AHTG Quizzes

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Q1 City Upon a Hill describes two main types of communities found in the new world - covenant and corporate. Of the following answers, which best reflects the difference between these two types of communities? A. Covenant communities were founded on religious values and were intended to be an example to the world of those values at work, while corporate communities were founded for economic purposes. B. Corporate communities did not gain any experience with self-government, while covenant communities completely separated from any outside government. C. There are no substantial differences between the two types of communities. Both corporate and covenant communities were ruled by royal charters and leaders approved by the King of England. D. Corporate communities were operated strictly with a prophet motive, while covenant communities operated strictly with a profit motive. E. Corporate communities came to America to separate from the Church of England, while covenant communities came to acquire land and open the doors for social advancement.


Q10 According to Richard Reeves, which of the following best represents the current state of social mobility in the United States? A. In contrast to the American belief that overcoming poverty and achieving success is a frequent occurrence, social mobility rates remain low in the U.S. when compared to other countries. B. Marriage and family structure have little effect on upward mobility in the United States. Individual characteristics such as hard work and the willingness to take risks matter much more than families. C. As indicated by the election of an African-American President, social mobility is now the same for whites and blacks in the United States. D. As the United States decreased tax rates beginning in the 1980s, the gap between rich and poor has decreased significantly. E. Reeves expects that if current trends continue, the "Horatio Alger myth" will soon become a reality because most rich people will have earned their money by "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps."


Q12 Which of the following best captures the main idea of The Sharon Statement, authored by the Young Americans for Freedom? A. The authors of the Sharon Statement believed that the 10th Amendment, which states that powers not given to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people, is the key to the "genius" of the Constitution. B. The authors of the Sharon Statement believed that the United States must pursue peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union and other Communist nations. Freedom was only possible with international peace. C. The authors of the Sharon Statement fully agreed with the authors of the Port Huron Statement. Both groups worked together to pursue fundamental change in the United States. D. The authors of the Sharon Statement asserted that political freedom is different from economic freedom. They stated that the United States has achieved political freedom, but that economic freedom remains a distant dream. E. The authors of the Sharon Statement believed that racial inequality was the most important issue confronting the nation and that until all races enjoyed all of the same political and economic advantages, the nation would not be able to achieve its destiny.


Q2 According to Locke's 2nd Treatise on Government, what is the ultimate source of legitimate political authority? A. The people who give consent to be governed. B. Kings who follow a legitimate bloodline. C. God, who has given his authority to prophets and other religious leaders since the time of Adam. D. Those who provided original consent for the government's formation. E. Tradition and history, which together provide the greatest source of reason.


Q2 In Chapter 2 of Justice, Sandel introduces Jeremy Bentham's philosophy of utilitarianism which argues that the "right thing to do is whatever will...maximize the overall balance of pleasure over pain...of the community" (pg. 34). One objection to utilitarianism is that it does not respect individual rights. Which of the following best represents John Stewart Mills' defense of how utilitarianism might provide respect for individual rights? A. Mill argues that respecting individual rights will make society better off by maximizing happiness in the long run. B. Mill argues that individuals will always choose higher pleasures over lower pleasures because of their innate sense of human dignity. C. Mill argues that promoting a community of conformity ultimately produces the most respect for individual rights. D. Mill argues that utilitarianism will likely violate some individual rights, but that is acceptable because ultimately, what matters is the greatest good for the greatest number, not the fate of individuals. E. None of the above. John Stuart Mill thought utilitarianism did not respect individual rights because it benefits society at the cost of individual well-being.


Q3 Which of the following is a criticism that William Drayton offers towards "the committee"? A. It seeks to overturn the legislature. B. It seeks to perpetuate a culture of racism, slavery, and bigotry. C. It seeks to place Tories in positions of power throughout the colonies. D. It seeks to isolate itself from the average American and has become a machine of the aristocrats and elite. E. It seeks to usurp newly won American independence.


