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An exchange of cultural features between groups in firsthand contact over a long period of time is known by the term


How is human communication that we call language different in comparison to non-human communication, particularly given the human verbal traits?

Non human communication are call systems that are instinctive sounds or gestures and or are simple use of language and symbolism Human condition shows productivity- the ability to use language rules to create new expressions; displacement- ability to speak of things and events that are not present; Human language is different by quantity and complexity

__________ is a fieldwork technique unique to anthropology, in which a researcher learns about a culture by taking part in it first-hand

Participant Observation

As mentioned in your textbook, the theoretical approach to culture known as ____________ recognizes that individuals within a society or culture have diverse motives and intentions and different degrees of power and influence

Practice Theory

Multiculturalism is the view that cultural diversity in a country is valuable and worth maintaining. the view in opposition to this is known as:


Much of human variation is explained by genetic adaptation to environmental conditions through natural selection. Which of the following is NOT an example of human genetic adaptation? physiological acclimation to altidude longer noses in populations living in regions with low avg temps darker skin color in proximity to the equator the ability to digest lactose as an adult body shape varies in relation to climate

physiological acclimation to altitude

What is the name for the part of evolutionary theory that is about studies of the genetics of breeding populations?

population genetics

What were some of the major consequences of domestication and sedentism?

population increase, environmental degradation, food insecurity

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of early australopithecines?

presence of material culture

A ____ is a polity that has a formal central government, social stratification, and specialists.

primary state

In terms of human verbal traits, what is the name for the creation of new expressions that are comprehensible to other speakers?


According to Kottak, your textbook author, which field are the ideas of Thor Heyerdahl, Eric won Daniken, and Graham Hancock associated with


One of the concerns with the idea of secular ritual is that

behavior considered appropriate for religious occasions varies tremendously from culture to culture

Which ape would most likely display matriarchal or female rule?


In the case of a _______, a substantial marital gift from the husband and his kin is made to the kin of the future wife.


A wider range of plant and animal life was being hunted, gathered, collected, caught and fished. This is referred to as

broad-spectrum revolution

What explains the biological variation between human populations today? Explain why different groups of people share certain physical traits that makes them different from others. In addition provide an example of one of these traits

different populations look different and have different physical traits because of natural selection and adaptation to a specific environmental stimuli. They can use any example of a physical trait, but they have to connect with a specific environmental adaptation.

The key difference between evolution and intelligent design is that

evolution is a scientific theory and thus fact, whereas intelligent design can certainly be fact but not a scientific theory

What is the name for digging through layers of a site


What is the name for a set of words that describes particular domains of experience?

focal vocabulary

An applied anthropologist is most likely to work

for a non-governmental organization, government, or business

Which of the following currently best explains why increased cranial capacity was increasingly selected for in late hominins?

general adaptibility for problem-solving in a variety of environments

Your parents provide you with food, shelter, buy your clothes, pay your phone bill, and take you camping. You might do something nice for your parents at some point in the future, but not because you owe it to them. This exchange is a normal characteristic of your relationship. This type of exchange is:

generalized reciprocity

Which Miocene Ape is thought to be the largest primate that ever lived and is most commonly referred to in contemporary mythology as "Bigfoot"?


What is the name for the spread and connectedness of production, distribution, consumption, communication, and technologies across the world?


Which of the following statements about globalization is true

globalization has been facilitated by technological improvement

Which of these late hominin taxa did not first evolve in Africa?

homo spaiens neanderthalensis

Traits inherited from a common ancestor are called


A food producer dependent on rainfall who uses simple tools like hoes and machetes, prepares fields by burning and clearing, and moves fields every few years is a:


The ecological niche that separated Australopithecus aferensis, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and probably involved a greater reliance on


When children are assigned to the same group as their minority parents, this is called _______


One source of variation in genetics is how chromosomes are inherited separate from one another. This law is called

independent assortment

According to your textbook readings in anthropology, as compared to the natural sciences,

is scientific, like the natural sciences, but is a "humanistic science"


is the study of the human species and its immediate ancestors

Exogamy is adaptively advantageous because

it creates new social ties and alliences

In what order do early Neolithic adaptive strategies occur?

it depends on the location and culture, not everybody is doing the same thing at the same time.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the nuclear family?

it is a United States cultural ideal

Which of the following is a formal process of social control

law enforcement

Use of supernatural techniques to accomplish specific ends is known as


According to your textbook, the recent archaeological research suggests that food production began in ________, not in the optimal zones where traditional foods were abundant.

marginal areas

What is the name for a society's major productive resources, such as land, labor, technology, and capital?

means (or factors) of production

What is the name for the applied anthropology field that is about comparative, biocultural study of disease, health problems, and health care systems

medical anthropolgy

What is the ethnographic technique that is most associated with firsthand observation of behavior

participant observation

In a society using the following decent principle, a marriage between a person and the child of their parents opposite sex sibling would NOT violate their incest taboo.

patrilineal descent

Mongolia is a developing country located between Russia and China. Its economy relies mainly on mining and exporting raw materials, especially copper, coal and tin. It holds less wealth and power than most of its neighboring countries. In world-systems terms, Mongolia is a ....


