Anatomy: Muscular System Test

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The more movable end of a muscle is the

Distal end

Which of the following are a function of skeletal muscle?

all of the above; produce movement, maintain posture, maintain body temperature

Area between Z lines is the


The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores

calcium ions

During active-site exposure, calcium ions bind to which of the following?


Tropomyosin strands are held in position by which of the following?

troponin molecules

Interactions between actin and myosin filaments of the sarcomere are responsible for

muscle contraction

What human muscles contain ONLY fast fibers?

hand muscles

skeletal muscle fibers differ from typical cells in that these muscle fibers

have many nuclei

The term used to describe muscular growth in response to usage is


The less-movable end of a skeletal muscle is the

Proximal end

rigor mortis occurs at death due to a lack of


The striated appearance of skeletal muscle results from the

Actin and myosin arrangement

When calcium ions binds to troponin,

Active sites on actin are exposed

In infants, which muscle produces suction for sucking at the breast?


Which of the following sarcomere components is made up of proteins that connect the central portions of each thick filament to its neighbors?

M line

The skeletal muscle structures that actively shorten and are responsible for the muscle fiber contraction are calles


Which of the following is true about red muscles?

Red muscles are slower than white muscles

The longest muscle of the human body is the


Which of the following statements describes how muscles help maintain homeostasis?

Skeletal muscle contractions help maintain body temperature

Which of the following is an effect of aging on the muscular system?

Skeletal muscle fibers become smaller in diameter

Muscle cells

can only contract

active muscles generate

carbon dioxide and heat

A person whose genetic makeup makes them a better marathon runner than a sprinter probably has more __________ in their leg muscles.

slow fibers

Which type of muscle fiber is supplied by extensive blood vessels?

slow fibers

Pushing up against a locked door is an example of

Isometric contraction

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