Q4 Which of the following best represents the main idea of Benjamin Banneker's letter to Thomas Jefferson? A. Banneker points out the contradiction between Jefferson's writings in the Declaration of Independence and the plight of slaves. B. Banneker agrees with the core conclusions of Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia," arguing that blacks and whites have different capabilities and cultures. C. Banneker mostly agrees with Jefferson's view of black slaves, but not with his view of Native Americans. D. Banneker asserts that the tyranny of the British Crown and the tyranny of slavery are not at all comparable. E. Banneker has little to say about Jefferson's views of slavery. His letter is an appeal for the rights of American women who are subject to "unjust drudgery."


Q6 Which framer of the Constitution refused to sign it because he felt too much had been compromised? A. Edmund Randolph B. James Madison C. Benjamin Franklin D. Roger Sherman E. George Washington F. None of the above. All of the attendees at the Constitutional Convention signed the document.


Q7 Which of the following best captures Madison's view about a Bill of Rights, as shown in his correspondence with Thomas Jefferson about the issue? A. Madison believed that a Bill of Rights might be a benefit, but only if it were correctly drafted. At the same time, the absence of a Bill of Rights was not a major flaw in the Constitution. B. Madison deeply opposed the creation of a Bill of rights and believed that adding one would fundamentally weaken the Constitution. The most secure defense of rights, he wrote, is the Constitution itself. C. Madison was a strong proponent of the addition of a Bill of Rights, telling Jefferson that it would have been better had a Bill of Rights been added at the Constitutional Convention. D. Madison disagreed with those who believed that a Bill of Rights would be little more than a "parchment barrier" because he had confidence in the ability of the judicial branch to stand up for the rights of minority groups. E. Madison mostly ignored Jefferson's views about a Bill of Rights and preferred instead to spend most of his correspondence with Jefferson discussing the problem of factions.


Q8 Grace is running for student body president at Popeville High School. Drawing upon the readings from City Upon a Hill, which of the following best represents the idea of "democratization" as applied to Grace's election? A. Grace and her supporters adopt the slogan "elect Grace and every race you will ace!" and chant it to the crowd during activities. B. Grace believes that support must come from only the most diligent students, and therefore persuades the principal to allow only students with a 3.8 GPA or higher to vote. C. Because Grace is busy as an important member of the band, the basketball team, and several AP classes, she assigns her friends to meet with potential supporters and answer their questions about the campaign rather than meeting with them herself. D. Grace spends much of her time recruiting the support of important school and district administrators in an effort to portray herself as well connected with the key members of the "educational elite." E. All of the above are clear examples of democratization in action.


Q8 Which of the following best reflects Fisher Ames' view of democracy? A. Democracy is vulnerable to ambitious demagogues who gain power by flattering the people. B. Democracy is likely to succeed because of the common sense of the common people, who tend to be wiser than courts, judges, and elected officials. C. The most important way to guarantee liberty is to get rid of the "strong and obnoxious restraints" upon the power of the people. D. Typically, the voice of the people will not desire anything contrary to that which is right. In other words, public opinion is a stable foundation for good government and will help the people avoid vice. E. The most worrisome element of our constitutional system is that the separation of powers gets in the way of the will of the people.


Q9 In the "Cornerstone Address," what does Alexander Stephens claim was the "sandy foundation" upon which the U.S. government was built? A. The idea that races were equal. B. The idea that "honest labor and enterprise" should be "left free and unrestricted in whatever pursuit they may be engaged." C. The idea that the Constitution was a "perpetual union." D. The idea that the federal government was sovereign, not the states. E. None of the above. Stephens argued that the U.S. Constitution was built on a firm foundation, not a sandy one.


Q1 Which of the following scenarios is most consistent with Roger Williams's views about the proper aims of government? A. Good government requires forming a civil government to oversee both secular and religious affairs. B. Government should allow citizens to follow their sincere beliefs, even if those beliefs conflict with each other. C. Government is most effective when it enforces religious uniformity in order to promote the peace, harmony, and goodwill of the community. D. Government should welcome all different Christian groups, but non-Christian groups should be excluded. E. Government works best when there is a single state religion because having a state religion promotes the "cause of conscience" within the community.


