Air Traffic Control

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Two aircraft are arriving at the same airport and one is estimating to be over IAF for the ILS twenty (20) minutes before the second aircraft.

No separation is required as there is no conflict.

Two aircraft are in the approach controller's airspace and are arriving at the same airport, assigned to hold over the IAF fix for the ILS at least 1,000 feet apart.

No separation is required as there is no conflict.

An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying on a heading of 360: '"TRAFFIC 10 O'CLOCK, 2 MILES, SOUTHBOUND..." Where should the pilot look for this traffic?


The primary training facility for new FAA ATC candidates is in

Oklahoma City, OK

What is the correct way to state radio frequency of 122.95?

One two two point niner five

VFR (visual flight rules) aircraft operating in uncontrolled airspace

should set their transponder to 1200 can contact ATC by radio

If the control tower uses a light signal to direct a pilot in flight to give way to other aircraft and continue circling, the light will be _________________

steady red.

What is the correct way to identify Piper N431AQ

Piper four three one Alpha Quebec

____________ need not be given when radar identification is made by position correlation.

Position information

When using ______________ separation minima the transfer of communication shall be made ___________ minutes before the aircraft is estimated to reach the boundary unless otherwise agreed to by the control and/or communication facilities concerned.

nonradar; 5

Which of the following terms means that a transmission has been received and understood?


What is the correct phraseology for issuing the runway?

Runway One Zero

What is the first duty priority of controllers?


The correct phraseology to determine the altitude of an aircraft is "______________ altitude"


The navigational aid designed specifically for military needs is


An aircraft, arriving at the airport, has reported leaving 8,000 for 4,000 and another aircraft is overflying the airport VORTAC at 6,000 (both estimating a common fix at 9 minutes apart).

The controller must provide some type of separation.

A Certified Professional Controller (CPC) has all the appropriate ratings for his or her area of assignment.


ATC is described as being "situational" with weather conditions being the primary factor in delays.


Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCT) provide for both preventive and positive control of VFR and IFR aircraft around airports where they are located. (true or false)


Flight progress strips are pieces of paper used to record aircraft movement. (True of False)


Holding pattern airspace to be protected is a form of lateral separation. (true or false)


The first enroute ARTCC was established by the airlines about 1940.


Tower Local Control provides both positive and preventive control instructions. (true or false)


When using longitudinal separation, the lead aircraft must always be same speed or faster (true or false)


An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying north in a calm wind: "TRAFFIC 9 O'CLOCK, 2 MILES, SOUTHBOUND..." Where should the pilot look for this traffic?


Which aircraft equipment suffix (transponder) indicates the aircraft is equipped with DME and altitude data capabilities displayed on ATC radar scopes?


Aircraft may discontinue reporting over compulsory reporting points

after radar contact by ATC

A red "E" marked on a flight progress strip is used to show

an aircraft in an emergency condition.

Unless otherwise authorized, two-way radio communications with ATC are required for landing and takeoffs.

at all tower controlled airports regardless of weather.

An Air Traffic Control clearance provides

authority to go under specified conditions in controlled airspace.

Airport taxiway edge lights are identified at night by

blue omnidirectional lights

The first three items in an ATC departure clearance are aircraft identification,

clearance limit, and route of flight

A VOR federal airway is considered

controlled airspace

The first duty priority of an air traffic controller is

separation of IFR traffic

Which is NOT a part of the clearance items spoken by a controller?

departure speed

Clear aircraft to hold over different fixes at the same altitude whose holding pattern airspace areas

do not overlap

If the runway is not reported in sight by a pilot making a radar approach prior to a prescribed point, tell the pilot to

execute a missed approach

Spaces 10-18 on the approach/departure control flight progress strip are used for _________

facility specific data

The definition of nighttime is

from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight.

Two or more aircraft estimated to occupy the same airspace in less than ten minutes are considered to be ______

in conflict

A steady green ATC light signal directed to an aircraft in flight is a signal that the pilot

is cleared to land.

Course Alignment accuracy of the VOR is plus/minus ___ degress


What is the minimum vertical separation (in feet) required between IFR aircraft below FL 290?


The standard longitudinal separation minima required between two IFR aircraft is _____________DME or __________ minutes.

10 DME 20 minutes

Unless otherwise authorized or required by Air Traffic Control, what is the maximum indicated airspeed (knots) at which a pilot may operate an aircraft below 10,000 ft. MSL?


Radar separation is ______ miles when both aircraft are less than 40 miles from the antenna.


VORs are identified by _______ letters in Morse Code.


Ceiling, as used in weather reports, is the height above the Earth's surface of the _____________

lowest layer of clouds reported as broken or overcast and not classified as thin.

The emergency transponder code is


The ATC facility that provides air traffic control services to aircraft on IFR flight plans during the enroute phase of flight is


The National Airspace Systems includes

ATC airmen and aircraft and airports

After landing at a tower controlled airport, where should the pilot contact ground control?

After leaving the runway and crossing the runway holding lines.

