Anatomy Ch.4

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Epithelial tissue

covers and protects surfaces, both outside and inside the body



Adipose cells

fat cells, also called adipocytes, contain large amounts of lipid


has a relatively large number of protein fibers that form thick bundles and fill nearly all of the extracellular space

Hyaline cartilage

has large amounts of both collagen fibers and proteoglycans

Dense regular

has protein fibers in the extracellular matrix that are oriented predominantly in one direction


in the ground substance of bone


in the ground substance of cartilage


in the ground substance of fibrous connective tissue.

free surface

surface not attached to other cells


the middle layer, forms tissues such as muscle, bone, and blood vessels


cancer of cartilage.


cancer spreads to distant sites

Columnar cells

(tall and thin, similar to a column) cells are taller than they are wide


dried surface of a clot


microscopic study of tissues

spongy bone

A type of bone with many spaces between plates of bone

Skeletal Muscle

Attached to bones or other connective tissue. Striations. Moves the body. Voluntary. Cells are large, long, and cylindrical, with many nuclei located at the periphery.

Areolar Connective Tissue

Cells within a fine network of mostly collagen fibers; often merges with denser connective tissue. Loose packing, support, and nourishment for the structures with which it is associated. Widely distributed throughout the body; substance on which epithelial basement membranes rest; packing between glands, muscles, and nerves; attaches the skin to underlying tissues


Embryonic connective tissue

Reticular Tissue

Fine network of reticular fibers irregularly arranged. Provides a superstructure for lymphatic and hemopoietic tissues. Within the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow

exocrine glands

Glands with ducts lined with epithelium

primary union

If the edges of the wound are close together, as in a surgical incision, the wound heals by a process called ______________ __________

apocrine secretion

In ____________ ___________ the secretory products are released as fragments of the gland cells


In _______________ the new cells are the same type as those that were destroyed


In ______________a new type of tissue develops that eventually produces a scar and causes the loss of some tissue function.

Cardiac Muscle

In the heart. Provides the major force for moving blood through the blood vessels. Involuntary. cells are cylindrical and striated and have a single, centrally located nucleus; they are branched and connected to one another by intercalated disks, which contain gap junctions.

Smooth Muscle

In the walls of hollow organs, blood vessels, eyes, glands, skin. Moves food through the digestive tract, empties the urinary bladder, regulates blood vessel diameter, changes pupil size, contracts many gland ducts, moves hair, performs many other functions. Involuntary. cells are tapered at each end, are not striated, and have a single nucleus

Dense Irregular Elastic

Matrix composed of bundles and sheets of collagenous and elastic fibers oriented in multiple directions. Capable of strength, with stretching and recoil in several directions. Location: Elastic arteries

Dense Regular

Matrix composed of collagen fibers running in somewhat the same direction. withstands pulling forces exerted in the direction of fiber orientation; great tensile strength and stretch resistance. Found in Tendons (attach muscle to bone) and ligaments (attach bones to each other)

Dense Irregular

Matrix composed of collagen fibers that run in all directions or in alternating planes of fibers oriented in a somewhat single direction. Tensile strength capable of withstanding stretching in all directions. Sheaths; most of the dermis of the skin; organ capsules and septa; outer covering of body tubes.

Dense Regular Elastic

Matrix composed of regularly arranged collagen fibers and elastic fibers. Able to stretch and recoil like a rubber band, with strength in the direction of fiber orientation. Found in Vocal folds and elastic ligaments between the vertebrae and along the dorsal aspect of the neck

compact bone

Solid bone with almost no space between thin layers

Pseudo-Unipolar Neuron

The neuron consists of a cell body with one axon. Conducts action potentials from the periphery to the brain or spinal cord. In ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord

goblet cells, mucus

____________ _______ are multicellular mucous glands, which secrete a viscous substance called ________

fibroblasts, fibrocytes

_____________ are cells that form fibrous connective tissue, and ______________ maintain it

Chondroblasts, chondrocytes

_____________ form cartilage, _______________ maintain it


a cancer derived from epithelial tissue.

Hyaluronic acid

a long, unbranched polysaccharide chain composed of repeating disaccharide units. It gives a very slippery quality to the fluids that contain it; for that reason, it is a good lubricant for joint cavities


a mixture of dead neutrophils


a nerve cell

basement membrane

a specialized type of extracellular material secreted by epithelial and connective tissue cells


a swelling of tissue following tissue damage


a tumor that can spread and get worse


a tumor unlikely to spread or become worse


abnormal growth

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

appears to be stratified but is not. It consists of one layer of cells, with all the cells attached to the basement membrane

Cuboidal cells

are cube-shaped cells—about as wide as they are tall.