Q10 According to Sperling's Economic Dignity, ________________ championed negative dignity, while ________________ emphasized the promotion of positive dignity. A. Thomas Jefferson; Alexander Hamilton B. Theodore Roosevelt; Franklin D. Roosevelt C. Felix Frankfurter; Theodore Roosevelt D. Franklin D. Roosevelt; Woodrow Wilson E. Lyndon B. Johnson; Felix Frankfurter


Q11According to William Graham Sumner, who is the Forgotten Man? A. The ordinary worker who does not earn enough to make a living wage and is thus in need of additional support from government. B. The citizen whose taxes pay for the many programs that social reformers want to institute. C. The common soldier in the army who provides freedom for the rest of the nation. D. The boys who have to leave school early to take on adult responsibilities. In the new industrial society, children are often employed in sweat shops, and they have few legal protections. E. The women whose voices have been neglected in American history. Paradoxically, the "Forgotten Man" is not a man at all.


Q12 Which of the following best represents the purpose of the yippies' long hair as described by Jerry Rubin in "A Yippie Manifesto?" A. It makes a statement to older generations about the changing norms of fashion. B. It demonstrates disrespect for America and helps yippies to recognize each other as part of the counter-culture. C. It shows support for the government and the Vietnam War. D. It is a symbol of support for the "Jesus movement" - a religious revival that was popular in the Sixties. E. It was an attempt to blur the lines between male and female and in this way was an important element of the feminist movement.


Q2 The local community college has only one basketball court available for use. According to Aristotle's arguments on justice and the good life (as described by Sandel), how should we decide who gets to use the court most? A. Abby, a professor at the college, deserves the most court time because of the time she spent at the college and her commitment to the community. B. Jessica, a student, deserves the most court time because she is the best basketball player on campus. C. Andrew, a local wealthy businessman, deserves the most court time because he has donated the largest amount of money to the school. D. Katie, the daughter of the college president, deserves the most court time because of the position her father holds. E. TJ, a student who is not very good at basketball, deserves the most court time because he is trying to develop a new skill and will improve the most when given practice time.


Q4 Which of the following quotes from Benjamin Franklin's "The Way to Wealth" is most consistent with the writings of Cotton Mather? A. "The taxes are indeed very heavy." B. "He that has a trade, has an estate; and he that has a calling, has an office of profit and honor." C. "Lost time is never found again." D. "A small leak will sink a great ship." E. "He that goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing."


Q11 What is Herbert Hoover's "fifth freedom"? A. Freedom of speech and expression B. Freedom from want C. Economic freedom D. Freedom of religion E. Freedom from fear F. None of the above. Hoover does not believe that freedoms can be adequately expressed or guaranteed by the government.


Q5 In the article title "How the Constitution's Federalist Framework is Being Tested by COVID-19," Jennifer Selin argues that the coronavirus pandemic has illustrated weaknesses in the current federalist structure of American government. Which of the following is not one of the problems identified by Selin? A. Lack of commonality in how elections are administered across the country B. Decreasing power in the national executive branch C. Expansion of the powers of state governors D. Increasing partisanship arising from individual states determining how (and in some cases, whether) to implement federal policy E. Lack of clear accountability in matters where both the federal and state governments exercise power


Q6 What does James Madison cite as the most likely and enduring cause for the creation of factions? A. Different opinions about religion B. Unequal distribution of property C. The region in which people live D. Ambitious leaders seeking for power E. Political parties


Q8 How does Sojourner Truth appeal to religion as she argues for women's rights? A. Truth argues that God created women to have a special role to play in the family, so her rights are connected to that unique role. B. Truth argues that Jesus Christ was born from a woman. C. Truth argues that Adam and Even worked side by side after they left the Garden of Eden. D. Truth argues that a woman was the first witness of Jesus Christ's resurrection. E. None of the above. Truth does not argue for women's equality. Instead, her speech is about the evils of slavery for both men and women.


Q8 Which of the following is NOT one of the "repeated injuries and usurpations" by men toward women cited in the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments? A. Men have forced women to submit to laws they had no voice making. B. Men have restricted women to the same set of rights as foreigners receive. C. Men have made women morally irresponsible. D. Men have designed divorce laws in ways that harm women. E. Men have monopolized all the profitable and respected jobs.


