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A culture's values and beliefs are often manifested as symbols, which can be visible or invisible. Parts of our schemas for particular concepts also serve as symbols. Symbols can be words, objects, ad stories that are meaningful to our culture.


A good wingman is alert, gets involved, and takes action because they believe getting help is a sign of strength, not weakness


A situation describes the relative circumstances, position, or context that surrounds the leader and followers.


Prevent substance use - abuse disorder by educating (and mentoring) Airmen on the negative consequences and dangers of excessive alcohol use, on the zero tolerance policy for drug abuse and role modeling responsible use of alcohol.


Prevention is one way leaders can ensure Airmen adhere to set standards. Some ways are: Educate, De-glamorization, Lead By Example, and Impact of Prevention.

Auditory Learners

Primarily use hearing to process information. Prefers to hear information; has difficulty following written directions; has difficulty with reading and writing; may not look speakers in the eye, instead may turn eyes away in order to focus on listening. Use audio files or CDs; summarize or paraphrase written material; group discussions.

The Four Temperaments

The four different temperaments styles are categorized using an easy-to-remember color code of Gold, Green, Blue, and Orange.


Protocol is a code of etiquette or rules for our behavior.


US AF in Europe headquarters is located in Ramstein AB, Germany. They execute the USEUCOM mission with forward-based air power to provide forces for global operations, ensure strategic access, assure allies, deter aggression and build partnerships. They build and maintain partnerships, promotes regional stability, provides forces for global operations, supports combatant command missions, sustains forward-based infrastructure ensure strategic access to US forces, assure allies, and deter aggression.

Adult Learning Style Profile

Visual, Auditory, Tactile/Kinesthetic, or any combination of the three are instruments used to indicate the type of learner.


You begin this step by first attempting to make sense of what we are observing by categorizing (organizing) the data in a practical way that is useful to us; schemas.

Operational Stress

This occurs when there are changes in mental functioning or behavior during military operations other than war (e.g. humanitarian missions, rescue missions, natural disasters).


This person is responsible for appropriate interpretation of a message.

Secretary of Defense (SecDef)

This person is responsible to the president for creating, supporting, and employing military capabilities. The (SecDef) is the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to the DoD.

Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs (CJCS)

This person is the principal military advisor to the President, the NSC, and the SecDef. The other members of the JCS main function is to advise the CJCS with regards to their respective service.


This places the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power in a multidimensional combat space. Example is forward deployment of airpower assets.

DoD Nuclear Weapon System Safety Policy

This policy is developed jointly between the Offices of the SecDef, CJCS, the Defense Agencies, the Military Services, and in cooperation with DOE, who all share the common goal of providing maximum safety consistent with operational requirements.

Unity of Command

This principle ensures concentration of effort for every objective under one responsible commander. This emphasizes that all efforts should be directed and coordinated toward a common objective.


Two forms of complaint: formal and informal. These are an allegation of unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex.

Four types of Workplace Violence

Type 1 is violent acts by criminals, who have no other connection with the workplace, but enter to commit robbery or another crime. Type 2 is violence directed at employees by customers, clients, patients, students, inmates, or any others for whom an organization provides services. Type 3 is violence against coworkers, supervisors, or managers by a present or former employee. Type 4 is violence committed in the workplace by someone who doesn't work there, but has a personal relationship with an employee (abusive spouse or domestic partner).

Passive Leadership

Types of passive leadership are Laissez-Fair (the "non-leadership") and MBE-P (Management by Exception-Passive). Followers tend to not trust those who do not take a more active leadership approach and will demonstrate little commitment and motivation to this person and the organization. Passive leadership behavior produces passive subordinate compliance.

Management by Exception-Passive (MBE-P)

"If it isn't broke, don't fix it" Leadership approach, considered slightly effective. This type of leader: elects to sit back and wait for things to go wrong before taking action; intervenes only if standards are not being met based on in-place control measures; and will hold subordinates accountable if they fail to meet standards.

0-0-1-3 Rule

0- relates to the goal of no underage drinking. 0- means no DUIs are allowed. 1- regers to the standard of having NO MORE THAN one drink per hour. 3- sets the cap of maximum drinks per evening. This formula aims to reduce alcohol use issued in the AF, to include sexual assaults, loss of duty time, mission degradation, and alcohol-related fatalities.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

1 July 1968, the NPT provides the definition of a Nuclear Weapon State (NWS), provides security for Non-Nuclear Weapon States (NNWS), and offers incentives to sign. The main objective is nuclear non-proliferation, which means to limit the spread of nuclear weapons. Four sovereign state did not sign this treaty: India, Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea (they are classified as NNWS).

Example Questions Focused on Intellectual Standards

1) Clarity is a gateway standard, if unclear you cannot determine whether it is accurate or relevant; could you elaborate further, give me an example, can you illustrate? 2) Accuracy means checking to see if something is accurate or true; how could you check on that, how could you find out if that is true, how could you verify or test that? 3) Precision means asking for more details or specifics; could you be more specific, give more details, could you be more exact? 4) Relevance is the quality of being directly connected with and important to something else; how does that relate to the problem, how does it help us with the issue? 5) Depth encompasses finding out how your answer addresses the complexities in the question; what are the factors, what are some of the complexities, what are the difficulties you need to deal with? 6) Breadth is having an open and tolerant view of things, other viewpoints, etc.; another point of view, view at another perspective, look in another way? 7) Logic is when the combination of thoughts is mutually supporting and making sense; does it make sense, does what you say follow from the evidence? 8) Significance is the quality of having importance or being regarded as having great meaning; is this important to consider, what's the focus, which facts are most important? 9) Fairness implies the treating of all relevant viewpoints alike without reference to one's own feeling or interest; do I have a vested interest in this issue, am I sympathetically representing the viewpoints of others.

Suicide Prevention

A community-based approach that includes family, friends, and many different professional and social service providers that are committed to reducing suicide by creating a safety net that provides protection.

9 August 1945

A B-29 (Bockscar) dropped the second atomic bomb (Fat Man) on Nagasaki Japan.


A judgment against or an opinion contrary to anything without just grounds or sufficient knowledge.


A primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations.


A region of nuclear and political concern. Tehran's determination to continue its efforts to enrich uranium facilities, despite UN and international reaction, has caused consternation in the immediate area and beyond. They fail to live up to its international responsibilities, continue to support terrorism, undermine peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and deny its people their universal right.


A relationship that is created from a formal agreement such as a treaty between two or more nations for broad, long-term objectives that further the common interests of the members.


A violent physical or verbal attack, an unlawful threat, or attempt to do violence or harm to somebody else.


AF Materiel Command headquarters is in Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. This command delivers war-winning technology, acquisition support, sustainment, and expeditionary capabilities to the warfighter. They conduct research, development, and test and evaluation, and provides acquisition management services and logistics support necessary to keep AF weapons systems ready for war.


AF Reserve Command headquarters is in Robins AFB, Georgia. They provide personnel to augment the active duty community to carry out the warfighting mission with approximately 14% of the total force while spanning a wide variety of missions such as: space, flight testing, special operations, aerial port operations, civil engineering, security forces, intelligence, military training, communications, mobility support, transportation, and services. They conduct two missions no one else does in the DoD: fixed-wing aerial spray missions to ill mosquitoes in the aftermath of natural disasters and the Hurricane Hunters who monitor hurricanes for the National Weather Service.


AF Space Command headquarters is in Peterson AFB, Colorado. They are responsible for organizing, training, and equipping mission-ready space and cyberspace forces and capabilities for North American Aerospace Defense Command, US Strategic Command, and other combatant commands world-wide. They oversee the AF network operations to provide capabilities, through, and from cyberspace, manages a global network of satellites, and is responsible for space system development and acquisition.


AF Special Operations Command headquarters is in Hurlburt Field Florida. They are responsible to US Special Operations Command for the readiness of AF special operations forces to conduct the war on terrorism and to disrupt, defeat, and destroy terrorist networks that threaten the US, its citizens, and interests worldwide.

2 Categories for Air Force Cross-Cultural Competence (3C) Model

AF breaks the 3C into two categories: Culture General and Culture Specific. There are three interrelated enabling factors: knowledge, motivation (positive attitude), and learning approaches.

Nuclear Weapons-Related Material (NWRM)

AF defines this as "Select nuclear combat delivery system components and use control equipment that are designed sensitive, or needed to authorize, pre-arm, arm, launch, release or target a nuclear weapon, or needed to maintain and protect system integrity."


AF has two programs that deal with unlawful discrimination: Equal Opportunity and Treatment (EOT) program for military members, and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program for civilians. All personnel, military and civilian, will be treated equally, regardless of their race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The main difference is the additional restriction in the latter regarding discrimination against civilians because of age, physical, or mental disability.

Nuclear Calamity

AF incidents involving the unauthorized movement of nuclear weapons in 2007 and the misshipment of sensitive missile components in 2008.

AF Core Functions

AF previously categorized six distinctive capabilities and seventeen operation functions into twelve core functions. These core functions express the ways in which the AF contributes to national security. The functions are: Nuclear Deterrence Operations; Air Superiority, Space Superiority, Cyberspace Superiority, Command and Control, Global Integrated ISR, Global Precision Attack, Special Operations, Rapid Global Mobility, Personnel Recovery, Agile Combat Support, and Building Partnership.

FRLD (Full Range Leadership Development)

AF uses sociocultural concepts like training and mentoring to develop leaders for today and tomorrow' air and space force

Emotional Health

AFI 36-218, requires that each NCO, "Be mentally ready to accomplish the mission." NCOs must constantly watch for and tend to issues that disrupt not only their emotional state, but also the emotional wellness of their peers, subordinates, and supervisors.

Custom and Courtesies

AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, charges us to posses a thorough understanding of AF customs, courtesies, drill, ceremonies, and AF protocol procedures. Customs include the things you should or should not do; and this will develop over time.

Intellectual Humility

Adhering tentatively to recently acquired opinions; being prepared to examine new evidence and arguments even if such examination leads one to discover flaws in one's own cherished beliefs; to stop thinking that complex issues can be reduced to matter of "right & wrong" or "black & white", and to begin thinking in terms of "degrees of certainty" or "shades of grey."


Air Combat Command headquarters is located in Langley AFB, Virginia. This command organizes, trains, equips, and deploys combat ready forces to support combatant commanders around the globe. They provide the air component headquarters to USNORTHCOM, USSOUTHCOM, and USCENTCOM and supports the in-place air components of USEEUCOM and USPACOM.


Air Education and Training Command develops America's Airmen for tomorrow; headquarters is in Randolph AFB, Texas. This command also conducts joint, readiness and AF security assistance training. They sustain the combat capability of the operational AF by providing highly trained and motivated Airmen and manages mobility and contingency tasking support for combatant commanders.


Air Force Global Strike Command is located in Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. This is the newest command; activated 7 AUG 2009. This command develops and provides combat-ready forces for nuclear deterrence and global strike operations-safe, secure, effective-to support the President of the US and combatant commanders. They are responsible for organizing, training, and equipping the AF's three intercontinental ballistic missile wings, two B-52 Strat fortress wings and the only B-2 Spirit wing.


Air Mobility Command headquarters is in Scott AFB, Illinois. They provide airlift and aerial refueling for all of America's armed forces. They also provide aeromedical evacuation and Global Reach Laydon (GRL). Strategy is use resources from various organizations and brings them together to form those deployed organizations required to achieve the specific objectives of any particular mobility operation. They play a crucial role in providing humanitarian support at home and around the world.

3 Skills To Successful Cross-Cultural Interactions

Airmen operationalize their knowledge, tools, and motivation in order to positively influence culturally complex situations. Three specific skills are Communicate (to avoid misunderstanding), Negotiate (to overcome differences and resolve conflicts), and Relate (with individuals form other cultures to work effectively.


Alcohol and other mind or mood-altering drugs, including illicit, drugs, prescribed medications, and over-the-counter medications.

Formal Complaint.

Allegation of unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment that is submitted in writing on AF Form 1587-1 to the authority designated for receipt of such complaints.

Informal Complaint

Allegation of unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment, made either orally or in writing on an AF Form 1587-1, that is not submitted as a formal complaint.

Culture Specific

An approach that emphasizes specific aspects of particular cultures, affording individuals much of the knowledge and/or skills necessary to interact more competently with individuals of other cultural backgrounds.

Individual Approaches

An individual can take personal responsibility for reducing his or her stress level. Examples are implementing time management techniques, increasing physical exercise, relation training, and expanding the social support network.

Feeling Keyed Up (Hyperarousal)

An individual may be jittery, or always alert and on the lookout for danger.

Feeling Numb

An individual may find it hard to express feelings; avoid memories.

Reliving the Event (Re-experiencing Symptoms)

An individual may have bad memories of the event at any time; feeling the same horror or fear felt when the event first occurred.

Avoiding Situations That Remind You of the Event

An individual may try to avoid situations or people that trigger memories of the traumatic event.

Activity Statements

Another type of genitive objective. "Read and become familiar with all aspects of the ALDLC." Participation is required.


Any attitude or action of a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group because of race.


Any controlled substance included in schedules I, II, III, IV, and V in Title 21, United States Code, Section 812, including anabolic or androgenic steroids, or any intoxicating substance, other than alcohol, that is inhaled, injected, consumed, or introduced into the body in any manner to alter mood or function.

Drug Paraphernalia

Any equipment, product, or material that is used, intended to be used, or designed to be used in planning, propagating, cultivating, manufacturing, growing, harvesting, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing or introducing a controlled substance into a human body by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or otherwise.

Alcohol Abuse

Any substandard behavior or performance in which the consumption of alcohol is a primary contributing factor.

6 August 1945

Army Air Corps delivered the first atomic bomb (Little Boy) using a B-29 bomber named the Enola Gay on Hiroshima, Japan.

Core Values of Sister Services

Army: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage. Navy/Marines: Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Coast Guard: Honor, Respect, Devotion to Duty.


