AP Comp Gov Unit 5 test

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Which of the following best describes the data presented in the infographic?

60% of the Russians approve of the way the presidents handling the economy

Which of the following is an outcome of the oil curse discussed in the passage?

A lack of governmental accountability to citzens when not relying on citzens for taxes

Which of the following best describes an effect of recent demographic change in the United Kingdom?

A positive net migration of immigrants that has resulted in social and political tensions.

Which of the following accurately describes two main components of structural adjustment programs?

A reduction in government spending and the lowering of import tariffs.

Which of the following policies does NOT promote globalization?

Adopting import substition industrialzation policies

Which of the following is an implication of gender inequality in Mexico?

Although gender inequality still exists, gender quotas in the party system have helped increased female representation.

Which of the following development statistics is most likely indicative of an advanced economy today?

An agricultural sector accounting for 2% of GDP

Which of the following has decreased as a consequence of globalization?

Barriers to trade and to the flow of capital and labor between countries

Which of the following is true of cleavages in modern Nigeria and China?

Both countries are experiencing deepening rural and urban divides

Which of the following accurately explains a common challenge for health services in both the United Kingdom and China?

Both countries have an aging population, so more governmental resources will be needed to deal with health issues.

Which of the following is the best explanation of how two AP Comparative Government and Politics course countries have responded to global market forces?

China has created special economic zones to create direct foreign investment and Mexico has privatized some of its oil industry to increase compeititon.

Which of the following is the most common explanation for China's economic growth after the 1980s?

China successfully attracted foreign direct investment.

Which of the following is an implication of the chart?

Chinas one child policy was unnecessary, as the fertility rate would have declined simiarly without a policy restricitng fertility rates

Which of the following best describes the data in the line graph?

Chinese exports were worth over 1 trillion dollars in 2007.

The major motivation for neoliberal economic reforms in Mexico and Nigeria has come from which of the following?

Debt burdens and pressure from international lenders

In the developed and developing worlds, respectively, the greatest demographic pressures on policy come from which of the following?

Developed - aging Developing - overpopulation

Nigeria has significantly increased its importance as a regional power through its leadership in which of the following organizations?

ECOWAS (economic community of western african states)

Which of the following occurred soon after the death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini?

Economic development became the central concern of the Iranian state.

Which of the following accurately explains a consequence of economic liberalization policies in China?

Economic liberalization in China created job growth on the east coast, causing migration from west to the east.

Which of the following best explains a demographic consequence of economic policies in Mexico?

Economic liberalization policies influenced job creation in northern Mexico, prompting migration from the south to the north.

Differences in the platforms of two parties important in the first decade of post-communist Russia— the Communist Party and Yabloko— have reflected disagreements on primarily what policy?

Economic reform

Which of the following is true about the current legal system in China?

Economic reform has led to judicial reform.

Which of the following is a key component of economic liberalization in former command economies?

Eliminating price control

Health care, pensions, unemployment insurance, and direct economic assistance to those in need are

Examples of provision public policies

Which of the following statements about Chinese trade can be confirmed by the data in the line graph?

Exports decreased between 2008 and 2009.

Which of the following poses a threat to state sovereignty in the United Kingdom?

Foreign direct investment and multinational corporations

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the general pattern of internal migration within Mexico?

From south to north

Which of the following best describes a consequence of globalization?

Globilzation often leads to increased social tension, as it tends to challenge traditional power strucutres and cultures.

In a rentier system, public policy is less responsive to citizens because of which of the following factors?

Government resources are dervied from foreign purchases of a particular resource.

National sovereignty is weakened the most by international organizations in which of the following countries?

Great Britian, because of the power of the court justice of the European Union

Which of the following is an achievement of the Maoist period that has been overturned by economic reforms in China?

Guaranteed employment

Which of the following economic changes did Vladimir Putin implement during his first two terms as president (2000-2008) ?

He gradually returned key privatized industries back to state control

Which of the following policies would a government be likely to undertake to address gender equity in a political system?

Implementing gender quotas in legislative elections and improving access to education

Which of the following best compares import substitution policies and neoliberal economic policies?

Import subsitiuion policies include increasing tariffs, and neoliberal polcies encourage lower tariffs.

