American Heritage Final Exam Study Guide CH 1-2

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What was a result of religious dissent during the colonial period?

"Freedom of conscience" rose to the level of a natural right.

Representatives in Congress serve ____ year terms.(W02)


What did the patriot philosophers come to believe that the nature of man was?(W01)

A combination of virtue, self-interest, and corruptibility.

Entitlement programs are something we should always personally seek to take advantage of.


Which of the following is true?(W01)

Colonists considered themselves subjects of the English crown from the start.

What was there about democracy as a form of government that worried the Founding Fathers?(W01)

A democracy is plagued by its own excesses—it is too susceptible to the passions of the people.

Once elected in 1861, what did President Abraham Lincoln proclaim?

A hope that compromise and attachment to the Union might avoid war.

Because of their experience under the Articles of Confederation, many of the founders, like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, began to believe what?(W02)

A legitimate and workable national government must have sufficient ability and power to enforce its own laws.

In Federalist 51, James Madison argued that the Constitution provided what?(W02)

A political system of auxiliary precautions to protect against the failure of public virtue.

All but one of the following describes something that could cause a recession. Choose the one that would NOT cause a recession.

A steady increase in overall demand.

Which of the following promoted the democratization of American government?

Abolition of property owning requirements

Who is considered the "father" of modern capitalism?

Adam Smith

Who believed that government should be led by a "privileged class" because "illiterate masses" couldn't be trusted to make important decisions?

Alexander Hamilton

Which of the following is not among the events and controversies that helped lead to the Civil War?

Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798

What are some of the purposes of money in the modern world?

All of the answeres are correct

The early organizers of the Women's Suffrage Movement connected women's political status with that of slaves in which of the following ways?

All of the answers are correct (Lack of the right to vote, Lack of access to education, Inability to own property)

How is the period from 1952 to today characterized?

All of the answers are correct (Voting based on ideology, decreased voter turnout, declining political loyalties)

The spirit of entitlement can have influence over the following:

All of the answers are correct as all people can be hurt by the spirit of entitlement.

Which of the following could be considered legacies of the Civil Rights Movement?

All of the answers are correct. (Injustices were brought to light. It reduced discrimination. It ended segregation.)

The idea of the "rise of the common man" is linked to which of the following?

Andrew Jackson

Which of the following statements is true of political ideology for the two-party system in the United States?

At any given time through most of our history, two large moderate parties have existed, and seldom did anyone except members of those two main parties get elected to public office.

What is the relationship between virtue and auxiliary precautions?(W02)

Auxiliary precautions preserve freedom when virtue fails.

The great migration involved which of the following?

Blacks to Northern cities

According to President Marion G. Romney, what happens when rule of law breaks down?(W01)

Chaos Reigns

Which of the following was a concern or focus of the Progressive Movement?

Consumer exploitation, power and wealth of monopolies, political corruption, workplace safety and improved worker's conditions

What is a problem with using a Keynesian fiscal policy solution for an economic downturn long-term?

Cutting taxes and raising spending will lead to deficit spending and national debt.

What was the name of the man who rallied farmers and ex-soldiers into mob action against the Massachusetts state government in 1786?(W02)

Daniel Shays

The Founders wrote the U.S. constitution for which purpose?(W02)

Define and Constrain power

Which statement is correct?

Demand and supply will adjust to eliminate surpluses and shortages, so surpluses and shortages are temporary.

Which of the following correctly link a political party to the leading individual of that party?

Democrat—Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which of the following were included in the five fundamentals of an inspired constitution as mentioned by Elder Oaks?(W02)

Division of Powers, A Written Bill of Rights, Popular Sovereignty

What two animals taken from the political cartoons by Thomas Nast represent the two current political parties in America?

Elephant and Donkey

Which of the following cultures most affected the cultural development of colonial North America?(W01)


Which statement correctly describes why the end of the French and Indian War was a turning point in the relationship between the government of England and England's colonies in North America?(W01)

England began to tighten her hold on the colonists and subject them to a swift succession of new tax policies and regulatory measures.

Which statement would correctly represent something George Washington said to the people of America in his "Farewell Address" in 1796?