As an attitude - the conviction that the beliefs and practices of others are best understood in light of the particular cultures where they are found. As a behavior - temporarily suspending one's own culturally informed opinion and thinking about how others might interpret or value a situation.


Ask - have the courage to ask the question. Care - calmly control the situation: do not use force, remove all means of self-injury. Escort - never leave your friend alone. ONLY COMMANDER CAN DIRECT A MILITARY MEMBER TO MENTAL HEALTH.


Attitudes and beliefs that one sex is superior to another.

Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory

B.F. Skinner believed that one's internal thoughts and motivations could not be validated to explain their behavior. Only external observable influences lead to one's behavior. His theory considers a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Skinner coined the term operant that refers to any "active behavior that operates upon the environment to generate consequences.

Basic Human Limitations

Basic Human Limitations Include: First, Confirmation Bias and Selective Thinking - this is the process where one tends to notice and look for what confirms one's beliefs, and to ignore, not look for, or undervalue what contradicts one's beliefs. Second, False Memories and Confabulation - this is being unaware that your memories are often "manufactured" to fill in the gaps in our recollection, or that some memories of facts, over time, can be unconsciously replaced with fantasy. Third, Personal Biases and Prejudices - these result from our own unique life experiences and worldview, which makes it difficult to remain objective and think critically. Fourth, Physical and Emotional Hindrances - these include stress, fatigue, drugs, and related hindrances. Fifth Testimonial Evidences - are inherently subjective, inaccurate, unreliable, biased, and occasionally fraudelent

Behavioral Symptoms

Behaviorally related stress symptoms include changes in productivity, absence, turnover, as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking, or consumption of alcohol, rapid speech, fidgeting, and sleep disorders.

The OODA Loop

By OBSERVING other cultures, ORIENTING yourself to cultures, DECIDING on appropriate courses of action, and the ACTING accordingly, you can improve your cultural knowledge.

Aggravated Assault

Causing serious physical injury to another; using deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; committing an assault by any means of force that causes temporary but substantial disfigurement, temporary but substantial loss or impairment of any body organ or part or a fracture of any body part; committing an assault while the victim is bound or otherwise physically restrained or while the victim's capacity to resist is substantially impaired.

Ceremonies (AFMAN 36-2203)

Ceremonies demonstrate the proficiency and training state of troops. The precision marching, promptness in responding to command, and teamwork developed on the drill field determine the appearance and performance of the group in ceremonies. The purpose is to provide distinctive honors to national symbol or individuals on special occasions. To Display proficiency and the state of training of the troops of a command. To promote teamwork and pride in an AF organization. To contribute to the public morale by displaying symbolically the strength and unity of the military in support of the nation.

Ethical Traps

Confusion or uncertainly as to what actions or behaviors to take because of conflicting opinions/values. These traps include: ETHICAL RELATIVISM, LOYALTY SYNDROME, WORRY OVER IMAGE, and DRIVE FOR SUCCESS.

12 Principles of War

Certain "truths" of war have emerged as principles of war, they are those aspects of warfare that are universally true and relevant". These serve as guidelines for commanders as they form and select courses of action and concepts of operation. These principles are: Unity of Command; Offensive; Objective; Mass; Maneuver; Economy of Force; Security; Surprise; Simplicity. Additional Principles of Joint Operations are: Restraint; Perseverance; Legitimacy; Unity of Effort.

Suicide Risk Factors

Common risk factors for suicide: disciplinary or legal action, relationship problems, substance abuse, financial problems, work problems, transitions, medical problem, significant loss, setbacks, stress, sense of powerlessness, helplessness, and/or hopelessness.

Commander Referrals

Commander refer all members for an assessment when substance use could be contributing factor in an incident. Failure to make this referral places members in jeopardy for increased abuse problems and negative mission impact. Commanders will coordinate with the staff judge advocate within 24 hours of suspected misconduct and should ensure that the BAT are accomplished as soon after the incident as possible.

Terminal Cognitive Objective (Critical Thinking)

Comprehend critical thinking concepts and their impact on subordinate, NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness. Samples of behavior; explain critical thinking concepts, give examples, and predict the impact.

Study Plan

Concentrate on the samples of behavior. You must respond appropriately and thoroughly for all samples of behavior in the lesson. You must first understand individual concepts within each chapter. You must be able to explain how effective or ineffective application of these concepts impacts NCO, unit, and mission effectives. Simplistically, what is the positive impact and what is the negative impact.

AFI 44-109, Mental Health, Confidentiality, and Military Law

Confidential communication is defined as communication not intended to be disclosed to third persons other than those to whom disclosure is in furtherance of the rendition of professional services to the patient or those reasonably necessary for such transmission of communication.

National Security Act

Congress passed this in 1947, which among other things created the National Security Council (NSC). It describes the executive procedures and institutions necessary to manage the US security policy.

First Mission of the AF

Control of the vertical dimension is necessary precondition for control of the surface. First mission of AF is to defeat or neutralize the enemy air forces so friendly operations on land, sea, in the air and in space can proceed unhindered; same time, keep military forces and critical vulnerabilities safe from air attack.


Courtesies are marks of respect, etiquette, or courteous behavior shown to persons or symbols.

Eight Elements of Thought [Questions Critical Thinkers Asks]

Critical thinkers ask why and they are inquisitive. There are eight elements of thought: Purpose, Questions, Information, Inferences/Conclusions, Concepts, Assumptions, Implications/Consequences, and Points of Views.

Cross-Cultural Competence and The 3C Model

Cross-Cultural Competence (3C) is the "ability to quickly and accurately comprehend, and then effectively act in a culturally complex environment to achieve the desired effect without necessarily having prior exposure to a particular group, region, or language.

Culture: Behavior, Beliefs, and Values

Culture is a shared set of traditions, belief systems, and behaviors and is shaped by many factors, including history, religion, politics, and resources (financial, informational, technological, material, energy, warfare, and human). Therefore, the concepts of macro-culture and micro-culture help in understanding overlapping beliefs and values, and are useful in building our Cross Cultural Competencies or 3C Skills.


Customs are practices that are the result of the need for order and discipline and are established by frequent use over a long period.


Defined as one which has manufactured and exploded a nuclear weapon or other nuclear explosive device prior to 1 January 1967.

Critical Thinking

Defined as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication as a guide to belief and action. How one uses intelligence and knowledge to reach objective and rational viewpoints. This requires you to combine your rational logic, creativity, common sense, and intuition into structured expressions of clear solutions and ideas that are useful and relevant to the test.

Nuclear Weapons Security Standard

Deny unauthorized access to nuclear weapons; prevent damage or sabotage to nuclear weapons; prevent loss of custody; and prevent, to the maximum extent possible, radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts.

Stress Management Strategies

Different stress management strategies are: Individual Approach and Organization Approach. Organization standpoint is stress can be functional and lead to higher individual performance; individual's may see otherwise.

Four Types of Leadership Style of Situational Leadership Theory

Directive style includes providing the follower detailed instructions and a mandatory deadline; if the follower has a little competence and commitment to accomplish the task (DL1). Coaching style is presenting ideas to the follower and asking for input; if the follower has a low level of competence but some commitment (DL2). Supportive Style is soliciting solutions from the follower and encouraging the follower in his or her efforts; if the leader believes the follower is highly competent but lacks commitment (DL3). Lastly is the Delegating style which is empowering the follower to make and implement decisions within limits set by the leader; the follower demonstrates high levels of competence and commitment (DL4).

Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric (HCTSR)

Dr. Peter and Noreen Facione developed a critical thinking rubric in order to aid you in evaluating real-life examples of critical thinking because it requires you only to consider four evaluative decisions - Strong, Acceptable, Unacceptable, and Weak.

Drill (AFMAN 36-2203)

Drill has been and will continue to be the backbone of military discipline. This teaches and develops teamwork, confidence, pride, alertness, attention to detail, and esprit de corps. Leaders use drill to move troops and equipment quickly from one location to another in an orderly manner.

4-Dimensions of Wellness

Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, and Social are the dimensions of wellness. As managers, supervisors, and NCOs, we have to know how to deal with these issues when they affect our subordinates and their families.

The Ethical Leader

Ethical leaders should behave in a way that aligns with their purpose, whether it be personal or organizational, they must conduct themselves with pride, and high self-esteem. Ethical leaders are not emotionally driven and they maintain a clear perspective, which allows them to evaluate the situation and determine the proper course of action. Ethical leaders develop trust and commitment through words and actions.

Ethical Values

Ethical values relate to what is right or wrong, therefore we are expected to consider them over unethical values when making decisions. Joint Ethics Directive DODD 5500.7-r) Joint Ethics Regulation, states that ethics are standards by which one should act based on values.

4 Negative Behaviors (3C)

Ethnocentrism, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination are concepts that can lead toward negative behavior(s) if individuals do not suspend them before entering into a new culture.


Exaggerated belief about a category of people. It rationalizes our conduct toward that category.

Social Support

Expanding your social support network can be a means of tension reduction.

Graduate Attributes

Expeditionary Air attributes are: highly skilled technicians and critical thinkers; trained, organized, and motivated to lead; understand military strategies, structure, mission, and doctrines, have a warrior mindset; embody the warrior ethos; drive performance; and take war fighting to the highest possible level of success in support of our national security objectives.

Fault Logic or Perception

Faulty logic or perception leads to misconceptions, which are the basis of false or mistaken ideas: which include; a) Apophenia and Superstition - the erroneous perception of the connections between unrelated events. b) Argument from Ignorance - is a logical fallacy claiming something is true because it has not been proven false. c) False Analogies - making illogical analogies to support the validity of a particular claim. d) Irrelevant Comparison - you are making a comparison that is irrelevant or inappropriate. e) Pragmatic Fallacy - this is arguing something is true because "it works," even though the cause of this something and the outcome are not demonstrated. f) Slippery Slope Fallacy - this is an argument that assumes an adverse chain of events will occur, but offers no proof.

3 Common Reactions for Seeking Help

Fear (helplessness and hopelessness). Anxiety (over- and under-protectiveness). Anger (lack of compassion and criticism).

Highly Motivated

Finally, a critical thinker must have a natural curiosity to further one's understanding and be highly motivated to put in the necessary work sufficient to evaluate the multiples sides of issues. A critical thinker cannot be lazy.

U.A.E. (NWS)

First country to pledge not to exercise its right under the NPT to enrich uranium or reprocess plutonium to make nuclear fuel. They are committed to buying nuclear fuel from foreign countries and sending back waste product.


First level of Cognitive Domain's. It only requires you to keep, remember, recall, label, recognize, and repeat information you have read.

Mitigate Political Concerns (NWS)

First remove the uranium enrichment process from the fuel cycle; selling fabricated fuel assemblies (nuclear fuel rods) to NNWS desiring nuclear power. Secondly, develop "proliferation proof" nuclear reactors; in order to recover the plutonium at the end of the fuel cycle, the reactor must be shut down.

Open-Minded and Skeptical

First two characteristics of critical thinker. They must seek out the facts, information, and reasoning to support issues we intend to judge; examining issues from as many sides as possible; rationally looking for the good and bad points of the various sides examined; accepting the fact that we may be in error ourselves; and maintaining the goal of getting the truth, rather than trying to please others to find fault with their views. Too much skepticism will lead one to doubt everything and commit oneself to nothing while to little will lead one to gullibility.

Eight Elements of Learning Process

First, do all prescribed Reading and activities. Second, listen and participate in class. Third, take notes. Fourth, study and practice. Fifth, formative exercise. Sixth, additional study after formative exercise. Seventh, Test taking (summative evaluation). Eighth, Lifelong learning.

Hindrances To Critical Thinking

Four categories that hinder critical thinking; Basic Human Limitations, Use of Language, Faulty Logic or Perception, and Psychological or Sociological Pitfalls.

DoD Nuclear Weapon System Safety Standards

Four qualitative standards are used in the evaluation of the safety of a nuclear weapon system, beginning as early as possible during development and continuing through a weapon system's life cycle. 1-positive measures to prevent nuclear weapons involved in accidents, incidents, or jettisoned weapons, from producing a nuclear yield. 2-positive measure to prevent DELIBERATE pre-arming, arming, launching, or releasing of nuclear weapons, except upon execution of emergency war orders or when directed by competent authority. 3-psotive measure to prevent INADVERTENT pre-arming, arming, launching, or releasing of nuclear weapons in all normal and credible abnormal environments. 4-positive measure to ensure adequate security of nuclear weapons, under DoD Directive 5210.41

Four Types of PTSD Signs and Symptoms

Four sings and symptoms for PTSD are: Reliving the Event (also called re-experiencing symptoms), Avoiding Situations That Remind You of the Event, Feeling Numb, and Feeling Keyed Up (also called Hyperarousal).

Four Theories of FRLD

Four theories of the FRLD model are Trait (innate qualities and personality characteristics are found in great leaders), Skills (emotional awareness and control are essential to leadership effectiveness), Situational Leadership (followers' competence and confidence determines appropriate leader behavior), and Contingency Theory (match leaders to appropriate situation depending upon task/relationship orientation, relations with followers, task structure, and position power).

Geographic Combatant Commands (GCC)

GCCs are assigned a geographic Area of Responsibility (AOR) within which their missions are accomplished with assigned and/or attached forces. Responsibilities are: deter attacks against the US, its territories, possessions and bases, and employ appropriate force should deterrence fail; and carry out assigned missions and tasks and plan for and execute military operations, as directed, in support of strategic guidance.

Enriched Uranium (HEU/LEU)

HEU is classified as a weapons-grade commonly used for bombs and warheads and not required to generate energy. LEU can be used to generate energy and cannot be used in nuclear weapons.