Q9 What does Thoreau say people should do when they disapprove of the government? A. They should take up arms and start a bloody revolution in order to change the laws. B. They should withdraw their support from the government by, for example, refusing to pay taxes. C. They should follow democratic procedures and try to persuade the majority to change the laws. D. They should follow the laws and accept that government officials achieved office because they know best. E. None of the above. In the American system, there is no difference between the people and government, so the idea of "disapproving" of government doesn't make sense.


Q1 Linker utilizes examples of a drug user and drunk drivers in his article to accomplish which of the following? A. To demonstrate why individualistic attitudes are always bad for society. B. To explain why paternalistic government is morally reprehensible. C. To compare a time when individualism is okay and when it is not. D. To contrast how different views of morality affect individual decision making. E. To show how Americans have exaggerated the dangers of a disease.


Q1 Puritan beliefs had a great impact on American ideals and character. All of the following illustrate basic Puritan beliefs EXCEPT: A. Sandy believes that God has already chosen her and others to be saved, and that they should come together to build an exemplary society. B. Ryan believes that it is his calling to be an accountant and that any prosperity he gains from work is a sign of God's pleasure. C. Steven believes that human nature is different for each individual and that everyone should be able to do as they please. D. Miranda believes that living righteously is an individual pursuit and that it is her responsibility to watch the actions of herself and her family. E. All of the above are examples of basic Puritan beliefs.


Q11 In "The New Freedom," what is Woodrow Wilson's attitude toward corporations? A. Wilson is a strong supporter of the rights of corporations as the best engine of economic growth. In this way, he essentially follows the views of Alexander Hamilton. B. Wilson supports corporations because he believes that the American Dream is best accomplished through corporations. C. Wilson worries that individual voices are being lost in corporations, with dire consequences for individual liberty. D. Wilson agrees with Eugene V. Debs and argues that corporations should be abolished. E. Wilson recognizes the growing power of corporations, but like Jefferson, he believes that the government does not have the power to intervene.


Q12 According to Martin Luther King Jr., what responsibility does a citizen have when faced with an unjust law? A. According to Martin Luther King Jr., what responsibility does a citizen have when faced with an unjust law? B. They are justified in fighting violently against the law in order to overturn it. C. They have the moral responsibility to disobey the law, but also be willing to accept the punishment for breaking the law. D. They should present their concerns to the Supreme Court and hope that the government will change the law. E. All of the above. King advocated for many different approaches to unjust laws.


Q12 Recently, Black Lives Matter protests sparked unrest and riots across the country. Eventually, this led to standoffs between police forces and demonstrators. Which of the following responses is most similar to Malcom X's position as outlined in "The Ballot or the Bullet"? A. The protests should have remained peaceful. Nonviolent disobedience is the only way to effectively spur change. B. The riots were an unfortunate byproduct of the protests, but we shouldn't be surprised by their opportunistic nature. C. The demonstrators had a right to fight back against the use of force, because the only way to fight violence is with violence. D. The peaceful protestors should have dealt with the rioters themselves and made it clear that destructive behaviors would not be tolerated within the movement. E. The federal government had no right to get involved, but the state and local governments were justified in any and all of their responses.


Q2 What is the particular employment that Cotton Mather references in his A Christian At His Calling? A. The calling that all Christians have to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. B. The calling that all Christians have to preach the Gospel and bring souls unto Christ. C. The calling that all Christians have to be industrious and improve the society in which he/she lives. D. The calling that all Christians have to colonize and Christianize the New World. E. The calling that all Christians have to reject the anti-Christ and forcefully repress those who operate under "Satan's delusions".


Q3 A severe drought kills the tomato crop in Chickamauga, Georgia, resulting in a shortage of ketchup. According to Brennan and Jaworski, what is the best way to handle the shortage of ketchup during the drought? A. Brennan and Jaworski would support the use of queues to distribute ketchup because it is the most egalitarian. B. Brennan and Jaworski would advocate using a government rationing system in order to preserve the scarce good. C. Brennan and Jaworski would promote using a market system because it encourages innovation to find a substitute for ketchup. D. Brennan and Jaworski would recommend the use of price control in order to ensure that the good is available to everyone. E. None of the above. Brennan and Jaworski believe that the shortage cannot be controlled.


