Anatomy & Physiology: Chapters 6, 7, & 8

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Which of the following statements regarding bone tissue is false?

All of the above are true: it functions in mineral homeostasis, it functions in support and protection, it is the site of blood formation, and it is one of the four main tissue types.

For intramembranous ossification to take place, which of the following is necessary?

An ossification center forms in the fibrous connective tissue

The growth pattern of bone in which matrix is laid down on the surface.

Appositional growth

The process of bones increasing in width is known as ____.

Appositional growth

The carilage found at the end of long bones to reduce friction at joint surfaces is

Articular cartilage

The canal found in the core of each osteon is the site of

Blood vessels & nerve fibers

The canal that runs through the core of each osteon (the Haversian canal) is the site of ____.

Blood vessels and nerve fibers

Osteogenesis is the process of ____.

Bone formation

Osteoblasts are ____, whereas osteoclasts are ____.

Bone-forming cells, bone-destroying cells

In the epiphyseal plate, cartilage grows ____.

By pushing the epiphysis away from the diaphysis

The vitamins essential for normal adult bone maintenance and repair are

C and D

Elevated levels of calcium ion in the blood stimulate the secretion of the hormone


The hormones that coordinate the storage, absorption and excretion of calcium ions are

Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone

Normal bone formation and growth are dependent on the adequate intake of ____.

Calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D

The narrow passageways that contain cytoplasmic extensions of osteocytes are termed


The cells responsible for the early stages of endochondral ossification.


What is the last event (of those listed) in endochondral ossification?

Chondrocytes increase in size near center of shaft

which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system?


how many bones make up the wrist and hand in a normal person?


the ankle contains ____ bones.


How many bones make up the cranium?


There are ____ cranial bones and ____ facial bones.

8, 14

A fracture in the shaft of a bone would be a break in the ____.


The area of long bones where cartilage cells are replaced by bone cells.


The shaft of a long bone is called the


Factors in preventing (or delaying) osteoporosis include ____.

Drinking fluoridated water

The presence of an epiphyseal line indicates

E[iphyseal growth has ended

In some cases the epiphyseal plate of the long bones of children closes too early. What might be the cause?

Elevated levels of sex hormones.

Most bones of the skeletal system are formed through

Endochondral ossification

The lining of the marrow cavity in a long bone is the


The appearance of this structure signals the end of bone growth.

Epiphyseal line

Area where bone longitudinal growth takes place.

Epiphyseal plate

Which structure allows the diaphysis of the bone to increase in length until early childhood, as well as shaping the articular surfaces?

Epiphyseal plate

In a typical long bone, spongy bone is found in the


(T or F) All bones formed by intramembranous ossification are irregular bones.


(T or F) All vertebrae possess a body, a spine and transverse foramina.


(T or F) Compact bone is replaced more often that spongy bone.


(T or F) In the anatomical position, the medial leg bone is the fibula.


(T or F) The largest and strongest bone of the face is the maxilla.


(T or F) The periosteum is a tissue that serves only to protect the bone because it is not supplied with nerves or blood vessels.


(T or F) The pituitary gland is housed in a saddle like depression in the temporal bone called the sella turcica.


(T or F) Closure of the epiphyseal plate stops all bone growth.


(T or F) Ribs numbered 11 and 12 are true ribs that have no anterior attachment.


Yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of____.


The flat bones of the skull develop from

Fibrous connective tissue

Fibrous connective tissue called ____ allow for brain growth in infants.


Growth of bones is controlled by a symphony of hormones. Which hormone is important for bone growth during infancy and childhood?

Growth hormone

The most abundant skeletal cartilage type is ____.


What kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo?

Hyaline cartilage

The term "diploe" refers to the ____.

Internal layer of spongy bone in flat bones

Lengthwise, long bone growth during infancy and youth is exclusively through ____.

Interstitial growth of the epiphyseal plates

Ossification of the ends of long bones ____.

Is produced by secondary ossification centers

What are the small spaces in bone tissue that are holes in which osteocytes live called?


The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the ____.


Bones are covered and lined by a protective tissue called periosteum. The inner (osteogenic) layer consists primarily of ____.

Osteoblasts and osteoclasts

Intramembranous ossification begins when

Osteoblasts differentiate within a mesenchymal or fibrous connective tissue.

Bones are constantly undergoing resorption for various reasons. Which of the following cells accomplishes this process?


Which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the bloodstream?

Parathyroid hormone

The periosteum is secured to the underlying bone by dense connective tissue called.

