Eleanor Roosevelt was especially notable as an advocate for a. women. b. the environment. c. minorities. d. cities. e. the poor and deprived.
women, minorities, the poor and deprived
Franklin Roosevelt's reelection in 1936 was ensured by his strong support from a. blacks. b. the Liberty League. c. labor unions. d. the business community. e. Catholics.
blacks, labor unions, Catholics
The National Recovery Act a. formally guaranteed labor's right to organize and bargain collectively. b. outlawed yellow dog contracts. c. was declared unconstitutional in the Schechter case. d. was immensely popular throughout the 1930s. e. provided for maximum hours and minimum wages.
formally guaranteed labor's right to organize and bargain collectively, outlawed yellow dog contracts, was declared unconstitutional in the Schechter case, provided for maximum hours and minimum wages
Franklin Roosevelt's qualities as a leader included a. pugnaciousness and eagerness to take on controversy. b. poor public speaking ability. c. optimism. d. personal charm and persuasiveness. e. willingness to experiment.
optimism, personal charm and persuasiveness, willingness to experiment
Before he was elected president in 1932, Franklin Roosevelt had already a. served as governor of New York. b. run for vice president of the United States. c. been assistant secretary of the navy. d. been the American ambassador to Britain. e. been a United States senator.
served as governor of New York, run for vice president of the United States, been assistant secretary of the navy