Anth 100 final test

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The archaeological sensing method that reflects pulsed radar waves off features below the surface is called

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)

The "Lucy" fossil is famous because

Her skeleton was 40% intact and undisturbed

The first hominin species to leave Africa was

Homo erectus

The species of large-brained, robust hominins that lived between 1.8 and 0.4 mya is

Homo erectus

Which of the following is NOT one of the forms of social power proposed by anthropologist Eric Wolf discussed in the textbook?


Which of the following is involved in deciding where an anthropologist will do his or her fieldwork?

Intellectual debates in anthropology Whether visas and research clearances are available in a specific country The interests of funding agencies

Regional Continuity Model

The hypothesis that evolution from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens occurred gradually throughout the traditional range of H. erectus.

To an archaeologist, which of the following would be considered a feature at an archaeological site?

The wall of a house

In Darwinian terms, who are the fit?

Those who reproduce and replace themselves

Lamarkian evolution is also known as

Transformational evolution

Many anthropologists and members of contemporary indigenous societies reject the term berdache. A term that has begun to be used in its place is

Two Spirits.

Hoyt Alverson discovered that U.S. Peace Corps volunteers in Botswana had difficulty with their assignments in part because

actions that meant one thing to them meant something else to their Tswana hosts

The shaping of useful features of an organism by natural selection for the function they now perform is


Kinship relationships based on nurturance are examples of


Kinship connections created through marriage are called

affinal relationships.

The systematic modification of the environments of plants and animals to increase their productivity and usefulness is called


All the different forms that a particular gene might take are known as


Wings on birds and bats are an example of

an analogous trait

A written or filmed description of a particular culture is called

an ethnography

In modern terms, Mendel's principle of segregation holds that

an individual receives one gene of each trait from each parent.

A condition in which an individual person possesses both male and female characteristics is called


The attribution of human characteristics to nonhuman animals is called


The Laetoli footprints

appear to have been made by a hominin with a striding gait and short, straight toes

The subfield of anthropology that uses information gathered from the other anthropological specialties to solve practical cross-cultural problems is called

applied anthropology.

Recent advances in the sequencing of ancient DNA seem to indicate that

approximately 1% to 4% of the genomes of modern, non-Africans contain Neandertal DNA sequences

The shaping of any useful feature of an organism, regardless of its origin is referred to as


There is nothing inherent in the nature of a small- to mid-sized quadruped that barks that requires us to call this creature a "dog." This illustrates the linguistic design feature of


All material objects constructed by humans or near-humans revealed by archaeology are considered part of the

archaeological record

The major specialty within anthropology that involves the analysis of the material remains left behind by earlier societies is


Play with form producing some aesthetically successful transformation-representation is a definition of


The most striking evidence for a modern human capacity for culture in the Upper Paleolithic/Late Stone Age comes from


Objects that have been deliberately and intelligently shaped by human or near-human activity are called



artifacts and structures from a particular time and place in an archaeological site

Social positions people are assigned to at birth are referred to as

ascribed statuses.

Basic, unquestioned understandings about the way the world works are called


The average Neandertal cranial capacity

averages about 1,400 cubic centimeters

The transfer of certain symbolically important goods from the family of the groom to the family of the bride on the occasion of their marriage is called


The subsistence strategy based on collecting a wide range of plants and animals by hunting, fishing, and gathering is

broad-spectrum foraging

Arguments that pit human rights against culture depend on the assumption that

cultures are homogeneous cultures are unchanging each society has one culture that its members have to follow

The ability of humans to talk about absent or nonexistent objects or past or future events is called


Members of a speech community

do not all possess identical knowledge about the language they share

"Primitive" human languages

do not exist

Human interference with the reproduction of another species, with the result that specific plants and animals become more useful to people and dependent on them is called


In Mendelian genetics, those genetic characteristics that are expressed in an organism are said to be


According to Gramsci, power based on physical force, or coercive rule, is called


The notion that institutional forms of oppression organized in terms of race, class, and gender are interconnected and shape the opportunities and constraints available to individuals in any society is called


The wealth transferred, usually from parents to daughter, at the time of her marriage is called


The shaping of a useful feature of an organism by natural selection to perform one function and the later reshaping of it by different pressures to perform a new function is


The systematic uncovering of archaeological remains through the removal of the deposits of soil and other material covering them and accompanying them is called


Marriage outside the boundaries of a defined social group is called


A family made up of three generations living together, including parents, married children, and grandchildren, is called a(n)

extended family.