Q3 In June of 2018, Harley Davidson announced that it would be moving motorcycle production overseas. In an attempt to discourage this, President Trump wrote that, "Harley must know that they won't be able to sell back into U.S. without paying a big tax!" The president's desire to encourage domestic manufacturing and discourage skilled workers from leaving clearly mirrors which principle or event? A. The Boston Tea Party B. Capitalism C. Mercantilism D. The Intolerable Acts E. Free-market economics


Q3 Which of the following examples most clearly demonstrates one or more of the three core principles that Sperling outlines in "Punching Steph Curry"? A. Markets tend to self-correct, so having rules that limit or structure competition is typically unnecessary and nearly always a violation of the principles Adam Smith embraced. B. When making decisions for their firms, executives should always remember that the core purpose of a corporation - to maximize shareholder value - is the most important priority. C. Political or policy decisions always affect the nature of markets and competition within markets, so it is important to craft policies that encourage virtue. D. The for-profit education industry is a shining example of how well markets can work when freed from government regulation. E. The NBA should re-write the rules of basketball to allow for greater physical contact between players.


Q4 How does John Adams respond when Abigail Adams pleads for him to "remember the ladies"? A. He agrees to her plea and vows to fight to improve women's rights during the founding of the United States. B. He agrees that women should have more rights and power, but insists that the plight of slaves must be handled first. C. He rejects her proposal, claiming that men are masters in name only and giving more power to women would lead to the complete "despotism of the petticoat". D. He rejects her proposal, writing that women have the same value in American society as every other group and that it is not right for any one group to have excessive power. E. He ignores her discussion of women entirely and speaks only of the other political problems he is facing.


Q4 Which of the following best captures Thomas Paine's view of hereditary monarchy? A. Though monarchy has its downsides, it is the system of government put in place by God. The divine right of kings must be respected. B. Monarchy is the best form of government because monarchs are likely to use power more wisely and with better judgement than ordinary people. C. Monarchy is likely to be an evil form of government, and the first monarchs were probably just plunderers and ruffians. D. Monarchy is equally as good as government by the people's representatives. Both types of government have both positive and negative characteristics. E. None of the above. Thomas Paine is more concerned with the actions of ordinary people, and "Common Sense" includes no discussion of monarchy.


Q5 From his memo on the "Vices of the Political System of the United States," which of the following best represents Madison's view about the relationship between the national government and the states under the Articles of Confederation? A. The states were cooperating with each other when needed, which decreased the need for a powerful national government. B. The states were able to handle internal disputes and controversies by themselves, but they needed the national government to engage in foreign affairs. C. The problem was that the national government did not have sufficient power to coerce the states when needed. D. The national government was entirely too powerful, and states were an important check on national power. E. Madison believed that the nation needed to place increased trust in the good faith, the honor, and the sound policy decisions of the state legislatures.


Q7 Which of the following is most consistent with Jefferson's main argument in the Kentucky Resolutions? A. When there is a conflict between the state and national government, the national government must always be supreme. B. The proper remedy for unconstitutional actions by Congress is for the President to check congressional power. C. When the national government exercises powers that are not explicitly delegated to it, states are not bound by those actions. D. When state governments take actions that are constitutionally questionable, only the Supreme Court can stop them. E. Acts of state governments can and should be nullified by the judicial branch.


Q9 Which of the following most closely represents Frederick Douglass' feelings about the Fourth of July in "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" A. Douglass doesn't want to celebrate the Fourth of July because he does not regard himself as a US citizen. B. Douglass sees the Fourth of July as a celebration for all Americans of the truth that "all men are created equal." C. Douglass believes the US is hypocritical for celebrating something they deny to some Americans. D. Douglass refuses to celebrate the Fourth of July until women are given the right to vote. E. Douglass believes that slaves should celebrate August 22 instead of July 4 because that is the date of the important slave uprising led by Nat Turner.


Q1 In 1967, 30,000 hippies gathered in Golden Gate Park, which marked the start of the "Summer of Love"; ultimately, the movement sought to fight against subjection to authority and emphasized the ability to do what you want when you wanted. This philosophy is most consistent with which of the following? A. John Cotton's "New England Way" of Congregationalism. B. Michael Sandel's theory of justice. C. Roger Williams's civil liberty. D. John Winthrop's natural liberty. E. John Winthrop's City Upon a Hill.


