AP Enviro Unit 5

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A gaseous decay product of uranium that is found in rocks A Radon B Mercury C Lead D Copper E Iron


All of the following gases have been implicated in contributing to the increase in global temperature via the greenhouse effect EXCEPT A O2 B CH4 C N20 D C02 E CFC's


An engineer is assigned the task of reducing the air pollutants being released from a power plant that generates electricity by burning coal. The engineer performs a variety of computer simulations to determine which techniques and methods would be most effective at reducing air pollution generated by the plant. The air pollutant that computer simulations would likely show as being the most reduced by the use of fluidized-bed combustion in the boiler furnaces A Sulfur dioxide B Carbon dioxide C Carbon monoxide D Particulate matter


The drop in stratospheric ozone levels in the Southern Hemisphere (the "ozone hole") is most evident during which season? A Antarctic spring (October) B Antarctic autumn (April) C Antarctic summer only (January) D Antarctic winter only (July) E Both Antarctic summer and Antarctic winter (January and July)


The major human health problem related to radon accumulation is A lung cancer B heart disease C pancreatic cancer D cataracts E malignant melanoma


The presence of which of the following in soil is most likely to neutralize acid rain? A Limestone B Granite C Sand D Radon E Humus


Which of the following best exemplifies global collaboration for a sustainable environment? A The Montreal Protocol B The Antarctic Treaty of 1961 C The Clean Air Act of 1972 D CERCLA (Superfund) E NAFTA


Which sequence of events best explains the interaction between the components of the Arctic ecosystem feedback loop? A Methane increases →→ permafrost thickness increases →→ global temperature increases →→ methane decreases B Global temperature increases →→ permafrost thickness decreases →→ methane increases →→ global temperature increases C Permafrost thickness increases →→ methane decreases →→ global temperature increases →→ permafrost thickness decreases D Global temperature increases →→ methane decreases →→ permafrost thickness increases →→ global temperature increases


f the following cities, which regularly experiences the worst levels of photochemical smog that is enhanced by thermal inversions? A New York City, New York B Los Angeles, California C Portland, Oregon D Atlanta, Georgia E Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Addressed the issue of stratospheric ozone depletion A Endangered Species Act B Kyoto Protocol C Montreal Protocol D National Environmental Policy Act E Wilderness Act


Which of the following identifies an unintended result from recycling programs? A Recycling is a cost-effective and low-energy process that turns waste into usable goods. B Recycling plastic wrappers from food allows for increased compost material. C When items are placed in recycling that cannot be recycled, the cost of recycling increases. D When materials are recycled, it reduces the need for extracting and processing raw materials.


Which of the following substances is released by CFC's and catalyzes a chain reaction that breaks down ozone in the upper atmosphere? A Carbon monoxide B Carbon dioxide C Chlorine D Sulfur dioxide E Methane


Which of the following types of releases of greenhouse gases from an anthropogenic source is shown in the diagram? A Volcanic eruptions emitting CO2CO2 into the atmosphere B Release of VOCsVOCs from tree species and motor vehicles into the atmosphere C Industrial and agricultural practices releasing CH4CH4 into the atmosphere D Evaporation of surface water increasing H2OH2O vapor in the atmosphere


Which of the following would be the strongest evidence in support of a scientist's contention that a local area was experiencing acid deposition? A A sudden die-off of all the fish in a local stream B A gradual increase in the temperature of a local lake C An increase in the rate of photosynthesis of aquatic plants in a local lake D A long-term increase in the pH of a local pond E An increase in the concentrations of soluble heavy metals in a local pond


An advantage of recycling aluminum rather than disposing of it in landfills is that aluminum can be A produced from recycled metal using much less energy than is required for its production from aluminum ore B produced from ore that is chemically reactive and dangerous to transport, store, and process C produced from ore that is scarce and found primarily in remote, inhospitable regions at high latitudes D absorbed by plants and then biomagnified in both terrestrial and aquatic food chains E leached from landfills in the form of Al3+ ions that could increase the pH of lakes and streams


Based on the diagram, which of the following best predicts how an increase in greenhouse gases would affect the ocean? A The oceans would be warmed because of increased solar radiation being absorbed by the water, causing expansion and sea level rise. B The oceans would be cooled from melting ice caps and glaciers, causing an increase in ocean currents and sea level rise. C The oceans would absorb the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, causing an increase in ocean pHpH and a decrease in temperature. D The oceans would have greater rates of evaporation from increased surface water temperatures, causing a decrease in the amount of nutrients in the water and a decrease in sea level.