Holism refers to

the study of the whole human condition

What are the three kinds of decent systems

unilineal, ambilineal, bilateral

gender roles can include things like:

when members of a female gender usually gather root foods

Bathroom habits, bathing and dental care, and waste elimination were discussed in the textbook as examples of

"Culture and Nature"

First define the expression of religion that we call "mana." Second provide an example of "mana" in contemporary American culture, whether personal experience, observation, or societal fiction.

A sacred impersonal force existing in the universe which can reside in people, animals, plants objects etc. Similar to our notion of good luck, mana is a force that can effect beneficial change. This force can be manipulated for different purposes. Ex: luck in sports, broken mirrors, word jinxes

Anatomically modern humans (AMHs) evolved from an archaic Homo spaiens ________ ancestor


Why do biological anthropologists study non-human primates from the past? Who are the living primates who are most closely related to us and how do they inform us about human evolution?

Anthropologists study past primates to better understand the evolutionary origins of modern humans, thinking about the evolutionary trends and changes over time. Living primates such as the apes (gorillas, chimps, bonobos), give us a window in understanding the earliest evolution of the hominin line, assuming they shared behavioral traits with the common ancestor.

An example of a robust australopithecine would be

Australopithecus boisei

What is Darwinian evolution? What are 3 things that Darwin was missing in his version and how they have been filled in getting us to the Modern Theory of Evolution?

Darwinian evolution is the principle of natural selection- those forms most successful at reproducing in specific environments are selected. He missed how inheritance worked, where new variation comes from , and other mechanisms of population genes change. They have been filled up with understanding of Mendelian Genetic Principles. Biochemical genetics with crossing over and mutation, and better knowing about population genetics in terms of genetic drift and gene flow.

Briefly discuss the three different paths of hominin evolution. Describe each path separately by discussing where it was happening and how the evolving species are marked by the four hominin evolutionary trends.

E.Africa Anamenesis--> Au. Aferensis --> Au. Aethopethicus --> Au. bosei bipedalism/definition trends S. Africa Africanus--> Au. Aferensis-->Au. Africanus--> Au. Robustus bipedalism/definition trends E. Africa Aferenesis--> Au, Aferensis--> Au. Gahir-->homo habilus-->homo erectus--> homo sapiens bipedialism/definition trends/cranial/culture trends

What are the two reasons that best explains the Neolithic changes leading to domestication and sedentism as a global phenomenon and how did they shape the direction of these cultural changes?

Environmental determinants environmental change- people adapting to the warming climate and end of ice age Social Determinants population pressure- adopting domestication when high pop, staying nomadic when low pop human sociability- trend towards increasing social networks may explain move towards sedentism

Given our second group in-class discussion how is evolution a scientific endeavor? Is intelligent design equally scientific?

Evolution as a theory is an explanation that is supported by a body of evidence based on careful and rational examination of the facts and has been tested for falsification. Evolution vs creationism Theory of evolution is a scientific theory and Intelligent design is not

Describe the field of anthropology. What does it do, what are the subfields, and what are the two dimensions?

Four subfields: Biological Anthropology Linguistic Anthropology Archeology Cultural Anthropology The study of the human species and its immediate ancestors OR The study of the human nature, human society, and the human past. Two dimensions are Applied Anthropology and Academic Anthropolgy.

Which of the following is the correct anthropological understanding of gender

Gender is a cultural construction of biological sexual differences creating categories and meanings regarding roles, stratification, and types

The discovery of ________ suggested a downsized version of Homo erectus.

Homo floresiensis

What is the value of applied anthropology

It works to solve problems in the world It can be used to test anthropological theory It can generate new anthropological theory It adds to our knowledge of all the facets of humanity

Which of the following is the best definition of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

Language shapes cultural perceptions and thinking

There are four kinship classification systems (ie kinship terminology) discussed in class. Name the four systems. Choose one system and answer the following three questions: a. How many kinship terms are used in the parental generation in this system? b. Which adaptive strategies are associated with this system? c. What is an example of a group that uses this system?