Perforating (Sharpey's) fibers

Which of the following is a bone marking name that indicates a projection that helps to form joints?


The universal loss of mass seen in the skeleton, which begins about the age of 40, ____.

Reflects incomplete osteon formation and mineralization

The structure of bone tissue suits the function. Which of the following bone tissues is adapted to support weight and withstand tension stress?

Spongy bone

what is the structural unit of compact bone?

The osteon

Cartilage grows in two ways, appositional and interstitial. What is appositional growth?

The secretion of new matrix against the external face of existing cartilage.

Wolff's law is concerned with ____.

The thickness and shape of a bone being dependent on stresses placed upon it.

Which of the following glands or organs produces hormones that tend to decrease blood calcium levels?


Spongy bones are made up of a framework called ____.


(T or F) A long bone forms by a process known as endochondral ossification.


(T or F) All the bones of the skull except the mandible are united by sutures and are therefore immovable.


(T or F) An osteon contains osteocytes, lamellae, and a central canal, and is found in compact bone only.


(T or F) Appositional growth is growth in the diameter of long bones.


(T or F) Bones are classified by whether they are weight bearing or protective in function.


(T or F) Cartilage has a flexible matrix that can accommodate mitosis of chondrocytes.


(T or F) Costal cartilages join most ribs to the sternum.


(T or F) Each consecutive bone lamella has collagen fibers that wrap in alternating directions.


(T or F) In the anatomical position, the lateral forearm bone is the radius.


(T or F) Infants have more bones than adults.


(T or F) Sixty-five percent of the mass of bone is a compound called hydroxyapatite.


(T or F) The gripping of the trochlea by the trochlear notch constitutes the hinge for the elbow joint.


(T or F) The trabeculae of spongy bone are oriented toward lines of stress.


(T or F) The vertebral column is held in place primarily by the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments.


(T or F) The vomer forms part of the nasal septum.


(T or F) There are seven cervical, twelve thoracic and five lumbar vertebrae.


(T or F) Hematopoiesis refers to the formation of blood cells within the red marrow cavities of certain bones.


(T or F) The term "osteoid" refers to the organic part of the matrix of compact bones.


Cranial bones develop ____.

Within fibrous membranes

A bone fracture that generally occurs in children where the bone does not completely break is

a greenstick fracture

While playing softball, Cathy is struck in the frontal squama by a wild pitch. Which of the following complaints would you expect her to have?

a headache

melanocytes and keratinocytes work together in protecting in the skin from UV damage when keratinocytes

accumulate the melanin granules on their superficial portion, forming a UV-blocking pigment layer

Deep socket in coxal bone that receives head of the femur


Which of the following is not a cranial bone?

all of the above are cranial bones: frontal, temporal, occipital, maxilla

bone remodeling normally involves which of the following?

all of the above: changes in bone architecture and the skeleton's total mineral deposits, activity at both the periosteal and endosteal surfaces of a bone, and continual deposition and removal of bone tissue.

the endosteum

all of the above: covers all internal surfaces of a bone such as the medullary cavity, is active during bone growth, repair, and remodeling, and is an incomplete cellular membrane.

An osteon has

all of these: a central canal carrying blood vessels, a concentric lamellae, osteocytes in lacunae, and canaliculi that connect lacunae to the central canal.

the ulna exhibits which of the following

all of these: a coronoid process, a styloid process, a radial notch, and a distal head

Structural characteristics of most cervical vertebrae are

all of these: small body, bifid spinous process, transverse foramina, and costal facets

In interstitial bone growth, what happens when the zone of ossification overtakes the zone of resting cartilage?

all of these: the epiphyseal plate becomes the epiphyseal line, lengthwise growth of the bone terminates (at least at one end), and the metaphysic converts from hyaline cartilage to bone.

The costal groove along the inferior border of the internal surface of a rib marks

all of these: the path of nerves and blood vessels, the attachment of intercostal muscles, and the position of inferior articular facets

____ is a continual, hormonally controlled process that is essentially a race between osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

appositional growth

the subcutaneous layer consists mostly of ____.

areolar and adipose tissues

all of the following are characteristics of the maxillae except

articulate with all other facial bones

Which vertebra does not have a body


shaking one's head form side to side (as in "no") is the primary action facilitated by the articulation of which bones?

atlas and axis

Three tiny bones called____ are housed within each temporal bone.

auditory bones

the vertebra that articulates with the skull is the


Where is the odontoid process?

