Anatomy Final previous tests

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Germinal center

contains proliferating B-lymphocytes


efficient slayer of bacterial invaders; granulocytic, polymorphonuclear leukocyte

The bony labyrinth of the inner ear is lined with _________ and contains fluid called:


True body cavity (technical term)


3. Which of the following does not shorten when a muscle contracts?; a. myofilaments b. H band c. sarcomere d. I band


Trigeminal nerve has ________ branches


In this class we have presented and studied/addressed the PNS as having _________ functionally distinct systems.


Facial nerve as ______ branches


13. Which of the following is the only bone cell that divides? a. osteogenic cell b. osteoblast c. osteocyte d. osteoclast


25. Anatomy means to: a. cut apart b. study function c. become specialized d. feel e. listen


29. Aging is characterized by the body's declining ability to a. restore homeostasis b. remain flexible c. remain mobile d. resist fatigue


30. What change(s) occur in the lymphatic system with advancing age?; a. T Cells become less responsive to antigens b. increased responsiveness of B Cells c. decreased production of autoantibodies d. rapid increase in antibody levels with infection


31. Which of the following occurs as a result of the presence of lacteals in the wall of the intestine?; a. Most dietary fats do not enter the hepatic portal circulation. b. The lymph receives digested milk sugars, which gives the lymph its creamy color. c. All end products of digestion are carried by lymph. d. Lymph enters the hepatic portal circulation.


33. Excess interstitial fluid is called ______________ and has a similar composition to:; a. lymph / blood plasma b. plasma / the cytosol of cells c. lymph / the cytosol of cells d. serous plasma / blood plasma e. serous fluid / plasma


34. The fluid that surrounds the organelles is known as: a. cytosol b. cytoplasm c. extracellular fluid d. interstitial fluid


35. Neurons in the CNS fail to re-grow because of inhibition of growth by the _____________?; a. oligodendrocytes b. Schwann cells or neurolemmocytes c. axons d. cell bodies e. astrocytes


37. All connective tissues have an extracellular matrix (material between the cells). Which connective tissue's matrix is fluid? a. blood b. bone c. reticular d. areolar


40. In lab you examine a nervous system tissue slide and identify satellite cells around unipolar neuron cells. You are likely looking at a: ; a. gray matter ganglion of PNS b. gray matter nucleus of CNS c. whiter matter tract of PNS d. white matter nerve of CNS


41. During a histological study of nervous tissue from the CNS, myelin is observed surrounding the axons of the neurons. Based on the presence of the myelin, what other conclusion can be made for this specimen?; a. oligodendrocytes are present b. Schwann cells are present c. microglial cells are present d. ependymal cells are present


45. Which of the following is NOT a physical characteristic of blood?; a. pH range of 7.25 to 7.55 b. temperature of 38ºC (100.4 ºF) c. average volume of 5-6 liters (1.5gal) in a male d. about 8% of body weight


46. Sites of hemopoiesis in the adult include all of the following EXCEPT:; a. liver. b. sternum. c. head of humerus. d. head of femur.


47. Levels of which granular leukocyte are increased immediately following a tissue injury?; a. neutrophils b. erythrocytes c. thrombocytes d. monocytes


48. Which of the following is accomplished through apoptosis? a. distinction of individual fingers and toes b. opening of the eyes (as in being able to open the eyelids) c. beating of the heart d. growth of the brain


49. Your patient has chronically low B lymphocyte and T lymphocyte levels but sufficient erythrocyte and platelet levels. Which cell is most likely developing incorrectly?; a. Lymphoid stem cell b. Myeloid stem cell c. T lymphoblast cells d. Pluripotent stem cell


50. Which of the following statements about the layers of the skin is TRUE? a. The dermis is composed primarily of connective tissue and the epidermis is composed primarily of epithelium. b. The epidermis is deeper than the dermis. c. Skin color is mainly due to cells located in the upper part of the dermis; the cells of the epidermis are colorless. d. The epidermis is located between the dermis and the hypodermis. e. The epidermis is rich in blood vessels; the dermis is avascular.


53. Which of the following is a type of epicardial tissue that is found associated with the sulci and coronary blood vessels of the heart?; a. adipose b. collagen c. keratin d. glycogen e. hydroxyapatite


54. Which describes a factor associated with aging of the skin? a. collagen fibers in the dermis break b. elastic fibers in the epidermis lose their elasticity c. protein fibers double in their quantity from the age of 40 to 60 d. fibroblast multiply and outnumber keratinocytes


56. Which of the following is the name for the structural organizational unit of compact bone? a. Osteon b. Canaliculus c. Cancellous bone d. Trabeculae Reticulum


60. The branches of the arch of the aorta, in correct order, are: 1. brachiocephalic trunk 2. left common carotid 3. left subclavian; a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 3, 2 c. 2, 1, 3 d. 3, 2, 1


