AP Bio Exam

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the nitrogen has a partial negative charge and the hydrogen attached to the oxygen has a partial positive charge

Water and ammonia interact to form hydrogen bonds, as represented in the figure to the right. Which statement best explains the formation of hydrogen bonds represented in the figure?

smallest cube

Which cube will be the most efficient in removing waste by simple diffusion?


a coenzyme that transfers electrons from the Krebs cycle to the mitochondrial electron-transport chain at a lower energy level than that of electrons entering at the beginning of the chain

meios has 2 divisions -> 4 haploid gametes/mitosis has 1 division -> 2 diploid cells for an organism prophase 1 of meiosis has crossing over which leads to genetic diversity. Mitosis has no crossing over, j duplication metaphase 1 of meiosis has homologous pairs line up the metaphase plate while in metaphase of mitosis, individual chromosomes line up along the plate.

three differences between mitosis and meiosis

similar cell signaling pathways in diverse eukaryotes are evidence of conserved evolutionary processes

cell communication is critical for the function of both unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes. Which of the following is likely true of cell signaling


contains hydrolytic enzymes associated with the intracellular digestion of macromolecules

storage unit for a cell


the sun

we get free energy mainly from


the stage where the nuclear membrane disappears

water increases, glucose decreases, starch remains the same

A common lab involves putting a soln of starch and glucose into a dialysis bag and suspending the bag in a beaker of water. It aims to understand how molecular size affects movement through a membrane. What represents the amount of starch, water, and glucose in the dialysis bag over the course of the experiment?

cells w mutated aquaporins exhibit moderate turgor pressure and are hypertonic

Aquaporins are channel proteins that facilitate the transport of water across the cell membrane. one group of researchers hypothesizes that without functional aquaporins, no water will be able to enter the cell. another groups hypothesizes that even w nonfunctional aquaporins, a small amount of water will still cross the cell membrane. An experiment is set up in which plant cells with mutated (nonfunctional) aquaporins and plant cells w normally functioning aquaporins are both placed in distilled water. Which of the data would support the alternative hypothesis?

CDKs are always present in S and G2 of interphase cyclin gets paired w a CDK and used up, needing to be produced again MPF is only present once CDK and cyclin bind. MPF moves the cell from interphase into the mitotic phase. CDKs act as receptors and cyclin regulates how many MPFs are present

Describe how the concentrations of cyclin, Cdk, and MPF change throughout the cell cycle and the role these molecules play in regulating the cell cycle

hydrogen bonds form btwn the oxygen atom of one molecule and the hydrogen atom of another hydrogen is positive and oxygen is negative. opposites attract

Describe why hydrogen bonds form btwn water molecules

C3 sux compared to CAM and C4 CAM: close stomata during day, collect CO2 during night and store it until it is needed for photosynthesis. C4: calvin cycle is predeced by reactions that incorporate four carbon compounds. These compounds are exported to bundle-sheath cells, where they release CO2 for use in the calvin cycle

How do CAM and C4 photosynthesis differ from C3 photosynthesis


If the chi square value is higher than the critical value it is


Process found in both photosynthesis and cell resp.

in mutant 3 cells, more time is spent in prophase/prometaphase than in the later stages of mitosis

Researchers performed an experiment to determine the effect of certain genetic mutations on mitosis in fruit fly embryos. Which pattern does the data show?

a lake can be 4° while outside temp can be 0°. Water will freeze and less dense ice will float to the top, leaving warmer liquid water at the bottom. Ice at top acts as insulation for water at the bottom, keeping it from freezing. SO homies can survive during the winter.

The arrangement of the water molecules in ice causes the ice to float. Explain how ice floating on the surface of a body of water affects the water in a way that is beneficial to the organisms in it

Hypothesis: a specific optimal range exists for temp and pH of an enzyme that produces the most enzyme activity procedure: take a liver at room temp, iced, and warmed. pour hydrogen peroxide on it and its enzymes will produce a reaction. Record which worked best and find the temperature that fosters the most enzyme activity.

