anthropology chapter 15

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have already made a fortune by logging their own forests.

People in Brazil complain that it is hypocritical for environmentally active outsiders to clamor about "saving the Amazon" when their own countries

significant risks

Accompanying globalization are _________ _________ that can spread rapidly beyond individual countries. Thanks to modern transportation systems, diseases that break out in part of the world can quickly become global threats. Furthermore, along with the actual threat that a disease might go global is the heightened risk perception, augmented by the media, that makes people think that anyone anywhere might succumb to the disease that is confined almost entirely to a particular region. Another global threat, which can spread even faster than a disease, is a cyber attack. We should be our cyber viruses as well as real viruses. We have become so reliant on the Internet that anything that might impede or help the flow of information in cyberspace would've worldwide repercussions. In 2017, North Korea tested a series of missiles, and the US president threaten to fire and furyLike the world has never seen.


All too often, conquest, annexation, and development have been associated with ___________, deliberate extermination of a specific ethnic group. Examples of ____________ include the holocaust, Rwanda in 1994, and Bosnia and early 1990s. Bodely Estimates that an average of 250,000 indigenous people perished annually between 1800 and 1950. The cases included warfare, outright murder, introduce diseases, slavery, land grabbing, and other forms of dispossession impoverishment.

increasing human population that led to expanded farming.

Anthropologists believe that much of the deforestation in the ancient Middle East and Central America was caused by


Around the globe, diversity is under __________. In Alaska, which is been warming twice as fast the rest of the United States, displaced villagers have become climate change refugees, forced to move is rising sea levels have eroded and put in their settlements. In the South Pacific, Marshall Islanders also face rising seas, which rid of the villages increasingly Uninhabitable and their land too salty for productive agriculture. And the Brazilian Amazon, outside settlers including farmers, cattle herders, and commercial loggers, or illegally encroaching on areas reserved for indigenous groups. A combination of forces at work globally, including climate change and development, or threatening the lifestyles, livelihoods, and even the lives of indigenous peoples. We focus now on the Norwegian arctic were Sami (Lapp) Population of around 100,000 traditional reindeer herders extends over a vast territory, northern areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia's Kola Peninsula. Sami no man's ones moved there heard seasonally across the expanse, paying a little attention to national borders. Today, America won 10 of the total population, Western Europe's only indigenous our group, continues to heard reindeer for a living. The Sami where life is been destroyed incrementally rather than by a major project or event. The cumulative effects of a series of smaller construction, including roads and pipelines, have reduce Norway's undisturbed reindeer habitat by 70% in the past century. Like so many other indigenous peoples,the Sami must compete with powerful external interest for use of their traditional grazing lands. For generations, they have lived under state organization. The state allows them to Grace their herds, but the land belongs to the national government. They must deal with decisions made by the national level by planners, legislators, and the courts. What is good for the nation in business interest often takes presidents over what may be best for local people. External input seven both positive and negative. The group benefits from the use of GPS collars and smart phone apps to tractor animals, and snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles to round them up. On the negative side, the city encroachment of industrial infrastructure has reduce the range of freedom of movement. Certain threats include dance, road, live fire military drills, high-voltage powerlines, wind farms, and Coppermine, many of them now had to move their hurts by truck and boat between summer and winter pastors, a costly operation. When courts approved large scale projects that negatively affected them, but herders received only one time payment as compensation for the losses. Norway is proceeding with plan to extract more resources and build more industry in the Arctic. The Sami Fear that their languages and culture, largely the same by hurting, but ultimately be sacrificed to benefit the larger society

saint Francis of Assisi

Brazilian TV has also added the national spread of Carnaval beyond its traditional urban centers. Still, local reaction to the worldwide broadcasting of Carnaval and it's trappings, elaborate parades, costumes, and frenzy dancing, or not simple or uniform responses to external stimuli. Rather than direct adoption of Carnaval,Local Brazilians respond to various ways. Often, they don't take up Carnaval itself but modify their local festivities to fit carnival images. Others actively sperm carnaval. One example is Arembepe , We're kind carnaval has never been important.This is probably because of its Calendrical closest to the mainLocal festival, which is held in February surrounding ______________________i. In the past, villages couldn't afford to celebrate both occasions.


Business in the media have fueled a global culture of _______________, based on a craving for certain lifestyles in the products that go along with them. People also craving consume knowledge and information, available through the media and the gadgets that allow media access. The media also provide connectivity and a form for expressing share the sentiments. In the Middle East, for example, social media use exploded during the Arab spring of 2011. In cyberspace, Middle Eastern or's found some thing missing from the ordinary, off-line worlds: platforms permitting social connectivity in the collective airing of grievances. Since then, social media I have entered the region commercially, in a big way. At least 60% of Middle Eastern or's have Internet access, and about 90% of them use social media regularly. WhatsApp is the number one social media site, used by 67% of Middle Eastern or's, followed by Facebook 63% and YouTube 50%. This rapidly rising Middle Eastern Internet presents is occurring in an area where are use younger than 24 years make up between 50 and 65% of the population. The smart phone is another key element in the middle eastern marketing media scape. The united Arab emirates led the world in smart phone penetration. A global survey by google found at 93% of smart phone users notice mobile ads, and 39% of those follow up with an online purchase.