62. Venous blood from the liver reaches the inferior vena cava via the; a. hepatic veins b. splenic vein c. hepatic portal vein d. superior mesenteric vein


64. Which of the following structures is not membrane-bound? a. ribosome b. lysosome c. nucleus d. Golgi complex e. mitochondria


68. Lymph enters a lymph node via _____ and exits through _____.; a. afferent vessels; efferent vessels b. efferent vessels; afferent vessels c. medullary sinuses; trabecular sinuses d. subscapular sinuses; medullary sinuses


71. Lymphatic capillaries differ from blood capillaries in that they are _____-ended and they have a slightly _____ diameter than blood capillaries.; a. closed / larger b. closed / smaller c. open / larger d. open / smaller e. fenestrated / smaller


74. Extensions of the thymus capsule called _____ penetrate inward dividing each lobe of the gland into lobules.; a. trabeculae b. white pulp c. red pulp d. lacteals


74. Which of the following structures actually implants into the endometrium of the uterus? a. blastocyst b. morula c. zygote d. all of these choices e. none of these choices


The H zone is comprised of a. myosin only b. actin only c. actin and myosin d. troponin and tropomyosin


14. The extracellular matrix of epithelial tissues is called: a. adipose tissue b. the basement membrane c. cellulose d. dermis e. endoderm


16. Stratified, cuboidal epithelia would contain: a. one layer of cells, each containing primarily a spherical nucleus b. multiple layers of cells, each containing primarily a spherical nucleus c. one layer of cells that have the appearance of multiple layers due to the variety of cellular shapes d. multiple layers of elongated cells, each containing primarily an ovoid nucleus e. one layer of flattened cells, each containing primarily a spherical nucleus


26. Capillaries found in the kidneys, choroid plexuses of the ventricles in the brain, and most endocrine glands are most likely to be ______________________ due to the ability of small molecules, but usually not cells, being able to pass through them.; a. continuous capillaries b. fenestrated capillaries c. sinusoid capillaries d. lacteals e. lymphatic capillaries


26. Which sub-discipline of anatomy examines the microscopic structure of tissues? a. cell biology b. histology c. surface anatomy d. gross anatomy e. regional anatomy


28. The four fundamental types of tissues in the body are a. skeletal, muscular, epithelial, nervous b. connective, muscle, nervous, epithelial c. vascular, nervous, epithelial, connective d. muscle, nervous, skeletal, connective


3. In an electron micrograph of a human cell, a small region of the nucleus called ___________ can be seen (and this can also sometimes be seen with compound optical microscopes). This region is where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized. a. a cytosolic gel b. the nucleolus c. chromatin d. the nuclear envelope e. a nuclear vesicle


30. When a person is standing, facing forward, arms to the side with palms facing forward, they are in the _______. a. Prone position b. Anatomical position c. Standing position d. Supine position


33. Intracellular fluid would be found ________ the cell and would contain a higher concentration of ________ ions than on the outside, whereas extracellular fluid would be found ________ the cell and would contain a higher concentration of ___________ ions than on the inside of the cell. a. inside, potassium / inside, sodium b. inside, potassium / outside, sodium c. outside, sodium / outside, potassium d. outside, sodium / inside, potassium


38. Which of the choices listed below are characteristics shared by almost all epithelial tissues? 1 contain a high amount of extracellular matrix (substance between cells) 2 avascular (no blood vessels) - except for one specific example 3 cells closely joined together 4 form surface layers 5 found immediately next to blood-vessel rich connective tissues a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 2, 3, 4, 5 c. 2, 4 d. 3, 4, 5 e. 5


40. Which of the following tissues make up glands? a. connective b. epithelial c. muscular d. nervous


42. Regarding characteristics used to name muscles, which of the following is incorrectly matched?; a. rectus-parallel to midline b. platys-circular c. biceps-two origins d. brevis-short


47. What trophoblast hormone is detected in early pregnancy tests? a. leutinizing hormone (LH) b. human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) c. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) d. estrogen


5. Which of the functions listed below is/are attributed to various plasma proteins? 1. contribute to blood clotting 2. exert colloid osmotic pressure (to assist the maintenance of water balance) 3. help attack viruses and bacteria 4. function as transport proteins for several steroid hormones 5. transport fat-soluble vitamins 6. transport oxygen; a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 b. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5only c. 3, 4, 5 and 6 only d. 4, 5 and 6 only e. 6 only


52. Apocrine glands are a special type of sweat gland that _______. a. release excessive sweat as compared to normal sweat glands and are actually endocrine glands b. are found mainly in the axilla, groin, areolae, and bearded regions of the adult male face c. release a waxy substance that helps lubricate hair and trap foreign particles and microbes d. more than one answer is correct e. none of the choices are correct


