Anthropology 103

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Your investigation of two different languages reveals that their basic vocabularies differ by 28 percent. Using Glottochronology, you determine that some historical event caused the groups speaking these languages to separate:

1000 years ago.

Which of the following is an example of codeswitching?

A conversation in which a person talks to some people in one language while talking to others in a different language.

The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) is:

A database that provides cross-cultural data on a limited number of societies.

The Sudanese kinship system uses:

A different term for almost every category of relative.

Melissa Checker's work on Hyde Park examined the environmental concerns of:

An AfricanAmerican community in the suburbs of Augusta, Georgia.

Early anthropologists who relied on travelers and missionaries for their fieldwork data were called:

Armchair anthropologists.

All of the following are expressed in the American kinship terminology except:


In societies where accumulating material goods is difficult, the most likely exchange at marriage is:

Bride service.

In a society with matrilineal descent, the person with the most authority and responsibility for a woman and her child is her:


When a society practices fraternal polyandry:

Brothers share a wife.

Lewis Henry Morgan and Edward Tylor were influenced deeply by the evolutionary theories of:

Charles Darwin.

A key difference between a colonial government and an independent government is:

Colonies need to be made productive for their owners. Independent nations need to be prosperous in their own right.

Why was the Ghost Dance prophesy particularly appealing to the Sioux?

Conditions on the Sioux reservation were particularly bad.

What is meant by the term "wellfounded fear"?

It is the U.S. policy of granting political asylum to those who can prove they are threatened in their home countries.

Anthropologists who are interested in the systems of classification people in different cultures use often draw upon a theoretical perspective called:


Although, in the 1960s, many anthropologists were employed by development organizations such as the United States Agency for International Development, by the 1980s, this number dropped precipitously.


Anthropological research shows that psychic conflict and rebellion are characteristic of adolescence in all societies.


Anthropologists always side with the culture seeking repatriation of historical objects.


Anthropologists believe that there is no such thing as a cultural universal.


Anthropologists have discovered that all humans use similar methods for classifying the world around them.


Boas' style of fieldwork was known as armchair anthropology.


Civilizing mission refers to the notion that colonialism was a duty for Europeans but did not benefit the colonized.


Conflict is present in large hierarchical societies, but absent in small egalitarian societies.


Even a child brought up in isolation will automatically be able to speak the language of his or her parents.


Female initiation rites in New Guinea stress the powers that women have over men.


Franz Boas spent most of his professional career at the University of Berlin in Germany.


Historically, when agricultural societies have entered the cash economy, the position of women has improved.


If a person speaks a more "proper" form of English (such as SSAE instead of AAVE), then their thought process will become more complex and rational.


In 1926, the French abolished a law that permitted an annual draft of labor for their West African colonies.


In India, the use of dowry is increasing.


In a unilineal kinship system, one is affiliated with family members on both the father's and mother's side.


Industrialization and specialization have limited the access people have to goods and services.


It is likely that difficult and dangerous conditions in the meat packing industry will soon result in new, strong government regulation of that industry.


Many projects are based in Western understandings that seem logical to the people who design the projects but less plausible to their recipients.


Once Franz Boas began teaching women and mentoring female PhD students, the bias against women in anthropology began to diminish rapidly.


Since they can be used in gardening, the key items exchanged in the Kula trade have great economic value.


Some languages do not have syntactic structure.


Some sexual interactions, such as kissing, are practiced universally, while others are not.


The Ju/'hoansi demonstrate that, when a society has few material resources, it is not likely to respect elders or provide much care for them.


The demand for beef in America rose dramatically in the stock boom of the 1920s.


The distribution of assets in the United States greatly favors the middle class.


The fact that anthropologists working for government and industry often conduct secret research poses no ethical challenges to the discipline.


The interdependence of social stratification and the rise of the state are well illustrated by the operation of the Kpelle moot.


The potlatch is an example of negative reciprocity.


The solidarity of women in horticultural societies is mainly based on their participation in religious cults and associations.


The study of the social use of space is called kinesics.


There are three types of reciprocity: generalized, neutral, and balanced.


Thomas Friedman has argued that the result of globalization will be a more unequal and more violent world.


Today, in an effort to better understand the foundations of violence, anthropologists tend to remain as politically and socially isolated as possible during fieldwork.


The defining characteristic of horticulture is that:

Fields are not used permanently but remain fallow for some time after being cultivated.

