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The study of psychological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors that influence economic decision making is known as:

behavioral economics

The subfield of anthropology concerned with understanding human evolution.

biological anthropology

The concept of race is

biologically and genetically meaningless

Which one of the following is an example of an egalitarian society?

!Kung hunter-gatherers in the Kalahari desert.

Did anthropologists criticize european imperialism from the beginning

**** no haha

a vitamin that is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, necessary for brain & neural tube development in embryos

Folate/Vitamin B

A sacculated stomach with specialized gut bacteria is a digestive adaptation seen in a:


A fixed set of characteristics attributed to all members of a social category or group that often exaggerate or accentuate the group differences.


a fundamental principle of archaeology dating that states that layers (strata) that are younger will be deposited on top of other layers (strata).

Stratigraphy or superposition

I am a small-bodied, nocturnal primate that lives in Madagascar and I have a dental comb. I am a ____________:


The U.S. practice of counting the fraction of a person's ancestors out of their total ancestors to determine whether the person qualifies for citizenship in a Native American or American Indian tribe:

blood quantum

According to Fraans de Waal's article "How animals do business," capuchins are more likely to share food with cooperative partners during a tray-pulling experiment. This type of economic behavior is also knowns as:


Which of the following are signs of state decline or collapse in the archaeological record:

reduction in population size or density destruction of monumental architecture destruction of cities

Prejudiced beliefs that value one gender or sex over another


Which of the following statements is true about sexual dimorphism in anatomically modern humans?

sexual dimorphism is less pronounced than in other apes or past hominin species.

Foraging (hunter-gathers), herding (pastoralism), farming (horticulture and agriculture), and industrial capitalism are al

subsistance strategies

According to researchers, almost __% of the global population does not fit within the clinically-defined categories of male or female, and this is likely an underestimate.


What does the case of Mary Noname in Minagua illustrate about children and language acquisition?

A child who is not exposed to language during the critical period will likely exhibit extreme limitations in language skills and may never fully develop language capacity even after intensive instruction.

What is a cultigen

A plant that needs human intervention to disperse its seeds.

Which of the following are ways the discipline of anthropology supported colonialism?

Anthropologists provided information about indigenous populations to colonial administrators. Anthropologists contributed to theories of cultural evolution that classified human societies hierarchically.

To say that anthropology is holistic means:

Anthropologists understand that humans have changed over time in terms of both biology and cultural, and they continue to change.

According to Danilyn Rutherford in her essay, "What is Anthropology?", which of the following statements is true?

Anthropologists value the important of context in shaping what we observe.

According to the lecture Colonialism and Anthropology, anthropology was forged in the crucible of colonialism. What does this mean?

Anthropology emerged as a field of inquiry during European colonialism.

A Rwandan proverb states, "A cow that goes down the hill must come back up." This proverb means that any gift received must be returned in kind. What kind of reciprocity is illustrated by this proverb and its meaning?

Balanced reciprocity

The exchange of Christmas presents among close family or friends is an example of:

Balanced reciprocity

In "How Many Fathers are Best?", Small and Abbas explain that:

Barí Indians in Venezuela believe that children can be biologically related to more than one father.

The take-home message of the lectures and readings about sex, gender, and sexuality is:

Because it is a tangled combination of human biology and culture, there are multiple systems of gender around the world.

Which statement most accurately reflects anthropology's understanding of biology, culture, and human evolution?

Biology and culture have co-evolved and both are fundamental to the human condition.

In Chapter 7 "Myths About Sex," Augustìn Fuentes concludes:

Biology, culture, and their interactions must be considered when analyzing human behaviors.

What impact did settler colonialism have on indigenous languages in Canada and the United States?

By placing Indigenous children in residential boarding schools where they were punished for speaking their native languages, the national governments severely disrupted the transmission of dozens of Indigenous languages, the majority of which are now endangered.

How do children acquire language?

Children learn language through interactions with the humans around them.

What term refers to a descent group whose members claim, but cannot demonstrate, common descent from an ancestor?


According to Agustin Fuentes, myths are: (Select all that apply. Points deducted for incorrect answers.)