The effects of pH and temp were studied for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. Describe a controlled experiment that could've produced the data shown for either temperature of pH.

hydrogen bonds btwn molecules at the surface of the water provide surface tension, which allows the water surface to deform but not break under the insect

The figure below is a diagram of water molecules at the air-water interface at the surface of a pond. How would you best describes how the properties of water at an air-water interface enable an insect to walk on the water's surface?

it accelerates the production of a second messenger

Which best describes the role of adenylyl cyclase in the epinephrine signaling pathway?

pink flower color is a train recessive to blue flower color

a blue flower of unkown ancestry self pollinated and produced 50 seeds. These seeds grow and flower. Of these plants, 36 produce blue flowers and 14 produce pink flowers. What is the best explanation for the pink offspring?

golgi complex

a cell is treated with a drug that prevents the formation of new lysosomes. The cell continues to transcribe the genes that code for hydrolytic enzymes that are normally found in lysosomes and continues to translate the mRNAs for those proteins on membrane-bound ribosomes. The hydrolytic enzymes are most likely to accumulate in which of the following cellular structures?

The membrane potential will be disrupted by an increase in K+ concentration inside the cell

a cells membrane potential is maintained by the movement of ions into and out of the cell. A model showing the influence of membrane proteins on the movement of Na and K ions across the plasma membrane is show. Based on the model, which of the following outcomes will most likely result from a loss of protein X function?


a couple has 5 kids, all sons. If the woman gives birth to a sixth child, what is the probability that the sixth child will be a son?

carbon atoms covalently bonded to each other

a feature of organic compounds NOT found in inorganic compounds is the presence of

paired homologous chromosomes in the meiotic cell

a human cell in prophase of mitosis can be distinguished from a human cell in prophase I of meiosis by the presence of

during reception a ligand binds with a receptor to activate step 2, transduction. in transduction a signal is received and converted into a form that can lead to response, which is step 3. during response, action happens within the cell. during all three steps, specificity is very important. in reception, specific ligands bind to specific receptors. during transduction, specific proteins convert the messages. during response, the response is dependent upon the specific protein that produced it. (specificity regulated target gene expression)

explain the role of reception, transduction, and response in regulating target gene expression

krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)

process in which CO2 is released as a by-product of oxidation-reduction reactions

LDR of photosynthesis

process in which O2 is released as a by-product of oxidation-reduction reactions

calcin cycle (LDR)

process in which carbon from CO2 is incorporated into organic molecules

matrix of the mitochondria

the krebs cycle takes place

homozygous dominant

the most accurate description of an organism with AABB genotype


the stage where chromosomes condense and mitosis begins

The interactions of the different r-groups with other r-groupsand with their environment determine the tertiary structure of the protein

which of the following best describes how amino acids affect the tertiary structure of a protein?

areas 1 and 3 are polar, since the membrane molecules are aligned with water molecules

which of the following best describes the numebered areas


A sexually reproducing animal has two unlinked genes, one for head shape and one for tail length. Its genotype is HhTt. Which of the following genotypes is a possible gamete from this organism?

a defect in a cell-cycle checkpoint prevents a cell from entering the S phase

cancer can result from a variety of different mutational events. Which is least likely to result in the initiation of a cancerous tumor?

the apicoplast has its own set of DNA shows that it was once and individual bacteria that was eaten by a prokaryotic organism has a double membrane

describe 2 pieces of evidence a researcher could use to support the claim that apicoplasts evolved from free-living, prokaryotic organisms

abundant pigment molecules that reflect green light

the color of a green leaf is due to

crossing over

the diagram illustrates...


the final electron acceptor at the end of the mitochondral electron transport chain is

follows DNA replication, occurs only in reproductive structure, produced cells with the haploid number of chromosomes

3 facts ab meiosis


An intermediate electron acceptor for oxidations tha toccur both in glycolysis and in kerbs cycle reactions

different neurons in the same neural network can release different amounts of neurotransmitter

Based on the model, explain how regulation of neurotransmitter release might increase the range of responses to a stimulus in the nervous system?

more than 30 seconds

Catalase was extracted from potatoes by blending raw potatoes in a blender w cold distilled water. The filtrate was stored on ice. The following hydrogen peroxide solutions were made, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Filter paper disks were soaked int he catalase filtrate and dropped into beakers containing various solutions. The activity of the enzyme was measure by the amount of time it took for the disks to float to the surface of the solution on the bubbles produced by the reaction. The following data were obtained. If the potato solution was boiled for 10 minutes and cooled for 10 minutes before being tested, the average time for the disks to float to the surface of the hydrogen peroxide solution would be...

the backbone of DNA contains deoxyribose, whereas the backbone of RNA contains ribose

