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which muscle group is NOT part of the appendicular muscles all of the listed groups are appendicular muscles muscles of the pelvic girdle muscles of the pectoral girdle muscles of the upper limb

all of the listed groups are appendicular muscles

what is/are the functions of synovial fluid -all of the listed responses are correct -acts as a shock absorber -nourishes the chondrocytes -provides lubrication

all of the listed responses are correct

which of the following is/are considered function(s) of skeletal muscles all of the listed responses are correct maintain body temperature produce skeletal movement maintain posture and body position

all of the listed responses are correct

which of the following is NOT a factor that helps to limit mobility and thus reduce the chance of injury in a joint -the presence of accessory ligaments and collagen fibers of joint capsule -all of the listed responses are factors that help limit mobility and thus reduce the chance of joint injury -the presence of other bones, in bony processes, skeletal muscles, or fat pads around the joint -tension in tendons attached to the articulating bone

all of the listed responses are factors that help limit mobility and thus reduce the chance of joint injury

all of the following statements are true of the rotator cuff excpet -it is formed by the tendons of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor muscles merging with the connective tissue of the shoulder joint capsule -powerful, repetitive arm movements common in many sports can strain the rotator cuff muscles, leading to tendon damage, strains, and bursitis -all of the listed responses are true -the rotator cuff supports and strengthens the joint capsule throughout a wide range of motion -the rotator cuff is important, because the shoulder joint is a highly mobile but relatively weak joint

all of the listed responses are true

Which of the following pharyngeal constrictor muscles insert(s) on the median raphe, and is/are innervated by CN X, the vagus nerve all the listed responses are correct inferior constrictor muscle middle constrictor muscle superior constrictor muscle

all the listed responses are correct

which of the following statements is NOT true concerning the effect of sacromere length on tension production -when the sacromere length increases to the point that the zone of overlap is reduced to 0, the muscle fiber cannot produce any active tension -sacromeres produce tension most efficiently within their resting length is 75-130 percent of their optimal length -an increase in sarcomere length beyond the optimal resting length increases the amount of tension that can be produced

an increase in sarcomere length beyond the optimal resting length increases the amount of tension that can be produced

the function and range of motion of each joint depends on its __________ physiological design anatomical design prohibition of movement interlocking movement

anatomical design

Bony structures that change directions when force is applied are called __________ third-class levers first-class levers second-class levers anatomical pulleys

anatomical pulleys

which type of movement changes the angle between the bone shaft and the articular surface angular motion rotation gliding linear motion

angular motion

When the triceps brachii muscle acts in stabilizing the flexion movement of the biceps brachii, it is acting as a/an __________ agonist fixator synergist antagonist


which ligament of the knee joint is responsible for locking the knee in the extended position popliteal ligament patellar ligament fibular collateral ligament anterior cruciate ligament

anterior cruciate ligament

a tendon that forms a thick flattened sheet is called a(n)


which of the following involves damage to the articular cartilages and encompasses all the rheumatic diseases that affect synovial joints arthritis osteoporosis rheumatism pelvic fracture


what is another name for a joint cartilaginous fibrous bony fusion articulation


which skeletal musculature positions the head and vertebral column and assists in breathing by moving the thoracic cage axial none of the listed responses are correct appendicular entire muscular system


with age, what happens to bone mass

bone mass decreases because bone is weaker, and the risk of fracture increases

which facial muscle(s) is/are responsible for producing the suction required for suckling at the breast orbicularis oris muscle risorius muscle orbicularis oris muscle and buccinator muscle buccinator muscle

buccinator muscle

which muscle compresses the cheeks buccinator muscle orbicularis oris muscle levator labii superioris muscle mentalis muscle

buccinator muscle

all of the following are true of bursae, EXCEPT -bursae are filled with synovial fluid and lined by a synovial membrane -bursae are always connected to the joint cavity -bursae function to reduce friction and act as a shock absorber -bursae are small, fluid-filled pockets in the connective tissue of joints -bursae are found around most synovial joints

bursae are always connected to the joint cavity

which type of movement is characteristic of the articulation between the tibia and fibula with the talus circumduction/rotation flexion/extension abduction/adduction dorsiflextion/plantar flexion

dorsiflextion/plantar flexion

which of the following statements is not true of the diaphragm -it separates the thoracic from the abdominopelvic cavity -it is a major muscle of respiration -it consists mainly of connective tissue, and is not considered a muscle -when it contracts, it increases the volume of the thoracic cavity to promote inspiration

