Answer the following questions...
오늘 운동을 몇 시간 했어요?
(How many hours did you exercise today?) +look for the word 시간 (because it means hours/time).
가방이 얼마예요?
(How much is the bag?) +look for a price in Sino-Korean (일, 이, 삼, 사, 백, 천, 만...) with a currency (원 or 달러).
미나씨, 내일 시간이 있어요?
(Mina, do you have time tomorrow?) +look for yes/no.
오늘 오후에 뭐 해요?
(What are you doing this afternoon?) +look for a verb in present tense.
어제가 무슨 요일이었어요?
(What day was yesterday?) +look for -요일 (days of the week are marked with those syllables).
삼 일 전 마켓에서 뭐 샀어요?
(What did you buy at the market 3 days ago?) +look for an item and the object marker -를/-을.
작년 크리스마스에 뭐 했어요?
(What did you do last Christmas?) +look for a verb in past tense (-ㅆ어요).
오늘이 며칠이에요?
(What is today's date?) +look for a date (month [월] and day [일]) followed by -이에요/-예요.
이름이 뭐예요?
(What is your name?) +look for -이에요/-예요 and a name.
전화번호가 몇 번이에요?
(What is your phone number?) +look for numbers and the dash (-) marker -에.
무슨 음식을 좋아해요?
(What kind/type of food do you like?) +look for a food name and the verb 좋아해요.
지금 뉴욕은 몇 시예요?
(What time is it in New York right now?) +look for a time and time marker -에 and verb ending in 예요.
생일이 언제예요?
(When is your birthday?) +look for a date (month [월] and day [일]) followed by -이에요/-예요.
오늘 저녁에 어디에 가요?
(Where are you going this evening?) +look for a location and the location marker -에.
주말에 영화를 어디에서 봐요?
(Where are you going this weekend to see the movie?) +look for a location and the location marker -에.
티나가 어디에 있어요?
(Where is Tina?) +look for a location and the location marker -에.
식당이 어디에 있어요?
(Where is the restaurant?) +look for a location and the location marker -에.
이 책이 누구 거예요.
(Whose book is this?) +look for a name with 'whose' (-거예요) attached to it.
시계가 있어요?
(Do you have a watch/clock?) +look for yes/no.
미나씨가 학생이에요?
(Is Mina a student?) +look for yes/no.