Anatomy 5 Final (Exams 1-3)

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Identify the bones of the wrist.

(left hand left side) TOP TO BOTTOM: hamate, pisiform, triquetrum, and lunate (left hand right side) TOP TO BOTTOM: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and scaphoid

Calcium's atomic number is 20. It forms ions with 18 electrons. What is the electrical charge of a calcium ion?


Drag and drop the hormones produced by non-major endocrine organs to its correct function in the body.

1. Gastrin stimulates HCl release in the stomach. 2. CCK stimulates the release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. 3. Secretin stimulates the release of bicarbonate from the pancreas and inhibits stomach secretions. 4. ANP inhibits secretion of aldosterone, thereby decreasing blood volume and blood pressure. 5. Erythopoietin stimulates production of red blood cells. 6. HCG stimulates the ovaries to continue producing estrogen and progesterone so that the lining of the uterus is not sloughed off in menses during pregnancy.

The skin comprises three distinct layers--the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Each is composed of different tissue types.

1. Hypodermis: Subcutaneous fatty layer 2. Dermis: Contains sensory receptors, blood vessels, and nerves 3. Epidermis: Protective outer layer

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a recording of the electric currents initiated in the heart by an electrocardiograph. What information can be determined from an ECG?

1. P wave: The first wave on an ECG that follows the firing of the SA node. This wave is small and signals the depolarization of the atria immediately before they contract. 2. QRS complex: The large wave that results from the depolarization of the ventricles and precedes the contraction of the ventricles. 3. T wave: The third wave that results from currents flowing during the repolarization of the ventricles.

Match these prefixes, suffixes and roots to their meanings.

1. The prefix oto- means "ear." 2. The prefix olf- means "smell." 3. The prefix photo- means "light." 4. The prefix presby- means "old age." 5. The prefix audi- means "hear."

Which of these statements best describes an element?

An element is formed when two atoms of the same kind are bonded together

The following activities and body conditions affect blood pressure by changing one of the two listed factors.

BLOOD VOLUME: blood donation and excessive sweating TOTAL PERIPHERAL RESISTANCE: increased sympathetic activity, high-altitude living, and smoking

What is the most accurate description of C6H12O6?

C6H12O6 is a compound.

We have only one nervous system, but, because of its complexity, it is difficult to consider all its parts at the same time. So, to simplify its study, we divide it in terms of its structures (structural classification) and in terms of its activities (functional classification).

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: CNS, brain and spinal cord, and integrating and command centers PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: PNS, cranial and spinal nerves, and communication lines with the body

The following physiological changes either increase or decrease blood pressure.

DECREASEs BLOOD PRESSURE: Increased blood vessel diameter INCREASES BLOOD PRESSURE: increase blood vessel length, increase blood viscosity, increase cardiac output, increase total peripheral resistance, increase blood volume

The integument is a multitasking system. In addition to protection, the skin also provides a location for receptors to detect our external environment, and because it is so large, it is a reservoir for blood. Each layer contributes to the overall functions of the skin in unique ways.

EPIDERMIS: water retention, water resistant, vitamin D synthesis, and pigmentation DERMIS: thermoregulation, elasticity, sensation, and excretion HYPODERMIS: fat storage, insulation, and connect skin with body

Which of these statements describes a function of fontanels?

Fontanels allow the fetal skull to be compressed slightly during childbirth.

Skin is composed of two layers of tissue, a superficial epidermis, and a deeper dermis. The dermis is subdivided into a thin layer of loose connective tissue atop a thicker dense connective tissue, which contains most of the glands and other structures, including hair follicles.

From top to bottom: epidermis, papillary dermis, hair, reticular dermis, sweat gland, sebaceous gland, and hair follicle.

Which of these organelles is responsible for forming secretory vesicles?

Golgi apparatus

What is the basic difference between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion across a cell membrane?

In facilitated diffusion, molecules only move with the aid of a protein in the membrane.

Which of these is an example of physiology?

The liver produces many of the blood proteins.

What changes occur in the sarcomere during muscle contraction?

Z discs move closer together

What term refers to the ability to focus on close objects?


Which of these increases as muscles age?

amount of connective tissue in a muscle

What is an ion?

an atom that has gained or lost electrons

Ventral is a directional term synonymous with ________ in humans.


