American Civ Exam 3

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The inauguration of John Kennedy as president of the United States ... A. Brought vigorous leadership to the government. B. Meant that Washington social life became less glamorous. C. Led to an administration dominated by a Roman Catholic perspective. D. Meant the continuation of a presidential leadership style similar to Eisenhower's.

A. Brought vigorous leadership to the government.

The Interstate Highway Act did all of the following EXCEPT: A. Cause a population shift away from suburban areas. B. Create a nation dependent on oil. C. Contribute to job growth and prosperity. D. Stimulate the auto industry.

A. Cause a population shift away from suburban areas.

Part of labor's cooperation was gained by material concessions such as General Motors' 1948 introduction of ... A. Cost-of-living adjustment. B. Guaranteed annual wage. C. Profit sharing. D. Double time for overtime.

A. Cost-of-living adjustment.

Both Presidents Kennedy and Johnson believed that if one country in a region became communist, others would soon follow. This is the ... A. Domino theory. B. Theory of communist spread. C. Theory of containment. D. Confrontation theory.

A. Domino theory.

The primary reason President Johnson's Great Society came to an end was ... A. His desire to maintain his domestic reform programs and fight the War in Vietnam. B. Many programs were underfunded and therefore unsuccessful. C. Increasing criticisms from conservatives, moderates, and liberals. D. Some programs promised too much.

A. His desire to maintain his domestic reform programs and fight the War in Vietnam.

Which of the following successful integration efforts happened first? A. Jackie Robinson and baseball. B. Rosa Parks and the buses in Montgomery, Alabama. C. President Truman and the armed forces D. President Eisenhower and the public schools in Littler Rock. Arkansas

A. Jackie Robinson and baseball.

During the 1950s, agricultural developments in the United States ... A. Led to agricultural consolidation. B. Led to increasing numbers of rural jobs. C. Required a greater number of farmers than in the Depression years. D. Caused a decline in agribusiness and a renewed focus on the family farm.

A. Led to agricultural consolidation.

The States' Rights or Dixiecrat Party's major goal was to ... A. Maintain racial segregation. B. Reverse the "socialist policies" of the New Deal. C. Preserve Confederate statues and monuments. D. Elect a Republican president.

A. Maintain racial segregation.

Cultural rebels during the 1940s and 1950s in the United States included all of the following EXCEPT: A. Marilyn Monroe. B. Elvis Presley. C. Jack Kerouac. D. Allen Ginsberg

A. Marilyn Monroe.

By the end of the 1960s, the city with the largest Puerto Rican population in the world was ... A. New York. B. San Juan. C. San Salvador. D. Miami.

A. New York.

In November 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated while ... A. On a political trip to help unite the Texas Democratic Party. B. En route to a vacation on Padre Island. C. Promoting his plans to invade Cuba. D. Attempting to undermine support for Vice President Johnson, who hoped to oppose him in the 1964 Democratic primary.

A. On a political trip to help unite the Texas Democratic Party.

Which of the following statements about the Bay of Pigs invasion is FALSE? A. President Kennedy provided air cover for invading Cuban exiles. B. The Americans mistakenly assumed the Cuban people would rise up against Castro during the attack. C. An air strike failed to destroy Cuban air power. D. Castro held off troops coming ashore.

A. President Kennedy provided air cover for invading Cuban exiles.

Environmental pollution and the dangers of pesticides such as DDT were subjects in Silent Spring by ... A. Rachel Carson. B. Fannie Lou Hammer. C. Lady Bird Johnson. D. Anne Moody.

A. Rachel Carson.

In 1968 which of these men was assassinated? A. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. B. John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy C. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X D. John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.

A. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.

The Eisenhower Doctrine stated "the existing vacuum in the Middle East must be filled by the United States before it is filled by ___________." A. Russia B. Iran C. Arab nations D. China

A. Russia

The Peace Corps was established in order to ... A. Send dedicated Americans abroad to work with people at the grassroots level. B. Send trained volunteers abroad to teach modern methods of birth control. C. Help developing countries industrialize. D. Provide diplomatic assistance to end civil wars in developing countries.

