American History - CH. 12

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an intense bombing of Germany and an invasion into Italy

At Casablanca, what two strategies for the war in Europe did Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt develop?


By entering WWII, the US transformed itself into a superpower in only ____ years.


By the end of 1943, ____ million Americans had been drafted to serve in the US Armed Forces.

V-E Day

By what other name did May 8, 1945 become known?

Japanese airplanes bombed Pearl Harbor. The attack began around 7:50 am and was very unexpected.

Describe the event of December 7, 1941.

The army was the first place where the blacks and whites stood together for the same goal.

Despite being segregated from white troops; what effect did fighting in WW2 have on African-Americans in a post-WW2 world?

2/3, 2

Despite its effectiveness, ______ fo US air crews never came home. However, for every B 17 shot down, Americans would produce ____ more.


During the 6 months leading up to D-Day, Americans donated a pint of blood every ___ seconds.

It brought them into the mainstream of society.

How did World War II affect the average working-class family?

Women were assigned to vital noncombat services, such as delivering war planes.

How did World War II affect women's roles in the military?

The oil business grew immensely and Americans make 2x as much. Jobs increase and americans have 50 million babies in 15 years.

In what condition did the US emerge from WW2?

building supplies and doing factory work

In what ways did women enter the workforce?

US - Utah and Omaha, Great Britain - Gold and Sword, Canada - Juno

On the D-Day invasion, which countries attacked which Normandy beaches?

tanks, ships, guns, bullets

The United States would produce 88,000 _______, 7,330 ______, 20 million _____, and 40 billion ________ all in 4 years.


The airplane used by the Japanese in their surprise attack was the Japanese _____. It could travel 2,000 miles without refueling. Over 300 were involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor.


WW2 would cost the US _______ billion, twice as much as the US government spend since Washington.

U.S. troops had not battled the Germans yet and Roosevelt felt the invasion would give the troops experience.

What was one of the reasons Roosevelt wanted to attack Algeria and Morocco?

Hitler's last offensive against the Allies at Antwerp, Belgium. General Patton destroyed fuel depots, allied troops broke through the German lines within days. Soviets attacked Germany in the east and Allies attacked in the west.

What was the Battle of the Bulge?

US air raid on Tokyo, Japan and other cities on April 18, 1942; about 16 planes dropped bombs over Japan

What was the Doolittle Raid?

code name for the secret American project to build an atomic bomb; Robert Oppenheimer was a physicist who led the program. On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb test was in New Mexico

What was the Manhattan Project?

December 7, 1941

When was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

the Philippines

Where was General Douglas MacArthur stationed at the beginning of the war?

Admiral who led the US Navy in the Pacific

Who was Chester Nimitz?

He led US troops in the Philippines and surrendered on the Bataan Peninsula. Later, his troops retook the Philippines.

Who was General Douglas MacArthur?

27, 3

____ hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, America declares war on Japan. ____ days later, the US is at war with Germany.


_____ million US men are registered for combat service.

5.4, 40

_____ million soldiers will invade Europe in WW2. That's ____ times what invaded Iraq.


______ technology was still experimental but today is used to direct 10 million flights across the globe. American plays for renglecting radar.

victory garden

a garden planted by civilians during war to raise vegetables for home use, leaving more of other foods for the troops

victory suit

a men's suit with no vest, no cuffs, a short jacket, and narrow lapels, worn during World War II in order to save fabric for the war effort


during World War II, a Japanese suicide pilot whose mission was to crash into his target

zoot suit

men's clothing of extreme cut typically consisting of a thigh-length jacket with wide padded shoulders and baggy, pleated pants with narrow cuffs


restricting the amount of an item an individual can have due to a limited supply


the outer boundary of something


to deprive of the right to vote


All ________ battleships are put out of action and 1,178 Americans are wounded and 2403 are killed.. It was a day that will live in infamy.

It can destroy entire cities and the temperature is 10,000 hotter than the surface of the sun. 120,000 Japanese died instantly, along with another 80,000 who died slowly when the bomb was dropped in Japan.