Changes in the cultural patterns that result when groups come into continuous firsthand contact are called

environmental anthropology

Given national and international incentives to exploit and degrade, Ethnoecologies that once preserved local and regional environments increasingly are ineffective or irrelevant. Anthropologists routinely witness threats to the people they study in their environments. Among such threats are commercial logging, mining, industrial pollution, and the imposition of external management systems on local ecosystems. Today's ecological anthropology, _________ ____________, at times not only to understand but also to find solutions to environmental problems

energy demand

Global ________ __________ is the single greatest obstacle to slowing down climate change. Worldwide, energy consumption continues to grow with economic and population expansion. India, and particular, continues its rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels and, consequently, it's omissions. New Delhi has become one of the worlds most polluted cities. PollutionHas been a significant problem in Chinese cities as well. Among the alternatives to fossil fuels are nuclear power and renewable energy resources such as solar wind and biomass generators.

traditional subsistence pursuits

I'm struck by the growing number of young people worldwide who have banned _________ _________ _________. This big jobs for cash, but work is scars, spring migration within and across national boundaries. Intern, transnational migration increase his cultural diversity, but also generating heated political debates, and the United States in Europe. Every day we encounter people whose and social countries and cultures have been study by anthropologist for generations making cultural anthropology all the more relevant to our daily lives in an increasingly interconnected world.

cultural imperialism

If Jewish people conquered Mexico and forced all the Mexicans to speak Yiddish or Hebrew, eat only kosher food, and live by the Law of Moses, this would be an example of

-sea levels -ecosystems -rainfall patterns

Instead of "global warming," some scientists prefer the term "climate change" because this has a broad meaning that includes changes in

warming cooling

Scientist prefer the more general and inclusive term climate change to global warming as the phenomenon involves both _____________ and ____________ processes. Contemporary manifestations of global climate change include rising surface, atmospheric and oceanic temperatures; melting glaciers; reduced snow cover; shrinking CA; rising sea levels; ocean acidification; increasing atmospheric water vapor; and changing storm patterns.

in high-latitude and high-altitude areas.

Scientists theorize that if global temperatures do rise, the greatest warming is likely to occur

conservation with no sensitivity to local and individual circumstances.

Several generations of one family have lived in their home in the mountains since the 1800s. The government designates a new wilderness area, putting the house within the wilderness boundaries. The family is now forbidden to use motorized vehicles to reach their home, they cannot operate a chainsaw to cut firewood, and they cannot string lines for telephones and electricity. This would be an example of

-made video recordings of their largest festivals, to be shown to tourists. -staged more lavish celebrations for broadcast on television. -posted video of local celebrations on social media such as YouTube.

Since the advent of television and video cameras, towns along the Amazon River in Brazil have

political position

This chapter applies an anthropological perspective to contemporary global issues. Let's begin right by reviewing two different meanings of the term globalization. As using this book, the primary meaning of globalization is the worldwide connectedness. Modern system to transportation, communication, and finance or global and scope. They are interlinked systems of production, distribution, and consumption that extend across all nations and regions. A second meeting of globalization is political; it has to do with ideology, policy and neoliberalism. And this more limited sense, globalization refers to efforts by international financial powers to create a global free market for goods and services. The second, political meaning of globalization has generated and continues to generate significant opposition. In this book, globalization is a neutral term for the fact of global connectedness and linkages, rather than any kind of __________ __________.

-discouraged indigenous identification and mobilization. -encouraged assimilation into the general population.

Until the 1980s, Latin American public discourse and state policies toward indigenous people

modern technology

What's your favorite science-fiction movie or TV show? What images of other planets, or of a future earth, stand out in your memory? Can you visualize various planets in Star Wars galaxy? Movie images probably or more familiar to you than those of real planets. Thanks, two, about how extra terrestrial's have been portrayed in movies. On the one hand are extraterrestrials harmless plant collectors and avatars endangered Na'vi . More typical earths world be conquerors, as shown in two Independence Day films, three starship troopers movies, and hundreds of others. Still other films, most notably the day the earth stood still, feature omnipotent, omniscient guardians of inner planetary affairs. If some of our most vivid perceptions of other planets come from fiction, _ _____________ __________makes it easier than ever for us to perceive the earth as both the planet and our world. Anthropologists can use Google earth to locate communities they have studied the remote corners of the world. My colleagues and I have even use space images to choose communities to study on earth. Interested in the causes of D4 station in Madagascar, we examined a series of satellite images taken in success of years to determine areas where the forest cover had diminished significantly. Then we travel to Madagascar to study those areas on the ground. It's interesting to imagine what an alien might see in similar images. If these aliens were as the more benevolent science fiction movies imagine interested in studying life on earth rather than conquering controlling or even eating is in habitants, they would have a lot to interpret. In my work abroad, I've been impressed by two major global trans: population increase in the shit from subsistence to cash economies. These trends have led to agricultural intensification, resource depletion including deforestation, and immigration and have made it increasingly harder to not think globally when asking ourselves who we are.

mass media

With globalization, more people and many more places imagine a wider set of possible lives and they ever did before. One important source of this change is the ________ ________. The United States as a global media center has been joined by Canada, Japan, western Europe, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Egypt, India, and Hong Kong.

outside event

not only do people of Arembepe Reject Carnaval; they are also increasingly hostile to their own main festival.arembepeiros resent the fact that the Saint Francis of Assisi Festival has become an _________ __________, because it draws thousands of tourists they are each year. Arembepeiros now prefer the traditional June festivals honoring Saint John, Saint Peter, and Saint Anthony. Formally, these were observed on a much smaller scale than was the Saint Francis celebration. Arembepeiros observe them now with a new vigor and enthusiasm. The national or the global can become that only if the local populace cooperates.

natural resources

Remaining in the world today are more than 5000 distinct groups of indigenous peoples, located in some 90 countries. Called tribal peoples, first peoples, native peoples, and indigenous peoples, these original inhabitants call themselves by many names in there more than 4000 languages. They comprise more than 5% of the worlds population, numbering about 370 million people. They remain among the worlds most disadvantaged and vulnerable populations. Many of them struggle to hold onto their land and ________ __________.

