Animal Science Lab Midterm
True/False The offspring of a female horse and a male donkey will be sterile.
True/False To control wild horse populations the government rounds up mustangs and allows the public to adopt them.
True/False When approaching a horse to halter it, you should walk directly to it from the front to make sure it sees your properly.
True/False: When flipping sheep you should use the wool as a handle.
True/False: When trimming sheep's feet, you should first dig out dirt from the toes and then trim parallel to the hoof tissue, so it becomes flat and smooth with no pockets to trap dirt or bacteria.
True/false: sheep don't need to be dewormed unless you see it in their feces.
how are sheep tails docked at TTU?
1 hour
lambs should begin to stand and nurse within _______ of birth
livestock guardian and herding
2 types of working dogs common to agriculture
banding, cutting, crushing
3 methods of castration in lambs
ketosis, small lamb, or reduced milk production
3 potential issues if an ewe does not receive enough energy during gestation
How is a horse's height measured?
How many lambs does Amanda expect from her ewes every 2 years?
every three months
How often should a horse be dewormed?
every eight weeks
How often should hoof maintenance be performed on a horse?
Feed less grain, rock around their feeding/drinking areas.
Two strategies used to reduce the number of times you need to trim your sheep's feet
Foot rot, foot scald, parasites
What are 3 potential issues that could arise with sheep in the Tennessee climate?
What are the sheep at Shipley farm used for?
keep 6 ft minimum, or touching to let them know you are there
What is the safest way to walk behind a horse?
monocular and binocular
What kind of vision does a horse have?
coyotes, dogs, hawks
examples of predators of sheep
true/false: when sheep are flipped on their back, it paralyzes them so they can't move
under the skin
sub-q vaccine spot lambs
scrapies tag
the identification method used to trace a lamb back to its origin in case of disease outbreak
spray navel with iodine solution
the navel is an excellent path for infections in a newborn lamb, how do we prevent this?
the offspring of a horse and a donkey
Dorper/White Dorper
what type of sheep does Shipley farm have?
the middle
where should you place the ear tag on a lamb?
it helps to pass on the mother's immunity.
why is it important for a lamb to receive colostrum shortly after birth?