Social Health

Having a social support network consisting of family, friends, and coworkers offers tremendous benefits for your health and wellness, especially when dealing with difficult situations. Sense of belonging - being among people who truly care and accept you for who you are. Increased sense of self-worth - having people who consider you a friend reinforces the idea that you're a good person to be around. Feeling security - its comforting to know that you have people you can turn to in time of need.

Medical Identification

Healthcare providers who suspect substance problems must refer the member to the ADAPT program for evaluation.

Suicide Awareness

Heightened individual and community awareness of suicide, suicide risk factors, and the fact that suicide is only the "tip of the iceberg" of psychosocial problems.

High-Context Communication (HCC) Patterns

High context communications are focused more on status, context of social roles/positions, and nonverbal communications such as pauses, silence, tone, etc. like in the Arabic or Spanish languages.

Need for Affiliation

This need is for people that prefer to spend more time maintaining social relationships wanting to be accepted and cared for.

Personal Discrimination

Individual actions taken to deprive a person or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. Such discrimination can occur overtly, covertly, intentionally, or unintentionally.

Need for Power

This need reflects an individual's desire to influence, coach, teach, or encourage others to achieve.

PME Objectives

Identify the specific skills that will be developed at all officer and enlisted PME schools.

Impression Management

Impression management is a part of communicating with another culture. It is "deliberate and motivated self presentation." This is a two part process: projection and attribution.


In this step, you review what you have decided to do, take action, and then reflect on how you executed your decisions. The success of the OODA Loop depends on the action(s) selected and taken.

Alcohol-Related Misconduct

Includes driving while intoxicated, public incidents of intoxication and misconduct, under-age drinking, or similar offenses and is a breach of discipline.

Risk Factors

Includes, but are not exclusively limited to, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, legal, financial, medical, mental health, and occupational problems, along with depression, social isolation, and previous suicide threats/gestures, which may increase the probability of self-harm.

Four Components of Transformational Leadership (4I's)

Individualized Consideration (Nurturing), Intellectual Stimulation (Thinking), Inspirational Motivation (Charming), and Idealized Influence (Influencing)

Relaxation Training

Individuals can teach themselves to relax through techniques such as meditation, hypnosis, and biofeedback.


Information that is believable, from a trustworthy source


Information that is fair, impartial , rather than prejudiced


Information that is free from error, a correct or truthful representation of something

Air Force Core Values

Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do. This explains the ethical and moral obligations of AF employees, provides the foundation for professional character, and guides Airmen's personal and professional conduct. These values are those institutional values and principles of conduct that provide the moral framework from within which military activities take place.

Intellectual Standards

Intellectual standards should be applied to thinking its quality. These standards are Clarity, Accuracy, Precision, Relevance, Depth, Breadth, Logic, Significance, and Fairness


It is AF policy that personnel management be accomplished "in a manner that is free from discrimination and provides equal opportunity for all applicants and employees regardless of their race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or handicapping condition."


It is AF policy to conduct its affairs free form unlawful discrimination, according the US laws, and to provide equal opportunity and treatment for al military members irrespective of their color, national origin, race, religion, or sex.

Joint Force Commanders (JFC)

JFC is a general term applied to ta CCDR, sub-unified commander, or Joint Task Force (JTF) commanders authorized to exercise combatant command (command authority) or operational control over a joint force. They are authorized by the SecDef to exercise Combatant Command authority or operational control over a JTF.

Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multinational Environmental (JIIM)

Joint Force is a general term applied to a force composed of significant elements, assigned or attached, of two or more Military Departments operating under a single JFC. Interagency includes US Govt agencies and departments, including DoD. Intergovernmental Organization is created by a formal agreement; it may be established on a global, regional, or functional basis for wide ranging or narrowly defined purposes; formed to protect and promote national interest shared by member states. Multinational Operations is a collective term used to describe military actions conducted by force of two or more nations.

Three Situational Factors for Contingency Theory

Leader-Member Relations - the degree to which the leader is trusted and liked by members of the group and the groups willingness to follow the leader. Leader's Position Power - the authority the leader has to reward or punish. The Task Structure - this refers to how well a group's task have been described; the tasks are clearly understood and easy to understand.

Inspirational Motivation (Charming)

Leaders: present their vision as a shared vision...the "must achieve future"; help follower develop a strong sense of purpose; express confidence in their followers; presents the vision in an understandable, precise, powerful, and engaging manner using expert communication skills; and require followers to work together as a team in order to achieve the vision.

Individualized Consideration (Nurturing)

Leaders: treat others as individuals with different needs, abilities and aspirations and not just a part of a group of subordinate; 'nurture' followers by acting as mentors or coaches, listening to their concerns; and empathizes with a support each follower and keeps channels of communication open.

Intellectual Stimulation (Thinking)

Leaders: value learning and use unexpected situations as opportunities to learn and grow; stimulate and encourage creativity in their followers; advocate rational thinking and use systematic analysis as a means to creatively solve problems; are not afraid to take risk and solicit ideas from their followers; and encourage followers to be independent thinkers.

10 Policy and Training Elements (Taking Care of Your Airmen)

Leadership involvement, professional military education, use of mental health services, community preventive services (education and training), investigative interview policy, trauma stress response, Integrated delivery system (IDS and community action information board (CAIB), limited privilege suicide prevention program, integrated delivery system consultation assessment tool, and suicide event surveillance system.

Lead By Example

Leading by example is an effective way to minimize the impact of substance use - abuse disorder (misuse) in your work center. Your subordinates are constantly observing, evaluating, and imitating your lifestyle. Demonstrating discipline and self-control by avoiding the excessive consumption of alcohol is a right place to start.

Linguistic and Communication Competence

Linguistic Competence is a speaker's implicit, internalized knowledge of the rules of their native language. Communication Competence is understanding how to properly communicate in another language or culture.

Low-Context Communication (LCC) Patterns

Low context communications are more direct with explicit (exact) expression of verbal messages like in the English and German languages.


MAJCOMs have extensive functional responsibilities. They may be subdivided into numbered AF (NAFs) with each NAF responsible for one or more wings or independent groups.


Members who are not currently under investigation or pending action because of an alcohol-related incident are eligible to self-identify. Following this assessment, the ADAPT program manager will consult with the treatment team and determine an appropriate clinical course of action. Commanders will grant limited protection for AF members who reveal this information with the intent of entering treatment. Disclosure is not voluntary if investigation, apprehension, drug abuse treatment, recommendation for separation, or selection for drug testing has occurred.

Ethical Principles

Military OR Ethics identifies sound ethical principles that support the AF Core Values. It explains that military ethics is about learning what is true and then having the courage to do and be what and who we out to be.

Responsibility of a Leader (SAPR)

Modeling appropriate behavior; dealing with inappropriate behavior when it is brought to your attention or when you see it or hear it first hand; and teaching your subordinates, peers, and even supervisors proper prevention on response.

Individuals Involved in a Sexual Assault

Most assaults-80%-are committed by an acquaintance, and often other people are involved: perpetrators, facilitators, bystanders, and victims.

Motivational Theories

Motivation is defined as the reason(s) one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. This comes from two locations; intrinsic (internal-within ourselves) and extrinsic (external-from some outside source).

Basic Support Sources

NCOs must be able to properly identify airmen that may need assistance. It is an NCO's responsibility to be familiar with and identify the appropriate support source needed. Support agencies: ADAPT, American Red Cross, Chaplain, Family Advocacy, LSSC, Airmen and Family Readiness, SAPR, VAC, etc.

Visual Learners

Need to see the big picture. They survey the scene, who like to sightsee, and who see the forest despite the trees. They need to see it to learn it (mental picture); strong sense of color; artistic ability; difficulty w/ spoken directions; overreacts to sound; trouble following lectures; and may misinterpret words.

North Korea

North Korea continues to defy the international community with more nuclear and missile tests and the recent attack on South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island, the UN's Security Council remains diligent in bringing peace to the region. Discussions among the US, China, South Korea, Russia, and Japan must include contingency plans to deal with worst case scenarios if North Korea were to act.


Not taking action associated with workplace violence when warning signs are evident.

Reactive Thinking

Often the process of reactive thinking involves deciding first, reacting, and then trying to make sense out of all of it. Decisions made based off of reflex; example is how drivers react to dangerous situations. Good decisions emerging from this system thinking often feel intuitive. These are based off of practice and experience.

Current Regional and Political Concerns

One of the difficulties enforcing the NPT is the pursuit of nuclear energy as a source of electrical power; much cleaner and less waste. The concern comes from two steps of the nuclear fuel cycle: Highly-enriched uranium (HEU) and in the reprocessing stage where plutonium can be skimmed off to build an implosive bomb.


One of the two nations possessing the majority of the world's nuclear weapons, we are working together to advance nonproliferation, our by reducing our nuclear arsenals and by cooperating to ensure that other countries to meet their international commitments to reducing the spread of nuclear weapons around the world.

Characteristics for a Proficient Critical Thinker

Open-mindedness, healthy skepticism, intellectual humility, free thinking, and high motivation are characteristics for a critical thinker.

Nuclear Weapon Systems

Our nuclear weapon systems include Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) and nuclear capable bombers. ICBMs are Minuteman II and our nuclear capable strategic bombers are the B-52 and B-2; additionally F-15E and F-16.


Pacific AF headquarters is in JBPH-Hickam, Hawaii. They provide USPACOM integrated expeditionary AF capabilities to defend the homeland, promote stability dissuade/deter aggression, and swiftly defeat enemies. They conduct multinational exercises and hosts international exchange events to foster partnerships for regional security and stability. They organize, train, equips, and maintains resources to conduct a broad spectrum of air operations-from humanitarian relief to decisive combat employment-in DoD's largest area of responsibility.

Psychological and Sociological Pitfalls

Perceptions can be misinterpreted due to psychological and sociological pitfalls. Reasoning can be twisted to gain influence and power. This includes: a) Ad Hominem Fallacy - is when one criticizing the person making an argument, not the argument itself. b) Ad Populum - bandwagon fallacy is an appeal to the popularity of the claim as a reason for accepting the claim. c) Emotional Appeal - making irrelevant emotional appeals to a claim. d) Evading the Issue, Red Herring - when on accused of wrongdoing by diverting attention to an issue irrelevant to the one at hand. e) Fallacy of False Dilemma - either/or fallacy is intentionally restricting the number of alternatives, thereby omitting relevant alternatives from consideration. f) Poisoning the Well - when one is creating a prejudicial atmosphere against the opposition, making it difficult for the opponent to be received fairly.

ALS Mission Statement

Prepare Senior Airmen to be professional, war fighting Airmen who can supervise and lead AF work teams to support the employment of air, space, and cyberspace power.

Bold Face Concept

Pilots memorize this in order to deal with in-flight emergencies: assess the desire for self-harm, asses the means for self-harm, assess the status of the four dimensions of wellness, stay with the fellow wingman, look out for your fellow airmen, show sincere concerns, appropriately intervene, and don't allow your fellow wingman to engage in self-destructive behavior.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Places all employees on notice that threats, assaults, or other acts of violence, made directly or indirectly, even in jest, toward other employees or customers will result in severe disciplinary action. Must immediately report to commander.

AFI 36-2301, Developmental Education, PME

Provides the nation with personnel skilled in the employment of air, space, and cyberspace power in the conduct of war and small-scale contingencies. It provides AF personnel with the skills and knowledge to make strategic decisions in progressively more demanding leadership positions within the national security environment. Develops strategic thinkers, planners, and warfighters. Strengthens the ability and skill of AF personnel to lead, manage, and supervise.


Purpose is to promote readiness and health and wellness, minimizing the negative consequences, provide comprehensive education and treatment, and return the individuals to unrestricted duty status or to assist them in their transition to civilian life.

Two Types of System Thinking Approaches to Decision Making

Reactive Thinking (system-1) and Reflective Thinking (system-2) are two types of system thinking approaches to decision making.

Receiving Level of Learning

Receiving is the affective domain's first level of learning. Learners pay attention and actively receive. They display awareness and willingness to receive. Awareness, willingness to hear, selected attention.

Responding Level of Learning

Responding is the affective domain's second level of learning. For deeper levels of learning to occur, simply receiving a message is not enough. This involves some sore of action or response, such as complying with an AF directive or preforming some voluntary action and obtaining satisfaction from it.


Reveille is the signal for the start of the official duty day.

Risk Factors - Combat/Operational Stress

Risk factors for combat/operational stress are: duration of deployment, back to back deployments, lack of sleep, encountering death, responsible for death, physically injured, mental health problems, lack of mutual trust with other members, and family/relationship/other home front stressors.

Manhattan Project

Scientists were part of this to produce nuclear bombs in time to affect the outcome of WWII.


Second level of Cognitive Domain's second level of learning. This has it's own set of levels (translation, interpretation, and extrapolation). This requires you to demonstrate an understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, describing, and summarizing in order to draw conclusions and solve problems using those facts and ideas. Being able to explain in your own words the steps for performing a complex task. The combining of two or more concepts results in what is referred to as a lesson principle.

Organization Support

Selection and Placement, Goal Setting, Job Redesign, Organizational Communication, and Wellness Programs are what organizations can do to support stress management.

Nine Combatant Commands

Six commands are geographically organized and three are functionally organized. GCC: US Africa (USAFRICOM), US Central (USCENTCOM), US European (USEUCOM), US Northern (USNORTHCOM), US Pacific (USPACOM), and US Southern (USSOUTHCOM). FCC: US Special Operations (USSOCOM), US Transportation (USTRANSCOM), and US Strategic (USSTRATCOM).

Responding Effectively to Sexual Assault

Sexual assault has long-term implications to the health and well-being of victims. Victims may be physically ill, PTSD, or may be depressed or suicidal. You should engage with the victim and be lookout for any signs of suicidal tendencies or thoughts, any form of substance abuse, and any signs of depression.

Ethical Dilemma

Situations where one is forced to choose between two alternatives (right or wrong).


Someone who chooses to follow a leader because of the leader's character, abilities, and vision. Great followers possess a love of learning and passion to apply what they have learned.