Even though we should avoid the effects of parties, the spirit of party is inseparable from human nature and has its root in the passions of the human mind.

In their desire to form a new government, the patriot philosophers consulted what?(W01)

Experience of self-government in the colonies. Ancient and modern forms of government. Political philosophies of the Enlightenment

Which statement correctly describes an economic or social result of declining virtue in economic matters?

Exploitation of workers and resources will most likely increase.

A Bill of Rights was considered in the original text of the U.S. Constitution(W02)


Attempts to create a monopoly power in American business have virtually disappeared today.


Engle versus Vitale (1962) argued that New York could compose a prayer for use in schools as long as it did not promote any specific religion.


Socialism has always provided more opportunities for freedom than the market system.


The Constitution contains the ends of the government while the Declaration of Independence provides the means.(W02)


The laissez faire system of economics is tightly controlled market system that is run on a strict set of government rules.


The law of demand is defined in the following way: as price goes up, the quantity demanded also goes up.


The phrase "democratization of America" means that over the years America has changed its governmental form from a republic to a democracy.


The ratification process of the Constitution and the forging of the national government settled the majority of constitutional questions.(W02)


The Reconstruction period after the Civil War is viewed as a missed opportunity and a tragic era for many reasons. Which of the following is not one of those reasons?

Federal power was not needed in the South after the Civil War.

What were the names of the original two major political parties during the time period of 1790 to 1828?

Federalists and Democratic Republicans.

As discussed in the text, which is NOT a challenge faced by George Washington in persuading men to join the Continental Army?(W02)

Finding individuals willing to spy on the British

What is the idea of the "miracle of exchange"?

Free exchange in a market economy makes both people involved better off.

Which statement describes some characteristics of true liberty as we should understand it?(W01)

Freedom and rights must be balanced with responsibility, restraint, order, and stability.

The Founding Fathers believed which of the following?(W02)

Future generations could adapt the Constitution through the amendment process

Which of the following is not an event that helped foster the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s?

Gentlemen's Agreement.

John Maynard Keynes argued that:

Government should play an active role in stimulating the economy during a depression.

At the beginning of the Constitutional Convention, who was the delegate that proposed eliminating the Articles of Confederation and replacing them with a new government?(W02)

Governor Edmund Randoph

The _____ solved the most difficult problem of the convention, including how the states would be represented in the new Congress.(W02)

Great Compromise

Which of the following would NOT be considered one of the basic forces that brought about the New Deal?

Herbert Hoover did more than any other president to overcome the effects of financial depression.

According to Elder Oaks, the Engle versus Vitale case (1962) is now seen as being what?

Hostile toward religion

All but one statement describes one of the "principles" of government presented in the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. (Choose the one that is not true.)(W01)

Human beings are born with natural inequalities in their basic rights.

All but one of the following statements describes why the results of tyranny and anarchy are so similar in their effects on people. (Choose the one that is not true.)(W01)

In both situations, life becomes more predictable, meaningful, and rational.

What is a possible evidence of declining economic virtue?

Increasing reliance on government economic protections.

Which of the following statements is true about inflation?

Increasing the money supply will increase the rate of inflation.

Which statement represents one of the reasons why Elder Dallin H. Oaks sees the Constitution as an inspired document?(W02)

It contains five great fundamentals or grand principles, one of which is the Rule of Law.

All but one statement represents the characteristics of an established church as they were practiced in the 1600s and 1700s. Choose the one that does not represent a characteristic.

It created a unique situation of equality among all the various churches; no church was ever considered to be more "official" than any other church.

Why is Federalism (Division of Power) so important in protecting the rights of the public?(W02)

It creates a natural tension between federal and state powers over which an entity has the correct power to govern specific areas

Which statement represents a challenge of the market economy?

It is subject to price instability.

Which of the following things would have been included in the founders' view of the positive side of man's self-interest?(W01)

It leads to individual initiative and makes human actions predictable.

What did the economic system of mercantilism do? (W01)

It sought to develop national power

Which statement correctly describes something about the Progressive Movement?

It was a broad-based largely middle-class reform movement which sought to publicize and solve the problems of social and economic injustice and the abuse of political power.