Which of the following explains why Iran and Mexico changed voting rules for women?

In response to domestic poltical pressure, Iran implmented gender equity polcies for voting and Mexico introduced gender quotas.

In the United Kingdom, the government has maintained a free market system. In China, there has been a transition from a socialist model to a mixed system with elements of a free market model over the past few decades. Which of the following is the outcome of these policies?

Increased compeitition has led to economic devlopment in both countries and growth rates in China have been very high in recent decades.

According to the passage, which of the following is the most likely implication of China's current economic policies toward African nations?

Indebted african nations may lose soverignty to the chinese governments and large banks.

According to the map, which of the following countries has the MOST gender inequality?


Which of the following is true of the current Mexican Constitution?

It declares that all subsoil are property of the nation and limits foreigners right to exploit natural resources

Which of the following is the greatest limitation to using this data to decide whether government should pursue population growth policies?

It does not provide information about the current population size of a country

Which of the following is an effect of globalization?

It often limits state sovereignty.

Which of the following best explains why countries rich in oil are susceptible to economic crises?

Lack of economic diversification makes them vulnerable to debt when oil prices fall.

Which of the following best explains an implication of the data in the line graph?

Large negative changes in the GDP growth rate negatively affected the Iranian government because they undermined its legitimacy.

Which of the following describes the activities of multinational corporations operating in the oil industry in Nigeria?

MNC have facilitated corruption in Nigeria and the governments dependency on money from oil.

Which statement below best explains why, despite tremendous oil reserves, the Nigerian government still has difficulty providing social services throughout the country?

Massive corruption limits the amount of resources redistributed by the government to the people.

Which of the following pairs of countries have nationalized oil resources but have recently allowed private companies to invest in oil extraction to increase production?

Mexico and Nigeria

Which of the following statements accurately describes how Mexico and Russia have responded to market forces regarding ownership of their oil and natural gas industry?

Mexico has privatized some of its oil and natural gas industry, while Russia has renationalized its oil and natural gas industry.

In British politics, which of the following has created the most conflict over the European Union?

Monetary policy

Which of the following best explains the increase in GDP in 2016 ?

Most UN sancations by the United States and UK were lifted in early 2016.

What is meant by the term "democratic deficit" in the European Union?

Most decision making in the European Union is done by non elected officals

In which two countries were the following economic policies pursued to increase the power of the ruling party?

Nationalization of oil and gas in Russia and state ownership of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in Nigeria

Which of the following best explains the decreased rate of inflation from 1998 to 2011 in Mexico?

Neoliberal economic policies that removed barriers and restrictions on the economy that led to a decreased inflation rate.

Which of the following best explains the GDP growth patterns in Mexico between 1994 and 2010?

New policies led to economic restructing, which caused the economy to expand and contract.

Which of the following correctly describes an implication of the data in the table?

Nigeria will face challenges with providing employment with the growing population

Which of the following is an implication of the chart?

Nigerian citizens are critcal of nigerian politicans and have low level of poltical trust.

Which of the following is the best explanation of how natural resources have affected political development in Nigeria?

Oil extraction in Nigeria has motivated poltical elites to seek government control of these resources, deepening corruption and impeding democratic consoldation.

Which of the following is an implication of the author's argument for international trade between Western countries and oil-rich countries?

Oil-rich countries should nationalize oil resources to reduce political influence of foreign governments.

Which of the following best describes internal migration in Mexico since 2010?

People in the south often move back to the north to work in maquiladora zones.

Which of the following actions would a government take as part of an economic liberalization program?

Privatizing government-owned corporations

What government action is partially responsible for the change shown in the above chart?


China's rapid industrialization over the past 30 years has done which of the following?

Produced greater environmental degradation and pollution

During the 1980s, the governments of Great Britain and China did which of the following?

Promoted free markets and private profits incentives

Which of the following is a neoliberal economic policy?

Reducing trade barriers and rolling back state intervention in the economy

Which of the following policies to limit population growth is more likely to be adopted by authoritarian regimes than by democratic regimes?

Restricting family size

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the status of women in China today?

Sex selected abortions continue even though they are illegal

According to the author, which of the following economic policies is most likely to successfully address the problems discussed in the passage?

Social Welfare

Which of the following is an accurate explanation of a limitation of the data in the graph?

