AP chap 21 lymphatic LS

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lymph vessels transport dietary ___________


lymphatic capillaries are usually __________ in diameter than blood capillaries


spleen and its parts

largest lymphatic organ in the body - located on left upper quadrant of the abdomen . -trabeculae subdivide the spleen into white pulp and red pulp white pulp - constsins spherical clusters of T lymphocytes, b lymphocytes and macrophages. within the white pulp there is a central artery ( appears purple on a slide with a round center ( central artery ) red pulp - the remaining splenic tissue ( appears reddish pink in a slide ) - contains erythrocytes , platelets, macrophages, and b lymphocytes - red pulp contains SPELNIC SINUSOIDS- which are very permeable capillaries that have a discontinuous basal lamina for maximum filtration . These then drain into SPLENIC VEIN (carry blood away from spleen )

__________ lymphatic structures are involved in the formation of lymphocytes

primary - * primary lymphatic structures * are involved in the formation and maturation of lymphocytes, both RED BONE MARROW and THYMUS are considered primary ly phatic structures *secondary lymphatic structures * -not involved in lymphocyte formation, instead serve to house both lymphocytes and other immune cells following creation -site where immune response is initiated -include the lymph nodes, spleen , tonsils, lymphatic nodules, and MALT

the surgical removal of the tonsils is called a ______________


the ______________ are masses of lymphatic tissue that protect against inhaled and ingested material and are found within the pharynx


the right lymphatic duct drains which of the following parts of the body ?

- right side of the head and neck - right side of chest -right arm

which are the normal functions of a normal adult spleen ?

- phagocytosis of bacteria -phagocytosis of old erythrocytes -act as a reservoir for platelets

large clusters of lymph nodes are found in some of the following regions

-cervical ( neck ) - axillary -inguinal

what are the five main lymphatic trunks?

-jugular trunk - drain lymph from both the head and neck -subclavian trunk - remove lymph from the upper limbs, breasts, and superficial thoracic wall -bronchomediastinal trunk - drains lymph from the deep thoracic structures -intestinal trunks - drain lymph from most abdominal structures -lumbar trunks - remove lymph from the lower limbs , abdonminopelvic wall and pelvic organs

which of these secondary lymphatic structures have a complete capsule? -lymph nodes -tonsils -lymphatic nodules -MALT -spleen

-lymph node -spleen -tonsils , MALT and lymphatic nodules do not have complete capsules secondary lymphatic structure - these are structures that house both lymphocytes and other immune cells. These structures are composed of lymphatic cells that ar enmeshed with a reticular extracellular CT matrix and fall into the two categories of being encapsulated or not

lymph is moved through lymph vessels by which of the following?

-respriatory pump -skeletal muscle pumps

adult red bone marrow is found within spongy bone in which locations ?

-sternum - roofing bones of the skull -vertebrae

lymph flows through a lymph node in what order?

1 . afferent lymphatic vessels 2. lymphatic sinuses 3. efferent lymphatic vessels

blood through the spleen

1. blood flows in the splenic artery , to the central artery ( in the white pulp ) , then the splenic sinusoid ( of red pulp ) then venues ( that drain sinusoids ) and ultimately the splenic vein fxn. through the process 1. phagocytosis of bacteria an monitoring of foreign materials in the blood ( white pulp ) as part of body defense 2. phagocytosis of old defective erythrocytes and platelets from circulating blood ( red pulp ) 3. servie as a reservoir for platelets ( red )

blood flow through the spleen

1. enter spleen through the splenic artery 2.central arteries , where the white pulp monitors the blood for foreign materials, bacteria, and other harmful substances 3. sinusoids of red pulp, through here macrophages lining the sinusoids phagocytize bacteria and foreign debris form blood ( including old / broken from elements ) 4. exit spleen through the splenic vein

place the structures in the order that lymph travels through them

1. lymphatic capillaries 2. lymphatic vessels 3. lymphatic trunks 4. lymphatic ducts

non bodkins lymphomas are usually associated with abnormal .. ?