it consists mainly of connective tissue, and is not considered a muscle

in neuromuscular synapses, which event or description applies to the synaptic cleft -it contains the enzyme acetylcholinesterase -when an electrical impulse arrives at the synaptic cleft, acetylcholine is related -when acetylcholine binds to its receptors at the synaptic celft, a change in the local transmembrane potential is inititated -it contains numerous mitochondira and small secretory vesicles

it contains the enzyme acetylcholinesterase

which of the following statements is not true of the sternocleidomastoid muscle -it inserts on the mastoid region of the skull and part of the superior nuchal line -it elevates the larynx and depresses the hyoid bone -it originates on the manubrium of the sternum and the sternal end of the clavicle -it has a clavicular head and a sternal head

it elevates the larynx and depresses the hyoid bone

which of the following statements regarding the knee joint is FALSE -all of the listed responses are true -it has a large range of motion, but it does not have the largest range of motion of any joint in the lower limb -it lacks the large muscle mass that supports and strengthens the hip, but it must still provide support -it lacks the strong ligaments that support the ankle joint

it has a large range of motion, but it does not have the largest range of motion of any joint in the lower limb

all of the following movements of the vertebral column are possible EXCEPT rotation (twisting) anterior flexion lateral flexion extension opposition


what is the special movement of the thumb that produces pad-to-pad contact of the thumb with the palm or any other finger inversion elevation opposition reposition


which muscle closes the eye levator palpebrae superioris orbicularis oculi muscle corrugator supercilii muscle orbicularis oris muscle

orbicularis oculi muscle

Each muscle in the body begins at a(n) __________, ends at a(n) __________, and contracts to produce a specific __________ -insertion, action, origin -action, origin, insertion -origin, action, insertion -origin, insertion, action

origin, insertion, action

which muscle elevates the tongue and depressed the soft palate palatoglossus muscle styloglossus muscle hyoglossus muscle genioglossus muscle

palatoglossus muscle

which of the following ligaments of the knee joint is a continuation of the quadriceps tendon, and attaches to the anterior surface of the tibia patellar ligament tibial collateral ligament anterior cruciate ligament popliteal ligament

patellar ligament

which of the following connective tissues divides the muscle into a series of internal compartments with fascicles perimysium aponeuroses epimysium endomysium


which of the following synovial joint types allow(s) rotational movement saddle joint ball-and-socket joint pivot joint pivot joint and ball-and-socket joint

pivot joint and ball-and-socket joint

Which muscle of mastication originates on the zygomatic arch temporalis muscle masseter muscle medial pterygoid muscle lateral pterygoid muscle

masseter muscle

which of the following is the most important of the masticatory muscles -masseter muscle -temporalis muscle -buccinator muscle -pterygoid muscle

masseter muscle

Which of the following muscles of mastication is innervated by the trigeminal nerve, and acts to elevate the mandible and close the jaw or to move the mandible side to side, but has no role in protraction or retraction of the jaw temporalis muscle masseter muscle medial pterygoid muscle lateral pterygoid muscle

medial pterygoid muscle

Put the following steps in the initiation of contraction in order from the start to filament sliding and muscle fiber shortening. 1. The resulting change of the transmembrane potential of the muscle fiber leads to the production of an action potential that spreads across its entire surface and along the T tubules. 2. Ca++ ions bines to troponin, producing a change in the orientation of the troponin-tropomyosin complex that exposes active sites on the thin filaments. 3. The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) releases stored calcium ions, increasing the calcium concentration of the sarcoplasm in and around the sarcomeres. 4. At the neuromuscular synapse, Ach released by the synaptic terminal binds to receptors on the sarcolemma. 5. Repeated cycles of cross-bridges binding, pivoting, and detachment occur, powered by the hydrolysis of ATP.


concerning the structure of thin filaments, which molecules contain the active site that bind thick filaments during muscle contraction troponin tropomysin F actin G actin nebuiln

G actin

which portion of the sacromere contains thin filaments, but no thick filaments

I band

Most of the pharyngeal muscles are innervated by which of the following cranial nerves (CN) none of the listed responses are correct N V, trigeminal nerve N VII, facial nerve N X, vagus nerve

