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How many workers died during the BP accident?


When was SOcal founded?


When did Standard Oil antitrust break up?


The US has approximately how many miles of oil pipelines within its borders?

200,000 miles

What pipeline, with a maximum discharge of 1 million bpd, connects Baku, Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea with Ceyphan, Turkey"

B-T-C Pipeline

Who has drilled the deepest oil well to date?

BP, 35055 ft offshore GOM

Installed at a depth of 8200 feet, name this FPSO that is the first of its kind in the Gulf of Mexico"

BW Pioneer

What company merged to create Baker Hughes?

Baker International and Hughes Tool Company

What is the largest field in Venezuela?

Bolivar Coastal Field on Lake Maracaibo discovered 1917

Which oil field did Japan capture apart from Hawaii?


In an effort to integrate, Anglo-Persian purchased one of the largest pipeline networks in the United Kingdom. What was the name of the company that owned the pipeline?

British Petroleum

What was the original name of Nymex?

Butter and Cheese Exchange

"The eastern offshore portion of the Wilmington field in Long Beach, CA consists of 4 man made islands. Which companies were the original contractors of THUMS Long Beach Company?"

"Texaco, Humble, Union, Mobil, Shell"

The Mandatory Oil Import Program put into effect on March 10, 1959, restricted oil imports to the United States to what percentage of consumption?


Before the beginning of WWII, what percentage of Germany's total energy imports did the United States account for?


To within 5%, what percentage of oil used by the Allies in WWII was produced by the United States?


What is the current rotary rig count in the US and Canada?

1,757 and 655

In an impressively fast turnaround after 8 months of civil war, this African nations oil production had recovered by over 50% within months of the fall of Kadafi in Libya. How much oil did Libya produce before the war?"

1.6 million bpd

What are worldwide proven oil reserves according to the 2013 US EIA?

1.638 trillion bbl

List current total world oil reserves

1.652 trillion barrels

Linking the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, the Suez Canal is an important feature of global shipping lanes, within half a million bpd, how much crude oil and refined products go through the Suez?

1.8 million bpd

Give 2011 Saudi Arabian oil production and percent of world production this represents.

10.4 million bbl/day and 12%

The barroso well owned by Shell in the Lake Maracaibo Basin started the Venezuelan boom, what was its initial production rate and what was the name of the field?

100,000 bbls/day and La Rosa Field

When, where and for what price did John Rockefeller buy his first refinery?

1865, Cleveland, Ohio. Rockefeller won in private auction one of the city's biggest oil refineries for $72,500 against Maurice Clark

When was the Suez Canal finished?


When and where was the first start of California oil boom?

1870s - oil boom in Ventura County and in San Fernando Valley, North of Los Angeles

When was the first well drilled in Baku?


When was the Pacific Coast Oil Company founded?


When did the Russian oil production reach 4/5 of the US production and how much was it?

1886, 23 million bbl/day

When was Royal Dutch created? Who created it?

1890 - Royal Dutch company was established by Aeilko Jans Zijlker

When did the first gusher start in Borneo and what was it called?

1898, called Black Spot, oil was unsuitable for kerosene, but good for fuel oil

When and where was Rotary Drilling technique first pioneered and used?

1900—Corsicana, TX used in Spindletop

When was the European Petroleum Union formed?


When and how was Royal Dutch Shell Group formed, its primary shareholders?

1907 - Royal Dutch/Shell Group (RDSG) was created by purchase of Royal Dutch 25% shares of Shell. Royal Dutch and Shell became holding companies, with the former holding 60% of the stock in the operating subsidiaries and the latter 40%

When and by whom Gulf Oil was founded?

1907 by Mellons

When did Standard oil break up? Name the companies it formed.

1911 Standard Oil of New Jersey - Exxon Standard Oil of New York - Mobil Standard Oil of California - Chevron Standard Oil of Ohio -Sohio Standard Oil of Indiana - Amoco Continental Oil - Conoco Atlantic

What year did Schlumberger first open for business?


What year was the first offshore oil platform built?


When Did Japan run out of oil completely?


What year did Halliburton go public?


What year did Saudi and Aramco come to a 50/50 Deal?


What year was Petrobras formed?


What year did the oil lift take place?


Name the year the petroleum branch of AIME became a full-fledged professional society that would become SPE. (the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers.)


What year was Britain's clean air act passed?


What year was SPE formed?


In what year was the first issue of SPE Journal published?


In what year was the first offshore Technology Conference held?


Chevron and Gulf Oil Merged when?


What year was Backer Hughes Company founded?


How much recoverable oil does the USGS estimate is in the Bakken Formation?

3.65 billion barrels

How many barrels of oil did Japan accidentally destroy during the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

4.5 million bbl

According to BPs CEO, initially what was the flowing rate?