television internet

___________ and the ___________ also play a prominent role in maintaining ethnic and national identities among people who lead transnational lives. Arabic speaking Muslims, including migrants in several countries, follow the TV network Al Jazeera , Based in Qatar. As groups move, they can stay linked to each other and to their homeland through global media. Diasporas, people who have spread out from an original ancestral homeland, having large the markets for media, communication, brands, and travel services targeted at specific ethnic, national, or religious groups who now live in various parts of the world.

human activity

A number of potentially lethal infectious diseases have emerged in spread in the past few decades. These emerging diseases include HIV/AIDS, Ebola, west Nile, SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome, Lyme disease, and Zink's.All these diseases have emerged as a result of ________ __________. Driven by factors including population increase, changing settlement patterns, and commercial expansion, humans have been encroaching on wildlands, particularly for us, and creating conditions that favor the spread of disease pathogen's. In the Amazon, for example, one study showed that an increase in deforestation of just 4% produced a 50% increase in the incidence of malaria. This is because the mosquitoes that transmit malaria thrive in the right mix of sunlight and water and recently defored and areas. Some emerging diseases our zoonotic,They spread from animals to humans. The transmission of diseases from wild to domesticated animals and then to humans has been going on since the neolithic, when animals birds were domesticated. Zoonotic diseases pose a huge threat today because of human population increase in forces of globalization. Emerging diseases come more than 2 million people annually, and 60% of those diseases originate in animals.


Among the diseases that has jumped from woods and wildlife to humans through their domesticated animals is the ___________ virus, which began its migration from fruit bats to humans in south Asia. Because robots have coevolved with the _____________ virus for millions of years, it does a little damage to their health. When the virus moves from baths to other species however it can be lethal. Robots eat the pop of fruit and spit out the residue. And roll Malaysian 1999, and infected that appears to have dropped a piece of shit fruit into the supply of swineherd, a scenario depicted in the movie contagion. The virus then spread from those pegs to humans. Of 276 people in fact in Malaysia, 106 died. 11 more people died in Singapore, when the virus was exported there via live pigs. South Asia has experienced a dozen smaller Nipah outbreaks in recent years.

diffusion westernization

Acculturation is a form of cultural borrowing, or diffusion, that require a sustained first-hand contact. _____________, however, can also occur without direct, first-hand contact between the cultures involved. For example, most northern Americans to eat hotdogs or hamburgers have never been to Frankfurt or hamburg Germany nor have most North American Toyota honors or sushi eaters ever visit in Japan. Although acculturation can be applied to any case of cultural contact and change, the term most often as described _____________, the influence of Western expansion on indigenous peoples in their cultures. Thus, local people who were store-bought clothes, learn Indo-European languages, and otherwise adopt Western customs are called acculturated.

voluntarily forced

Acculturation may be ___________ of ____________, and there may be considerable resistance to the process. Different degrees of destruction, domination, resistance, survival, I adaptation, and modification of native cultures may follow enter ethnic contact. In the most destructive encounters, native and subordinate cultures face of liberation. When contact a powerful outsider seriously threatens and indigenous culture, a shock face often follows in initial encounter. Outsiders may attack exploit the native people. Such exploitation may increase mortality, disrupt substance, fragment king groups, damage social support systems, and inspire new religious movements. During the shock phase, there may be civil oppression back by military force. Such factors may lead the groups cultural collapse, ethnocide or physical extinction, genocide.


Although ______________ has been the worlds largest energy consumer since 2009, Chinese energy consumption has slowed since 2014. Reasons for the slow down include weaker economic growth, greater energy efficiency, and the governments willingness to decarbonize the Chinese economy. American energy consumption was flat in 2016, when a steep decline in use of coal was offset by a slight increase in oil and gas consumption. India counted for 1/4 of the global increasing energy is in 2016. Other countries whose energy consumption is increasing include turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, and South Korea. Energy consumption has declined recently in Latin America, including Brazil, Columbia, and Mexico, while remaining steady in Europe. When result in industrial expansion is the ongoing destruction of indigenous economies, ecology's, and populations.

production commerce finance

Besides the media, other key global forces are _________,__________,and ___________. As Arjun appadurai Puts it, money, commodities, and persons unendingly Chase each otherAround the world. Residence of many Latin American communities now rely financially on outside cash, which the relatives who have migrated sent back home. Also illustrating finance as a global force, the US economy is increasingly influenced by foreign investment, especially from Britain, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, and China. The American economy also has increased its dependence on foreign labor, through both the immigration of laborers and the outsource of jobs.

demographically driven

Anthropologist know that food producers, farmers and herders, typically do more to degrade the environment than forgers do. Population increase in agricultural expansion cause deforestation in many parts of the ancient Middle East in Mesoamerica. Even today, many farmers think of trees as giant weeds to be removed and replaced with productive fields. Often, deforestation is _____________ driven, caused by population pressure. For example, in the past 50 years Madagascar population has almost tripled, from 9 million to around 26 million. Population growth propels migration, including rural urban migration. Madagascar is capital, Antananarivo , Had just 100,000 people 50 years ago. Today, around 3 million people live in that city and its environments. Urban growth causes deforestation if urbanites rely on fuelwood from the countryside, as is true of Madagascar. As forest and watersheds disappear, crop productivity declines. Madagascar is known as the great red island, after the color of the soil. On the island, it's effects of soil erosion and water runoff are visible to the naked eye. From the look of us rivers, Madagascar appears to be bleeding to death. Increasing runoff of water no longer trapped by trees cause erosion of low lying rice fields nearest swollen rivers as well as siltation and irrigation canals.