Who is often referred to as the Father of the Constitution?(W02)

James Madison

The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, announcing the colonies' separation from Great Britain, on which date?(W01)

July 4, 1776

What is the desire to change, reform, and experiment, as well as a greater willingness to accept new ideas, values and institutions?


The poverty rate in the modern United States has stayed near 10-15% over the last 40 years. Among the reasons for this are:

Low-skilled immigration, breakdown of the family, economic exploitation, legacy of slavery and racism

NAFTA did which of the following?

Lowered trade barriers

Which English document inspired the Bill or Rights?(W02)

Magna Carta

Under the provisions of the original Constitution, the people were given the right to elect directly which one of the following?(W02)

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives

When the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates it is practicing:

Monetary Policy.

Which French political theorist inspired many at the Constitutional convention to separate power into multiple branches?(W02)


Which statement is true regarding American political traditions and the ideological continuum?

Most Americans are in the middle, so parties must stay there to attract the greatest number of voters.

Which of the following is most closely associated with the period 1932-1952?

New Deal Coalition

Which of the following is one of the strategies used to create big businesses in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

New Technology, Vertical combinations, Economies of scale

Based on the portion of Sir William Blackstone's description of natural law given in the readings, which statement is true?(W01)

No human laws are of any validity if contrary to the laws of nature.

Why did the tension between Northern states and Southern states grow?

Northern groups began to organize against the practice of slavery, The Supreme Court passed down the Dred Scott decision that constitutionally protected property rights, new territory had to be admitted to the Union as slave or free, always threatening to upset the balance of 'free/slave' votes in Congress.

What was the main reason behind the powerful response to Upton Sinclair's description of the Chicago meat packing industry (The Jungle, 1906)?

People were shocked and appalled at the conditions under which their food was produced.

Which of the following statements describes the 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown versus Board of Education?

Plessy v. Ferguson is overturned, and separate schools are inherently unequal.

In British North America the colonists were, for the most part, influenced by which of the following religious philosophies?


What is the difference and/or relationship between Puritans and Pilgrims?

Puritans wanted to "purify" the Church of England, but not necessarily separate from it, while Pilgrims sought separation from the Church of England, which was illegal at the time.

What term refers to a general slowdown or decline in economic activity and output?


Which of the following is the appropriate monetary policy to fight inflation?

Reduce the money supply and raise interest rates.

The First Great Awakening in the colonies led to what?

Rekindled religious identity and toleration.

The political writings of colonial times discussed which basic natural rights?(W01)

Right of conscience, right to life, right to property and the fruits of one's own labor.

Which principle did the English Parliament first achieve when it pulled away legislative powers from the king in the revolution of 1688?(W02)

Separation of Power

The official justifications for Japanese Internment during World War II included all of the following except which?

Settlers were needed in the more barren parts of the West.

All but one of the following represents a negative aspect of American industrialization. Choose the one which is NOT a negative aspect.

Some industrialists created mass production and modern management techniques.

John Winthrop's A Model of Christian Charity demonstrates the Puritan goal of what?

Standing as an example to the world of a Christian community. Creating a covenant people. A hopeful future in the New World.

Which of the following is a true statement about one of the economic philosophies we discussed in class?

Stewardship describes the property relationship under the Law of Consecration.

The idea that members of the Church have an obligation to the govenment is supported by what?(W01)

Teachings of the prophets, Scriptures, 12th Article of Faith

Which of the following was not a tactic employed by the Civil Rights Movement?

Television commercials highlighting the ugliness of segregation.

What factor changed the relationship between the colonists and England in 1763?(W01)

The British won the French and Indian War.

In response to the Stamp Act, the colonies united for the first time as a Congress in 1765. Which of the following correctly describes the resolutions it passed?(W01)

The Congress claimed their rights as Englishmen to protest the Stamp Act taxes and restated their allegiance to the Crown.

When we consider the sectional differences that were present in the United States before the Civil War, which is correct?

The Congress tried to deal with the issues through compromise.

The Declaration of Sentiments in 1848 borrowed the language of....

The Declaration of Independence

What statement correctly describes the job of the Federal Reserve System ("The Fed")?

The Fed controls interest rates and the sale of government securities to influence the money supply.