Composed of fibers known to cause lung disease A Asbestos B Radon C Lead D Carbon monoxide E Formaldehyde


Consumers who get their electricity from coal-fired power plants are not paying the true cost of energy production in their monthly utility bills. Which of the following is true about utility bills for these consumers? A The bills do not include public health costs, such as those associated with air pollution. B The bills do not include the cost of power distribution. C The bills do not include the cost of marketing electricity. D The bills include the cost of environmental damage associated with transporting coal. E The bills include the cost of cleaning up acid mine damage.


In models of global warming, the most important factor contributing ot an increase in sea level is A thermal expansion of the oceans B increased precipitation C decreased evaporation D subsurface ocean cooling E growth of the polar ice caps


Large objects, such as sticks and rocks, are screened out and removed during this process. A A B B C C D D


Of the phenomena that correlate with the data above, the one that is the most direct consequence of the trend in air travel is A the increase in the spread of infectious diseases B the increase in urban sprawl C the decrease in biodiversity D the increase in hypoxic aquatic ecosystems E the decrease in the total fertility rate of developed nations


Recent studies have found that fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 μm or less can have negative human health effects. Which of the following correctly links a negative human health effect to an anthropogenic source of fine particulate matter? A High rates of respiratory disease from power plant emissions B High rates of skin cancer in urban areas with sewage treatment plants C High rates of asthma from salt spray in coastal communities D High rates of genetic deformities from additives in food supplies E High rates of obesity from exposure to waste from meatpacking


Regulations that deal directly with the disposal of hazardous materials in the United States include which of the following? RCRA Clean Water Act Clean Air Act A I only B II only C III only D I and II only E I, II, and III


Researchers suspect that sewage leaked into the Moose River. Rates for which of the following diseases should be used to determine whether the human population using the river as a source of drinking water was exposed to sewage? A Dysentery B Mesothelioma C Asthma D Malaria


Surface oceanic circulation results most directly in the A distribution of heat from tropical to temperate and polar regions B movement of benthic organisms from polar to temperate regions C spring and fall overturn of temperate bodies of water D restriction of the jet stream to polar regions E moderation of ocean acidification


Which of the following best describes why DDTDDT is classified as a persistent organic pollutant? A DDTDDT is very stable, and as much as 50% of the original concentration can remain in the soil 15 years after the initial application. B DDTDDT can be used to control diseases, such as malaria and typhus, that are spread by insects. C DDTDDT is detected in food worldwide and the general human population is most commonly exposed to the toxin through food. D DDTDDT has both short-term acute and long-term chronic health effects in both humans and wildlife.


Which of the following best explains why DDT has been found in penguin eggs in the Antarctic? A Chemicals used in one region of Earth can circulate in the biosphere and affect organisms in a distant region. B The large number of penguins in Antarctica has resulted in a depletion of their preferred foods. C Although DDT is toxic to adult birds, it has no effect on developing embryos. D Chemicals like DDT are volatile and eventually make their way to the ozone layer. E Because penguins incubate their eggs on land, the eggs are exposed to DDT.


Which of the following is a greenhouse gas that is also a by-product of anaerobic respiration? A Methane, CH4 B Nitrogen, N2 C Oxygen, O2 D Nitrogen dioxide, NO2 E Hydrogen sulfide, H2S


Which of the following laws gave the EPA the authority to control hazardous waste from "cradle-to-grave", including the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste? A Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) B Endangered Species Act (ESA) C Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) D National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) E


Which of the following would add the most support to the reliability of this series of experiments? A Duplicate the experiment under identical conditions, and get similar results. B Add a fifth tank with even higher levels of UV radiation. C Repeat the experiment under different conditions with different scientists. D Use phytoplankton from widely varying locations, and get similar results. E Increase sample size by using a greater number of phytoplankton in each tank.


