Anatomy 1 Unit 2

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How much of a change in the membrane potential is necessary for the summation of postsynaptic potentials to result in an action potential being generated?

+15 mV

Which of the following voltages would most likely be measured during the relative refractory period?

-80 mV

If one of your friends was confused about the brachial plexus and the body parts it innervates, all of the following could be part of your discussion except

The iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, femoral, obturator, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves innervate the skin and muscles of the abdomen, hip, and pelvis.

Within the central nervous system (CNS), there are several types of glial cells. This glial cell is supports the neuron by maintaining the extracellular space chemical concentration, removing excess signalling molecules, reacting to tissue damage, and contribute to the blood-brain-barrier (BBB)


Although the satellite cells in the peripheral nervous system perform similar functions as astrocytes do in the central nervous system, which of the following distinguishes these types of neuroglia from each other?

Astrocytes establish the blood-brain barrier.

If one of your peers is confused about the functions of the central nervous system neuroglia, which of the following would you include in your explanation of the different types and their functions?

Astrocytes surround capillaries in the brain and maintain the blood-brain barrier, which prevents harmful substances from passing from the bloodstream into the brain.

Somatic reflexes are

Automatic responses to stimuli that allow for fast reactions, before messages reach the brain.

Which of the following structures in the brain forms part of the blood-brain barrier that prevents harmful substances from entering the brain tissue?

Capillary walls

What is the function of neurons?

Conducting electrical signals and passing information rapidly throughout the body

Which of the following correctly explains the difference between the rods and cones in the retina?

Cones interpret the color of light, whereas rods interpret the intensity of light.

All of the following are functions of the brain except

Controlling reflexes.

Which of the following neurotransmitters is associated with inhibition exclusively?


Which of the following accurately describes how particular ventricles are connected to each other?

In the diencephalon, the interventricular foramen connects the lateral ventricles and the third ventricle.

Which of the following is true of the medulla oblongata?

It controls involuntary functions of the respiratory, digestive, and circulatory systems.

If you were explaining the cerebrum to a friend who doesn't understand its structure or function, which of the following would not be part of your explanation?

Its hemispheres are symmetrical in function.

Which of the following accurately explains the role the jugular foramen plays in the transmittal of the cranial nerves?

The intermediate compartment of the jugular foramen transmits the glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), and accessory (XI) nerves.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the arteries and veins in the brain?

The internal carotid and the vertebral arteries supply blood to the brain, whereas the dural venous sinuses and internal jugular vein drain the blood from the brain.

If one of your peers asked you to explain the functions of the different types of gray matter horns, which of the following would you include in your explanation?

The lateral horn is the central component of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

Which of the following accurately explains the motor and sensory functions of the facial nerve (VII)?

The motor part transmits signals that control facial expressions, whereas the sensory part transmits signals related to taste.

All of the following are parts of a neuron except

The neuroglia.

__________ fibers of the optic nerve cross over to the opposite side of the brain, whereas __________ fibers continue on the same side.

Medial, lateral

The fibers of the vagus nerve (X) originate in the

Medulla oblongata.

The cranial dura mater is composed of two layers, which are the

Meningeal and endosteal.

Which of the following accurately identifies how information is processed in the cerebral cortex?

Motor signals are transmitted mainly from the anterior cortex, whereas sensory signals are received and processed in the posterior regions of the cortex.

All of the following structures make up the nervous system except


Nervous tissue consists of cells called __________, which pass information, and cells that support them, called __________.

Neurons, neuroglia

Sensory axons of the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) arise from all of the following except

Nuclei in the medulla oblongata.

How do Schwann cells differ from oligodendrocytes?

Oligodendrocytes have processes that reach out to multiple axon segments, whereas the entire Schwann cell surrounds just one axon segment.

Which of the following lists the layers of the meninges in the correct order from innermost to outermost?

Pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater

The cerebellum is located __________ to the brain stem and __________ to the occipital lobe of the cerebrum.

Posterior, inferior

Which of the following lists the spinal nerve plexuses in the correct order from lower body to upper body?

Sacral, lumbar, brachial, cervical

All of the following are types of neuroglial cells in the central nervous system except

Satellite cells.

Within the peripheral nervous sytem (PNS) there are also glial cells. This type of glial cell produces the myelin sheath within the peripheral nervous system.

Schwann Cell

Ascending tracts of nervous system fibers in the white matter column carry __________ up to the brain, whereas descending tracts carry __________ from the brain.

Sensory information, motor commands

When motor commands pass from the spinal cord through the ventral root of each spinal nerve and out to the body to trigger an action, which of the following are the two types of such action?

Skeletal muscle contraction and gland secretion

A typical neuron consists of a(n)

Soma, many dendrites, and one axon.

The first spinal nerve, which supplies muscles of the neck, is called the __________ nerve.


If your instructor asked you to compare the branches of the vestibulocochlear nerves (VIII), which of the following would you most likely say?

The cochlear nerves transmit signals for hearing, whereas the vestibular nerves transmit signals for equilibrium.

Which part of the neuron receives the messaging signal?

The dendrites

Which of the following distinguishes the right and left cerebral hemispheres from each other?

The right hemisphere is responsible for visual, emotional, and artistic awareness, whereas the left hemisphere is responsible for language and calculation.

