Anatomy Final

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In the spinal cord, the somas of motor neurons sending axons to skeletal muscles are found in the ______

Anterior horn

Correctly think once the flow of urine through the kidney


Often, drugs which must be administered intramuscularly will be injected into the gluteus maximus (otherwise known as that big butt muscle). Which of the following correctly sequences the epidermal layer is the needle would pass through before reaching the muscle?


Which of the following correctly sequences into the subarachnoid space


Which of the following correctly sequences the speakers of the G.I. tract, and order which food passes through them


Which sequence best represents the path of a nerve impulse over reflex arc?


The dilated blood vessels seen in blood shot eyes are vessels of the

Bulbar conjunctiva

The medium reticulospinal tract is


Which correctly sequences the net movement of carbon dioxide from blood to air?


Which of the following are retroperitoneal


Which of the following is the correct sequence from superficial to deep


Gray matter is composed primarily of _____ and functions as a ____

Cell bodies; integration center

Which of the following is not correctly matched?

Cephalic; top of head

Which of these contain an example of an arterial anastomoses?

Circle of Willis

Lymphatic vessels called ______ carry lymph one lymph node to another

Collecting vessels

Capillaries of the lease permeability are the ____ And they are common in the ____.

Continuous; skin

What causes goosebumps?

Contraction of the pilot erector muscles.

A herniated disc occurs when a ring called the _____ cracks.

Annulus fibrous

The glial cells that destroy micro organisms in the CNS are


Which of the following is not an essential part of the anatomical position?

Mouth closed

They cylindrical rows of sarcomeres inside a skeletal muscle cell are the


Another name for the axon of a neuron is

Nerve fiber

The receptor cells for hearing are located in the

None of the above

All live ultimately re-enter the bloodstream at what point?

The subclavian vein

Your heart is described as a double pump because

The ventricles beat first followed by the atria

Which use of the word "fiber" refers to a variety of extracellular protein threads?

connective tissue fiber

Why is it a good idea to avoid spinach if youre recovering from a fractured bone? Because compounds in spinach _____/

inhibit the absorption of calcium needed to repair the bone.

In a teenager chondroblasts are involved in ______ growth while in everyone they are involved in ______ ossification

interstitial; endochondrial

The most abundant protein of the epidermis is __________, while the most abundant dermis is __________.

keratin; collagen

The small cavities in which some connective cells reside are termed _________.


Stellate cells are characteristic of _____ tissue, while fibrous cells are characteristic of _____ tissue.

nervous; muscle

Supporting cells in nervous tissue are called __________


The plasma membrane is described by the fluid mosaic model. The fluidity is primarily due to _______ while the mosaic nature is primarily due to _____.

none of the above

The connective tissue layer of a mucous membrane is called the ________.

none of the previous

Collagen forms the _______ component of bone matrix and give bone its _________.

organic; tensile strength

Transitional epithelium is found in the _______ system.


Which statement best describes connective tissue?

usually contains large amount of extracellular matrix

The source of pulmonary surfactant is

Type II alveolar cells

The subcutaneous layer consists mostly of ________.

areolar and adipose connective tissues

Which of the following is a correct sequence of tooth anatomy, superficial to deep?

Enamel, dentin, pulp

Epithelial that secrete substances directly into the bloodstream are classified as ______glands.


Which of the following is not included in the spermatic cord?


You've learned in lab the flexor digitorum superficialis that moves the digits originates from the medial epicondyles of the humerus. Hence, contraction of this muscle would also flex the elbow joint unless prevented. If you feel you're on triceps brachii well clenching your fist to tightly you will feel it contract prevent movement of the elbow joint. In this situation, flexion of the fingers, the triceps brachii is functioning as an


Which of the following accurately describes the hepatic portal system?

From stomach capillaries, what travels through the hepatic vein's and passing through hepatic capillaries.

Fibers of the optic nerve come from the _____ cells of the retina


The complex ball of capillaries in a nephron is called the


Which type of section through Mr. macaroni would look like this:


Which of the following contain smooth muscle?


In endochondral ossification, primary centers of ossification develop _____.

In the center of the diaphysis

the ______ Of the midbrain receive auditory stimuli and trigger the head turning auditory reflex.

Inferior colliculi

Decent of testees includes their passage through them

Inguinal canal

This cytosol is also known as the

Intercellular fluid

You are watching it open heart surgery on the discovery health channel and hear the narrator explain that the surgeon is repairing a patent foreman ovale. So you know that the sutures will be inserted in the

Into atrial septum

Which of these Statements accurately describes the coronary sinus?