axis vertebra

order of " strata" of the epidermal layer of your skin from internal to external is:

basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum

hematopoiesis is the process of

blood cell production

The two main components of a typical vertebra are the

body and vertebral arch

Ben, age 16, was skating on rollerblades when he was accidentally hit by an automobile. His injury was splinted, and he was transported immediately by the emergency medical services to the nearest hospital emergency department. After x-ray examination, emergency department personnel determine that Ben has a complete compound fracture of his femur. Which one of the following best describes this fracture?

bone fracture projecting outside the skin and across the entire bone

burns are devastating and debilitating because of loss of fluids and electrolyes from the body. how do physicians estimate the extent of burn damage associated with such dangerous fluid loss?

by observing the tissues that are usually moist

Heel bone


which of the following is a thyroid gland hormone that encourages calcium deposition from blood into bone and inhibits osteoclast activity?


bones of the wrist


by interconnecting the lacunae and the blood supply, ____ allow osteocytes to transfer nutrients and wastes through an otherwise impenetrable solid matrix.

central canals

transverse foramina disgtinguish ____ vertebrae from all other types.


which sequence proceeds down the vertebral column from the skull?

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal, sacral

one of the main differences between the two growth patterns of cartilage is the source of new


what is the earliest event (of those listed) in endochondral ossification?

chondrocytes enlarge and die leaving cavities in cartilage

adipose cells (diagram)

circles at the bottom

The only direct connection between the pelvic girdle and the axial skeleton is where the

clavicle articulates with the manubrium and sternum

The only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is where the

clavicle articulates with the manubrium of the sternum

which of the following does not accurately describe spongy bone

contains slightly larger osteons

a needle would penetrate the epidermal layers of the forearm in which order

corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

the four largest sutures that form the boundaries between the cranial bones are the

coronal, lambdoid, sagittal, and squamosal

the mandible exhibits which of the following

coronoid process, mandibular condyle and alveolar margin

During bone remodeling, if the rate of osteolysis (breakdown) exceeds the rate of osteogenesis, the bone becomes


What is a fossa?


if i have a cut on my finger that is bleeding i know that the cut is at least as deep as the ____.


vascular region

dermis as a whole

nutrients reach the surface of the skin (epidermis) through the process of

diffusing through the tissue fluid from blood vessels in the epidermis

in flat bones of the skull, a region of ____ is sandwiched between two layers of compact bone.


Chondrocytes die and stem cells in the perichondrium form osteoblasts during which of these processes?

endochondral ossification

lengthwise bone growth involves the final steps of

endochondral ossification

major skin area that produces derivatives (nail and hair)

epidermis as a whole

which types of fractures are inherently more likely in children than in adults

epiphyseal and greenstick

Jack gets into a fight and is punched in he nose. Which of the following bones might be fractured?


The superior nasal concha is a part of which bone?


Where is the cribriform plate?

ethmoid bone

Which set includes only bones of the cranium?

ethmoid, temporal, and occipital bones

Thoracic vertebrae differ from the other vertebrae in that they have ____.

facets for attachment of ribs

yellow bone marrow contains a large proportion of

fatty tissue

Largest, strongest bone in the body


Markings such as the fovea capitis, linea aspera and intercondylar notch are found on the


greater trochanter is located


which of the following exhibits a proximal head and greater and lesser tubercles


which of the following make up the leg in anatomical terms


Lateral bone of the leg


Which of the following bones is not weight bearing?


lateral malleolus is located


non-weight bearing bone of the leg


which of the following exhibits a lateral malleolus


Where is the superior protion of the eye orbit?

frontal bone

which set includes only bones that compose the nasal complex?

frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones

The paranasal sinuses are located in which bones?

frontal, sphenoid, maxilla, and ethmoid bones

the dermis ____

has two layers

Ribs 11 and 12 are called floating ribs because they

have no connection to the sternum

damage to the temporal bone would most likely impair the sense of


Jane has an upper respiratory infection and begins to feel pain above her eye. This is a good indication that the infection is located in

her frontal sinuses

Which bone contains diaphysis and epiphysis areas, a tuberosity near its middle, and is proportionally more compact than spongy bone?


articulates with the scapulae, the radius and ulna


deltoid tuberosity is located


the olecranon process would be found on the


which bone(s) make up the arm in anatomical position


through the process of endochondral ossification, a fetal ____ model transforms into bone.

hyaline cartilage

Which bone has no direct attachment with any other bone?