Specific information for each year is lost by averaging data for each time period.

Which of the following is an accurate description of environmental sustainability policies in China?

The Chinese government has stopped certain damaging projects in response to environmental activists.

Which of the following explains how the IMF affected the outcome of the Russian economic transition in the 1990s?

The IMF provided financial assistance to Russia, which influenced the types of restructuring Russia could undertake.

Which of the following best explains how the IMF used its sovereign powers to influence Russia?

The IMF required privatization of industry and trade liberalization in exchange for economic assistance.

Which of the following describes the Chinese government's policy regarding the development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) ?

The chinese government encouraged market oriented economic reforms and promoted special economic zones

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of population growth in two AP Comparative Government and Politics countries?

The cost of maintaining the United Kingdom's nationalized health program increases as its older population grows proportionally larger, and China has reduced governmental restrictions on family planning in an effort to address unequal gender ratios.

Which of the following is a reason why a country might implement import substitution industrialization(ISI) policies?

The country is attempting to reduce foreign influence on its economy.

Which of the following is an accurate explanation of a limitation of the data in the graph?

The data show only political parties as the source of variation in government spending on health and not other possible sources of the variation.

Which of the following is a limitation of the data in the graph?

The first data period is long and contains various governments, which makes it not very meaningful.

Which of the following best describes a popular energy policy undertaken by the Russian government?

The government rationalized the oil industry to bring it under control

The widespread degradation of the urban environment in developing countries can best be explained by

The higher priority placed on industrialization relative to enviornmental protection.

Which of the following best explains the reason for Iran's change in percentage of females with primary school education between 1986 and 2016?

The iranian government created education polcies that encouraged females to attend primary school

Which of the following correctly explains an important limitation of the data on the map?

The map does not indicate the overall level of unemployment in Nigeria.

Which of the following statements is most accurate about the middle class in Iran?

The middle class of iran is culturally westernized and often hostile to the clergy.

Which of the following statements is true about Iranian domestic policy?

The predominat interperation of Shari'ah law allows for birth control

Which of the following policies was a governmental priority for Russian reformers in the early 1990's?

The rapid transition towards a market economy

Which of the following best explains the response of the Russian government to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) requirements as argued in the passage?

The russian government aligned its views with the IMF, which made the economic liberalizaiton process more expedient

In China, economic liberalization policies have resulted in which of the following?

The significant migration of the people from one region to another

Which of the following best explains the unemployment rate in Mexico?

The unemployment rate has continued steady over time, which is the result of continued economic growth and economic liberlization policies.

Which of the following best describes the data in the line graph?

The value of Chinese exports was almost equal to the value of its imports in 2001.

Which of the following explains why, despite Mexico and Nigeria both being democracies, the number of women serving as representatives in the legislature differs in the two countries?

There are gender quotas in mexico to increase female representation in the legislature, but there are no quotas in Nigeria.

Which of the following is an outcome of the oil curse discussed in the passage?

There is a lack of economic diversification.

Which of the following is an important limitation of the data in the map?

There is no explanation of how gender inequality is defined or measure, which leads to an incomplete analysis.

Which of the following is true of environmental policies in China?

They are difficult to implement because they often challenge or constrain economic growth.

Which of the following is true of women in Nigeria?

They enjoy more freedom in the southern region than the north

Which of the following best describes women's participation in politics in the developing world?

Traditional cultrual values often perclude women from partcipating in poltics.

The resource curse is the theory that

economies that have valuable natural resources will develop more slowly

An important change in China in the post-Mao era has been the

encouragement of greater foreign investment in the national economy

The most common strategy adopted by developing countries to deal with the problem of population growth is

establishing policies that seek to reduce fertility rates

One of the key socioeconomic changes as countries develop economically is

increasing rural-to-urban migrations

Austerity measures are implemented for the primary purpose of

reducing government spending to address budget defcits

Mexico and China both face challenges in policy making with respect to

regional disparties and urban rural clevages

Which of the following best describes Iran?

rentier state

The welfare service commitments of advanced industrial democracies are most seriously threatened by

the aging of their populations

Austerity measures are usually adopted by countries that are seeking to

lower budget deficits and publicly held debt

The European Union is an example of

supranational organization

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