ANTH 140 Exams 1-4

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An "antiquarian" is someone who is interested in:

ancient objects strictly for their artistic value, rather than for the information they provide about the people or culture that produced them.

It is essential that archaeologists take abundant, accurate, and detailed field notes during excavations because:

archaeology destroys data as it is gathered; once a site is excavated it cannot be re-excavated.

Archaeology is about ancient moveable objects people make or modify, referred to as


The BaMbuti women who participated in net hunting but not arrow hunting did so

** out of choice that was based on their economic needs.

Which of the following is the final stage that Hill and Behrensmeyer found to be the process of how large animal skeletons such as bison fall apart?

** *A decomposing animal carcass will collapse into a flat pile of bones. The vertebrae disarticulate. The sun causes the exposed skull to flake away.

The number of attributes recorded during artifact analysis:

** *Is limited to those that are necessary to accomplish the purpose of the typology. Is generally limited to the length, width, and thickness. Is generally as many as possible, because future analysts will never re-examine the artifacts.

Which of the following is true of the Hudson-Meng site in northwest Nebraska?

** *Taphonomic research suggests that humans played little, if any, role in the deaths of the 500 bison at the site. The fact that most of the bison bones were highly disarticulated and scattered provides evidence of butchering by humans. The presence of unequivocal cutmarks on many of the bison bone provides strong evidence of butchery by humans.

Deflation is:

A geologic process whereby fine sediment is blown away by the wind and larger items are lowered onto a common surface.

Kennewick Man is an example of isotope analysis that can detect:

A marine, ocean resources, diet.

With patrilocal residence, commonly associated with patrilineal descent:

A newly married couple lives in the groom's village of origin.

What does it mean to have a comparative collection?

A skeletal collection with all ages and sexes used for analysis.

Political organization can be defined as:

A society's formal and informal institutions that regulate a population's collective actions; power.

What is a paleodemographic study?

A study of a human population representing only a few years or decades.

In the video on AMS we saw:

A very sophisticated carbon-14 dating lab.

A sipapu is:

All are correct.

After excavating a hearth feature you submit organic material from the hearth for a conventional radiocarbon date. The result comes back as follows: Beta-33003, 3500+/- 100 radiocarbon years BP. You know that:

All are correct.

After excavation, recovered artifacts must be conserved. Conservation can involve:

All are correct.

Experimental archaeology has been used to determine how stone tools were used in the past. This research has shown:

All are correct.

Factors that made scientists first think Kennewick Man was not related to modern American Indians in Kennewick include:

All are correct.

In our ceramics (pottery) lab it was important to note these attributes:

All are correct.

In reconstructing ancient environments, pollen is useful because:

All are correct.

Macrobotanical remains are likely to be preserved if they were:

All are correct.

Microwear traces on stone tools can be difficult to identify due to which of the following?

All are correct.

Post processual archaeology:

All are correct.

The potlatch:

All are correct.

When analyzing a faunal assemblage, zooarchaeologists attempt to identify a specimen to:

All are correct.

When archaeologists dig excavation units, they are concerned with:

All are correct.

Which of the following measurements could provide useful information about an artifact's size?

All are correct.

Why are archaeologists concerned about the future of artifact curation?

All are correct.

The contribution of women to the early development of archaeology is best summed up by which statement?

Although women did contribute to the development of archaeology, their contributions are less well-known than those of men because they were excluded from traditional communication networks.

Explaining the Kwakwak'awakw potlatch ceremony by the fact that it served useful economic purposes is an example of:

An adaptive perspective of human behavior.

Anasazi is a term that means "enemy ancestor" in Navajo (Dine); the Hopi prefer the usage of this term:

Ancestral Puebloan

Faunal remains in archaeological sites are composed of:

Animal bones.

A social system in which positions of status are limited, and thus where not everyone of talent may achieve high status or prestige is called a(n):

Ranked society.

Tribes of the U.S. Northwest Coast and Tahiti represent a social system in which positions of status are limited, and thus where not everyone of equal talent may achieve high status or prestige, called a(n):

Ranked society.

What limits surface surveys?

Survey can only find what lies on the ground.