Someone who influences others to achieve a goal. According to the FRLD Model, leaders display behaviors of leadership styles that range from passive in nature, to more active.

Spiritual Health

Spiritual strength is an integral part of leadership. This is what drives us to make sacrifices for others, for our nation, and for the greater good. Core Value Service Before Self, we see spiritual strength as its foundation, whether or not an individual sees himself or herself as religious. Spiritual pain occurs when one has difficulty finding meaning and purpose to life, experiences loss or guild, or when suffering with a serious illness. One's spiritual health determines their ability to find comfort, meaning, and hope when faced with these difficult and often tragic circumstances allowing them to return to a state of psychological well-being.

3 Stages of Crisis Reaction

Stage One is the unit members experience emotional reactions characterized by shock, disbelief, denial, or numbness. Stage two is the "IMPACT" stage where unit members may feel a variety of intense emotion, including anger, rage, fear, terror, grief, sorrow, confusion, helplessness, guilt, depression, or withdrawal. Stage Three is the "RECONCILIATION" stage in which unit members try to make sense out of the event, understand its impact, and through trial and error reach closure of the even so it does not interfere with their ability to function and grow.

5 Behaviors of a Potentially Violent Person

Standing history of complaints; feelings of victimization related to a failure to accurately perceive their role in poor interpersonal relationships or in adverse administrative actions; increasing angry or sullen moods; increasing happiness, exuberance in a person who is normally quiet and reserved; and an individual who has threatened that some violent act or confrontation could happen.

Successful Learning

Successful Learning covered all concepts and sub-concepts within the chapter to be successful in this course.

Psychological Symptoms

Stress can cause dissatisfaction. Jobs providing a low level of variety, significance, autonomy, feedback, and identity to employees, create stress and reduce satisfaction and involvement in the job.

Stress Management

Stress is defined as the reaction our bodies experience to an external demand by our continually changing environment; physical and emotional effects and create positive or negative feelings or behaviors.

Impact of Prevention

Substance use - abuse disorder prevention has some far-reaching effects. It promotes responsible behavior patterns and an environment of open communication. There is less time spent on administrative actions, less physical and mental health-related expenses, and less lost duty time.

Impact of Identification

Supervisor's must be aware of negative effects that can occur after identifying substance use - abuse disorder: isolation, stereotyping or labeling, gossiping, low self-esteem, and low self-confidence.

Supervisor's Responsibilities on EOT

Supervisor's responsibilities on EOT are: to present complaints in an atmosphere not conducive to retaliation. Encourage to discuss problems and complaints. Know the various channels and procedures for filing complaints or otherwise seeking outside assistance. Know that unlawful discrimination is illegal and will not be tolerated. Implement preventive measure to promote EOT in the work center. Take action to address allegations of discrimination.

Structure of The Defense Organizations

The DoD is responsible for the military component of the NSS. This is a cabinet-level organization. Reporting to it are the three military departments (Army, Navy, and Air Force) and 16 defense agencies. The Armed Forces serve under the civilian control of the President (Commander in Chief). All functions and its component agencies within the DoD are performed under the authority, direction, and control of the SecDef.


The EPME Structured Thinking Process is to Identify, Differentiate, Determine, and Predict

Physical Health

The Enlisted Force Structure requires all NCOs to remain, "physically ready to accomplish the mission" and to "attain and maintain excellent physical conditioning." Physical Fitness is defined as "a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity. Being fit physically requires you to focus on five specific components: cardio respiratory endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, body composition, and flexibility.

The Joint Chiefs of Staffs (JCS)

The JCS consists of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS), and the Service Chiefs: USA Army Chief of Staff, Chief of Naval Operations, US AF Chief of Staff, Commandant of the Marine Corps, and the Chief of the National Guard Bureau. The Joint Staff supports the JCS and constitutes the immediate military staff of the SecDef. The other members of the JCS also provide advice if and when requested by the President, NSC, or SecDef. The Commandant of the Coast Guard may be invited by the CJCS or the Service Chiefs to participate in meetings or tot discuss matters of mutual interest to the Coast Guard and the other services.

Primary Ethical Values

The Joint Ethics Regulations states that leaders must have the following ethical values: Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, Accountability, Fairness, Caring, Respect, Promise Keeping, Responsible Citizenship, and Pursuit of Excellence.


The National Security Council, under the chairmanship of the President to coordinate foreign policy and defense policy an to reconcile diplomatic and military commitments and requirements.

National Security Strategy (NSS)

The Nixon administration made this official statements in a State World Report in 1972.

Two Distinct Branches of the Chains of Command

The President and the SecDef, with assistance from the CJCS, exercise authority and control of the Armed Forces through two distinct branches of the chain of command: Operation and Administrative Branch.

Culture General

The ability to quickly and accurately comprehend, and then effectively act in a culturally complex environment to achieve the desired effect without necessarily having prior exposure to a particular group, region, or language. The AF purpose is to develop airmen who can operate effectively in culturally complex environments by exerting positive influence on themselves, their teams, partners, local inhabitants, and adversaries.

Systemic Discrimination

The action by an institution (or system) that, through its policies or procedures, deprives a person or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. Such discrimination can overtly, covertly, intentionally, or unintentionally.

Affective Domain Levels of Learning

The affective domain includes the manner in which you deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes. There are five major categories, but for the purpose of this course, only three will be covered (receiving, responding, and valuing).

The Use of Language

The choice of words themselves can conceal the truth, mislead, confuse, or deceive us. Critical thinker must learn to recognize when words are used in an attempt to control thought and behavior. Use of Language includes: a) Ambiguity - a word or expression that can be understood I more than one way. b) Assuring Expressions - expressions that disarm you from questioning the validity of an argument. c) Meaningless Comparisons - include language that implies something is superior but retreats from that view. d) Doublespeak Jargon - the use of technical language to make the simple seem complex, the trivial seem profound, or the insignificant seem important, all done intentionally to impress others. e) Emotive Content - intentional use of words to arouse feelings about a subject to bias others positively or negatively, in order to gain influence or power. f) False Implications - use of language that is clear and accurate but misleading because it suggests something false.

Cognitive Doman Levels of Learning

The cognitive domain is the thinking or reasoning component of learning. The first three levels of cognitive development is knowledge, comprehension, and application.

Substance-Related Incident

The commander will refer the member to ADAPT after notification in such instances that law enforcement or other disciplinary authority becomes involved. Commanders will direct drug testing within 24hrs of suspected alcohol-related incidents, misconduct, episodes of bizarre or aberrant behavior, or where there is a reason to suspect drug use and the member refuses to provide testing consent.

Self-Development of P^2

The concept of developing one's self requires all Airmen to grow and expand professionally as their rank, and span of control, scope of responsibilities, and sphere of influence increases.

Goal of All Joint Operations

The end goal of all joint operations is unified action among all parties involved in achieving the mission.

Joint Force Organization Basics

The first principle in joint force organization is that JFCs organize forces to accomplish the mission based on their intent and concepts of operations (CONOPS). When crisis requires military response, the geographic combatant commander will usually form a tailored JTF which means they stand as an Air Expeditionary Task Force (AETF).

Progressive Professionalism

The goal of this is for all members of the profession of arms to consider where they believe they are in their professionalism and commitment and strive to progress toward the right side of the continuum. Personal attributes, qualities, motivation and commitment levels determine where one falls along the continuum. Two concepts that support this are DDR (Direction, Discipline, and Recognition) and Self-Development.

Learning Approaches (Tools and Applications)

The greatest strength of the culture-general approach lies in the ability to take the foundational concepts and apply them to specific cultural scenarios not previously encountered. This requires the individual to "learn how they learn," and to analyze and draw conclusions from cultural data.


The human tendency to negatively judge others (cultures, behaviors, values) against our own values and beliefs. This is a form of cultural bias that can cause serious obstacles to cross-cultural interactions.

Drug Abuse

The illegal, wrongful, or improper use, possession, sale, transfer, or introduction onto a military installation of any drug defined in this instruction.

Commanding and Organizing AF Forces

The key to successful employment of the AF forces as part of a joint force operation is having a single AF Commander or the Commander, AF Forces (COMAFFOR) The COMAFFOR is responsible for properly organizing, training, equipping, and employing AF forces to accomplish assigned functions and tasks.

Nuclear Employment

The physical employment of nuclear weapons is a form of strategic attack. Strategic attack is offensive action specifically selected to achieve national objectives. AF assets account for two-thirds of the weapons of the US Nuclear Triad. During Cold War, the triad consisted of ICBMs, bombers, and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). The new triad consists of strategic offensive and defensive capabilities that include nuclear and non-nuclear strike capabilities, active and passive defenses, and a robust research, development, and industrial infrastructure to develop, build, and maintain offensive forces and defensive systems. Effective C2 is critical for the proper employment of nuclear weapons.

Human Relations Climate

The prevailing perceptions of individuals concerning interpersonal relationships within their working, living, and social environment.

Nuclear Deterrence

The primary purpose of maintaining the US nuclear arsenal is to discourage an enemy from pursuing, procuring, and employing nuclear weapons or other WMD (weapons of mass destruction). Deterrence theory is a state of mind brought by the existence of unacceptable counteraction. This is the product of three inter-related factors: a nation's CAPABLITY, multiplied by its CREDIBILITY (WILL), multiplied byCOMMUNICATION (others' PERCEPTIONS). US deterrence also extends those to friendly nations. This international protection (nuclear umbrella) grants security and confidence to our allies.


The purpose is to concentrate the effects of combat power at the most advantageous place and time to achieve decisive results. This is an effect that air and space forces achieve.


The purpose of the second step allows you to demonstrate your ability to distinguish whether actions, decisions, or behaviors described in the scenario are appropriate/inappropriate, effective/ineffective, or most effective according to lesson concepts and principles. Appropriate vs Effective and Most Effective.


The purpose of this final step allows you to demonstrate your ability to answer the question, "What would happen if?" Your predictions must address the lesson principle (how one concept relates to or impacts another concept).


The purpose of this first step allows you to demonstrate your ability to identify concepts or principles associated with specific lessons. We identify what is going on. Once identified, you must justify your answer based on lesson concepts and principles taught rather than on personal opinion or outside experience.

Nuclear Deterrence Operations

The purpose of this is to operate, maintain, and secure nuclear forces to achieve an assured capability to deter an adversary from taking action against vital US interests. Three sub-elements are assure/dissuade/deter (prevent others from acquiring WMD), nuclear strike (to rapidly and accurately strike targets), and nuclear surety (ensure the safety, security, and effectiveness of nuclear operations).


The purpose of this third step allows you to demonstrate your ability to determine an appropriate and/or effective course of action based on your understanding of lesson concepts and principles. You must adhere to lesson concepts and principles taught rather than one's opinion or experience.

Human Relations

The relations between two or more people. The goal of AF is for human relations to have a positive connotation.

Workplace Bullying

The repeated unreasonable, unwanted actions by individuals or groups directed at individuals or groups with the intent to intimidate, harass, degrade, or offend. This is the abuse or misuse of power and is considered psychological violence.


The retreat ceremony serves a twofold purpose. It signals the end of the official duty day and serves as a ceremony for paying respect to the flag.

Equal Opportunity

The right of all persons to participate in, and benefit from, programs and activities for which they are qualified. These programs and activities shall be free from social, personal, or institutional barriers that prevent people from rising to the highest level of responsibility possible. Should be evaluated on individual merit, fitness, and capability.

Time Management

The successful learning chapter described time management as managing your time by utilizing scheduling, tips to avoid procrastination, and avoiding burnout. Scheduling; self-discipline; dealing with distractions; and over coming procrastination are time management.


The third level of Cognitive Domain's. You must be able to identify lesson concepts from among other lesson concepts in simulated situations. After identifying you must then apply your knowledge and comprehension of those concepts to solve the problem or deal with the issue appropriately and effectively.

The Three Ds

The three Ds: DISCERN, DECLARE, and DO state that you must try to discern the truth; at appropriate times, you declare the truth as you have discerned it; and then you do what you have discerned and declared.

The Three Ps

The three Ps operate in the context that Airmen must put PRINCIPLE (truth telling and honor) first; PURPOSE (mission accomplishment and duty) second; and PEOPLE (fellow citizens, Airmen, etc.) third. This provide the perspective for the way to think about the Os. Switching the order would negate the entire process. These refer tot he requirements and needs of the AF, and not one's individual principles and purpose.

The Three Rs

The three Rs provide guidance when considering the Os, they explain that when making decisions and conducting one's self, it is the RULES that give a person ethical guidance. The situation, circumstances, or REALTITIES influence if the rules are followed. Don't forget to consider the RESULTS or consequence of decisions and actions beforehand.

Two Types of Reinforcement

The two types of reinforcement rewards a specific behavior and increases the likelihood the behavior will continue: positive and negative reinforcement.

Three Levels of Air and Space Doctrine

The types of doctrine extend from service to join to multinational: Basic, Operational, and Tactical Doctrine. These levels of the doctrine affect operations in the AF.

High and Low Communications Styles

The way in which we communicate, a pattern of verbal and nonverbal behaviors that comprises our preferred ways of giving and receiving information in a specific situation. Communication style includes how we accomplish the following task: extend an apology, make a request, give a compliment, and tell a joke. High context communication is one in which most of the information is already in the person. Low is just the opposite i.e., the mass of information is vested in the explicit code.

Time Management (Stress Management Strategies - Individual Approach)

The well-organized individual can often accomplish twice as much as the person who is poorly organized. Examples are: make daily lists of activities to be accomplished, prioritize activities by importance and urgency, schedule activities according to the priority, and know your daily cycle and handle the most demanding parts of your job during the high part of your cycle when you are most alert and productive.

UN Security Council

There are 5 nuclear weapon states who are also permanent members of the UN Security Council: US, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and the People's Republic of China.

