Anatomy Ch 9

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The place of contact between bone and cartilage or between bones and other bones is called a(n) ____ .

joint or articulation

The ligament on the lateral side of the knee is called the ______ ligament.

-fibular collateral -lateral collateral

Injury to the fibular collateral ligament is fairly rare because ______.

-medial blows to the knee are rare -the ligament is very strong

The rotator cuff muscles include ______.

-supraspinatus and infraspinatus -subscapularis and teres minor

The ligament that supports the knee on the medial side is called the ______ ligament.

-tibial collateral -medial collateral

Which are examples of a plane joint?

-Intertarsal joint -Intercarpal joint

______ is shown in the figure labeled A. (foot: toe rising up)


What is it called when the forearm rotates the palm to the posterior?


____ is the medial rotation of the forearm so that the palm of the hand is directed posteriorly or inferiorly.


Which type of joint would one find between the radius and the ulna?


Which of the following joints is indicated here by the arrow? (webbing between radius and ulna & tibia and fibula)

Syndesmosis - bones joined by long strands of dense regular connective tissue only; amphiarthroses

The articular surfaces of the sacrum and ilia form the ____ joint.


The sternoclavicular joint is a ______ joint.


The ______ detect painful stimuli in the joint and report the amount of movement in the joint.

sensory nerves

The glenohumeral joint is more commonly called the ______ joint.


Joints start to form by the ______ week of development.


The ______ joint is the only mobile joint between skull bones.


An elongated bursa that wraps around a tendon is called a (n)______.

tendon sheath

The structures labeled A are ____ . (tendon exposed hand and wrist)


A pivot joint is a ______ joint.


True or false: Bones are said to articulate with each other at a joint.

True (Articulate means to put things together. In this case, it is bones.)

A ______ is a stretching or tearing of ligaments without fracture or dislocation of the joint.


The letter A in the figure illustrates the ______ joint. (clavicle)


Fibrocartilage of a ______ resists compression and acts as a shock absorber.


A joint. or articulation, can be between bones and ______.


The ______ joint is the articulation formed at the point where the head of the mandible articulates with the tubercle of the temporal bone anteriorly and the mandibular fossa posteriorly.


Which are locations of synchondroses?

-Between rib/sternum -Epiphyseal plate

Which are classified as synovial joints?

-Glenohumeral -Temporomandibular -Knee joint -Elbow

Which are classified as a ball-and-socket joint?

-Hip joint -Glenohumeral joint

Which are examples of hinge joints?

-Knee joint -Interphalangeal joints -Elbow joint

Which is the simplest synovial articulation and the least mobile?


When centrally located mesenchyme is resorbed, a joint ____ forms.

cavity or space

The cartilaginous joint between the two pubic bones is called the ____ symphysis.


In the figure, the letter A indicates ____ and the letter B indicates ____ . (forearm: A extending at the elbow, B is flexing)

A - extension B - flexion

In the figure, letter A is indicating ____ , and letter B is indicating ____ . (A is head bending forward, B is head bending backwards)

A - flexion B - extension or hyperextension

Looking at the figure, describe the actions. Letter A represents ____ , and letter B represents ____ . (hand: A is extending, B is flexing)

A - hyperextensions/ extension B - flexion

The letter A is pointing to the ____ capsule. (joint with A pointing to white portion surrounding joint)

articular , joint, or synovial

By monitoring stretch at a joint, the ______ can detect changes in our posture and adjust body movements.

nervous system

What type of tissue makes up a tendon?

Dense regular connective tissue

______ is the inferior movement of a part of the body.


The fibrocartilaginous ring that deepens the hip socket is the ____ labrum.


This figure exhibits ____ (Hand with fingers NOT spread out, squished together)


When you bring your raised arm or thigh back toward the body midline, you are performing ______.


What type of joint is the atlantoaxial joint?

Synovial, pivot

Bending your arm at the elbow is an example of ______.