DNA and RNA are nucleic acids that can store bio info based on the sequence of their nucleotide monomers. Which of the following best describes the structural difference btwn DNA and RNA

modifies, transports, and ships proteins


epinephrine binds to a cell-surface receptor; the activated receptor stimulates production of the second messenger, cAMP

Epinephrine is a protein hormone found in many animals. Epinephrine stimulates a signaling pathway that result in the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver cells. Which describes the initial steps in the process whereby epinephrine stimulates glycogen breakdown?

the null hypothesis cannot be rejected

If chi squared value is less than the critical value

there was a net movement of water out of the cell suspended in the sugar solution and a net movement of water into the cell suspended in distilled water

In an experiment, celles were isolated from an aquatic plant and suspended in pond water, sucrose sugar solution, or distilled water. All of the cells were then viewed under a microscope. Compared w the cell in the pond water, the cell in the sugar solution appeared shriveled, and the cell in the distilled water appeared inflated. The results of the experiment are shows below. Which statement best explains the observations?

The change leads to increased protein stability bcs of an increased number of bonds in the tertiary structure of the proteins

Researchers compared similar proteins from related organisms in different habitats. They found that the proteins from organisms living in harsh environments had a greater number of cysteine amino acids than did proteins from organisms not living in harsh environments. The structure of cysteine is shown below. Bonds can form btwn the sulfur atom and dif cysteine amino acids. Which of the following best describes the effect of a greater number of cysteine amino acids on the stability of proteins.

synthesizes proteins


The carbs have different properties bcs they each have a single carbon oxygen double bond

The carbs glucose, galactose, and fructose have the same chemical formula but different structural formulas, as represented in the figure below. Which of the following statements about glucose, galactose, and fructose is most likely true?

it will affect the primary, secondary, and tertiary structures of the CFTR proteins

The protein CFTR is made up of 1480 amino acids linked together in a chain. Some humans produce a version of the CFTR protein in which phenylalanine (an amino acid) has been deleted from position 508 of the amino acid chain. Which of the following best predicts how the amino acid deletion will affect the structure of the CFTR protein?

autosomal recessive

Which of the following chains of inheritence explains the transmission of the trait?

The formation of a covalent peptide bond in a dehydration synthesis reaction

Which of the following is an accurate description of the process shown?

how does the independent assortment of 2 sets of homologous chromosomes increase genetic diversity?

a model showing two possible arrangements of chromosomes during meiosis is shown. What q about genetic diversity could be answered by the model. (no shown oops)


a product of glycolysis is

plasma membrane

a prokaryotic cell has which of the following?

the electrons flowing along the electron transport chain

according to chemiosmotic theory, the energy required to move protons from the mitochondrial matrix tot he intermembrane space against a concentration gradient comes most directly from

enzymatic modification of newly synthesized integral membrane proteins (modifying, sorting, packaging)

all eukaryotic cells contain at least one Golgi complex, typically located in the cytoplasm and near the ER. which of the following best describes a process that occurs within the golgi complex?

they produce CO2 molecule for each pyruvate molecule used

all of the following are true of BOTH alcoholic and lactate fermentation EXCEPT

glucose is produced

all of the following are true of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis EXCEPT

DNA, Ribosomes, Cell membrane (no nuclear envelope)

all of the following cell components are found in prokaryotic cells


an electron acceptor for oxidations that occur in the light dependent reactions

the mice at 10°C had a higher rate of ATP production than the mice at 25°C

an experiment to measure the rate or resp. in crickets and mice and 10°C and 25°C was performed using a respirometer. Respiration was measured over several five-min trials and data was obtained. According to the data, the mice at 10°C demonstrated greater oxygen consumption per gram of tissue than did the mice at 25°C. This is most likely explained because

at 40 mm Hg partial pressure, myoglobin has a greater affinity for oxygen than hemoglobin has

both myoglobin and hemoglobin are proteins that bind reversibly w molecular oxygen. The graph shows the oxygen-binding saturation of each protein at different concentrations of oxygen. Which statement is correct?

activated platelets release chemicals that activate more platelets (Increase increase)

damaged tissue releases chemicals that activate platelets and stimulate the formation of blood clots. Which of the following predictions about the activity of platelets best describes a positive feedback mechanism?