The argument that women and men are equally human and therefore that women are entitled to enjoy the same rights and privileges as men is called


The valgus angle is the angle at which the

femur attaches to the knee joint

An extended period of research during which a cultural anthropologist gathers firsthand data about life in a particular society is called


Paleoanthropologists study

fossilized bones and teeth.

A cognitive boundary that marks certain behaviors as "play" or as "ordinary life" is called


An affirmative and empowering self-designation for individuals medically classified as homosexual, which became widespread over the course of the twentieth century is


A dual gender categorization separating all women from all men is called

gender binary

The concept that gender is something we "enact," something we "do," not something we "are" is called

gender performativity

Gene frequencies may be altered if a given population begins to interbreed with another population of the same species. This is known as

gene flow.

All of the genes in the bodies of all members of a given species or population make up a

gene pool.

An exchange in which neither the time nor the value of the return is specified is an example of what anthropologists call

generalized reciprocity.

Random changes in gene frequencies from one generation to the next due to a sudden reduction in population size and resulting in the loss of particular alleles is known as

genetic drift.

The genetic information about particular biological traits encoded in an organism's DNA is called the


The art of governing appropriately to promote the welfare of populations within a state is known as


Australopiths with small and lightly built faces are known as

gracile australopiths

The set of rules that aim to describe fully the patterns of linguistic usage observed by members of a particular speech community is called


Those parts of culture that are absorbed in the course of daily practical learning are called


The persuasion of subordinates to accept the ideology of the dominant group by mutual accommodation that nevertheless preserve the rulers' privileged position is called


David is a college student who knows the different linguistic habits appropriate to his mother and father's home, his university residence hall, his anthropology class, his job at an elegant restaurant, and his religious tradition. The term used in the text to describe his complex linguistic knowledge is


The textbook refers to the view that heterosexual intercourse is (and should be) the usual form that human sexual expression always takes as


A form of bias against all those who are not heterosexual is called


The textbook refers to the view that "natural" sexual attraction, leading to "natural" sexual intercourse, occurs only between males and females (i.e., individuals of different sexes) as


A fertilized egg that has received a different form of a specific gene from each parent is called


Many anthropologists accept that ethnicity is created by

historic processes

The foramen magnum is the

hole at the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes on its way to the brain

Primates that walk on two feet are called


Genetic inheritance resulting from common ancestry is known as


Sexual relations involving two men or two women (i.e., same-sex sexuality) is referred to as


The exercise of at least some control over their lives by human beings is called

human agency

Biological anthropologists are primarily interested in

human beings as physical organisms.

In the textbook, anthropology is defined as the study of

human nature, human society, and the human past.

Powers, privileges, or material resources to which people everywhere, by virtue of being human, are justly entitled are called

human rights

A world view that justifies the social arrangements under which people live is called


An evolutionary trend found in primates compared to non-primate mammals is

increased brain size relative to body size.

What are the two forms of scientific evidence discussed in the textbook

inferred and material

Some numerical dating methods are based on scientific knowledge about the rate of nuclear decay that transforms one naturally occurring element into another element. These are known as

isotopic dating methods

Social relationships that are prototypically derived from the universal human experiences of mating, birth, and nurturance are called


Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf believed that

language has the power to shape the way people see the world

The system of arbitrary vocal symbols we use to encode our experience of the world and of one another is called


Culture is

learned shared symbolic

The rights and obligations of citizenship accorded by the laws of a state make up the concept of

legal citizenship

A term used to describe female same-sex sexuality is


The ambiguous transitional state in a rite of passage in which the person or persons undergoing the ritual are outside their ordinary social positions is called