Which of the following can be found on a Sectional Chart?

Airports, Airspace and NAVAIDs

When may Air Traffic Control request a detailed report of an emergency even though a rule has not been violated?

Anytime an emergency is declared.

What leg(s) of a standard traffic pattern is (are) flown perpendicular to the downwind leg?

Base, crosswind

The transfer of ____________ point is _______.

Communications; before the aircraft crosses the receiving controller's airspace.

The President of the United States uses what call sign when flying aboard a civil aircraft?

Executive One

Flight progress strips are unofficial government documents used to record aircraft movements.


Letters of Agreement (LOA) are used between centers and pilots to ensure correct phraseology.


Two of more air traffic control facilities can control an aircraft at the same time.


The ______ controller manages aircraft operations on the airport movement area except the active runway(s)


Glidepath information for the ILS is useable when flying

Inbound-front course


Instrument flight rules above 18,000 ft.

__________ are used between two facilities (external coordination) and _____________ are used for facilities (external coordination).

Letters of Agreement; Ops letters

___________ is usually the lowest altitude that can be assigned by ATC on a Victor airway.

MEA (minimum enroute altitude)

The number 9 is spoken


ATIS is the continuous broadcast of recorded

non-control information in selected high activity terminal areas.

A flashing white light signal from the control tower to an aircraft taxiing is an indication

to return to the starting point on the airport.

Basic radar service in the terminal area is described as

traffic advisories and limited vectoring to VFR aircraft.

NonRadar separation includes

vertical lateral and longitudinal

If instructed by ground control "Taxi to Runway 9," a pilot may proceed

via any route at the pilot's discretion onto Runway 9 and hold until cleared for takeoff.

Standard Instrument Departure (SID) procedure is

used to simplify clearance delivery used to assist IFR pilots to avoid obstacles during departure an ATC coded departure procedure

A conflict is defined as two or more aircraft

(IFR) estimating the same fix at the same altitude within 10 minutes of each other. (IFR) holding at the same fix at the same altitude at the same time.

What are the emergency radio frequencies for aviation use?

121.5 and 243.0

A Category III aircraft landing behind a Category I aircraft requires _____________ feet of runway separation.


What does the abbreviation ATIS mean?

Automatic Terminal Information Service

An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot during a local flight: "TRAFFIC 2 O'CLOCK, 5 MILES, NORTHBOUND..." Where should the pilot look for this traffic?

Between directly ahead and 90 to the right.

When the wind is less than 5 knots, which of the following runways should be used?

Calm Wind

In handling a normal IFR aircraft on a flight from Chicago to Las Vegas, the facilities involved could include_________.

Center, Tower and Approach Control

It is the responsibility of the ______ to determine the final (within 2 miles of the airport) landing sequence between aircraft under its control.

Control Tower

How does a controller make corrections on a flight progress strip?

Draw a single line through the error (except altitude data; "X" that out).

How can a military airport be identified at night?

Dual peaked (two quick) white flashes between green flashes.

Air traffic control is defined as the orderly; safe and careful flow of airplanes through designated airspace.


Corrections for altitude data on a flight progress strip are made by using a single line to delete the wrong information. (true or false)


When using lateral separation, the lead aircraft must always be same speed or faster. (true or false)


When using vertical separation, the lead aircraft must always be same speed or faster. (true or false)


Which light signal from a control tower clears a pilot to taxi?

Flashing green

An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying on a heading of 090: "TRAFFIC 3 O'CLOCK, 2 MILES, SOUTHBOUND..." Where should the pilot look for this traffic?


A departure leaves the airport climbing through an arrival, which is over a point 45 miles northwest; both are converging toward the same VORTAC (ETA within 10 minutes).

The controller must provide some type of separation.

Two aircraft are requesting to depart the same airport at the same time and are assigned courses which will take one northeast and the other to the west (courses diverge by 135 degrees).

The controller must provide some type of separation.

In radio communications, the phrase "have numbers" is not the same as the pilot having the information contained in the current ATIS broadcast (true or false)


Letters of Agreement (LOA) are used between centers and towers to ensure correct procedures to delegate airspace control. (true or false)


The FAA has operated under the DOT since 1967 and has a dual role in aviation--the promotion and regulation of air transportation.


Pilots can be cleared for the contact approach

if pilot requests and ground visibility is at least 1 Statute Mile (SM).

The pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall comply with all provisions of an ATC clearance unless an amended clearance has been obtained or

in an emergency situation

A degree divergence chart is primarily used to apply ________ non-radar separation.


Prior to entering Class D airspace, a pilot

must contact the tower for clearance to enter.

The purpose of an ATC clearance is to

prevent collision between known aircraft

An airport's rotating beacon operated during the daylight hours shows

that the weather at the airport is below basic VFR (visual flight rules) weather.

A controller provides ____ separation until some other type of separation can be established for IFR aircraft on the same route in the same direction


The transfer of control point is ____________ the aircraft crosses the receiving controller's airspace.


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