Anatomy Ch 5

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Which of the following is not a secreting gland in the male reproductive system?


produces mucus which serves to lubricate the urethra

bulbourethral glands

Fertilization of an ovum most often occurs in the:

Fallopian tube

Salpingitis is inflammation of the

Fallopian tubes

. The penis is composed of four cylindrical masses of erectile tissue: two corpus cavernosa and two corpus spongiosum.


A vasectomy involves severing the ejaculatory ducts.


A vasectomy involves the severing of the epididymis.


A vasectomy is usually performed by making a small incision at the base of the penis.


Functionally, the scrotum is necessary to ensure the testes can be maintained at a slightly higher temperature than normal body temperature.


Hemorrhoids are enlargements of the smaller arteries in the anal canal


In both males and females, the urethra serves urinary and reproductive functions


In both sexes, the essential organs of reproduction are the testes.


Retroflexion, or backward flexion, is the normal position of the uterus


The afterbirth is also called the fornix


The cervical canal is between the external os and the vagina


The fringe-like projections called fimbriae are located in the ampulla of the uterine tubes.


The fundus of the uterus is the part of the body of the uterus.


The internal os is formed by the opening of the uterine tubes into the uterus


The ovaries are attached to the oviducts.


The perineum is an accessory organ of the male reproductive system


The posterior ligament forms a deep pouch known as the perineal body


The tail of the epididymis is connected to the testis by the vas afferens.


The urinary meatus is the tube leading from the bladder to the exterior


The uterine tubes are extensions of the uterus that communicate with the vagina and vulva


The uterus is held in the normal position by four pairs of uterine ligaments.


The wide upper portion of the uterus is called the cervix.


The male urethra is part of two different body systems, the urinary system and the integumentary system.

False, and reproductive

Contraction of the bladder and relaxation of the internal sphincter is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system

False, parasympathetic

Erection is due to a sympathetic reflex activity.

False, parasympathetic

The ampulla is a portion of the epididymis.

False, vans deferens

The mechanism of voiding urine begins with the involuntary relaxation of the external sphincter muscle.

False, voluntary

Going from the ovary to the uterus, the sequence of the divisions of the uterine tubes would be:

Fimbrae, infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus

. _____ the small opening of the urethra, located between the clitoris and the vaginal orifice

Labia majora

_____ secretion of milk for the nourishment of newborn infants


____ permanent termination of menstrual cycle activity


_____ monthly shedding of the outer layers of the endometrium


The process of egg formation is called:


The duct of the vas deferens is an extension of the

Tail of epidydimis

In the male reproductive system, the essential organs of reproduction are called:


Each epididymis consists of a single, tightly coiled tube enclosed in a fibrous casing.


Filling of the erectile tissue in the penis is necessary for coitus to occur.


Hemorrhoids are enlargements of veins in the anal canal.


In Caucasians, the areola and nipple of the breasts change color from delicate pink to brown early in pregnancy.


Micturition is the process of voiding urine.


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men.


Seminal vesicles convey sperm to the outside of the body


Sperm may remain in the vas deferens for over 1 month with no loss of fertility.


The accessory organs of reproduction in women are the secondary oocytes.


The acetabulum is a deep, cuplike socket, whereas the glenoid cavity is shallow and saucer-shaped.


The ampulla is a portion of the vas deferens.


The ampulla of the vas deferens joins with the duct from the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct.


The anatomical structure of an epididymis consists of a head, neck, body, and tail.


The bladder wall is made up mostly of crisscrossing bundles of smooth muscle called the detrusor muscle


The bulbourethral glands are a supporting structure of the male reproductive system


The cervical canal is bordered by the internal os above and the external os below.


The citrate found in prostatic fluid is a nutrient for sperm cells


The clitoris is homologous to the corpora cavernosa and the glans of the penis in the male.


The corpus spongiosum of the penis contains the male urethra.


The detrusor muscle is the name given to the smooth muscle that makes up the bladder.