What hormone stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb water as urine is being formed?

antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Which type of vessel has a thick tunica media?


What cells of the nervous system are responsible for anchoring neurons to their blood vessels and controlling the extracellular fluid concentrations of potassium and neurotransmitters?


Which of the following is not required for osmosis to occur?

cellular energy

What triggers the adherence of platelets to the wall of an injured blood vessel?

collagen fibers

A large amount of extracellular material is a characteristic of which type of tissue?

connective tissue

Which of the following structures refract light before it hits the retina?

cornea, humors, and lens

The efficiency of the endocrine system as a whole gradually declines in old age. Which of the following is NOT an effect of aging on the endocrine system and body homeostasis?

decreased mental abilities

Which of these can cause sensorineural deafness?

degeneration of the hair cells in the spiral organ of Corti

Which of these terms refers to the shape of a muscle?


By what pathway does oxygen leave capillaries to supply body tissues?

diffusion through capillary cell membranes

What organ system is responsible for breaking down food into molecules that can be absorbed by the body?

digestive system

What is the function of creatine phosphate?

directly regenerates ATP from ADP within a muscle cell

When correctly situated in anatomical position, where are your feet in relation to your knees?


Which of these allows nutrient-rich blood from the placenta to bypass the fetal liver and enter the inferior vena cava?

ductus venosus

During the action potential, when does sodium permeability initially DECREASE?

during the peak of depolarization

Which glands play a role in thermoregulation?

eccrine glands

Which of these carries out the commands of a homeostatic control center?


Which of the following is characteristic of whole blood?

five times the viscosity of water

Which hormone stimulates acid production in the stomach?


Which cell is the precursor of all types of blood formed elements?


What is the function of epidermal dendritic cells?

ingest foreign substances and activate the immune system

Lena is hypoglycemic. To counter this condition and restore homeostasis, which of the following hormones would NOT be released?


Which of these characteristics applies only to cardiac muscle tissue?

intercalated discs

Which arteries carry oxygen-rich blood into the cranial cavity?

internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries

Pernicious anemia is caused by insufficient absorption of vitamin B12. What substance is lacking or in low concentrations that causes this condition?

intrinsic factor

What cells in the body respond to glucagon by breaking down glycogen and releasing glucose?

liver cells

Which of the following is a common age-associated condition?


Which of the following best explains diffusion?

movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

What is the main mechanism for regulating hormone secretion?

negative feedback

Isotopes have different numbers of ________; thus they also have different ________.

neutrons; atomic masses

Which cavity would be lined with a mucous membrane?

oral cavity

What process does water use to move across the plasma membrane?


What type of anemia is associated with atrophy of the stomach mucosa in the elderly?

pernicious anemia

What type of joint is found between the atlas and the dens of the axis?


Which of these formed elements is responsible for stopping bleeding?


What subatomic particle or particles have a mass of 1, a charge of +1, and are located in the nucleus of an atom?


The atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of ________ an atom contains.


The atomic mass number of an atom is equivalent to the number of ________.

protons and neutrons

Which of these describes the effect of a negative feedback mechanism?

reduces the intensity of initial stimulus

Julie fell off her horse and dislocated her right shoulder. The primary treatment to resolve this injury is __________.


What can older individuals do to increase muscle strength?

regularly use hand weights and practice leg lifts

Which of these is part of the sensory layer of the eye?


Which organelle synthesizes proteins that are used in the cytoplasm?

ribosomes that are free within the cytoplasm

Hasan is a three-year-old boy who lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is small for his age, has bowed legs, exhibits muscle weakness, and complains often of pain in his bones. Hasan most likely has __________.


What type of burn does a patient have if blisters are present and the affected area is painful?

second degree

What type of membrane provides lubrication to the pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal cavities?

serous membrane

Which movement is associated with the hand but actually occurs in the forearm?


Which important metabolic compound is produced by skin cells?

vitamin D

How do ions form ionic bonds?

Ions of opposite electrical charges are attracted to each other to balance the charges.

What is the significance of granulation tissue?

It formed during tissue repair.

How does the hypothalamus regulate the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland?

It secretes releasing and inhibiting hormones that travel through the blood to the anterior pituitary gland.

Body cells that respond to insulin include

Liver cells, as well as most other cells of the body.

Which of the following is most likely to move through the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion?