A sanitary landfill with a surface area of 6000m26000m2 receives a yearly rainfall amount of 300mm300mm. About 2020 percent of this precipitation is runoff and does not infiltrate the surface. A leachate collection system, which is installed underneath the landfill, is 9090 percent effective at collecting and treating any water that infiltrates the surface of the landfill. Assuming consistent yearly rainfall amounts, what is the volume of leachate, in m3m3, that the landfill will be able to treat per year? A 1,800m31,800m3 B 1,296m31,296m3 C 360m3360m3 D 324m3


Catalytic converters reduce which of the following pairs of pollutants in car exhaust? A Carbon dioxide and ozone B Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons C Carbon dioxide and particulates D Lead and mercury E Methane and particulates


Endocrine disruptors directly affect which of the following in an organism? A White blood cells B Hormones C Iron content


If all four of the bacteria species shown in the graph are equally likely The LD50LD50 for arsenic in humans is 13mg/kg13mg/kg. Which of the following approaches should be used to calculate the number of grams of arsenic it would take to reach the LD50LD50 in a 140-pound person? [Note: 1kg=2.2pounds1kg=2.2pounds] A 140lb×2.2lb1kg×1kg13mg×1g1,000mg140lb×2.2lb1kg×1kg13mg×1g1,000mg B 140lb×1kg2.2lb×13mg1kg×1g1,000mg140lb×1kg2.2lb×13mg1kg×1g1,000mg C 13mg1kg×50×140lb×1kg2.2lb13mg1kg×50×140lb×1kg2.2lb D 13mg1kg×1kg2.2lb×140lb1


Implicated in human neurological damage A Sulfur dioxide B Lead C Ozone D Hydrocarbons E Particulates


In the United States, the largest single component of municipal solid waste is A glass B paper C food scraps D wood and other construction debris E plastic


Incineration is one solution to reduce the volume of municipal solid waste. Municipal solid waste can be used to produce energy at waste-to-energy plants. Based on the data in the graphs, which of the following materials would be best suited for incineration to reduce total volume, produce energy, and have minimal release of air pollutants? A Glass B Wood C Metals D Plastics


Increased use of which of the following technologies would cause the greatest reduction in the primary source of photochemical smog? A Electrostatic precipitator B Catalytic converter C Carbon sequestration D Methane collection system


Integrated waste management employs all of the following EXCEPT A using refillable soft-drink bottles B using disposable diapers instead of cloth diapers C using reusable canvas bags instead of plastic or paper bags D using tires for the construction of artificial reefs E redesigning automobiles to replace steel parts with aluminum and plastic parts


Major anthropogenic sources of nitrogen pollution include commercial fertilizers, vehicle exhaust, industrial air pollution, and A disposal of refrigeration units B discharge of sewage to surface waters C ocean dumping of trash D use of persistent pesticides E oil spills like those in the Gulf of Mexico


Most municipal solid waste in the United States is disposed of in A the oceans B sanitary landfills C deep wells D open dumps E abandoned mines


Of the following, which is the most serious immediate problem associated with sanitary landfills? A Generation of gas B Leachate contamination of groundwater C Release of disease organisms D Incomplete degradation of wastes E Compaction and settling


Of the following, which is the primary method of waste disposal in the United States? A Incineration B Landfilling C Composting D Recycling E Ocean dumping


Rachel Carson's contributions to the environmental movement include which of the following? A Alerting the public to the hazardous waste problem at Love Canal B Increasing public awareness of the risks of using pesticides C Starting the first Earth Day in 1970 D Discovering the thinning of the ozone layer in polar regions E Being the first female administrator of the EPA


Sixty-five percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are made up of carbon dioxide, while only sixteen percent are made up of methane gas. Which of the following best explains why scientists are increasingly concerned about the effect of methane gas emissions on global climate if they are a relatively small percent of greenhouse gases released? A Methane gas is a synthetic compound released from anthropogenic sources, while carbon dioxide is naturally occurring. B Methane gas has a higher global warming potential (GWPGWP) than carbon dioxide does, so it can trap more heat in the atmosphere. C Methane gas has a longer average residence time (ARTART) than carbon dioxide does in the atmosphere. D Methane gas is a volatile organic compound (VOCVOC) that can combine with ozone to produce photochemical smog, but carbon dioxide is not classified as a volatile organic compound.


