Ap Classroom Questions Unit 3


Who became the the first Caliph after Muhammed?


Which of the following is a similarity between the Ottoman and Chinese governments during the period 1450—1750 ?

An extensive governmental bureaucracy

Which of the following statements is true about both the Mughal and Ottoman empires in the sixteenth century?

Both expanded through gunpowder weapons and bureaucracies.

Which of the following most directly caused a disruption in the land-based trade of the Safavid empire during the period circa 1500-1750 ?

Conflicts between Shi'a Safavids and Sunni empires

The photograph above of a sixteenth-century Mughal mosque in India built by Akbar is an example of which of the following?

Cultural syncretism

Which of the following can be considered the best religious evidence in causing the Thirty Years War?

Defenestration of Prague

It is estimated that the Bubonic plague originated in what part of the world?

East Asia

Which of the following can be considered the best political evidence in causing the Thirty Years War?

French fists and Swedish stacks

What was the name of the Byzantine Empire church that was later converted to a mosque under the Ottoman Empire?

Hagia Sophia

Which of the following is not a Roman contribution from the classical era?

Hagia Sophia

Which of the following are the states that dominated the Mediterranean trade during the sixteenth century?

Italian city-states and the Ottoman Empire

What was the name of the elite force of the Ottoman army?


Which of the following empires in the period 1450-1750 engaged in a type of territorial expansion most similar to that depicted in Map 1 ?

Mughal Empire

Who is the ghazi who is given credit for forming the Ottoman Empire?


What is the name of the palace that King Louis XIV built?

Palace of Versailles

Which of the following was not considered one of the four masters of the Renaissance artists?


Who was the English monarch when the English defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588?

Queen Elizabeth I

Who painted The School of Athens?


What was the name of the name of the Muslim empire that was mostly Shiite in religion and was led by Abbas the Great in 1588-1629?


Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following factors contributed most directly to the Mughal Empire's territorial expansion in South Asia?

The Mughals' use of gunpowder weapons

Which is the most likely reason that rulers during the seventeenth century built elaborate palaces such as the one at Versailles, France, shown above?

To demonstrate their wealth and power

cuius regio, eius religio is translated into what English phrase?

Whoever reigns, his religion

Which of the following describes a major cause of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?

artillery and small arms gave Ottomans advantages over political rivals.

What is one of the reasons for causing the first phase of the Thirty Years War?


What was the Great Schism of 1054?

division of Catholic Church

Which of the following is true of both the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire between 1450 and 1750 ?

established by skilled warriors on horseback from Central Asia.

Which of the following best describes the relationship that the Chinese and Aztec empires had with their respective peripheral states during the fifteenth century C.E.?

established tributary relationships with their peripheral states.

Which of the following was an important continuity from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing dynasty in the seventeenth century?

examination system and Confucian bureaucratic practices

A historian could best explain the arguments made in the passage regarding the pope and the clergy in the context of Protestant claims that the Catholic Church

had become corrupted by power

The activities of Inez de Leyria's father as described in the passage best support which of the following conclusions about the period 1450-1750 C.E.?

intensification of commercial/diplomatic activity across Eurasia was accompanied by increased missionary activity.

Between 1450 and 1750, empires such as the Ottoman and Chinese shared which of the following?

large bureaucracy to support gov

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the way Khubilai Khan chose to have himself portrayed in the painting?

nomadic tradition would bolster Khubilai Khan's claim to successor to Genghis Khan.

A historian interpreting the passage would most likely explain that the audience of the sermon is an illustration of the fact that

political support from German nobility aided development of early Protestant community

Sinan's service to the Ottoman state best illustrates the fact that land-based empires in the period 1450-1750 often relied on

recruitment focused on the ethnic and religious diversity of their subjects

A historian interpreting the views expressed in the passage would likely explain that those views were most strongly influenced by Protestant desires to

reform Christian society by adhering to Biblical teachings

The methods of warfare shown in the image were instrumental in explaining the territorial expansion of all of the following land-based empires EXCEPT

the Aztec (Mexica) Empire

Which of the following best explains the process illustrated in the image?

used gunpowder to establish large empires.


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