A religious cosmology, or world view, functions primarily to:

Give meaning and order to the lives of believers.

All of the following were part of historical moments in the development of Belizean cuisine except:

Growing numbers of indigenous peoples in Belize beginning to market local products and foods.

The dominance of a political elite based on a close identification between their own goals and those of the larger society is called:


Which of the following is the most accurate description of Margaret Mead's impact on the gender issues in cultural anthropology?

Her work questioned the biologically determined nature of gender.

Which of the following studies how languages are related to each other?

Historical linguistics

Conflict is likely to be found:

In all sorts of societies.

Frequently, the effect of development projects has been to:

Increase the disparity between men and women in a community.

The number of Americans who say they attend church regularly has:

Increased substantially since 1940.

Which of the following was a critical change in rural America related to the increase in beef consumption in the late 20th century?

Increasing domination by large corporate farming operations and decline of family farm.

In foraging (hunting and gathering) societies, land: Select one:

Is customarily used by certain groups, but others are not denied access to it.

Your textbook argues that multiculturalism:

Is inevitable in an increasingly globalized world.

Which of the following best defines the concept of enculturation?

It is the process of learning to be a member of a particular cultural group.

A fundamental principle of language is that:

Language always reflects the history of those who use it.

According to Jim Igoe, who worked with the Maasai, a critical problem with development is that:

Many projects are based in Western understandings that seem logical to the people who design the projects but less plausible to their recipients.

Indigenous peoples include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Members of any group who dress as indigenous peoples and participate in native powwows.

The twospirit are best described as:

Men who take on women's work and clothing and are considered to have supernatural powers.

During the 1994 genocide in Rwanda:

More than 800,000 people were killed and every level of society was involved.

Parallel cousins are found in the Iroquois system of kinship and are defined as:

Mother's sisters' children or father's brothers' children.

Which of the following statements about chiefs is most correct?

Much of a chief's power is based on his ability to redistribute goods and services.

The area of the world most associated with the twospirit is:

Native societies of North America

Balanced reciprocity is most typical of what kinds of trading relationships?

Nonindustrialized peoples without market economies.

For the Gwich'in, the most important result of climate change has been:

The decrease in size and health of the caribou herd on which they depend.

Women's hunting among the Agata illustrates that:

The demands of child rearing can be adapted to economic needs.

A conflict theory of the origin of the state emphasizes:

The emergence of centralization of power as a response to the emergence of an elite class that protects its power and privileges.

To say that anthropology is holistic means that anthropologists are particularly interested in:

The integration of biological, sociocultural, and environmental factors in explaining human behavior.

Which of the following best characterizes the crosscultural meaning of smiling?

The meaning of a smile varies from culture to culture.

In France, the growing number of Muslim immigrants has led to:

The outlawing of headscarves in public schools.

Among extensive cultivators, one of the key factors that determines whether land will be considered exclusive and defended is:

The relationship of land and population (societies with high population density defend lands, others do not).

According to Karl Marx, the basis of social stratification is:

The relationship of people to the means of production.

The Maasai have faced increasing difficulties practicing transhumant pastoralism primarily because:

The required grazing land has been taken from them.

One thing that separates the Western expansion from empire building by previous peoples is:

The scale of the enterprise.

A critical problem with secret research for the academic community is that:

The scientific community has no way to assess its validity.

In linguistic studies, phonemes are:

The set of sounds used in any particular language.

Some anthropologists are critical of development because they do not believe that people should buy into the practices of governments and other agencies behind development programs.


The ability of humans to use language depends partially on the linkage between the visual and auditory areas of the brain.


The big differences among human beings are the result of culture, not race.


The core vocabulary is a list of words which designate things, actions, and activities likely to be named in all the world's languages.


The historic Maasai subsistence strategy takes account of the fact that in some years there will be drought.


Thousands of Palestinians cross from the West Bank to Israel every day. This has resulted in increased militarization of the border and heightened tensions.


To an extent, most members of society share norms and values upon which they all agree.


To replace the population, women must have, on average, between 2.1 and 2.5 children.


Today, only a very small percentage of the world's people live by foraging.


Warfare may be a means of regulating population in tribal societies.


The horticultural cycle of the Lua' indicates that they:

Use their highly effective knowledge of their environment for subsistence and cash crops.