A. Send dedicated Americans abroad to work with people at the grassroots level.

All of the following statements are true about the Japanese fishermen on the ship Lucky Dragon in 1957 EXCEPT: A. The United States immediately halted all testing of nuclear bombs until further study. B. They became ill from radiation exposure. C. One of the crewmen later died of exposure. D. The fishermen drifted near a radioactive fallout cloud left from American testing of nuclear bombs.

A. The United States immediately halted all testing of nuclear bombs until further study.

The South Vietnamese military assassinated their Prime Minister Ngo Dinh Diem with assistance of ... A. The United States. B. The U.S.S.R. C. China. D. North Vietnam.

A. The United States.

The sexual revolution was encouraged by all of the following EXCEPT: A. The increase in sex education classes in public schools. B. More nudity on stage and screen. C. The availability of an effective and inexpensive birth control pill. D. The federal court rulings lifting the ban on books once considered pornography

A. The increase in sex education classes in public schools.

The primary reason for Native Americans migrating to urban areas was ... A. The lack of good jobs on the reservation. B. The government's termination policy. C. To escape the social problems on reservations such as alcoholism. D. Reservation life lost its cohesiveness.

A. The lack of good jobs on the reservation.

Which of the following does NOT describe trends in postwar America? A. The rich were becoming more concentrated in the center of American cities. B. American housing was becoming more standardized. C. The suburbs were becoming more important in American society. D. The population was shifting to the West and Southwest.

A. The rich were becoming more concentrated in the center of American cities.

During the Eisenhower years of the 1950s, African American women .. A. Were able to move into white-collar jobs. B. Did not succeed in increasing their income. C. Were limited almost exclusively to domestic work. D. Joined the women's movement.

A. Were able to move into white-collar jobs.

Presidents Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were similar in ... A. Ability to deal effectively with Congress. B. Aggressive use of presidential power. C. Crude and offensive personal manners. D. Their culture and sophistication.

B. Aggressive use of presidential power.

Abstract expressionism reflected ... A. Consensus and conformity. B. Alienation and rebellion. C. European influences. D. Traditional American values.

B. Alienation and rebellion.

By 1960, most Americans tended to believe that the federal government should ... A. Abandon the philosophy on which the New Deal and Fair Deal had been based. B. Assume an active role in providing welfare benefits for the people. C. Reduce its commitment to social welfare programs. D. Radically reduce defense spending

B. Assume an active role in providing welfare benefits for the people.

Which one of the following was critical of the cultural demands and limitations placed on women in the 1950s and 1960s? A. Hugh Heffner / Playboy B. Betty Friedan / The Feminine Mystique C. Benjamin Spock / Baby and Child Care D. Alfred C. Kinsey / Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female

B. Betty Friedan / The Feminine Mystique

The turbulent Democratic convention of 1968 took place in ... A. Philadelphia. B. Chicago. C. New York City. D. Los Angeles.

B. Chicago.

By 1960, a majority of American families ... A. Had made few gains from the Depression years. B. Could attain a middle-class lifestyle. C. Found they could not keep up with the cost of living. D. Had little extra spending money.

B. Could attain a middle-class lifestyle.

Hippies were a part of the ... A. Greatest generation. B. Counterculture movement. C. Silent generation. D. Beats

B. Counterculture movement.

American action in Latin America during the 1950s ... A. Showed support for the nationalist movements in the region. B. Demonstrated concern for political stability and American economic investments in the region. C. Had little relationship to America's Cold War policies. D. Led to strong pro-American feelings throughout Latin America.

B. Demonstrated concern for political stability and American economic investments in the region.

Religious developments in the United States during the 1950s ... A. Were characterized by less church attendance than in the previous decade. B. Emphasized family life. C. Were characterized by a strong concern with doctrinal issues. D. Emphasized the differences between various religious beliefs.

B. Emphasized family life.

The goal of the U.S. government's termination policy was to ... A. Protect Native Americans from being unjustly fired from their jobs. B. Encourage Native Americans to leave reservations and move to cities. C. Preserve and protect Native American burial grounds. D. Provide increased financial support Native American reservations.