ecological anthropology ethnoecology

Anthropology always has been concerned with how environmental forces influence humans in our human activities affect the environment. The 1950s and 1970s witnessed the emergence of an area of study known as cultural ecology, or ___________ ____________. That field initially focused on how cultural beliefs and practices helped human populations adapt to their environment, as well as how people used elements of their culture to maintain their ecosystems. Ecological anthropologist showed that many indigenous groups did a reasonable job of managing the resources and preserving their ecosystems. Such groups had traditional ways of categorizing resources and using them sustainably. The term ___________ described as a scientist and then by middle perceptions and practices

present and future

Anthropology offers relevant, indeed powerful, ways of seeing how the world works. to benefit humanity, lessons of the past can and should be applied to the __________ and ____________. Just know that civilizations and war Powers rise and fall, and that social transformations typically follow major innovations, such as the neolithic in the industrial revolution. There's little chance of the current one system in the power relations with and it will last forever. Whatever it may be, I was social media Jones to our social presence. That is, future developments will need to build on, modify, and perhaps discard pre-existing practices and institutions.


Anthropology teaches us that the adaptive responses of humans are more ___________ than those of other species, because our main adapted means are socio-cultural. However, in the face of globalization, the cultural institutions of the past always influence subsequent adaptation, produce and continue diversity in the actions and reactions of different groups as they indigenize global inputs. In our globalizing world, anthropology offers of people center vision of social change. The existence of anthropology is itself a tribute to the continuing need to understand similarities and differences among human beings throughout the world.

-the spread or advance of one culture at the expense of others. -the imposition of one culture on others, which it changes, replaces, or destroys.

Cultural imperialism refers to

they try to replace the local system, which was working adequately, with a system designed for a different culture.

Development projects often fail because

cultural survival

As for the illustration of the global reach of the consumer culture, consider that few people have never seen a T-shirt advertising a western product. American an English rock stars recording blast through the streets of Rio de Janeiro, will taxi drivers from Toronto to Antananarivo Listen to Brazilian music. The popularity of Korea pop singer spreads internationally via the Internet. Peasants and tribal people participate in the modern world system not only because they have been hooked on cash but also because their products and images are provided by world capitalism. They are commercialized by others, like the quileute nation in the twilight series of books and movies. Furthermore, indigenous peoples also market their own images and products, through outlets like ___________ ____________.


Biologist and doctors are acutely aware of the threat posed by ______________ diseases. One international project, called predict, funds teams of veterinarians, conservation biologist, medical doctors, and a pet him allergist to identify disease causing organisms in Wildlight before they spread to humans. Predict which is financed by the United States agency for international development attempts to predict spot and prevent the spread of ______________ diseases from world areas with high potential for disease transmission. 731 countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia participate in the program. Project scientist monitor areas were deadly viruses are known to exist and where humans have been encroaching. One such locale is the inter-oceanic highway. Which now links the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and South America, transversing Brazilian Peruvian Andes. Predict scientist also gather blood, saliva, and other samples from wildlife species to create a library of viruses, to facilitate identification when threat is eminent. This library focuses on the animals most likely to carry disease to people, such as primates, rats, and bats. Predict scientist also study ways of preventing disease transmission. Sometimes solutions can be remarkably simple. In Bangladesh, for example, outbreaks of the Nipah virus we're contain by placing bamboo screens which cost eight cents each, over the containers used to collect date palms up. Humans, by modifying the environment, create the conditions that allow diseases to emerge and spread. Anthropologist can contribute by setting the cultural including economic causes of environmental encroachment and suggesting culturally appropriate and workable solutions.

autochthony indigenous

Ceuppens and Geschiere comment on an upsurge, and several world areas, of the notion of autochthony, Being made into, or formed in, the place were found, with an implicit call for excluding strangers. The terms autochthony and indigenous both go back to classical Greek history, with similar implications. ___________ Refers to self and soil. ____________ literally means born inside, with the connotation in classical Greek of being born inside the house. Both notion stress rights of first cameras to privilege status and protection versus later immigrants, legal or illegal. During the 1990s, autochthony became an issue in many parts of Africa, inspire and violent efforts to exclude European and Asian strangers. Simultaneously, autochthony became a key notion in debates about immigration and multiculturalism in Europe. European majority groups have claimed the label autochthon this term highlights the prominence that the exclusion of strangers has assumed in day-to-day politics worldwide. Familiar contemporary samples include the rise of ethnonationalism in the United States and the June 2016 brexit vote for Britain to leave the European Union

globalization of risk

Citizens of earth face to heightened risk of nuclear warfare, which, even if localized, couldn't engulf the globe in nuclear winter. Such dangerous that can affect people anywhere and everywhere on the planet are part of ___________ of _________. Risks are no longer merely local, like the Flint, Michigan, water crisis, or regional, like California drought or wildfires. We face threats that are global and scope, yet people worry more about short term and immediate threats, such as toxic water, Zika, or Ebola, and middle term dangers, such as terrorism, then about long-term, less immediately obvious, threats such as global climate change.

indigenous peoples

Clash of cultures related to environmental change may occur when development threatens ________ __________ in their environments. A second clash of cultures related to environmental change may occur when external regulation and conversation confront indigenous peoples and there is no ecologies. Like development projects, Conversations games may ask people to change their ways in order to satisfy planners goals rather than local goals. And places as different as Madagascar, Brazil, in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, people have been asked, told, or forced to abandon basic economic activities because to do so it's good for nature or the globe. Good for the globe doesn't play very well in Brazil, who's Amazon has been a focus of international environmentalist attention.


