AJS 101 Test 1

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_____ _____ is an act constituting a substantial step in a course of conduct planned to culminate in the commission of a crime. (B)

Criminal Attempt

A body of rules and statutes that defines conduct prohibited by the government, because it threatens and harms public safety and welfare, and that establishes punishment to be imposed for the commission of such act is......

Criminal Law

_____ _____ is the some total of a society's activities to defend itself against the actions it defines as criminal.

Criminal justice

Many people consider a Florida prostate, ______ to be the first female serial killer. (M)

Aileen Wuornos

President Lyndon Johnson's report in 1967, The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society called for..... (M)

All of the above

Television programs show the excitement of the job.... (M)

All of these

The Drug Enforcement Administration is tasked with the enforcement of... (M)

All the above

Define search. (B)

Any government intrusion upon a person's reasonable expectation of privacy.

The malicious burning of the dwelling house of another is called _____. (M)


The authors consider _____ _____ to be the single most important reformer of policing in the early 20th century. (B)

August Vollmer

A concern is brought forward to a political representative who then sponsors a _____, which is the first step in the making of a law.


Coercive statements made while in custody that were not used against the suspect do not violate the 5th amendment was the Supreme Court's ruling in the... (M)

Chavez v. Martinez

Over half of the nation's fifty largest cities have _____ _____ _____ _____ to proved external control. (B)

Civilian police review boards

The style of policing used in the Peter Jennings report on the LAPD is... (M)

Community Policing Style

List 4 international crimes.

1. Aggression 2. Crimes against humanity 3. War crimes 4. Slavery

List two important facts about August Vollmer. (B)

1. Created police schools for training 2. Created a crime lab

List the two types of release from a correctional system.

1. Expiration of Sentence 2. Parole

List two variables identified by the Cambridge Study of Delinquent Development for the general tendency to engage in crime. (B)

1. Head injuries 2. Broken home before age 10

List the four levels of criminal intent. (B)

1. Intentionally/ Purposely 2. Knowingly 3. Recklessly 4. Negligence

List two major goals of the criminal justice system.

1. Prevention of crime 2. Justice

The Federal Bureau of Investigation began as the "Bureau of Investigation" in _____ with only 35 agents. (M)


J. Edgar Hoover was director of the FBI when he died in 1972. What year was he appointed Direct of this organization? (M)


Genocide was defined in ______.


Chief of Justice Earl Warren served on the U.S Supreme Court from... (M)

1953 to 1969

A group of private citizens who take the law intro their own hands by tracking down criminals and punishing them is called ___________. (M)

A vigilante group

Each era has its own law enforcement conversion and priority areas of the 1990's that have carried over the twenty-first century are... (B)

A. Drugs B. Domestic Violence C. Drunk driving

Elliot Ness was a famous agent of the _____. (M)


The F.B.I's top priority is... (M)


In both _____ and _____ food patrol contributed to increased feeling of neighborhood safety, and recent studies generally support this conclusion. (B)

Flint, Newark

Evidence obtained through illegally obtained evidence can be inadmissible in court because it is tainted by of illegality of the search, arrest or concession is called. (M)

Fruit of the poisonous tree

In _____ v. _____ the Supreme Court ruled that the 1st amendment rights are fundamental personal rights and liberties guaranteed by the _____ _____ _____ of the 14th amendment. (B)

Gitlow, NY, due process clause

Which of theses is not a principle of legality? (M)

Habeas Corpus

What was the finial outcome of the Ted Bundy case? (M)

He was executed by Florida in 1989

A Jury trial may be more preferable to a defendant if the case involves....

Hearsay and circumstantial issues

When an officer is closely pursuing a dangerous suspect on foot or in a vehicle he may enter a home to search and seize the person without a warrant under the principle of _____ _____. (B)

Hot pursuit

Which of the following is not part of the "wheel of terrorism"? (M)

Illicit arms trafficking money laundering illicit drug trafficking computer crime These ARE all part of the "wheel of terrorism"

If you failed to pay your taxes, you would be investigated by the _____. (M)

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

_____ _____ are creams legally defined by international conventions and treaties.

International Crimes

Which of the following below are not defenses to a charge of criminal conduct. (M)

Intoxication or confession

Which of the following is not one of Wilson's three styles of policing? (M)

Investigative style

Explain why the Department of Homeland Security was created. (B)

It was created in the response to the 9-11 terrorist attack. The responsibility is to protect the United States from attacks like 9-11 from happening again.

Name in guy with the gun to his head: _____ _____, he committed the crime of _____ _____ of _____ _____. (B)

John Hinckley, attempt assassination, Ronald Reagan

The Supreme Court in _____ v. _____determined that the use of thermal imaging device to locate marijuana growing indoors was a unreasonable and unconstitutional. (M)

Kyllo v. Untied States

The landmark case decided by the Supreme Court where they held that all evidence obtained by searches and seizures in violation of the Constitution is by the same authority inadmissible in state court in the case of: (M)

Mapp v. Ohio

Who are the male twins? (M)

Mark and Scott Blankenberg M.D.