53. Which of the following is the most abundant protein in the human body? a. adipose b. collagen c. keratin d. glycogen e. hydroxyapatite


55. Most of the ventricular filling occurs during which phase of the cardiac cycle?; a. atrial systole b. relaxation period c. ventricular systole


59. Which of the following are the smallest living units in the human body? a. atoms b. cells c. molecules d. organs e. organelles


6. Serous membranes provide a containment and protective structure for various organs and regions of the body. As a containment structure, serous membranes best illustrate an example of: a. physiological amplification b. anatomical compartmentalization c. a homeostatic mechanism d. a signal transduction mechanism e. disease


60. In the context of the approach we are taking in this Human Anatomy class, there are _____ different systems that make up the human body. a. 9 b. 11 c. 13 d. too many to count e. not all of the systems of the human body have been discovered


61. In the fetus, what two structures allow most blood to bypass the lungs?; a. fossa ovalis and ligamentum arteriosum b. foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus c. fossa ovalis and ductus arteriosus d. foramen ovale and ligamentum arteriosum


63. Which of the following is true regarding a ligand as a mediator of certain types of gated channels? a. ligands are usually water soluble and can cross the cell membrane without opening a gated channel b. ligands are usually water soluble and cannot cross the cell membrane c. ligands are usually lipid soluble and can cross the cell membrane without a carrier protein d. ligands are usually lipid soluble, but they cannot cross the cell membrane due to their large size e. ligands are electrically charged, so they trigger the opening of voltage-gated channels and then enter the cell


64. A correct sequence for fluid flow in the body is:; a. arteries, lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic ducts, heart, veins, blood capillaries, interstitial spaces. b. blood capillaries, interstitial spaces, lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic ducts, veins, heart, arteries. c. lymphatic capillaries, interstitial spaces, lymphatic ducts, veins, heart, arteries, blood capillaries. d. veins, heart, arteries, lymphatic ducts, interstitial spaces, lymphatic capillaries, blood capillaries.


65. The lymphatic system transports dietary _____ from the gastrointestinal tract to the blood.; a. carbohydrates b. lipids c. proteins d. All of these choices are correct


70. The palatine tonsils and pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid) are aggregates of lymphoid tissue located in the:; a. nasal cavity b. pharynx (throat) c. larynx (voice box) d. trachea (windpipe)


The lungs receive blood from two-sets of blood vessels. Which ones carry oxygenated blood to the lung tissues?

Bronchial arteries

13. Which of the following formed elements contain hemoglobin?; a. adipocytes b. basophils c. erythrocytes d. leukocytes e. thrombocytes


14. The extracellular matrix of blood is called: a. adipose b. the basement membrane c. plasma d. collagen e. protein


15. Connective tissue cells, such as those of bone tissues, are embedded in an extracellular matrix made up of: a. adipose b. basement membranes c. ground substances and collagen fibers d. closely-packed cells with a paucity of vascularization e. closely-packed cells with an abundance of vascularization


25. Which of the following correctly lists the flow of deoxygenated blood through the heart?; a. superior and inferior vena cava; right atrium; bicuspid valve; right ventricle; pulmonary vein b. superior and inferior vena cava; right ventricle; bicuspid valve, right atrium; pulmonary artery c. superior and inferior vena cava; right atrium; tricuspid valve; right ventricle; pulmonary artery d. superior and inferior vena cava; right atrium; pulmonary valve; right ventricle; pulmonary vein


27. The transformation of a single fertilized human egg cell into a unique individual is a good example of what human life process? a. metabolism b. responsiveness c. differentiation d. movement


28. Which of the choices listed below is/are function(s) of lymph nodes?; 1 filter microbes and foreign substances from lymph 2 site of antibody formation 3 site of B cell proliferation 4 site where proliferation of T cells can occur 5 site of plasma cell development a. 1 only b. 1, 2, 3 and 5 only c. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 d. 1, 2, and 4 only e. 1 and 4 only


35. Which of the following is NOT an organelle? a. endoplasmic reticulum b. Golgi complex c. glycogen granule d. lysosome e. mitochondrion


36. Which of the following types of cell junctions allow communication between cardiomyocytes? ; a. adherens junctions b. desmosomes c. gap junctions d. hemidesmosomes e. tight junctions


36. Which of the following types of cell junctions allow communication between cells? a. adherens junctions b. desmosomes c. gap junctions d. hemidesmosomes e. tight junctions


41. Where does fertilization normally occur? a. cervix b. ovary c. uterine (fallopian) tube d. uterus e. vagina


44. Which two muscles provide good examples for use of the term "synergists"?; a. latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major b. flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi ulnaris c. biceps femoris and semitendinosis d. gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior


46. What is the main difference between a morula and a blastocyst? a. A morula contains blastomeres; a blastocyst does not b. A morula undergoes mitotic divisions; a blastocyst undergoes meiotic divisions c. A morula is a solid ball of cells; a blastocyst contains a large fluid-filled cavity d. The morula implants in the endometrium; the blastocyst implants in the myometrium


48. Red blood cells and white blood cells are directly involved in which two functions of blood?; a. Protection and regulation b. Regulation and transportation c. Transportation and protection


49. Which principle cell type makes up most of the epidermis, roughly 90%? a. melanocytes b. Langerhans cells c. keratinocytes d. tactile epithelial cells e. nerve cells


50. The _____ forms an external boundary between the superior atria and inferior ventricles.; a. fossa ovalis b. foramen ovale c. coronary sulcus d. interventricular sulcus


51. There are four valves in the heart:; 1 bicuspid (mitral) 2 tricuspid 3 pulmonary semilunar 4 aortic semilunar What is the correct order in which blood flows through these valves, starting in the right atrium? a. 1, 4, 2, 3 b. 1, 3, 2, 4 c. 2, 3, 1, 4 d. 2, 4, 1, 3


56. Which of the following is the name for the structural feature of cardiomyocytes that prevents the muscle fibers from shearing and separating from each other during repeated contractions and relaxations?; a. striations b. gap junctions c. intercalated discs d. dense bodies e. intermediate proteins


58. Tensile strength and flexibility of bone is provided by what type of extracellular matrix fiber? Additionally, these fibers provide the proteinaceous foundational materials for basement membranes as well as extracellular matrix material for many connective tissues, especially bone. a. mineral salts b. elastin c. collagen d. articular e. hydroxyapatite


62. An accident report submitted by an officer who is a former anatomy student contains the following statement: "The victim suffered a severe blow to the mental region." This means a. the victim had a severe wound to the skull bones b. the victim's brain was obviously injured c. the victim was struck on the chin d. the victim witnessed a shocking event


63. The thoracic (left lymphatic) duct begins as a dilated collection area called the _____.; a. intestinal plexus b. hemiazygos trunk c. cisterna chyli d. thoracic ampulla


66. Which of the following is not located in the nucleus? a. histones b. chromatin c. endosome d. nucleolus


67. _____ protect us from disease by producing antibodies.; a. T cells b. Regulatory B cells c. Plasma cells d. Cytotoxic T cells


73. Which of the following is NOT one of the tonsils which form a tonsillar (Waldeyer's) ring at the junction of the oral cavity and oropharynx and at the junction of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx?; a. palatine tonsils b. pharyngeal (adenoid) tonsil c. cervical tonsils d. lingual tonsils


75. Ordinarily, the insertion of a muscle: ; 1. in a limb is proximal to the origin. 2. does not move when the muscle contracts. 3. is the movable point of attachment of a muscle. 4. attaches a muscle to a bone or skin. a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 4 only c. 1, 3 only d. 3, 4 only


Which of the following characteristics of ANS motor pathways are correctly matched? a. ANS effectors-innervated by only one neuron type b. Preganglionic neurons-unmyelinated c. Acetylcholine- released at cell bodies of ANS ganglia d. Postganglionic neurons- myelinated e. Action potentials- generated only at ANS ganglia, not other effectors, such as the adrenal medulla


Which of the following is (are) not found in the CNS nor considered to be part of the CNS? a. astrocytes b. bundles of axons in tracts c. cranial nerves d. dendrites e. ependymal cells


Which of the following is arranged correctly from the microscopic level to the gross level? a. fascicle, belly, tendon b. myofilament, myofibril, muscle fiber c. myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle d. belly, fascicle, muscle fiber


Which of the following is the active form of Vitamin D that is produced in the kidneys?


Which of the following cells of the stomach store and release histamine

Chief cells

17. The cells of blood are suspended in an extracellular matrix called: a. adipose b. basement membrane c. ground tissue d. plasma e. collagen


17. There are 4 chambers inside the heart. Which chamber is enclosed by a thick layer of heart muscle so that it can pump blood out to the body?; a. right atrium b. right ventricle c. left atrium d. left ventricle


18. The embryonic, somewhat fluid cells of the mesoderm are called: a. adipocytes b. stratum basale cells c. chondrocytes d. mesenchymal cells e. monocytes


19. Which of the following represents the sequence of the cardiac conduction pathway?; a. AV node, atria, SA node, ventricles b. AV node, SA node, atria, ventricles c. SA node, AV node, ventricles, atria d. SA node, atria, AV node, ventricles e. None of these choices is correct


2. Which of the following cell structures can be described as an organelle that serves as the "powerhouse" of the cell? a. actin filaments b. the nucleus c. the cytoplasm d. mitochondrion e. Golgi body


27. The innermost layer of blood vessels is composed of:; a. muscle b. connective tissue c. columnar epithelium d. simple squamous epithelium e. cardiomyocytes