Why is it harder to determine where a sound originates when one auditory canal is completely blocked with earwax?

Since one ear is functionally deaf, the brain cant compare input from both cochleae to localize a given sound

What is the first event of an action potential?

Sodium gates open and the membrane depolarizes.

Identify the bones of the shoulder and upper limb.

TOP TO BOTTOM clavicle, scapula, humerus, ulna (close to torso), radius (lateral), and carpals

Identify the bones of the pelvic girdle and lower limb.

TOP TO BOTTOM: coxal (hip) bone, femur, patella, tibia (medial bone), fibula (lateral bone), and tarsals

A liver cell responds to insulin by

Taking in glucose and converting it to glycogen.

If a person is severely dehydrated, their extracellular fluids will become hypertonic to the intracellular fluid. What do you predict will happen to the person's cells?

The cells will lose water and shrink.

Which of these results when hormone secretion is regulated by a negative feedback mechanism?

The concentration of a hormone remains within a narrow normal range.

How do organs of equilibrium help us maintain our balance?

The macula sends information on head position and the crista ampullaris sends information on rotation movements to the cerebellum for integration.

What does the molecular formula CO2 mean?

The molecule contains one atom of carbon (C) and two atoms of oxygen (O).

When blood glucose levels are low

The pancreas releases glucagon, which eventually causes blood glucose levels to increase.

When blood glucose levels are high

The pancreas releases insulin.

What part of the heart's intrinsic conduction system carries impulses into the interventricular septum?

atrioventricular (AV) bundle

Blood pressure would INCREASE as a result of a DECREASE in __________.

blood vessel diameter

Which of these is a sympathetic effect?

blood vessels constrict

How do lipid-soluble hormones carry out their actions at their target cells?

directly activate genes and stimulate protein synthesis

Which of these would occur with hyposecretion of adrenal cortical hormones?

electrolyte and water imbalance

What process permits absorption of glucose into cells?

facilitated diffusion

The body's ability to maintain stable internal conditions is referred to as ________.


The body's tendency to maintain relatively constant internal conditions is called


The blockage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) outflow in the brain can cause accumulation of fluid, resulting in cranial enlargement in infants. This condition is called __________.


What bone does NOT articulate directly with any other bone?


Which of the following solutions contains the most solute?


During soccer practice, Sadie tripped and tried to stop her fall with her outstretched arms. Her humerus broke and the broken ends were forced into each other. Sadie suffered a(n) __________ fracture.


What is a possible cause of conduction deafness?

inability of auditory ossicles to vibrate

What is the region of the coxal bone that bears most of the body weight when a person is sitting?

ischial tuberosity

In general, to maintain homeostasis the relationship between our intracellular and extracellular fluids should be which of the following?

isotonic to each other

What is the distinguishing feature of a synovial joint?

joint cavity

Which of these is an organ of the urinary system?


What chamber of the heart will blood enter after passing through the bicuspid valve?

left ventricle

Which blood cells are responsible for fighting infections?


Which of these is linked to the decline in estrogen in menopausal females?


Which hormones help maintain a relatively constant calcium concentration in the blood?

parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin

What is the basis of the ABO blood groups?

presence or absence of A and B antigens on the surface of RBCs

What causes the pain associated with a herniated disc?

pressure on spinal nerves by the protruding disc

What is the function of the heart valves?

prevent backflow of blood

What part of the brain do we use when initiating skeletal muscle movement?

primary motor area

Which anemia is caused by a genetic mutation?

sickle cell anemia

Which of these is an example of kinetic energy?

skeletal muscles contracting as a person lifts weights

Which of the following is least likely to increase the rate of diffusion?

small concentration gradient

What ion depolarizes the membrane when it diffuses into the axon of a neuron?


Which of these describes a fenestrated capillary?

special capillary type with small pores found in tissue where absorption is important

The dorsal body cavity houses the ________.

spinal cord and brain

Which of these will decrease heart rate?

stimulation by vagus nerves

What type of tissue makes up the epidermis of the skin?

stratified squamous epithelium

Which of these parts of the brain is correctly matched with its region?

thalamus; diencephalon

What organ secretes erythropoietin?

the kidney

When an ionic bond forms, which part(s) of the atoms are directly involved?

the outermost electrons

What occurs when acid is added to a solution with a pH of 7?

the pH drops below 7

During an action potential, the rapid decrease in sodium permeability and simultaneous increase in potassium permeability is responsible for __________.

the repolarization phase

Where are olfactory receptors located?

the superior region of the nasal cavity

The "hairs" of the hair cells within the organ of Corti are embedded in which of the following?

the tectorial membrane

Which clotting factor converts fibrinogen to fibrin?


