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A backlash against the emergence of individualism and the fragmentation of society; key ideas were economic planning, greater economic equality, and state regulation of property.


A movement that was in part a revolt against classicism and the Enlightenment, characterized by a belief in emotional exuberance, unrestrained imagination, and spontaneity in both art and personal life.

Holy Alliance:

Alliance formed by rulers of Austria, Russia and Prussia in 1815 that became a symbol of repression of liberal and rev. Movements all over Europe.

Why did Klemens von Metternich, as Austrian foreign minister, have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe?

As a classical liberal, he feared that it would lead to intolerance and violence

What is the idea of an "imagined community?"

Benedict Anderson's term for large communities (quintessentially nations) in which the collective social bond must be imagined rather than directly experienced through face‐to‐face interactions. The concept is central to Anderson's account of the rise of modern nationalism and nation‐states through the spread of literacy and print‐capitalism - there is nothing concretely rooted in space, time, or geography in the notion of a nation. Is the product of a collective imagination - Communal development rather than concrete fact

How did romanticism affect music?

Composers abandoned well-defined structures and used a wide range of forms to evoke powerful emotions.

Carlsbad Decrees:

Decrees to uphold Metternich's conservatism requiring German states to root out subversive ideas and squelch liberal organizations

How was the attention of the National Assembly meeting in Frankfurt diverted from the task of writing a German federal constitution?

Delegates turned attention to Denmark's claims on the largely German-speaking provinces of Schleswig and Holstein.

Laissez Faire:

Doctrine of economic liberalism that believes in unrestricted private enterprise and no gov interference in the economy

In 1848 in France, what would the government not consider that created a sense of class injustice?

Electoral reform.

Corn Laws:

English law prohibits the importation of foreign grain. This makes domestic grain more expensive and in turn makes the aristocracy richer, while the poor who have to pay for higher grain now, get poorer. This law sparks mass protests among lower classes

From Jules Michelet's point of view, presented in "Individuals in Society" (see p. 699), what were France's most important problems in the 1840s? How did his adherence to the tenets of romanticism shape his description of France's historical development?

Focused on the development of human institutions focused on development of societies Believed that france needed a stronger nation Spoke of france as the salvation of mankind Believed that each person played a crucial role Spoke in 1846 of frances superiority

In their war of independence against the Ottoman Empire, the Greeks ultimately won the support of:

Great britain, france and Russia

Austrian chancellor Metternich and other conservatives fought a tenacious battle to resurrect and maintain the pre-Revolutionary Old Regime. What were the motivations, methods, successes, and failures of Metternich and the conservatives?

He believed the state was strong and weak He believed there were many dissatisfied nations He was supported by Russia and ottoman empire His enemies were absolutist states with a lot of power After 1815 both absolutist states worked to preserve conservative orders After 1850 each had a crisis and embarked on a program of reform and modernization

How did Charles X of France seek to rally political support for himself?

He invaded Algeria and established it as a French territory.

Although the revolutions of 1848 took place at roughly the same time and in reasonable proximity to one another, in certain ways they were very different from one another. Compare the causation, participants, goals, and outcomes of the 1848 uprisings in France and Austria. What were the key differences? In what ways were they similar?

In France, there were a lot of intelligent socialist thinkers that impacted France greatly. The french economic and social gains made by sections of the middleclass and the peasantry in the French Revolution were fully protected, great artistic freedom was permitted, and parliament with upper and lower houses was created. When France was changing, liberals from Austria demanded written constitutions, representative government, and greater civil liberties from authoritative regimes. A revolution took place in Austria because nationalistic Hungarians demanded national autonomy, full civil liberties, and universal suffrage.


Industrial working class

How did the French provisional government respond to the worsening depression and rising unemployment in 1848?

It established national workshops to provide public works

In Great Britain, the Great Reform Bill of 1832 accomplished all of the following except

It granted the vote to substantial farmers but not to the middle-class urban population

How did the landlord leasing patterns in Ireland encourage population growth?

Land leases were for short periods of time, which inhibited from improving their land and encouraged them to have many children as their only source of support in old age.

Many Europeans and Americans embraced the Greek Revolution for all of the following reasons except

Merchants sought access to Greek markets for trade


Middle class minority who owned the means of production, according to Marx exploited the working class

Reform Bill of 1832:

Political reform that increased male voters by 50% and gave political representation to new areas


Principal ideas of this movement were equality and liberty. Liberals wanted freedoms like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom from arbitrary arrest.

Dual Revolution:

Term by Hobsbawm used for economic and political changes that fused and reinforced each other after 1815.

What was the goal of the holy alliance?

The goal of the holy alliance was to symbolize the repression of liberal and revolutionary movements all over Europe. The holy alliance included Russia, Prussia, and Austria, they wanted to have peace and try to take over other countries.

What is the idea of Sturm and Drang?

The idea of sturm and drang occurred in Germany during the romantic movement. This was a revolt of the people against classicism and the enlightenment and they showed this in their arts such as music and painting. Sturm and Drang means storm and drive.


