american history a - unit 3: westward expansion lessons 11-15

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how did the kaw of april 6, 1830, affect texas?

it banned american immigration to texas.

the kansas-nebraska act of 1854 seemed to undo the missouri compromise in 1820. what did the kansas-nebraska act of 1854 call for?

it called for popular sovereignty regarding slavery in the kansas-nebraska territories.

how did the war of 1812 cause employees of the pacific fur company to liquidate their assets?

the employees were afraid a british naval blockade would trap them without supplies.

what was henry clay's nickname after the missouri crisis?

the great compromiser

what was a key platform issue of the republican party?

the republican party wanted to stop the expansion of slavery.

which statements about the gadsden purchase are true? select all that apply

it extended the southwestern border of the united states. it gave the united states land needed for a southern railroad.

how did westward expansion divide democrats and whigs?

democrats favored expansion in order to increase their power in congress and expand slavery; whigs opposed expansion because they feared losing power in congress.

read the sentence. stephen f. austin was the first _[blank]_ in texas. which term best completes the sentence?


read the sentence. land agents, called _[blank]_, helped people settle in texas. which term best completes the sentence?


which policy did democratic candidate james k. polk focus on during the election of 1844?

expanding westward

what was one of james k. polk's first actions as president?

finalizing texas's annexation

read the question. who was the former slave who wrote an autobiography and became a leading abolitionist orator?

frederick douglass

read the question. which type of state was maine considered in the missouri compromise?


how did the fugitive slave acts affect free blacks?

free blacks were at risk of being kidnapped and sold as slaves.

what did american settlers hope to do by moving to oregon in the 1840s?

gain fertile farmland

read the question. with which country did the united states have a boundary dispute in oregon?

great britain

read the quote. "i [wanted to] write something that would make this whole nation feel what an accursed thing slavery is." who is responsible for this quote?

harriet beecher stowe

who was the writer of uncle tom's cabin?

harriet beecher stowe

northerners called which political group "fire-eaters"?

proslavery southerners who wanted to secede

which rivers were in dispute before the mexican-american war? select all that apply

rio grande nueces

who was the supreme court chief justice that wrote the majority opinion in the dred scott case?

roger b. taney

who was the commander of the texans during the texas revolution?

sam houston

who was the leader of the texas army during the texas revolution?

sam houston

what was the last battle of the texas revolution?

san jacinto

travelers seeking to trade goods in the southwest most likely traveled on which western trail?

santa fe

which choice describes an incident that occurred during "the petticoat affair"?

secretary of war john eaton and his wife peggy eaton faced scandal, gossip and rejection.

lesson 15

sectional conflict

read the question. what is the name for disagreements based on regional differences?


what caused tension between the americans that immigrated to mexico-controlled texas and the mexican government? select all that apply

the mexican government banned slavery, which american settlers depended on. the mexican government required settlers to speak spanish and convert to catholicism.

lesson 13

the mexican-american war

which principles were parts of jacksonian democracy? select all that apply

suffrage for white males manifest destiny laissez-faire economics

which accurately describes an aspect of tejano culture?

tejanos spoke spanish and favored strong local government.

why did texans declare independence from mexico?

texans did not want mexico to ban slavery.

lesson 12

texas and the west

lesson 14

the abolition movement

what trend in the north did the south find most troubling?

the abolitionist movement

in the texas war for independence, mexican forces won a famous victory against the rebels at _[blank]_.

the alamo

what was the supreme court's ruling in worcester v. georgia?

the cherokee tribe was a nation that had sovereign powers.

what did the supreme court decide in the dred scott v. sandford case? select all that apply

the court decided that blacks did not have rights anywhere in the country. the court decided that the missouri compromise was never constitutional.

how did the dred scott v. sandford decision impact the missouri compromise?

the court ruled that since the missouri compromise banned slaves in parts of the louisiana purchase, it was unconstitutional.

why was the compromise of 1850 created?

the debate over slavery in new territories

how did the election of 1860 lead to the american civil war?