Julie, who is middle-aged, feels tired all the time and has a hard time concentrating. She always feels cold and despite dieting, has gained a significant amount of weight. The hyposecretion of which of the following hormones is causing Julie's symptoms?


How is the rule of nines used by a clinician?

to estimate fluid lost by the body by determining the extent of burns

What process does a cell use to make an RNA copy of a segment of DNA?


Which of the following molecules brings the appropriate amino acid to the ribosome during protein synthesis?

transfer RNA

What blood type has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their plasma?

type O

What sensation allows someone to enjoy the "beef taste" of a steak?


Which of the following is a sign of hypoparathyroidism?

uncontrollable muscle spams

Which nitrogen-containing base is found only in RNA?


Match these vocabulary terms to their meanings.

1. A calcified 1Cstone 1D in the ear that participates in equilibrium is called a(n) otolith. 2. Photoreceptors in the retina detect light to generate images. 3. As people age and lose the ability to see close objects, they develop a condition called presbyopia. 4. The auditory nerve carries impulses caused by sounds from the ear to the brain. 5. The sense of smell is also called olfaction.

Bones grow both lengthwise and in diameter. Bone growth is described by two mechanisms: appositional growth and ossification. Though bone growth and remodeling are continuous processes, bones do stop lengthening in adulthood.

1. Bones increase in diameter through the process of appositional growth. 2. Bones increase in length by the process of ossification. 3. A person with epiphyseal lines is not growing taller. 4. A person with epiphyseal plates is growing taller.

Match the terms in the left column to the blanks near their definition on the right.

1. Cardiac output: the volume of blood pumped out by one ventricle each minute. 2. Total peripheral resistance: the amount of friction blood encounters during flow through blood vessels. 3. Blood viscosity: the friction red blood cells encounter when moving past each other. 4. Blood pressure: the force of the blood against the vessel wall.

Identify the correct stages for depolarize, repolarize,and hyperpolarize

1. Depolarize: The membrane potential is becoming more positive than the resting membrane potential. 2. Repolarize: The membrane potential is moving from a more positive value toward resting membrane potential. 3. Hyperpolarize: The membrane potential is more negative than the resting membrane potential.

Ossification is a dynamic process involving several different cell types with roles related to bone growth.

1. Osteocyte: a mature bone cell trapped in bone matrix. 2. Osteoblast: a cell that stores calcium in bone by making bone matrix. 3. Osteoclast: a cell that releases calcium from bone, increasing blood calcium levels. 4. Osteoclast: parathyroid hormone (PTH) activates this type of cell.

The epidermis is the most superficial layer of the skin. It is composed of stratified squamous epithelium. Within the epidermis, there are five distinct layers with different features and roles.

1. Stratum basale: Deepest layer; site of rapid cell division and melanin production 2. Stratum spinosum: Live keratinocytes connected by desmosomes produce pre-keratin 3. Stratum granulosum: Cells flatten and fill with keratin, resulting in a grainy appearance 4. Stratum lucidum: Clear layer found only in thick skin; cells full of keratin 5. Stratum corneum: Thick superficial layer of flat, keratinized, dead cells; responsible for dandruff

Match these prefixes, suffixes and roots to their meanings.

1. The root word hema- means "blood." 2. The root word thromb- means "related to clotting." 3. The root word -penia means "deficiency." 4. The root word erythro- means "red." 5. The root word leuk- means "white."

Match these vocabulary terms to their meanings.

1. The stem cell for all blood cells is the hemocytoblast. 2. A(n) leukocyte is a white blood cell. 3. The main protein involved in clotting is thrombin. 4. A(n) erythrocyte is a red blood cell. 5. Thrombocytopenia is a platelet deficiency.

Contusions and concussions are both brain injuries but display different symptoms. Fill in the blank with the injury that correctly completes the statement.