N X, vagus nerve

a/an __________ is a muscle whose contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a particular movement antagonist fixator synergist agonist


what is the epimysium

a layer of dense irregular connective tissues that surrounds the entire skeletal muscle, and separates it from surrounding tissues and/or organs

which of the following types of joints is NOT classified as a synarthrosis a suture a symphysis a synchondorsis a gomphosis

a symphysis

The cytoplasm of the synaptic terminal contains numerous mitochondria and synaptic vesicles that are filled with molecules of __________ none of the listed responses are correct acetylcholine cholinesterase acetylcholinesterase


which of the following statements does NOT accurately apply to the process of muscle contraction -when calcium ion contractions approach normal resting levels, the troponin-tropomyosin complex returns to its normal position -the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases stored calcium during the initiation of contraction -calcium ions bind to tropomysoin, producing a change in the orientation of the troponin-tropomysoin complex that exposes active sites on the thin filaments -filaments sliding and muscle fibers shortening are results of repeated cycles of cross-bridge binding, pivoting, and detachment

calcium ions bind to tropomysoin, producing a change in the orientation of the troponin-tropomysoin complex that exposes active sites on the thin filaments

the _______ flexes coccygeal joints and elevates and supports the pelvic floor iliococcygeus muscle coccygeus muscle pubococcygeus muscle external anal sphincter muscle

coccygeus muscle

In a __________, the muscle fibers are based over a broad area, but all the fibers come together at a common attachment site circular muscle convergent muscle pinnate muscle parallel muscle

convergent muscle

Which skeletal muscle organization type is versatile in that the direction of pull can be changed by stimulating only one group of muscle cells at any one time bipennate multipennate parallel convergant


________ connect(s) thick filaments and thin filaments during a contraction terminal cisternae cross-bridges active sites sarcolemma


phrenic nerves (C3-C5) innervate the __________, which functions to compress the abdominopelvic cavity upon contraction external oblique muscle rectus oblique muscle diaphragm interal oblique muscle


which rectus muscle is innervated by the phrenic nerve omohyoid muscle rectus abdominis muscle rectus femoris muscle diaphragm


which type of joint is specialized for movement and permits a wide range of motion diarthrosis synarthrosis none of the listed responses are correct amphiarthrosis


which of the following types of joint movements is NOT classified as an angular motion circumduction adduction flexion dorsiflexion


which of the following statements regarding motor units and muscle control is FALSE -when a decision is made to perform a movement, specific groups of motor neurons are stimulated -the size of the motor unit is an indication of how fine the control of movement can be -each muscle fiber experiences a range of contraction because not all the fibers in a motor unit contract at the same time -the amount of tension produced when a skeletal muscle contracts depends on the frequency of stimulation and the number of motor units involved

each muscle fiber experiences a range of contraction because not all the fibers in a motor unit contract at the same time

Which of the following statements is NOT true of a neuromuscular synapse -it is also called a myoneural junction or a neuromuscular junction -the synaptic terminal is bound to the motor end plate -each muscle fiber has several neuromuscular synapses -the motor end plate is a specialized portion of the cell membrane of the muscle fiber in the nueromuscular synapes

each muscle fiber has several neuromuscular synapses

in which type of synovial joint does an oval articular face nestle within a depression on the opposing surface saddle joint gliding joint hinge joint ellipsoid joint

ellipsoid joint

The ability of a muscle to contract over a range of resting lengths is known as the property of __________ contractility excitability elasticity extensibility


all of the following muscles compress the abdomen EXCEPT external intercostal muscle rectus abdominis muscle transversus abdominis muscle external oblique muscle internal oblique muscle

external intercostal muscle

Which type of skeletal muscle fibers are large in diameter and contain densely packed myofibrils, large glycogen reserves, and relatively few mitochondria slow fibers intermediate fibers fast fibers red fibers

fast fibers

which of the following angular motions is used to describe the movement in the anterior-posterior plane that reduces the angle between articulating elements flexion adduction extension abduction


between the sacrum and hip bones is a sacro-iliac joint with a planar diarthrosis articulation. which type of movement would someone observe plantar flexion extension flexion gliding movement

gliding movement

which term below best describes hinge joints -hinge joints permit angular movement in a single plane. a hinge joint is an example of a monaxial joint -hinge joints allow only slight movement and permit movement of sliding in any direction. a hinge joint is an example of multiaxial joint -hinge joints permit only rotation. a hinge joint is an example of a monaxial joint -hinge joints have angular motion that occurs in two planes, along or across the length of the oval articular face. a hinge joint is an example of a biaxial joint