The ability of native speakers of a language to distinguish correctly between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences is called

linguistic competence

To understand the meaning of the phrase, "The student sitting closest to me," we need to know the

linguistic context

The scientific study of language is known as


Members of a diaspora organized in support of nationalist struggles in their homeland or to agitate for a state of their own are known as

long-distance nationalists

A set of beliefs and practices designed to control the visible or invisible world for specific purposes is called


An ideal political unit in which national identity and political territory coincide is known as a


Darwin's theory that the "fitter" survive and reproduce more offspring, who then inherit the traits that made their parents "fitter" is called

natural selection

Claims that consider social categories as eternal and unchanging, rather than the result of history or culture are called

naturalizing discourses

Anthropologists consider an exchange in which parties hope to get something for nothing

negative reciprocity.

The postmarital residence pattern in which the married couple sets up an independent household at a place of their own choosing is called


When organisms actively perturb the environment in ways that modify the selection pressures experienced by subsequent generations of organisms it is called

niche construction

Animals that are active during the night are referred to as


Cultural anthropological fieldwork is

not always done in a non-Western society responsible for the majority of anthropological knowledge a collaborative effort on the part of both anthropologists and their research participants

A family made up of two generations, including parents and their unmarried children, is called a(n)

nuclear family.

Dating methods based on laboratory treatment or analysis of various items recovered from an excavation that can tell us, for example, how many years ago a rock layer formed, are called

numerical dating methods.

The separation of observation and reporting from the researcher's wishes and biases refers to


The prohibition of deviation from approved forms of ritual behavior is called


The ethnographic research method that relies primarily on face-to-face contact with people as they go about their daily lives is called

participant observation

A social group formed by people connected by father-child links is a


The postmarital residence rule requiring a couple to live with, or near, the husband's father is called


The observable, measurable overt characteristics of an organism are called the


The physiological flexibility that allows organisms to respond to environmental factors is called

phenotypic plasticity.

American English recognizes 38 significant sounds. These are called


The study of the sounds of language is called


Which of the following is NOT a major subfield of North American anthropology?

physiological anthropology

A language with no native speakers that develops in a single generation between members of communities that possess distinct native languages is a


The study of social power in human society is called

political anthropology

A marriage pattern in which a woman may may be married to more than one husband at a time is called


A marriage pattern in which a person may be married to more than one spouse at a time is called


A field that uses statistical analysis to study short-term evolutionary change in large populations is called

population genetics.

Transformative capacity is the text's definition of


The study of language in the context of its use is called


A tail which is able to grasp an object is considered


Linguistic messages can be false, and they can be meaningless in the logician's sense. This highlights the linguistic design feature of


Religious practitioners skilled in the practice of religious rituals, which they carry out for the benefit of the group are known as


Biological anthropologists who study chimpanzees are most likely to be


Ancestral characteristics are also often called

primitive characterstics

Social grouping that allegedly reflect biological differences are called


The systematic oppression of one or more "races" is called


In Mendelian genetics, genetic characteristics that are not expressed in an organism are said to be


The exchange of goods and services of equal value is called


The ideas and practices that postulate reality beyond that which is immediately available to the senses are known in anthropology as


A repetitive social practice composed of a sequence of culturally-recognizable symbolic activities in the form of dance, song, speech, gestures, or the manipulation of objects, set off from the routines of everyday life, and closely connected with a specific set of ideas is known as a


Australopiths with rugged jaws, flat faces, and enormous molars are known as

robust australopiths

According to James Scott, occasional arrests, warnings, legal restrictions, and indefinite preventive detention are examples of

routine repression

According to anthropologist Clifford Geertz, in Java it is impossible to

say anything without communicating your relative social position

The process of increasingly permanent human habitation in one place is called


The dating method based on the assumption that artifacts that look alike must have been made at the same time is called


According to the text, culture consists of

sets of learned behaviors and ideas that human beings acquire as members of society together with the material artifacts and structures that human beings create and use

The systematic sociocultural structures and practices of inequality, derived from patriarchal institutions, that continue to shape relations between women and men is called


The ways in which people experience and value physical desire and pleasure in the context of sexual intercourse is called their


Part-time religious practitioners who are believed to have the power to contact supernatural forces directly on the behalf of individuals or groups are known as




Taphonomists would probably conclude that hominins had scavenged meat from an animal carcass they did not kill if fossil animal bones

showed stone-tool cutmarks on top of animal tooth marks

The theory of common ancestry holds that

similar species can be traced to a common ancestor.