1. Usually, brain injury is slight in a concussion. 2. In a concussion, the victim may be dizzy, "see stars," or lose consciousness briefly. 3. Typically, little permanent brain damage occurs in a concussion. 4. A brain contusion is the result of marked tissue destruction. 5. In a severe case, a contusion results in a coma.

Drag the labels to identify the sequence of events that occurs at a synapse.

1. an action potential arrives at the synaptic terminal 2. calcium channels open, and calcium ions enter the synaptic terminal 3. vesicles containing neurotransmitter fuse with the plasma membrane of the sending neuron 4. neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft 5. the neurotransmitter molecules bind to the receptors in the plasma membrane of the receiving neuron, causing ion channels there to open

There are four major events in the repair of bone fractures.

1. blood-filled swelling 2. fibrocartilage callus 3. bony callus 4. bone remodeling

Drag and drop the correct labels to the appropriate location on this ECG.

1. left side of peak (P wave: atrial depolarization) 2. Peak (QRS complex ventricular depolarization) 3. right side of peak (T wave: ventricular repolarization)

Which of the following changes would produce the greatest change in total peripheral resistance?

10% change in vessel diameter

An atom has 6 protons, 8 neutrons, and 6 electrons. Its atomic mass number is ________.


When typing a patient's blood, agglutination occurred with anti-A and anti-Rh antibodies. What is this patient's blood type?

A positive

To accurately describe body parts and position, we must have an initial reference point and use directional terms. To avoid confusion, we always assume that the body is in a standard position called the anatomical position.

ANATOMICAL: palms facing anterior, feet slightly apart, thumbs lateral, anterior body view, and standing erect NOT ANATOMICAL: palms facing posterior, sitting down, thumbs medial, posterior body view, and feet together

Nick mentioned to his doctor at his annual physical that his skin color was darkening. After tests, the doctor diagnosed Nick with an autoimmune disease that affects the adrenal cortex, resulting in insufficient levels of adrenal cortex hormones. What disorder does Nick have?

Addison's disease

Which of these is an example of using a humoral stimulus to cause hormone secretion?

An increase in blood glucose stimulates the release of insulin.

The 31 pairs of human spinal nerves are formed by the combination of the ventral and dorsal roots ofthe spinal cord. Almost immediately after being formed, each spinal nerve divides into dorsal and ventral rami. The ventral rami of some spinal nerves form complex networks of nerves called plexuses, which serve the motor and sensory needs of the limbs. There are four plexuses on each side.

CERVICAL PLEXUS: phrenic nerve serves the diaphgram, shoulder, and neck BRACHIAL PLEXUS: Axillary and radial nerves median and ulnar nerves serves the thorax and upper appendages LUMBAR PLEXUS: Femoral and obturator nerves serves the lower abdomen, thighs, and hips SACRAL PLEXUS: Sciatic gluteal nerves serves the lower trunk, hip and lower appendages

Clotting is necessary to mend breaks in circulatory vessels and to prevent extreme losses of blood, but it can also have detrimental effects if unregulated. Various factors may either enhance or inhibit this process.

CLOT ENHANCERS: tissue factor, PF3, calcium ions, thrombin, fibrinogen, and vitamin K CLOT INHIBITORS: aspirin, heparin, and coumadin NEITHER AN ENHANCER OR AN INHIBITOR: serum

Brain dysfunctions are unbelievably varied. Alzhiemer's and CVAs (cerebrovascular accidents, also known as strokes) are different brain dysfunctions but share certain features.

CVA: paralysis, brain damage due to a blocked blood supply, and numbness ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE: progressive brain degeneration BOTH: memory loss, language impairment, personality change, disorientation and confusion, and short attention span

Part of the process of fracture repair is the formation of a fibrocartilage callus and a bony callus.

FIBROCARTILAGE CALLUS: granulation tissue forms phagocytosis of dead tissue a combination of cartilage matrix, bony matrix, and collagen fibers BONY CALLUS: spongy bone osteoblasts and osteclasts migrate and multiply

Joints can be described as fibrous, cartilaginous, or synovial joints. Fibers join bones in fibrous joints while cartilage joins bones in cartilaginous joints. Synovial joints are more complex, and the articulating bones are encased by a capsule filled with synovial fluid.

FIBROUS: cranial sutures, and tibia and fibula joint CARTILAGINOUS: pubis, vertebrae SYNOVIAL: carpals, shoulder, and knee

Identify the bones of the right wrist and hand, anterior view.