You are excavating a Native American site that has a human burial site which contains both males and females. After obtaining permission from current Native American tribes believed to have descended from these people, you analyze the bones. You notice a higher rate of osteoarthritis in the lumbar vertebrae of the female skeletons in comparison to the male skeletons. What might you conclude from this evidence?

That females were putting more stress on their backs, perhaps from grinding corn or carrying children.

The goal of the Gatecliff projectile point typology was:

The Gatecliff typology had no goal and illustrates the problems inherent in typologies that based on time periods. To distinguish between arrow and dart points (in other words, to determine functional differences). *To define temporal types that could then be used to estimate the age of surface assemblages.

Ethnoarchaeological research among the Mikea suggests that the more permanent a settlement is:

The greater range of features it will contain.

Bioarchaeologists study:

The human biological component of the archaeological record.

In the Smithsonian site number 26CH798, the number "26" stands for:

The number of the state (arranged alphabetically) in which the site is located.

Phytoliths are most useful for identifying:

The palms, deciduous trees, and grasses; not all plants produce phytoliths.

The best place for a bioarchaeologist to look to determine the sex of human skeletal remains is:

The pelvis.

Once archaeologists decide on their survey sample universe, they must then decide on the sample fraction. The sample fraction is:

The percentage of the sample universe that is surveyed.

Participant observation is:

The primary strategy of cultural anthropologists in which data are gathered by questioning and observing people while the observer lives in their society.

What is the NISP?

The raw number of identified bones per animal taxon

A shovel test pit (STP) is considered to be

a sample survey method used where there is deep soil build-up

What best describes a bifacial tool?

a tool that is flaked/ worked on both sides.

How is social organization reflected in the archaeological record?

in spatial layout of public space in communities; mortuary goods, location of burials, evidence of burial ritual; trade goods.

The abbreviation "AD" referring to age in an archaeological or historic context means:

in the year of our Lord.

The Folsom site is important in the history of American archaeology because:

it proved the extent of human antiquity in the Americas due to context with megafauna.

The importance of screening in archaeological excavation is to

make sure the tiniest artifacts and ecofacts are recovered.

Argon-argon dates volcanic rock, especially ash, in layers that are _________years old.


Although archaeologists continue to immerse themselves in the nuances of potsherd detail and architectural specifics, the ultimate objective of archaeology is to

move from things to people.

Which of the following is not a key characteristic of the process of science?

not predictive

Hunter-gatherers' pattern of movement to follow resources during the year is called:

seasonal round

When an archaeologist refers to a datum point he or she means

the zero point that is fixed and can be used as a reference point.

The novice's first job in the lab of an archaeological investigation is often:

writing down minute number on artifacts or labels and entering the information into a database.

Which of the following is all that we know for certain about Desert Side-notched points and Cottonwood Triangular points?

** *They both appear after the date AD 1300. Desert Side-notched points were designed for hunting bighorn sheep, while Cottonwood Triangular points were designed for hunting rabbits. Each represents a different cultural group living side by side at Gatecliff.

Experimental archaeology provides archaeologists with bridging arguments, ways to make inferences about past behavior from material remains. Which of the following is not an example of experimental archaeology?

** *Using seriation to construct a way to date archaeological sites based on painted pottery styles. Using a stone tool to scrape hide and then examining microwear present on the tool's edge to determine the type of wear caused by hide-scraping. Throwing hafted spearpoints into elephant carcasses to determine their capacity for penetration.

The text mentioned Cottonwood Triangular projectile points could be un-notched Desert Side-notched points. Why were Cottonwood Triangular points left un-notched?

** *We do not know for certain why they were left un-notched. They were unfinished, intended to be later notched. They were made by novices or children who were not skilled at notching points.

Inferring that prehistoric kivas had the same function as kivas used by Puebloan societies today is an example of:

** A formal analogy. *Both formal and relational analogies. A relational analogy

When discussing projectile points, a "flute" refers to:

** A wide, shallow, longitudinal groove on the face of a projectile point. *A distinctive characteristic of Clovis and Folsom projectile points. All are correct.