Smoke from forest fires is most likely to affect air quality over larger areas for many days when A smog is produced due to chemical reactions in the atmosphere B a persistent atmospheric inversion exists in the region C oak trees are burned, releasing terpenes into the atmosphere D primary, rather than secondary, forests are burned E vegetation in the region is green and burns more slowly


The polar regions radiate away more heat energy than they receive from the Sun in the course of a year. However, they are prevented from becoming progressively colder each year primarily by the A absorption of ultraviolet radiation by snow B transport of heat through the atmosphere and oceans C concentration of Earth's magnetic field lines at the poles D release of latent heat to the atmosphere when the polar ice caps melt E generation of heat by glacial movement


The primary cause of acid precipitation in the northeastern United States is A the large number of automobile air conditioners leaking Freon B burning of sulfur-containing fossil fuels to produce electricity C deforestation, which reduces the number of trees removing atmospheric CO2 D strip-mining, which releases large quantities of particulates into the atmosphere E global warming, which speeds the chemical reactions that produce acids


The spread of infectious diseases is expected to increase with climate change, mainly because A the world population growth rate is increasing very rapidly B warmer temperatures allow disease-carrying insects to survive in areas that were once too cold C disease-carrying microbes are migrating more rapidly into the tropics and subtropics D the rain forests are rapidly expanding to cover more of Earth's surface E techniques and efforts to combat infectious diseases have not been successful globally


This layer of Earth's atmosphere contains the ozone layer that absorbs the sun's ultraviolet rays. A Troposphere B Stratosphere C Mesosphere D Thermosphere


Which of the following actions would be the most effective in decreasing acid rain and acid deposition problems? A Using higher smokestacks B Reducing use of fossil fuels C Developing acid-resistant crops D Adding lime to acidified lakes E Relocating power plants to areas of lower population density


Which of the following best describes the action of an endocrine disruptor? A An endocrine disruptor attacks hormones that invade a body system and cause disease. B An endocrine disruptor blocks the receptor protein binding site of a hormone so that the cell cannot receive a signal. C An endocrine disruptor acts as an organic catalyst, produced by living things to regulate the rate of chemical reactions. D An endocrine disruptor helps to transport substances, such as pesticides, in an organism following exposure.


Which of the following human activities is most closely associated with depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer? A Mining of coal B Disposal of refrigerators and air conditioners C Heating of homes and factories D Generation of electricity E Agricultural irrigation


A pesticide was applied to a population of roaches, and it was determined that the LD50LD50 was 55mgkg55mgkg. If the average mass of a roach was 0.02kg0.02kg, which of the following approaches will determine the dose in mgmg per roach? A 55mg1kg×10.02kg55mg1kg×10.02kg B 55mg1kg×50%×0.02kg55mg1kg×50%×0.02kg C 55mg1kg×0.02kg55mg1kg×0.02kg D 0.02kg1×55mg1kg50%


All of the following are likely consequences of indoor air pollution EXCEPT an increase in A the development and exacerbation of asthma B the risk of developing lung cancer C the risk of developing skin cancer D flulike symptoms, chronic fatigue, and nausea E respiratory diseases leading to premature death


Based on the data in the graphs, which of the following strategies would best increase the total volume of municipal solid waste being recycled? A Free or low-cost pickup of grass trimmings by municipal waste haulers B Increased use of plastic packaging for consumer products C Enacting a single-stream recycling program and providing bins to residential homes D Digitization of news and use of e-mail for communication


Based on the diagram, which of the following best describes how a malfunctioning air compressor would affect the process of sewage treatment? A The oxygen concentration in the aeration tank would increase. B The settling of large debris, such as wood, from the water would be prevented. C Fewer bacteria would be available to absorb dissolved organics in the tank. D The sludge pump would return activated sludge to the aeration tank at a slower pace.


Global warming is most likely to directly cause which of the following? A Shifting of grain belts toward the equator B Falling sea levels in the Southern Hemisphere C Coastal flooding and submersion of low-lying areas D A decrease in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere E An increase in the number and size of glaciers


If all four of the bacteria species shown in the graph are equally likely to contaminate agricultural products at a dose of 102 CFU102⁢ CFU, regulating which of the following species would have the greatest effect in reducing the likelihood of illness in humans? A C. jejuni B E. coli C Salmonella sppspp. D Newly discovered bacterium


In the removal of a pollutant from wastewater, which of the following is true of the cost per unit of pollutant removed? A It decreases as the toxicity of the pollutant increases. B It decreases as the time passed before remediation increases. C It increases as the concentration of the pollutant decreases. D It increases as the volume of the wastewater decreases. E It does not change over time or with concentration of pollutant.