A precise geographical location of the remains of past human activity is an archaeological


A form of social organization in which people have unequal access to wealth, power, and prestige is called

social stratification.

Special-purpose groupings that may be organized on the basis of sex, economic role or personal interest are called


A stratified society that possesses a territory that is defended from outside enemies with an army and from internal disorder with police is called a


The form of vision in binocular animals which produces depth perception is known as

stereoscopic vision

The geological term for layers of rock and soil is


The actions people take, regardless of their citizenship status, to assert their membership of a state are referred to as peoples'

substantive citizenship

The physical examination of a geographical region in which promising sites are most likely to be found is

survey archaeology

The area of specialization in linguistics that is concerned with sentence structure is called


The study of the various processes that objects undergo in the course of becoming part of the fossil and archaeological records is called


A system of biological classification is called a


the skeleton found in Washington state that touched off a legal battle over the repatriation of the skeleton is known as

the Ancient one and Kennewick Man

An argument among scholars concerning domestication centers on

the extent to which plant domestication was accidental or intentional.

The principle which asserts that language has the power to shape the way people see the world is

the linguistic relativity principle

Hoyt Alverson discovered that the Tswana people he talked to in Botswana and the U.S. Peace Corps volunteers he interviewed differed with regard to

the meaning of being alone


the phenomenon whereby many genes are responsible for producing a phenotypic trait, such as skin color

When variations in skin color of indigenous populations of the world are plotted on a map

the populations with the lightest pigmentation live furthest from the equator. the populations with the darkest pigmentation live closest to the equator.


the principle that in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest rocks are on the bottom

A contemporary biological anthropologist is likely to study

the relationship of nutrition and physical development. nonhuman primates. human origins.

The term liminal comes from the Latin word limen, which means


A group made up of citizens of a country who continue to live in their homeland plus the people who have emigrated from the country and their descendants, regardless of their current citizenship make up a

transborder citizenry

A form of state in which it is claimed that those people who left the country and their descendants remain part of their ancestral state, even if they are citizens of another state is said to be a

transborder state

Modern human beings in the Upper Paleolithic/Late Stone Age

were more numerous and more widespread than were previous hominins suffered few injuries and were relatively healthy were the first hominins to occupy the coldest, harshest climates in Asia

The most powerful scientific theories are those

whose hypotheses have been tested often and have never been falsified.

The performance of evil by human beings believed to possess an innate, nonhuman power to do evil, whether or not it is self-aware is called


Linguistic context refers to the other that surround the expression whose meaning is being determined

words expressions sentences

A feminist theorist associated with popularizing the concept of gender performativity is

Judith Butler

Which of the following is NOT listed as an element of the anthropological perspective in our textbook?

Learning dependency

A supporter of unilineal cultural evolutionism who had widespread influence in the field of anthropology was

Lewis Henry Morgan

What has not been offered as an explanation for anatomical attributes of the earliest primates?

Life on the ground

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the four important areas of hominin evolution?

Loss of body fur

Evolutionary studies are broken up into what major subfields?

Macroevolution and Microevolution

Some anthropologists have claimed that meat eating was the crucial behavioral change leading to the appearance of early Homo. This story of human origins is called the

Man the Hunter scenario

The anthropologist who studied noncapitalist forms of economic exchange that are deeply embedded in social relations was

Margaret Mead

Which French theorist is associated with the concept of habitus

Pierre Bourdieu

Which of the following is NOT one of the four evolutionary processes potentially affecting gene frequency in populations?


