American Republic, Ch5 : American Colonies in the British Empire

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Patrick Henry said

"Give me liberty or give me death"

After the French and Indian War, who was the strongest nation in the world?


Indian __________________ organized the raids on frontier settlements following the French and Indian War.

Chief Pontiac

How was the British reaction to the Declaration of Rights and Grievances different from what the colonists had expected?

Colonists expected the British to repeal the Intolerable Acts, but Britain determined instead to force the colonists to submit.

Which Indian group sided with the British in the French and Indian War?


Why was the Albany Plan of Union significant?

It was the first attempt to unite the colonies.

Name the two towns where the colonists and the British began fighting.

Lexington and Concord

A dispute over the settlement of ____________________ was the cause of the French and Indian War.

Ohio Valley

Why did the colonists dump the British tea during the Boston Tea Party?

The Tea Act gave the British East India Company on tea, which hurt the American merchants.

First Continental Congress

* adopt a Declaration of Rights and Grievances. * organize the Continental Association. * declare its loyalty to the king.

The Quebec Act

* allow the use of French law. * recognize Roman Catholicism. * threaten westward expansion by the colonies.

What battle became the turning point of the war, giving the British certain victory?

Battle of Quebec

Why did Britain and the colonies reject the Albany Plan of Union?

Britain felt it would threaten their control; the colonies feared a loss of freedom.

Why British policies changed following the French and Indian War?

Britain had a large empire to administer so they wanted to tighten hold on the colonies. British leaders were upset because they felt the colonies had only half-heartedly supported the war against France. British leaders were also upset that colonial merchants had traded with Britain's enemies during the war. Some members of Parliament decided the colonies had been allowed too much freedom, so they created policies to bring America under tighter control of the mother country.

Give three reasons for the tightening of British control over her American colonies.

Britain had a large empire to administer, the colonies had only half-heartedly supported the war against France, and colonial merchants had traded with Britain's enemies during the war.

What organizations were formed to unify colonial opposition to British policies?

Committees of Correspondence

Name the statement of protest adopted by the First Continental Congress.

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

Who was the British general who was defeated near Fort Duquesne?

Edward Braddock

Give three results of the French and Indian War.

France gave up all territory east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans; Britain kept Canada and received Florida from Spain; France gave Spain the Louisiana Territory

What war settled the question of if France or Britain would have control of North America?

French and Indian War

Troops led by ___________________________ failed to keep the French from occupying Fort Duquesne and were forced to surrender at Fort Necessity.

George Washington

Who led Virginian forces and acted as an aide to the British in the French and Indian War?

George Washington

The defeat of Quebec spelled the fall of

New France

What was the one major weakness the French had in their struggle against the British?

New France was a vast territory with widely scattered and sparsely populated French settlements. It was very difficult to defend such a large region.

What were the requirements of the Proclamation of 1763?

No settlements beyond the Appalachians; settlers there had to leave; trappers and traders had to have licenses

Had relations between France and Britain been friendly before the French and Indian War?

No, there was intense rivalry between these two leading European powers.

Was having the strongest Navy one of France's advantages for furthering its settlement of North America?

No. The English navy was the strongest in the world.

What river valley did both countries seek to control?

Ohio Valley

Who made a famous ride through the countryside of Massachusetts?

Paul Revere

The General JAMES WOLFE and his British troops scaled cliffs to attack __________________.


Who urged protest against British action in Massachusetts?

Samuel Adams

What was French and Indian War called in Europe?

Seven Years' War

What tax act led to the strongest protest in the colonies?

Stamp Act

Which act placed duties on sugar, molasses, coffee, silks, and indigo?

Sugar Act

What three acts did the British pass following the Boston Tea Party? What did each act do?

The Boston Port Act closed the port of Boston until the destroyed tea was paid for. The Quartering Act required colonists to provide supplies and housing for British soldiers. The Quebec Act allowed French law to be used in civil cases in in Quebec, extended Quebec's borders to the Ohio River, and gave Roman Catholicism a recognized status in Quebec.

What was the First Continental Congress called for?

The delegates were united in their opposition of the Intolerable Acts, but they were divided in deciding what action to to take against the British.

Explain the meaning of the colonial rallying cry "no taxation without representation."