hinge joints permit angular movement in a single plane. a hinge joint is an example of a monaxial joint

which muscle inserts into the side of the tongue, and depresses and retracts the tongue -palatoglossus muscle -styloglossus muscle -genioglossus muscle -hyoglossus muscle

hyoglossus muscle

which of the following statements is NOT true of hernias -in a diaphragmatic hernia, abdominal contents, such as a portion of the small intestine or greater omentum, enter the inguinal canal -a hernia develops when a visceral organ or part of an organ protrudes abnormally through an opening in a muscular wall or partition -a hiatal hernia exists when a part of an organ protrudes through the esophageal hiatus in the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity -inguinal hernias can be caused by abnormally high pressure in the abdominopelvic cavity, abdominal injury, or inherited weakness or distensibility of the inguinal cana

in a diaphragmatic hernia, abdominal contents, such as a portion of the small intestine or greater omentum, enter the inguinal canal

what is fibrosis -increase in the amount of connective tissue -progressive paralysis due to the destruction of CNS motor neurons -decrease in the amount of fibrous connective tissue -a state following death during which muscles are locked in the contracted position

increase in the amount of connective tissue

which eye muscle originates at the maxilla at the anterior portion of the orbit inferior oblique muscle inferior rectus muscle superior oblique muscle superior rectus muscle

inferior oblique muscle

which of the following muscle(s) is/are required to roll the eyes straight down superior rectus muscle inferior oblique muscle inferior rectus muscle and superior oblique muscle superior oblique muscle

inferior rectus muscle and superior oblique muscle

which term refers to the nerve supply to a particular structure or organ innervation action insertion origin


Which type of skeletal muscle fibers have properties between those of fast fibers and slow fibers red fibers intermediate fibers none of the responses are correct white fibers

intermediate fibers

regarding joints of the foot, which of the following groups of synovial joints is/are considered plane joints that permit limited sliding and twisting movements -interphalangeal joints and tarsometatarsal joints -metatarsophalangeal joints -intertarsal joints -interphalangeal joints

intertarsal joints

which of the following statements regarding the styloglossus muscle of the tongue is FALSE -its origin is the styloid process of the temporal bone -it acts to retract the tongue and elevate the sides of the tongue -it is innervated by cranial nerve XIII, the hypoglossal nerve -it inserts on the body of the tongue and hyoid bone

it inserts on the body of the tongue and hyoid bone

which of the following is NOT a function of skeletal muscle -it supports soft tissue such as visceral organs, and protects internal tissues from injury -it moves substances through the digestive system -it maintains posture and body position -it provides voluntary control over swallowing, defecation, and urination, regulating the entrance and exiting of material

it moves substances through the digestive system

which of the following statements about the temporomandibular joint is FALSE -it permits flexion movements -it permits small gliding movements -it is a small but complex multiaxial joint -it is primarily a hinge joint

it permits flexion movements

which of the following statements regarding the coracohumeral ligament of the shoulder joint is/are true -it originates at the base of the coracoid process and inserts on the humeral head -it strengthens the superior part of the articular capsule and helps support the weight of the upper limb -it extends between the greater and lesser tubercles and holds down the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle -it strengthens the superior part of the articular capsule and helps support the weight of the upper limb; it also originates at the base of the coracoid process and inserts on the humeral head

it strengthens the superior part of the articular capsule and helps support the weight of the upper limb; it also originates at the base of the coracoid process and inserts on the humeral head

which of the following best describes the iliococcygeus muscle -its origin is the ischial spine, and it is innervated by the inferior sacral nerve -its origins are the ischial spine and the pubis, and it elevates and retracts the anus -its origin is via a tendon from the coccyx, and it is innervated by the pudendal nerve -its origin is the ischial spine, and it elevates and supports the pelvic floor

its origins are the ischial spine and the pubis, and it elevates and retracts the anus

The palatopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus, and stylopharyngeus muscles are all: muscles of the tongue pharyngeal constrictors palatal muscles laryngeal elevators

laryngeal elevators

the palatopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus, and stylopharyngeus muscles are all laryngeal elevators pharyngeal constrictors palatal muscles muscles of the tongue

laryngeal elevators

which of the following extra-ocular muscles is/are innervated by CN VI, the abducens nerve superior rectus muscle lateral rectus muscle medial rectus muscle superior oblique muscle

lateral rectus muscle

which muscle elevates the soft palate middle constrictor muscle stylopharyngeus muscle salpingopharyngeus muscle levator veli palatini muscle

levator veli palatini muscle

the ischial and pubic rami are sites of origin for which of the following perineal muscles -female external urethral sphincter muscle -male and female external urethral sphincter muscles -male external urethral sphincter muscles -deep transverse perineal muscle

male and female external urethral sphincter muscles

which of the following are pads of fibrous cartilage that may subdivide a synovial cavity, channel the flow of synovial fluid, allow for variation in the shapes of the articular surfaces, or restrict movements at the joint tendons ligaments menisci fat pads


which type of joint found in the foot is a condylar joint that permits flexion/extension and adduction/abduction metatarsophalangeal joint interphalangeal joint tarsometatarsal joint intertarsal joint

metatarsophalangeal joint

Which of the following statements regarding the distribution of various types of skeletal muscle fibers is correct -training for endurance events increase the proportion of fast fibers in the active muscles. -most muscles contain a mixture of fiber types, although all of the fibers within one motor unit are of the same type -there are no red fibers in the muscles of the eye or hand, where swift, brief contractions are required. -most muscles contain a mixture of fiber types, although all of the fibers within one motor unit are of the same type; there are no red (slow) fibers in the muscles of the eye or hand, where swift, brief contractions are required.

most muscles contain a mixture of fiber types, although all of the fibers within one motor unit are of the same type; there are no red (slow) fibers in the muscles of the eye or hand, where swift, brief contractions are required.

what controls muscle fibers motor neuron motor unit none of the responses are correct motor unit and motor neuron

motor unit and motor neuron

the largest group of facial muscles is associated with the eyebrows and eyelids mouth nose scalp external ear


all of the following are major groups of the axial muscles except -muscles of vertebral columns -oblique and rectus muscles of the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities -muscles of the head and neck that are not associated with the vertebral column -muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower limb -muscles of the perineum and pelvic diaphragm

muscles of the pelvic girdle and lower limb

the skeletal and muscular systems are structurally and functionally independent; their interactions are so extensive that they are often considered to be part of a single system called the ______ musculoneural system neuromuscular system skeletomuscular system musculoskeletal system

musculoskeletal system

Which muscle of the neck elevates the floor of the mouth, elevates the hyoid bone, and/or depresses the mandible omohyoid muscle geniohyoid mucle stylohyoid muscle mylohyoid muscle

mylohyoid muscle

Which anterior muscle of the neck contains specific regions that can be made to contract independently because it is innervated by more than one nerve, and hence its actions are quite varied thyrohyoid muscle all of the listed responses are correct sternohyoid muscle omohyoid muscle

omohyoid muscle

which intrinsic muscle of the hand inserts at the first metacarpal bone adductor pollicis muscle palmaris brevis muscle opponens pollicis muscle opponens digit minimi muscle

opponens pollici muscle

ashton loves to stand on his tiptoes. what special type of movement best describes the elevation of the heel and proximal portion of the foot when a person stands on tiptoes lateral flexion plantar flexion eversion dorsiflexion

plantar flexion

which of the following muscles is a muscle of the neck, that inserts on the mandible and skin of the cheek, and functions to tense the skin of the neck and depress the mandible -mentalis -occipitofrontalis -procerus -platysma


which spinal flexor muscle originates at the iliac crest and iliolumbar ligament all of the listed responses are correct longus capitis muscle quadratus lumborum muscle longus colli muscle

quadratus lumborum muscle

Which of the following muscle terms is used to name a muscle by its origin, and it is derived from a root word that means "four heads?" quadriceps biceps cervicis anterior


The increase in muscular tension produced by increasing the number of active motor units is called hypertrophy recruitment muscle tone atrophy


which muscle listed below is a flexor of the vertebral column scalenus posterior muscle rectus abdominis muscle external intercostal muscle transversus abdominis muscle

rectus abdominis muscle

which of the following is a general term that indicates pain and stiffness affecting the skeletal system, the muscular system, or both rheumatism osteoporosis arthritis pelvic fracture


which of the following plays an essential role in controlling the contraction of individual myofibrils sacroplasmic reticulum transverse (T) tubules sacrolemma myosatellite cells

sacroplasmic reticulum

Which muscle terminology derives from the action of crossing the legs, as was the practice of tailors while sewing before the time of sewing machines adductor sartorius splenius risorious