Consequences of Stress

There are three general categories for consequences of stress: physiological, psychological, and behavioral.

Reporting a Sexual Assault

There are two options for reporting a sexual assault, RESTRICTED and UNRESTRICTED, updated as of Jan 2012. If an individual comes to you to report a sexual assault and you are in the person's chain of command, you are a mandatory reporter and the victim will lose the ability to make a restricted report.

Two Types of Punishment

There are two types of punishment where the leader presents an adverse event or outcome that causes a decrease in undesirable behavior: positive and negative

Combat Support Agencies (CSA)

These agencies provide combat support or combat service support to joint forces. CSAs are: Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), and Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). These agencies provide CCDRs specialized support and operate in a supporting role. SecDef has authority over CSAs.

Safety Rules

These are comprised of general and specific provisions applicable to a nuclear weapon system for conducting approved operations, while ensuring maximum safety consistent with operational or logistic requirements.

Positive Measures

These are designed features, safety rules, procedures, accident prevention or mitigation measures or other controls including physical security coded control systems, used collectively or individually, to enhance safety and to reduce the likelihood, severity, or consequences of an accident, unauthorized act, or deliberate threat.

Task Demands

These are factors related to a person's job. They include the design of the individual's job.

Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) Liaison

These are individuals (medical or mental health care provider, judge advocate, paralegal, or other appropriate person) who assist a victim during the military justice process.

Victim Advocates

These are individuals who are specially trained to support victims of sexual assault. They are not counselors and are not part of the legal or law enforcement agencies. They provide support to the victim and to help them get the care that they need.

Combat Stress Reactions (CSR)

These are natural result of exposure to combat conditions. Potential stress reactors are: anxiety, irritability, unclear thinking, sleep troubles, appetite changes, emotional, loneliness/isolation, and diminished confidence.

Special Operations

These are operations conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve military, diplomatic, informational, and/or clandestine, or low-visibility capabilities. Sub-elements are: Agile Combat Support, Aviation Foreign Internal Defense, Battlefield Air Operations, Command and Control, Information Operations, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Military Information Support Operations, Precision Strike, Specialized Air Mobility, and Specialized Refueling.


These are people who enable, encourage, or create situations or environments that allow perpetrators to act. They may also fail to stop someone else; even though they know an attack is possible.


These are people who see the potential for a sexual assault; witnesses. They do not feel responsible for the actions of others. We are all responsible for the safety of each other.

Interpersonal Demands

These are pressures created by other individuals. Lack of social support from coworkers and poor interpersonal relationships can cause considerable stress, especially among individuals with a high social need.


These are the criminals who assault victims. They blend in with the ground. They have seven basic rights. The most important is the "Presumption of Innocence."

Physiological Symptoms

These are the early concerns with stress. Research showed that stress could create change sin metabolism, increase heart and breathing rates, increase blood pressure, bring on headaches, and induce heart attacks.

Technical Procedures

These are the explicit directions which must be followed to conduct operations with nuclear weapons. These are documented in Service technical publications and Joint Nuclear Weapons Publication System (JNWPS) Technical Publications (TP).


These are the people assaulted by perpetrators. Victims are never at fault; no one asks to be assaulted.

DoD Nuclear Weapon Safety Design Criteria

These are used during nuclear weapon design to ensure one-point safety and to lower premature detonation probabilities and component malfunctions. Quantitative safety design criteria are established by the DoD, issued in weapon specific Military Characteristics (MCs), and implemented by the DOE in coordination with the POG.


These are values that we attribute to a system of beliefs that help us define right from wrong, good versus bad.

Functional Combatant Commands

These commands support, or can be supported by, GCCs or may conduct assigned missions independently. These commands are: USSOCOM, USTRANSCOM, USSTRATCOM.


These cultures are also called subcultures. They are described as a group of people living within a larger society who share values, beliefs, behaviors, status, or interests that are different from the macro-culture or the rest of society.


These cultures are the most powerful of the most widely practiced cultures in a particular society, whether the society is a region or an entire country.

Ethical Codes of Conduct

These help NCOs make proper ethical decisions when faced with various ethical dilemmas or issues. AFI 36-218, AFI36-2909, Airman's Creed, Professional Development Guide (PDG), Code of Conduct, DoD joint Staff Guide 5260, Joint Ethics Directive (DODD 5500.7), Joint Ethics Directive (DODD 5500.7-r), and UCMJ give NCOs the resources they need to adhere to and model ethical behavior as military members.

High Self-Monitors

These individuals tend to be more effective in foreign cultures because a high self-monitor tends to read the social situation first and then present an appropriate response, as opposed to simply presenting a consistent image of self in every situation. They are critical thinkers and asking questions.

Organization Leadership (Stress Management)

These represents the managerial style of the organization's senior executives. Some CEOs create a culture characterized by tension, fear, and anxiety. They stablish unrealistic pressures to perform in the short run, impose excessively tight controls, and routinely fire individuals who "don't measure up."

AFI 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program (ADAPT)

These studies have shown that products made with hemp seed oil may contain varying levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an active ingredient of marijuana, which is detectable under the AF Drug Testing Program.


They are composed of the Navy and the Marine Corps. They provide sea, land, air, space, and cyberspace forces, both combat and support, with the capabilities necessary to operate and support the other military services and joint forces. Navy employs the global reach, persistent presence through forward-stationed and rotationally-based forces, and operational flexibility to secure the nation from direct attack.


They are the primary units of working AF and are responsible for maintaining an AF base or carrying out a specific mission. There are different types of wings, based on objective: operational, air base, or specialized mission. They typically contain an operations group, maintenance group, support groups and a medical group, which each group having several squadrons.

Tactile Learners/Kinesthetic

They have the need to touch and feel things. They want to feel or experience the lesson themselves. Prefers hands-on learning/training; has difficulty sitting still; learns better when involved.

Marine Corps

They serve as a versatile, all-purpose, fast response task force capable of quick action in areas requiring emergency intervention using both ground and air combat elements while relying on the Navy to provide the sea combat elements. They are a second armed service in the Department of Navy.

Operation Branch Chain of Command

This branch is used to employ forces and begins with the President, through the SecDef, and onto the combatant commanders (CCDRs). SecDef directs and authorizes the CJCS which then the CJCS conveys the message to the branch. CJCS is the spokesman for the CCDRs to the SecDef. Operational control is inherent in a COCOM.

Administrative Branch Chain of Command

This branch is used to recruit, organize, train, and equip forces. This also begins with the President, through the SecDef, but proceeds to the Secretaries of the military departments. The Secretaries exercise administrative control through the commanders of the service component commands assigned to the combatant commands.

Principle Statement

This calls for a relationship between two or more concepts stated in terms of a conclusion. Concepts used throughout the course to build principle statements: NCO effectiveness, mission accomplishment, unit effectiveness, subordinate performance/conduct, and team effectiveness/performance


This calls for avoiding unnecessary complexity in organizing, preparing, planning, and conducting military operations. This ensures that guidance, plans, and orders are as simple and direct.

Workplace Violence

This can be any act of violence, against persons or property, threats, intimidation, harassment, or other inappropriate, disruptive behavior that cause fear for personal safety and/or involve a substantial risk of physical or emotional harm to individuals, or damage to government resources or capabilities. This most often involves aggressive behavior toward peers, subordinates, supervisors, and other members of the workforce.

Military Theory

This can be explained as scientific, artistic, and philosophical idea or view relating to principles, methods, rules, and operations of war. This describes the best way to wage war in a universe described by science, and based on the nature of man as described by philosophy. This is not subject to the rigors of scientific experimentation, it remains invalid until put to the test in war. Only after war can military theory be proven wrong and that new theories are produced. In peacetime training, and even in limited conflicts, it is difficult to sort out the "necessary" elements of ta theory from fiction because doctrine, technology, and world events seldom present what could be called controlled or anticipated environments for experimentation.


This command headquarters is Kelly Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany. They are responsible for US military relations within 53 African countries including the islands of Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, and Sao Tome and Principe, along with the Indian Ocean islands of Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Seychelles.


This command headquarters is in MacDill AFB, Florida. They are charged with overseeing the various Special Operations Commands of the Army, AF, Navy, and Marine. They conduct several covert and clandestine missions, such as unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, psychological operations, civil affairs, direct action, counter-terrorism and war on drugs operations.


This command headquarters is in Offutt AFB, Nebraska. They are charged with space operations (military satellites), information operations (information warfare), missile defense, global command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), global strike and strategic deterrence (US nuclear arsenal), and combating weapons of mass destruction.


This command headquarters is in Scott AFB, Illinois. This command is tasked with the coordination of people and transportation assets to allow the US to project and sustain forces, whenever, wherever, and for as long as they are needed. They are the single manager of America's global defense transportation system.

Service Component Commander's

This command is assigned to a CCDR which consists of a Service component CDR and the Service Forces that have been assigned to the CCDR. Service component CDRs have responsibilities that derive from their roles in fulfilling the Services' support function.


This command's AOR is the Middle East, Egypt, and Central Asia. They promote cooperation among nations, responds to crises, deters or defeats state and non-state aggression, and supports development and, when necessary, reconstruction in order to establish conditions for regional security, stability, and prosperity.


This command's headquarters is Stuttgart, Germany. This AOR covers almost one-fifth of the planet, including all of Europe, large portions of Asia, parts of the Middle East and the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Responsible for US military relations with NATO and 51 countries on two continents with a total population of close to a billion.


This command's headquarters is in Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii. This AOR encompasses about half of earth's surface, stretching from the waters off the west coast of the US to the western border of India and from Antarctica to the North Pole. They are committed to enhancing stability in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting security cooperation, encouraging peaceful development, responding to contingencies, deterring aggression, and when necessary, fighting to win. This is based on Partnership, presence, and military readiness.


This command's headquarters is in Miami, Florida. They are responsible for providing contingency planning, operations, and security cooperation for Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Cuba, as well as for the force protection of US military resources at these locations. Responsible for ensuring the defense of the Panama Canal and Canal Area.


This command's headquarters is in Peterson AFB, Colorado. They conduct homeland defense, civil support, and security cooperation to defend and secure the US and its interests. AOR includes air, land, and sea approaches and encompasses the continental US, Alaska, Canada, Mexico, and surrounding water out to approximately 500 nautical miles. Commander is responsible for theater security cooperation with Canada, Mexico, and the Bahamas. Also commands the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD); responsible for aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning for Canada, Alaska, and the continental US.

Wingman Concept and Philosophy

This concept is setting out to cultivate that same culture and mentality into all Airmen in all specialties and career fields. The mentality is to emphasize that every person is a vital asset to accomplishing the AF mission. Wingman incorporate the skills of ASK, CARE, and ESCORT.


This concludes the Warrior Ethos trifecta. It is one's ability to withstand, recover and grow in the face of stressors and changing demands. This focuses on the 12 Targets to Enhance Resilience and Operational Performance: be a wingman, Communication Check, Lead from the Front, Mental Rehearsal, Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Problem-Solving, Purpose=Y (Why), Recharge, Situational Awareness (SA), Strategic Thinking, and Tactical Breathing.

Nuclear Enterprise

This consists of people, processes, procedures, and systems to conduct, execute, and support nuclear weapon systems and operations. The mission and infrastructure requires specific intellectual and technical competencies from tis assigned Airmen. This requires supporting systems, life-cycle activities specifically for use for nuclear weapons, assorted delivery platforms, and strict security measures. AF organizations responsible for nuclear policy and guidance, and AF relationships with other entities who contribute to the Nation's nuclear deterrence mission.

Air Force Doctrine

This consists of the fundamental principles by which military forces guide their actions in support of national objectives; it is the linchipin of successful military operations. This describes and guides the proper use of airpower in military operations. The AF teaches its doctrine as a common frame of reference on the best way to prepare and employ AF forces. This shapes the manner in which the AF organizes, trains, equips, and sustains its forces. This prepares us for future uncertainties and provides a common set of understandings on which Airmen base their decisions.

Excellence in All We Do

This core value demands all Airmen continuously strive to perform their best. They strive to exceed all standards objectively based on mission needs. There are six aspects of excellence: Personal, Organizational, Resources, Operations, Product/Service, and Interpersonal Excellence Community (Mutual Respect and Benefit of the Doubt). This is our commitment to the highest standards in everything ranging from product excellence to operations excellence.

CJCS 1805.01A Enlisted Professional Military Education (EPME)

This defines Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) objectives and policies regarding the educational and training institutions that comprise the EPME and Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education (EJPME) programs.

Organization Structure (Stress Management)

This defines the level of differentiation in the organization, the degree of rules and regulations, and where decisions are made.

Airman's Creed

This defines what makes AF Members uniquely different from that of any other sister service. It provides the fundamental guiding truths and beliefs that solidify our membership in best AF in the world. "I am an American Airmen; I am a warrior; I have answered my nation's call. I am an American Airmen; my mission is to fly fight and win; I am faithful to a proud heritage; a tradition of honor; and a legacy of valor. I am an American Airmen; Guardian of freedom and justice; My nation's sword and shield; its sentry and avenger; I defend my country with my life. I am an American Airmen; wingman, leader, warrior; I will never leave an Airmen behind I will never falter; And I will not fail.


This describes positive or health stress. This results from exhilarating experiences. This is the stress of winning and achieving.

Summative Evaluation

This determines whether you possess the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform as a military professional in the USAF. They will be the measuring stick to determine whether you have met the learning objectives of the ADLC Course

Operational Doctrine

This doctrine describes a more detailed organization of forces and applies the principles of basic doctrine to military actions. This guides the proper organization and employment of air, space, and cyberspace forces in the context of distinct objectives, force capabilities, broad functional areas, and operational environments.

Tactical Doctrine

This doctrine describes the proper employment of specific AF assets, individually or in concert with other assets to accomplish detailed objectives. This provides an informed starting point for decisions Airmen must make while on a continuous series of deployments. Changes are more rapid. Due to their sensitive nature, some of these documents are classified. This will evolve as new experiences and advances in technology point the way to the operations of the future.