The phrase meant that England did not have the right to tax the colonists because the colonists were not represented in the English Parliament.

How did the colonists' individualism hurt the British war effort?

There was little effort to work together to defeat the French. Many colonists were willing to fight only if their own homes were threatened.

Why did colonies other than Massachusetts become concerned about the Intolerable Acts?

They became concerned that their liberties would be taken away too.

Why did France and Britain both want North America?

They both wanted control of the fur trade in the west and the fisheries off the coast of Newfoundland.

What action did the colonists take against Britain to ruin her trade when the king did not give in to their requests?

They boycotted British goods

How British policies change following the French and Indian War?

They created policies to bring America under tighter control of the mother country. Policies took many forms, including trade regulations, the closing of western lands to further settlement, and new taxes.

Why did the British issue the Proclamation of 1763?

They did not want traders or settlers stirring up unrest among the Indians.

Why did the colonists feel that the Quebec Act was the most "intolerable" of the Intolerable Acts?

They feared that westward expansion would be shut off. Also, they feared that if Parliament favored a religion (Roman Catholicism) in Quebec, it could favor a religion in the colonies.

How did the merchants avoid the Townshend taxes?

They smuggled good past British customs agents

The skirmishes of Lexington and Concord most closely mark the beginning of the

War for Independence

What three men warned the colonists of the approach of the British?

William Dawes, Paul Revere, and Samuel Prescott

What man's leadership turned the tide for the British in the war?

William Pitt

the Albany Plan of Union

a document, drafted by Benjamin Franklin, that was the first attempt to unite the American colonies

Intolerable Acts

a series of acts, such as closing the port of Boston, designed to punish unruly Massachusetts

How did the colonists organize themselves to promote opposition to Britain?

adopted Committees of Correspondence

The founding and regulation of the thirteen American colonies had been the chief focus of British imperial activities ________________ the French and Indian War.


Committee of Correspondence

alerted colonies of British threats and promoted opposition

Where did colonial delegates meet to decide what to do about British actions?

at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia

Why did the colonists protest the Tea Act of 1773 even though the tea had gone down in price?

because the monopoly it gave the British East India Company hurt American tea merchants

How did the colonists respond when the king did not grant the requests of the Stamp Act Congress?

boycotted English goods

Before the French and Indian War, the British colonies in North America lacked

cooperation and a central colonial organization.

the Boston Massacre was an incident that left

five patriot "martyrs" dead on the streets of Boston

What were writs of assistance?

general search warrants that allowed British officials to search anywhere for smuggled good

What goods were taxed by the Townshend Acts of 1767?

glass, paper, lead, and tea

What were the effects of the colonists' smuggling goods into the colonies?

helped Britain's enemies, deprived Britain of needed income

What was Britain's greatest weakness in a colonial war against France?

lack of unity among the colonies/little organization

What advantages did the British have in fighting the war?

larger population, support of Iroquois, strong navy

What were the colonial militiamen called who came to stop the British on short notice?


What was the main reason Parliament passed the Townshend Acts?

new leadership in Parliament

Navigation and Trade Acts

regulated colonial trade with other colonies and with foreign nations

How did the British respond to the demands of the First Continental Congress?

sent more troops, put more restraints on trade

What advantages did the French have in fighting the war?

strong and unified control of colonies, forts at strategic locations, well-trained army, and support of many Indian tribes

Stamp Act

taxed the work of colonial businessmen, particularly lawyers and printers

Unrest between colonists and British troops led to what deadly incident on March 5, 1770?

the Boston Massacre

What was the body of delegates called?

the First Continental Congress

Edward Braddock building a toad to the frontier was the most lasting contribution to

the French and Indian War

The Boston Tea Party occurred because

the Tea Act of 1773 enabled the British East India Company to bring cheaper tea to the colonies by importing it without a tax. American tea merchants could not compete with such low prices!

William Pitt

the man whose leadership brought the British to victory of the French and Indian War.

For what two reasons did Thomas Gage send British soldiers out toward Lexington and Concord?

to destroy a stockpile of arms and ammunition and to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock

King George III

was the king of Britain while colonial discontent was growing

"No taxation without representation"

was the rallying cry of colonists opposed to the new taxes Parliament implemented

France and Britain had rival interests in the land

west of the Appalachians and the fisheries new Newfoundland.

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