The ejaculatory ducts pass through the prostate and terminate in the ureter


The external os opens into the vagina.


The greater vestibular glands in the female are homologous to the bulbourethral glands in the male.


The hip joint permits flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, rotation, and circumduction.


The hymen is a fold of mucous membrane that forms a border around the opening of the cervix.


The inguinal lymph nodes are located in the groin.


The kidney and bladder are the principal organs of the urinary system


The lateral boundaries of the perineum are the ischial tuberosities.


The major function of the reproductive system is propagation of the species.


The male urethra is about twice as long as the female urethra


The mammary glands are essential organs of reproduction in women


The membrane lining the inside of the abdominopelvic cavity is the visceral peritoneum


The mons pubis is a skin-covered pad of fat over the symphysis pubis


The muscular layers of the vas deferens help in propelling sperm through the duct system.


The ovaries are also endocrine organs


The penis is classified as an accessory organ of reproduction in the male.


The perineum has great clinical importance because of the danger of it being torn during childbirth


The perineum is a supporting structure of the male reproductive system


The perineum, in the male, extends from the symphysis pubis anteriorly and to the coccyx posteriorly


The prostate and the testes are essential organs of reproduction in males.


The prostate gland is a supportive structure of the male reproductive system.


The prostatic urethra is found only in men


The transitional epithelium that lines the bladder wall is one factor which allows the bladder to distend


The urinary bladder is a collapsible bag located behind the symphysis pubis


The urogenital triangle of the perineum contains the penis and scrotum.


The uterine tubes enter the uterus at the top of the fundus.


The vas deferens acts as a storage area and a conduction pathway for sperm.


There are three openings in the floor of the urinary bladder, two from the ureters and one into the urethra


Visceral peritoneum refers to the membrane that covers the organs within the abdominal cavity.


Gravity moves urine from the kidney to the bladder through the ureter.

True, and peristalsis

The reproductive system includes all of the following except:


_____ one of a pair of tubes that conduct ova from the ovary to the uterus; also called fallopian tube

Uterine tube

_____ accessory organ of reproduction in the female; hollow, muscular organ where a fertilized egg implants and grows


. _____ internal tube from the uterus to the vulva


_____ stores sperm for a month or more with no loss of fertility

Vans deferens

The function of the urinary bladder is to:

serve as a reservoir for urine before it leaves the body, and to expel urine from the body, aided by the urethra

A supporting structure of the male reproductive system is the:

spermatic cords

Sertoli cells is another name for:

sustentacular cells

Which of the following is not classified as an accessory organ of reproduction in the male?


An imperforate hymen may prevent the escape of menstrual flow from the body


Another name for the uterine tubes is the fallopian tube


Bartholin's gland is homologous to the bulbourethral glands in the male


The greater vestibular glands are also called:

Bartholin's glands

The uterus is suspended between two folds of parietal peritoneum that form a partition across the pelvic cavity. These ligaments are:

Broad ligaments

At the beginning of the "plumbing system" of the urinary system, urine leaving the renal papilla is collected in the cuplike structures called:


Which of the following structures is not in the urogenital triangle of the perineum?


. The part of the vulva which is composed of erectile tissue and is located just behind the junction of the labia minora is called the


___ a small organ of erectile tissue


_____ innermost lining of the uterus; mucous membrane


_____ contributes to the maturation of sperm, which spend from 1 to 3 weeks in this location


_____ female sex hormone secreted by the ovaries; the "feminizing hormone"


Which of the following is not a division of the uterine tubes (fallopian tubes)


The division of the uterine tube which has an outer margin that resembles a fringe is called the:


The funnel-shaped, open-ended portion of the oviduct is called the:


Each of the following is a duct in the male reproductive system except:

Inguinal canal

The lymph nodes located in the groin are called the:

Inguinal lymph nodes

All of the following are classified as accessory organs of reproduction in the female except the:


Which of the following is not an accessory sex organ to the female reproductive system


_____ essential organ of reproduction (gonad) in the female; produces ova


_____ release of ovum at the end of oogenesis


The layer which is incomplete since it covers none of the cervix and only part of the body is called the

Parietal Periteneum

One difference of the male urethra when compared to the urethra in the female is

Part of two different body systems

Which of the following is not true of the vagina? It:

Pathway for urine

_____ serves as a penetrating copulatory organ during sexual intercourse


. Each of the following structures is a part of the vulva except the:


. The region between the vaginal orifice and the anus is called the`


. Which of the following uterine ligaments forms a deep pouch known as the posterior cul- de-sac of Douglas?