The principle asserting that the processes now operating to modify the earth's surface are the same processes that operated long ago in the geological past is known as:

** Analogy. *Uniformitarianism. Evolution

You strike the rock with a hard hammer and on the proximal part of the flake is a concentric:

** Bulb of percussion.

The goal of middle level theory is to:

** Determine whether modern cultures accurately reflect prehistoric cultures. *Help build solid inferences from archaeological remains. Identify gender through stone tool analysis.

The index fossil concept:

** Enables archaeologists to characterize and date strata within sites using distinctive artifact forms as time markers of a particular period of time. Allows widely separated strata to be compared and assigned to the same time period if they contain the same fossils. * All are correct.

Studying how a large animal carcass decomposes on an African savannah to determine how long it takes the carcass to disarticulate in different seasons and which bones are carried away by carnivores is an example of:

** Ethnoarchaeology. Experimental archaeology. *Taphonomy.

What happened to the remains of Ishi, the Yahi Indian who lived at the University of California's museum in San Francisco and demonstrated traditional arrow-making and fire-starting for museum visitors?

** His remains were returned to California's Pit River tribe in 2000 and buried in a secret location. *All are correct. His brain was sent to the Smithsonian Institution so that it could be put "to scientific use", where it sat for nearly 85 years.

The argument that females depicted in Classic Maya stelae occupied similar and complimentary roles to those of males, and that these Maya stelae depict a prehistoric cargo system, is based on

** Historically linked ethnographic analogy.

A very important aspect of corrugation on a pot is:

** It intensifies heat in a cook pot through increased surface area. It shows a cruder, more ancient pottery style. It is a pottery style that is not part of our study.

What is meant by the term: utilized flake?

** One that a person has used and use is seen on the flake.

When faced with a choice of wood to use in tree-ring dating, which of the following would yield the best results?

** Pine Palm *Cottonwood

What does PoP mean on your artifact worksheet?

** Point of Pines *Pottery of Patayan Paint on Pottery

What is a SEUT? Sometimes including an adze, or a domed or humpback scraper.

** Steep edged unifacial tool

The most important property for creating good flaked stone objects is:

** Stone that has conchoidal fracturing when struck.

What is the major difference between the categories: ground stone and flaked stone?

** Techniques of tool production.

Which of the following is true of the space-time systematics of North American archaeology?

** While space-time systematics has dominated European archaeology for the past century, it's not important for North American archaeology. Space-time systematics is not very useful for North American archaeology, because material culture remained unchanged for long periods of time in many places. Almost everything was settled in the early 20th Century, so now we focus on finding out why things changed.

The California State artifact is everything except this:

** a projectile point

The concept of culture areas:

** started in the late nineteenth century. is based on the understanding of Cottonwood Triangular points. was first outlined in the twenty-first century.

What is the cortex of a rock or lithic tool?

** the exterior part of the original outer surface

The "Out of Africa" hypothesis of modern human origins suggests that the earliest modern humans fanned out of Africa to replace other hominids in other parts of the Old World roughly:

200,000 years ago.

If a black design on pottery has blurry lines, rather than sharp ones, it means the paint is:


Kelly conducted ethnoarchaeological research among the Mikea of Madagascar to answer which of the following questions?

Are different lengths of stay in different types of settlements reflected in the material remains left behind at Mikea sites?

Coprolites from the New World that are 14,000 or more calendar years old:

Are some of the earliest evidence of a human presence in North America.

In the reconstruction of social and political organizations archaeologists remember

Artifacts carried symbolic meanings that reflect elements of social and political organization.

If you are defining measurable or observable qualities of an artifact that distinguish it from another on the basis of its size, surface texture, form, material, method of manufacture, or design pattern, you are defining:


Total length, axial length, maximum width, basal width, maximum thickness, midsection thickness, proximal shoulder angle, notch opening, and neck width are examples of projectile point:


What did Hill suggest accounted for the comparative abundance of bison limb bones relative to other bison bones at the Agate Basin site?

Because bison are large animals, long bones are preferred to be transported because of their high-utility (meat and marrow).

Pressure flaking is a technique that produces______ by using a ______.