Which of the following is NOT evidence for animal domestication?

Absence of animal species outside its natural range

The stone-tool tradition associated with Homo erectus characterized by stone bifaces is the

Acheulean Tradition

The mastery of adult rules for socially and culturally appropriate speech is called

communicative competence

An unstructured or minimally structured community of equal individuals found frequently in rites of passage is called a


Migrant populations with a shared identity who live in a variety of different locales around the world are called


A space in the tooth row for the canine of the opposite jaw to fit is called the


Which of the following terms do anthropologists use to refer to the cultural constructed roles assigned to males or females, which vary considerably from society to society?


The first hominins appeared in


Most hominin fossils older than 3 million years of age are thought to be


Ethnographic research that is not contained by social, ethnic, religious, or national boundaries is called

multisited fieldwork

The creation of a new allele for a gene when the chemistry of the DNA molecule to which it corresponds is suddenly altered is called


In the traditional view, what is the difference between classes and castes?

Classes are open; castes are closed

The anthropologist who argued that myths are tools for overcoming logical contradictions that cannot otherwise be overcome was

Claude Lévi-Strauss

Which of the following is an example of genital cutting associated with initiating young people into adulthood in some parts of the world?

Clitoridectomy Infibulation Circumcision

The famous "Lucy" fossil was found in



a situation in which a single gene influences more than one phenotypic characteristic

Great Chain of Being

a strict, religious hierarchical structure of all matter and life, believed to have been decreed by God.

Fossils of early Homo disappear around

1.8 million years

The first evidence of the cultural tradition called the Natufian is found at about how many years before the present?


How many morphemes are in the word "dogs"?


Holism in anthropology is defined in the text as

A characteristic of the anthropological perspective that describes, at the highest and most inclusive level, how anthropology tries to integrate all that is known about human beings and their activities.


A classification grouping that consists of a number of similar, closely related species

To say that anthropology is comparative means that

Anthropological generalizations must draw on evidence from many different societies and cultures

Which of the following research methods is NOT used by cultural anthropologists?

Archival and library research Psychological testing Questionnaire administration

Which of the following is evidence that the Natufians lived in relatively permanent settlements?

Bones of both young gazelles and migratory birds at the sites Permanent buildings at settlement sites Production of immobile, monumental art

The anthropologist who argued that myths serve as "charters" or "justifications" for present-day social arrangements was

Bronislaw Malinowski

A form of anthropological analysis based on the notion of animal-machine hybrids that offers a new model for challenging rigid social, political, or economic boundaries that have been used to separate people by gender, sexuality, class, and race boundaries proclaimed by their defenders as "natural" is called

Cyborg anthropology

The claim that similar living species must all have had a common ancestor or origin was made by

Darwin. Wallace.

The principle based on culturally recognized parent-child connections that define the social categories to which people belong is called


Darwin's Theory of Evolution is based on what type of material evidence?

Evidence of species change across space Evidence of species change over time

Which of the following factors prevents artifacts from decaying?

Extreme cold Extreme heat and dryness Waterlogged sites free of oxygen

What does the acronym FGM stand for?

Female Genital Modification Female Genital Mutilation

Associated with Neanderthals in Europe and southwestern Asia and with anatomically modern human beings is a stone-tool tradition called the


In the United States, the objections of Native American groups to the excavation of indigenous burials has become recognized in a law that is called

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)

The oldest style of stone-tool making that involves knocking a few flakes off tennis-ball-sized rocks to produce cutting edges is called the

Oldowan tradition

Which of the following features are connected with variation in human skin color?

Protection against ultraviolet radiation Impeding the destruction of folic acid Synthesis of vitamin D in the skin

Which of the following terms do anthropologists use to refer to the physical characteristics that traditionally distinguish males from females?