In which lever class is the resistance located between the applied force and the fulcrum second-class lever first-class lever none of the listed responses are correct third-class lever

second-class lever

which deep muscle of the spine inserts at the occipital bone between the nuchal lines interspinales muscles semispinalis capitis muscle semispinalis cervicis muscle semispinalis thoracis muscle

semispinalis capitis muscle

which joint permits the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body elbow joint hip joint shoulder joint knee joint

shoulder joint

________ muscles are contractile organs directly or indirectly attached to bones of the skeleton skeletal smooth cardiac skeletal and smooth


the primary role of this type of muscle tissue is to push fluid and solids along the digestive tract and to perform varied functions in other systems all the listed responses are correct cardiac muscle tissue skeletal muscle tissue smooth muscle tissue

smooth muscle tissue

which of the following accessory structures are typically NOT part of the articulation itself, but in some joints are an integral part of the joint capsule and provide significant strength to the capsule tendons synovial tendon sheaths extracapsular ligaments accessory ligaments


the fibers of which type of skeletal muscle are concentrically arranged around the opening or recess pinnate muscle parallel muscle circular muscle sphincter muscle

sphincter muscle

the only skeletal articulation between the upper limb and the axial skeleton is the elbow joint gelnohumeral joint acromioclavicular joint sternoclavicular joint

sternoclavicular joint

what is the name of the ligament that extends from the styloid process to the posterior margin of the angle of the mandibular ramus stylomandibular ligament coracoclavicular ligament glenohumeral ligament sphenomandibular ligament

stylomandibular ligament

which of the following bursae lie(s) between large muscles and the capsular wall of the shoulder joint subdeltoid bursa subcoracoid bursa subdeltoid bursa and subscapular bursa subacromial bursa subscapular bursa

subdeltoid bursa and subscapular bursa

cranial nerve IV, the trochlear nerve, innervates which eye muscle inferior oblique muscle lateral rectus muscle medial rectus muscle superior oblique muscle

superior oblique muscle

which of the following is NOT considered one of the basic properties of muscle tissue extensibility excitability elasticity support


which type of amphiarthorsis is fibrous and lies between the tibia and fibula synostosis symphysis synovial joint syndesmosis


which muscle originates at the inferior angle of the scapula, inserts at the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus, and performs extension and medial rotation at the shoulder teres minor muscle supraspinatus muscle teres major muscle infraspinatus muscle

teres major muscle

compared to the resting sacromere, all of the following are true of a contracting sacromere EXCEPT -the A band gets smaller -the H band gets smaller -the I band gets smaller -the zone of overlap gets larger -the Z line moves closer together

the A band gets smaller

Which of the following effects of aging on the muscular system is INACCURATE -the amount of fibrous tissue decreases with age, resulting in limited repair capabilities -a lower tolerance for exercise results in part from the reduction in the ability to eliminate the heat generated during muscular contraction -skeletal muscles develop fibrosis, making the muscles less flexible and less elastic -skeletal muscles fibers' diameter decreases in size, primarily due to a reduction in the number of myofibrils

the amount of fibrous tissue decreases with age, resulting in limited repair capabilities

which of the following is a characteristic unique to a suture joint when compared to a gomphosis or a synostosis -none of the listed responses is unique to suture joints -the connective tissue that binds this joint is the unossified remnants of the embryonic mesenchymal membrane in which the bones developed -this type of joint allows forces to be spread easily with minimal joint movement, thereby decreasing the chance of injury -the bony edges of this joint are quite close together or sometimes interlocked

the connective tissue that binds the joint is the unossified remnants of the embryonic mesenchymal membrane in which the bones developed

all of the following statements are true of intervertebral disc problems EXCEPT -sciatica results from compression of the roots of the sciatic nerve -a herniated disc occurs when the nucleus pulposus breaks through the annulus fibrosis -the most common sites for disc problems are between the thoracic vertebrae -a laminectomy is a procedure involving removal of the vertebral arch and laminae, to access and remove the herniated disc -in a condition called slipped disc, the disc does not actually slip out of place

the most common sites for disc problems are between the thoracic vertebrae

all of the following are true of the hip joint EXCEPT -the most important normal movement of the hip is rotation -the acetabular labrum is a pad of fibrous cartilage, that covers the articular surface of the acetabulum -it is a ball-and-socket joint -three ligaments that reinforce the articular capsule are regional thickenings of the capsule