Common sense stories that shape the way we see the world. Stories, or explanations, about why things in the world are the way they are.

What is the difference between descriptive and prescriptive grammar?

Descriptive grammar analyzes how different people in different settings use language while prescriptive grammar focuses on grammatical rules and structures determined by the language of powerful people in a society.

examples include farming, construction, rodent burrowing, and natural forces such as floods.


Among Sikhs in India, Pakistan, and the diaspora, parents require (or strongly encourage) their children to marry other Sikhs. This rule is known as:


A type of social classification that creates groups on the basis of a set of distinctive cultural criteria that people in the group are believed to share.


the systematic process of exposing, processing, and recording archaeological remains.


To say that language is productive means:

Existing elements of language can be recombined to form completely new meanings that are intelligible to others who speak the same language.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of early states?

Extensive Hydraulic Systems

According to anthropologist Agustin Fuentes, chimpanzees are an accurate model to understand the evolutionary basis of social inequality, racism, and political and economic systems in humans because we have evolved independently of each other for a relatively short time (only 6 million years). True false?


Across all human cultures, gender consistently matches up with biological sex. True False?


Before the emergence of agriculture, when all humans lived from hunting and foraging, human lives were characterized by hunger, scarcity, large-scale inequality, and a brutal fight for survival.


Human populations comprised of distinct racial categories have no more than 5% of all human genes in common. True or false?


Much of the biological variation among populations involves enormous degrees of variation in the frequency of shared traits.


The first person to apply the term "race" to humans was

French naturalist, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, in the 18th century

The distribution of skin tone in humans has been shaped by

Gene flow Adaptation to particular environments Evolution Natural selection

The penny cup at the register in some stores is an example of:

Generalized Reciprocity

Which of the following is not a primate tendency?

Having three or more offspring at a time

I am a primate who lives in Asia and I use brachiation and "sing" to my socially monogamous mate. I am a ______________.


Swedish botanist, Carl Linnaeus, originally subdivided humans into which four categories?

Homo europaeus, Homo americanus, Homo asiaticus, and Homo afer

Which of the following statements is true?

Humans and chimpanzees share a last common ancestor approximately 6 million years ago.

According to Agustin Fuentes, which of the following statements are true? (Select all that apply)

Humans have a shared evolutionary heritage, biological similarities, and shared patterns of behavior across our species. Humans all share the same basic set of DNA, are the same species, and share a common general biological history.

The "one-drop rule," meaning the practice in the US of associating a multiracial person with the minority race, is called


Unconscious, unthinking, automatic reactions deeply embedded in a person's psyche.

Implicit Bias

The "Age of Exploration" and European colonialism had which of the following effects on the concept of "race" as applied to humans:

In the 18th and 19th centuries, "race" emerged as a so-called "scientific" explanation of human diversity to justify European domination or enslavement of darker skinned peoples around the world.

How do the ways Himba people in northern Namibia perceive colors illustrates the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

In the Himba language, there are only four color words, but their organization allows Himba people to quickly distinguish between shades of green that appear the same to many Americans.

According to Meredith Small and Abbas, the Bari Indian system of paternity:

Is a flexible system that gives women and their children access to additional resources during times of scarcity.

The social and economic importance of kinship include all of the following EXCEPT:

Kinship prohibits incest in all situations.

Which of the following are characteristics of language?

Language is a biocultural phenomenon. Language is a social action, meaning it produces effects. Language is learned.

Which of the following distinguishes human language from other forms of animal communication?

Language is an open system that can communicate about things not present.

Relative to body size, most primate brain sizes are:

Larger than most mammals

Distance from the equator, often related to the amount of ultraviolet radiation people are exposed to


How do Maijuna people in Peru understand deafness?

Maijuna people understand deafness as a condition where a person cannot speak regardless of whether they cannot hear.

Buying yourself a cup of coffee at Starbucks is an example of:

Market Exchange

a pigment found in the upper layer of human skin


The earliest state-level society in the archaeological record is found in

Mesopotamia in southwest Asia

A form of marriage in which a man may have one wife or a woman may have one husband.


