American Government: America a Unique Nation. Chapter 1. pp. 1-14

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Who said, "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country"?

John F. Kennedy

How is the patriot different from the nationalist?

Nationalists often seek to promote their own nation and government regardless of moral considerations. True Patriots try to promote the principles of honor, faith, duty, and loyalty to those principles that have helped to make America a great nation.

Write out and memorize the verse from Joshua 1:8.

This book of the law, shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

How did President Theodore Roosevelt define Americanism?

The virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity, and hardihood--virtues that made America.

Why did the Founding Fathers give us a government of limited power?

They feared tyrannical government.

What must a people do to be righteous?

Thinking righteously through reading and obeying God's Word.

What does Proverbs 14:34 say exalts a nation?

righteousness and character of her people

What qualities does the eagle symbolize?

strength, power, and freedom.

What is the foundation for our behavior?

the foundation of our behavior is our character

What is free enterprise?

the government leaves people free to own business and make a living based on their own enterprise (initiative)

What is the name of America's national anthem?

"The Star-Spangled Banner."

What two promises are given to the person that will meditate on the laws of God and obey them?

(1) His way will be made prosperous. (2) He will have good success.

What two aspects of work did the Puritan stress?

(1) Work is a gift from God. (2) Work is a means of glorifying Him

In what year were the words "under God" added to the pledge?


What is the meaning of the word "heritage."

Characteristics and traditions that have been handed down to us by or ancestors.

Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance?

Francis Bellamy

Explain the words of Calvin Coolidge about the need for vigilance.

Freedom is only maintained by unremitting effort and sacrifice.

How can we as Americans show respect for our flag?

Saluting the flag when it is raised or lowered and when it passes by in a parade.

Name four types of memorials of God's blessings in America today.

The American flag, The American Eagle, The Pledge of Allegiance, The National Anthem, The Memorial City.

What is the reason for our nation's greatness?

The blessings of God.

Why did God instruct the children of Israel to erect memorials?

To remind them and their posterity of His faithfulness.

What is limited government

a government in which limits are placed on politicians that constrain the power government can exercise over the people.

What is represented above the head of the chief justice of the Supreme Court?

a tablet representing the Ten Commandments.

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