B. Encourage Native Americans to leave reservations and move to cities.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 ... A. Removed the long-standing ban on all Asian immigration. B. Ended the ban on Japanese immigration and established a quota of 100 immigrants a year for each Asian nation. C. Denied eligibility for citizenship to all first-generation Japanese Americans. D. Permitted immigration of professional Asians such as educators and doctors.

B. Ended the ban on Japanese immigration and established a quota of 100 immigrants a year for each Asian nation.

Fearing Republicans would label him "soft on communism," President Truman established the ... A. Federal Bureau of Investigation. B. Federal Employee Loyalty Program. C. House on Un-American Activities Committee. D. National Security Council.

B. Federal Employee Loyalty Program.

In comparison to his predecessors, Dwight Eisenhower ... A. Had little desire to be president. B. Had limited experience with everyday politics. C. Had difficulty in getting people to work for him. D. Was abrupt and aggressive in his actions.

B. Had limited experience with everyday politics.

Which of the following presidents is responsible for initially escalating the Vietnam War? A. Harry Truman B. John F. Kennedy C. Dwight D. Eisenhower D. Lyndon B. Johnson

B. John F. Kennedy

What was the American reaction to the discovery of radioactive fallout? A. Some Americans burned down nuclear facilities in the United States. B. Many built fallout shelters. C. Many marched on Washington, D. C., protesting the use of nuclear weapons. D. Many fled the nation.

B. Many built fallout shelters.

After he became president, Lyndon Johnson ... A. Refused to support any of Kennedy's programs. B. Proved effective in working with Congress. C. Demonstrated considerable charisma and charm. D. Failed to promote the interest of blacks.

B. Proved effective in working with Congress.

The key to Ray Kroc's success was ... A. Advertising. B. Standardization. C. Conservative thinking. D. Low prices.

B. Standardization.

Which of the following is NOT an example of student activism and rebellion? A. Columbia University student demonstrations and strike B. Tet offensive C. University of Michigan teach-in D. Berkeley Free Speech Movement

B. Tet offensive

During the 1950s, a group of authors who promoted unconventional values in their writings were known as ... A. The lost generation. B. The Beats. C. Hippies D. Litterateurs.

B. The Beats.

During the Six-Day war, Israel defeated Egypt and seized all of the following EXCEPT: A. The West Bank and Jerusalem.. B. The Palestinian territories. C. The Golan Heights. D. The Sinai Peninsula.

B. The Palestinian territories.

As president, Kennedy was able to win congressional support and funding for ... A. Medical care for the elderly. B. The exploration of space. C. A major urban renewal program. D. Aid to parochial schools.

B. The exploration of space.

Which of the following statements about African American migrants is FALSE? A. They relied on the black church for continuity and a variety of social services. B. Within one generation most families were able to move out of poverty. C. They thought they were going to the promised land. D. Too often they found themselves living in urban slums.

B. Within one generation most families were able to move out of poverty.

Some women who had worked with SANE were so worried about nuclear testing they called for ... A. The U.S. and Russia to destroy all nuclear weapons. B. Women to participate in a nation-wide one day strike for peace. C. Women to participate in a March on Washington to demand a nuclear free world. D. A ban on all nuclear weapons.

B. Women to participate in a nation-wide one day strike for peace.

Secretary of State Dulles devised the policy of threatening the Soviets with ... A. A "preemptive strike." B. "détente." C. "massive retaliation." D. "hot war."

C. "massive retaliation."

After learning of missiles in Cuba, Kennedy imposed ... A. Martial law. B. A blockade. C. A quarantine. D. Economic sanctions.

C. A quarantine.

In 1957 Russia successfully launched Sputnik, a (an) ... A. Manned missile. B. Hydrogen bomb. C. A satellite. D. An intercontinental ballistic missile.

C. A satellite.

The Hollywood Ten served prison sentences of 6 months to one year for ... A. Producing anti-American films. B. Writing film scripts that promoted communist ideology. C. Asserting their constitutional right to remain silent. D. Lying about being members of the Communist Party.