Cultural relativism requires that:

Values and customs be understood in terms of the culture of which they are a part.

The people most likely to be attracted to a prophecy are those who:

Are most dissatisfied with the way they believe the world is.

In anthropology, the term "priest" refers to:

A person formally elected, appointed, or hired to a fulltime religious office.

In Mexico, a cargo is:

A religious office held for a year and requiring substantial financial outlay.

The Nuer are a patrilineal society in which clans and lineages function as a type of political structure. This is called:

A segmentary lineage system.

Many linguists argue that there is a universal grammar. This is:

A set of principles, conditions, and rules that underlie all languages.

Which of the following practices is commonly found among the Navajo?

A woman's children are considered legitimate members of the matriclan whether or not she is married.

Cultural adaptation differs from biological adaptation in that the former:

Allows humans to respond to problems on a relatively immediate basis.

All of the following have been suggested as a cause of Yanamamo warfare except:

An expression of inability of primitive peoples to control their aggressive impulses.

The ties on which kinship systems are based:

Are culturally specified ties that rest on biological and conjugal relationships.

Korean village women legally:

Are entitled to an equal share of family property.

An important source of status for women in Nukumanu was:

Controlling swamp taro lands.

All of the following statements about the understanding of culture in anthropology are correct except:

Culture is biologically and genetically transmitted from person to person.

What do anthropologists call the feelings of alienation and helplessness that result from rapid immersion in a new and different culture?

Culture shock.

A critical problem faced by the Na is:

Dealing with a culturally powerful Chinese government that disapproves of Na practices.

One of the most critical goals of cultural anthropology as an academic discipline is to:

Describe, analyze, and explain different cultures.

An important method comparative linguists use to draw conclusions about the relationship between two languages is:

Determining the amount of core vocabulary they share.

In the United States, the "cultural defense" has sometimes been used to justify:

Domestic violence.

The textbook uses the example of the Ju'hoansi people of Namibia to show how the spread of AIDS is influenced by:

Economic conditions.

A critical form of cultural knowledge typically passed from fathers to elder sons in Maasai society is:

Environmental knowledge and how livestock is moved.

During the Maoist era, China was ideologically committed to:

Eradicating social class.

Which of the following beliefs is typical of the Sambia?

Only men can make men.

One of the major changes that the 20th century brought to the Inuit was:

Opportunities to enter the commercial fur trade and government employment.

Rural cultivators who produce for the subsistence of their households but are also integrated into larger, more complex state societies are called:


In a society that is characterized by age grades:

People follow a wellordered progression through a series of agerelated life stages.

Which of the following is one of the fundamental attributes of capitalism?

People in capitalist societies sell their labor for wages in order to survive.

Which of the following is not a primary dimension of stratification?


The vision quest generally includes:

Physical suffering.

A correct conclusion from the chapter regarding kinship in modern, complex societies is that kinship:

Plays an important but not central role in establishing rights and relationships.

During buffalo hunts, the Cheyenne maintained order by:

Policing by members of military societies.

Which of the following is the most common form of marriage (favored) across cultures?


According to Katherine Newman, job loss in the U.S. entails not only economic decline but also a decline in:


Productive resources are goods, natural resources, or information that is used to create other goods.


All of the following are strong challenges that nationstates face from increasing globalization except:

Rise of global governing organizations, such as United Nations, which takes away their autonomy.

The profits of colonization primarily went to:

Shareholders of colonial companies.

In gender studies, the idea of the public/private dichotomy refers to the notion that:

Societies are divided into a private world dominated by women and a public world dominated by men.

Who are the Nacirema?

The Americans.

One of the exceptions to the almost universal prohibition on brother/sister marriage was among:

The ancient Hawaiian royalty.

A major characteristic of the environment which shapes aboriginal Australian survival is:

The shortage of water.

Haptics refers to:

The study and analysis of touch.

Which of the following problems would an applied anthropologist be most likely to study?

The ways in which health care delivery to American minority communities might be improved.

Which of the following statements is correct?

There are cultural universals, but there is no single explanation about how they developed.

Delmos Jones' study of voluntary organizations among an African-American community in the United States showed him that:

There was considerable dissent between leadership of the organizations and the members.

Chinese factories hire dagongmei because:

They are a cheap source of labor.

One piece of evidence that supports a Freudian interpretation for male rites of passage is that:

They are more common in cultures in which boys have strong identification with their mothers.