Economic virtue includes all of the following except:

The ability to create effective monopolies.

The two challenges of the market system that were most evident during the Progressive Era were:

The challenge of a lack of economic virtue and the challenge of the unequal distribution of wealth

Which of the following statements is true of the situation in the colonies before 1763?(W01)

The colonists retained strong economic ties with England and believed in England's traditions of liberty.

How would you describe the relationship between the colonists and England before 1750?(W01)

The colonists were proud and happy to be part of the British Empire.

Which of the following is not among the reasons given for the development of the market system in the United States?

The colonists' rejection of the economic attitude of self-interest.

Thomas Paine, 1776, "Common Sense." (Choose that statement or phrase that Paine would not have written.)(W01)

The constitution of England remains the bulwark of our liberty and the best form of government that man can devise.

Which statement represents one of the basic characteristics of the market system as we understand it today?

The consumer is sovereign, and the interaction of supply and demand encourages competition and controls prices and profits.

Which of the following are characteristics of economic virtue?

The drive to support one's family, give charitably to others, and operate fairly under the rule of law.

What is a good definition of nativism?

The fear that "others" threaten the dominant culture and its institutions.

Which of the following is NOT one of the legacies of the New Deal?

The government determined to resist regulating the economy.

Which of the following statements about political ideology is true?

The labels of conservative and liberal change in the context of history.

Which of the following was the last expansion (most recent change) to voting rights?

The lowering of the voting age to 18.

Which of the following correctly describes a legacy of the Civil War?

The national government took on a greater role as a protector of individual rights.

As understood by the patriot philosophers, a republic could be characterized as a government in which what?(W01)

The people elect representatives and the representatives make the law. Democratic and republican principles could be fostered in a small geographic area. The excesses and passions of the people are better filtered than in a democracy.

Which statement correctly describes an example of checks and balances in the Constitution?(W02)

The power to make, to enforce, and to interpret the law is separated into three distinct branches or departments.

The topic for Federalist Paper #10, written by James Madison is(W02)

The problem with factional rule

Which statement correctly describes something about the patriot "philosophers" and political theorists of the 1760s and 1770s?(W01)

The role of these patriots was very important because they sought to justify the rebellion and carefully shape the arguments and appeals for liberty.

According to Madison, what is the primary control on the power of government?(W02)

The virtue of the people.

Which statement describes the "intellectual breakthrough" Madison presented to the convention concerning the size of a republic?(W02)

There could be stability in large republics.

In speaking of the inspired Constitution, Elder Oaks has argued what?(W01)

There was divine inspiration in its fundamental principles

Which statement correctly represents the attitude the Founding Fathers had towards political parties?

They felt uncomfortable with political parties and feared that the republic may be destroyed by the corruption and contention created by them.

According to James Madison, what should auxiliary precautions do in the Constitutional system?(W02)

They should supply through opposite and rival interests the structures of government which truly "oblige" the government to control itself.

Which of the following is true of countries with economic freedom?

They tend to have lower tax rates and less regulation

Which of the following statements correctly describes a characteristic of French colonization in America?(W01)

They were focused on the extraction of wealth for the French crown, finding success in natural resources.

What made the "new immigrants" different than earlier waves of immigration?

They were from Southern and Eastern Europe, largely Catholic and Jewish, and were seen as too different from more established Americans.

According to the principle of provident living and self reliance taught by Spencer W. Kimball, what is the order of the Church's responsibility to help members?(W01)


(W01) The author of "Common Sense" was _______________.(W01)

Thomas Paine

Which of the following is considered a "winner" during inflation?

Those who speculate in real estate

Which of the following statements describes the evolution of political thought from the Stamp Act Congress in 1765 to the Second Continental Congress in 1775?(W01)

Through the decade, protest against British actions evolved into larger issues of freedom, divine human rights, and the necessity of resisting British authority.

Which of the following is not among the basic motivations for a socialist economy?

To allow people to work at their fullest potential and achieve their personal dreams.

Which of the following is a reason why countries erect barriers to "free trade"?

To protect domestic economy, jobs and businesses, from foreign competition.

"Muckraking" was used by Progressive journalists to expose the problems of industrialization and show Americans the dark side of capitalism in the hopes that it would inspire political action.