The belief, derived from Plato, in fixed ideas, or "forms," that exist perfect and unchanging in eternity. Actual objects in the temporal world, such as cows or horses, are seen as imperfect material realizations of the ideal form that defines their kind.

replacement model

The hypothesis that only one subpopulation of Homo erectus, probably located in Africa, underwent a rapid spurt of evolution to produce Homo sapiens 200,000-100,000 years ago. After that time, H. sapiens would itself have multiplied and moved out of Africa, gradually populating the globe and eventually replacing any remaining populations of H. erectus or their descendants.

linguistic determinism

The idea that language to some extent shapes the way in which we view and think about the world around us

What did Boddy's field research teach her about the meanings associated with infibulation in Hofriyat?

The meanings associated with female infibulation are reinforced by so many different aspects of everyday life that girls come to consider the operation a profoundly necessary and justifiable procedure.


The notion that an understanding of current processes can be used to reconstruct the past history of the earth, based on the assumption that the same gradual processes of erosion and uplift that change the earth's surface today had also been at work in the past.

Marking the play frame can be done by

a dog showing its play face a referee's whistle the phrase "Let's pretend that..."

For modern biologists, a species is defined as

a reproductive community of populations (reproductively isolated from others) that occupies a specific niche in natur

A ritual that serves to mark the movement and transformation of an individual from one social position to another is called

a rite of passage


a theory of heredity suggesting that an organism's physical traits are passed on from one generation to the next in the form of multiple distinct particles given off by all parts of the organism, different proportions of which get passed on to offspring via sperm or egg

The design feature of language called "openness" refers to the

ability to create new linguistic messages freely and easily

Another name for numerical dating methods is

absolute dating methods

Social positions people may attain later in life, often as the result of their own [or other people's] effort are called

achieved statuses

An exchange in which those involved expect a return of equal value within a specified time limit is an example of what anthropologists consider

balanced reciprocity.

The characteristic form of social organization found among foragers is called a


To say that science is empirical is to say that it is

based on concrete experience and observation.

The principle that a descent group is formed by people who believe they are related to each other by connections made through their mothers and fathers equally is the principle of

bilateral descent

Forms of power preoccupied with bodies, both the bodies of citizens and the social body of the state itself are called


Relative dating that relies on patterns of fossil distribution in different rock layers is called

biostratigraphic dating.

Walking on two feet rather than four is called


sexual attraction to both males and females is called


examples of genetic drift

bottleneck effect and founder effect

If a hypothesis cannot be tested, it

cannot be considered scientific

According to Richard Klein, the best evidence for Neandertal "humanity" is the fact that they

cared for the old and sick

Ranked groups within a hierarchically stratified society that are closed, prohibiting individuals to move from one rank to another is a


The notion that natural disasters are responsible for the extinction of species, which are then replaced by new species is known as


A form of social organization in which a leader and close relatives are set apart from the rest of society and allowed privileged access to wealth, power, and prestige is called a


A descent group formed by members who believe they have a common (sometimes mythical) ancestor is a


Ranked groups within a hierarchically stratified society whose membership is defined primarily in terms of wealth, occupation or other economic criteria is the text's definition of


When individuals belonging to upper and lower levels in a stratified society are linked socially, anthropologists call their relationship


not an advantage of bipedal ism over quadrupedal-ism

climbing trees

The distribution of skin pigmentation from the poles to the equator forms a


A system of social identities negotiated situationally along a continuum between white and black is called


Robert Fagen proposes that play in animals

communicates the message that "All's well"

An anthropologist studying a social group observes that people shake hands when greeting one another and concludes that handshaking is universal among human beings. This study is faulty because the anthropologist has not been


Societies with large populations, an extensive division of labor, and occupational specialization are known as

complex societies

Tools such as bows and arrows in which several different materials are combined (e.g., stone, wood, bone, ivory, antler) to produce the final working implement are called a(n)

composite tool.

Kinship connections based on descent are called

consanguineal relationships.

