American History I Chapter 15

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All of the following might have joined the Free-Soil party EXCEPT

"Cotton" Whigs

Why did Kansas' Lecompton Constitution become so controversial?

It allowed slavery even though a majority of residents opposed it.

Why did the new Fugitive Slave Act outrage abolitionists?

It offered a strong temptation to kidnap free blacks in northern "free" states.

The Republican party platform supported all of the following in 1860 EXCEPT:

John Brown's raid

Why were the religious revivals of 1857-1859 different from earlier awakenings?

Participants were largely uninterested in social reform.

How did the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act impact the settlement of Kansas?

Popular sovereignty encouraged violence-prone supporters and opponents of slavery to flood Kansas.

Leading advocates of popular sovereignty included

Stephen A. Douglas.

Which of the following is NOT true of Zachary Taylor?

The "Conscience" Whigs were his strongest supporters.

Detail the Wilmot Proviso. What impact did it have on the debate over slavery?

The Wilmot Proviso proposed that any new land acquired from Mexico would have no slavery allowed. This brought back the popular debate over slavery and John Calhoun argued that it violated the 5th amendment since slaves were "property." This divided the nation and brought on the secession and eventually the civil war.

Why did so many northerners, including the so-called Independent Democrats, oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The act repealed the Missouri Compromise.

The states of the Confederate States of America seceded after Lincoln's election because:

The southern secessionists were convinced that Lincoln would move against slavery despite his assurances otherwise.

Why did the Whig party collapse?

The strain of the Kansas-Nebraska Act pushed northern and southern members toward joining different parties.

All of the following were presidential nominees in 1860 EXCEPT:

William Seward

The Dred Scott decision of the U.S. Supreme Court involved

a slave suing for his freedom because his master had taken him into free territory.

The Free-Soil party was a coalition made up of

an Burenite Democrats, Conscience Whigs, and members of the Liberty party.

As the election of 1860 approached, the Democratic party:

broke up into northern and southern wings

The discovery of gold in California did all of the following EXCEPT:

create a population with an equal balance of men and women

The Gadsden Purchase of 1853 was related to the

creation of a transcontinental railroad.

In response to secession, President Buchanan:

did practically nothing

Four years after Congressman David Wilmot proposed it, the Wilmot Proviso became law as part of the Compromise of 1850.


In 1850, Daniel Webster called on "a higher law than the Constitution" to demand the abolition of slavery.


In 1859, John Brown led a pro-slavery raid at Harpers Ferry.


Stephen A. Douglas delivered "The Crime against Kansas" speech in the Senate.


The Republican party was committed to upholding the extension of slavery into the territories of the United States.


The religious revivals of 1857-1860 came about as increasing numbers of Americans in both the North and South became concerned with the issues of slavery and social reform.


Fugitive slave Anthony Burns caused a sensation when

federal marshals captured him in Boston.

The Crittenden Compromise proposed to:

guarantee continuance of slavery in the states where it then existed

The Crittenden Compromise sought to

guarantee slavery where it already existed.

The Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision:

implied that the Missouri Compromise had been unconstitutional

The Free-Soil party stance on slavery:

infuriated John C. Calhoun

John Brown targeted Harpers Ferry, Virginia, because:

it was the site of a federal arsenal

Preston Brooks's caning of Charles Sumner:

made Brooks a hero in much of the South

The Compromise of 1850 did not include

maintaining the balance between free states and slave states.

Abraham Lincoln:

opposed the further spread of slavery

The Wilmot Proviso called for

prohibiting slavery in land gained from Mexico.

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry was intended to:

provoke slave insurrections

In proposing the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Stephen A. Douglas was initially most concerned about


The Kansas-Nebraska Act

resulted in a new national party, the Republican Party. led Northern Whigs to break with their party. repealed the Missouri Compromise.

The Panic of 1857:

strengthened southern confidence in its cotton economy

The Compromise of 1850:

strengthened the fugitive slave laws

What position did both the Democrats and Whigs support in the 1852 presidential election?

support of the Compromise of 1850

The greatest mass migration in American history was

the California gold rush.

A major reason the Democrat James Buchanan won the 1856 election was that:

the Democrats were the only remaining national party

An important factor contributing to the Compromise of 1850 was

the death of Zachary Taylor. Henry Clay's eloquence in presenting his proposals to resolve the crisis. Stephen A. Douglas's idea to enact five separate laws.

In the 1856 election, the Democrats supported all of the following EXCEPT:

the reinstitution of the Missouri Compromise

Although fewer than 200 slaves were returned to bondage during the first six years of the Fugitive Slave Act, it nonetheless widened and deepened the anti-slavery sentiment in the North.


Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin became a huge success, due in part to its depiction of the horrors of the Fugitive Slave Act and the interstate slave trade.


In the Pottawatomie Massacre, John Brown led a raid against pro-slavery settlers in Kansas.


In the election of 1860, Lincoln received only 39 percent of the popular vote.


Mining towns in California were extremely dangerous and violent.


Popular sovereignty left the fate of slavery up to the people in each territory.


Reaction to the Kansas-Nebraska Act directly contributed to the formation of a brand-new political party, the Republican party.


The "Great Compromiser" was Henry Clay.


The Freeport Doctrine was Douglas's attempt to reconcile popular sovereignty and the Dred Scott decision.


John C. Calhoun believed that the Wilmot Proviso:

violated property rights guaranteed in the Fifth Amendment

As a southern man with Union principles, Zachary Taylor

wanted immediate admission of California and New Mexico as free states.

The election of 1852:

was won by Franklin Pierce

The 1848 presidential election:

was won by Zachary Taylor

The Freeport Doctrine might be defined as the concept that:

whatever the Supreme Court said about slavery, it could not exist anywhere unless supported by local police regulations

The idea of popular sovereignty:

would allow people in the territories to decide whether or not to permit slavery

The Wilmot Proviso:

would prohibit slavery in any lands acquired from Mexico

The Republican party reflected a combination of all of the following groups EXCEPT:

Cotton Whigs

Of the candidates in the 1860 presidential election, the only one who tried to run a national campaign was


In the first six months of 1857, Buchanan dealt with

Dred Scott, the Lecompton Constitution, and an economic panic.

Why did President Buchanan support the Lecompton Constitution?

He was dependent on southern congressmen, who also supported the Constitution.

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