Consider the case of a man from the Tanosy ethnic group who lives on the edge of the andohanhela reserve in southeastern Madagascar. For years he has relied on rice fields and grazing land inside that reserve. Now external agencies are telling him to abandon that land for the sake of conservation. This man is a wealthy _________ , Traditional sourcer- healer. With four wives,It doesn't children, and 20 head of cattle, he is an ambitious, hard-working, and productive peasant. With money, social support, and supernatural authority, he is mounted affective resistance against the park ranger who has been trying to get him to abandon his fields. the ___________ claims he has already relinquished some of his fields, but he is waiting for compensatory land. His most effective resistance has been supernatural. The death of the Rangers young son was attributed to the ___________Magic. After that, the Ranger became less vigilant with his enforcement efforts.

carbon footprint

Each consumer of fossil fuels makes his or her individual contribution, that consumers ________ __________, to a global climate change. The fact that there are today 7.6 billion of those foot prints has major global significance. One reason for the heat was an unusually large El Niño weather pattern, Which pumped a substantial amount of heat into the atmosphere. Even more significant has been a long-term planetary warming caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases. NASA scientists ranked 2017, which was not an El Niño year, as the second warmest year since reliable recordkeeping began in 1880, trailing only 2016. The national oceanic and atmospheric administration, which uses a different analytical method, ranked third, behind 2016 and 2015.

they help local people preserve, publicize, and celebrate their traditions.

Foreign innovations such as television and the Internet have sometimes benefited local cultures in countries such as Brazil, because


Global annually averaged surface air temperature increased by about 1.8 Fahrenheit between 1901 and 2017, making this. The warmest in the history of modern civilization. Globally, the last four years 2014 to 2017 have been the warmest on record. This increase is not due to increased solar radiation. The causes are mainly _____________, caused by humans and their activities. Who can reasonably tonight at 7.6 billion people, along with her animals, crops, machines, and increasing use of fossil fuel's, have a greater environmental impact on the 5 million or so pre-neolithic hunter gatherers estimated to have lived on our planet 12,000 years ago?

-an international tribal movement. -a global forum called the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples. -a pan-Native American identity.

Globalization has led to the banding together of social groups into larger associations, including


In the process of globalization, people continually make and remake culture as they assign their own meetings of the information, images, and products they receive from outside. _____________ refers to the process by which people modify borrowed forms to make them fit to the coculture. in the process of globalization, people continually make and remake culture as they assign their own meetings of the information, images, and products they receive from outside. _____________refers to the process by which people modify borrowed forms to make them fit to the local culture. _____________ occurs in cultural domains as different as fast food, music, movies, social media, housing styles, science, terrorism, celebrations, religion, and political ideas and institutions.

conservation strategies

Globally, other causes of deforestation include commercial logging, Road building, cash crop in, and clearing and burning associated with life so I can grazing. The fact that for his loss of civil causes has a policy implications: different deforestation scenarios require different ___________ __________. What can be done? On this question applied anthropology wizen, Spring policymakers to think about new conservation strategies. The traditional approach has been to restrict access to forest areas designated as parks or reserves, then employee park guards and punish violators. Modern strategies are more likely to consider the needs, which is, and abilities of the people often impoverished living in any other forest. Because effective conservation depends on the cooperation of the local people, their concerns must be addressed in devising conservation strategies. Reason to change behavior must make sense to the local people. In Madagascar, the economic value of the force for agriculture, as an antierosion mechanism and a reservoir for potential irrigation water, Provide a much more powerful incentive against forest degradation then do such global goals as preserving biodiversity. Most Malagasy have no idea that lemurs another endemic species exist only in Madagascar. Nor with such knowledge provide much of an incentive for them to conserve the forests if doing so jeopardize their livelihoods.

indigena indio

In Spanish speaking Latin America, social scientists and politicians now they were the term _________(indigenous person) over ________(Indian), The colonial term that European conquer is used for Native Americans. Until the mid to late 1980s, Latin American public policy emphasize assimilation, rather than maintenance of indigenous identities. Since then, the emphasis has stripped of genetically from biological and cultural assimilation, mestizaje, to identities that value difference, especially as indigenous peoples. In Ecuador, for example, group seen previously as Quechua speaking peasants are classified now as indigenous communities with the same territories. Other Indian peasants have experienced similar re-Indiginization as well. Brazil recognized 30 new indigenous communities in the Northeast, a region previously seen as having lost its indigenous population. In Guatemala, Nicaragua, Brazil, Columbia, Mexico, Paraguay, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, and Venezuela, constitutional reforms of recognize those nations as multicultural. Several national Constitution's now recognize the rights and business peoples to cultural distinctiveness, sustainable development, political representation, and limits of government.

trying to model the project after a midwestern American farm instead of adapting more to the local customs.

In many agricultural projects around the world, the developers make the mistake of

fossil fuels

Industrialization entailed the shift from alliance on renewable resources to the use of ________ ________. Earth supply of oil, gas, and Coal is being depleted to support previously unknown levels of conception. The United States, which ranks second among nine countries, represents about 16% of the worlds annual energy consumption. China ranks first, counting for 23% of global energy consumption. However, among those 10 countries, North Americans, Canadians, and Americans, rank first and second, respectively, and the per capita consumption. The average American consumes three times the energy used by the average Chinese in 10 times the energy used by the average citizen of India.