Describe the destruction and the effectiveness of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan.

Due to the attack on Pearl Harbor, America transformed into a new country. Everyone begins to starts working to help with the war. Americans became more unified and started working together as one country.

Explain how after the Pearl Harbor attack, a "sleeping giant was awakened."

It had four engines and can go about 2,000 miles. It was a tough and found a way to keep going constantly.

Explain the effectiveness of the B 17 bomber.

They built everything in factories for the war. They built ships, planes, bullets, bombs, etc.

Explain the role women played in winning the war for the US.

Dwight Eisenhower

General ____________ _________________ takes command of Operation Overlord; known to the world as D-Day

Not only are they being produced very fast, but they can do anything and go everywhere. Americans produced three jeeps every four minutes.

How did the Jeep symbolize the power of American manufacturing?

Stalin had driven German troops through Poland and within miles of Berlin.

How did the Soviet Union contribute to Germany's surrender?

Bombers blew a hole in the hedgerows enabling forces to break through the German lines.

How did the U.S. army break out of Normandy?


The US would produce 300,000 _________ during the war.

the Sunbelt.

The growth and expansion of cities in California and the Deep South created a new industrial region,

They planned an attack on Midway Island.

What did Japan do in response to the Doolittle Raid?

It became more acceptable and even desirable.

What effect did World War II have on Americans' attitudes toward women in the workplace?

June 4, 1942; US Navy attacked the Japanese fleet and the Japanese aircraft carriers were destroyed. It was a success for the US and the Japanese advancement had been stopped. Turning point in the war for the US.

What happened at the Battle of Midway?

big defeat for Germany - 300,000 captured and it showed they could not defeat the Soviets

What happened at the Battle of Stalingrad?

Roosevelt and Churchill decided to plan an invasion of France (Operation Overlord). Roosevelt chose General Eisenhower to head the mission. Equipment for the large-scale invasion of the Normandy coast involved storing massive supples in England until they were ready to be used by the American, British, and Canadian troops. On June 6th, the invasion of the beaches occurred under terrible weather, challenging troops coming ashore. They landed on 5 beaches; Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno, and Sword. Some landings did not go well; like Omaha Beach. The total number of US casualties was 6,603 (2,499 dead).

What happened on June 6, 1944 with the D-Day invasion?

Truman ordered the dropping of atomic bombs on these two Japanese cities on Aug 6th & 9th, 1945. These were the first instances of atomic bombs used against humans. It killed tens of thousands of people and obliterated the cities. This contributed to the end of WW2

What happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

the contractor is paid for all of a project's expenses plus an additional fee for the job; the government agreed to pay a company whatever it cost to make a product plus a guaranteed percentage of the costs as profit. This meant that the more than a company produced and the faster it did the work, the more money it made. This encouraged wartime production by American businesses

What is a cost plus contract?

military strategy employed by the Allies in the pacific war against axis powers during WWII; it entailed taking over an island and establishing a military base there. Then that base was in turn used as a launching point for the attack and takeover of another island

What is island hopping?

first African American air force unit

What is the Tuskegee Airmen?

It was the area closest to England and the Allies set up dummy equipment there.

What led the Germans to believe the invasion would take place at Pas-de-Calais?

air bombing Tokyo

What mission did Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle command at the beginning of the war?

the ability to grant loans to factories to reequip for war production

What new authority did Congress give to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to ensure more production of war materials?

how to provide housing for all of these people

What problem was created by the rapid movement of large numbers of people to factory towns?

the use of the atomic bomb on Japan and the Soviets entering the war

What two factors convinced Emperor Hirohito to surrender to the U.S. unconditionally?

He planned to ambush the Japanese navy.

What was Admiral Nimitz's strategy to thwart the Japanese attack on Midway?

He had the bombs filled with napalm to start fires.

What was General LeMay's strategy to ensure that bombs dropped on Tokyo would accomplish maximum damage?

the Battle of the Bulge

What was Hitler's last offensive called?