Basic Doctrine

This doctrine is the foundation of all other doctrines and sets the tone and vision for future doctrine development. It describes the "elemental properties" of air, space, and cyberspace power and provides an Airman's perspective. This is broad and express fundamental guidance, development is never complete. Change is less rapid.

AFI 36-2618 - The Enlisted Force Structure

This document details the responsibilities of all enlisted Airmen. Provides both standards and methods used to accomplish individual duties. Ensure all enlisted airmen understand what the AF expects from them at each rank. This states that the core values are the framework within which military activities take place and are the basis for AF policies, guidance, and focus.

AFPD 36-27 (Methods for Identifying Substance Abusers)

This document directs the AF to ensure personnel do not abuse alcohol drugs. There are five structured methods to use to identify Airmen with SUDs: Self-Identification, Commander Referrals, Medical Identification, Substance-Related Incident, and Drug Testing.


This encompasses the patient, resolute, and persistent pursuit of national goals and objectives for as long as necessary to achieve them. Some operations involve a one-time occurrence or short-term operation to maintain stability while other missions require a long-term commitment.

Individual Reliability

This encompasses two process. The PRP ensures that only those whose behavior demonstrates integrity, reliability, trustworthiness, allegiance, and loyalty to the US shall be allowed to perform duties associated with nuclear weapons. the two-person concept requires the presence at all times of at least two person, each certified under PRP, knowledgeable in the task to be performed, familiar with applicable safety and security requirements, and each capable of promptly detecting an incorrect act or improper procedure throughout the task performed.

The Three Os

This ethical Principle deals with OWNING, ORDERING, and OUGHTING. Military ethics based on egotism cannot function, rather they must be rooted in three Os, which states you must know who (US Constitution AF, Unit) and what you owe; display proper ordering of ethical priorities and understand what you should, or ought to do.

USAF Doctrine Annex 1-1 Force Development

This explains how force development is a deliberate process of preparing Airmen through the continuum of learning (CoL) with the required competencies to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.

Major Operations and Campaigns

This group are extended duration, large-scale operations that usually involve combat. A major operation is a series of related tactical actions, such as battles, engagements, and strikes. A campaign, in turn, is a series of related major operations.

Military Engagement, Security Cooperation, and Deterrence

This group are ongoing routine activities that establish, shape, maintain and refine relations with other nations, international organizations (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and domestic civil authorities (e.g., state governors or local law enforcement).

Military Ethics

This is designed to put principle above self-interest. Personal integrity and moral courage are the keys to viability of that ethic. This is about our heritage and history.

Crisis Response and Limited Contingency Operations

This group can be small-scale, limited duration operations, such as strikes, raids, and peace enforcement, which might include combat depending on the circumstances. This includes all of those operations for which a joint force commander must develop an operation plan or operation order. Some typical crisis response and limited contingency operations are: noncombatant evacuation operation (NEO), Peace Operations (PO), foreign humanitarian assistance, recovery operations, strikes and raids and homeland defense along with defense support of civil authorities.

Combat Stress

This happens when there is a change in mental function or behavior during combat as a result of actual battle conditions or the potential for battle conditions.


This has two key components: Nuclear Weapons System Reliability and Individual Reliability.

High Maturity

This high level is often considered humble, modest, and discreet. It can be very difficult to determine the preferred temperament of a mature person because they function from the nexus (or center) of the four lenses; chameleon temperamental - they can adapt to the colors of those they are interacting with.


This includes actions by members of the NPT to detect, secure, and dispose of these weapons.


This includes activities by non-members of the NPT to secure, transport, and employ WMD.

Unlawful Discrimination

This includes discrimination based on color, national origin, race, religion, or sex that is not otherwise authorized by law or regulation.

AF Culture of Responsible Choices (CoRC)

This initiative helps us to focus on behaviors that impair mission readiness.

Adversarial Crisis Response/Contingency Operations

This involves a greater risk of combat than operations that we conduct to promote peace. This can be either traditional or irregular warfare.

Air Superiority

This is "that degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another which permits the conduct of operations by the former and its related land, sea, air, and special operations forces a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force." Sub-elements are: Offensive Counter-air (offensive operations to destroy, disrupt, or neutralize enemy), Defensive Counter-air (all defensive measures designed to detect, identify, intercept, and destroy or negate enemy forces), and Airspace Control (process sued to increase operational effectiveness by promoting the safe efficient, and flexible se of airspace).

Unified Command Plan (UCP)

This is a classified document that sets forth basic guidance to all CCDRs. COCOMs are established in the UCP by the president, through SecDef with CJCS. This document establishes their missions, responsibilities, and force structure, delineates the general geographical area of responsibility for geographic combatant commanders (GCC) and specifies functional responsibilities for functional combatant commanders (FCC).


This is a cognitive "shortcut" that helps us organize and interpret the vast amount of information that exist in our environment. It is a complex mental diagram or framework for any concept that expands and "builds" whenever we encounter a new aspect of that concept.

National Security

This is a collective term encompassing both national defense and foreign relations of the United States. This is a reliable set of executive procedures and institutions to manage national security policy.

Combatant Commanders (COCOM)

This is a command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander and composed of significant assigned components of two or more military departments that are established and so designated by the President, through the SecDef with advice and assistance of the CJCS. CCDR is the commander of a COCOM. A command authority provides full authority to organize and employ commands and forces as the CCDR considers necessary to accomplish assigned missions.

Non-adversarial Crisis Response/Contingency Operations

This is a descriptive term on how our operational Airmen accomplish missions that are not war but responses to a crisis or contingency. Examples are: Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (FHA), Humanitarian and Civic Assistance, and Peace Operations (PO).

The Profession of Arms

This is a distinct subculture with specialized knowledge in the art of warfare and requires acceptance of the unlimited liability clause. The military has a unique obligation termed the "unlimited liability cause," which requires the commitment to make "the ultimate sacrifice" if necessary. Members in the Profession of Arms willingly and voluntarily risk their lives in performance of their assigned duties, demonstrating their commitment to the provisions of their Oath of Enlistment and fulfilling the standards by which they are charged to uphold.


This is a fixed or distorted generalization about all members of a particular group that share a particular diversity

Sexual Harassment

This is a form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 and AFI 36-2706.

The Oath of Enlistment

This is a formally affirmed promise to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. To be an enlisted Airman, one must first accept the Oath of Enlistment. This is a promise, ethical agreement or bond of one's word. With this oath we commit ourselves to our basic core values, placing service to our Constitution, our President, and our compatriots before ourselves. This shows personal commitment to support and defend the Constitution and to serve America for the span of our entire career. It is a solemn promise to do one's duty, to meet one's responsibilities and to lead others in the exercise of the same.

Joint Operations

This is a general term that describes military actions conducted by joint forces or by service forces or by service forces employed under command relationships.

The Four Lenses

This is a practical theory that identifies the four distinct personality temperament types that exist within each of us and throughout society. This is a product of the research conducted by Dr. Carl Jung who believed that observation of the habitual exercise of individual choice, consistent with certain shared preferences, could be used to help identify fundamental differences in people. This theory identifies four rather different "approaches" to life, known as temperaments.

Perceived Burdensomeness

This is a sense that, "I am a burden to others, I do not contribute to the group, and I am a liability to the group's well-being or safety."

Thwarted Belongingness

This is a sense that, "i have no connection to others and those previously meaningful relationships that I did have been strained beyond recovery or lost outright."


This is a set of standards of conduct that guide decisions and actions based on duties derived from core values. Societies, not individuals, define the ethics of decisions and actions.

Coast Guard

This is a unique military service residing within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) while simultaneously providing direct support to the DoD. At peacetime, they protect the maritime economy and environment, defend the US maritime borders, and conducts search and rescue missions. Also provide port and waterway security, drug interdiction, migrant interdiction, marine safety, and other law enforcement missions. Will operate under the Navy when there is a declaration of War.


This is a useful tool for predicting the likelihood of future violence. The letters in the model describe the subject (threatener): J-Perceived Justification (justified in using violence?), A-Perceived Alternatives (alternatives to violence?), C-Perceived Consequences, and A-Perceived Ability (believe successfully deliver the blow, bullet, or bomb?).


This is a violent struggle between rival parties to attain competing objectives. Key facts of war are: it is an instrument of policy, strategy, or culture, it is a complex and chaotic human endeavor, and it is a clash of opposing wills.


This is an ad hoc agreement between two or more nations for common action. These are formed by different nations with different objectives, usually for a singly occasion or for longer cooperation in a narrow sector of common interest.

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

This is an anxiety disorder that may occur in an individual following exposure to a traumatic event. Some events that may cause PTSD: combat/military exposure, child sexual/physical abuse, natural disasters, sexual/physical assault, serious accidents, and terrorist attacks.


This is an inherently strategic force. This has great strategic capability for non-lethal strategic influence, as in humanitarian relief and building partnership activities. This dominates the fourth dimension (time) and compresses the tempo of events to produce physical and psychological shock. This results from the effective integration of capabilities, people, weapons, bases, logistics, and all supporting infrastructure. The choice of appropriate capabilities is a key aspect in the realization of airpower. Weapons should be selected based on their ability to create desired effects on an adversary's capability and will.


This is another method supervisors can employ to minimize substance abuse's impact on the mission. Leaders can show this by not exceeding alcohol consumption limits at unit functions and/or during off-duty celebrations with co-workers, bragging about weekend binges, not serving alcohol to minors, playing games that promote high alcohol consumption.


This is any mental or physical challenge or challenges.

Traditional Warfare

This is characterized as a confrontation between nation states or coalitions/alliances of nation states. This involves force-on-force military operations where adversaries employ a variety of conventional military capabilities against each other in the air, land, sea space, and cyberspace domains.

DDR (Direction, Discipline, and Recognition) of P^2

This is considered the foundation of P^2. In BMT we were transformed from civilians to Airmen using copious amounts of direction and discipline. Consistent trends in positive behavior and performance eventually result in various types of recognition to include awards, increased responsibilities, and promotions. DDR is critical to our progression and self-development as professionals.

Irregular Warfare

This is defined as a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. This favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities in order to erode an adversary's power, influence, and will.


This is defined as directing military operations toward a defined and attainable objective that contributes to strategic, operational, and tactical aims. This holds that political and military goals should be complementary and clearly articulated.

Cross-Cultural Communication

This is defined as the "Knowledge, motivation, and skills to interact effectively and appropriately with members of different cultures."

Ethical Leadership

This is defined as the demonstration of appropriate conduct through personal actions and relationships and the promotion of such conduct to subordinates through two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision making. A major responsibility of a leader is to make ethical decisions and behave in ethical ways, and to see that the organization understands and practices its ethical codes.

Building Partnership

This is described as Airmen interacting with international Airmen and other relevant actors to develop, guide, and sustain relationships for mutual benefit and security. Sub-elements are: Communicate and Shape.

The AF Affirmative Employment Program (AEP)

This is designed to facilitate opportunities for the employment and advancement of underrepresented groups in the work force, remove artificial barriers in personnel systems and practices, and eliminate discrimination by act or inference. All personnel actions and employment practices are based solely on merit and fitness. All facilities, activities, and services will be made available to eligible personnel on an equal basis.


This is established when the mission has a specific limit objective. These are established on geographical areas or functional basis depending on the mission and when the mission does not require overall centralized control of logistics.

Attribution (Impression Management)

This is how others actually view us. This involves the sub-skills of emotion, regulation, self-monitoring, and perceptual acuity.


This is important in reducing the threat to US forces. US should be viewed as a legitimate actor in the mission, working towards multi-lateral interests.

Sexual Assault

This is intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent. This includes rape, forcible sodomy, and other unwanted sexual contact that is aggravated, abusive, or wrongful, or attempts to commit these acts. The victim is NEVER to blame.

Nuclear Weapon System Reliability

This is maintained through an exhaustive testing, inspection, and maintenance program to guarantee the weapons will work if ever called upon by our nation's leaders. The specific elements of these testing, inspection, and maintenance programs are outlined by the individual Services and their respective nuclear configurations. Nuclear warhead reliability is a complex challenge during an era in which the US is not currently conducting underground nuclear tests. They key is the DOE/NNSA's Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP).

Self-Monitoring (Attribution)

This is our ability to detect appropriateness of our social behaviors and self-presentation in response to situational constraints and to adjust our behaviors to fit the situation.


This is the ability to express one's own strengths, feelings, and beliefs in a manner that is considerate toward the abilities, thoughts, values, and feelings of others. It is the ability to remove your primary lens (temperament) and instead, see others and the world through someone else's lens (color). One's maturity can be viewed as low or high maturity.

Agile Combat

This is the ability to field, protect, and sustain AF forces across the range of military operations to achieve joint effects. Sub-elements are: Ready the Total Force, Prepare the Battlespace, Position the Total Force, Protect the Total Force, Employ Combat Support Forces, Sustain the Total Force, and Recover the Total Force.

Global Precision Attack

This is the ability to hold at risk or strike rapidly and persistently, with a wide range of munitions at any target and to create swift, decisive, and precise effects across multiple domains. Sub-elements are: Strategic Attack, Air Interdiction, and Close Air Support.

Integrity First

This is the ability to hold together and properly regulate all of the elements of a personality. This encompasses nine characteristics: Courage, Honesty, Responsibility, Accountability, Justice, Openness, Self-Respect, and Humility. This exemplifies the willingness to do what is right even when no one is looking. Doing this will set the right example and earn the respect of subordinates and superior alike. Moral traits of integrity combine to form a moral compass for the military professional.

Emotion Regulation (Attribution)

This is the ability to manage, modify, and use our emotion toward constructive outcomes. Nonverbal communication scholars describe it as the most important predictor of cross-cultural adjustment and adaptation.