Which is not one of the top four causes of line of duty death in 2007 for police. (M)


According to the 14th Amendment, a fundamental mandate that a person should not be deprived life, liberty, or property without reasonable and lawful procedures is called _____. (M)

Due process of law.

_____ _____ must be given whenever a suspect is arrested or deprived of freedom in a significant way. (B)

Miranda warnings

The case that gave the state suspect the "right to remain silent" is _____ v. _____.

Miranda, Arizona

The term white-collar crime was coined by _____ ______.(M)

Edwin Sutherland

There are two types of defenses, _____ and _____. (B)

Excuses, justifications

The 1897 case of Bram v United States dealt with the issue of _____ of a ______. (B)

Extortion, Confession

"But for Bill's act, Harry would not have been injured in the way he was" is a description for.... (M)

Factual Causation

A person who helps another person commit a crime is an accompanist. (T)


A seizure only applies of a person. (T)


A sting operation is an unlawful technique that uses entrapment by the police. (T)


According to the U.S. Supreme Court there is no diminished expectation of privacy in automobiles. (T)


Acts that are inherently evil are called male prohibita. (T)


Common Law was developed in the United States. (T)


Detective Bill Hanson came to class to discuss the crime of rape. (T)


It is unconstitutional and a violation of the 14th amendment to search a person without a warrant after the person has been arrested. (T)


Psychology is a condition in which a person is sincere but just can't tell the truth. (T)


Reasonable suspicion is the same as probable cause. (T)


The Bill of Rights was passed in 1789. (T)


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that is makes a difference how a person's presence at trail is secured, criminal suspects could not be kidnapped! (T)


The Wickersham Commission found that the police that there was very little police corruption and almost no police misuse of violence. (T)


The blue curtain is the screen that is used in police press conferences. (T)


The killing of one person by another is always a murder.(T)


The use of deadly force by police officers has bot been a major issue in police-minority relations. (T)


Torturing a suspect to gain information is also referred to as the fifth. (T)


Transnational crime is a legal concept


Within 15 days of the 9-11 attacks, Congress passed the USA Minute Man Act. (T)


Which of the following is a new terrorist crime based on the Federal Penal Code? (M)

Financial Transactions Use of certain weapons of mass destruction Acts of terrorism that transcend national boundaries

What was seized by the Virginia police in the Virginia v. Moore case? (M)

None of the above

The case of U.S v. Montoya de Hernadez dealt with the issue of _____. (M)

None of the above.

The initials M.A.D.D. stad for. (M)

Mothers against Drunk Driving

The cause or reason that may induce a person to form the intent to commit a crime is not the same as intent. Rather the causes explain why the person acted to violate the law. For example, knowledge that one will receive insurance funds upon the death of another person may be reason for murder. Sudden financial difficulty may be reason for embezzlement or commit the crime to burglary. Of what do we speak? (M)


Based on the Foreign Terrorist Organization list designated by the U.S. Department of State, the P.L.F. represents the _____ _____ _____. (B)

Palestinian Liberation Front (Diplomatic Representation Front)

The two basic comments of Community Policing involve, _____ and _____. (M)

Partnership and problem solving

The Violent Crime COntrol and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 was signed into law by... (M)

President Bill Clinton

John Hinckley shot _____. (M)

President Ronald Reagan

A set of facts that would lead a seasonal person to believe an accused person committed an offense (crime) and there is evidence to support that belief is called. (M)

Probable cause

Define exclusionary rule (B)

Rule prohibiting use of all illegally obtained evidence in a court of law.

_____ is one of the safest places for young people, safer than the streets or even their homes. (B)


Define arrest. (B)

Seizing an individual by legal authority and then taken into custody.

Which is not a traditional role police see themselves as. (M)

Speaking to neighborhood groups

_____ is the principle that the court should adhere to decided cases. (M)

Stare decisis

Define selective incorporation. A practice by the....(B)

Supreme court of incorporation of the bill of rights selectively by identifying federal rights that are implicit in the concepts of order liberty and applying them to states throughout the 14th amendment due process clause.

The case of _____ v. _____ is the Supreme Court case governing police action to take a life. (M)

Tennessee v. Garner

What is the land make Supreme Court case involving stop and frisk? (B)

Terry v. Ohio

Who, for the most park, makes criminal law? (M)

The legislature

John A. Muhammad and Lee Malvo _____. (M)

Were the Washington D.C. snipers

A condition in which a person has no sense of responsibility; shows disregard for the truth, in insincere and feels no sense of shame, guilt or humiliation is called psychopathy. (T)


According of Chief O.W. Wilson crime control was the primary job of police. (T)


According to the text, the Taliban helped financed their terrorist activities from the vast opium production of Afghanistan. (T)


After the Littleton, Colorado incident, school boards across the country banned trench coats and other oversized garments, apparently to prevent students from hiding weapons on their bodies or in their clothes. (T)


An alternative sanction is a punishment other than imprisonment or probation.