some muscles that control the tongue and larynx are attached to the

hyoid bone

Upper margin of the iliac bones

iliac crest

Which forms the largest portion of the coxal bone?


greater sciatic notch is located


iliac crest is located


the bone that supports your body weight when you are sitting down is the


What change in physical structure would result from an excess of organic components relative to the amount of hydroxyapatite in the matrix of a bone?

increased flexibility

The ethmoid bone is composed of all of the following except

inferior nasal concha

making up approximately one-quarter of the entire vertebral column, ____ act as shock absorbers between adjacent vertebral bodies.

intervertebral discs

____ ossification produces the flat bones of the skull, some of the facial bones, the mandible, and the central part of the clavicle.


vertebrae are classified as

irregular bones

which of the following statements about functions of the integumentary system is not true?

it absorbs water and salts

in addition to protection (physical and chemical barrier) the skin serves other functions. which of the following is another vital function of the skin?

it converts a modified epidermal lipid to a vitamin D precursor important in calcium metabolism

the duct that drains tears into the nasal cavity is most closely associated with which bone?


What suture goes with the parietal bones and occipital bone?

lambdoidal suture

a compression fracture resulting from a hard fall would most likely involve the

last thoracic and first two lumbar vertebrae

arrector pili muscle (diagram)

looks like a muscle in skin

the femur is located

lower extremity

the fibula is located

lower extremity

the patella is located

lower extremity

the tibia is located

lower extremity

if a splinter penetrated the skin into the second epidermal layer of the sole of the foot, which cells would damaged


dermis (diagram)

main body of skin

The mental foramen is located on the


Where is the mental foramen?


The unpaired facial bones are the

mandible and vomer

the only unpaired bones of the face are the

mandible and vomer

the temporomandibular joint is the articulation between the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone and the ____ of the mandible.

mandibular condyle

Osteocytes are ____, whereas osteoclasts are ____.

mature bone cells, bone-destroying cells

Paranasal sinuses are found in which of these facial bones?


The bony roof of the mouth is formed by

maxillae and palatine

Sites of hematopoiesis include all but

medullary cavities in bones of healthy adults

this cell protects the skin from damage due to UV radiation


bones of the hand (palm)


the cuboid bone is a


in addition to humidifying and warming inhaled air, the ____ lining the paranasal sinuses provides protective functions typical of all such tissues.

mucous epithelium

of the three pairs of scroll-like ____ located in the lateral walls of the nasal cavity, only the inferior pair are separate bones.

nasal conchae

the parietal bones have which of the following?

none of these: boardered by four sutures

Large opening formed by rami of pubis and ischium

obturator foramen

The foramen magnum is located on the

occipital bone

Where is the foramen magnum?

occipital bone

the atlas articulates with which structures

occipital condyles

a bony landmark found on the distal end of the humerus would be the

olecranon fossa

What is a fissure?


What is a foramen?


What is a meatus?


the inadequate mineral deposition in bone caused by vitamin D deficiency during childhood is called


Which of the following bone diseases is characterized by loss of bone mass, especially spongy bone and results in brittleness and susceptibility to fractures?


which bones form the hard palate

palatine bones and mixillae

dermal layer responsible for fingerprints

papillary layer

The two hormones that have opposite effects on the rate of osteolysis (breakdown) are

parathyroid hormone and calcitonin

The axial skeleton includes all but which of the following components?

pelvic girdle

The bony portion of the nasal septum is formed by the

perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and the vomer

keratinocytes are an important epidermal cell because they

produce a fibrous protein that gives the skin much of its protective properties

What is a condyle?


What is a crest?


What is a spine?


What is a trochanter?


What is a tuberosity?


What is tubercle?


which of the following is not a function of periosteum?

provides a smooth surface for articulation between bones

Stimulated by sex hormones, bone growth accelerates dramatically at the time of


Point where the coxal bones join anteriorly

pubic symphysis

articulates at its proximal end with the humerus and ulna


ulnar notch is located


The antebrachium is composed of which of the following bone(s)?

radius and ulna

Costal grooves are located on


Which of the following bone diseases is caused defective mineralization of bone n children as a result of insufficient vitamin D?


The pelvic girdle does not include the ____.


What suture goes with the parietal bones?

saggital suture

From lateral to medial, the proximal carpal bones include the

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

articulates with the humerus and clavicle


superior, inferior, and lateral borders are located


the glenoid cavity (fossa) is found on the ____ and articulates with the ____.

scapula, humerus

the bony enclosures that houses the pituitary gland is the

sella turcica

bony landmarks of the sphenoid bone are

sella turcica and hypophyseal fossa

Ironically, high levels of ____ at puberty not only accelerate lengthwise bone growth but also trigger its ultimate end.

sex hormones

the mandible is located


the occipital bone is located


the zygomatic bone is located


which cranial bone articulates with every other cranial bone?