the most important normal movement of the hip is rotation

which of the following does NOT describe rotational movement -the palm is moved posteriorly towards the wrist -the head shakes side to side, indicating "no" -the upper limb is turned (inward) towards the ventral surface of the body -the palm and the wrist are moved to face posteriorly

the palm is moved posteriorly towards the wrist

which of the following statements is not true, concerning the oblique and rectus muscles -the oblique muscles either compress the underlying structures or rotate the vertebral column -the rectus and oblique muscles lie between the vertebral column and ventral midline -the rectus muscle extend the vertebral column, assisting the action of the erector spinae muscles -the oblique and rectus muscles of the trunk and diaphragm have a common embryological origin

the rectus muscle extend the vertebral column, assisting the action of the erector spinae muscles

what is muscle tone a single contraction the resting tension of skeletal muscles the reduction in muscle size, tone, and power muscle recruitment

the resting tension of skeletal muscles

regarding the organization of a sacromere, which of the following statements are TRUE -the thick filaments lie in the center of the sacromere, linked by the proteins of the M line -all of the listed responses are correct -from the Z line at either end of the sacromere, thick filaments extend into the zone of overlap towards the M line -the A band includes the I band, H band, zone of overlap, and the M line

the thick filaments lie in the center of the sacromere, linked by the proteins of the M line

what do the stylohyoid, thyrohyoid, geniohyoid, and omohyoid muscles have in common -they all depress the hyoid bone -they all originate on the mandible -they all insert on the hyoid bone -they are all innervated by the facial nerve

they all insert on the hyoid bone

which of the following is NOT true of slow skeletal muscle fibers -they can contract for an extended period of time, long after the fast fibers would fatigue -they are also called white fibers -they contain more mitochondria than the fast fibers -they have about half the diameter of fast fibers

they are also called white fibers

which of the following statements about intercarpal joints is FALSE -they are condylar joints -they are plan joints -they permit slight gliding movements -they are diarthroses

they are condylar joints

which of the following statements is not true of the erector spinae muscles -they are subdivided into the spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis groups -they are spinal flexors -they originate on the vertebral column -they make up the intermediate layer of intrinsic back muscles -when muscles on only one side contract, there is lateral flexion of the vertebral column

they are spinal flexors

all of the following are true to the structure of thick filaments EXCEPT -each thick filament is composed of a bundle of myosin molecules -myosin heads are also called cross-bridges, because they connect to thin filaments during muscle contraction -thick filaments contain the regulatory proteins troponin and tropomyosin

thick filaments contain the regulatory proteins troponin and tropomyosin

which of the following oblique muscles inserts on the linea alba and pubis internal oblique muscle transversus abdominis muscle external oblique muscle transversus thoracic muscle

transversus abdominis muscle

which muscle inserts at the cartilages of the ribs internal intercostal muscle external intercostal muscle pectoralis minor muscle transversus thoracis muscle

transversus thoracis muscle

which of the following does NOT describe a special or unusual type of movement shrugging the shoulders crossing the arms turning the sole of the foot inward turning the arm inward

turning the arm inward

A long muscle that extends the fingers, the extensor digitorum muscle, has all of the muscle cells on the same side of the tendon. This is known as which type of skeletal muscle organization multipennate bipennate unipennate parallel


what type of joint is between the thoracic vertebrae and the ribs, with an articulation of a plantar diarthrosis and movements of elevation/depression sacro-iliac joint sternocostal joint sacrococcygeal joint vertebrocostal joint

vertebrocostal joint

which of the following statements regarding circumduction of a pencil model is/are FALSE -it is a type of angular motion -with the tip at the same joint, the angle of the shaft remains unchanged as the shaft spins around the longitudinal axis -an example of this would be moving your arm in a loop as when drawing a circle on the chalkboard -the tip remains stationary, as the shaft, held at an angle of less than 90 degrees, describes a complete circle

with the tip at the same point, the angle of the shaft remains unchanged as the shaft spins around the longitudinal axis

which of the following muscles elevates the upper lip levator anguli oris muscle zygomaticus minor muscle depressor angulii oris muscle zygomaticus major muscle

zygomaticus minor muscle

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Module 2 - The Nature of Physical Geography

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Lewis Ch 31 Hematologic Problems NCLEX

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Key Ideas from Chapter 12: Elections and Campaigns

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Prep U Chapter 9: Altered Acid-Base Balance

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Exam 2 Ch 27 Critical Care-Combined

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