the election highlighted the division between the south and the rest of the nation over slavery.

read the statement from us senator james henry hammond in 1858. ", you dare not to make war on cotton. no power on earth dares to make war upon it. cotton is king." what does this quote mean when talking about the growth of the plantation system and slavery?

the entire us economy depended on cotton, so plantations and slavery could grow.

what was the mexican cession?

the lands mexico gave to the united states after the mexican-american war

which party wanted to regulate slave trade and ownership in the election of 1844?

the liberty party

which accurately describes why people traveled by particular western trails?

the oregon trail was used for migration purposes, while the santa fe trail was mainly used for trade purposes.

what was the relationship between the pacific fur company and the american fur company?

the pacific fur company was a subsidiary of the american fur company.

why was cotton significant to the economies of the south and the united states as a whole?

the profits from exporting cotton were put back into in the american economy.

in 1848, the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo ended the mexican-american war and resulted in which of the following events?

the rio grande river was established as a boundary between texas and mexico.

the tariff of abominations burdened the south in which ways? select all that apply

the tariff left the british with less money to buy southern goods. the tariff raised taxes on raw materials like cotton.

what is the name of the forced march of the cherokee people from their traditional lands to present-day oklahoma?

the trail of tears

how did abolitionists help grow the movement in the north? select all that apply

their writings exposed the evils of slavery to a much wider audience. former slaves wrote books describing personal experiences.

what was the thornton affair?

a mexican attack on us troops in a disputed territory near the rio grande

which is an accurate summary of the plot of uncle tom's cabin?

a mother and son flee to canada to escape slavery, while a male slave remains in bondage and eventually is killed by his master.

who was responsible for the sack of lawrence?

a proslavery posse

which were part of the compromise of 1850? select all that apply

a stronger fugitive slave law was passed. california was admitted as a free state. the slave trade was banned in washington, dc.

read the sentence. the tariff of 1828 was also known as the tariff of _[blank]_? which accurately completes the sentence?


which industry did southern slaveholders believe would collapse without slavery?


what is the coded term for the people who helped slaves escape to freedom on the underground railroad?


how did the second great awakening contribute to westward expansion?

americans believed they had a religious purpose to spread over the entire continent.

which event led to california becoming a republic?

americans took over a mexican garrison in the bear flag revolt.

what does the term "uncle tom" mean today?

an african american who serves and obeys white people

which groups joined to form the early republican party? select all that apply

antislavery democrats free-soilers know-nothings antislavery whigs

how does the constitution address the doctrines of nullification and states' rights? select all that apply

article III gives the power to review law to federal judges and not to state judges. the supremacy clause holds that the authority of federal law is above state laws.

which factor helped astoria become a major fur-trading post?

astoria was situated on the mouth of the columbia river.

how did president james polk attempt to avoid war with mexico?

by sending commissioner john slidell to negotiate with mexico

which state was admitted into the union as a free state through the compromise of 1850?


which territory did commissioner john slidell offer to purchase from mexico for $20 million?


which was a result of the bear flag revolt?

california rejected mexican rule and declared itself to be a republic.

circuit riders provided _[blank]_ to wilderness communities.

church services

circuit riders were clergymen from the methodist faith who were tasked to ride out to scattered communities in america mainly to provide _[blank]_.

church services

what were spanish missions?

churches founded by catholic priests

which wagons were used in the east but were not well suited for travel on the western trails?

conestoga wagons

read the question. which invention would pull seeds from the cotton bolls?

cotton gin

how did the mountain men view american indian culture?

mountain men had a favorable view of american indian culture and adopted some of its customs.

why did the mormons move from place to place?

mormons suffered persecution because of their practices and beliefs, such as polygamy.

why did the united states annex texas?

president polk believed expansion was determined by god.

read the following bullet points, which detail events experienced by the cherokee Indians. lacked sufficient food, clothing, and medical supplies forced to march on foot hundreds of miles on rough terrain suffered harsh elements of nature and brutality of soldiers which action by the united states government caused the cherokee to experience these events?

trial of tears

what principle did the supreme court case worcester v. georgia protect for american indian tribes?

tribal sovereignty

why did the united states win the mexican-american war?

us soldiers had better military training and weapons.

read the question. which battle during the texas revolution took place in modern-day san antonio and resulted in nearly 200 americans dead by the hands of 6,000 mexican soldiers?


who proposed the first bank of the united states, arguing that it was necessary to stabilize the economy?

alexander hamilton

read the question. what was another name for the anti-immigrant american party?