It is located in the posterior coronary sulcus

All of the following features increase the surface area of the small intestine available for digestion and absorption except


Juxtamedullary nephrons are _____. Numerous than cortical nephrons, have a ______ loop of Henle than cortical nephrons, and are placated ________ to cortical nephrons

Less; longer; deep

Which peritoneal fold is attached about the liver in the stomach

Lesser omentum

Metastatic Cancer often is found in lymph nodes primarily due to the fact that

Lymph capillaries are more permeable than blood capillaries

Receptor cells for dynamic equilibrium are located in the

Macula and ampulla

Based on the stimulus detected, hair route plexuses are classified as _____, and based on the location of the stimulus detected, the are classified as ______.

Mechanoreceptors; exterocepters

The tunica ______ of a blood vessel contains more elastic tissue than other layers and is thickest in ______.

Media; arteries

The _____ Arch of the foot extends from the hill to the great toe.


Osteoclasts are most closely related, by common descent, to _______.

white blood cells

Bone matrix includes approximately________.

25% water and 25% collagen

The normal adult mouth contains a total of ____ premolars which are specialized for ______

8; grinding

After passing through the vitreous humor, which of the following correctly sequences the path of light through the posterior structures of the eye?


Which of these accurately describes the path of sperm cells after being deposit in the vagina


Which of the following accurately describes lamellated corpuscles

A & b

Which of the following are examples of multi nucleated cells?

A & b

Which of the following are smooth muscle

A & c

Which of the following have three layers of smooth muscle in their wall?

A & c

Which of the following having adventitia?

A, b & c

Which of the following exhibit peristalsis

A,b, and C

The major protein of the thin myofilaments is


The risk of osteoporosis can be minimized by ______.

All of the previous

The last line of defense against inhale particles and phagocytosis cells called

Alveolar macrophages

I physician performing a cesarean Section must cut through the abdominal wall and uterine wall to deliver the baby. Which of the following correctly list to sequence of tissues she would cut there after passing through the abdominal wall masculure?


Which is the correct order from superficial to deep of the five following structures


Which of the following most correctly sequences the flow of lymph from the right big toe to its return to blood?


Which of these joints are biaxial?


When the internal intercostals contract, thoracic volume ______ and the thoracic pressure _______, causing air to move _______ the lungs.

Decreases, increases, out of

Which part of a neuron is responsible for receiving information and sending it to the cell body?


The smooth muscle of the bladder wall is called the


Your wrist is ______ to your shoulder.


Repair of a ventricular septal defect (A hole in the interventricular septum) Requires open heart surgery. Which of the following correctly sequences the structures that surgeon must penetrate to reach the right bedroom and close the opening?


In the CNS, cells called _______ perform one of the same functions that Schwan cells do in the PNS.


Which of the following is not found a nasal cavity?

Orifice of auditory tube

The islets of Langerhans are located in the ____ and have an _____ function

Pancreas, endocrine

The _____ Salivary gland is named for its location near the ear


Which of these is not a region of the spinal cord?


Periosteal arteries may enter via ______

Perforating canals

Fascicle is bound in defined by the____.


Most adult tooth loss is due to

Periodontal disease

The membrane covering organs in the abdominal pelvic cavity is the ________ and it is a______.

Peritoneum; Serous

The _____ is connected to the Dian Cephalon by the infundibulum.


Posterior displacement of the tibia is prevented primarily by the_______.

Posterior cruciate ligament

The muscle responsible for increasing the size of your pupil as you step into a darkened room is the

Pupillary dilater; intrinsic

Distal to the intravertebral Forman, a spinal nerve branches into a posterior and anterior ____


The azygos system ______.

Receives blood from intercostal vein's

Which of the following is an important function of the lymphatic system?

Returning fluid and proteins to the cardiovascular system

Which of the following denotes a general condition that includes the other four?


Which of the following is not a component of the appendicular skeleton?


The condition of having a kidney low in the pelvis rather than in the abdominal cavity is called _____.

Situs perversus

Which muscle cells are capable of hyperplasia?


The air is somewhat protected from loud noises by the ____


The lungs are _____ to the liver.


The parietal lobe is

Superior to the lateral sulcus

Which of these is found within the lumbar cistern?

Terminal filament

Closure of the tricuspid valve prevents flow of blood from

The right ventricle to the right atrium

Epithelial tissues are usually classified based on their _____.

a & b

Which of the following are sudoriferous glands?

a &b

The epidermis and dermis form

an epithelial membrane

From diaphysis to epihysis , the cartilage zones of the metaphysis are ________.

calcification, hypertrophic, proliferating, reserve

Osteocytes contact each other through channels callled _____.


Michael is examining a slide in lab and notices intercalated discs and striations. He immediately knows that he is viewing ___________.

cardiac muscle

Which of the following events is a direct prerequisite for formation of a secondary center of ossification?

formation of the epiphyseal plate

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