During the Second Party System, the rise of the "common man" ideal helped push many states towards universal manhood suffrage.


In colonial America, religion was a major motivating factor in people's lives and significantly influenced the development of political ideas.


One of the most basic economic dimensions of capitalism is free exchange of goods and services.


Political parties are not mentioned in the Constitution as part of the established constitutional system.


Popular sovereignty can be defined as political power originating from the people.(W01)


The 13 British colonies shared much of the same cultural heritage, but developed very different economies and along different paths.(W01)


The Doctrine of Nullification argued that individual states could refuse to recognize federal law.


The Supreme Court decision in Brown versus Board of Education overturned the ruling of "separate but equal" in Plessy versus Ferguson.


The election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 showed the world that power could be transferred peacefully from one political faction to another in a republic.


The government has become more actively engaged in regulating the American economy since 1900.


The law of supply is defined in the following way: as price goes up, the quantity that suppliers are willing to supply also goes up.


The vast majority of government entitlement programs serve and help veterans, the disabled, the elderly, and households with dependent children.


Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, immigration was largely characterized by an "Open Door" policy and little regulation.


True or false, because of their British heritage, most early colonists had a strong commitment to the principle of the rule of law?(W01)


A term meaning something that is meant to divide and never be solved is called a __________(W02)

Wedge Issue

Which statement about a bill becoming a law is true?(W02)

When Congress is in session, the President has 10 days (not counting Sundays) to veto a bill and send it back to them.

When one considers the relationship of self-interest and virtue to our economic system, which statement is true?

When virtue in economic matters diminishes too far, we turn to government to protect us.

The principle that the United States is the proper host nation for the restoration of the gospel is supported by which of the following?(W01)

Without the Lord's help in establishing the United States, it would have been impossible to restore the gospel under the bigotry of existing monarchical governments

The best way to overcome the spirit of "entitlement" is to:

Work to develop personal qualities of humility and gratitude.

According to James Madison in Federalist 51, what is the "great difficulty" in forming a government of men over men?(W02)

You must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.

Economic virtue is important because......

a lack of economic virtue often requires government intervention in the market and a decline in economic freedom

In Federalist 10, James Madison argued that for factions to be controlled, there needed to be...(W02)

a large republic with many factions.

When the founders spoke of "democratic or republican principles," what did they envision?(W01)

a spirit of commonwealth—of government responding to the common good of the people.

The two major political parties in the United States

are considered middle-of-the-road because they must attract the vast majority of American voters who are also in the center of the ideological continuum

Generally speaking, "new immigrants".....

arrived between 1890 and 1914

Which of the following is a delegated power of the Congress given in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution?(W02)

declare war

Inflation is correctly defined as:

generally rising prices

Price instability, another inherent weakness in the Market System, creates problems with.... or.... which can be destabilizing and harmful to the economy and individuals.

inflation or deflation

According to the patriot philosophers, a republic...(W01)

is a government where wise and frugal representatives would make and enforce the law

What is a significant weakness of a tradition based economy?

it has great difficulty dealing with change

According to current election laws...

only those parties whose candidates ran in the last general election automatically show up on the next ballot

The goal of Puritanism was to _______ the Church of England.


According to natural law, if government went beyond its authority to protect and secure the rights of mankind, those who are governed had the right to...(W01)

resist and rebel

Which of the plans presented at the Constitutional Convention included a two-house legislature based on population, down-played states' rights, and guaranteed a republican form of government?(W02)

the Virginia Plan

When virtue exists in a society and is practiced by the people......(W02)

the people practice regulated and restrained self-interest

Popular sovereignty means that the power of a government comes from.....(W02)

the people who exercise their right of suffrage

Article VII of the Constitution deals with...(W02)

the ratification process

Thomas Jefferson's "Virginia Statute" was based on his objection to tax dollars supporting a church to which he didn't belong and led to....

the separation of church and state

What are the three major strategies employed to solve the problems of scarcity?

tradition, command, market

The Federal Reserve System was created to give the American people more control over the money supply through their representatives in government, rather than have the money supply controlled by private banks, who might have their own motives.


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