Posterior ligaments

The foreskin in the male is also known as the:


Which of the following is not true concerning the uterus?

Produce estrogen

___ hormone secreted mainly by the corpus luteum


The urethra runs through the center of the:

Prostate gland

Which of the following glands is not a paired accessory gland of the male reproductive system?

Prostate gland

Which of the following is not a supporting structure of the male reproductive system?


_____secretes a thin alkaline substance that constitutes about 30% of the seminal fluid volume


The anterior of the pelvic girdle is formed by the:


Which structure is not found in the scrotum?

Seminal vesicles

_____secretes an alkaline, viscous liquid component of the semen; rich in fructose

Seminal vesicles

Pathway of sperm

Seminiferous Tubules in testes> rete testis> efferent ductules> Stored in epididymis> Vas Deferens> Ejactulatory duct> Urethra> Penis

An episiotomy is routinely done to prevent damage to the perineum during childbirth


. There is (are) ______ opening(s) in the urinary bladder


. The development of the fetus in a location other than the uterus is called an ectopic pregnancy


. Womb is another name for the uterus.


A circumcision is the surgical removal of the prepuce.


A line drawn between the ischial tuberosities divides the perineum into the larger anal triangle and the smaller urogenital triangle.


A line drawn between the two ischial tuberosities divides the perineum into a urogenital and anal triangle


A prolapsed uterus results from weakening of the supporting ligaments of the uterus, which permits retroflexion (backward tilt) and descent of the uterus into the vagina


An enlargement of the prostate may cause urinary retention


_____ the area between the labia minora


Which of the following structures is not classified as internal genitals of the female reproductive system?


____ external reproductive organ in the female


Which of the following is/are classified as an accessory organ of the urinary system?

a. ureters b. urinary bladder c. urethra

. The urethral orifice is ______ to the vagina opening


The fundus of the uterus is the

area above where the tubes enter

_____ external iliac

deep vein

The efferent ductules:

drain the rete testis

Which of the following is not enclosed in the spermatic cord

ejaculatory ducts

The opening of the urethra at the tip of the glans is called the:

external urinary meatus

The structure above the pelvic inlet, which is bordered by muscle in the front and bone along the sides and back, is called the:

false pelvis

The accessory organs of the male reproductive system include all the following except:


Leydig cells is another name for:

interstitial cells

In the male, the urethra:

is involved in the reproductive system. b. is involved in the urinary system. c. is classified as a genital duct.

Which muscle(s) form(s) most of the pelvic floor ?

levator ani b. coccygeus

____ inguinal lymph nodes

located in the groin

_____ a skin-covered pad of fat over the symphysis pubis

mons pubis

The main factor determining male fertility is the:

number of sperm ejaculated

Which of the following is a part of the supporting structures of the male reproductive system?


Which of the following glands are not part of the vulva?

the greater vestibular glands b. Skene's glands c. Bartholin's glands

The supporting structures in the male reproductive system include:

the penis. b. a pair of spermatic cords. c. the scrotum.

The three openings on the bladder floor make up the trigone


Which of the following divides the testes into lobules?

tunica albuginea

Urine is conducted from the kidney to the urinary bladder through a tube called the:


_____ homologous to the scrotum in the male

urinary meatus

Which of the following organs in not considered part of the "duct system" of the female reproductive system?

vagina b. uterine tubes c. uterus

The structure that connects the epididymis with the ejaculatory duct is the

vas deferens

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