Q10 As explained in Bouie's article, what does the holiday Juneteenth commemorate? A. The ratification of the 13th Amendment by Congress, which effectively banned slavery in America. B. The closure of the last slave plantation in Georgia, which marked the end of slave labor in the South. C. The arrival of the first African slaves in Virginia, which marked the beginning of the practice of chattel slavery on American soil. D. The day that slaves in Texas first heard about Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which notified them of their freedom. E. The date of the horrific Tulsa race massacre, when mobs of white residents attacked Black residents and businesses in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


Q11 In The Promise of American Life, Herbert Croly discusses the metaphor of a marathon runner. What is the core lesson Croly draws from this example? A.Some Americans have been excluded entirely from the race, and this means government must step in to eliminate private property and control the means of economic production, just as the socialists argue. B.Americans all begin the race from the same starting point, even if some finish ahead of others. Because the starting point is equal, the nation has achieved something as close to true equality as possible. C.Americans who "win" the economic race have shown that they are more capable and better than their rivals because winning the race depends exclusively on the hard work and effort of the individual. D.Americans have not achieved equality of opportunity because success in the race is determined by material conditions, such as whether or not they had proper nourishment and training, over which the runners have no control. E.Americans should abandon the idea of "winning the race" entirely. They will be happier if, instead of competition, they focus on communing with nature in a spirit of harmony and love.


Q11 In the Commonwealth Club Address, how does FDR see the role of government in the economy? A. The government should never interfere in the economy because the laws of supply and demand ensure that the economy will regulate itself through the "invisible hand" better than government could do it. B. The government should interfere in the economy only in those conditions when Alexander Hamilton would have supported intervention. Roosevelt fundamentally agrees with Hamilton's approach. C. The government should rarely interfere in the economy because government action is likely to violate the rights of "personal competency" and the right to property. In this way, Roosevelt fundamentally agrees with Thomas Jefferson's approach. D. The government may need to interfere in the economy as a last resort - not to destroy individualism, but to protect it. The goal of government action should be to defend the public interest. E. The government should generally avoid interference in the economy because the frontier allows a "safety valve" for Americans to get a new start if they are not successful in the cities.


Q4 Which of the following situations best represents the colonial strategy during the war? A. Cole, a wrestler, trains tirelessly to build his muscles and perfect his technique so that he can beat his opponents through superior strength. B. Allison, the soccer team captain, has the team runner soccer demonstrations in the hope of intimidating their opponents into surrender. C. Kirsten, a football player, has been going around to businesses in the communities to gain more financial supporters for the back-to-back state champion team. D. James, the basketball coach, wants to keep a game close and his team functioning well enough to wear down their more experienced opponents, hoping they can beat them. E. None of the above. The colonies had no strategy during the war.


Q5 According to Alexander Hamilton in his letter to James Duane, weaknesses of the government under the Articles of Confederation included all of the following EXCEPT: A. States valued their liberty too much to give the national Congress any substantial power. B. Congress labored under too much uncertainty regarding the extent and nature of their powers. C. The Articles left the Congress with too few options for sufficient funding. D. Political leaders in the states tended to be too submissive to Congressional leaders. E. Congress being too willing to defer to the states.


Q5 Which of the following examples of constitutional mechanisms is most consistent with John Adams's recommendations in "Thoughts on Government"? A. The state of Nebraska has a unicameral legislature. B. Members of the Alabama Supreme Court stand for re-election and can be voted out of office. C. In response to the coronavirus, several states have had to dramatically cut education funding, and experts predict that these cuts will hit vulnerable, low-income communities the hardest. D. The President of the United States is not elected directly by the people, but by a smaller body of electors. E. In the Utah state legislature, nearly 90% of legislators are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but Latter-day Saints are only about 60% of the population of the state.