Bifacially flaked projectile points/ soft hammer

The standard kinship system in North America as well as in many other industrialized nations is:

Bilateral descent.

At Agate Basin, the NISP count suggests that __________were more important than __________.

Bison, pronghorn

A faunal assemblage consists of:

Bones from hunted animals that were brought back to camps or villages.

Macrobotanical remains include all of the following, except:

Camelid fragments

The faunal assemblage from the site of Chavín de Huántar, Peru, contains an abundance of leg bones with few cranial and foot bones. This pattern has been explained by:

Ch'arki trade; dried llama and alpaca meat on leg bones was traded into the site from high-altitude herding communities.

Archaeologists divide prehistory into periods based on:

Changes in observable material culture, such as house form, pottery, or subsistence.

If you live in a society in which two or more local groups are organized under a single highly ranked individual, you live in a(n):


A set of lineages that claims to share a distant, often-mythical ancestor is called a:


In determining color with the Munsell Chart we recorded something like 5YR 3/4:

Color Page Number, Value, Chroma

The first thing a bioarchaeologist would do when analyzing a human skeletal assemblage would be to:

Confirm that all the bones in the assemblage were human.

Lipids can provide information about the types of foods people consumed prehistorically. In order to identify food residues, lipids can be extracted from:

Cooking vessels.

In order to understand exactly what a person ate within a 24 hour period, the most useful source of data would be:

Coprolite analysis.

If a person goes to the natural source area of a raw material and either extracts the material oneself or trades for it or for finished products, they are engaging in:

Direct acquisition.

Conkey, Spector and the authors pointed out which of the following androcentric biases in archaeology?

Early archaeologists viewed the world largely in terms of European men's activities and perceptions, while women's contributions were downplayed; a strong androcentric bias in archaeology affected how we looked at ancient society.

The primary method for reconstructing male and female activities from the archaeological record comes from:

Ethnographic analogy.

Trying to move stones weighing several tons using only the tools and materials that the ancient Egyptians had available to them, with the goal of determining whether or not Egyptian technology could produce monuments like the pyramids, is an example of:

Experimental archaeology.

Exploring the possible ways to make a projectile point is an example of _________, while observing the way a living group of people make projectile points is an example of:

Experimental archaeology/ethnoarchaeology.

The thin, sharp sliver of stone removed from a larger piece of rock during the flintknapping process is a:


In a typology, descriptive properties like form, such as size and shape, are called:

Morphological type.

Analogies justified by similarities in the formal attributes of archaeological and ethnographic objects and features are known as:

Formal analogies.

If ceramic vessels are grouped together based on the fact they were all used as storage containers, although design elements indicate they are from different time periods. They have been grouped according to:

Functional type.

The differential participation of males and females in the various social, economic, political, and religious institutions of a group is termed

Gender role.

Size classes categorize faunal remains to one of five categories based on body size. Animals assigned to class five include:

Giraffes, hippos, and elephants.

The word taphonomy refers to:

How organisms become part of the fossil record.

Petrographic analysis involves:

Identifying the mineral composition of a pot's temper and clay through microscopic analysis of thin sections of the pottery.

According to Hastorf and Johannessen's Inka wood findings, what accounted for change in fuel in Wanka II times?

Ideology associated with planting of certain ceremonial trees was a factor.

The purpose of heat-treating stone tool raw material was to:

Improve and strengthen the flintknapping properties of the raw stone.

Anthropologists distinguish between gender and sex. Sex refers to

Inherited biological differences between males and females.

An archaeological culture:

Is a region within a culture area whose material culture differs from other regions.

The idea that the origin of all modern humans can be traced to a single African ancestor ("Eve"):

Is based on evidence from mitochondrial DNA.

By assuming that the treatment of people in death reflects their status and roles in life, the data from more than 3000 burials at Moundville indicates that:

Moundville society was ranked, most likely a chiefdom.

What are some of the advantages of X-ray fluorescence?

It does not destroy the artifact and only a small piece is needed.

What is the most important use of the Munsell Chart in archaeology?

It gives a standardized color that can be replicated by all researchers .

Why is an understanding of space-time systematics a crucial first step in understanding why people did what they did in the past?