Squamous cells

are flat or scalelike cells

basal surface

attached to basement membrane

lateral surface

attached to other epithelial cells


banded, because of the arrangement of contractile proteins within the cells


cancer derived from connective tissue


cancer of bone


cells found in Columnar cells. Contain abundant organelles, such as ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatuses, and secretory vesicles, that are responsible for synthesizing and secreting mucus.


cells that nourish, protect and isolate nerve cells. support cells of the brain.


cellular products of endocrine glands, that are secreted into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body


collections of specialized cells and the extracellular substances surrounding them

Mast cells

commonly lie beneath membranes in loose connective tissue and along small blood vessels of organs


connective tissue with a liquid matrix. Transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, nutrients, waste products, and other substances; protects the body from infections and is involved in temperature regulation. found all over the body


consist of projections of cytoplasm surrounded by membrane. usually conducts action potentials away from the cell body

Simple epithelium

consists of a single layer of cells

Multipolar Neuron

consists of dendrites, a cell body, and a long axon; neuroglia, or support cells, surround the neurons. transmit information in the form of action potentials, store "information," and integrate and evaluate data; neuroglia support, protect, and form specialized sheaths around axons. In the brain, spinal cord, ganglia

mucous membrane

consists of epithelial cells, their basement membrane, a thick layer of loose connective tissue

Stratified epithelium

consists of more than one layer of cells

Loose connective tissue

consists of relatively few protein fibers that form a lacy network, with numerous spaces filled with ground substance and fluid

intercalated disks

contain specialized gap junctions and are important in coordinating cardiac muscle cell contractions

Dense irregular

contains protein fibers arranged as a meshwork of randomly oriented fibers

cell body

contains the nucleus and is the site of general cell functions

muscle tissue

contracts, or shortens, with a force and therefore is responsible for movement


derived from glandular epithelium ex.) breast cancers


examination of the organs of a dead body to determine the cause of death or to study the changes caused by a disease


found in

adhesive molecules

found in ground substances, they hold the proteoglycan aggregates together and to structures such as plasma membranes.


found in some connective tissue types. They are derived from monocytes, a type of white blood cell that "eat" wound debris, bacteria, etc.

Nervous tissue

found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves and is characterized by the ability to conduct electrical signals called action potentials. consists of neurons, which are responsible for its conductive ability, and support cells called neuroglia.


fragments of hemopoetic cells containing enzymes and special proteins that function in the clotting process to reduce bleeding from a wound.

endocrine glands

glands that have no ducts, have extensive blood vessels in the connective tissue of the glands


greatly increase free surface area and occur in cells that absorb or secrete, such as serous membranes and the lining of the small intestine

mucous connective tissue

helps support the umbilical cord blood vessels between the mother and the child

Holocrine secretion

involves the shedding of entire cells

nuchal ligament

lies along the posterior of the neck, helping hold the head upright

Serous membranes

line cavities, such as the pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal cavities, that do not open to the exterior. do not contain glands, but they secrete a small amount of serous fluid

serous fluid

lubricates the serous membranes

Synovial membranes

made up of only connective tissue. line freely movable joints. produce synovial fluid


maintain it


modification of simple epithelium


more than one layer of cells

merocrine secretion

most common type of secretion


move materials across the free surface of the cell

extracellular matrix

noncellular substances surrounding the cells


process of removing tissue samples from patients surgically or with a needle for diagnostic purposes

synovial fluid

rich in hyaluronic acid, making the joint fluid very slippery, and facilitating smooth movement within the joint.


secretory organs, are composed primarily of epithelium, with a supporting network of connective tissue


single layer of cells


studies of tumors

Areolar tissue

the "loose packing" material of most organs and other tissues; it attaches the skin to underlying tissues

secondary union

the edges are not close together, or if tissue loss has been extensive, the process is called ___________ __________

action potential

the electrical signal that is conducted in a nerve cell.


the inner layer, forms the lining of the digestive tract and its derivatives


the outer layer, forms the skin

Tissue repair

the substitution of viable cells for dead cells


threadlike protein, contained in the clot, which binds the edges of the wound together

Adipose Tissue

type of connective tissue. Little extracellular matrix surrounding cells; the fat cells, are so full of lipid that the cytoplasm is pushed to the periphery of the cell. Packing material, thermal insulation, energy storage, and protection of organs against injury from being bumped or jarred. Predominantly in subcutaneous areas, in mesenteries, in renal pelvis, around kidneys, attached to the surface of the colon, in mammary glands, in loose connective tissue that penetrates spaces and crevices

squamous cell carcinomas

types of skin cancer derived from epithelial tissue


usually receive action potentials. consist of projections of cytoplasm surrounded by membrane

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