FROM FINGERS TO WRIST: phalanges, metacarpals, carpals, ulna, and radius

Order each of the following events so that they occur in the proper order, from left to right, with respect to the function of the channels, ion permeability, and changes in membrane potential.

FROM THRESHOLD STIMULUS TO RETURN TO RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL: Opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels, Na+ ion flow into the neuron increases, depolarization of the membrane to +30mV, K+ ion flow out of the neuron increases, repolarization of the membrane

Identify the bones of the right ankle and foot, superior view.

FROM TOES TO HEEL; phalanges, metatarsals, cuneiforms, navicular, cuboid, talus, and calcaneous

What is the functional relationship between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary?

Hypothalamus synthesizes the hormones stored and released by the posterior pituitary.

Why don't all body cells respond to a particular hormone?

Only cells that have receptors for the hormone can respond.

The dermis is deep to the epidermis. It has two distinct layers--the papillary layer and the reticular layer--with different characteristics and components.

PAPILLARY LAYER: Superficial layer of dermis, pain receptors, loose areolar connective tissue, fingerprints, and touch receptors RETICULAR LAYER: role in the body temperature homeostasis, dense irregular connective tissue, lamellar corpuscles, sweat glands, and hair follicle

Identify the bones of the pelvic girdle: the articulated pelvis above, and the right coxal (hip) bone below.

PELVIC GIRDLE (top to bottom): ilium, sacrum, pubis, and ischium

In this activity, we will divide the peripheral nervous system into functional divisions. We will progress from the large, general divisions to specific divisions. Drag and drop the correct functional division to the location on the diagram.

PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYTEM: SENSORY ( sense organs) MOTOR SOMATIC (skeletal muscles) MOTOR AUTOMATIC (cardiac and smooth muscle, glands)

The vertebral column has primary curvatures of the thoracic and sacral regions and second curvatures of the cervical and lumbar regions. These curvatures give the vertebral column an S-shape. Exaggerations or changes of the normal curves of the column result in abnormal curvatures of the spine.

SCOLIOSIS: lateral curve of the spine HYPHOSIS: posterior curve of the spine LORDOSIS: Anterior curve of the spine

Besides the major endocrine organs, pockets of hormone-producing cells are found in fatty tissue and in the walls of the small intestine, stomach, kidneys, and heart—organs whose chief functions have little to do with hormone production. In addition, the placenta, which is a structure in the uterus of pregnant women, plays an endocrine role.

STOMACH: gastrin INTESTINES: cholecystokinin and secretin KIDNEY: erythropoitin and active vitamin D3 HEART: atrial natriuretic peptide PLACENTA: human chorionic gonadotropin and relaxin

Joints can be described by the amount of movement they allow. The three major classifications of functional joints are synarthroses, amphiarthroses, and diarthroses.

SYNARTHROSES: immovable joints, teeth to mandible, cranium sutures AMPHIARTHROSES: slightly movable joints, pubis, vertebrae DIARTHROSES: freely movable joints, shoulder, and knee

What initiates an action potential on a muscle cell?

acetylcholine binding to receptors on the sarcolemma within the neuromuscular junction

Hypersecretion of growth hormone could lead to which of the following conditions?


What organic molecule provides an immediate source of chemical energy within all cells?

adenosine triphosphate

Darlene is a 67-year-old woman who has been admitted to the hospital with rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, sweating, and irritability. Her doctor brings the result of diagnostic scans that show an abdominal tumor. What gland is involved?

adrenal gland

Which of these endocrine glands is located just above a kidney?

adrenal gland

Which of the following can adversely affect brain development in the fetus?


There are three types of muscle tissue. Which of the following is classified as part of the muscular system?

all skeletal muscles

What mineral is released within muscle cells to trigger contraction?


Which of these allow nutrients to diffuse from the central canal to all the osteocytes within an osteon?


The cells in our bodies are made up primarily of which four elements?

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen

What type of muscle tissue is both striated and involuntary?

cardiac muscle

Which type of muscle is characterized by the presence of striations and intercalated discs?

cardiac muscle

What pigment found in skin originates from outside the body?


What causes hair to stand up and the skin to dimple when one is cold or frightened?

contraction of arrector pili muscles

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