5,000 bbl/day

Approximately what was the water depth of the MC252 wellhead?

5000 ft

The US Strategic Petroleum Reserve is the largest emergency oil supply in the world with the capacity to hold up to how many million barrels of oil?

727 million

What is the length and diameter of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System?

800 miles and 24 inch diameter

Name up to 4 offshore basins in Brazil

"Campos, Santos, Espirito-Santo, Camamu-Almada

What company is the largest foreign producer of oil in Algeria?


You may know Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan as the head of the Supreme Petroleum Council and the head of this major national oil company.

ADNOC, Abu Dhabi NOC

Who replaced Tariki as the Saudi Oil minister?

Ahmed Zaki Yamani

This oil field in Iran's Khuzestan region is thought to produce over 300,000 bpd


Who is the current Saudi oil minister?

Ali al-Naimi

What companies are the two other partners with BP in the accident's block?

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and MOEX Offshore 2007

What are the shares of BPs partners in the Macondo project?

Anadarko: 25% and MOEX: 10%

In September 1954, an agreement was signed between a new consortium of nine Western companies and the National Iranian Oil Company. Name these nine companies.

Anglo-Iranian, Jersey, Socony, Texaco, Standard Oil of California, Gulf, Shell, CFP, and Iricon

Give the name of the reorganized name of the British Concession.

Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC)

Name the Persian diplomat who made important connections to develop Persian oil industry.

Antonie Kitabg

Name 5 shale gas plays in the United States.

Antrim, Barnett, Caney, Conesauga, Fayetteville, Floyd, Gothic, Haynesville, New Albany, Pearsall, Chattanooga and Ohio,

What was the date of the BP blowout?

April 22, 2010

What is the name of the most productive carbonate formation (not field) in Saudi Arabia?

Arab D Zone 2-B

What event was most responsible for the increased in oil prices in 1974?

Arab Oil Embargo

Following the Italian's agreement with the National Iranian Oil Company in which Iran received 75% of the profits, which two other companies made agreements with Middle Eastern countries that did not follow the standard 50/50 principle.

Arabian Oil Company & Standard of Indiana

Deepest oil well and where

Around 40,604 ft in Sakhalin Russia (Exxon)

Name the company, created by Rothschilds at the beginning of 20th century.

Asiatic Petroleum Company

This former CEO for a well-known Oklahoma-based gas producer was recently voted by shareholders to no longer return to his position and retire.

Aubrey McClendon

Who is the CEO of Chesapeake Energy?

Aubrey McClendon

Under what price are reserves booked under the new rules/


What grade of oil did the United States ban from exports to Japan with the "National Defense Act?"

Aviation Fuel (87+)

In 1947, Los Angelese was hooked up by large-diameter pipe to the gas fields of New Mexico and West Texas. What was the name of this pipeline, and who was its owner?

Biggest Inch; El Paso Natural gas

H.C. Jansen desired to create a great oil center in the south pacific. What country did he want to place it?


Name up to 4 offshore basins in Brazil

Campos, Santos, Espirito Santo, Camamu-Almada

The US imports about 9 billion barrels of crude oil a year. Which country is leading supplier to the US


This country has proven oil reserves of 173.1 billion barrels, which is the 3rd largest according to US Energy Information Association (2013)"


What country is the number one source of U.S. oil imports, providing around 25% of US oil imports.


With proven oil reserves of 175 billion bbl, this country is known for it's production of heavy hydrocarbons


What recent Brazilian discovery could be the third largest oilfield in the world?

Carioca/Sugarloaf field

Which company leased a million acres in Poland?


Chevron markets fuel under several brand names. What are these?

Chevron, Standard Oil, Texaco, Caltex, Gulf Oil, Unocal

Which 4 major U.S. companies have leased land in Poland in the new shale gas play there?

ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, and Marathon Oil

This is a Pulitzer Prize winning American author who is the chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates.

Daniel Yergin

Who was the first woman SPE president?

DeAnn Craig, 1998

Who was the first female president of SPE?

Deann Craig (1998)

What is the name of the rig that blew out and subsequently sunk in the ocean during the BP blowout?

Deepwater horizon

What was the name of the rig used to drill the relief well after the BP incident?

Development Driller III

When was Ecopetrol established, what does it stand for, and what country is it based in?"

Empresa Colombiana de Petoleos, Columbia

When did the Iranian government pass a resolution to nationalize their oil industry?

March 1951

In what year was Exxon-Valdez spill?

March 24, 1989

On what date did the work of the first relief well commence after the BP accident?

May 2, 2010

Johanas Kuan was a Dutch scientist who discovered this phenomenon related to condensate reservoirs

Retrograde Condensates

Soft sediment deformation is most typical in which facies of deltaic deposits?

delta front facies

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