a long, whiplike tail, used by certain Protozoa for locomotion
able to move
calcium carbonate
What is the main component of the tiny shells of the members of the phylum Actinopoda?
What structure is responsible for maintaining the consistent shape of paramecium?
unborn babies
Which group of humans is likely to experience the most devastating symptoms of toxoplasmosis?
Zooflagellates move by means of a whip-like structure called:
engulfed by the cell membrane, food vacuole
During phagocytosis, food particles are ___________ and then digested in the ________.
Four new protozoans are created.
What is the final result of protozoan conjugation?
apical complex
a cell structure found only in parasitic species of the phylum Apicomplexa; important for interaction with and entry into host cells
a kind of reproduction in which two unicellular organisms unite temporarily to exchange nuclear material and then separate
cytoplasmic bridge
a temporary thin strand of cytoplasm connecting two microorganisms during conjugation through which structure genetic material may be passed between the cells
food vacuole
a vacuole in which food particles are digested by enzymes
contractile vacuole
a vacuole, found in some cells, that collects water and expels it from the cell
all the material inside a cell membrane except the nucleus
an organism's response to a single stimulus
an organisms response to the presence of chemicals in its surroundings
longitudinal binary fission
asexual reproduction in which the parent organism divides lengthwise to form two daughter cells which are mirror-images of each other
anal pore
structure that paramecium use to remove wastes
the deepest part of the oral groove where food vacuoles are formed around a food particle
the phylum comprising unicellular organisms in protista kingdom
the phylum of amoeboid protozoans
the phylum of amoeboid protozoans which have a tiny shell-like structure composed of calcium carbonate
the phylum of amoeboid protozoans, commonly called radiolarians, which have a tiny shell-like structure composed of silicon
the phylum of parasitic spore forming protozoans which are not motile during most of their life cycle
the self-regulating exchange of water, dissolved materials, and dissolved gases between a cell and its surroundings
Each paramecium has two nuclei.
What characteristic makes the cell of a paramecium exceptional compared to other eukaryotic cells?
entry and interaction either the host cell
What is a know function of the apical complex?
A firm, flexible coating outside the plasma membrane
binary fission
A form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms by which one cell divides into two cells of the same size
All eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and a cytoplasm.
All species of the phylum Apicomplexa are parasitic.
motility and phagocytosis
Amoeboid protists use their pseudopodium for:
They regulate water intake and excretion.
How do contractile vacuoles help a cell with homeostasis?
It creates daughter cells that are mirror images of each other.
How does longitudinal binary fission differ from other form of binary fission?
the protozoan's living conditions deteriorated
If scientists noted that a protozoan developed a cyst, they could safely assume that:
fresh water lakes and inside other organisms
In what location does this text suggest you might find zooflagellates living?
Insect vectors can carry disease-causing organisms on their legs or mouthparts.
Termites and Trichonympha have a ___________ relationship.
The Anopheles mosquito is the insect vector for _______.
The common name for foraminifers is radiolarians.
The general name for all animal-like protists is __________.
false feet
hairlike bits of protoplasm that project from certain kinds of cells for locomotion or feeding
oral groove
indentation of the pellicle of a Paramecium that opens to the gullet
amoeboid movement
movement by altering the consistency of cytoplasm so that it flows to create pseudopodia
organisms response to the variability of light in its surroundings
process of enclosing food particles by the cell-membrane to form an internal food vacuole
a protective capsule occupied by Protozoa during unfavorable conditions of environment
the common name of amoeboid protozoans of the phylum Foraminifera which is characterized by tiny shell-like structures composed of silicon
the phylum of protozoans with hair-like structures called cilia, the species of which phylum are commonly known as ciliates
the phylum of protozoans, commonly known as flagellates, with whip-like structures called flagella