It is impossible to understand why cultures change without first documenting those changes in time and space in artifact types.

Which of the following is the only thing we know to be true of the Shoshone pottery found in Nevada and other the desert sites?

It was the finest desert pottery. It appears suddenly in many parts of the Desert West at about AD 1300 and similar pottery is manufactured until about AD 1860. The pottery was introduced by a migrating Shoshone population that replaced existing desert populations.

The radiocarbon date 2850 +/- 40 BP suggests that the true age:

Lies between 2810 and 2890 BP.

That material culture reflects symbolic meanings as well as functional behaviors

Makes archaeological patterning difficult to understand.

Which is the correct pairing for these groundstone objects?

Mano and metate

If a biological father has little to do with his biological offspring, and instead spends most of his time with his sister's children who call him by a term meaning "father" rather than "uncle," the descent system of these people is most likely:


We know much about what Maya hieroglyphs mean because

Maya hieroglyphs in the Codices can now be read.

What is the MNI and what is the logical count for this assemblage of adult bison bones: 6 left femurs, 4 right femurs, 5 skulls?

Minimum number of individuals, 6.

The name of the cultural tradition that was widespread across much of the eastern United States from AD 800-1500, engaged in intensive village-based maize horticulture, and constructed earthen platform mounds.


What did Thomas and Kelly learn from the Carson-Stillwater survey?

Neither hypothesis was able to provide an adequate reconstruction of prehistoric Carson Desert and Stillwater Mountain settlement systems; both were therefore rejected.

An archaeologist involved in analyzing and interpreting plant remains from archaeological sites in order to understand past interactions between human populations and plants would be a:


If an archaeologist is studying ancient patterns of disease and disorders, he or she is studying:


Clusters of residences among the Mikea people in Madagascar reflect:

Patrilineal descent groups, with clusters of families consisting of older men, brothers, and their wives.

If an archaeologist is analyzing tiny silica particles that were originally contained in plants, he or she is analyzing:


What is the first step when preparing to take flakes off of a core, to produce an arrow point?

Preparing a platform by knocking off the top of the rock.

Analogies described on the basis of close cultural continuity between the archaeological and ethnographic cases or general cultural form are known as:

Relational analogies.

Physical, face to face associations of people are referred to by archaeologists as

Residential groups

"Stratigraphy" is:

Site structure produced by the deposits of geological and/or cultural sediments into layers.

Anthropologists refer to the rules and structures that govern relations within a group of interacting people as:

Social organization.

In the U.S. conducting research on American Indian remains is a sensitive issue and raises major ethical issues. Which of the following statements is true?

Some modern archaeologists believe we should stop analyzing human remains.

Why was it suggested that Chacoan pueblo society practiced matrilocal residence?

The side-by-side spatial arrangement of pueblo rooms reflects social solidarity, which ethnographic data suggest is characteristic of matrilocal residence.

Archaeology can best be defined as:

The study of the past through the systematic recovery and analysis of material remains.

Studies of some of the skeletal and DNA data of Neanderthals have concluded:

There is continuity between Neanderthals and modern people.

The Stillwater Marsh burial population had a remarkably low percentage of dental caries because:

They were strictly hunter-gatherers, and so their diet was very low in simple carbohydrates and starches.

How is mechanical stress, or workload, detectable in the human skeleton?

Through signs of osteoarthritis in which the cartilage between joints wears away, often because of overuse of the joint.

The most important purpose of Binford's ethnoarchaeological research among the Nunamiut Eskimo of Alaska was:

To observe living people and see what remains their activities left behind to help strengthen inferences from archaeological data.

The "Frison Effect" explains the change in the shape of stone tools as a result of:

Tool resharpening.

Electron spin resonance is a trapped charge dating method primarily used to date:

Tooth enamel.

What could a bioarchaeologist look at to determine the age at death of a juvenile human skeleton?

Tooth eruption and bone fusion patterns.

Ethnographic data from a variety of societies around the world has shown which of the following about men's and women's roles in ceramic manufacture?

When pottery is made by hand, it is usually made by women; when pottery is made on a wheel, it is usually made by men.