Haggling over the price of lemonade at a child's lemonade stand is an example of:

Negative reciprocity

The name of the cultural period in which the first signs of agriculture appear in the archaeological record is called the:

Neolithic Era

According to current scientific consensus, humans can be divided into which set of racial categories: Capoid race, Caucasian race, Mongoloid race, Congoid race, and Australoid race white, yellow, brown, red, and black Caucasian, Mongolian, Malayan, American, and Negroid races, Homo sapiens americanus, Homo sapiens europeaus, Homo sapiens asiaticus, Homo sapiens afrincanus

None of em

a much better way of classifying variation in skin color


I am a primate who lives in Central America and I have a prehensile tail. I am a ___________.


A negative attitude towards groups or members of groups based on faulty generalizations.


A human population category whose boundaries allegedly correspond to a distinct set of biological attributes.


The potlatch among indigenous Americans from the Northwest Coast is an example of:


the process of determining the age of an artifact in relation to other artifacts (for example, earlier, later, more recent, etc.). Stratigraphy is an example.

Relative Dating

What is repatriation

Repatriation is the process of returning an asset, an item of symbolic value, or a person—voluntarily or forcibly—to its owner or their place of origin or citizenship.

Which of the following is NOT part of the biological criteria for sex?

Reproductive Sex

Exogamy is:

Rules that dictate marriage outside a group to which a person belongs

What were the primary findings of the Immigrant Study led by anthropologist Franz Boas and funded by the US government?

The US-born children of adult immigrants grew to be taller than their parents or siblings who were born abroad, thus disproving scientific theories about race and eugenics.

In Chapter 4 "Skin Color in the Modern World," Nina Jablonski explains the biological diversity of skin color in humans. Which of the following statements are true?

The complex interactions of evolutionary forces contribute to patterns of variation in skin color at any point in time. The earliest Homo sapiens were darkly pigmented. Lightly pigmented skin produces greater amounts of Vitamin D conferring greater evolutionary fitness to people living far from the equator.*

Gender is:

The cultural construction of appropriate roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes for individuals in society

In Chapter 4 of Agustin Fuentes, his exploration of blood type in humans demonstrates: Question

The full range of blood variation is found in nearly every single human population

Which of the following selective pressures did NOT influence the evolution of diverse skin pigmentation in humans?

The human cultural preference for lighter skin led to genetic drift in human populations.

Enculturation is:

The process of learning behavior, values and norms as a member of society.

The idea of proxemics means:

The same message delivered at different socially defined spaces will be understood differently.

In terms of the relationship between European colonialism and language, which of the following statements is NOT true?

The spread of European languages around the world improved the education and intelligence of indigenous peoples.

Homo economicus is:

The universal human imagined by economists in their analysis of economic behavior.

All humans living today belong to a single species, Homo sapiens, and share a common descent. True or false?


Human (H. sapiens) populations have at times been isolated, but they have never genetically diverged enough to produce any biological barriers to mating between members of different populations True or False?


a vitamin that is produced in human skin with adequate ultraviolet radiation, necessary for bones to properly mineralize

Vitamin D

After the last Ice Age, the period of worldwide cooling and drying that created environmental pressures that pushed some human populations to transition to agriculture is called the :

Younger Dryas Interval

Fraternal polyandry is:

a cultural adaptation in areas where land/property is scarce.

Colonialism is

a historical period in the fifteenth to twentieth centuries during which European states conquered and dominated the rest of the world the cultural domination of a territory and its people with enforced cultural change the long-term political, economic, and social domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power

From an anthropological perspective, hijras, two-spirit people, and xanith are best understood as:

a third gender

The term intersex refers to:

a variety of conditions involving discrepancy between gonadal, genetic, anatomical or hormonal sex

the process of determining the age of an artifact on a specified chronology in archaeology. Dendrochronology is an example.

absolute dating

The subfield of anthropology concerned with studying human behavior by focusing on material culture.