In the figure, letter A represents the ____ trochanter. (femur bone- pointing at lesser trochanter)


Which of the following joints has a gliding motion where two articular surfaces slide past each other? (hand joints)

letter A - gliding motion

Sprains take a relatively long time to heal because ______.

ligaments are poorly vascularized

The immobile joint between the bones of the skull is called a(n) .

suture, synarthrosis, or synarthrotic

The type of fibrous joint shown here is called a(n) ____ (cranial suture)

suture, synarthrosis, or synarthrotic

An articulation in which bones are joined by hyaline cartilage is called a ______.


A ____ joint has a fluid-filled joint cavity between articulating surfaces of the bones.


A hinge joint is a ______ joint.


A plane joint is a ______ joint.


Because the tibial collateral ligament is attached to the ______, it may be injured as well from a hit on the lateral side.

medial meniscus

In the knee, the joint between the knee cap and the thigh bone is called the ______ joint.


The atlantoaxial joint between the first two cervical vertebrae is classified as a(n) ____ joint.

pivot, synovial, or diarthrotic

The sacroiliac joint is a _____ type of synovial joint.


In ______ the ankle joint permits extension of the foot so that the toes point inferiorly.

plantar flexion

The repetitious compression and relaxation that occurs during exercise is vital for maintaining healthy ____ cartilage, which covers the ends of the articulating bones in a synovial joint.


____ fluid lubricates the articular cartilage of articulating bones in a synovial joint.


____ fluid nourishes the chondrocytes of the articular cartilage in a synovial joint.


____ are composed of dense regular connective tissue and attach muscles to bones.


In synovial joints, the bone surfaces are covered by a thin layer of hyaline cartilage called the ______.

articular cartilage

Functionally, all synovial joints are classified as ____.

diarthrosis, diarthrotic, or diarthroses

In this picture of a synovial joint, letter B is pointing to the ____ cavity which contains synovial fluid. (joint with purple outlining cavity)

joint, synovial, articulation, or articular

The tibial collateral ligament is frequently injured when the leg is forcibly ______ at the knee.


The figure exhibits ____. (Hand with fingers spread out)

abduction - "move away", lateral movement away from midline

A ______ joint is a uniaxial joint in which the convex surface of one bone fits into the concave depression of the other bone.


The ACL can be injured when the leg is _______.


The bones in a synovial joint are separated by a space called a(n) _____.

joint cavity

The motion in the figure is ____ flexion. (girl leaning to her left; hand is almost to knee)


Articular cartilage is what type of cartilage?

Hyaline cartilage

______ is the superior movement of a body part.


Match the movement on the left with the description on the right. Abduction Adduction Circumduction

Abduction - Movement of a bone away from the midline Adduction - Movement of a bone toward the midline Circumduction - A continuous movement that combines flexion, abduction, extension and adduction in succession

____ means to 'move toward' and is the medial movement of a body part toward the midline of the body.


_______ is a group of inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the joints that can occur in various forms.


Name the joint between the atlas and the dens of the axis.


______ is a complex movement that occurs as a result of a continuous sequence of flexion, adduction, extension and abduction.


______ is a sequence of movements in which the proximal end of the appendage remains relatively stationary while the distal end makes a circular motion.


____ occurs when the ankle joint is bent such that the superior surface of the foot and toes moves toward the leg.


Match the movement on the left with the description on the right. Dorsiflexion Plantar flexion Inversion Eversion

Dorsiflexion - Heel is lower than toes. Plantar flexion - Heel is higher than toes. Inversion - Soles turn inward. Eversion - Soles turn outward.

____ is the movement in an anterior-posterior plane that increases the angle between the articulating bones.


Which ligaments are outside of the articular capsule?


True or false: Tendons help stabilize joints because they form part of the synovial joint itself.

False - (Tendons do NOT form part of the synovial joint but they do help stabilize the joint by passing around or across the joint.)

Match the movement on the left with the description on the right. Flexion Extension Hyperextension Lateral flexion

Flexion - Decrease angle between bones Extension - Increase angle between bones Hyperextension - Extension continues past the anatomic position Lateral flexion - Vertebral column moves laterally

______ is a simple movement in which two opposing surfaces slide slightly back-and-forth or side-to-side with respect to one another.


An orthodontist would work on which type of joint?


Braces on this joint place mechanical stress on the osteoblasts and osteoclasts to modify the alveolus. Name the joint.


