ANT 304 Test 2

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Eridu, an important site in southern Iraq that was home to a series of temples dedicated to the god Enki, dates to which period?


At what site were these two cult complexes excavated: the Eanna precinct, where the goddess Inanna was worshiped, and the Anu temple, dedicated to the sky god An?


In the Yangzi Valley, the reappearance of ceramic and rice remains after the Younger Dryas corresponds with a period of ________, which occurred between 8000 and 6000 BCE.


Trans-Saharan Arab trade stimulated development of the early states in ________ Africa from 1 to 1400 CE.


Where were South Asia's earliest known Neolithic communities located?

Western Pakistan

The Shang Dynasty site of Anyang contained a royal necropolis, which literally means:

"city of the dead"

To what period do the earliest cemeteries in Europe, found in the northern and eastern regions, date?

10,000-9000 BCE

The Neolithic site of Mahagara in the Ganga basin contained at least eight households with a total population of:

250 individuals

By what time do archaeologists think that the Uruk state had collapsed?

3100 BCE

What is a "stela"?

A freestanding carved stone monument

At the Mesolithic sites of the Ganga Plain, what suggests reliance on plants as a source of food?

A lack of animals in the region.

What was the Younger Dryas?

A worldwide reversal of a previous warming trend that lasted from around 10,800 BCE to 9600 BCE

With what activity is the early use of seals in Southwest Asia primarily associated?

Administrative activity

Recent research based on genetic studies supports which of the following views?

Agriculture was introduced to mainland Europe by incoming farmers

Researchers have identified regional clusters of early communities that practiced pastoralism and agriculture in South Asia. Which of the following is on this list of regional clusters?

All of the answer options are correct

The energy and power of the Shang Dynasty are reflected in the archaeological remains and historical documentation of its:

All of the answer options are correct

Which of the following are features of state-level society?

All of the answer options are correct

Which of the following features distinguished later aceramic Neolithic settlements?

All of the answer options are correct

Where did early farming communities in the Mediterranean first appear?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following present(s) challenges to the decipherment of the Indus script?

All of the answer options are correct.

Which of the following remains were found at Mycenae and/or other Mycenaean sites?

All of the answer options are correct.

What do the size and content of graves at Jiahu suggest?

An absence of any major social ranking

What Shang capital incorporated a palace area and a royal necropolis of twelve subterranean tombs, as well as pits that contained chariots with horses and charioteers?


Some 2,100 clay tablets documenting administrative activities were found in the burned ruins of Palace G at ________ in modern-day Syria. The tablets date between 2400 and 2350 BCE.


Both Ohalo II and Kharaneh IV are:

Epipaleolithic sites in the Levant

The Great Pyramids of Egypt are located at the site of ________ near modern-day Cairo.


Which of the following most accurately reflects the correct chronological order of the Chalcolithic cultural periods of Southwest Asia?

Halaf, Ubaid, Uruk

In which regions were the first cities generally believed to have developed around 3500 BCE?


The origins of agriculture in East Asia involved the cultivation of what two main plant species?

Millet and rice

Which of the following best describes the base of the settlement hierarchy of Indus communities?

More than 15,000 sites under 1 hectare (2.5 acres) in size

This artifact was created to commemorate the first unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, which marks the beginning of the Egyptian Dynastic state.

Narmer Palette

During the Late Epipaleolithic in the Levant, who lived in permanent settlements before the wholesale development of agriculture?


As was the case at the larger site of Göbekli Tepe, a special-purpose building at nearby _______ was set below ground level and contained T-shaped monolithic pillars set in the floor.

Nevali Çori

Which of the following, first discovered at the site of Jericho but later found at several pre-pottery Neolithic sites in the Levant, were often cached in small shallow pits, or formed foundation deposits for buildings?

Plastered and modeled human skulls

________ were a prominent feature of northern European culture in the Neolithic period and related to display and prestige, as well as practical tasks.

Polished stone axes

What state, under the command of its leader Qin Shi Huangdi, brought the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to an end in 221 BCE?


Which of the following animals was NOT domesticated in the "hilly flanks" zone of Southwest Asia?