The idea that each people had its own genius and its own specific unity. Often led to the desire for an independent political state.

The Congress of Vienna represented the highest achievements of European balance-of-power politics: faced with the task of creating a lasting peace following the generation of warfare, the statesmen at Vienna succeeded admirably." Assess the validity of this quotation. Who were the leaders at the Congress? What principles guided their actions? What were the primary elements of the peace settlement? How successful was the Congress at creating a stable Europe?

The leaders of the Congress of Vienna were the Quadruple Alliance; Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain.The Quadruple Alliance defeated France and reaffirmed their determination to hold France in place. The challenge for the political leaders in 1814 was to construct a settlement that would last and not sow the seeds of another war. The leader's efforts were very successful and contributed to a century damaged by destructive war

The romantic poet William Wordsworth conceived of poetry as:

The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility

During the Prussian revolution in 1848, why did the alliance between middle-class liberals and workers dissolve?

The workers demanded a series of democratic and vaguely socialist reforms

According to the text, one of Karl Marx's most important criticisms of the French utopian socialists was that

Their appeals to the wealthy to help the poor were naive

What did the early French socialist thinkers find disturbing about the emerging industrial society?

They believed that industrial society fermented selfish individualism and split the community into isolated fragments

Which of the following best characterizes the Carlsbad Decrees?

They required members of the German Confederation to root our subversive ideas and to spy on liberal and radical organizations.

How did Alexis de Tocqueville understand the political weakness of socialism in mid-nineteenth-century France?

Tocqueville predicted the overthrow of Philippe's government. He observed that the socialist movement in Paris angered many and he saw that many members of the Constituent Assembly were committed to the republic and opposed the socialists

The uprisings of 1848 enjoyed early success, only to see their gains destroyed by counter-revolution. How do we account for the early success and later collapse of the revolutionary movements of 1848?

Uprisings in: greece, france, great britain and ireland Nationalism and belief that each people has unique genius was crucial to uprisings Different beliefs about how the state should be run caused uprisings Nationalism was fermented by socialism and communism Corn laws Battle at peterloo Reform bill: increased male voters by 50% and gave political representation to more areas 10 hours act France: louis philippe responded with provisional republic

The years 1815 to 1848 witnessed the rise and evolution of the ideology of socialism. Describe this evolution, being sure to emphasize the principal components. How did socialism reflect the attitudes and aspirations of working people of the time? How did the revolutions of 1848 reflect the impact of socialist ideals?

With socialism, there were also different ideas that were made. Liberalism and Nationalism were major parts that changed countries. These ideas were inspired by the French Revolution, wanting equality, liberty, and individuality. With socialism, there was a rise in new industrial innovations, which the factory workers had to adapt to. With more high tech machines, the factory workers had to try harder to learn how to use the machines. There were a lot more workers working with the machines, causing more job opportunities to people.

The romantic movement was characterized by all of the following except:

a commitment to romantic love as the highest virtue

Congress of Vienna:

a meeting of the quadruple alliance(Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain). They wanted to meet to fashion a general peace settlement.

Battle of Peterloo:

a protest that took place at Saint Peter's Fields in Manchester in reaction to the Corn laws; it was broken up by cavalry.

How did the Hungarian revolutionaries envision a future Hungary?

as a unified, centralized Hungarian nation.

The doctrine of laissez faire holds that there should be

as little government intervention in the economy as possible

The allied powers at the Congress of Vienna were determined to:

avoid the creation of hostility and resentment in France.

As an inspiration for nationalism, Johann Gottfried von Herder argued that:

each people had its own national genius and cultural unity

According to Marx, the driving force in history was the

economic relationship between classes

What was the goal of the British Corn Laws?

forbade the importation of foreign grain unless prices in Britain reached very high levels, selfishly benefiting the aristocratic landowners in Britain.

Which of the following best describes France's Constitutional Charter?

it secured most of the gains made by the middle class and the peasantry during the Revolution and permitted intellectual and artistic freedom

In 1848 in France, the Second Republic instituted all of the following reforms except

persuading both men and women to file for divorce.

The most important factor influencing the peaceful mid-century reforms in Great Britain was

political competition between the aristocracy and the middle class.

According to Joseph Proudhon, property was

profit stolen from workers

During the revolutions of 1848 in Central Europe, an alliance of reforms included all of the following except

the clergy

Count Henri de Saint-Simon believed that

the key to progress was proper social organization

Great Famine:

the result of 4 year of the potato crop failure in Ireland, a country that had grown dependent on potatoes as a dietary staple.

Eugène Delacroix's work celebrated all of the following except

the transforming power of industrialization

Why did romantics and early nationalists investigate folk songs, folk tales, and proverbs?

they sought to find the unique greatness of every people in its folk culture.

Karl Marx argued that socialism would be established

through electoral victories and control of legislatures.

At the Congress of Vienna, the victorious allies:

were guided by the principle of the balance of power.

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