Q6 Which of the following best represents the argument of Brutus I about the appropriate size of a republic? A. As Montesquieu first wrote, history shows that large republics are typically more successful. The vast and powerful Roman republic is a perfect example of this fact. B. In a small republic, the people will not know their representatives well, just as most citizens today do not know the names of their representatives to the state legislature. C. Small republics are better than large republics because in a small republic, the laws will not be executed with "promptitude." This delay in execution will ultimately result in more thoughtful, humane law enforcement. D. In a large republic, too much diversity of interests, manners, or ideas will lead to excessive disagreement and will ultimately make governance more difficult. E. Brutus believed in what has come to be called the "Goldilocks" principle; republics should not be too large or too small. The medium-sized republic, he argues, is just right. Though they disagreed about other aspects of republics, Brutus and Madison agree about this.


Q6 Which of the following examples below is most consistent with concepts or principles contained in Federalist #51? A. In the country of Pattersonville, special care is taken to ensure that the legislature has the power to pay judges well as an incentive for wise and just decisions. B. The citizens of Witzlandia know that minority factions are the greatest threat to the stability of their government. C. In the newly formed government of Hamiltonville, the principle of efficiency and effectiveness dictates that power is concentrated, not divided. D. In the land of Jeffersonia, elected officials know that the primary control on government is a dependence on the people. E. None of the above examples is consistent with the ideas in Federalist #51.


Q6 Which of the following is NOT a way that Crevocoeur claims the United States is different from Europe? A. There is less distance and distinction between the rich and poor in America. B. People in America descend from a wider variety of places than in Europe. C. Workers are rewarded more for the work they perform. D. The American cities are more crowded than the cities in Europe. E. None of the above. Crevocoeur claims that America is essentially the same as Europe in the most important ways.


Q7 Dalvin Cook was a star running back for the Florida State Seminoles. In July 2015, Cook was suspended from the team when he was arrested and charged with assaulting someone at a bar. His court date was set for September 2nd, three days before the Seminoles' home opener. His lawyers wrote a request to the Leon County Court system asking to move the trial to an earlier date. Which amendment could most likely be used as a basis for the lawyers' argument? A. 1st Amendment B. 3rd Amendment C. 4th Amendment D. 6th Amendment E. 7th Amendment


Q7 John Marshall's ruling in the 1803 Marbury v. Madison case established the principle of judicial review. In what way did his ruling support the authority of the United States Constitution? A. The ruling expanded the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. B. The ruling declared writs of mandamus constitutional, thus increasing the power of the federal courts to order government officials to complete specific actions. C. Because John Marshall agreed with President Jefferson, the ruling showcased the power of cooperation between the branches of government that the Constitution intended. D. By declaring the Judicial Act of 1789 unconstitutional, John Marshall argued that the Constitution was superior to all other laws. E. None of the above. The ruling emphasized the limited nature of the Constitution and the importance of state government.


Q8 In November of 2020, the citizens of the new state Patterwitzonia overwhelmingly vote to elect Kanye West as President. However, even after taking a pledge, elector Cameron thoughtfully and wisely chooses to vote for Dr. Karpowitz in the electoral college instead. According to the Supreme Court's ruling in Chifalo v Washington, how can Patterwitzonia penalize Cameron's actions? A. Patterwitzonia cannot penalize Cameron because the Constitution states that electors represent the educated populace and should be able to vote according to their judgement. B. Patterwitzonia cannot penalize Cameron because state pledges are considered unconstitutional. C. Patterwitzonia can penalize Cameron by removing his ability to vote in future elections. D. Patterwitzonia can penalize Cameron by fining him for going against his pledge. E. Patterwitzonia can penalize Cameron, but only if the fine is less than 25% of his monthly income.


Q9 Imagine the country of Karpattersonia, which contains three primary regions: the blue region (where everyone wears bow ties), the red region (where everyone wears excessively long red ties), and the purple region (where no one ever wears a tie). Karpattersonia is currently experiencing considerable political disagreement as the nation decides what its dress and grooming standards should be. Which of the following scenarios is most consistent with the idea of the concurrent majority as explained by John C. Calhoun? A. The nation of Karpattersonia decides on its dress and grooming standards by holding a vote. The standards that receive the most votes in the nation as a whole are adopted -- the national majority has the right to set national standards. B. The nation of Karpattersonia leaves decisions about dress and grooming standards to each individual, who can decide for himself or herself. C. The nation of Karpattersonia adopts only those dress and grooming standards that are acceptable to at least two of the three regions. D. The nation of Karpattersonia adopts only those dress and grooming standards that are supported by majorities of citizens in all three regions. E. The nation of Karpattersonia refuses to adopt dress and grooming standards because doing so would violate both self-interest and community interests.