Rede Globo

Like print, modern media can defuse the cultures of countries within an opt in beyond their borders. Millions of Brazilians, for example, formally were cut off by geographic isolation or illiteracy from urban, national, and international events and information; then I'll participate in a larger media scape through mass media and the Internet. Brazil's most popular network _______ __________, relies heavily on its own productions, especially news and Telenovela's, nightly serial programs object compared to American soap operas. ____________ plays each night to one of the worlds largest and most voted audience. The programs that attract this horde are made by Brazilians, for Brazilians. On August 21, 2017, for example, 49 million Brazilians watch ____________ won our national news cast, Journal national. That is the typical audience size for this program, which is broadcast nightly at 8:30 in a country with 66.5 million TV homes. By contrast, the combined nightly viewership of the three network news broadcast ABC, CBS, NBC and United States is around 22 million, and a country with twice the number of TV homes as Brazil.

alien concepts

Local people in their landscapes, ideas, values, and traditional management systems face attacks from all sides. Outsiders attempt to remake native landscapes and cultures in their own image. The aim of many agricultural development projects, for example, seems to make the world as much like a Midwestern American agricultural state as possible. Often, there is an attempt to impose mechanized farming a nuclear family ownership, even though these institutions may be inappropriate in areas far removed from the mid western United States. Anthropologists know that development projects usually feel when they try to replace indigenous institutions with culturally ___________ ___________.

political ethnic

New kinds of __________ and __________ units have emerged along with globalization. In some cases, cultures and ethnic groups have banded together in larger associations. There is a growing pan native American identity and an international pan tribal movement as well. Thus, in June 1982, the world conference on indigenous peoples met in Rio de Janeiro concurrently with UNCED The United Nations conference on the environment development. Along with diplomats, journalist, and environmentalists came 300 representatives of the tribal diversity that survives under globalization, from Lapland to Mali

value plants and animals more than human beings.

One common complaint against environmentalists is that they seem to

it will decrease their access to resources and therefore their livelihood.

One serious problem for ecological anthropologists is that, in a world where population is increasing, local people hesitate to support conservation efforts because


Since at least the 1920s, anthropologist have been interested in changes that take place where there is sustained contact between industrial and non-industrial societies. The term ______________refers to the cultural changes that occur in different societies coming to continuous firsthand contact. Most ______________ studies have focused on contact between Western in on western cultures. Often, this contact reflects western domination over a non-western society. In that case, the cultural patterns of the dominant western society are more likely to be forced upon or excepted by the non-western society than vice versa. However, the Westerners who take up residence in a non-western setting also be affected by the cultural practices of that setting. In postcolonial times, people have been migrating from the formerColonies to the former colonial nations. Inevitably, these migrants bring along their own cultural practices. It is not uncommon for the food, music, art, including styles to influence the cultural practices of the formal colonial nation. If contact is the stand long enough, ______________ will be reciprocal, influencing both groups, even if one is influence more than the other.


Spillovers from wild life to humans have ___________ in the past half century, reflecting increasing him and encroachment on disease hotspots, especially in the tropics. Modern air travel contribute to the potential for transnational outbreak or even a pandemic, a pandemic is a epidemic With a global scope. Zero patient for the HIV/AIDS pandemic, in North America, at least, was a flight attendant who flew internationally. HIV/AIDS originally jumped from chimpanzees to humans through bushmeat hunters in Africa, who kill and butcher chimps


___________ complain the outsiders such as Europeans North Americans promote global needs and saving the Amazon after having destroyed their own primary forests for economic growth. Conservation efforts always face local opposition when they promote radical changes without involving local people and planning and caring out the policies that affect them. When people are asked to give up the basis of their livelihood, they usually resist.

greenhouse effect

The ________ __________ is a natural phenomenon that keeps the earth surface warm. The greenhouse gases include water vapor H2O, carbon dioxide CO2, methane search for, and nitrous oxide N2O, halocarbons,And ozone 03. Without those gases, life as we know it wouldn't exist. Like a greenhouse window, those gases Allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere and then trap heat, preventing it from escaping.

industrial revolution

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has fluctuated naturally in the past. Every time it increases, the earth heats up, ice melts, and sea levels rise. Since the _________ ___________, humans have been pumping carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air faster than nature ever did. The global atmospheric carbon dioxide CO2 concentration has now passed 400 ppm. The last time this happened was 3 million years ago, went global temperatures and C levels were significantly higher than today. Continued growth and CO2 emission can produce an atmospheric concentration not experienced in tens to hundreds of million years. This buildup will continue without actions to curb emissions.

culturally appropriate

The challenge for applied ecological anthropology is to devise ________ ____________ strategies for achieving conservation in the face of unrelenting population growth and commercial expansion. How does one get people to support conversation measures that may, in the short run, at least diminish their access to resources? Like development plans in general, the most effective conservation strategies pay attention to the needs and wishes of the local people.

the united nations

The closest thing Earth has to a planetary council is

intercultural communication

The fact that certain practices and risks have global Implications warrants a discussion of energy consumption and environmental degradation, including climate change, or global warming. Also considered in this chapter or the threats the deforestation and emerging diseases post to globalBio diversity and human life. The second half of this chapter turns from ecology to the contemporary flows of people, technology, finance, information, messages, images, and ideology that contribute to global culture of consumption. Part of globalization is _________ ____________, Through the media, travel, and migration, which increasingly bring people from different societies in direct contact. Finally, well consider how such contacts and external languages affect indigenous peoples, as well as how those groups have organized to confront and deal with national and global issues. It will be impossible in a single chapter or even book to do a complete review of all the global issues that are present today and the anthropologist have studied. Many issues such as warfare displacement terrorism non-governmental organizations in the media have been considered in previous chapters and throughout this book a series of boxes have a focused on global issues.


The field of ecological anthropology emerged in the

ecological anthropology

The field of study that focuses on how culture helps humans adapt to their environments and maintain their ecosystems is called


The form of acculturation that involves the influence of Western expansion on indigenous peoples and their cultures is known as which of the following?