XXX republican XXX know-nothing this is bullshit

what was stephen a. douglas's position on slavery in the territories?

he believed that the people living in the territories should decide the issue for themselves.

what was father eusebio kino's major accomplishment?

he established a network of 24 missions throughout california and the desert southwest.

why was sam green arrested?

he owned a copy of uncle tom's cabin

why did andrew jackson oppose the bank of the united states? select all that apply.

he thought having a national bank was unconstitutional. he distrusted banks because he had lost money in previous dealings with them.

what did nicholas biddle do to provoke andrew jackson?

he tried to renew the charter early on the bank of the united states.

consider who stephen douglas was. which option explains how douglas's background influenced his opinion on slavery in new territories?

he was a democrat, so he supported the idea of allowing territories to decide on the issue.

how was henry clay able to step up to settle the missouri crisis?

he was the speaker of the house, a powerful position.

what protections did personal liberty laws offer blacks? select all that apply

help from state government officials trial by jury if accused of being a fugitive

read the question. who proposed the compromise of 1850?

henry clay

which is true about hugh glass?

hugh glass was left for dead but trekked more than 200 miles overland to reach fort kiowa.

what gave the president authority to grant eastern american indian tribes the unsettled lands west of the mississippi river in exchange for their ancestral lands in the east?

indian removal act

how did the missouri compromise keep the union stable?

it kept the balance between slave and free states.

one of the strategies used to try to overturn slavery was the underground railroad. what was the underground railroad?

it was an escape network of routes and safe houses that slaves could use.

which of the following statements best describes a result of the peggy eaton affair?

jackson asked many members of his cabinet to resign.

lesson 11

jacksonian democracy

read the question. which southern politician was a slavery advocate and a vice president?

john c. calhoun

who spoke in the senate against the compromise of 1850?

john c. calhoun

who led an exploration into california that mexico viewed as an us attempt to take more of its land?

john c. frémont

which of the following statements about john jacob astor's fur-trading operations is true?

john jacob astor took advantage of difficulties faced by the russians to expand his business.

in may 1856, charles sumner gave a speech denouncing the _[blank]_.

kansas-nebraska act

read the sentence. the last name of the officer who took possession of santa fe, new mexico, in 1846 was _[blank]_. which term best completes the sentence?


as jackson was losing cabinet members, he still took advice from close friends and advisors, who were known collectively as the " _[blank]_ cabinet."


which conductor became known as the "president of the underground railroad"?

levi coffin

read the sentence. personal _[blank]_ laws were laws that protected escaped slaves and free blacks. which word best completes the sentence?


what was abraham lincoln's position on the kansas-nebraska act?

lincoln opposed the act because it would possibly expand slavery.

read the statement. the 1803 _[blank]_ purchase represents a major example of westward expansion in american history. which term best completes the statement?


which refers to americans' belief that they were ordained by god to expand their control and way of life over north america in the 1840s?

manifest destiny

which term refers to americans' belief that they were destined by god to spread their control and way of life over north america?

manifest destiny

read the sentence. what was the name of the 1819 supreme court decision that increased federal power and confirmed the constitutionality of the central bank?

mcculloch v. maryland

what impact did the second great awakening have on western expansion?

missionaries inspired by the second great awakening spread the word on the western frontier.

how was the application of missouri for statehood a problem?

missouri wanted to enter the union as a slave state. this upset the balance of power in congress.

read the quote. "slavery is founded in the selfishness of man's nature. . . ." which kind of argument against slavery is abraham lincoln making?