He wanted to destroy their economy and knock them out of the war.

What was Hitler's strategy regarding the Soviets?

many Japanese military and civilian deaths and Japan would not surrender

What was Iwo Jima and Okinawa?

Invasion of France planned by Roosevelt and Churchill. General Eisenhower was chosen to head the mission. It was also known as D-Day.

What was Operation Overlord?

He wanted to attack the periphery of the German empire.

What was Prime Minister Churchill's suggestion to President Roosevelt about how to handle Germany?

May 8, 1945, Victory in Europe day; it's a day of rejoicing in the defeat of the Nazi war machine during WW2

What was VE day?

the U.S.'s secret program to build an atomic bomb

What was the Manhattan Project?


What was the U.S. strategy in the Pacific to reach Japan?

Operation Overlord

What was the code name of the D-Day invasion?

U.S. troops had to wade ashore, and only one in three survived to reach the beaches.

What was the difficulty in island-hopping?

to help businesses and the government work together on war production

What was the purpose of the National Defense Advisory Committee?

For the Allies to get concessions from Stalin in order to plan for an invasion of France

What was the purpose of the Tehran Conference?

The German army withdrew from France.

What was the result of the Battle of the Bulge?

They ensured that no federal agency or war factory could discriminate on the basis of race.

What was the significance of Executive Order 8802 and the Fair Employment Practices Commission?

It was the largest naval battle in history.

What was the significance of the Battle of Leyte Gulf?

guaranteed profits for businesses on the quick production of war materials

What were cost-plus contracts?

used to create and translate messages and helped the US win its way across the Pacific front from 1942-1945

What were the Navajo code talkers?

June 6, 1944

When was D-Day?

British Prime Minister who worked with Roosevelt on invading the periphery of the German empire in North Africa and in the Atlantic where German submarines were in US coastal waters (Battle of Stalingrad) and they agreed to increase the bombing of Germany and attack the Italian island of Sicily. At the Tehran Conference with FDR and Stalin, which agreed to form an international peacekeeping organization after the war. Helped plan Operation Overlord/D-Day with roosevelt.

Who is Prime Minister Winston Churchill?

US General who destroyed fuel depots in the Battle of the Bulge. Fought in WWI & WWII

Who was General George Patton?

33rd president, dropped atomic bomb on Japan, Korean war, "common man"

Who was Harry S. Truman?

Air commander in WWII; commander of the Doolittle Raid - an air raid on Japan on April 18, 1942 - which was the first attack on the Japanese mainland

Who was James Doolittle?

the physicist who led the program for the secret American Manhattan Project to build an atomic bomb

Who was Robert Oppenheimer?

General Omar Bradley

Who was the commander of the U.S. forces landing on Omaha Beach and Utah Beach?

civilians who had organized to resist the Germans in France

Who were the French Resistance?

A group of Navajo soldiers who encoded, transmitted, and decoded messages for the U.S. in the Pacific.

Who were the Navajo "code talkers"?

a squadron of African American pilots who flew 200 missions without a single casualty

Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?

Bombers needed a closer base in order to bomb Tokyo.

Why was Iwo Jima crucial to America in its war with Japan?

America destroyed four Japanese carriers and drove Yamamoto into retreat.

Why was Midway considered a turning point in the war in the Pacific?

It put Germany on the defensive because of their heavy losses there.

Why was the Battle of Stalingrad considered a turning point in the war with Germany?

The Navajo language was little known and unique, so the Japanese could not break it.

Why was the Navajo Code so important in the war against Japan?

There were several weather and marine factors to consider to make the invasion successful.

Why were so few dates available to the Allies for the D-Day invasion?


a government contract to pay a manufacturer the cost to produce an item plus a guaranteed percentage


a jellied gasoline used for bombs


a new industrial region in southern California and the Deep South, developing during World War II

convoy system

a system in which merchant ships travel with naval vessels for protection


an amphibious tractor used to move troops from ships to shore


an enclosure made of dirt walls built to fence in cattle and crops

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