Simplifications in thinking that guide how we perceive others and affect how we process social information.

cognitive schema

The subfield of anthropology concerned with explaining behavioral variation among human societies.

cultural anthropology

understanding another culture in its own terms sympathetically enough so that the culture appears to be a coherent and meaningful design for living.

cultural relativism

According to Agustin Fuentes, which of the following statements are true about culture constructs?

culture constructs are real

If you live in a patrilineal society, it means:

descent is traced through your father's line.

The Rhodes Must Fall movement advocated for:

direct action against the reality of institutional racism at the University of Cape Town.

During the Age of Imperialism, colonial governments created zoos to raise awareness among citizens about their colonies. Their exhibits included

displays of indigenous people from the colonies in their "natural habits" next to wild animals.

the perspective from within a culture, social group, or population.


understanding another culture or society from the perspectives of your own culture or society.


the perspective from outside a culture, social group, or population.


The theory developed by American anthropologist, James C. Scott, which describes the ways average citizens challenge hegemony indirectly.

everyday forms of resistance

In "When Brothers Share a Wife," Goldstein argues that:

fraternal polyandry provides an economic, material, and social advantages to families.

The David Reimer case illustrates that:

gender identity is shaped by both biology and culture

In "Strings Attached," Lee Cronk argues that:

gifts have the ambivalent power to unify, antagonize, or subjugate people.

Race, as a social category:

has real consequences, even if popular conceptions of race have no reality in biology.

The theory developed by Italian philosopher, Antonio Gramsci, which explains how a governing power wins consent from those it subjugates without resorting to brute force alone.


Which of the following is not an advantage of living in groups:

increased potential for disease transmission

A person can benefit from unearned privilege in some aspects of their life, and experience discrimination or even violence in other aspects, all because of who they are and what they look like. This is because identity is


The Neolithic site of Jericho is unique because:

it has been continuously inhabited for more than 10,000 years.

Grooming is important in primate social groups because:

it reinforces social structures and cements social bonds

Which of the following human genetic traits is an example of the biocultural evolution of humans?

lactase persistence

Culture is: (Select all that apply)

learned, adaptive, and patterned

Tendencies shared by members of the primate order can best be described as adaptations for:

life in the trees

The subfield of anthropology concerned with human communication.

linguistic anthropology

The theory developed by French historian, Michel Foucault, which describes the ways modern society exercises control through surveillance and established norms of acceptable behavior.


A form of marriage in which a woman may have multiple husbands.


A form of marriage in which a man may have multiple wives.


This form of marriage is most common in patrilineal societies where land is plentiful and fertile.


the context of an artifact, feature, or site that has not been disturbed since its original deposition.

primary context

The systematic oppression of one or more socially defined group by another socially defined group that is justified in terms of the supposedly inherent biological superiority of the oppressors and the supposed inherent biological inferiority of those they oppress.


a method of absolute dating based on the rate of decay of radioactive isotopes, like C-14, present in all organic materials.

radioisotope dating

Among baboon troops, all females and juveniles want to see, touch, and hold a new baby born into the troop. High-ranking females can generally demand to see a new infant, but others must get access in other ways. One way for a lower-ranking female to gain access to a baby is to "pay" for it with grooming time. When there are fewer infants in a group, females must spend more time grooming a mother in order to gain access to the baby. This situation is an example of which of the following economic models?

supply and demand

Comparison of race classification systems in the United States, Brazil, and South Africa demonstrate:

that race classification systems vary cross-culturally.

In human fetuses, the sexual differentiation of external genitals begins around seven weeks of gestation. The genitals will develop in the female direction if: (Select all that apply)

the fetus's body cannot respond to androgen The fetus has ovaries

Why do anthropologists study nonhuman primates? (Select all that apply. Points deducted for incorrect responses.)

to learn about human morphology, sociality, and cognition by looking at common characteristics within the primate order. to learn more about the origins and evolution of modern humans (Homo sapiens). to learn about human biology and human behavior through comparative research.

Predator alarm calls are:

used to decrease predation on group members

Anthropology tries to understand: (Select all that apply)

what about humans is universal what varies from culture to culture 2) how humans change over time

Sexual dimorphism refers to:

when sexes of a species exhibit different characteristics beyond their reproductive organs.

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