The government has ambitious targets for renewable energy, including more Hydro electric and wind power projects. These projects, although possibly good for the globe, negatively affect reindeer hurting as well as arctic biodiversity, wilderness landscapes, and traditional subsistence activities. a proposed wind farm, now under judicial review, and associated powerlines would encroach substantially on the summer grazing lands of A group of her daughters who still speak south Sami, a language listed by UNESCO as endangered. In addition to the threats from development, the Sami have an ongoing conflict with the military. Since the Cold War, Norwegian soldiers have been a regular presence in the Sammy country, preparing for a possible Russian incursion across northern Scandinavia. These trips stayed regular, often daily, war exercises, including live gunfire. Herders must be diligent to avoid flying bullets as they go about their activities. Even the most enlightened government pursue policies that are incompatible with preserving the traditional activities and lifestyles of indigenous peoples. Lights are in conservations games and preserving biodiversity, low, such as the development of great energy sources, may not be best for the local people. Planners must be attentive to the need to seek a delicate balance between what's good for the globe and whats good for the _____________.

-substantial erosion, because trees are no longer holding the soil in place. -deforestation, because people cut trees for firewood. -more rapid water runoff, which erodes rice fields and deposits silt in irrigation canals.

The increasing human population of Madagascar has caused


The indigenous rights movement exist in the contacts of _____________, including transitional movements focusing on human rights, women's rights, environmentalism. Translational organizations have helped indigenous peoples to influence legislation. 1980s, there's been a general shift in Latin America from authoritarian to democratic rule. Still, any quality of discrimination against indigenous peoples persist.


The linkages created the globalization have both enlarged and raised both Old boundaries and distinctions. Arjun appadurai Characterizes today's world as a__________ interactive system that is strikingly new. Weather is refugees, migraines, Torres, programs, proselytizers, laborers, business people, development workers, politicians, tears, soldiers, sports figures, our media born images, people travel more than ever. The scale of human movement has expanded dramatically. So important is transnational migration that many Mexican villagers as likely to have friends and relatives living in hundreds or thousands of miles away as immediately around them. Migrants maintain their ties with Home through social media, by phone, emailing, texting, Skype, WhatsApp and, Facebook in, and FaceTime me. Frequently they send money home; when possible, they also visit. In a sense, they live multi locally, in different places at once. Dominicans in New York City, for example, I've been characterized as living between two islands: Manhattan and Dominican republic.

diffusion can happen without firsthand contact.

The main difference between acculturation and diffusion is

-be sensitive to local circumstances. -involve local people in planning and carrying out the new policies. -realize that global and national conservation efforts can cost local people their livelihoods.

When developing plans to conserve the environment, outsiders should

wearing store-bought clothing eating pizza once a week speaking French

Which of the following actions by a Polynesian native would be indications of acculturation?

Farmers who have been irrigating with river water are forced to stop because it might disturb a snail that a government agency plans to introduce.

Which of the following is an example of outsiders making regulations based on planners' goals instead of what is best for that locality?


Which of the following nations is most rapidly increasing its use of energy and consequently its emissions?


The spread of _______________may reveal radically different notions about the rights and value of plants and animals versus humans. In Madagascar, many intellectuals and officials complain that foreigners seem more concerned about lemurs and other endangered species that about people of Madagascar the Malagasy. As a geographer they were marked to me, the next time you come to Madagascar, there will be no more Malagasy. All the people of starve to death, and a lemur will have to meet you at the airport. Most Malagasy perceive him in poverty as a more pressing problems an animal and plant survival. On the other hand, who can reasonably doubt the conservation, including the preservation of biodiversity, is a worthy goal?

historic and unusual

The weather service labeled Harvey _________ and _________. More than 80 people died the street at homes are flooded with muddy toxic water. The intensity and destructive Ness of the 2017 hurricane season, hurricane Harvey Irma and Maria, suggests the immediacy of climate change. Previous predictions of extreme events have become a reality: in just a few weeks, United States in the Caribbean experience rapidly intensifying storms and record-breaking rainfall. Writing for meteorologist Tom Di LiBerto Notes that climate change does not by itself cause hurricanes but I can certainly make a hurricanes impact worse, because warmer season air increase the strength and intensity of storms.

-People are more closely connected to other people around the world than ever before. -Financial entities such as the World Bank and the World Trade Organization are trying to establish a global free market.

The word "globalization" can refer to which of the following two concepts?

-China has been the world's largest energy consumer since 2009. -Chinese energy consumption has slowed since 2014.

Which of the following statements about energy consumption in various countries are true?


To curb the global deforestation threat, we need conservation strategies that work. Laws and enforcement may help reduce commercially driven deforestation caused by burning and clear cutting. But local people also use and abuse forest lands. A challenge for the environmentally oriented applied anthropologist Is to find ways to make forest preservation attracted to local people and ensure the corporation. Applied anthropologist must work to make good for the globe good for the ___________.

Al Jazeera, an Arabic-speaking network based in Qatar

Which television network is most likely to help people maintain a sense of ethnic identity even after they have relocated to a foreign country?

state organized

Two centuries ago, as industrialization was developing, 50 million people still lived in politically independent bands, tribes, and chiefdoms. Around 1800, those non-industrial societies controlled half the globe and constituted 20% of its population. Industrialization tips the balance in favor of _________ ___________ societies. Many contemporary nations are repeating, At an accelerated rate, the process of resource depletion that began in Europe and the United States during the industrial revolution. Fortunately, however, today's world has somewhat environmental watchdogs that did not exist in that earlier time. Given the appropriate political well, leading to national and international corporation and sanctions, the modern world may benefit from the lessons of the past. There are, however, new dangers in today's world, some of which have become worldwide and scope.

efforts by international financial powers to create a global free market

What is the political meaning of globalization?


What is the term for people who have spread out from an original, ancestral homeland?


