Anatomy II - Chapter 17

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Match the phases of gastric regulation with the correct description.

Cephalic phase - Sight, smell, taste or thought of food stimulates gastric secretions Gastric phase - Distention of the stomach stimulates gastric secretions Intestinal phase - Acidic chyme in the duodenum stimulates secretion of hormones that inhibit gastric secretions

Enzymes breaking down nucleic acids into nucleotides in the small intestine is an example of what type of digestion? 1) Chemical digestion 2) Mechanical digestion

Chemical digestion

In the intestinal lumen, triglycerides are digested to fatty acids and monoglycerides. These two components are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa and enzymatically reuinted to re-form triglycerides. These triglycerides, along with other lipids, enter the lacteals as part of particles called ______. 1) Chyme 2) Chylomicrons 3) HDL 4) LDL


Which are functions of the oral cavity? 1) Mastication 2) Ingestion 3) Chemical digestion 4) Emulsification

Mastication Ingestion Chemical digestion

What is the process of breaking down large molecules into small ones without affecting the chemical composition called? 1) Chemical digestion 2) Absorption 3) Mechanical digestion 4) Anabolism

Mechanical digestion

The hormone secretin _______. 1) Stimulates release of pancreatic juice 2) Converts trysinogen to trypsin 3) Inhibits the action of pancreatic lipase 4) Activates chymotrypsin

Stimulates release of pancreatic juice

Name the J-shaped, pouch-like organ that hangs inferior to the diaphragm in the upper left portion of the abdominal cavity.


The large intestine begins in the lower ______ side of the abdominal cavity, where the ileum joins the cecum. From there, the large intestine ascends on the ______ side, crosses obliquely to the ______, and descends into the pelvis. 1) left; right; right 2) left; left; right 3) left; right; left 4) right; right; left

right; right; left

Place the following structures in the correct order through which undigested material would pass.

Cecum Colon Rectum Anal canal

What are the three phases of gastric activity? 1) Cephalic phase 2) Hepatic phase 3) Intestinal phase 4) Hypothalamic phase 5) Gastric phase 6) Esophageal phase

Cephalic phase Intestinal phase Gastric phase

The common hepatic duct and the cystic duct unite to form the ______. 1) Pancreatic duct 2) Hepatopancreatic duct 3) Hepatic duct 4) Common bile duct

Common bile duct

Match each part of the tooth with the correct description.

Crown - part that projects beyond the gum Periodontal ligament - encloses the root and secure the teeth in the alveoli Pulp cavity - central area filled with blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue Root canals - pulp cavities extending within the root Enamel - hard, glossy material covering the crown Dentin - calcified material surrounding the pulp cavity

The portion of the pharynx that begins at the level of the hyoid bone and opens into the esophagus behind the larynx is the ______.


Which of the following is needed to digest lipids? 1) Amylase and disaccharidases 2) Amylase and pepsin 3) Lipase 4) Pepsin or trypsin and peptidases


When responding to hormones such as insulin and glucagon, liver cells ______ blood glucose levels by polymerizing glucose to glycogen, and ______ blood glucose levels by breaking down glycogen to glucose or by converting noncarbohydrates into glucose. 1) Lower; raise 2) Raise; lower

Lower; raise

The physical breakdown of food into smaller particles (by processes such as chewing and segmentation) is known as ______ digestion.


Match the parts of the pharynx with their description.

Oropharynx - Posterior to the soft palate, located in the back of the oral cavity. It is a passageway for food moving downward from the mouth and for air moving to and from the nasal cavity Laryngopharynx - The most inferior part of the pharynx, it is a passageway of food to the esophagus Nasopharynx - It communicates with the nasal cavity and provides a passageway for air during breathing. It is connected to the middle ears, through the auditory tubes.

The three major salivary glands are the ______, ______, and ______ glands.

Sublingual Parotid Submandibular

The alimentary canal of the digestive system(s) is controlled by which nervous system? 1) Somatic nervous system only 2) Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system 3) Parasympathetic nervous system only 4) Sympathetic nervous system only

Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

What are some roles of the liver in the metabolism of lipids? 1) Synthesizes lipoproteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol 2) Converts fats into proteins 3) Oxidizes fatty acids

Synthesizes lipoproteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol Oxidizes fatty acids

The liver is located mainly in the ______ quadrant of the abdominal cavity just ______ to the diaphragm. 1) Upper left; superior 2) Upper right; superior 3) Upper left; inferior 4) Upper right; inferior