29. Which of the following traces the flow of lymph from the lower extremities back to the circulatory system?; a. lymph node, lymph vessels, lymph trunks, lymph duct, subclavian vein b. lymph vessels, lymph trunks, lymph duct, lymph node, subclavian vein c. lymph vessels, lymph capillaries, lymph node, lymph duct, subclavian vein d. lymph vessels, lymph node, lymph trunk, lymph duct, subclavian vein


31. Which of the following directly regulates the movement of materials into and out of a cell? a. cytoplasm b. cytosol c. nucleus d. plasma membrane e. mitochondria


32. This neuron is found in the cerebellum and is named after a noted histologist who first described this cell. What is it called? ; a. Oligodendrocyte b. Schwann cell c. Astrocyte d. Purkinje cell e. Pyramidal cell


34. The fluid that surrounds and bathes cells and tissues is known as:; a. cytosol b. cytoplasm c. plasma d. interstitial fluid e. serous fluid


37. What is the name of this portion of the spinal cord? It is primarily made up of:; a. gray matter / myelinated axons b. white matter / interneurons c. white matter / myelinated axons d. gray matter / unmyelinated axons, cell bodies and neuroglial cells e. pia mater / connective tissues that protect the spinal cord


4. Which of the following differentiates cardiac muscle tissue from skeletal muscle tissue?; a. cardiac muscle is autorhythmic b. cardiac muscle fibers are shorter in length c. cardiac muscle fibers are branching d. all choices are correct


4. _____________is the study of the body by systems, such as the cardiovascular, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems. a. artificial anatomy b. regional anatomy c. physiology d. systemic anatomy e. surface anatomy


43. Which two muscles provide a good example of an "antagonistic pair"?; a. biceps brachii and brachialis b. semitendinosus and semimembranosus c. vastus medialis and vastus lateralis d. fibularis (peroneus) longus and tibialis anterior


44. Oxygen and nutrients are carried from the placenta into the fetus by the: a. chorionic villi b. umbilical arteries c. allantois d. umbilical vein e. lacunae


45. The boundary surrounding the secondary oocyte which must be penetrated by the sperm is comprised of the __________. 1. corona radiate 2. zona pellucida 3. pronucleus a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 3 only d. 1 and 2


5. Goblet cells secrete: a. antibodies b. digested bacterial cells c. cilia d. mucus e. mucous membranes


51. Which of the following is TRUE of thick skin? a. contains sebaceous glands b. present on the face c. dermal papillae are fewer in number and less well organized d. lacks arrector pili muscles e. lacks epidermal ridges


52. The vascular sinus in the coronary sulcus on the posterior surface of the heart, called the _____, empties into the right atrium.; a. right coronary artery b. anterior interventricular artery c. middle cardiac vein d. coronary sinus


54. The Bundle of His:; a. is the natural pacemaker of the heart b. is a collection of nerve fibers that carry electrical impulses throughout the heart c. carry depolarization waves directly to the apex of heart d. provides the electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles e. fires after a brief delay following the firing of the SA node


59. Which of the following statements about sinusoids is TRUE?; a. Their walls have large intercellular clefts that allow proteins and blood cells to pass between tissue and the bloodstream. b. Sinusoids are found in the liver, spleen and red bone marrow. c. Sinusoids function as capillaries, but are wider and more winding than other capillaries. d. All of the choices are correct.


61. All of the following characteristics of life are important processes of humans EXCEPT a. Metabolism b. Growth c. Differentiation d. Cell wall formation


65. Rough endoplasmic reticulum differs from smooth endoplasmic reticulum in that it has _____ associated with it; therefore rough endoplasmic reticulum assists in the production and temporary storage of _____. a. inclusions, cytosol b. lysosomes, lipids c. ribosomes, lysosomes d. ribosomes, proteins


66. The right lymphatic duct drains lymph into the bloodstream at the junction of the right internal jugular vein and the _____.; a. right bronchomediastinal vein b. superior vena cava c. right brachiocephalic vein d. right subclavian vein


67. When charged, medium-sized molecules like glucose and amino acids move across a membrane from high to low concentration via a channel or carrier protein, the following process has occurred. a. simple diffusion b. osmosis c. active transport involving membrane proteins d. facilitated diffusion


68. Ceruminous glands are: a. branched, coiled, acinar and secrete sweat b. branched, coiled, tubular and secrete wax c. simple, coiled, acinar and secrete sebum (oil) d. simple, coiled, tubular and secrete wax, such as ear wax e. compound, tubular, acinar and secrete sweat


69. Lymphatic capillaries are found in:; 1 intracellular spaces 2 intercellular spaces 3 interstitial spaces a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 3 only d. both 2 and 3