With so many people in motion, the unit of anthropological study expands from local community to the __________. Anthropologists increasingly follow the sentence of the villages we have studied as they moved from Rural to urban areas in across national boundaries. For an annual meeting of the American anthropological association held in Chicago, the anthropologist Robert Kemper once organize a session of presentations about long-term ethnographic fieldwork. Kemper is a long time research focus was the Mexican village of Tzintzuntzan , Which, with his mentor George Foster, he studied for decades. Eventually, their database expanded to include not only Tzintzuntzan but also it's descendants all over the world. Given the TzintzuntzanDiaspora, Kemper was even able to use some of his time in Chicago to visit people from Tzintzuntzan Who had establish a colony there. In today's world, as people move, they take their traditions in their anthropologist along with them.

valuing ethnic differences

Within the past 30 years in Latin America, policies toward indigenous peoples have shifted from encouraging assimilation to

cultural imperialism

__________ _________ refers to the spread advance of one culture at the expense of others, or it's in position on other cultures, which it modifies, replaces, or destroys, usually because a different economic or political influence. most children in the French colonial empire learned French history, language, and culture from standard textbooks also used in France. Tahitians, Malagasy, Vietnamese, and Senegalese learned the French language by reciting from books about our ancestors the Gauls. Some commentators think that modern technology and the mass media are recent cultural differences, as a common set of products and brands spread globally. Others, however, see a roll of modern technology and allowing social groups, local cultures, to express themselves and to survive. For example, radio, TV film, digital media, and increasingly the Internet like you to bring local happenings to the attention of a larger public. U2, for example, feel the global spread of a hugely popular game in style by the South Korean singer. Without YouTube, appreciation of such performances would be much more limited. Contemporary media play a role in stimulating and organizing local in community activities of many sorts. Think of ways in which this is done by YouTube Facebook and Twitter, global networks all. In Brazil, local practices, celebrations, and performances have changed in the contacts of outside forces, including the mass media and tourism. In the town of Arembepe Brazil , TV coverage stimulated increased participation in traditional annual performance, the cheganca . This is a dance play that reenacts events during the Portuguese discovery of Brazil. Aranda Piero's. This is a dance play that reenacts events during the Portuguese discovery of Brazil. Arempepieros i've traveled to the state capital to perform this dance before television cameras, for TV program featuring traditional performances from any rule communities, and cameras have gone to Arembepe to record it.


______________ are particularly sensitive to small fluctuations in the earths temperature. During the 19 century, as industrialization proceeded, sea level began to rise, and they continue to do so. Globally, the average sea level has risen 7 to 8 inches since 1900. About 3 inches of that rise occurred since 1993. Title flooding has accelerated in more than 25 Atlantic in gulf coast cities. In a decade between 1955 and 1964, a tie gauge at Annapolis, Maryland, measure 32 days of flooding. 50 years later, between 2005 in 2014, that figure jumped to 364 days. In Charleston, South Carolina, a flood days increased from 30 for an a earlier decade to 219 between 2005 in 2014. The levels are projected to rise by several more inches in the next 15 years, and by 1 -4 feet by 2100. C level rise is projected to be higher than the global average on the east and gulf coast of the United States. When hurricane Harvey inundated parts of Houston, Texas, with over 4 feet of water in August 2017, the National Weather Service need a two new colors for the rainfall maps. Areas of dark purple and lavender now show amounts of rain from 20 to 30 inches, and above.


______________ describes our time and situation: today's world in flux, these people on the move who have learned to manage multiple identities depending on place in contacts. in it's most general sense, postmodern refers to the blurring and breakdown of establish canons (rules or standards), categories, distinctions, and boundaries. The word is taken from postmodernism, a style and movement in architecture and succeeded modernism, beginning in the 1970s. Postmodern architecture rejected the rules, geometric order, and austerity of modernism. Modernist buildings were expected to have clear and functional design. Postmodern design is messier and more playful. It draws on a diversity of styles from different times and places, including popular, ethnic, and non-western cultures. Postmodernism extends value will be on classic, elite, and western cultural formsPostmodern is now used to describe comparable developments in music, literature, and visual art. From this origin, postmodern as he describes a world in which traditional standards, contrast, groups, boundaries, and identities are opening up, reaching out, and breaking down.


_____________describes the process of viewing and identity, and ethnic label, as an eight, real, and frozen, that's ignoringThe historical processes within wish that identity developed. Identities, however, are not fixed; they are fluid and multiple. People drawn particular, sometimes competing, self labels and identities. Separately in groups, for instance, self identity as mestizos but still see themselves as indigenous. Identity is a fluid, dynamic process, and there are multiple ways of being indigenous. Neither speaking indigenous language nowhere in need of clothing is required to self identify as indigenous

Bumba meu boi

in several towns along the Amazon river, annual folks ceremonies no are stage lavishly for TV and video cameras. In the Amazon town of parantins for example, boatloads of tourists arriving any time of the year or shown a video recording the towns annual______ ______ ________ Festival. This is a costume performance mimicking bullfighting, parts of which have been shown on national TV. This pattern, and which local communities preserved, revive, and intensify the scale traditional ceremonies to perform for the media and tourists, is expanding.

cultures and actions migration coast international national

in 2015, the American anthropological association issued a statement on humidity and climate change and makes the following key points: one. Human _________ and __________ are the most important causes of the dramatic environmental changes that have taken place during the past hundred years. Two key factors including Climate change or reliance on fossil fuels as the primary energy source, and ever expanding culture of consumerism. Two. Climate change will accelerate _________, disabled communities, and exacerbate the spread of infectious diseases. Three. Most affected will be people living on _________, and island nations, and high latitude and high altitude areas. Four. The tenancy has been to address climate change of the ___________ and ____________ levels. We also need planning at the regional and local levels, because the impacts of climate change very in specific locales. Affected communities, perhaps working with anthropologist, must be active participants in planning how to adapt to climate change in implementing those plans.

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