The current sourcing method used to fingerprint obsidian, and used to verify obsidian in the Ohio Hopewell mounds had come from Obsidian Cliff in Yellowstone National Park some 2400 kilometers away is:

X-ray fluorescence (XRF).

Archaeologists who analyze faunal assemblages are commonly known as:


The artifact called a mortar is:

a deep stone hole in bedrock or a moveable stone bowl with a deep hole.

The period of the Ice Age known as the Pleistocene ended

about 10,000 years ago.

Phase is a term archaeologists use to that refer to:

basic archaeological temporal and flexible units for understanding a region.

The process of flotation is based on the principle that:

carbonized plant remains and very small bone fragments will float when submerged in water, while heavier items (including dirt) will not.

In a kinship chart, which symbol does the textbook use to symbolize women?


Archaeology differs from ethnology in that archaeology:

can address the entire history of humanity and deals with the space of continents or hemispheres.

"If...then" statements are illustrative of:

deductive reasoning

In Hinton's field notebook, a bedrock site is discussed and it is noted that suddenly different striations are visible looking almost like constellations; this happened because

she saw it from a different elevation during rainy conditions

Recent ideas about the Neanderthal burials from Shanidar Cave, Iraq is that they are associated with pollen because:

small rodents were responsible for the flowers.

You are excavating a site in the Great Basin and you find a stratum containing only Elko points. This tells you that the layer dates to a particular period. The Elko point, in this example, can be referred to as a:

** *Temporal type. Functional type. Morphological type.

Radiocarbon dating cannot reliably date anything older than about:

45,000 years.

The text argues that which of the following perspectives is the most useful for archaeology?

A combination of two of these.

A relative date is:

A date expressed relative to another (e.g., earlier, later, more recent, etc.) rather than in absolute terms.

A "midden" is:

A refuse deposit resulting from human activities.

An advantage of the accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) method of radiocarbon dating is:

AMS dating requires much smaller carbon samples than standard dating methods.

Dendrochronology provides a(n) _________ measure of time, while the Law of Superposition allows for a(n) ________ measure of time.


Which of the following is not a trapped charge dating method?

Accelerator mass spectrometry.

Factors that can affect the use of radiocarbon dating include:

All are correct.

If an archaeological context shows artifacts of an older age in the same level as recent artifacts, they were placed there due to:

All are possible.

Seriation diagrams resemble battleships because:

An artifact or style catches on slowly in the beginning, then becomes popular and widespread, and then gradually falls out of favor.

Many disciplines are involved in the study of humanity. What makes anthropology unique from other disciplines that study humans?

Anthropology argues that the best understanding of the human condition comes from a global, comparative, and holistic perspective.

Simply stated, an archaeological site is always:

Any place where a concentration of material evidence exists about the human past.

Which of the following is true of archaeological types?

Archaeological types are abstract; the same object can be classified in many different ways.

Why was it so difficult for Europeans during the early 19th century to accept that Native Americans had built the mounds?

Believing that a superior race had built the mounds fit nicely into the social and political context of the times, helping to justify colonialism.

Anthropology embraces four primary fields of study:

Biological, cultural, linguistic, and archaeology

The following contributed to the support and discovery of deep time:

Both Darwin and de Perthes contributed

Organic remains are best preserved in:

Both a permanently dry, cool cave and a permanently wet bog.

Global Positioning Systems operate

By picking up continuously broadcast signals from at least four satellites.

Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656) was responsible for which of the following?

Calculating the age of the earth based on biblical genealogy.

Some of the earliest stratigraphic excavations were conducted by:


The year 1859 is important to archaeology and science because

Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species.

A. V. Kidder (1886-1963) demonstrated that potsherds are archaeologically important because they can provide evidence of:

Cultural relationships among various prehistoric groups.

Which of the following is not used as non-invasive, below ground archaeological survey techniques?

Geographic Information System

Which of the following is true about the ancient Chacoan road system?

It was an elaborate and extensive network of roads, covering more than 250,000 square kilometers within New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah.

In Hinton's article on Avocational Archaeology, the opening comments tell us how to care for an artifact that we find accidently. Which is the best answer?