Upper right; inferior

The correct sequence for the layers in the walls of the alimentary canal from innermost to outermost is the ______. 1) mucosa, muscular layer, serosa, submucosa 2) serosa, muscular layer, mucosa, submucosa 3) submucosa, mucosa, serosa, muscular layer 4) mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa

mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa

What is peristalsis? 1) A localized contraction of the alimentary canal to mechanically breakdown food 2) A process that enhances the mixing of the digestive secretions and food 3) A propulsive movement of contents of the lumen from one area to another 4) A process of controlled secretion of enzymes into the stomach to enhance digestion

A propulsive movement of contents of the lumen from one area to another

One of the functions of the large intestine is to ______. 1) Secrete digestive enzymes 2) Break down hemoglobin 3) Absorb ingested water 4) Regulate the release of bile

Absorb ingested water

What are functions of the stomach? 1) Absorbs small amounts of nutrients 2) Starts the digestion of protein 3) Mixes food with gastric juice 4) Receives food from the trachea 5) Passes food into the large intestine

Absorbs small amounts of nutrients Starts the digestion of protein Mixes food with gastric juice

Indicate which of the following organs are part of the alimentary canal and which are accessory organs of the digestive system.

Accessory organs - Liver Gallbladder Alimentary canal - Stomach Esophagus Small intestine

The distal end of the digestive tract that opens to the outside is called the ______.


Place the parts of the colon in order as food moves through.

Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon

The liquid that is created and secreted by the liver to help with lipid digestion is ______.


The tissues turning yellow (jaundice) is die to the accumulation of ______. 1) Hemoglobin A 2) Carotene 3) Bile pigments 4) Cholesterol

Bile pigments

The main part of the stomach is called the ______. 1) Pylorus 2) Cardia 3) Fundus 4) Body


Match the enzymes with their digestive action.

Breaks down fats - Parcreatic lipase Intestinal lipase Breaks down proteins - Pepsin Peptidase Trypsin Breaks down carbohydrates - Salivary amylase Pancreatic amylase

Indicate which of the following are functions of the adult liver. 1) Carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism 2) Formation of new red blood cells 3) Storage of glycogen, iron, Vitamins A, D, and B12 4) Secretion of bile 5) Removal of toxins from blood

Carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism Storage of glycogen, iron, Vitamins A, D, and B12 Secretion of bile Removal of toxins from blood

The appendix is attached to the ______. 1) Duodenum 2) Ileum 3) Rectum 4) Cecum 5) Sigmoid colon


What are the effects of sympathetic impulses on the digestive system? 1) Increases peristalsis 2) Decreases secretions 3) Decreases peristalsis 4) Increases secretions

Decreases secretions Decreases peristalsis

The portion of the large intestine found between the transverse and sigmoid colon on the left side of the abdominal cavity is the ______ colon.


The process of breaking down foods, either mechanically or chemically, and then absorbing them is called ______.


Which are functions of saliva? 1) Dissolves molecules so they can be tasted 2) Digests protein 3) Aids in swallowing 4) Cleanses mouth and teeth 5) Inhibits the chemical digestion of starch

Dissolves molecules so they can be tasted Aids in swallowing Cleanses mouth and teeth

Place the segments of the small intestine in the order of which food travels.

Duodenum Jejunum Ileum

What part of a tooth often thins from years of brushing, teeth grinding, and eating acidic foods? 1) Dentin 2) Gingiva 3) Enamel


Heartburn is usually caused by the effects of gastric juice on the ______. 1) Heart 2) Small intestine 3) Esophagus 4) Stomach


What two structures carry food from the mouth to the stomach, but do not digest food? 1) Bile duct 2) Larynx 3) Esophagus 4) Salivary glands 5) Pharynx

Esophagus Pharynx

The sac on the underside of the liver that serves to store and concentrate bile is called the ______.


The storage and concentration of bile between meals is the function of the ______.


Match the prefix with its meaning.

Gastr- Stomach Hepat- Liver

Place the events of the defecation reflex in chronological order.

Gastrocolic and duodenocolic reflexes are triggered Mass movements in colon propel contents towards the rectum Rectum is distended Local reflexes stimulate contractino of colon and rectum and relaxation of internal anal sphincter

The parietal cells of gastric glands secrete ______. 1) Pepsinogen 2) Pepsin 3) Mucus 4) Hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid

As food leaves the ______, it enters the large intestines. 1) Ileum 2) Duodenum 3) Jejunum


Stomach cells secrete gastrin which functions to _______. 1) Increase the secretion by the gastric glands 2) Stimulate contraction the stomach 3) Inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid 4) Change pepsin into pepsinogen

Increase the secretion by the gastric glands

What are the effects of parasympathetic impulses on the digestive system? 1) Decreases motility 2) Decreases secretions 3) Increases secretions 4) Increases motility

Increases secretions Increases motility

Match the nutrient with the means of absorption from the small intestine.

