After Effects

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Toggle the title action safe zones


Duplicate a comp visually around it use


Convert a shape layer to a bezier path

Right click on the shape path and convert to bezier path

Show through anything that's black


Access key frames from effects

U brings up all properties with key frames and hit it twice to pop up all parameters changed

What are transfer modes

different ways to blend with layers beneath it

Bring up viewer or motion track for a clip

double click footage

Reset the scale and rotation

double click selection tool, rotation tool

Reset work area

double click work area

Bring up transfer modes


analyze forward button to

process data in timeline

For rotation tracking

put on same plane as others

Pick-whip to a different comp

put the two timelines side by side and pick whip like normal

Convert photoshop text to editable text

right click and convert to editable text

Reset a parameter

right click and select reset

Want a speed ramp

right click clip-time-enable time remapping


toggle transparency button by camera selection

Live text templates for premiere

Go to comp settings - advanced - check "template"

Ram preview with alternate settings

Go to preview window to set up the shift + 0 settings

Reverse Keyframes

Select keyframes, right click - keyframe assistant - time reverse keyframes

Lock guides

ctrl ;

Find an effect quick

go to the effects and presets pallette to the right

Show or hide masks

hit square with no left corner

Zoom where mouse is

hold alt and middle mouse

Edit certain grouped properties in the timeline

hold ctrl and select ones you want and press SS

Toggle off live update

hold option as you scrub

Snap to a keyframe as your scrub thorugh

hold shift

Move to an area to focus on

hold space and move with mouse button

Alt click to get more

info on property

Alpha matte

is used for masks

Get 3d options

press a twice

Toggle between camera tools

press c

Copy expression only

right click the expression property - copy expression only

Reveal in timeline

right click the fx and click reveal in timeline

Trim comp to the work area

right click work area and click on clip to work area

Replace all instances of footage

right click-replace footage-file..

Quickly go through missing files

search missing in the search bar, and press Ctrl + H to replace

Replace something in the timeline

select a layer in the timeline, grab something else and hold ALT and drag on top of it.+

Increase range of key frames

select key frames and hold Alt while re sizing

Change to color

Effect-color correction

Display expressions only

Hit ee

Hide properties in the timeline

Hold Alt + Shift +click on property

Toggle time code types

Hold Ctrl and click the time code

Show all properties

Hold Ctrl as you click the drop down menu

Parent a object to match the postion of another object

Hold Shift plus using the pickwip to the object

Render q items be a different output file

Hold control as you select the output module

Remove marker

Hold ctrl and click on each marker

Create a numbered marker

Hold shift + any number

Show through anything that's white


Use a color scheme by adding custom colors

Preferences, general, use system color picker

Apply footage settings to many files by copy and paste

change settings and press ctrl+alt+c and to paste to all the others ctrl+alt+v

Make a template for rendering

Click the down arrow and make a preset. Then just select all comps to render and then click the down arrow on one of them to change them all to that preset.

Save a frame in your ae project to export with layers and all to photoshop

Compositon - Save frame as.. - Photoshop layers

Create a hold keyframe

Ctrl + Alt + H

Quickly center an anchor point

Ctrl + Alt + Home

Send to adobe encoder

Ctrl + Alt + M

Add a layer to the timeline at the time marker

Ctrl + Alt + v

Quickly center an object

Ctrl + Home

Fit to comp

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + W for image to width of comp Ctrl + Shift + Alt + H for image to height of comp Ctrl + Alt + F for full comp size

Move a mask, object, and pen tool creations while creating

Hold space

Delete all effects from selected layers

Select all layers Ctrl + Shift + E

Turn a layer into a guide layer

Select the layer and right click and go to guide layer

12 principles of animation

Timing ease in and out anticipation squashing and stretching If an object is falling fast you want to decrease width and increase length when squashing and stretching you want to keep volume, 50% to 200% exaggeration In order to apply the animation principle of exaggeration, you first need to_________. define what you want and then modify or heighten those the areas of your composition and of your animation that convey the message that you want Follow-through and overlapping moving key frames forward down the time line

Want a different view

click active camera change to view you want

View text animation preview

click arrow, browse presets

Turn on motion blur for a clip or global

click bouncy ball next to layer or big bouncy ball button for global

Solo layers

click bubbles next to eye button on layers

Change clip frame rate, fields, and aspect ratio right

click clip-interpret-main

Smoother key frame

click key frame and press F9

Resolution lower itself to be able to play quickly

click lightning bolt button on adaptive resolution

Put transparency on

click on checkerboard button in window bottom right

Move track point

click on inner sqaure and move around

Quickly start editing a project using a source item

drag source item to after effects and select and go to edit - edit orginal or Ctrl + E

Use other point to track

drag track area to the area and then drag the point back to the position data

Vinet, shape tool

draw shape around clip, subtract mask, mask feather, expand inward or outward

Key out green or blue screen

effect-keying, keylight

Find motion tracking controls

go to Window-Tracker Controls

Close all other timeline panels

go to comp menu button and select close other panels

Make something more realistic add a fast blur

go to effect-blur-fastblur

want trkmat overlay to be better

go to effects-color correction- curves

Add an adjustment layer

go to layer-new-adjustment layer

Create null object

go to layer-new-null object

Make a background

go to layer-new-solid

Make a comp from something in the current comp,

go to layer-precompose

What does Trkmat do

it allows you to add transparency to a layer that doesn't already have a transparent track

Create keyframes from expressions

make a keyframe and right click it and go to keyframe assistant convert expression to keyframes

Create custom shape mask

pen tool, everything outside gets cut off

Track type for replacing something in footage choose

perspective corner pin

Types of lights, spot light, point light, ambient light

points in a direction, light bulb from center, dont see and brightens everything up

Set the beguining and end of comp

press B and N

Set the work area to a layer

select layer and press Ctrl + Alt + B

Larger Search area

takes longer

Outer track point square is

the search area

inner track point square is

the track area to search for

Resize layers in comp window

tillda key(next to number 1)

Want stuff to go in and out of focus

turn depth of field on

Zoom in

use middle mouse button

Link layers together

use parent to drag to the two layers, its the parent swirly button,

What is a null object

used to store information

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