Lineal - 4 Terms - foraging OR industrial - eskimo OR USA Burficate Merging - 4 terms - horticultural OR pastoral OR agricultural - Iriquois OR Yanomani Generationational - 2 terms - horticultural OR agricultual OR foraging - Hawaiian OR San Bifurcate Collateral - 6 terms - no specific adaptive strategy - Sudanses OR N. Africa Or Middle East

One of the big research questions for anthropologist is to describe how economies are organized particularly think about systems of distribution and exchange. Name the three systems of exchange and then for ONE of the systems describe the type of society in which it is primary and the kind of social connections it reflects.

Market Principles - Western Industrial Societies - Standardized value, supply and demand, set prices - few if any direct social connections Redistrobution - cheifdoms, tribal societies - centralized redistribution of surplus in return for community services - direct social connections Reciprocity - generalized foragers, contented unequal exchange, close connections - balanced horticult, argric, direct social connections - negative pastoralists, industrialists, few social connections

What is the name for the process by which the forms most fit to survive to reproduce in a specific environment do so in greater numbers than others in the population?

Natural Selection

The idea that different languages produce different patterns of thought is known as the ________ hypothesis.


________ developed before domestication with farming and herding in the Old World Middle East.

Sedentary village life

Think about what culture is and give the anthropological definition of culture. What are some attributes that define it for anthropologists?

Set of learned shared behavior and ideas that humans acquire as members of societies. Attributes: shared, learned, symbolic, culture and Nature, all-encompasing, integrated, adaptive/maladaptive,

One of the explanations for why bipedalism increased during the Miocene is it allowed early hominins to move across the grassland. Why do we know this is not the best explanation?

Skeletal remains of Ardipithecus show that they were adapted for a woodland environment.

Describe the gender domestic-public dichotomy in terms of kinship and economics and explain how it affects gender stratification.

Strong differentiation between the home and outside world, public domain has more value or prestige gender stratification is affected by a strong domestic-public contrast, unequal economic roles, kinship systems (matrilineal- higher female status, patrilineal- lower female status)

Given our discussions of the race concept, chose the statement that is TRUE

There is more variation within "races" than between them

In terms of the second discussion about Aliens and Archaeology, are these 'fantastic' claims equally valid understandings to the more scientific archaeological explanations? Why are they equally valid or not equally valid.

They are not based in the systematic collection of data and information based on material evidence. they base their understandings on an absence of data instead of presence. They do not provide testable questions. these "alternative" theories largely lack material evidence to support their claims.

Hegemony is

a term that describes when cultural constructs of inequality become "natural"

Archaeologists use information they gather during archaeological survey and excavation to

answer research questions about how ppl used to live examine how people were distributed across the landscape of the past outline the cultural processes and social structures of past societies describe and protect cultural resources

Establishing dates in numbers or ranges of numbers is known as

absolute dating

Establishing dates of numbers or ranges of numbers is known as

absolute dating

All of the following are attributes of culture EXCEPT

answer: culture is frivolous choices: culture is shared culture is passed between generations culture is symbolic culture is integrated

Which of the following is NOT a trait associated with all primates? disposable thumbs arboreal decreased smell large brain to body ratio parental investment


In big man societies, leadership is

achieved through generosity and influence

Which of the following are universal aspects of culture

all humans have concepts of decent all humans share food all humans live in social groups all humans have incest taboos

Briefly describe how an anthropologist would describe 'ethnicity' and 'race' in terms of focal vocabularies within the context of the hegemony concept

race: cultural categories based on physical traits ethnicity: self/group identification with an ethnic group (both are cultural constructs with real effects) focal vocabulary: our language of race and ethnicity shapes how people think and act hegemony: when inequality within cultural categories (like those of race and ethnicity) become "natural". This naturalism of cultural constructs can lead to racism and discrimination.

Belief and ritual concerned with supernatural beings, powers, and forces is known as


Choose the best answer that describes a biological factor of gender

sexual dimophism

Which of the following is an example of words in a focal vocabulary? yall, maam, reckon, aint,yonder slush, sleet, hardpack, crust, powder couch potato, lazy a**, loafer, slacker, gernot pop, bubbly, tonic, coke, sparkly cattywampus, ustacould, awright, fixin'to, gumption

slush, sheet, hardpack,crust powder

According to your textbook, archaeologist now believe that _______ had as much to do with Maya decline as did natural environmental factors.

social, political and military upheaval and competition

Marked differences in _____ distinguish cities and states from the egalitarian and ranked societies that came before them.

status, power, wealth, and privilege

Which of the following is NOT an example of anti-ethnic discrimination? cultural colonialism ethnocide forced assimilation genocide stereotyping


The cranial capacity of Australopithecus afarensis was roughly

that of a chimpanzee

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