C. Asserting their constitutional right to remain silent.

While attempting to build an atomic bomb during World War II, the United States ... A. Concealed the project from the British. B. Shared the information with all of its allies. C. Concealed the project from the Soviet Union. D. Decided to drop the bomb on Japan but not on Germany.

C. Concealed the project from the Soviet Union.

Who was found guilty of espionage and executed? A. Whittaker Chambers B. Paul Robeson C. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg D. Alger Hiss

C. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

A major goal of the Truman administration was to ... A. Encourage the business community to provide more consumer goods. B. Reduce the increase in population through family planning. C. Expand the welfare state. D. End high unemployment caused by the Great Depression

C. Expand the welfare state.

Paul Cowan represented the views of many 1960s students who ... A. Deserted the military because of their disillusionment with the war. B. Lost faith in the "American way." C. Felt government could make a positive difference. D. Opposed the concept of active government.

C. Felt government could make a positive difference.

The dictator of Cuba was overthrown by ... A. U.S. armed forces. B. Fulgencio Batista C. Fidel Castro. D. Russian armed forces.

C. Fidel Castro.

When President Truman and President Eisenhower left the presidency they both ... A. Had very few successes and many failures. B. Had been unable to reduce the size and role of government in the economy. C. Had implicitly accepted the fundamental features of the welfare state. D. Were extremely unpopular with the American public.

C. Had implicitly accepted the fundamental features of the welfare state.

Which of the following did Congress declare posed a security risk because they were unstable and could be easily blackmailed? A. Naturalized citizens B. African Americans passing as white C. Homosexuals D. Adulterers

C. Homosexuals

Which of the following statements about John Kennedy and the Election of 1960 is FALSE? A. JFK was the youngest man elected president. B. JFK easily won the electoral votes to win the election. C. JFK had little prior political experience. D. JFK won the election with a very small margin of the popular vote.

C. JFK had little prior political experience.

The conviction that a woman's main role was still homemaking ... A. Limited job choices to domestic work or child care. B. Kept married women out of the workplace altogether. C. Justified lower wages and denial of promotions. D. Redefined some occupations as acceptable for women.

C. Justified lower wages and denial of promotions.

The Red Scare of the Cold War led to all of the following EXCEPT: A. Violations of civil rights and liberties in the name of national security. B. Nationwide suspicion and anxiety. C. Mass arrests and deportations. D. The fear that the right to dissent was no longer safe.

C. Mass arrests and deportations.

When Ho Chi Minh established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945, the United States ... A. Sent troops to restore the former government. B. Signed a peace treaty with the new state. C. Refused to recognize the new state. D. Welcomed the creation of a new democratic country.

C. Refused to recognize the new state.

When James Meredith tried to attend the University of Mississippi in 1962 ... A. Blacks decided to boycott the bus system in Oxford. B. Other college students on campus offered their support. C. Riots resulted. D. The state's governor supported his right to attend the university.

C. Riots resulted.

Woodstock in upstate New York and Altamont in California were locations of ... A. Massive antiwar demonstrations. B. Antiwar film festivals. C. Rock festivals. D. Hippie communes.

C. Rock festivals.

One of Lyndon Johnson's major goals as president was to ... A. Slow down the pace of the civil rights movement. B. Lessen the power of the executive branch in the political process. C. Secure the foundation of the welfare state. D. Reduce government involvement in the economy.

C. Secure the foundation of the welfare state.

The level of U.S. violence in Vietnam increased with the use of all of the following EXCEPT: A. Saturation bombing. C. Napalm. C. Small tactical nuclear weapons. D. Fragmentation bombs.

C. Small tactical nuclear weapons.

In Eisenhower's perception of the function of the government ... A. Economic activism was an important role for the government. B. The size of the federal government should continue to grow to meet the needs of the nation. C. The government should have a limited role in the economy. D. The role of the president should be expanded.

C. The government should have a limited role in the economy.

Underlying Johnson's vision of a "Great Society" was ... A. His belief that the Republicans would return to office in 1964. B. The desire to be reelected in 1968. C. The most extensive reform program in U.S. history. D. His opposition to Kennedy's legislative programs.