Match the name of the joint with its description on the right. Gomphosis, Suture, Syndesmosis

Gomphosis - Holds teeth in their sockets Suture - Connects skull bones Syndesmosis - Between radius and ulna

Which of the following are categorized as a symphysis?

Intervertebral discs

____ flexion occurs when the trunk of the body moves in a coronal plane laterally away from the body.


_______ rotation turns the anterior surface of the femur or humerus laterally.


The types of movement that can occur between the vertebrae in the cervical and lumbar regions of the vertebral column are which of the following?

Lateral flexion

____ connect bones together and reinforce most synovial joints.


______ are composed of dense regular connective tissue that connect one bone to another.


_______ rotation turns the anterior surface of the femur or humerus medially.


The articular capsule of the knee joint encloses which regions of the knee joint?

Medial, lateral, and posterior

What is the special movement of the thumb across the palm that permits grasping and holding of an object?


What type of synovial joint is indicated by A in the figure? (spinal column - dens of axis)

Pivot joint - uniaxial

____ flexion occurs when a ballerina stands on her tiptoes.


What is it called when the forearm rotates the palm anteriorly?


______ occurs when the forearm rotates laterally so the the palm faces anteriorly or superiorly.


Which type of joint is indicated by the arrow in the figure? (located between R&L pubic bones; also in intervertebral joints - between intervertebral discs)

Symphyses - pad of fibrocartilage between articulating bones; resists compression and tension stresses and acts as shock absorber.

What type of joints is indicated by the arrows in the figure? (attaching ribs to sternum)

Synchondroses - bones joined by hyaline cartilage

Which structure covers the anterior surface of the knee joint?

The tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle

True or false: The ACL is rather weak compared to the other knee ligaments.


In the figure, the letter A is pointing to the ______. (femur head)

head of the femur

The glenohumeral joint is a ______ joint, which is the most unstable joint in the body and one of the most frequently dislocated.


A ______ joint is indicated by the arrow in the figure. (femur head meets hip bone)

ball-and-socket - multiaxial joints with spherical articulating head fit into socket of second bone. ex hip joint and glenohumeral joint

The hip joint is also called the ______ joint.


An example of ______ is moving the mandible as in opening the mouth.


The coxal joint is the articulation between the ______ of the femur and the ______ of the os coxae.

head, acetabulum

The superior movement of the mandible while closing the mouth is an example of ____ .

elevation or flexion

A 'fractured hip' is usually a fracture of the ______.

femoral neck

In the pubic symphysis, the two pubic bones are joined by a pad of ____ .

fibrocartilage or cartilage

A ______ joint occurs where bones are held together by dense regular connective tissue.


Bending your fingers toward your palm to make a fist is an example of ______.


When bones are brought closer together as the angle between them decreases, it is called ______.


When you raise your arm anteriorly, it is called ______ of the shoulder.


The glenohumeral joint is between the head of the humerus and the ____ cavity of the scapula.


In a(n) ____ motion, the angle between the bones does not change and only limited movement is possible in any direction.

gliding or nonaxial

The articular capsule of a synovial joint comes from ______.

laterally placed mesenchyme

The hip joint is more stable and ______ mobile than the glenohumeral joint because it supports the body weight.


Injury to the fibular collateral ligament can occur if the ______ side of the knee is struck.


In the figure, the letter A indicates the ______. (knee joint - inner side - medial)

medial meniscus

A fibrocartilage in a joint (such as the pads located on the condyles of the tibia) is called a ______.


The coxal joint is ______ stable than the glenohumeral joint.


Ball-and-socket joints are ______.


A common misconception with a 'broken hip' is that the ______ is broken, which is false.

os coxae

The most common type of ankle sprain is due to _______.


The forearm in this figure is exhibiting ______. (forearm turning - thumb toward medial, palm facing posterior)

pronation - medial rotation of forearm so palm of head is directed posteriorly/inferiorly

The glenohumeral joint is strengthened by the ______ muscles surrounding it.

rotator cuff

Each form of arthritis presents the same symptoms, which are ______.

stiffness swelling pain

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