Anthropology Study 2

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The religious concept that some or all non-human entities (plants, animals, natural objects orphenomena) have a spirit or soul is called ________________


_______________ is the practice of measuring human bodily features to describe, organize, and compare individual and group physical characteristics.


The official policy of race separation in South Africa prior to 1990 was known as_______________.


The ardent critic of the race concept in anthropology and author of Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race was _________________

Ashley Monatague

_________________ refers to the loss of distinct traits as a group or "kind" of people adopt the characteristics of another, usually dominant, group.


Societies with little or no wealth/power/status difference between individuals, genders, and "classes" (as in typical foraging societies) are called ______________ societies.


The rule or preference that you should marry someone who shares the same social characteristicsas yourself—who belongs to the same "group" or "category" as you do—is called____________


According to George DeVos, the definition of ______________ is the "subjective symbolic or emblematic use of any aspect of culture [by members of a group], in order to differentiate themselves from other groups."


The production system in which domesticated plants are grown without the use of irrigation, the plow, or permanent fields, resulting in relatively low-yield farming, is called _______________


High-input, high-yield farming employing such technologies as the plow, irrigation, fertilizer, and draft animals is known as _________________________

Intensive Agriculture

The form of social control in which an individual conforms "voluntarily" to social expectations(basically through enculturation) is ______________________


The power of ___________________ is the ability to convince or sway others, typically exercised through manipulation of rewards or expert use of language (making an argument, giving a speech).


The Mexican concept for the creation of a single race--a "cosmic" race--out of the mixture of allcurrent races is _________________.

La Raza Cosmica or Tabula Rosa

The _____________ is the highest level of political integration achieved so far. It is often calleda "country" or "nation" and has bounded territory, and a central government with the power to make and enforce laws, to manage the economy and print currency and collect taxes, andmaintain an army and fight wars and sign treaties. States are usually associated with intensiveagriculture


The descent rule in which children belong to their mother's descent group but not their father's is called ___________________


Carl Marx analysis of economics says that the ______________________ includes the__________________ and the ____________________

Mode of production, means of production, and relations of productions

The production system in which food and wealth derives primarily from domesticated animals, usually controlled by men, is called _________________.


______________ descent involves kinship links between related males: children belong to their father's group, and only males perpetuate the group.


The production system which uses techniques like irrigation and the plow to produce massive food surpluses on permanent fields is ________________


One of the three key principles of the kinship system of any society is __________.

Residence/Marriage/Or Descent

A _________________________ is a ritual that is performed to change the status of a person, for example from child to adult or from single to married.

Rite of Passage

The rewards and punishments that all societies use to encourage people to behave according to norms and expectations are called _______________.


The religious specialist who is usually a part-time healer with personal power to communicatewith and influence spirits is a(n) ________________.


The ability to move or change one's position in a system of social inequality is called__________________________.

Social Mobility

The division of society into different and unequal groups is called ____________________.

Social Stratification

Whether socio-economic status in a society is determined primarily by ____________ or_______________ qualities will determine the amount of __________________ in that society

ascribed, achieved, social mobility

The religious concept that a supernatural energy or Force pervades nature and affects the course of human events is called ________________.


The form or source of power that derives from age, skill, knowledge, office, etc. and is thus felt to be "legitimate" is called _________________.


The earliest form of political integration (i.e. the oldest political system) is the __________.


Most commonly-used typology of political systems proposed by Elman Service in Primitive Social Organization: An Evolutionary Perspective (1962) are_________________________________________________________________.

Band, Tribe, Chiefdom, and State

E. B. Tylor's famous "minimal definition of religion" was_________________________________________________________________________.

Belief in spiritual beings

The practice in which a man is expected to offer goods or money to a woman's family inexchange for the right to marry her is called _____________.

Bride Wealth/ Bride Service

A social group that acts, at least in some regards, like a single "body"—with shared interests, identity, and activity—is referred to as a __________________

Corporate Group

____________________ have 5000 - 20,000 people, a Hereditary chief, some craft specialists,fortified centers & ritual centers, large-scale monuments, and show accumulation & redistribution of goods


Power based on the threat or use of force is called _______________.


A corporate group based on shared kinship links to a common ancestor is called a _______________________.

Descent Group

Kinship is commonly used to build a residential group or _______________.

Descent Group

The practice in which a woman's family is expected to offer goods or money to a man's family in exchange for the right to marry him is called _________________.


All of the work, tools, knowledge, and skill that a society uses to transform the environment and to "earn a living" are technically referred to as its _____________________.

Economic Systems

There are 3 Sources of Power in Society:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Economic, Ideological, and Military

The rule or preference that you should marry someone who does not belong to the same "group" or "category" as you do—is called ______________.


The production system in which humans produce food by hunting non-domesticated animals and gathering non-domesticated plants is known in anthropology as _______________.


_______________ is the attempt to destroy much or all of another group or "kind" of people.


Three key principles of the kinship system of any society are -------------, -----------------, and________.

Marriage, Residence, and Descent

The great naturalist ________________ was perhaps the first scholar (in the 1740s) to proposethe familiar four-race system of white/European, black/African, red/Native American, and yellow/Asian.


Like gender, ___________ uses physical differences to establish "types" and to assign people to these types and then to assign qualities, tasks, and value to these people


The distribution system in which an individual, group, or institution collects wealth and then makes decisions about who will receive it is called ______________________


The system in India that assigns individuals to different categories based on their spiritual purity is called ________.

The Caste System

______________________ is the religious concept that one or more gods exist in the universe.


The "big man" role is associated with the political system called the _____________.


_____________________________ include up to a 1000 people, are Farmers or pastoralists and have Religious elders and Permanent Villages


Not all of the principles of non-kin-based corporateness divide people into ____________ groups


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