The using up of material goods necessary for human survival is called


Alternative beliefs and cultural practices developed and maintained by subordinates that potentially threaten the privileged position of elites are called


The key criterion used by paleoanthropologists in deciding whether a gracile fossil younger than 2 million years of age should be placed in the genus Homo is

cranial capacity

Sometimes old rocks are affected by other geological features, as when molten lava forces its way through fractures in several layers on its way to the surface. The assumption that the intruding features must be younger than the layers of rock on which they intrude is called the law of

cross-cutting relationships

To argue that "their culture made them do it" is to take the position of

cultural determinism

Understanding another culture sympathetically enough so that it appears to be a coherent and meaningful design for living is called

cultural relativism

The feeling, (sometimes)akin to panic, that develops in people living in an unfamiliar society when they cannot understand what is happening around them is

culture shock

Relative Dating Methods

dating methods that arrange material evidence in a linear sequence, each object in the sequence being identified as older or younger than another object

According to Rick Potts (as mentioned in the text), culture

demonstrates continuity between the human and animal realms of behavior

The dating method that uses tree ring patterns to construct a master sequence that can be used to date wood recovered from archaeological sites is called


The sizes, shapes, and number of an animal's teeth are referred to as the animal's


which of the following is not one of the epochs when discussing the evolution of primates


Human languages are organized at different levels, and the organization that characterize one level cannot be reduced to the organization of any other level. Charles Hockett recognized this phenomenon in which of his linguistic design features?

duality of patterning

Language, like culture, is

earned shared symbolic

Remains such as plant residues, animal bones, and rocks connected with food provisioning, which are not themselves artifacts but appear to be present as a result of human activity are called


social relations in which no great differences in wealth, power, or prestige divide members from one another are called

egalitarian social relations.

Marriage within the boundaries of a defined social group is called


Social groups that are distinguished from one another on the basis of cultural features such as language, religion, or dress are referred to as

ethnic groups

A principle of social classification that creates groups on the basis of a set of distinctive cultural features such as language, religion, or dress that people in the group are believed to share is referred to as


The study of the way people in present-day societies use artifacts and structures and how these objects become part of the archaeological record is called


The opinion that one's own way of life is natural or correct and the only true way of being fully human is called


The study of language that uses ethnography to illuminate the ways in which speech and social interaction influence each other is called


According to James Scott, foot-dragging, desertion, pilfering, slander, arson, and sabotage are examples of

everyday forms of peasant resistance

The institution that transforms the status of the participants, carries implications about permitted sexual access, perpetuates social patterns through the birth of offspring, creates relationships between the kin of partners, and is symbolically marked is called


A social group formed by people connected by mother-child links is a


A unilineage can be

matrilineal patrilineal

The postmarital residence rule requiring a couple to live with, or near, the wife's mother is called


Semantics is the study of


The tools, skills, and knowledge used to extract energy from nature are called the

means of production.

Clifford Geertz, as quoted in the text, observes that human beings raised in isolation would be

mental basket cases

A ______________________ is a specific, historically occurring set of social relations through which labor is deployed to wrest energy from nature by means of tools, skills, organization, and knowledge.

mode of production

The area of specialization in linguistics that is concerned with the minimal units of meaning in a language is called


The phenotypic pattern that shows how different traits of an organism, responding to different selection pressures, may evolve at different rates is called

mosaic evolution

The hypothesis that anatomically modern human beings might have exchanged genes with more archaic populations they encountered after they left Africa is called the

mostly out of Africa model

Living permanently in settings surrounded by people with cultural backgrounds different from one's own and struggling to define with them the degree to which the cultural beliefs and practices of different groups should or should not be accorded respect and recognition by the wider society is called


A term proposed in the 1960s by medical researchers to classify individuals who, in one way or another, seemed dissatisfied with the sex and gender assignments they had received at birth is


The practice of dressing and taking on mannerisms associated with a gender other than one's own is called


A society that is generally larger than a band, whose members often farm or herd for a living is a


"Rich points," Michael Agar's expression discussed in the text, are

unexpected moments when problems in cross-cultural understanding emerge

In Sedaka, rich and poor villagers alike agreed that

using combine harvesters hurts the poor farmers

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Marketing Analytics Exam 2 - Google Analytics Key Terms

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Quiz 10: Theories of Behavioral Change

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Fundamentals - Hygiene and Wound Care (Ch. 32 and 33)

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