Perceptual Acuity (Attribution)

This is the ability to perceive a communication situation accurately. It involves attentiveness to both verbal and nonverbal elements of a conversation and takes into consideration the importance of context.

Safety; Element of Nuclear Surety

This is the application of engineering and management principles, criteria, and techniques to protect nuclear weapons against the risks and threats inherent in their environments within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time and cost throughout all phase of their life cycle. This program consists of key elements for program guidance, system evaluation, safety assurance, and for the conduct of safe nuclear weapon system operations. Key elements are: DoD Nuclear Weapon System Safety Standards, DoD Nuclear Weapon System Safety Policy, DoD Nuclear Weapon Safety Design Criteria, Positive Measures, Safety Rules, and Technical Procedures.

Knowledge (3C Model)

This is the basis for all cross-cultural learning, including culture-specific, and begins with an understanding of basic concepts of a culture (kinship, gender roles, types of exchanges or communication norms, etc.). Culturally competent Airmen work to overcome behaviors such as ethnocentric behavior or ethnocentrism.


This is the core beliefs we hold regarding what is right and fair in terms of our actions and our interactions with other; what individuals believe to be of worth and importance to their life.

Management by Exception-Active (MBE-A)

This is the corrective transaction between the leader and the follower. It exists in the structured systems with detailed instructions, careful observation, and active supervision. This type of leader: controls followers through forced compliance with rules, regulations, and expectations; is more concerned with identifying the problems and correcting them than trends in performance; closely monitors performance for errors; focuses on attention on errors or deviations from the standards; and wants to know if and when problems occur. It reduces Add to organizational uncertainties, avoids unnecessary risks, and ensures important goals are achieved. Also reduces temptation for subordinates to shirt their duties or act unethically and aids members in meeting defined performance objectives. It is inappropriate for all situations and becomes very ineffective if it is the only style used. Follower may have a hard time identifying with and trusting a leader that constantly focuses on the negative or micromanages every aspect of the job.

Prejudice (Cultural Concept)

This is the creation of an adverse or unreasonable opinion about a person or group without gathering all the facts and usually based on deeply held beliefs. A judgment against or an opinion contrary to anything without just grounds or sufficient knowledge.

Intrinsic Motivation

This motivation occurs when one experiences the positive feelings a task, activity, and the effort of doing their best generates within him or her. These type of people volunteer their time and effort to support non-profit organizations, humanitarian efforts, etc.

Space Superiority

This is the degree of dominance in space of one force over another that permits the conduct of operations by the former and its related land, sea, air, space, and special operations forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force. Sub-elements are: Space Force Enhancement (C3-command, control, and communication), Space Force Application (combat operations), Space Control (operate freedom), Space Support (deploy and sustain military and intelligence systems in space).


This is the disciplined application of military force appropriate to the situation. Commanders must establish clear ROEs for their forces. ROEs in contingencies are often more restrictive, detailed and sensitive to political concerns that in sustained combat operations.

Command and Control

This is the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. This is performed through an arrangement of personnel, equipment, communications, facilities, and procedures employed by a commander in planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations. Sub-elements are: Strategic Level, Operational Level, and Tactical Level.

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)

This is the first point of contact for reporting a sexual assault and is considered the center of gravity when it comes to issues of sexual assault. Started in 2005, they are responsible for education, victim support, and maintaining a volunteer staff of Victim Advocates.

Trait Theory ["The Great Man (or Woman) Theory]: (FRLD - innate qualities and personality characteristics are found in "great leaders")

This is the first studies of leadership which focused on fixed personal characteristics and innate qualities one possessed. One's leadership effectiveness was said to be influenced by their intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. This theory consists of trains and personality that are not considered in the FRLD model, but research indicates that positive, adaptive, active, and developmental leader traits support the social influence process for most effective leaders.

Hardiness of Spirit

This is the internal force one uses to face and handle mental and/or physical challenges. This refers to an intense energy that empowers one to act when called into action.

Economy of Force

This is the judicious employment and distribution of forces. Its purpose is to allocate minimum essential resources to secondary efforts. This calls for the rational use of force by selecting the best mix of air, space, and cyberspace capabilities.


This is the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. There are two types of courage which is moral and physical. Moral Courage is the power and determination to follow what one believes to be right, regardless of cost to one's self; derives from one's empath and compassion. Physical Courage is the observable actions one takes when faced with fear, pain, uncertainty, or danger.

Motivation (Positive Attitude)

This is the most essential component of cross-cultural competence is having a positive attitude toward understanding and appreciating cultural differences. The key to this process is relativism, which is opposite of ethnocentrism.


This is the nation's principal land force and promotes national values and interest by conducting military engagement and security cooperation, deterring aggression and violence, and should deterrence fail, compelling enemy behavioral change or compliance. They are responsible for the preparation of land forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war and military operations short of war. They include land combat, service forces, aviation, water transport, and space and cyberspace forces.

Cyberspace Superiority

This is the operational advantage in, through, and from cyberspace to conduct operations at a given time and in a given domain without prohibitive interference. The security and prosperity of the Nation depends on the freedom to access and utilize cyberspace. Sub-elements are: Cyberspace Force Application (combat - computer network attack CAN and computer network exploitation CNE), Cyberspace Defense (the passive, active, and dynamic employment of capabilities to respond to imminent or on-going actions against AF or AF protected networks; it incorporates CAN, CNE and computer network defense CND), and Cyberspace Support (foundational, continuous, or responsive operations ensuring information integrity and availability).

Drug Testing

This is the overarching umbrella for the substance use - abuse disorder program. The intent of this program is to deter and detect illicit drug use.


This is the process of helping the member recognize at the earliest possible moment that he or she needs treatment for self-destructive drinking or drug abuse.


This is the stress of losing, failing, overworking, and not coping; can affect in a harmful manner.


This is the sum of beliefs and values that people use to define and interpret the world, and their place within it. This is how we see and operate in the world based on our beliefs and values and lies at the deepest level of culture.

Personnel Recover

This is the sum of military, diplomatic, and civil efforts to prepare for an execute the recover and reintegration of isolated personnel. Sub-elements are: Combat Search and Rescue, Civil Search and Rescue, Disaster Response, Humanitarian Assistance Operations, and Medical Evacuation/Casualty Evacuation.

Global Integrated ISR

This is the synchronization and integration of the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and processing, exploitation, dissemination system across the globe to conduct current and future operations. Sub-elements are: Collection; Processing and Exploitation; Analysis and Production; and Dissemination and Integration.

Rapid Global Mobility

This is the timely deployment, employment, sustainment, augmentation, and redeployment of military forces and capabilities across the range of military operations. Capability to move from place to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission. Sub-elements are: Airlift, Air Refueling, and Aeromedical Evacuation.

Need for Achievement

This need is a desire where one accomplishes something difficult or masters particular objects, ideas, or tasks independently or with little help.

Security of Nuclear Surety

This is the total spectrum of procedures, facilities, equipment, and personnel employed to provide the protection against loss of custody, theft, or diversion of a nuclear weapon system, the protection against unauthorized access, and the protection against unauthorized actions, vandalism, sabotage, and malevolent damage. Security involves active and passive protective measures laid out by the DoD and executed by the individual Services. this is implemented through the Nuclear Weapons Security Standard.

Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD)

This is the use of any illicit drug or the misuse of any prescribed medication or the abuse of alcohol.

Substance Use Abuse

This is the use of any illicit drug, the misuse of any prescribed medication or abuse of alcohol.


This is the visible act or consideration to act in favor of or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which the person/thing belongs, rather than on individual merit.

Unity of Effort

This is to highlight its importance. This among a wide range of agencies involved in operations is vital to achieving victory. This is critical during interagency operations and is best achieved through consensus building.


This is used to ensure that the enemy NEVER acquires and unexpected advantage. Friendly forces must secure their operations, plans, aircraft, and personnel from the enemy. This must extend to our computer systems and cyberspace operations as well.

Department of Defense (DoD) Reorganization Act

This law became precedent to NSS in 1986 with the Goldwater-Nichols DoD, which required the President to report regularly to Congress and the American people on the NSS.

Transformation Leadership

This leader: offers followers a vision and inspires them to complete their mission; inspires followers to exceed their goals; promote positive and meaningful changes; uses the "4I's" to influence and "transform" others.

Transactional Leadership

This leadership centers on the 'transaction' between the leader and the follower. It can be corrective ("if you don't adhere to the standards, you will get a LOC) or constructive ("if we have an excellent rating on the inspection, you will get a day off). These are two types of transactional leadership behaviors: corrective Management By Exception-Active and the constructive Contingent Reward.

Involvement Level

This level is where individuals are personally satisfied with their work and feel their personal needs and desires are being met. Their motivation comes from within. They truly enjoy what they do and believe that their job is worth doing and doing well. They strive for personal and organizational success.

Performance Level

This level is where individuals understand and appreciate the rewards and benefits of doing more than those at the membership level. They contribute as long as leadership recognizes their contributions. They also demonstrate initiative and actually solve problem so long as their efforts are recognized and rewarded by leadership.

Membership Level

This level is where members only give the required time and effort to the organization. They depend on income, which means they merely meet the set standards and nothing more. They avoid getting too involved in their jobs and often complain but never take action to improve the situation.

Low Maturity

This level of maturity doesn't necessarily mean a person is immature or juvenile; it simply means the person requires development in their maturity and character. They firmly believe that their way is the best or most appropriate one. They may even force their preference on others.


This leverages the security principle by attacking the enemy at a time, place, or in a manner for which they are not prepared. This is one of airpower's strongest advantage.

Tactical Actions

This may be conducted by a single unit; however, they are often performed by a JIIM unit that coordinates time and place to achieve strategic or operational objectives in an operational area. These actions are battles, engagements, and/or strikes conducted by combat forces.


This means suitable for a particular person, place or condition.


This means that all the parts of a culture are interconnected and integrated. The idea of holism addresses how the different parts fit or interrelate, and how an action you take in one area might provoke a reaction in something else you might never expect.


This means that we seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. The aim is to act rather than react and to dictate the time, place, purpose, scope, intensity, and pace of operations.


This means the person applied the concept to a situation properly.


This mindset demands you have a global and strategic mindset. This entails thinking beyond two dimensions (vertical and time). This results in the Airman's unique perspective, which can be summarized as: controlling the vertical dimension and Airpower.

FRLD Model

This model is a leadership training system that suggests leaders perform throughout a gamut of leadership behaviors ranging from active and effective behavior to a more passive and less effective behavior.

Blind Spots (Johari Window Model)

This model is essentially a pattern of four quadrants used to determine a person's four areas or panes of self-awareness to include how others see or perceive that person. Open, Hidden, Unknown, Blind are the four windows.

Contemporary Motivation

This motivation categorizes a members commitment to the organization into three levels: membership (lowest), performance (moderate), and involvement (highest). Knowing your people is a big part of this motivation.

Extrinsic Motivation

This motivation drives people to do things in order to attain a specific outcome. These people are fueled by their desire to achieve (or avoid) some external result or reward for their behavior. These people agree to and accomplish specific tasks to receive other external rewards like promotions, time off, awards, formal recognition, and additional responsibilities.

Nuclear Surety

This program consists of materiel, personnel, and procedures that contribute to the safety, security, reliability, and control of nuclear weapons. This applies to all nuclear-related materials, personnel, and procedures to ensure no nuclear accidents, incidents, loss, theft, or unauthorized or accidental employments occur. Three key elements are safety, security, and reliability.


This program reinforces the AF's commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual assault through awareness and prevention training, education, victim advocacy, response, reporting and accountability. AF has a ZERO TOLERANCE for any type of sexual assault or attempted assault.

Negative Punishment

This punishment occurs when a leader removes something valued by the follower after they have demonstrated an undesirable or unacceptable behavior...taking something away to stop a behavior from occurring.

Positive Punishment

This punishment occurs when the leader applies or presents an unfavorable action or result to a follower who has demonstrated an undesirable behavior...adding something to stop a behavior from occurring.


This refers to all Airmen, skilled practitioners, and combatants of air, space, and cyberspace warfare. Airmen are all commissioned officers, noncommissioned officers, airmen, and civilian members that server in support of the almost 200 AF specialties codes. Airmanship comprised of different concepts: the Oath of Enlistment, The Profession of Arms, USAF Core Values, Warrior Ethos, and Resilience.

Warrior Ethos

This refers to the professional attitudes and beliefs that inspire every member of the profession of arms. This requires an unrelenting and consistent determination to do what is right and to do it with pride, both in war and in military operations other than war, while helping to spur our resiliency to fight through all conditions to victory, no matter how long it take sand no matter how much effort is required. Three key elements: a hardiness of spirit, courage (both moral and physical), and resiliency.


This region shows that non-proliferation cannot be ensured in a security void. They not have a worrisome global dimension raising major powers' stakes in the issues of peace and security in this region. Their nuclear dimension is the only nuclear equation that grew up in history totally unelated to the Cold War. The cause of non-proliferation will also not be served without addressing the underlying causes of conflict in this region. Durable peace between the two countries will come only through mutual dialogue and cooperation, not through conflict and confrontation.

Negative Reinforcement

This reinforcement includes the removal of unpleasant, unfavorable actions or events the follower is currently experiencing that occurs after they have displayed a desirable behavior, or taking something away that the follower thinks is 'bad' in order to 'reinforce' a behavior.

Positive Reinforcement

This reinforcement involves favorable actions, results, or outcomes that a leader presents to a follower after the follower demonstrates a desired behavior.

Role Demands

This relates to pressures placed on a person as a function of the particular role he or she plays in the organization. You experience this when time does not permit him or her to complete all assigned tasks. Role ambiguity occurs when the individual is not sure what his or her role expectations are.

