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Why did Federalists argue for a separation of powers? a)No single branch of government would have too much power. b)The president should have more power than the other branches. c)Power would be divided equally between federal and state government. d)Trying to balance three branches of government would be impossible.

a)No single branch would have too much power

Passing laws, creating courts, and collecting taxes are examples of... a)concurrent powers b)politician's rights c)implied powers d)individual rights

a)concurrent powers

What is the last step in the process of getting a bill passed into law? a)reviewing it in committee b)sending it to the other house c)approving it by a vote d)sending it to the president

a)sending it to the President

The first step in approving the Constitution involved sending it to... a)the states b)Congress c)the judicial branch d)the executive branch

a)the states

Writing a state constitution is an example of... a)an implied power b)a reserved power c)a concurrent power d)an expressed power

b) a reserved power

Which statement reflects Thomas Gibbons's view of interstate commerce? a)State and federal governments should jointly negotiate interstate commerce b)The federal government should have power over interstate commerce c)Individual operators should negotiate interstate commerc. d)State governments have power over interstate commerce

b)The Federal government should have power over interstate commerce

An inference that can be drawn from the Supremacy Clause is that... a)state laws are superior to federal laws b)federal laws are superior to state laws c)judges do not have to follow federal laws d)judges have to follow state laws

b)federal laws are superior to state laws

According to the Constitution, the judicial branch of the federal government is headed by... a)Congress b)the Supreme Court c)the president d)the cabinet

b)the Supreme Court

What would a bill of rights accomplish? a)It would let individuals govern themselves b)It would give the government more power c)It would limit government powers d)It would give all power to the states

c)It would limit government powers

The powers of the commander in chief of the armed forces belong to the... a)judicial branch b)legislative branch c)executive branch d)state governments

c)executive branch

The decision in Gibbons v. Ogden most likely resulted in... a)more cases about state versus federal licenses b)fewer applications for steamboat licenses in New York c)fewer disputes about state monopolies d)more challenges to federal supremacy

c)fewer disputes about state monopiles

According to Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, each representative must... a)have resided in the United States for one's entire life. b)be a citizen in one of the 50 American states. c)have reached a minimum age of 25 years old. d)have earned a four-year degree from an accredited university.

c)have reached a minimum age of 25

How did Anti-Federalists feel about a strong central government? a)They favored it b)They mostly favored it but had some concerns c)Some opposed it and some favored it d)They opposed it

d)They opposed it

What was the Federalists' position on creating a bill of rights? a)They approved of the idea because it would help limit government powers. b)They disapproved of the idea because it meant the president would have too little power. c)They agreed to the idea if they could review and reject parts of it. d)They thought it was unnecessary because the Constitution would already limit government powers.

d)They thought it was unnecessary because the Constitution would already limit government powers

A state refusing to follow a federal law would be guilty of... a)refusing to amend the Constitution. b)refusing to ratify Constitutional amendments. c)violating the Full Faith and Credit Clause. d)violating the Supremacy Clause.

d)violating the Supremacy Clause

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Chapter 35: The Adolescent and Family

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