can be more effective in our communications."

SSgt Blount, a heavy equipment trainer, will be separating from the Air Force in six months. He's very excited about getting out and starting a new career. MSgt Kersey calls SSgt Blount into his office and informs him that he'll continue to train the new arrivals until his separation date. Upset SSgt Blount says, "This is unfair and will take up too much of my time." Because SSgt Blount ___________, his actions will MOST likely __________ mission effectiveness. a. understands Professional Methods; enhance b. misunderstands Professional Methods; hinder c. understands Professional Standards; enhance d. misunderstands Professional Standards; hinder

d. misunderstands Professional Standards; hinder SSgt Blount's comments, "This is unfair and will take up too much of my time" reflect a professional standard values conflict. According to the Profession of Arms chapter, a values conflict occurs when personal values conflict with those of the institution.

To assemble the wing's new budget reduction team, MSgt Harvick selects the best resource advisors and financial experts from across the base. After hosting a breakfast social, he begins the first meeting with, "Now that we've had a chance to meet and eat, let's get to work. We have been tasked to cut the wing's budget by 37 percent." The team gasps in disbelief and MSgt Stewart mumbles, "There is no way we can generate an idea to reduce the budget by that much." Harvick replies, "I have faith in all of you that we can make this happen, so let's start by generating some ideas to cut the budget." As ideas are generated, the team becomes highly motivated. However, team members begin to second guess their idea until Harvick hands it off to other members of the team and the idea is confirmed. MSgt Harvick's_____ will MOST likely _____ mission effectiveness. a. misunderstanding of the "Z" Process; hinder b. understanding of the "Z" Process; enhance c. misunderstanding of the P.E.P Cycle; hinder d. understanding of the P.E.P Cycle; enhance

d. understanding of the P.E.P Cycle; enhance According to the Team Dynamics chapter the P.E.P. cycle is, "when a team member Panics as they attempt to come up with ideas, then Elation when they have an idea, and then Panic again when they begin doubting their own ideas." CHAPTER: Team Dynamics (LM08) SOB: Predict the impact of Team Building on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

During a feedback session with MSgt Gray, CMSgt Lovell says, "I don't know how you've done it, but since your arrival, I've noticed your flight members tend to have a sense of enthusiasm, common purpose, and confidence in the future of this organization." Gray responds, "I believe it is the collective actions, decisions, and behaviors of my flight members that are causing a more positive, more ethical climate throughout the organization." Lovell replies, "Well, whatever you think it is, keep it up." MSgt Gray's __________ will MOST likely __________his effectiveness a. failure to understand military ethics; hinder b. understanding of military ethics; enhance c. failure to understand tipping; hinder d. understanding of tipping; enhance

d. understanding of tipping; enhance According to the Ethical Leadership chapter, Tipping is about moving the climate of an organization toward a positive/ethical climate. "The climate of an organization is determined by the collective actions, decisions, and behaviors of its members. As organizations move toward a more positive/ethical climate, a sense of enthusiasm, common purpose, and confidence in the future begins to accelerate the tipping effect. At this point, professional actions, decisions, and behaviors directed toward the achievement of organizational goals and objectives become the norm.

MSgt Prince is well liked and appreciates how his subordinates respect him and feel comfortable coming to him about anything. This morning his newest NCO, SSgt James, tells Prince, "I'm still receiving my overseas' cost of living allowance (COLA), but I really need the money, should I update my records." Because he understands James' current financial situation, having experienced financial problems himself, and not wanting to change how James feels about him, Prince replies, "Okay, for now, but you should establish a personal budget and then stop the COLA." MSgt Prince's effectiveness will MOST likely _________ because he _________.

decrease; fell into an ethical trap Rationale: MSgt Prince clearly fell into the ethical trap of worry over image, which according to Ethical Leadership chapter is where a leader makes decisions based on how the decision will impact one's reputation/standing among peers, subordinates, supervisors, community etc. rather than on military rules, regulations and codes of conduct. In the scenario, Prince was clearly concerned about his reputation as evidenced by the statement, "Not wanting to change how James feels about him ..." Decreased effectiveness is the only possible outcome of unethical decision-making.

Due to a severe storm, MSgt Craver, Vehicle Operations Superintendent, needs $15K to purchase a new fence that goes around the vehicle yard to ensure the security of the vehicles. It takes him a lot of time and effort. He submits a request along with the justification for the fence to the unit's Resource Advisor who waits until mid-January to submit the request to the Wing's Financial Working Group. MSgt Craver's ________ will MOST likely ________ mission effectiveness. a. effective use of the Execution Plan; enhance b. ineffective use of the Execution Plan; degrade c. ineffective use of the Budget Execution Review; degrade d. effective use of the Budget Execution Review; enhance

effective use of the Budget Execution Review; enhance There is no information in the scenario that applies to the EP, which according to the EP main point "is a paper or electronic product used to identify mission critical funded requirements, unfunded requirements, and outlines how the current funds in your organization will be spent." RATIONALE: MSgt Craver's actions will most likely enhance the mission because he submitted the request and justification for both items to the Budget Execution Review (BER) properly. According to the Resource Management chapter, the review cycle - conducted twice during the FY- is intended to identify, validate, prioritize, and request additional resources for unfunded requirements by reallocating funds that were not previously expended. By Craver submitting his request in time and given that the item is mission-critical, chances are high that he will receive the funds he needs to purchase the fence, thus enhancing the mission. CHAPTER: Resource Management (LM11) SOB: Predict the impact of Resource Management on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness

During a pre-deployment briefing, MSgt Putnat says, "The society around our deployed location communicates differently than we do. They will use gestures and their words may seem ambiguous, but they will expect us to understand based on the context of the conversation. You will need to fill in the gaps. In our country, we tend to focus on the exact words of what is said. We like to have all of the details." MSgt Putnat's comments BEST explain ________________ impact on mission effectiveness. high and low context communication and their domains of culture and its

high and low context communication and their MSgt Putnat's comments best explain high and low context cultures and their impact on mission effectiveness. According to the Cross Cultural Competence chapter, high context cultures favor the listener's ability to read between the lines, understand intonation, and slight gestures and choose words that are ambiguous, knowing that an adept listener should understand based on the context of the interaction. People in relatively low context cultures pay more attention to the explicit meaning of the verbal message. Low context communicators often stress lots of detail, facts, and statistics with little regard to how the message is delivered. CHAPTER: Cross Cultural Competence (LM06) SOB: Explain Cross-Cultural Competence and/or its impact on subordinate, SNCO, unit, and mission effectiveness.

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