Service Before Self

This represents an abiding dedication to the age-old military virtue of selfless dedication to duty at all times an under all circumstances including placing one's life at risk. This also encompasses nine characteristics: Rule Following, Faith in the System, Respect for Others, Self-Discipline, Self-Control, Appropriate Actions or Desires, Tolerance, Loyalty, and Family. Airmen have a responsibility to their families as well as the AF.

Personal Rewards

This reward comes from within us. When we fully enjoy our work, we strive to exceed every standard and reward ourselves for a job well done. We do not rely on anyone else to reward our efforts.

Range of Military Operations

This scale ranges from theater-wide major operations and campaigns, smaller scale contingencies and crisis response operations, to engagement, security cooperation, and deterrence operations. No two conflicts are alike and the scope, duration, tempo and political context will vary widely. The US government groups operations into three areas that compose the range of military operations: Military Engagement, Security Cooperation, and Deterrence; Crisis Response and Limited Contingency Operations; and Major Operations and Campaigns. Other considerations for military engagement security cooperation, and deterrence are: interagency, intergovernmental, and non governmental (NGO's) and host nation coordination; information sharing and cultural awareness.


This shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Consent is not given when a person uses force threat of force, coercion, or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, or unconscious.


This step involves focused attention on your environment and gathering information through all five senses.


This step, we consider all the courses of action developed and choose one to move forward with based on our options and understanding of the situation.

Positive Influence (Stress Management)

This stress can compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and exciting new perspective.

Negative Influence (Stress Management)

This stress can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

The AF Symbol

This symbol has two parts: the upper half, the stylized wings represent the stripes of our strength-the enlisted men and women of our force. They are drawn with great angularity to emphasize our swiftness and power; the lower half has a sphere, a star, and three diamonds. The sphere and star represents the globe. The star symbolizes the five points primary components of the Total Force (family, Guard, Reserve, Civilians, and retirees). The three diamonds represents the core values. Combine, the AF symbol presents two powerful images-at once it is an eagle (the emblem of our nation) and a medal, representing valor in service to our nation.

Reflective Thinking

This system is a broad and informed problem-solving and deliberate decision making. It is useful for judgments in unfamiliar situations, for processing abstract concepts, and for deliberating when there is time for planning and more comprehensive consideration. Argument making is part of this process.

Cultural Perspective Taking

This tasking is a cognitive process by which an individual is able to identify the thoughts and/or feelings of another culture. They develop their cultural perspective taking through exposure to cultures that are different from their own.

TSR (Traumatic Stress Response)

This team or services exist on each base to help individuals recover from or remain functioning despite the potential negative effects of traumatic incidents. They enable people to understand the normal reactions to traumatic events and to promote use of effective coping skills

Orange Temperament

This temperament are based off of fun and excitement; they love fun, excitement, and being in the center of the action. They: thrive on competition and the adrenaline rush from doing things others are typically afraid to try; surround themselves with people who are willing to laugh, explore, play hard, take risks, and work hard; viewed as renegades and free spirits; challenge authority and the status quo; respect is something that is earned; upbeat, fun, inspiring to be around and are relentless when they are involved in pursuits that are valuable to them; tireless ability and stamina and work as hard as they play; highly ambitious and successful.

Gold Temperament

This temperament care is based off of structure, security, and order. They: thrive well in environments that are deliberate and well organized; confusion, chaos, and disorder are very unsettling and frustrating; typically obedient, law-abiding, and respectful of rules and authority; pride themselves on hard work and dedication and appreciate detailed instruction with well-defined details; goal oriented, ready to complete any task requiring little prompting or encouragement; do the right thing; law-abiding; expect all things to be fair, morally right, and just and work best in environments where everyone "pulls their own weight" and respond well to verbal praise and acknowledgement of their efforts.

Blue Temperament

This temperament depends on feelings and people. Interpersonal interaction and relationships are essential components. They strive to please others, offer encouragement, and will oftentimes go out of their way to help everyone fit into the group. Harmony and peace are very important, they will sacrifice their wants just to maintain group cohesion. Good rule of thumb is offering five compliments to one criticism when dealing with this temperament.

Green Temperament

This temperament is basis its core off of logical thought and analytical evaluations. They value competence in themselves and others and can quickly develop contempt for individuals they consider incompetent. They like to work in solitude and have a hard time with rules and routine; reasonable and inquisitive, always ask "why";enhance their competence, knowledge, and credibility as an intellectual; expanding their knowledge and abilities rather than tending to the needs of others; do not follow the societal "herd"; they do desire support and encouragement when it comes to their ideas and cognitive abilities; "if it isn't broke, there is still a better way".

McClelland's Need Theory

This theory argues that for a reward to appropriate, accepted, and effective; it must fulfill a member's need. Based on this theory, there are three primary needs a person must satisfy to be motived: achievement, affiliation, and power.

Situational Leadership Theory (FRLD - followers' competence and confidence determines appropriate leader behavior)

This theory focused on a follower's competence and commitment, or development level (DL) in completing a specific task and the use of four different leadership styles to influence the follower's development. This was created by Mr Ken Blanchard and Dr Paul Hersey. The four types of leadership styles are directive, coaching, supporting, or delegating. The crux of this theory is that it is task specific. This is the most effective FRLD behaviors universal across many situations and cultures...most effective leaders can be either directive or participative.

Skills Theory (FRLD - emotional awareness and control are essential to leadership effectiveness)

This theory focuses on leaders who are emotionally intelligent and can successfully solve problems and make logical decisions. It is also an emotional connection and social comfort between leader and follower which are key to leadership effectiveness. Rationality and intellectual curiosity are required on the part of leaders and followers.

Contingency Theory (FRLD - match leaders to appropriate situation depending upon task/relationship orientation, relations with followers, task structure, and position power)

This theory suggests that leaders simply cannot change their behaviors. To achieve the most success, a leader is paired to a particular situation based on his or her strengths and skill sets. This is based on three critical situational factors: Leader-Member Relations, Leader's Position Power, and The Task Structure. This is the most effective FRDL behaviors which are universal across many situations and cultures. Some situations may require more task-focused and less developmental behaviors.

Iceberg Theory of Culture

This theory was developed by Edward T. Hall in his book Beyond Culture. The iceberg is a metaphor for the aspects of culture that we don't often understand without further exploration. The mental, behavioral, and material aspects of culture, when combined, show us how culture affects all aspect of people's lives, including their view of the world and how they interact with others. Our core beliefs - the lower part of the iceberg - are so fundamental to our thinking that we rarely question them.

Contingent Rewards

This type of leadership involved the constructive transaction between the leader and the follower. This transaction becomes a 'contract' or goal between the leader and follower. This leader: sets goals, clarifies roles, and explains expectations; uses extrinsic motivation to get followers to achieve goals; actively monitors progress and provide supportive feedback.

Restricted Reporting of Sexual Assault

This type of reporting is confidentially disclose and will not trigger an official investigative process. They may only report restricted to the SARC, Victim Advocate, or a Health Care Provider.

Unrestricted Reporting of Sexual Assault

This type of reporting will conduct an official investigation. Commanders notified of this must take immediate steps to ensure the victim's physical safety, emotional security, and medical treatment needs are met and that the AFOSI or appropriate criminal investigative agency and SARC are notified.

System Level Rewards

This type of reward is given to everyone. This reward is given just for being a member of the organization. Examples are pay, training, annual leave, medical and dental benefits, etc.

Supervisory Rewards

This type of reward is given to those who go beyond the standard, they include such things as praise, public recognition, time-off, bonus pay, promotions, special assignments, greater roles and responsibilities, etc. Typically these people operate at the performance level of commitment.

The National Security Strategy of the United States

This was published by the Reagan administration in 1987. Congress' mandate tasked the Executive Branch to publish a NSS and the this was the first document.

Hidden Windowpane

This window is in regards to aspects about yourself that you refuse to share with others. "Skeletons within our closet" or "façade", these may include fears, traumatic past experiences, etc.

Unknown Windowpane

This window refers to aspects about ourselves that no one knows, to include ourselves.

Blind Windowpane

This window refers to aspects about us that we are not aware of, but others are.

Open Windowpane

This window refers to characteristics and traits that you and other know about yourself.

Laissez-Fair (the "non-leadership)

Those who exercise this leadership: view the development for their subordinates as someone else's problem; abandon or pass on their responsibilities to others; fail to respond urgently to critical situations; remain indifferent toward important issues; and are hesitant to make decisions or deal with chronic problems.

Three Approaches for Evaluating Information

Three effective approaches for evaluation information are to ensure information is credible, unbiased, and accurate.

Levels of Learning

Three levels of learning are used to target both cognitive and affective objectives

Ethical Decision Making

Three qualities individuals must possess to make ethical decisions: 1) the ability to recognize ethical issues and to reason through the ethical consequences of decisions, while being able to see second and third order effects. 2) the ability to look at alternative points of view, deciding what is right in a particular set of circumstances. 3) the ability to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty; making a decision on the best information available

Three Types of Rewards (Integral part of Contemporary Motivation)

Three types of rewards that are an integral part of contemporary motivation are system level, supervisory, and personal rewards.

Free Thinker

To have an independent mind. One must restrain one's desire to believe because of social pressures to conform.

Terminal Cognitive Objective

To know, comprehend, or apply. Comprehend airmanship concepts and their impact on NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness. These are the standards used to evaluate student learning and performance and describe actions that demonstrate the desired level of learning.

Affective Objectives/Samples of Behavior

To receive, respond, and value. Value (lesson) concepts and their impact on subordinate, NCO, unite, and mission effectiveness.

Four Theories of Leadership Theory

Trait, Skills, Situational Leadership, and Contingency Theories are the four theories of leadership.

Transactional vs Transformational Leadership

Transactional Leadership tends to have a "here and now", task related focus. Transformational Leadership runs deeper and focuses on a fundamental change in your followers' professional character.

Idealized Influence (Influencing)

Transformational leaders are charismatic and act as positive role models that "walk the walk". Leaders: display high levels of moral behavior, virtues, and character strengths, as well as a strong work ethic; represent the organizational values, beliefs, purpose in words and actions; champion trusting one another; and set aside their self-interests for the good of the group.

EPME (Enlisted Professional Military Education) Pillars

USAF Core Values, AFI 36-2618 The Enlisted Force Structure, USAF Doctrine ANNEX 1-1 Force Development, and CJSC 1805.01A Enlisted Professional Military Education are the EPME Pillars. Additional influences to the EMPE pillars are AF Learning Council, Headquarters AF, AFI, Chief of Staff of the AF, Chief Master Sergeant of the AF, AF Learning Committee, and Enlisted Force Development Panel.

Terms and Definitions Concerning Equal Opportunity and Treatment and Human Relations

Unlawful discrimination, Personal discrimination, systemic discrimination, sexual harassment, complaint, equal opportunity, human relations climate, prejudice, stereotype, racism, and sexism. are terms concerning equal opportunity, and treatment and human relations.

Affective Objective

Value critical thinking concepts and their impact on subordinate, NCO, unit, and mission effectiveness. Samples of behavior: read about concepts with an open mind and remember new information (receiving), complete all activities to full understand them, accept the idea, willingly develop a preference, and commit to using concepts.

Valuing Level of Learning

Valuing is the affective domain's third level of learning. This is based on the internalization of a set of specified values, which clues to these values are expressed in the learner's overt behavior and are often identifiable.

Warning Signs - Combat/Operational Stress

Warning signs from combat/operational stress are: hyperactivity, trembling, loss of feelings, loss of mobility, spaced out, irritable/angry outburst, reckless behavior, poor hygiene, memory loss, lack of sleep, hallucinations, misconduct, mood changes, withdrawal, depression, apathy, confusion, emotional outburst, and frantic/panicky behavior.

Advanced Suicidal Warning Signs

Warning signs: intention of harming self or others, emotional, thoughts of suicide, suicide plan, behaviors towards harming oneself or others, and stating to kill one self or others.

Theory of "Negligent Supervision"

When one employee alleges that an employer should have taken reasonable care in supervising a second employee who is threatening the first with violent conduct.


When one responds to a workplace violence incident with an "I can handle it" attitude when the right thing to do is consult with professional help.

Application level of learning

Whenever you see a sample of behavior statement containing the phrase "apply lesson concepts/principles to simulated situations."

Wingman Philosophy

Wingmen operate as a pair, watch each other's back, take responsibility for each other, we seek help from our wingmen, and we act when an Airmen needs help. This philosophy impacts AF issues such as: suicide awareness and prevention, sexual assault response and prevention, domestic violence intervention and prevention, workplace violence intervention and prevention, substance abuse intervention and prevention, financial management, and responsible decision-making and behavior in all phases of our lives.

Dress and Appearance (AFI 36-2903)

a Prussian named Fredrich von Steuben is the founder of American military uniform regulations. "The indifferent quality of clothing instead of excusing slovenliness and unsoldierly conduct ought rather to excite each man to compensate for those deficiencies by redoubled attention to his personal appearance." 1779 marked publication of the first standard uniform and appearance regulations for the US under the authority of Congress.

Example Questions Using Elements of Thought

a) Purpose - What am I trying to accomplish, what is my central aim/purpose? b) Questions - What question am I raising, what question am I addressing, am I considering the complexities in the question? c) Information - What information am I using to that conclusion, what experience have I had to support this claim, what information do I need to settle the question? d) Inferences/Conclusions - How did I reach this conclusion, is there another way to interpret the information? e) Concepts - What is the main idea here, can I explain this idea? f) Assumptions - What am I taking for granted, what assumption has led me to that conclusion? g) Implications/Consequences - If someone accepted my position what would be the implications, what am I implying? h) Point of View - from what point of view am I looking at the issue, is there another point of view I should consider?


the act or process of complying to a desire, demand, proposal, or regimen or to coercion; conformity in fulfilling official requirements or; disposition to yield to others

Projection (Impression Management)

the image we want others to have of us


the quality or state of being accountable; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for ones actions


the quality or state of being responsible as moral, legal, or mental accountability; something which one is responsible

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