Red deer

Which of the following crops was NOT domesticated in the "hilly flanks" zone of Southwest Asia?


Mitochondrial DNA evidence suggests which of the following?

Saharan humpless, long-horned cattle were domesticated locally

The settlement patterns of the South Asian Mesolithic can be regarded as evidence of "transhumance," whereby people moved around throughout the year to utilize different regional resources. What is another term for transhumance?

Seasonal mobility

The Western Zhou bronzeworking tradition was a development from the earlier ________ tradition.


Monumental enclosures and monoliths are present at Göbekli Tepe, but surprisingly:

there are no clear signs of houses or domestic occupation at the site

During the Early Minoan period, distinctive ________ were built, indicating social complexity.

tholos tombs

The ________ at Great Zimbabwe was built of drystone stacked 5.5 meters (18 feet) across and more than 9 meters (30 feet) high.


The earliest evidence for ________ in China comes from turtle carapaces at the Neolithic site of Jiahu that date to 6500 BCE.


Early European settlers in Southern Africa encountered ________ as they moved north.

extensive stone ruins

Which of the following emerged later in the Nile Valley than in the Sahara?


Aristocratic graves and the foundations of palaces indicated Xia society was ________ in nature, with some individuals attaining elite status.


As evidenced from deposits at Zhengzhou, dogs were often sacrificed to the ancestors, while ________ were slaughtered when major new buildings were constructed.


Kent Flannery's idea of a "broad spectrum revolution" is based on the idea that:

hunter-gatherers in the Epipaleolithic were able to remain in one place longer because they began to invest more effort in hunting a broader set of game and harvesting storable plants

In most of Africa, on what was the earliest metallurgy based?


The development of ________ in Southwest Asia around 6000 BCE enabled new land to be cultivated.


Although many researchers have asserted that the Indus civilization was inherently peaceful, the presence of ________ may indicate Indus cities experienced as much violence as their Southwest Asian neighbors.

massive mud-brick city walls

African postglacial hunter-gatherers are best known archaeologically for ________ assemblages dating from 6000 BCE onward.


Hunter-gatherer sites in the Yellow River Valley that date between 9000 BCE and 7500 BCE:

often yield large quantities of stone tools and offer some indications that people harvested wild foxtail millet

During the Early Holocene in Europe:

plants and animals recolonized areas that had been too cold and dry during the Ice Age

Some scholars regard the domestication of ________ in the Ganga basin as an indigenous development, whereas others believe that this staple was introduced from elsewhere during the middle of the second millennium BCE.


In peninsular India, more than fifty ash mounds dating to the Neolithic have been found. These were formed by:

the burning of successive phases of stockades or pens

In the Dawenkou culture (c. 4150-2600 BCE) there is compelling evidence for:

the emergence of craft specialists

Which term defines an autonomous political unit comprising a city and its supporting hinterland?

city state

Hammurabi, renowned today for his Law Code, was the king of:


Which plant is not native to Africa and was most likely imported from Southeast Asia via the East African coast?


Name this sixth millennium BCE cultural group, known for its massive longhouses and distinctive pottery, that had its origins in Hungary but eventually spread across the whole of Central Europe.

Bandkeramik or LBK culture

It is believed that the expansion of ________-speaking territories brought farming to most of Africa south of the Equator.


Which of the following is NOT considered a likely cause of Mycenean social collapse?

Bubonic plague.

By around 6000 BCE, there is abundant evidence for the transition to agriculture in what have been identified as village sites in the Yellow River Valley. Which of the following is a common characteristic of these early agricultural sites?

Burial of the dead in cemeteries

At the site of Aksum, which of the following architectural features often mark important burials?

Carved stelae.

What is the site at Mehrgarh known as a regional center for the production of?


The period of time between the Neolithic and Bronze Age in parts of Europe and West Asia that is distinguished by the use of copper metallurgy is referred to as the:


Many of the cultures of Southwest Asia employed a system of writing based on "wedge-shaped" characters incised or impressed with a stylus on wet clay. What is this form of writing called?