69. Which type of cell junction is analogous to a "spot weld" that attaches the basal surface of deep epithelial cells to the basement membrane? a. adherens junctions b. desmosomes c. gap junctions d. hemidesmosomes e. tight junctions


7. For any given system of the body, with regard to homeostasis, if we fall out of homeostasis, we fall into a condition known as: a. adaptation b. apoptosis c. catatonia d. disease e. rigor mortis


70. Which of the following types of cells, found in connective tissue, are the most abundant and produce collagen and elastic fibers? a. macrophages b. adipocytes c. mast cells d. fibroblasts e. white blood cells


71. Which of the following is generally false with regard to skin pigmentation? a. amounts of melanin pigment types vary with regard to production and transport to keratinocytes b. about 8% of the epidermal cells found in nearly all skin colors are melanocytes c. carotene can cause an orange or yellow pigmentation in the skin, especially if there is an abundance of carotene in one's diet d. darker skin pigmentation is the result of increased numbers of melanocytes compared to lighter skin pigmentation e. in lighter colored skin where the epidermal layers are more translucent, a pink to red pigmentation can be seen due to the amount of and oxygenation of blood flow to the intermediate and deep layers of the integumentary system


72. Adjacent cardiac muscle cells need to communicate with each other extremely quickly. Which type of cell junction would best help accomplish this? a. tight junction b. adherens junction c. desmosomes d. gap junctions


72. Adjacent cardiac muscle cells need to communicate with each other extremely quickly. Which type of cell junction would best help accomplish this?; a. tight junction b. adherens junction c. desmosomes d. gap junctions


73. Fertilization by more than one sperm cell is referred to as __________. a. syngamy b. capacitation c. the acrosomal reaction d. polyspermy


75. Which of the following respond to light touch sensations? a. keratinocytes b. Langerhans cells c. melanocytes d. Merkel discs and Meissner corpuscles e. Pacinian corpuscles


Which of the following characteristics of the ANS/ENS are incorrectly matched? a. Sympathetic division- fight or flight b. Parasympathetic divison- rest and digest c. Preganglionic neurons- synapse postganglionic neurons d. Dual innervation- innervation of both visceral effectors and somatic effectors e. ANS/ENS motor pathways- multiple nerves innervating cardiac and smooth muscle, glands, and adipose


Which of the following is (are) not classified as an effector group of effectors of the ANS? a. cardiovascular system b. heart c. lungs d. biceps brachii muscle fibers e. urinary system


Which of the following is not one of the types of sensory receptors classified based on type of stimulus? a. photoreceptors b. mechanoreceptors c. thermoreceptors d. proprioceptors e. nociceptors


1. With regard to levels of organization in the human body, which of the following is the correct order from smallest and least complex to largest and most complex? a. chemical, cell, organ, organ system, organism, tissue b. chemical, cell, organ, organ system, tissue, organism c. cell, chemical, tissue, organ, organ system, organism d. cell, tissue, chemical, organ, organ system, organism e. chemical, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism


15. Which of the following type of white blood cells are involved in phagocytosis?; 1. macrophage 2. basophil 3. neutrophil a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 3 only d. all of these choices e. only 1 and 3


16. There are 4 chambers inside the heart. Which chamber(s) receive blood from outside the heart?; 1. right atrium 2. right ventricle 3. left atrium 4. left ventricle a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 3 only d. 4 only e. 1 and 3


18. Which of the following is true of the SA node?; 1. It stands for septal artery 2. it stands for Sino-atrial 3. it is the natural pacemaker of the heart 4. it is an important valve in the heart a. 1 only b. 2 only c. 3 only d. 4 only e. 2 and 3


19. The type of epithelial tissue that would be found in an organ, such as the urinary bladder that contains cells that can stretch and deform without rupture of the organ is called: a. adipose b. basement membrane c. collagen d. elastic cartilage e. transitional


32. A type of ion channel that is open all the time is called a(n) ____________ channel, and it allows for materials to pass through the cell membrane via _________________. a. leak / active transport b. ligand-mediated / diffusion c. voltage-gated / facilitated diffusion d. ligand-gated / active transport e. leak / facilitated diffusion


38. Damage to a motor neuron would cause which of the following problem(s)?; 1. muscle weakness 2. decreased sensation 3. decreased gland output b. 1 only c. 2 only d. 3 only e. 1 and 3 only


39. Which of the following is an endocrine gland that would be under the control of the Enteric Nervous System (ENS)?; a. adipocytes b. goblet cells c. salivary glands which secrete saliva d. sudoriferous glands which secrete sweat e. pancreatic glands that secrete hormones, such as insulin and glucagon


39. Which of the following is an endocrine gland? a. cells of pancreatic acini which secrete digestive enzymes b. parietal cells in the stomach which secrete hydrochloric acid c. salivary glands which secrete saliva d. sudoriferous glands which secrete sweat e. thyroid gland which secretes thyroid hormones