C. The most extensive reform program in U.S. history.

Senator Joseph McCarthy's power and influence disappeared after ... A. He lost re-election. B. His Lincoln Day speech in Wheeling, West Virginia. C. The televised Army-McCarthy hearings. D. He had an affair with a Hollywood starlet.

C. The televised Army-McCarthy hearings.

The passage of the Taft-Hartley Act ... A. Reinforced the Democratic labor policies of the New Deal era. B. Had the strong support of Harry Truman. C. Was an indicator of public reaction against unions. D. Gave federal protection for the concept of the "closed shop."

C. Was an indicator of public reaction against unions.

In American society during the Truman and Eisenhower years ... A. Sexuality was seldom discussed publicly. B. Movies often portrayed women in a wide variety of non-traditional roles. C. Wives were expected to manage their homes and be cheerful and willing objects of their husband's desires. D. The attitude toward women's roles drastically changed.

C. Wives were expected to manage their homes and be cheerful and willing objects of their husband's desires.

An Esquire magazine article in 1954 asserted that ... A. Women should continue working in military plants. B. Women deserved the advantages given to men. C. Working wives were a "menace." D. Women should be able to choose to work or to stay at home.

C. Working wives were a "menace."

In 1966 Stokely Carmichael called for ... A. Urban riots. B. Continued use of nonviolent direct action. C. Freedom by "any means necessary." D. "Black Power!"

D. "Black Power!"

Andy Warhol was ... A. "Merry Prankster." B. Author and playwright. C. An "op" artist. D. A "pop" artist.

D. A "pop" artist.

During the 1950s, ethnic Americans in general ... A. Unlike most Americans, were influenced little by television. B. Constituted an increasingly greater percentage of the American population. C. Asserted their separate cultural identities. D. Became more readily assimilated into American society.

D. Became more readily assimilated into American society.

One of the most prominent Americans to resist the draft was ... A. Rock 'n' roll idol Elvis Presley. B. Football fullback Jim Brown. C. Actor James Dean. D. Boxer Muhammad Ali.

D. Boxer Muhammad Ali.

The Iranian army overthrew the government of Iran with the help and support of the ... A. U.S. and British oil corporations. B. Shah of Iran. C. Russian KGB. D. CIA.


The terrifying cold war event that brought the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. closest to a nuclear war was the ... A. Construction of the Berlin Wall. B. Bay of Pigs Invasion. C. Tet Offensive. D. Cuban Missile Crisis.

D. Cuban Missile Crisis.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. France fought Vietnamese forces under Ho Chi Minh and France lost. B. The U.S. began sending more military and and military advisers to assist South Vietnam. C. Vietnam was divided into North and South at the 17th parallel. D. Elections were held 1in 1956 and Ngo Dinh Diem won.

D. Elections were held 1in 1956 and Ngo Dinh Diem won.

President Eisenhower's "Modern Republicanism" did NOT mean supporting policies to ... A. Support business interests. B. Cut taxes. C. Balance the budget. D. Eliminate Social Security and the minimum wage.

D. Eliminate Social Security and the minimum wage.

All of the following statements explain the efforts of President Truman regarding civil rights EXCEPT: A. In 1948 he presented a civil rights program to Congress—the first president to do so. B. In 1946 he created a committee to investigate lynching and other racial problems. C. He issued a ban against discrimination in federal employment. D. He ignored segregation in the armed forces.

D. He ignored segregation in the armed forces.

By 1956, the majority of workers in the United States ... A. Were engaged in agricultural pursuits. B. Worked in factories. C. Faced a decline in their living standards. D. Held white-collar jobs.

D. Held white-collar jobs.

Which Latin American nation created a partnership with the United States to provide labor (braceros) during and after World War II? A. Panama B. Puerto Rico C. Cuba D. Mexico

D. Mexico

As a result of defense spending in the 1950s, all of the following occurred EXCEPT: A. Business-government ties grew stronger. B. Aircraft and electronic industries were stimulated. C. Half the federal budget went to the armed forces. D. Most citizens protested the huge expenditures during a time of peace.