Lightly cover the scatter with brush and sand protecting it from discovery; note the location on a topographic map and call a qualified facility (university, museum, or government office) to report the find.

The level of theory that includes the observations and interpretations that emerge from hands-on archaeological field and lab work is called:

Low Level theory

In landscape archeology, the term "landscape" means

Material manifestations of the relation between humans and their environments.

When asking the question were humans living at the time of the Pleistocene and seeing bison rib bones with a Folsom spear point inside them, we are operating with a:

Middle-Level Theory

A good typology will:

Minimize differences within each created type and maximize differences between each type.

A descriptive and abstract grouping of individual artifacts whose focus is on overall similarity in shape rather than use or chronological significance is a:

Morphological type.

A difference between optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) is:

OSL dates the last time sediment was exposed to light, while TL dates the last time artifacts were heated.

The discovery of Gatecliff Shelter in Nevada was in part a result of:

Old-fashioned "gumshoe survey".

The processual paradigm has several key characteristics which do not include;

Processual archaeology promotes the importance of the individual.

As a result of infrared photography in work at Chaco Canyon, it was determined that

Roads did not serve simply as part of the Chacoan movement of goods.

As investigators came to recognize considerable continuities between the unknown prehistoric past and the Native American population of the historic period

Scholars saw that living Native Americans were relevant to the interpretation of archaeological remains.

The scientific method provides a powerful way to investigate the world around us because:

Science is self-correcting; as more facts about the world become known, science is willing to reject flawed explanations in favor of better ones.

Cyrus Thomas contributed to dispelling the Myth of the Moundbuilders by:

Scientifically evaluating previous claims and concluding that the Native Americans had indeed built the mounds.

A relative dating method that orders artifacts based on the assumption that one cultural style slowly replaces an earlier style over time is:


The Garbage Project was important because it demonstrated that

Some of our guesses will be valid, but we need to have the context to be sure.

Classical archaeology is:

The branch of archaeology that studies the classical civilizations of the Mediterranean, such as Greece and Rome, and the Near East.

Remote sensing is:

The use of methods that employ some form of electromagnetic energy to detect and measure characteristics of an archaeological site.

Archaeological sites can be understood in which of the following ways?

There are no typical sites of an entire settlement system.

A tree ring sequence is only useful in the region in which it was developed because:

Trees respond to climate and climate is regionally variable.

The classification of artifacts into types that organize and simplify artifacts is termed:


The result of only looking in "logical' places in a survey is that

We will bias the sample.

The radiocarbon dating technique was discovered by:

Willard Libby

Mano and metate are identified as:

a hand stone and flat stone grinding slab

If an artifact is said to be in situ, it is:

in place.

Which statement is true for both science and religion?

it develops theories about thNobody can prove or disprove claims of the nonmaterial world using a method that evaluates claims about the material world.

Square sample units in the survey performed by the authors in Nevada were located by:

random north and east UTM coordinates defined the square's northwest corner coordinates.

The following statement regarding the Scientific Method is false:

science is infallible and will always deliver the right answer on the first try.

The distribution of sites across a region is called

settlement pattern

In the California site numbering system CA-SDI-7268 means

state, county and the number that means the 7,268th site

Avoiding bias in archaeology is accomplished through application of which type of strategy?

statistical sampling

Systematic regional surveys produce:

strategies for describing the range of archaeological material across a landscape

Lewis Binford is responsible for establishing a concern for methods in reconstructing the past. This became known as

the New Archaeology

An artifact's provenience is:

the artifact's location relative to a system of spatial data collection.

If an archaeologist is excavating in arbitrary levels:

the natural strata are probably lacking or difficult to recognize, and may be more than 10 centimeters thick.

The archaeological region that contains the statistical population to be sampled is called

the sample universe

Your instructor's Survey and Dig kit consisted of many things including the very important tool that the text emphasized, this is the:


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Missed questions on practice exam

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Chapter 3 & 5 & 6.1: Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Deduction & Induction

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Sometimes, always, nevers - shapes being similar

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Price Elasticity & Production, Costs, and Profit

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Chapter 16 Money Management and Financial

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