Ancient Egypt Geography, Hieroglyphics, Social Hierarchy, Kingdoms, Pharaohs,Valley of the Kings, Society Roles and Mummification

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What type of headdress was the goddess Isis usually drawn with?

A throne

What happened toward to the new kingdom?

Egypt split into smaller parts and lost all the gained territory

What are the cataracts of the Nile in Egypt?


What continent is Egypt located on


The old kingdom is also called?

Age of Pyramids

Which Pharaoh banished all the gods but one, the sun god?


How did people learn about the daily life from this period?

From paintings

What does the Egyptian word that Pharaoh comes from mean?

Great Kingdom, or house

What is the name of the largest pyramids, what city is it located in, and who was it built for?

Great Pyramid of Egypt, Giza and king khufu

How was hieroglyphics different from the way we write today?

It can be written any direction and there is no punctuation

Which is the longest river in the world?

Nile River

Who held government jobs and were the priests of the temples.


Where is the Sahara Desert located?

North Africa

What region did the Egyptians conquered?


What two gods were married and the parents of the god Horus

Osiris and Isis

What type of plant did the Egyptians use to make their paper?


How did Queen Hatshepsut have the opportunity to rule Egypt?

She used the fact that the heir to the throne was to young to rule and took power from him

Why was it important that the body be preserved?

So the Ba and Ka could be united in the after life

Who supervised the peasants, slaves and farmers and were also part of the building process of palaces, pyramids and other structures.


True or False: King Tut`s curse has largely turned out to be a rumor as nothing bad has happened to those involved in finding and opening his tomb.


What Pharaoh`s tomb was found in the Valley of Kings with most of the treasure intact?


Who was the first Pharaoh to begin the tradition of being buried in the Valley of the Kings?

Tuthmosis I

Who was the one that watched over tax collection, and monitored the government records that were kept by the scribes.


Explain one way one can move to another class?

farmers and peasants saved money to send their children to the trade and village schools for better education and to learn a specific trade.

Why was it so important to follow that social structure?

for survival and the success of the society

What was another freestanding sculptures that was built during this time that guarded the pyramids?


What was Osiris the god of?

the underworld and the dead

How were slaves captured?

war prisoners or criminals

The new kingdom begin when?

when the Egyptians overthrew the Hyksos (asian fighters)

Pharaoh was considered to be the living version of which god?


What pharaoh was the Great Pyramid built for?


What major crime was Seth linked to?

Killing Osiris and taking Horus's eye

What was the name of another woman pharaoh that ruled during this time?


When did the Middle Kingdom end, and who took it over?

1786 BCE the Hyksos took over Egypt

How long ago did the Egyptians invent hieroglyphic writing?

3,000 BCE

How long a period of time was the Valley of the Kings the primary burial place for the Egyptian Pharaohs?

500 years

How long did the old kingdom last?

500 years

Around how many tombs have been found in the Valley of Kings?


Which statement below best describes hieroglyphics?

A form of writing using pictures and symbols

What was the Valley of the Kings

A secret place where the Pharaohs were buried for hundreds of years

During this time which pharaoh tried to ban all the gods?


What god was sometimes combined with Ra to make and even more powerful god?


Which Pharaoh is thought to have brought Egypt to the peak of its power during his 29 year reign?

Amenhotep III

What were some things that flourished during this time?

Art, Literature and sculpture

Why would someone in Ancient Egypt want to become a scribe?

B.c scribes didn't pay taxes and were thought highly of in society

What did the Egyptians consider the Gift of the Nile?

Because it gave them their food, transportation and protection

Why do archaeologists think that King Tut's tomb was not emptied by tomb raiders?

Because it was buried under some workmen`s huts

What was Cleopatra VII most famous for?

Being the last Pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire and making alliances with Rome

What was Akhet?

Black rich soil

What was some advancement that came from this?

Bronze weapons, chariots and bows

What are long trains of camels used to transport goods called?


What is the period of rule called when the title of Pharaoh is passed down within the same family?


True or False: Egyptians did not build temples or monuments for their gods.


True or False: Most of the Egyptian people were taught to read and write.


True or False: Upper Egypt is located in the northern part of the Nile River where it empties into the sea.


True or False: Historians are sure that the Pyramid of Giza was built by thousands of slaves captured from enemy countries.

False there is still debate on rather that statement is true

Who were the ones that worked in the stone quarry which were used to build the monuments to the pharaoh.


Who is known for finding King Tut`s tomb?

Howard Carter

What form did the gods and goddesses typically take?

Human form

Who was the famous scribe who also architected the first pyramid?


Who built the first pyramid and what was he consider as?

Imhotep and we was a priest, doctor and scientist

What type of head dressing did Anubis wear, and what was the linked to?

Jackal he is linked to mummification and death

Who united Egypt and in what year did he do it, and what did he call himself?

King Mentuhotep he said he was a god, 2650 BCE

What does the Ancient Egyptians consider the Nile as?

Life source or giver of life

What body of water does the Nile River empty into?

Mediterranean Sea

During this time what was the name of the capital?


What is it called when a letter or symbol represents a picture or concept rather than a sound?


Who was the first women ruler of Egypt but don't any written record on?

Queen Nefrusobk

his lady started out as regent for her son who was in line to become Pharaoh, but then took the title of Pharaoh herself and became one of Egypt`s greatest rulers.

Queen Pharaoh Hatshepsut

Who was considered the most important and powerful god and what was this job?

Ra the sun god and he pulled the song across the sky and battle darkness every night

Which Pharaoh built more statues and monuments than any other Pharaoh?

Ramses II

Who was considered a great ruler, why, and what year did he come into power?

Ramses II

What are the natural barriers that protected Ancient Egypt?

Sahara Desert, mediterranean sea, cataracts, and the river

Who were the people that were specially trained to read and write hieroglyphics?


What important event took place each year that provided rich soil around the Nile River?

Seasonal Flooding

What feature of the tombs has allowed archaeologists to learn much about the lives of the Pharaohs?

The artwork on the walls and artifacts that were fun.

What were the gods in control of?

The gods were thought to be in control of the flooding of the Nile each year, as well as death and famine.

Give one statement about the Sahara Desert?

The hottest desert in the world

What was the pharaoh thought as?

The pharaoh was thought to be a god

What happened to most of the treasure that was buried with the Pharaohs?

The treasures were stolen by grave robbers

What did they believed about their gods?

They believed their gods were living on earth

What is an hierarchy

This was a class system and each person living in ancient Egypt knew where they existed in the system and had specific rights of that class.

Were Pharaohs considered the top government official or the top religious official?

Top government offical

True or False: Boats on the Nile River were the primary way of traveling and shipping goods in Ancient Egypt.


Thoth was the god of what aspects of the Egyptian Life?

Writing, medicine and mathematics. Knowlege

What was special about the Rosetta Stone?

Written in 3 different scripts and allowed for other hieroglyphics to be decoded

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