________, which are associated with rice-farming villages in Korea, are tombs constructed out of large upright stones topped with a capstone.


A dugout canoe from the site of ________ is the oldest known boat in Africa.


The Spring and Autumn Annals period (770-481 BCE), and the Warring States period (481-221 BCE), were the two primary periods of which dynasty?

Eastern Zhou.

During the Late Bronze Age of eastern Europe, many settlements appear to have built fortifications, ditches, and ramparts. What are these interpreted as evidence for?

Increased armed conflict.

Indian Ocean trade brought ceramics, manufactured goods, and the ________ faith to the Swahili coast of Africa in the second millennium CE.


Many researchers believe that rice cultivation spread into southern China via a series of dispersals bringing rice into new lands. What did they determine about the idea that rice cultivation ultimately resulted from contact with groups from the Yangzi region?

It is supported by the presence of cultural material associated with rice agriculture at foundational levels of new farming settlements

What have excavations at the site of Abu Hureyra in Syria shown about the transition from foraging to farming?

It was a gradual process that extended over centuries

At the site of ________, archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon found a cylindrical tower built of stone that dated to the aceramic Neolithic.


One of the most complex and enduring hunter-gatherer traditions in the world is the ________ culture that occupied parts of Japan from about 14,000 to 800 BCE and manufactured complex pottery.


The site of ________ is possibly the center of the first identifiable state in tropical Africa.


Archaeological evidence has shown that both rice and millet cultivation spread to the Korean peninsula from China, and that millet predates rice in Korea by a few thousand years. What factor(s) played a role in these developments?

Korea is much colder than subtropical China, where rice was first domesticated; thus, rice had to be selectively adapted to grow in Korea

What is another name for the Indus civilization, based on the first archaeological site associated with it?

Kot Dijian phase.

The late Neolithic ________ culture developed out of the earlier Yangshao and Dawenkou cultures, and was distributed from the Central Plains to Shandong Province.


What is the earliest known farming settlement in South Asia, dating to around 6500 BCE?


The ________, which is thought to have been designed by the architect Imhotep, was an architectural innovation. Dating to the Early Dynastic period, it is the oldest stone building of its size in the world.

Step Pyramid at Saqqara

In Greece and the southern Balkans, the use of clay (either mud-brick or daub) for building, coupled with the stability and concentration of settlement, led to the formation of mounds. What were these constructions known as?


During the reign of Sargon (2334-2279 BCE), this political entity became Southwest Asia's first empire.

The Akkadian empire

Name two of the most important river basins in South Asian prehistory.

The Ganga and the Indus

Which of the following was expanded during the Qin Dynasty to protect against Xiongnu horsemen from the steppes?

The Great Wall

What were two major Neolithic cultures that developed in the Yellow River Valley of Central China?

The Yangshao culture and the Dawenkou culture

What is the presence of grinding and pounding stones at Upper Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic archaeological sites a proxy indicator of?

The processing and perhaps storage of grains and pulses

Why is the site of Bashidang in Northeast Hunan Province of key significance to our understanding of the origins of rice cultivation?

There are organic deposits at the site, including 15,000 grains of rice

What were researchers surprised to discover about hunter-gatherer groups that reached Cyprus around 10,000 BCE?

They had introduced a wild species of pig to the island to be hunted

What did researchers working at the Neolithic site of Khok Phanom Di near the Gulf of Thailand come to believe about its inhabitants?

They initially shifted to non-agricultural, sedentary hunter-fisher subsistence, due to the inhospitable environment

How did the period known as Great Silla begin in 668 CE?

With the unification of Korea

What dynasty has long been regarded as the earliest one in China, known through legends and the archaeological remains at Erlitou?


The Japanese kingdom of ________, centered in western Honshu, developed from the Late Yayoi culture in the third century CE.


The Shang Dynasty came to an end in 1045 BCE, when the king of the state of ________ sent his army north to defeat the Shang at the Battle of Muye.


Farming in East Asia:

arose independently in two areas: the central plain of the Yellow River and the central Yangzi River Valley

The introduction of ________ at the end of the third millennium BCE stimulated the development of new long-distance connections across Europe.


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