Into blood in capillaries - Monosaccharides Amino acids Water Electrolytes Into lymph in lacteals - Fatty acids

After food leaves the duodenum, it enters the ______. 1) Jejunum 2) Large intestines 3) Ileum


The epiglottis is attached to the ______. 1) Trachea 2) Pharynx 3) Larynx 4) Esophagus


What are the functions of tongue? 1) Move food toward the pharynx (throat) during swallowing 2) Mix food with saliva during chewing 3) Breakdown food through mechanical digestion 4) Secrete saliva for digestion

Move food toward the pharynx (throat) during swallowing Mix food with saliva during chewing

What are functions of motor movements in the alimentary canal? 1) Move the contents along the tract 2) To chemical digest the food 3) Mix the contents with fluids 4) Secrete enzymes to aid in digestion

Move the contents along the tract Mix the contents with fluids

Place in order the layers of the wall of the digestive tract starting from the inside (deepest) layer.

Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis externa Serosa

What is secreted by the large intestine? 1) Hydrochloric acid 2) Digestive enzymes 3) Mucus


The nasopharynx is found just posterior to the ______. 1) Oral cavity 2) Nasal cavity 3) Larynx

Nasal cavity

List in order the organs of the digestive tract starting from the oral cavity and ending with the anus.

Oral cavity Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small intestine Large intestine

The ______ is a spongy retroperitoneal organ posterior to the stomach and partially attached to the small intestines.


Which nervous system(s) innervate the alimentary tract of the digestive system? 1) Somatic nervous system 2) Parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system 3) Sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system

Parasympathetic division of autonomic nervous system Sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system

The enzyme ______ begins digestion of protein in the stomach. 1) Lipase 2) Pepsin 3) Amylase 4) Protease


The liver is partially protected by the ______ on the ______ side of the body. 1) Pelvis; left 2) Ribs; left 3) Ribs; right 4) Pelvis; right

Ribs; right

The common hepatic duct is formed by the convergence of which two structures? 1) Hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein 2) Right and left hepatic ducts 3) Cystic duct and bile duct 4) Pancreatic duct and accessory pancreatic duct

Right and left hepatic ducts

What are the four lobes of the liver? 1) Right lobe 2) Posterior lobe 3) Inferior lobe 4) Superior lobe 5) Left lobe 6) Quadrate lobe 7) Caudate lobe

Right lobe Left lobe Quadrate lobe Caudate lobe

Which is not a function of the liver? 1) Maintaining blood glucose concentration 2) Secretion of insulin 3) Formation of urea 4) Secretion of bile

Secretion of insulin

In the small intestine, normal mixing movements are called ______ and normal propelling movements are ______. 1) Mass movements; segmentation 2) Segmentation; peristalsis 3) Segmentation; mass movement 4) Peristalsis; segmentation

Segmentation; peristalsis

The ______ intestine receives secretions from the pancreas and liver. It also completes digestion of the nutrients in chyme and absorbs the products of digestion.


What is a tubular organ that extends from the pyloric sphincter to the beginning of the large intestine?

Small intestine

Peristalsis is a wave of muscle contraction that occurs in the ______ muscle of the esophagus and other parts of the alimentary canal. 1) Skeletal 2) Segmental 3) Smooth


Over-the-counter antacids usually include ______. 1) Agents that lower the pH in the stomach 2) Anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen 3) A mixture of digestive juices 4) Sodium, aluminum, calcium, or magnesium

Sodium, aluminum, calcium, or magnesium

Food passes from the ______ into the duodenum. 1) Ileum 2) Jejunum 3) Stomach


The alimentary canal extends, in its entirety, from ______. 1) The mouth to the anus 2) The liver to the gallbladder 3) The mouth to the large intestine 4) The stomach to the small intestine

The mouth to the anus

The greater omentum is composed of ______. 1) The peritoneal membrane 2) The pleural membrane 3) The pericardial membrane 4) The hiatal membrane

The peritoneal membrane

What is the function of the gallbladder? 1) To make digestive enzymes 2) To break down food into smaller molecules 3) To store bile between meals 4) To produce bile

To store bile between meals

The ______ is a muscular structure responsible for mixing food with saliva and moving the food toward the pharynx (throat) for swallowing.


The large muscular organ that occupies most of the oral cavity proper is called the ______.


The portion of the large intestine that passes horizontally across the abdominal cavity is the ______ colon.


True or false: From the stomach, food passes into the duodenum, then the jejunum, and then the ileum.


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