Where is the Sella turcica?

sphenoid bone

in the posterior midline of the vertebral arch, the ____ projects posteriorly from the right and left laminae.

spinous process

What suture goes with the parietal bone and temporal bone?

squamosal suture

What suture goes with the parietal bones and frontal bone?

squamosal suture

which type of skin cancer appears as a scaly reddened papule and tends to grow rapidly and metastasize?

squamous cell carcinoma

sternal end is located


suprasternal notch is located


the epidermis consits of five layers of cells, each layer with a distinct role to play in the health, well-being, and functioning of the skin. which of the following layers is responsible for cell division and replacement.

stratum basale

scale-like dead cells, full of keratin, that constantly slough off

stratum corneum

the epidermal layer that is dead and keratinized is the

stratum corneum

epidermal region exhibiting the most rapid cell division

stratum granulosum

location of melanocytes and tactile (Merkel) cells

stratum granulosum

translucent cells in thick skin containing keratin fibrils

stratum lucidum

area where web-like pre-keratin filaments first appear

stratum spinosum

mitotic cells filled with intermediate filaments

stratum spinosum

the radius exhibits which of the following

styloid process

Ligaments that support the hyuoid bone are attached to the

styloid process of the temporal bone

major openings in the temporal bones include

styloidmastoid and jugular foramina

major markings of the frontal bone include

supraorbital margins and anterior cranial fossa

which of the following includes only tarsal bones

talus, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular, cuneiform

bones of the foot (sole)


the mandible articulates with the ____ bone.


The zygomatic arch is formed by the union of which 2 bones?

temporal and zygomatic

Where is the external auditory meatus?

temporal bone

Where is the mastoid process?

temporal bone

Where is the styloid process?

temporal bone

bony landmarks such as the zygomatic process, styloid and mastoid process, and mandibular and middle cranial fossae are found on the

temporal bone

the zygomatic bones have which of the following bony landmarks

temporal process

aging affects bone tissue in which of the following ways?

tensile strength decreases and bones become brittle, and demineralize and become thinner and weaker.

the reason the hypodermis acts as a shock absorber is that

the major part of its makeup is adipose, which serves as an effective shock absorber

The three components of the sternum, listed from superior to inferior position are

the manubrium, sternal body and xiphoid process

What makes up the axial skeleton?

the skull, vertebral column and rib cage

A major difference between compact and spongy bone is that

there are no osteons in spongy bone

which of the following is not true about thick skin compared to thin skin?

thick skin has more sensory receptors

This type of burn usually destroys nerve endings, and therefore produces less pain that the other types

third degree

most ____ vertebrae have a long spinous process that is angled inferiorly.


The primary curves of the vertebral column are the ____ curves.

thoracic and sacral

which vertebrae articulate with the ribs?

thoracic vertebra

costal facets are located on

thoracic vertebrae

Location of medial malleolus


Medial bone of the leg


a typical example of a long bone is the


markings such as the intercondylar eminence, fibular notch and medial malleolus are found on the


tibial tuberosity is located


dermal papillary layer (diagram)

top layer of the skin

osteons are to dense bone as ____ are to cancellous bone.


From lateral to medial, the distal carpal bones include the

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

medial bone of the forearm


radial notch is located


which of the following exhibits a distal head


the carpals are located

upper extremity

the clavicle is located

upper extremity

the humerus is located

upper extremity

the maxilla is located

upper extremity

the metatarsals are located

upper extremity

the ribs are located

upper extremity

the scapula is located

upper extremity

the sternum is located

upper extremity

the ulna is located

upper extremity

the inferior part of the nasal septum is formed by the


sweat gland (diagram)


The last of the sternal components to ossify, and the one most likely to damage the heart if broken is the


the maxillae exhibit which of the following

zygomatic and frontal processes

Where is the temporal process?

zygomatic bone

which set includes only bones of the face?

zygomatic bone, vomer and palatine bone

A blow to the cheek is most likely to break what superficial bone or bone part?

zygomatic process

The hormone calcitonin functions to

Decrease the level of calcium ions in the blood

What can a deficiency of growth hormone during bone formation cause?

Decreased proliferation of the epiphyseal plate cartilage

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