An approach to policing that is characterized by the lowering of tolerance to crime and deviance and the use of punitive measures to achieve this goal is called zero tolerance. (T)


Citizens determine the types of activities in which police become involved. (T)


Competency to stand trail hinges on a defendant's current mental state at the time of the trail. (T)


Crimes against humanity involve the commission of a war crime.


Evidence that community policing reduces crime is mixed. (T)


In community policing positive results also include alternatives to arrest to address the underlying cause of crime. (T)


Many suspects caught red-handed by an officer will immediately offer some exude based on mistake of fact. (T)


More schools employ the use of uninformed police officers to stem the violence. (T)


No warrant is needed to conduct a search when the fruits or instrumentalities of a crime are in plain view. (T)


Probable cause is the minimum evidence requirement for an arrest


Sergeant Jennifer Turner came to class to discuss women in policing. (T)


The General Theory of Crime suggests that crime is a function of poor self-control. (T)


The Hell's Angles Motorcycle Gang appeared shortly after WW2. (T)


The London Metropolitan Police Force was established by Sit Robert Peel. (T)


The Operation Bureau is division within a place department responsible for the primary mission of the agent, which is usually patrol. (T)


The exclusionary rule resulted from the case Mapp v. Ohio


The raw materials of the criminal justice process are the criminal suspects.


There must be a criminal law before someone can be charged with violating it. (T)


Up to 60% of state correctional populations sudden from psychopathy. (T)


Dan White used the _____ _____ stating he killed the Mayor of San Francisco because he had too much sugar in his blood. (B)


In the old west, in federal territories, _____ were the principal law enforcement officers. (M)

United States Marshals

A written order from a court directing the police to effect an arrest is called an (M)

arrest warrant

All but the smallest law enforcement agencies in the U.S. are bureaucracies marked by with a clearly delineated _____ _____ _____. (B)

chain of command

Alexander Pichushkin was known as the _____ killer. (B)


A strategy that relies on public confidence and citizen cooperation to help prevent crime and make the residents of a community feel more secure is called _____ _____. (B)

community policing

The ultimate seizure of a person is called _____ _____. (B)

deadly force.

Alber Cohen argued that _____. (M)

delinquent gangs emerge in economically deprived areas of larger American cities.

A _____ is patting down a suspect's clothing to search for concealed weapons and based on reasonable suspicion. (B)


A _____ fingerprint is more commonly known as a DNA fingerprint. (B)


Not everything immoral is _____, and not everything illegal is ______. (B)

illegal, immoral

A defendant who pleads guilty admits all the facts alleged in the accusation, whether it is an ______ or an ______, and all the legal implications of those facts.

indictment, information

The _____ _____ element was added to the M'Naghten test. (B)

irresistible impulse

Strict adherence to law enforcement protects police from suspicion of corruption is known as the _____ _____ of policing. (B)

legalistic style

Parens Patriae was a concept developed by the Romans meant that the monarch could exercise parental power in _____ _____ over troubled or endangered children.

loco parentis

A crime punishable by less than a year in a jail and/or a fine is called a _____. (M)


The means and methods by which a crime is committed is called _____.

modus operandi

The leading cause of death among young African-American men is _____. (B)


Improper force is employed in approximately _____% of all encounters involving force.

none of the above

The use of excessive physical force against another person (usually a suspect) by law enforcement officer is called ______ ______. (B)

police brutality

From the beginning, American police forces had problems, many of which can be traced to one source: _____ _____. (B)

political control

A _____ _____ case is one that meets evidentiary requirements for a grand jury indictment.

prima facie

The basic level of proof as mandated by the 14th amendment for law enforcement officer to make an arrest is called _____ _____. (B)

probable cause

A strategy that seeks to identify the underlying problems within a community so that the community and police can work together to solve them is called _____-_____ _____. (B)

problem oriented policing

The Mann Act _____. (M)

prohibited the interstate transportation of women for prositution

In the case of Ontario (Cali) v Quon The Supreme Court ruled the City of Ontario did not violate its employees' 14th amendment rights because the search of Mr. Quon's text messages was ______. (B)


A _____ is exercising control by a government official over a person or thing.


Poor _____ _____ can lead to criminal acts. (B)


Noted sociologists Rober Merton is best associated with _____ ______. (M)

strain theory

The perpetrator is... (B)

the principle

Serial Killers often are involved in sadistic activity such as.... (M)

torturing small animals.

A _____ treaty is an agreement between two sovereign states, bending them to abide by common standards and to enforce them.


The _____ style of policing concentrates on the order maintenance of function of law enforcement. (B)


The best predictor of crime in adulthood is _____. (M)

weak social controls as a child.

List two of the conditional rights available to juveniles as a result of the "In re Gault" Supreme Court decision.

(same rights as adults) 1. Rights to a counsel 2. Rights against self-incrimination

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