Anthropology Exam 2 Quiz Questions

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A clan's founder is often thought of by its members a being plant, animal, or mythical being.

...all of these (settle disputes, organize domestic life, and teach children the culture they are born into)

A descent group functions to...

all of these (usually have the authority related to broad areas of concern for the society, usually after allowed to make decisions concerning the group as a whole, and are often expected to lead community discussions and act as spokesmen in dealing with outsiders.)

A political leadership role is one in which individuals...

...bride service.

After a !Kung marriage, anew couple may ideally, may live with or neat the bride's family for a time, during which time a !Kung man must hunt for his wife's family. Such a practice anthropologists call...

...a brother and a sister.

Among the Kiowa, the most important relationship exists between...

...alyha or hwame, the gender variants for males and females.

Among the Mohave of the Greater Southwest, women who were pregnant might dream that their children might become...

...may take his place and marry another woman who will bear male heirs on his behalf. (he put hairs instead of heirs)

Among the Zulu, when a father dies and has no male heirs, his oldest daughter...

...denounce their "maleness" and take female names and adopt feminine dress and behavior.

Among the hijras of India, men who want to take up worship of the mother goddess Bahuchara Mata...

...create and cement social alliances.

An important function of reciprocity in society, is to...


Bands of foragers typically living in small unsettled mobile groups, are almost always organized around...


Cahokia, a city of mounds that existed where East St. Louis rests today, emerged around A.D. 1050 and consisted of thousands of people Cahokia is an example of a...


Consanguineal relatives are related by...

...hierarchical political systems characterized by centralized governments that arose primarily around large-scale agriculture.

Early states were...

It can be changed

Feminist anthropology has challenged many of the universal assumptions regarding male domination and female subordination, arguing that if gender-based inequality is learned...

...assigned role of an individual within a society.

Gender refers to the...

...supports fewer people per square mile than agriculture.

Generally speaking, foraging...


In North America, the most common descent principle in use is..

...patrilocal residence.

In china, when a couple marries, the wife resides with the husband's family. Such an arrangement is an example of...

social velocity

In his field studies of the ju/'hoansi (Dobe !Kung), Richard Lee noted that as the number of people in band level society increases, the potential for disruptive interpersonal conflicts rises. What did he call this phenomenon?

...general recognition of personal achievement

In small-scale pedestrian foraging societies, succession to political offices usually occur through...

L( O's father's brother)

In societies following matrilineal descent , which make relative is likely to responsible like a father for O in the diagram? (O is ego's brother)


In some societies, when the wife dies, the widower may marry a sister or another woman from his wife's family, widespread practice that anthropologist call...

...women's activities dominated the smaller village courtyards.

In the 1970's, the Greek village Kypseli, while men were away from home...

M, N, Q, and R

In the above diagram, which individuals are ego's parallel cousins? ( The middle row from left to right is K, L, M, N, sister, ego, brother, Q, R, S, and T) men's activities above the activities of women.

In the ethnographic literature, in most societies past and present, the tasks and roles associated with the sexual division of labor generally...


In the kinship diagram below, the person labeled K is L's...( K is pink and L is light blue)


Many traditional European and Asian societies, where a wife's family is expected to give the woman's inheritance to the husband's family, engage in such a practice that anthropologists call...

...Arapesh, Tchambuli, and Mundugumor.

Margaret Mead profiled the temperament of men and women among the...

...generating and maintaining larger social networks.

Marriage cross-culturally is not as much about the sexual union of two people as it is about...


Marriage outside a certain group, such as outside your lineage, is...


Men in indigenous societies of New Guinea wanting to increase their personal status and influence over others organized large ceremonies similar to the Kwakiutl potlatch. The most important things that were given away during theses ceremonies in New Guinea were

...cultural evolution.

Some anthropologists have called the movement form foraging to domestication...


THe most common kinship naming system in North America and Europe today is...

a closed trading system among the Trobriand Islanders in which only recognized senior male trading partners from each island could be expedition leaders.

The Kula RIng was ______________.

...fields are not used permanently but remain fallow for some time after being cultivated.

The defining characteristic of horticulture is that...

...10,000 to 12,000 years ago.

The domestication of plants and animals happened about...


The economy of state societies is generally based on...


The most complex forms of political and economical organizations are called...

...are less likely to attend to spiritual matters than men.

The people of the Ryukyu islands near Japan agree that females...

...marriage and descent.

The principle bonds that hold kinship groups together are...


The process by which we learn what it means to be male or female is called...

The simplest kind of political system for a society is a(n)...

...descent groups or lineage.

Unlike foragers, large families in time and space could (and in many cases, still do) have power above and beyond any one individual. These families are called...


When a political system has a number of positions with different levels of responsibility power and authority it is referred to as a...

New Guinea

Where did inidenous tribal level societies have leaders called "big men"?

none of these (the use of money as a means of exchange, the ability to accumulate vast amounts of capital, and highly complex economic interactions that are ultimately international in their scale)

Which of the following are characteristic of non-market economies?

all of these (rich people giving substantial amounts of money to charities, rich people paying a higher income tax rate then poor people, and potlatch ceremonies of the Kawakiutl and some of their Indian neighbors.)

Which of the following are examples of economic redistribution systems?

threat of witchcraft

Which of the following are important parts of social control in some small non-western societies?

age, gender and kinship

Which of the following are the most important criteria used for classifying people in the majority of the societies of the world?

all of these (his mother, his brother, and his mother's brother)

Which of the following is always part of Ego's matrilineage?

Cattle functioned as their special purpose money in the past.

Which of the following is generally true of pastoralist societies in East Africa?

An unemployed man of African origin who is living on the street.

Which of the following kinds of people would most likely be considered to be a criminal for acting oddly in public and subsequently be arrested by the police in North America

all of these (Omaha, Crow, and Iroquois)

Which of the following kinship naming systems were used by North American Indians?

They are typically found in small-scale, isolated societies.

Which of the following statements is true concerning non-market economies?

All of these statements are true (They are essentially egalitarian in that no one family or residential group is politically or economically superior to others, They are advanced over bands in the way they are integrated, and They are essentially acephelous.)

Which of the following statements is true of tribes?

both A and B (songs, dance, and speechs; and women and children)

Which of the following things are usually considered to be important gifts in small-scale societies with non-market economies ?

all of these (high ranking, influential guest were seated according to their relative status; the host made speeches and dramatically gave speeches and dramatically gave gifts to the guests; and the host destroyed things of value.)

Which of the following things occurred at traditional Kwakiutl potlatches?

to celebrate major life events in a family.

Which of the following were intended functions of the Kwakiutl potlatch ceremonies in the 19th century?

exchange Christmas gifts with your best friend at an office party

Which of the following would fit the definition of balanced reciprocity in North America today?

...dominate public spaces.

Women in the village of Nazare in Portugal...

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