Is a flammable gas produced by landfills A Carbon dioxide B Carbon monoxide C Methane D Radon E Sulfur dioxide


Most plastics pose a special problem in the waste stream because they A decompose readily in water and become a source of water pollution B decompose to produce methane, which is explosive and creates a significant hazard C decompose slowly, if at all, and persist as solid waste D release radioactive isotopes when they decompose E release ozone when they are recycled


The activity with the health risk most likely to be overestimated by the general public in the United States is A driving an automobile B drinking alcohol C living near a nuclear power plant D riding a bicycle E smoking tobacco


The data in the graph can be useful in explaining the greenhouse effects when they are compared with A volcanic activity B sunspot activity C mean global temperatures D annual nitrous oxide production E cycles of flooding and drought


The majority of atmospheric mercury is produced by A medical waste incinerators B volatilization of lead-based paint C coal-burning power plants D runoff from thermometer factories E municipal waste incinerators


The table below shows the oral LD50LD50 values for various household substances. SubstanceOral LD50(mg/kg)LD50(mg/kg)Aspirin1,0001,000Table salt3,3203,320Antifreeze460460Vinegar3,3003,300 Based on the LD50LD50 values, which of the following best describes the toxicity level of the household substances shown in the table? A Aspirin is less toxic than vinegar. B Table salt is more toxic than vinegar. C Antifreeze is more toxic than aspirin. D Table salt is the most toxic substance in the table.


Was once widely used in the United States as a gasoline additive A Radon B Mercury C Lead D Copper E Iron


When scientists discover the existence of an emerging infectious disease such as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), they must take immediate steps to determine the cause of the disease and the method of transmission. These initial steps would include which of the following? A Developing a vaccine to eliminate the disease B Beginning a program to eradicate insect vectors for the disease C Acquiring recent medical and travel histories of the disease victims D Testing methods to block airborne transmission of the disease E Estimating the cost of eradicating the disease


Which of the following best describes a way that persistent organic pollutants (POPsPOPs) cause harm in the environment? A Persistent organic pollutants release carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere when buried for disposal. B Persistent organic pollutants release radioactivity during decay. C Persistent organic pollutants are soluble in fat, so they accumulate in an organisms' fatty tissues. D Persistent organic pollutants have magnetic signatures that confuse birds during migration.


Which of the following human health issues is linked to exposure to pollutants released during the incineration of plastic waste? A Dysentery B Mesothelioma C Asthma D Cholera


A laboratory study using rats showed a steady increase in physical effects as the concentration of a toxic substance in their food was increased. This suggests that A tolerance increases with dosage B there is a threshold dosage C there are no chronic effects of the toxin D the dose-response relationship is linear E the substance is safe to use as a rate poison


Based on the diagram, which of the following is the most likely reason that a community with good sanitation could still have individuals who contract cholera? A Disease transmission for cholera is through direct contact with infected individuals and is independent of sanitation conditions. B V. cholerae grow rapidly in clear, moving water that has limited nutrients or wastes. C Waste water treatment facilities that use high levels of chlorine to treat the outgoing municipal water supply have an increased risk of cholera outbreaks. D Runoff from a nearby agricultural field pollutes a reservoir used for drinking water.


Critics of incineration of municipal solid waste suggests that it may not be the best solution for the future, for which of the following reasons? A Incineration produces ash that increases landfill volume. B Incineration generates methane. C Incineration involves advanced technology. D Incineration contributes to air pollution. E Incineration requires large energy input.


Establishes cradle-to-grave tracking of hazardous waste A Safe Drinking Water Act B Clean Water Act C Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) D Resource Conservation and Recovery Act E Toxic Substances Control Act


If Earth had no atmosphere, the mean surface temperature would be approximately -15°C. With our present atmosphere, Earth's mean surface temperature is approximately +15°C. Which of the following is the best explanation for this difference? A Reflection of incident solar radiation by clouds B Scattering of visible radiation by aerosols C Absorption of ultraviolet radiation by the ozone layer D Absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases E The breakdown of oxygen molecules in the thermosphere


If the diagram illustrates Earth's relative position on December 21 of a given year, which of the following statements would be correct? A The Tropic of Cancer has a shorter day and higher solar radiation intensity because there is an inverse relationship between length of day and radiation intensity. B The Tropic of Capricorn has a shorter day and higher solar radiation intensity because there is a direct relationship between length of day and radiation intensity. C The equator has twelve hours of daylight and the greatest solar radiation intensity because there is no direct relationship between day length and radiation intensity. D The Tropic of Cancer has a shorter day and lower solar radiation intensity because there is a direct relationship between day length and radiation intensity.