55. Which of the following terms refers to a covering of connective, membranous tissue that surrounds (most of) the bone's external surface? a. articular cartilage b. endosteum c. epiphyses d. metaphyses e. periosteum


57. Blood flows through the following vessels in what order? 1. arteriole 2. capillary 3. vein 4. artery 5. venule; a. 1, 2, 4, 5 b. 1, 4, 2, 5 c. 5, 2, 3, 1 d. 1, 2, 3, 4 e. 4, 1, 2, 5, 3


57. In adult long bones, the medullary cavity if filled primarily with: a. fluid b. epithelial tissue c. red marrow d. muscle e. yellow marrow


58. A difference between veins and arteries is; a. arteries have valves; veins do not b. arteries have three layers (tunics); veins have only two layers (tunics) c. venous blood is under more pressure than is arterial blood d. arteries have their own blood supply (vasa vasorum); veins do not e. the tunica interna (intima) and tunica media are thinner in veins than in arteries


6. Which of the following are constituents of plasma?; a. red blood cells b. proteins c. dissolved substances d. glucose e. more than one of the above


7. Which of the following is/are part of the formed elements of the blood?; a. red blood cell b. proteins c. platelets d. white blood cells e. all choices are correct, except proteins


Which of the following are ENS effectors? a. adipocytes b. brain neurons c. smooth muscle of the GI d. endocrine and exocrine glands of the GI e. all of these except brain neurons


Which of the following characteristics of the reticular formation are mismatched? a. clusters of neuron cells bodies- gray matter b. bundles of myelinated axons- white matter c. begins anatomically at the superior end of the spinal cord- ends anatomically in the diencephalon d. ascending tracts- white matter e. descending tracts- gray matter


Which of the following cranial nerves do not make up part of the parasympathetic division of the ANS? a. Cranial nerve I b. Cranial nerve II c. Cranial nerve III d. Cranial nerve IV e. All of these except cranial nerve III make up parasympathetic division of the ANS.


Which of the following is not one of the 4 components of sensation? a. conduction b. integration c. nerve impulse generation d. stimulus e. perception


Which of the following stomach cells secrete gastrin


The olfactory (______) nerve is actually a collection of _______ extending from the surface of the nasal epithelium


Which cranial nerve exits from the eye, carrying sensory information


Which of the following is true about the macula lutea of the eye

It is the exact center of the eye

Which would be found in the pigmented layer of the retina of the eye

Melanin-containing epithelium (only)

Where does the optic nerve attach to the retina of the eye

Optic disc


Pain in connective tissues of muscles, tendons, and ligaments

Which of the following is an enzyme, not a hormone, produced by the kidneys in humans?


Which cochlear channel terminates at the round window

Scala tympani

Speaking in terms of anatomical position, which of the following is true about the kidneys?

The right kidney is lower than the left, but equal in size and equally protected by ribs 11 and 12

The patency of the respiratory system depends on structures and secretions that help maintain this condition (patency). In the contexts of respiratory system, patency means:


Which of the following is a form of nitrogenous waste in humans that tends to crystallize in some people, especially in the lower extremity joints, causing a condition known as gout?

Uric acid

What term is used to describe, collectively, the reproductive and urinary systems due to a number of shared properties and characteristics

Urogenital system

The cranial nerve called the vestibulocochlear (______) nerve contains the vestibular branch for ______ and the auditory branch for hearing

VIII/ balance

42. A morula is formed by which of the following? a. cleavage b. capacitation c. gastrulation d. implantation e. induction



allergy-inducing WBC of the formed elements and lymphatic system


allow absorption of large lipids

Which of the following pneumocytes (cells of the lungs) protects the alveoli and respiratory membrane from microbial invasion and ingest and remove dust particles?

alveolar macrophages

Which of the following components of the filtrate is 100% reabsorbed from the renal tubules into the peritubular capillaries in normal human physiological formation of urine

amino acids

The field of study that deals with male reproductive disorders such as infertility, ED, and other sexual dysfunction is called


Externally, the supporting and containment structure for the testes appears

as a single compartment

Where would one find the thyroid cartilage

as part of the larynx; on the *posterior* surface of the thyroid gland

The RAS (reticular activating system) is found in the

ascending portion of the RF (reticular formation)

Myasthenia gravis (rare)

autoimmune antibodies attack a muscle specific kinase

Myasthenia gravis (general)

autoimmune antibodies attack acetylcholine reeptors

What are immature neutrophils sometimes called in reference to appearance of nucleus?

band cells

Among the following nitrogenous wastes in humans, which of the following is a breakdown product of heme


Osteogenic cell

bone stem cell

Arm (technical term)


43. The three primary germ layers are formed in the process of: a. cleavage. b. capacitation. c. gastrulation. d. neurulation. e. induction.