D. Most citizens protested the huge expenditures during a time of peace.

During the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, in the Middle East the United States ... A. Refused to recognize the state of Israel. B. Successfully cooperated with the Soviets. C. Supported the British effort to prevent Egypt from taking control of the Suez Canal. D. Moved to protect Western access to oil supplies.

D. Moved to protect Western access to oil supplies.

During the 1960s, the civil rights movement in the United States ... A. Caused few problems for American political leaders. B. Was opposed by the NAACP. C. Grew less violent. D. Often employed civil disobedience, such as sit-ins, to achieve its goals.

D. Often employed civil disobedience, such as sit-ins, to achieve its goals.

As president, Kennedy ... A. Altered the scope of federal power more than any previous president. B. Failed to enact any parts of the New Frontier. C. Antagonized the youth. D. Realized modest success.

D. Realized modest success.

Truman's Fair Deal program included all of the following EXCEPT: A. Providing housing assistance. B. Offering national health insurance. C. Raising the minimum wage. D. Restoring the balance of power between the President and Congress.

D. Restoring the balance of power between the President and Congress.

One of the chief obstacles John Kennedy had to overcome to win the election of 1960 was the fact that he was ... A. Not a good speaker. B. Not comfortable on television. C. Recently divorced D. Roman Catholic.

D. Roman Catholic.

In 1962, the Port Huron Statement was issued by the ... A. American Civil Liberties Union. B. Free Speech Movement. C. Viet Cong. D. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

D. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

The major influence on American societal norms that developed after World War II was ... A. Movies. B. Popular magazines. C. The computer. D. Television

D. Television

In 1965, Johnson dispatched 20,000 troops to the Latin American nation of ... A. Cuba. B. Panama. C. Mexico. D. The Dominican Republic.

D. The Dominican Republic.

Which areas benefited the most from the growth of military expenditures of the 1950s and 1960s? A. Atlantic Coast and Alaska Territory B. The mid and Deep South C. New England and the Midwest D. The Pacific Coast and the West

D. The Pacific Coast and the West

What was the name of the group that fought a four day armed battle with the Chicago police in 1969? A. The Yippies B. The the Silent Majority C. Black Panthers D. The Weathermen

D. The Weathermen

In early post-World War II America ... A. Careful suburban planning reduce the environmental impact. B. Americans became less mobile. C. Shopping centers became less important in American society. D. The birthrate in the United States dramatically increased.

D. The birthrate in the United States dramatically increased.

For women in the United States, the 1950s was a period when .. A. Fewer married women worked outside of the home. B. Male attitudes significantly changed concerning their role in society. C. Married suburban women had less to do and more leisure time. D. They faced tremendous pressure to conform to prewar gender patterns.

D. They faced tremendous pressure to conform to prewar gender patterns.

During the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, corporate development in the United States ... A. Was discouraged by government policy. B. Declined in importance economically. C. Was unable to expand into foreign markets. D. Was characterized by increasing concentration of control.

D. Was characterized by increasing concentration of control.

As part of his Great Society program, Lyndon Johnson ... A. Refused to support federal aid to education. B. Failed to demonstrate concern about poverty in the country C. Called for a tax increase to pay for the social programs. D. Supported a medical assistance plan.


In 1964 President Johnson charged that North Vietnam had attacked American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin in order to ... A. To use threats of increased military engagement to prevent further involvement of U.S. troops. B. Win the election of 1964. C. Escalate military involvement including aerial bombing of North Vietnam. D. Defend American interests and lives.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did all of the following EXCEPT: A. Outlaw racial discrimination in public accommodations. B. Protect the right to vote. C. Prohibit discrimination in hiring based on gender. D. Prohibit discriminatory hiring practices in firms with more than 25 employees.


The Republican dominated 80th Congress passed bills to do all of the following EXCEPT: A. Reduce taxes. B. Reduce Social Security benefits. C. Reduce government spending. D. Limit the power of unions.


Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. The United Nations attempted to split Palestine into an Arab and Jewish state. B. In 1948 Arab forces invaded and crushed the new state of Israel. C. The Zionist movement sought to create a Jewish state in Palestine. D. Arabs in Palestine believed their territory was being stolen.


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