Large quantities of methane hydrates are located in this region and if released will contribute significantly to global climate change. A A B B C C D D E E


Many scientists maintain that a rise in sea level has occurred in the last hundred years as a result of global warming. If this is true, which of the following factors best explains such a rise? A Increased precipitation B Increased cloud cover C Increased evapotranspiration D Thermal expansion of the ocean E Melting of permafrost


Most data indicate that, during the past 100 years, mean global annual temperature has A decreased by 5°C B decreased by 0.5°C C stayed the same D increased by 0.5°C E increased by 5°C


The average vehicle releases 1.39grams1.39grams of NOxNOx per mile driven. If a vehicle is driven 22,000miles22,000miles per year for 1515 years, how much NOxNOx does that vehicle release? A 15,82715,827 grams B 30,58030,580 grams C 237,410237,410 grams D 458,700458,700 grams


The increase in mean global temperature is likely to result in all of the following EXCEPT A decreased size of the Greenland ice sheet B increased range of some plant species C increased populations of insects D increased ground-level ultraviolet radiation E increased sea level


The primary cause of acid precipitation in the northeastern United Which of the following is LEAST likely to be an effect of global warming? A Loss of fertile delta regions for agriculture B Change in global patterns of precipitation C Extinction of some species that have narrow temperature requirements D Decreased rate of photosynthesis in vegetation E Increased frequency of hurricanes


The risk that many cancer-causing chemicals pose to humans can be estimated using laboratory tests on rats. A significant scientific limitation of such tests is that A they require thousands of rats B they take several decades to conduct C they are banned in the United States D animal models may not reflect human responses E the test animals may be killed as a result of the tests


Toxicologists say, "the dose makes the poison," meaning that most substances are harmful in high enough concentrations. The data for anastrozole A supports this concept because as concentration increases, so does response B supports this concept because as concentration increases, response decreases C does not support this concept because as concentration increases, response increases D does not support this concept because as concentration increases, response decreases E does not support this concept because the experiment was not done in animals


Which method would be best suited for neutralizing the acidic components of waste? A Sanitary landfill B Incineration C Discharge to sewers, streams, and rivers D Chemical treatment E Biological treatment


Which of the following best explains the impact of climate change on polar regions? A Polar regions are warming more slowly than other regions because the ice and snow keep the air cool. B Polar regions are warming more slowly than other regions because atmospheric circulation wind patterns trap cold air at the poles. C Polar regions are warming more quickly than other regions because more carbon dioxide can dissolve in colder water. D Polar regions are warming more quickly than other regions because warming decreases the coverage of high-albedo ground cover like ice and snow.


Which of the following best identifies the reason that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCsCFCs) were banned in 1996 by the Montreal Protocol? A CFCsCFCs increased acid deposition in northern latitudes. B CFCsCFCs increased the rates of cancer in workers in mining operations. C CFCsCFCs led to a spike in the number of respiratory illnesses diagnosed in children. D CFCsCFCs led to the destruction of stratospheric ozone.


Which of the following correctly orders the methods of solid-waste management in terms of energy required? A Reuse Recycle Reduce B Recycle Reuse Reduce C Recycle Reduce Reuse D Reduce Reuse Recycle E Reduce Recycle Reuse


Which of the following is LEAST likely to be an effect of global warming? A Loss of fertile delta regions for agriculture B Change in global patterns of precipitation C Extinction of some species that have narrow temperature requirements D Decreased rate of photosynthesis in vegetation E Increased frequency of hurricanes


Which of the following is the human health impact most closely associated with atmospheric particulates? A Cataracts B Diabetes C Melanoma D Asthma E Obesity


Which of the following is true of the Clean Air Act? A It was passed by Congress during the early 1950s. B It regulates the amount of CO2 emitted by power plants. C It has remained largely unmodified since it was originally signed into law. D It established a cap-and-trade program for SO2 in 1990. E It is set to expire in 2015.