Which of the following stomach cells found in gastric pits secretes zymogen called pepsinogen

chief cells

With regard to the location of urinary and reproductive system features, the term proximal means:

close to each other

Rib (technical term)


Parasympathetic divison of the ANS is also structurally referred to as

craniosacral divison

Contraction of these muscles results in pulling the testicles closer to the male body to keep the sperm at a warm temperature, but not too warm as to affect development of the sperm; these muscles that suspend the testes are called

cremaster muscle


death of myocardial cells due to lack of blood and oxygen

What are two primary functions of the low pH of stomach acid

denaturing of proteins and conversion of a certain zymogen into its active form

The type of true body cavity that humans have that is defined by having a lining of peritoneum and mesenteries is called a _____ body cavity


Of the following processes, which does not take place in the nephrons, but rather elsewhere and is also known as the process of micturition or voiding of the bladder?


What is the correct sequence of events involving early human embryo development?

fertilization; cleavage of zygote to form morula; cleavage of morula to form blastocyst; implantation of blastocyst


formed from two different cells; bone "breaking" cell that reabsorbs calcium

Coxal (technical term)


The reticular formation is found where and composed of what?

in the brain stem/ the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata

The process of monitoring blood volume and composition at the level of the urine-forming units of kidneys falls upon the

juxtaglomerular apparatus

What are the primary excretory organs of the urinary system?


Which of the following is the basement membrane of the epithelial component of a GI tract wall layer that is composed of areolar connective tissue?

lamina propria

Which of the following properties found in nephrons contribute to the filtration of blood

large diameter afferent arteriole, small diameter of efferent arteriole and permeable visceral layer of the Bowman's capsule

Which of the following is not a primary organ of the gastrointestinal tract?


What is the smallest, multicellular, microscopic, functional and anatomical unit of the lungs

lobule of the lung

With regard to regulating the pH of gastric juice, histamine has which of the following effects?

lowers the pH in the stomach


lymphoid stem cell derived WBC, such as a monocyte or macrophage


maintains the bone matrix


makes the bone matrix; makes new bone matrix

Urinary and reproductive system organs, tissues, and structures are primarily derived from:


Which GI tract wall layer (tunic) contains non-ciliated simple columnar epithelial cells?



myeloid stem-cell derived WBC, such as a monocyte or a macrophage

Elbow (technical term)


The scala vestibule is filled with _____ and most directly receives vibrations with the

perilymph/ stapes

Which of the following stomach cells secrete intrinsic factors

parietal cells

The male copulatory, collectively, is called


Most nitrogenous wastes in humans comes from:

protein metabolism

Most blood returns to the heart from the lungs via _______ which primarily contains _________ blood

pulmonary veins/ oxygenated

Within lymphatic system, which tissue/organ is the site for origin of most of the body's T-lymphocytes

red marrow

What is the function of Renin

regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance

The glomerulus and Bowman's capsule are collectively called the

renal corpuscle

What is the innermost surface of the eye that contains rods and cones as well as the macula lutea and optic disc


Deschene Muscular Dystrophy

sarcolemma tears due to lack of protein that anchors it to actin

The bag that supports the testes is called the



structural and functional unit of compact bone; matrix arranged in concentric lamelle

What circulatory system structure is located directly posterior to the sternal angle

superior portion of the aortic arch

Which of the following characteristics of Vitamin B12 are incorrectly matched

synthesized by certain bacteria of the human colon- allows uptake of B12 directly in the colon


systems activated during parasympathetic control salivation, lacrimation, urination, digestion, defaction

The outer bony labyrinth of the inner ear consists of a series of cavities in the ________ bone and contains the semicircular canals, cochlea, and ____________

temporal/ vestibule

Which of the following is the name of the muscles that support each testis

the cremaster muscle

Which of the following is the subcutaneous layer of muscle that makes up the enclosing, muscular component of the scrotum

the dartos muscle

Which of the following are paired organs of the urinary system?

the kidneys

Which of the following contains cells that are sensitive to the concentration of sodium chloride in relation to regulating blood volume, composition and pressure

the macula densa

Where are proteins digested into small peptides in the human GI tract

the stomach

Which of the following describes the composition of the endothelial lining the lower end of the ascending limb of loop of Henle

thin and lined with simple squamous epithelium

Sympathetic division of ANS is also structurally referred to as

thoracolumbar division

Sensory neurons from general sensory receptors are


Which of the following is not reabsorbed at the lowest portion of the loop of Henle


The primary nitrogenous waste in humans is _____ and is processed in the _______ and kidneys

urea/ liver

Which of the following structures do the male reproductive and urinary systems share as common pathways for each system's respective products and functions


The study of the urinary system is called


Somatic nervous system innervates _________ effectors


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