All of the following nerves innervate the shoulder and upper back except

The sciatic nerve.

How would you describe the spinal cord, in relation to the brain?

The top of the spinal cord is continuous with the brain, and it transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body.

Which of the following is a similarity between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system?

Their structures are composed of neurons and neuroglia.

Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is responsible for generating motor commands?


A channel opens on a postsynaptic membrane that causes a negative ion to enter the cell. What type of graded potential is this?


What region of the diencephalon coordinates homeostasis?


If a thermoreceptor is sensitive to temperature sensations what would a chemoreceptor be sensitive to?


Neurons can be classified by the number processes they have. This type of neuron has one axon and many dendrites and is the most common type found within the human body.


Which structure predominates in the white matter of the brain?

myelinated axons

Which term describes a bundle of axons in the peripheral nervous system?


Which structure is associated with the embryologic development of the peripheral nervous system?

neural crest

What ion enters a neuron causing depolarization of the cell membrane?


Which part of a neuron contains the nucleus?


Which adult structure(s) arises from the diencephalon?

thalamus, hypothalamus, retina

Which portion of the ventricular system is found within the diencephalon?

third ventricle

Voltage-gated Na+ channels open upon reaching what state?


Which ganglion is responsible for cutaneous sensations of the face?

trigeminal ganglion

Which cranial nerve does not control functions in the head and neck?


Which of the following substances is least able to cross the blood-brain barrier?

white blood cells

Which of the following surrounds some (or many) axons, providing insulation that increases conduction speed?

A myelin sheath

Which of the following cranial nerves is purely a motor nerve?

Accessory (XI)

If you were describing how the olfactory nerves (I) transmit impulses for smell to a friend who does not understand the process, which of the following would you most likely say?

They pass from the nasal cavity through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid and end in the olfactory bulbs.

All of the following are true of the trigeminal nerves (V) except

They perform sensory functions only.

Within the peripheral nervous system a bundle of axons is called a nerve, while in the central nervous system it is called a _________________.


If one of your classmates asked you to explain the different types of neurons that can be classified by structure, which of the following would you include in your explanation?

Unipolar neurons are sensory neurons in which the axon splits into two branches that attach to the cell body.

Which of the following statements is true regarding myelin sheaths?

When a myelin sheath surrounds an axon, it provides insulation that increases conduction speed.

Which of the following is probably going to propagate an action potential fastest?

a thick, myelinated axon

What neurotransmitter is released at the neuromuscular junction?


What region of the spinal cord contains motor neurons that direct the movement of skeletal muscles?

anterior horn

Which functional division of the nervous system would be responsible for the physiological changes seen during excercise (e.g., increased heart rate and sweating)?


What type of ganglion contains neurons that control homeostatic mechanisms of the body?

autonomic ganglion

Based on mostly functional differences in response, the nervous system can be divided into different systems. Which system is responsible for involuntary control of the body by regulating organ systems in order to maintain homeostasis.

autonomic nervous system

Which part of a neuron transmits an electrical signal to a target cell?


What does a ligand-gated channel require in order to open?

binding of a neurotransmitter

Brodmann's areas map different regions of the ________ to particular functions.

cerebral cortex

Which of these locations is where the greatest level of integration is taking place in the example of testing the temperature of the shower?

cerebral cortex

Which of the following cavities contains a component of the central nervous system?


Which non-nervous tissue develops from the neuroectoderm?

craniofacial bone

This part of the neuron receives input from other neurons.


What condition causes a stroke?

disruption of blood to the brain

Which layer of the meninges surrounds and supports the sinuses that form the route through which blood drains from the CNS?

dura mater

What type of glial cell is responsible for filtering blood to produce CSF at the choroid plexus?

ependymal cell

What is the name for a bundle of axons within a nerve?


How long does all the signaling through the sensory pathway, within the central nervous system, and through the motor command pathway take?

fraction of a second

The nervous system can be divided into regions that are responsible for different functions that the nervous system has. What region of the nervous system processes the sensory information that is communicated to the nervous system?


Aside from the nervous system, which other organ system develops out of the ectoderm?


What blood vessel enters the cranium to supply the brain with fresh, oxygenated blood?

internal carotid artery

What two types of macromolecules are the main components of myelin?

lipids and proteins

What is the target of an upper motor neuron?

lower motor neuron

Which primary vesicle of the embryonic nervous system does not differentiate into more vesicles at the secondary stage?


Which two primary brain vesicles make up what is called the brain stem in the fully formed brain? Please choose both correct answers

mesencephalon and rhombencephalon

What type of receptor requires an effector protein to initiate a signal?

metabotropic receptor

The pons and the cerebellum, which are adult brain structures, develop from which secondary vesicle?


What type of glial cell is the resident macrophage behind the blood-brain barrier?


This very early embryonic structure will develop into the main parts of the central nervous system but not the peripheral nervous system.

neural tube

Nervous tissue has two cells types. _______________________ are electrically active and send information within the nervous system, while _____________ are known to play a supporting role for nervous tissue.

neurons; glial cells

What type of glial cell provides myelin for the axons in a tract?


What does a mechanically gated channel respond to?

physical stimulus

What level of the brain stem is the major input to the cerebellum?


Early in development there are 3 primary vesicles of the developing brain. Which primary vesicle is the forward most vesicle and can loosely be called the forebrain.


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