B lymphocytes ( usually )

Two ducts of the lymphatic system -

Ducts are the largest type of lymph vessel lymph vessels --> trunks --> ducts ( 2 types) --> venous system --> heart thoracic duct - larger of the two and is responsible for 3/4 of the body , everything not indulging the right lymphatic duct already takes care of ( right side of head and neck, right chest and right arm ) including - left head / neck , left upper limb, left thorax, all of abdomen , and both lower limbs )

which lymphatic structures are found within the mucosal of the GI, respiratory , genital and urinary tracts?


which lymphatic structures are found within the muscose of the GI , respiratory , genital, and urinary tracts ?


lymphatic _________ are formed from merging lymphatic vessels

Trunks lymphatic capillaries merge to form lymphatic vessels , which the merge to form lymphatic trunks, which then merge to form lymphatic ducts

identify the lymphatic vessels in the picture

a- right lymphatic duct b- thoracic duct c- cisterna chyli d- lymphatic trunks e- lymphatic vessels

identify the lymphatic tissues and organs pictured

a- tonsils b- thymus c- lymph nodes d- spleen e- MALT

identify the microscopic structures of the thymus in the picture

a- trabecula b - cortex c- capsule d- medulla

afferent lymphatic vessels efferent lymphatic vessels

afferent - bring lymph into a lymph node efferent - typically originates at the involuted portion of the lymph node called the ' hilum ' and efferent drains lymph from the hilum

lymph from the breast travels through the ________ nodes


often when a cancerous tumor is surgically removed from a patient, surrounding lymph nodes are removed as well. Why?

cancers that metastasize will travel to nearby lymph nodes first

the lymph node is surrounded by a tough CT layer called ___________


the _____________ chili carries chyle from the small intestine to the thoracic duct

cisterna cisterna chyli - has the milky chyle ( which is lipid rich lymph ) it receives from he vessels that drain the small intestine and the GI tract. -both right and left intestinal and lumbar trunks drain into the cisterns chill. -thoriaci duct travel superiorly from the cisterns chyli

the structure label A is the ___________ ___________

cisterna chyli - at the base of the thoracic duct , is a saclike structure , that gets it same from the milky lipid rich lymph it produces called chyle . - it receives from vessels that drain the small intestine of the GI tract

lymphatic capillaries are ______ vessels

closed -ended

each thymus lobule is divided into an inner medulla and outer _______


when excess interstitial fluid is not reabsorbed, the tissues swell causing a condition called _______________


dissolved solutes are not common components of lymph true or false


the primary function of a lymph node is to ;

filter foreign material from the lymph


fxn. - T lymphocyte maturation has lobes and each lobe is arranged into outer cortex and inner medulla the cortex contains immature T lymphocytes ( pre T lymphocytes ) and the medulla contains mature T lymphocytes. - the epithelial cells secrete thymus hormones that participate in the maturation of T lymphocytes

how does the lymphatic system assist the cardiovascular system?

helps in maintaining fluid balance by returning excess fluid from the interstitial space to the blood, and assists the immune system by participating in defending the body against potentially harmful substances

the region where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave the spleen is called the ___________

hilum splenic artery - delivers blood to the spleen splenic vein - drains blood from the spleen

when blood plasma leaks out of the capillaries it is then called ;

interstitial fluid fluid between vascular system and other cells

primary lymphatic structures

involved in the formation and maturation of lymphocytes, both the RED BONE MARROW and THYMUS are considered primary lymphatic structures

osmotic pressure 2

is defined by osmotic concentration gradients, that is , the difference in solute to water concentration in the blood an d tissue fluid. A region higher in solute concentration ( and lower in water concentration ) draws water across a semipermeable membrane from a region high in water concentration ( and lower in solute concentration ) -importnat to know that formed elements of blood do not contribute to osmotic concentration gradients, rather it is the plasma proteins that make up the concentration

lymph from the head and neck drains into the ________ trunks


lymphatic capillaries located in the GI tract are called ____________


lymphatic capillaries located within the GI tract are actually called ____________


diagram of the three types of tonsils

location description - pharyngeal tonsil - posterior wall of the nasopharynx palatine tonsil - posterolateral region of the oral cavity lingua tonsil - posterior 1/3 of tongue

after interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic vessels it is called


lymph node diagram

medullary cord - in the medulla, CT that holds strands of B , T lymphocytes and macrophages

the medulla of the lymph node is supported by CT fibers called

medullary cords

the function of white pulp in the spleen is to

monitor the blood for foreign materials ( not just lymph but full blood )

as the interstitial hydrostatic pressure increases, is more or less fluid driven into the lymphatic capillaries


as the interstitial hydrostatic pressure increases , is more or less fluid driven into the lymphatic capillaries?

more A higher hydrostatic pressure forces more fluid into the lymphatic capillaries


mucosa - associated lymphatic tissue ) located in the lamina propria of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal , respiratory, genital and urinary thats -the lymphatic cells in the MALT help defend against foreign substances that come in contact with the mucosal membrane - very prominent in the small intestine , primary in the ileum , where collections of lymphatic nodules called PEYER PATCHES can become large and budge into the gut lumen .