neg FBL: dancing around a set goal. ex. human body temp pos FBL: something keeps increasing. ex. apple on a tree

describe the two types of feedback loops and provide an example for each

replicated chromosomes line up on the equatorial (metaphase) plate

during mitosis, which of the following normally occurs?

passive transport is the net movement of substances down a concentration gradient that doesn't require metabolic energy. Active transport is the movement of substances up a concentration gradient that requires energy.

explain the processes of passive and active transport.

as water temp decreases, hydrogen bonds spread out which changes the volume. Water molecules are more spread out in ice than in liquid water. same mass, different volume

explain why the arrangement of water molecules is different in ice and water

in the cytoplasm

glycolysis occurs

packages proteins

golgi apparatus


if 2n=48, then the chromosome number in each cell after meiosis would be

passage of a solute against its concentration gradient

if ATP breakdown (hydrolysis) is inhibited, which of the following types of movement across cell membranes is also inhibited

Mitochondria ONLY

in a mesophyll cell of a leaf, the synthesis of ATP occurs where

1 long stemmed : 1 short stemmed

in garden peas, a single gene controls stem length. The recessive allele produces short stems when homozygous. The dominant allele produces long stems. A short stemmed plant is crossed w a heterozygous long stemmed plant. Which represent the expected phenotypes of the offspring and the ration in which they will occur.

golgi apparatus

liver cells manufacture glycoproteins, while adipose cells store fat. which of the following subcellular structures is likely to be more prominent in liver cells than in adipose cells?

sac of hydrolytic enzymes that break down large particles and old cell parts


smaller units: enzymes are macromolecules and are MADE OF amino acids. parts of enzyme: active site that substrate fits into. Connected by peptide bonds job of enzyme: speeds up chem reactions. ex. catalase is produced to get rid of the H2O2 that naturally occurs in cells.

many biostructures are composed of smaller units assembled into more complex structures having fns based on their structural organization. For the complex structure of enzymes, describe the smaller units, their assembly into larger structure, and one major fn of these larger, organized structures


monomer of carbohydrates

not actually made of monomers

monomer of lipids


monomer of nucleic acids

amino acids

monomer of proteins

they have highly folded membranes

organelles such as mitochondria and the ER have membranes that compartmentalize rns and other metabolic processes. To fn, the organelles must moves substances across their membranes. Which desercribes a feature shared by mitochondria and the ER that increases the efficiency of their basic fns?


process in which sugar is oxidized to pyruvic acid

the organelle has a double membrane

researchers claimed that a particular organelle originated from a free-living prokaryotic cell that was engulfed by a larger cell. What provides the best support to that claim?

H+ ions will stop moving through the protein

the illustration show the active transport of hydrogen ions through a membrane protein. Which best predicts the effect of not having ATP available to supply energy to this process?

the hydrophilic phosphate groups of the phospholipid molecules are attracted to the aqueous internal and external environments

the model below shows the structure of a portion of a plasma membrane in an animal cell. Which best explains the orientation of the phospholipid molecules in this model?

the amount of DNA is halved as the cell divides into 2 daughter cells

the relative amount of DNA in a cell at various stages of the cell cycle is shown in figure 1. Which of the following best describes how the amount of DNA in the cell changes during M phase.


the stage where nuclear envelops have reformed around each new set of chromosomes


the stage where sister chromatid are pulled apart


the stage where the chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate


the synthesis of protein or carbohydrate polymers always produces which of the following as a byproduct?

arrows to the left and right

to explain surface tension, use a single water molecule and draw arrows representing the possible locations of hydrogen bonds formed by the molecule.

photosynthesis produces more oxygen than is consumed by respiration during the day

what most likely causes the trends in oxygen concentration shown in the graph to the right?

They occur as monomers, chains of monomers, and branched structures

which of the following best describes the structures of carbs

it forms hydrogen bonds

which of the following is most directly responsible for water's unique properties

Hydrogen bonds btwn the oxygen atoms of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule

which of the following is responsible for the cohesive property of water?

nucleic acids

which of the following is used to carry the genetic code?

is the phosphorylation of ADP by ATP synthase dependent on the formation of a proton gradient?

which questions will best direct an investigation of the mechanism of ATP synthase

water molecules will still be able to move across the cell membrane but at a slower rate

which statement best describes the effect on water transport across the cell membrane if the aquaporin in the figure ceases to function?

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