Which of the following is used to reduce SO2 emissions from coal-burning power plants? A Catalytic converters B Ultrafine mechanical filters C Electrostatic precipitators D Wet-scrubber units E Afterburners


Which of the following would encourage recycling? A Decreasing government purchases of recycled materials B Decreasing subsidies for recycling C Decreasing taxes on resource-extracting industries D Decreasing taxes on recycled material E Decreasing fees for using landfills


Which of the following would most likely reduce the concentration of ground-level ozone in the air of a city? A Release of CFCs into the air of the city B Occurrence of several consecutive days of sunny weather C Formation of a temperature inversion D Decrease in the emissions of nitrogen oxides E Release of VOCs into the air of the city


Which type of electricity-generating power plant releases radioactive materials as well as toxic metals such as lead and arsenic under normal operating conditions? A Nuclear B Hydroelectric C Solar D Coal-burning E Geothermal


Approximately 60 percent of municipal solid waste in the United States is composed of some form of organic matter that could be composted. Every American generates approximately 2 kg of waste every day. The amount of compostable waste that could be generated by one individual in a week would be closest to A 0.6 kg B 1.2 kg C 4.2 kg D 6.0 kg E 8.4 kg


Emitted from most manufactured building materials and furniture A Asbestos B Radon C Lead D Carbon monoxide E Formaldehyde


Ground-level ozone in most major United States cities results primarily from A burning coal B burning fuel for cooking C producing electric power D industrial emissions E motor-vehicle exhaust


How many units of energy are absorbed by Earth's surface? A 45 B 50 C 60 D 70 E 120


Is an important precursor to acid rain A Carbon dioxide B Carbon monoxide C Methane D Radon E Sulfur dioxide


Is the major pollutant that electrostatic precipitators are designed to remove from power-plant smokestack emissions A Sulfur dioxide B Lead C Ozone D Hydrocarbons E Particulates


Many homeowners are unaware that their garbage may contain hazardous waste, which should be taken to a designated hazardous waste dump site instead of being placed in their regular trash. All of the following are considered household hazardous waste EXCEPT A batteries B bug spray C motor oil D oil-based paint E food scraps


Of the following strategies to decrease the landfill volume of packaging material from food and other consumer products, the most energy efficient is A recovering plastic packaging material from the waste stream and recycling it B recovering metal packaging material from the waste stream and recycling it C limiting the size of individual beverage containers made from metal, glass, or plastic D using more packaging materials that are manufactured from raw materials that are renewable E promoting the use of reusable containers for consumer goods


The danger from radon gas would most likely be greatest in A airplanes at high altitudes B areas with a high density of automobiles C crop-dusted agricultural fields D high-rise office buildings E well-insulated homes


The presence of which of the following contaminants would be the strongest reason for judging municipal sewage sludge unfit for use as fertilizer? A Human feces B Ammonia C Phosphates D Nitrates E Heavy metals


Which latitude shown on the diagram above experiences 24 hours of daylight on December 21? A A B B C C D D E E


Which method introduces microorganisms to break down hazardous organic compounds? A Sanitary landfill B Incineration C Discharge to sewers, streams, and rivers D Chemical treatment E Biological treatment


Which of the following federal laws specifically deals with the cleanup of abandoned hazardous waste sites? A Clean Air Act B Clean Water Act C Safe Drinking Water Act D Resource Conservation and Recovery Act E Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility Compensation and Liability Act


Which of the following is an appropriate remediation strategy for removing radon gas from the home? A Use filtered water for drinking and bathing. B Do not occupy the basement of the home. C Place monitors in suspect areas of the home. D Remove and replace soil in crawl spaces under the home. E Seal or ventilate places where radon enters the living space.


Which of the following is an effective alternative to chlorine for disinfecting wastewater in a municipal treatment plant? A Freon B Alcohol C Phosphate D Ammonia E Ozone


Which of the following statements is best supported by the data? A Increased incidence of breast cancer is related to the average age of a country's population. B The number of breast cancer deaths is proportional to the size of a country's population. C Increase incidence of breast cancer is related to annual length of exposure to solar radiation. D Persons who reside in colder climates are more susceptible to breast cancer than those who live in tropical regions. E There is a positive correlation between breast cancer and dietary fate intake.


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