which were economic motives for westward expansion in the first half of the 19th century? select all that apply

natural resources like farmland and rich mines reaching the california coast for trade

how did the nullification crisis illustrate the different beliefs of the north and south? select all that apply

northern states thought the federal government could enact protective tariffs. southerners believed states could judge whether federal laws were unconstitutional. southerners worried that strong federal authority could end slavery.

read the question. what is the word for the refusal of a state to enforce federal law?


the willamette valley was a fertile farming area that attracted migrations to which western region?


what was the central theme of jacksonian democracy?

passing legislation that would benefit the common man

read the sentence. the nickname for the smaller state banks that jackson favored was _[blank]_. which phrase best completes the sentence?

pet banks

read the question. who won the presidential election of 1844?


what did james k. polk's campaign slogan "fifty-four forty or fight" mean?

polk was willing to go to war over the oregon border at 54 degrees latitude, 40 minutes.

how did southerners view john brown?

slave owners considered him a murderer who threatened their livelihood.

what was the legal status of slavery in mexican texas after 1830?

slavery and the import of slaves were prohibited.

what did the fugitive slave clause in the constitution state?

slaves who fled to the north still remained the legal property of their masters.

how did northern states react to the fugitive slave act of 1850?

some northern states put personal liberty laws into place.

father kino was a spanish priest who mapped the _[blank]_ desert.


what was the regional reaction to the passage of the kansas-nebraska act?

southerners were overjoyed, while northerners were outraged.

harriet tubman, an escaped slave who worked to free other slaves as a conductor on the underground railroad, also served the union during the civil war as a _[blank]_.


what was the motivation for congress to create the bank of the united states? select all that apply

stabilize national currency promote economic growth

john c. calhoun used the concept of _[blank]_ in his arguments against the federal government interfering with the practice of slavery in the south.

states' rights

how did the weather create trouble for the donner party? select all that apply

steady rain left mud holes that mired the donner party's wagons. raging blizzards trapped the donner party in a mountain pass. thunderstorms slowed the donner party by washing out roads.

who ran as the candidate for the northern faction of the democratic party in 1860?

stephen a. douglas

the seminole, creek, choctaw, chickasaw, and cherokee indians were known as the five civilized tribes because they shared which characteristics?

they adopted governments with constitutions, developed an alphabet and writing system, and accepted christianity.

which methods did southern anti-abolitionists use to stop the growth of the northern abolition movement?

they boycotted manufactured goods from the north. they stole northern mail from southern post offices.

how did the spot resolutions show that some members of the whig party opposed war with mexico?

they demanded that president james polk identify where americans had been attacked on US soil.

in 1846, most americans supported a war with mexico hoping that it would settle boundary disputes and increase the united states' territory. why didn't american abolitionists support the mexican-american war?

they did not want slavery to extend to new areas of the united states.

what did people in the north fear after the dred scott v. sandford decision?

they feared the government would allow slavery to spread across the country.

how did the grimké sisters influence american culture before the civil war? select all that apply

they supported the women's rights movement. they promoted the abolitionist movement.

what was the focus of the free-soilers?

they wanted to tip the power balance in kansas against slavery.

congress declared war against mexico after which event?

thornton affair

why did many americans want to expand into the west? select all that apply

to find new fertile farmlands to use california for pacific trade

why did on participants in the underground railroad use coded terms like conductor and station?

to keep slave catchers from uncovering the secret operation

which political document influenced the texas constitution the most and helped form the republic of texas?

us constitition

which describes john brown's approach in effectively opposing slavery?

violence was a useful tool to trigger change

which statement accurately contrasts the political views of webster and calhoun?

webster favored federalism, but calhoun supported states' rights.

what was a cause of conflict between americans and american Indians in georgia?

white settlers invaded cherokee territory in search of gold.

who was the founder of the abolitionist newspaper the liberator?

william lloyd garrison

read the question. what is the name of the us senator from new york who refused the republican nomination for presidency in 1856?

william seward

which aimed to create a law that would ban slavery in territories acquired from mexico in the mexican-american war?

wilmot proviso

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