Q9 Jackson lives in South Carolina and is the grandson of a former slave. There is a law in his town that states you can only vote if your grandfather could vote. These laws are designed to keep African Americans from voting. This is a violation of which amendment? A. 12th Amendment B. 13th Amendment C. 14th Amendment D. 15th Amendment E. It isn't a violation of any Amendments, as voting rights are left entirely to the states by constitutional design.


Q10 According to the logic of the chapter from Brennan and Jaworski, which of the following is a situation in which it would be acceptable to limit free exchange? A. Trevor is short on tuition money, so he decides to sell his kidney. B. Paige needs money for groceries, so she decides to sell her vote to the presidential campaign willing to pay the most. C. Kristen owns a local bakery and decides to add high-quality marijuana brownies to her sales inventory. D. Cindy has a very full schedule, so she hires someone to attend American Heritage lectures and take notes for her. E. All of the above should be acceptable exchanges according to Brennan and Jaworski and should not be limited by government.


Q10 Which of the following situations does NOT reflect a market weakness? A. Hailey buys a used car from a dealer who withholds crucial information about the quality of the car. Although the car appears to be in great condition, it turns out to have serious defects. B. Emilie produces gasoline and sells it to Lydia. Kira isn't a part of the exchange but the air pollution that results from the exchange has serious side effects on Kira's lungs. C. Isaac refuses to contribute to his local public radio station because he knows others will contribute, meaning that he can enjoy the radio programming for free. D. Sabrina works hard as a real estate agent in her home town, but she becomes unemployed when housing prices fall dramatically. E. All of the above are examples of market weaknesses.


Q12 Which of the following ideas would Darity and Mullen most agree with? A. No one race or ethnicity controls economic power in the United States, though there are important racial differences in political power. B. Racism and discrimination may have occurred in the past, but we have made tremendous progress since the civil rights movement, and these problems no longer exist. C. While political power remains uneven, no significant economic disparities between Blacks and Whites remain. D. Some inequalities between Blacks and Whites still exist, but they can primarily be attributed to behaviors like a lack of hard work or family instability. E. Despite the Civil Rights Act and the election of a Black president, the American Dream is a myth for Blacks, even today.


Q2 When elected president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte promised to bring order by killing drug addicts. The Philippine Drug War has resulted in the deaths of thousands. Suspects are either killed or left in jail without a chance to prove their innocence. Citizens being denied a fair trial and adequate defense is a clear violation of which Rule of Law principle? A. Generality B. Prospectivity C. Publicity D. Consent E. Due Process


Q3 In writing to Governor Thomas Gage, the authors made which of the following arguments? A. If not solved, the issue of slavery would lead to an American civil war. B. With the threat of colonial revolution, African slaves should be given their freedom because they would use it to help English forces put down the rebellion. C. With the current custom of slavery in place, economic recession would most assuredly result in the South. D. The Declaration of Independence declares life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to all, slaves included. Thus, slavery is not consistent with the Declaration. E. Emancipation would allow slaves to more fully serve God and follow His commandments.


Q5 Nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, Judge Brett Kavanaugh had to be questioned at hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee voted 11-10 in favor of approving Kavanaugh, and the full Senate voted 50-48 to confirm his nomination. If the vote had gone the other way, President Trump would have had to nominate someone else. The power of deciding the next Supreme Court Justice being dependent upon two branches of government is an example of...? A. Bicameral Legislature B. Executive Veto C. Federalism D. Judicial Review E. Checks and Balances


Q7 Which of the following best represents Hamilton's view of the judiciary as expressed in Federalist #78? A. The judiciary is superior to the executive branch but inferior to the legislative branch. B. If the judiciary were able to exercise the power of judicial review, then judges would become too powerful. C. The fact that judges have "permanent tenure" often makes for worse judicial decisions. D. The judiciary is superior to the legislative branch but inferior to the executive branch. E. The court system is meant to be an intermediary between the people and the legislature.


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