Anthropologists study symbols because:

They can represent an entire constellation of ideas and emotions.

In premodern Chinese families, as women with male children grew older:

They tended to become more powerful, often becoming the dominant person in the household.

Which sentence best describes the primary anthropological value of research among the homeless and drug addicts, such as that produced by Philippe Bourgois?

This research provides accurate information that can help the lives of these individuals by providing more effective recovery programs.

The important contribution of Margaret Mead's Coming of Age in Samoa was:

To show that American ideas of adolescence were not universal

In general, the American reaction to the increasing religious diversity of the United States has been:


For the Trobriand Islanders, the central part of the Kula trade is:

Trading for bracelets and armbands.

All of the following are components of any language, except?


What do we call immigrants who maintain close relations with their home countries?


"Inis Beag," a community near Galway in Ireland, is known as one of the most sexually naïve of all the world's societies.


All cultures are made up of learned behaviors.


Anthropologists have never discovered a valid and consistent way of dividing humanity into a fixed number of races


Anthropology attempts to comprehend the entire human experience - throughout time and in all parts of the world.


Capital is the productive resources that can be used to increase financial wealth.


Ethnoscience is a theoretical approach that focuses on the way in which members of a culture classify their world.


Hijras are born as men but undergo a surgical procedure to remove their genitals.


In India, social interaction with one's mother's parents is very different from that with one's father's parents.


In patrilineal descent groups, inheritance moves from father to son.


In some Muslim countries, such as Tunisia, the wearing of the veil is discouraged.


In the 19th century, many Americans were concerned that an influx of immigrants would lower wages and challenge American values.


In the last fifty years, the Lua' have increasingly moved from horticulture to agriculture.


Kinship is a culturally defined relationship.


Members of Melanesian cargo cults believe that the material wealth of whites was the result of their secret magical knowledge.


Most anthropological data comes in the form of extensive field notes, audio recordings, and photographs.


One example of transculturation is when young people in the Middle East use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to show the repression occurring within their countries.


Phillip Bourgois' work with the homeless and drug addicts in San Francisco has led to a better understanding of issues of economic change, cultural structures, and their effects on individual lives.


Political authority in the Asante state was symbolized by the golden stool.


Traditionally in Korean villages, the eldest son inherited most of his parents' property. In return, he was required to:

Worship his parents as ancestors after their death.

Most anthropologists would agree with the following statement about Yanomamo warfare:

Yanomamo warfare intensified after contact with the West.

Which of the following statements is incorrect? Select one: a. Children begin experimenting with actual language sounds by the age of 6 months. b. Children raised in isolation are never able to fully overcome this language disability. c. Human speech must be learned through a speech community. d. There is a critical period in which language acquisition must occur in humans. e. There is some limited biological basis for learning one language over another.

d. There is some limited biological basis for learning one language over another.

How would you best describe a neoMarxist theoretical approach? a. It is a theoretical perspective concerned with applying the insights of Marxist thought to anthropology. b. NeoMarxists modify Marxist analysis to make it appropriate to the study of smallscale, nonWestern societies. c. This approach focuses on sources of conflict and struggle. d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

What are the primary reasons that anthropological research has had such a bias against women during its history? a. Women's lives have been perceived as less public than men's. b. Men's lives have been perceived as having more political importance and have been seen as more important overall. c. Most anthropologists have been men and thus had little access to women's lives. d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

Challenges associated with collaborative ethnography include: Select one: a. Representing accurately and not just what informants want. b. Understanding that all voices cannot be represented equally. c. Understanding that no community is homogeneous. d. Being aware that collaborative work can lead to biased reporting and personal pressures. e. all of the above.

e. all of the above.

Ethnocentrism: a. means judging other cultures by your own. b. involves an attitude of cultural superiority and looking at other cultures from the point of view of one's own culture. c. is often the source of racism. d. can be maladaptive. e. all of the above.

e. all of the above.

What feelings best describe culture shock?

feelings of alienation and helplessness.

The research of Bronislaw Malinowski focuses on the concept of:


Besides providing social, cultural, and political perspectives on health, medical anthropologists:

help bridge the gap between clients and medical care providers. help articulate the patients' needs and experiences. help a community to make positive changes to their health programs. d. all of the above.

All of the following are subsistence strategies recognized by anthropologists, except?


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