mucosa associated lymphatic tissue - -located in the lamina proper of the mucosa of the GI , respiratory , genital and urinary tracts. -the lymphatic cells in the MALT help defend against foreign substance that come in contact with mucosal membranes -MALT is very prominent in the small intestine - primary in the illium , there collection of lymph n modules called PEYER PATCHES which can become quite large and budge into the gut lumen

lymphatic __________ are small clusters of lymphocytes that lack a complete capsule

nodules lymphatic nodules - aka lymphatic follicles - small or oval clusters of lymphatic cells with some extracellular matrix that are NOT completely surrounded by a CT capsule. -these are all over the body -in some areas of the body, many nodules group together to form larger structures such as MALT

there are two categories of lymphoma ; hodgkin lymphoma and _______________ lymphoma

non hodgkin lymphoma - malignant neoplasm that delves from lymphatic structures. usually shown as a tender, enlarged lymph node, often in neck or axillary region. hodgkin - presence of Reed sternberg cell a large cell who's two nuclei resemble owl eyes, surrounded my lymphocytes within affected lymph note. - more typical in your adults and people over 60 - can be treated if caught early by excision of a tumor / chemo nonhodgkin - more common , develop from abnormal B lymphocytes and less commonly from t lymphocytes -- more responsive to treatment and slow growing

the lymphatic nodules in the ileum of the small intestine are called _________ patches


the adenoids are also called the ____________ tonsils


the ________ pump of the spleen acts as a platelet reservoir


lymph nodes -

secondary lymphatic nodes , these are small , round or oval encapsulated structures , located along pathways of lymph vessels were they serve as main lymphatic organs - fun - filtering of lymph and removal of unwanted substances - examples of clusters of lymph nodes include --cervical , ( head and neck lymph ) , -- axillary lymph nodes ( breast, axilla and upper limbs lymph ) , -- inguinal lymph nodes ( lower limbs and pelvis )

the thymus ______ after puberty


what is the largest lymphatic organ in the body?


the _________ filters blood and acts as a blood reservoir

spleen , it does not filter lymph ** main fxns - 1. filter / phagocytize bacteria 2. filter / phagocytize old/ defective RBC/ platelets 3. serve as a reservoir for platelets ( red pulp )

surgical removal of the spleen is called ?

splenectomy the spleen is surrounded by a capsule of dense irregular CT

hydrostatic pressure

the force generated by the pressure of fluid within or outside of the capillary and capillary wall it is the primary force driving fluid transport between the capillaries and tissues is hydrostatic pressure, which can be defined as the pressure of any fluid enclosed in a space blood hydrostatic pressure is the force exerted by blood confined within blood vessels or heart chambers . even more specifically , the pressure erred by blood against the wall of a capillary

reabsorption -

the move meant of fluid from the IF back into the capillaries , this is by the process of osmotic pressure

osmotic pressure

the net pressure that drives reabsorption - the movement of fluid from the IF back into the capillaries - this is called osmotic pressure hydrostatic pressure forces fluid OUT of the capillary while osmotic pressure draws fluid back IN - drives reabsorption

hydrostatic pressure

this is the driving force to move fluid into the lymphatic capillaries - an increase in hydro pressure within the interstitial space, as pressure rises an additional fluid is filtered from the capillaries. an increase in pressure at the margins of the lymphatic capillary endothelial cells 'pushes' the IF into the lymphatic capillary lumen -anchoring filaments between lymphatic capillary cells prevent collapse of the lymph casipllaiers as pressure exerted by IF increases -the pressure exerted by lump after it enters the lymphatic capillary forces the endothelial cells of the sessile to close

the larger lymph duct, the left lymphatic duct, is more commonly referred to as the ______________ duct

thoracic 2 main ducts, thoracic being the larger. the smaller being the right lymphatic duct

what is the name of the lymph duct that drains 3/4 of the body, as in the picture

thoracic duct while the right lymphatic duct drains the remaining 1/4

T - lymphocytes migrate to, and mature in the ___________

thymus formed elements are formed in the red bone marrow ( including T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes ) - these then migrate over to the thymus where they are stored and finish maturation -Tlymps - name somewhat originates from the concept of having to move over to the thymus to complete maturation

subclavian trunks receive lymph from the _________ __________, _____________, and the ___________ _____________ wall

upper limbs, breasts, superior thoracic

which of the following vessels have valves? blood capillaries veins lymphatic vessels arteries

veins lymphatic vessels

the lymphatic ducts empty into

veins - which take the lymph back to the inferior / superior vena cavas and back to the heart

lymphatic ducts empty into _______

veins which go back to the superior vena cava they do not go through the inferior vena cava since each major duct ( 2 ) are both superiorly located relative to the heart ( very close to the subclavian area )

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