AP Euro Chapters 23, 24, and 25

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Balfour Declaration

A 1917 British statement that declared British support of a National Home for the Jewish People in Palestine.

German Social Democratic Party (SPD)

A German working-class political party founded in the 1870s, the SPD championed Marxism revolution and worked instead for social and workplace reforms in the German parliament.

People's Budget

A bill proposed after the Liberal Party came to power in Britain in 1906, it was designed to increase spending on social welfare services, but was initially vetoed in the House of Lords.

Crimean War

A conflict fought between 1853 and 1856 over Russian desires to expand into Ottoman territory; Russia was defeated by France, Britain, and the Ottomans, under- scoring the need for reform in the Russian empire.

Dreyfus affair

A divisive case in which Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused and convicted of treason. The Catholic Church sided with the anti-Semites against Dreyfus; after Dreyfus was declared innocent, the French government severed all ties between the state and the church.

Petrograd Soviet

A huge, fluctuating mass meeting of two to three thousand workers, soldiers, and socialist intellectuals modeled on the revolutionary soviets of 1905.

Bloody Sunday

A massacre of peaceful protesters at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1905, triggering a revolution that overturned absolute tsarist rule and made Russia into a conservative constitutional monarchy.

Berlin Conference

A meeting of European leaders held in 1884 and 1885 in order to lay down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa.

In Primary Source 23.3: Ernest Renan on National Identity, what does Renan consider one valid way to define a nation?

A nation can be defined by having a common past

League of Nations

A permanent international organization, established during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, designed to protect member states from aggression and avert future wars.

The October Manifesto in the Russian Revolution of 1905 granted full civil rights and promised

A popularly elected Duma or parliament

What was the Boxer Rebellion?

A rebellion of traditional Chinese patriots who wished to expel all Westerners from China

What was the crucial to the success of Count Camillo Benso di Cavour's plan to unify northern Italy in the nineteenth century?

A secret alliance with Napoleon III against Austria

hundred days of reform

A series of Western-style reform launched in 1898 by the Chinese government in an attempt to meet the foreign exchange.


A set of reforms designed to remake the Ottoman Empire on a western European model.


A term coined by literary scholar Edward Said to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures.

What is "Orientalism"?

A term used by modern scholars to describe the way of Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures

trench warfare

A type of fighting used in World War I behind rows of trenches, mines, and barbed wire; the cost in lives was staggering and the gains in territory minimal.

total war

A war in which distinctions between the soldiers on the battlefield and civilians at home are blurred, and where the government plans and controls economic and social life in order to supply the armies at the front with supplies and weapons.

What was the first and most important of the Great Reforms in Russia?

Abolition of serfdom


Amovement dedicated to building a Jewish national homeland in Palestine, started by Theodor Herzl.

Homestead Act

An American law enacted during the Civil War that gave western land to settlers, reinforcing the concept of free labor in a market economy.

Who was Alexander Kerensky?

An agrarian socialist who became prime minister of Russia in July 1917

What was the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916?

An agreement between Great Britain and France to divvy up parts of the Middle East after the war

war guilt clause

An article in the Treaty of Versailles that declared that Germany (with Austria) was solely responsible for the war and had to pay reparations equal to all civilian damages caused by fighting.


An effort by moderate socialists to update Marxist doctrines to reflect the realities of the time.

What was the February Revolution in Russia in 1917?

An unplanned uprising of hungry and angry people in the capital

Why did Japan open its shores to Western trade?

As a response to U.S. military pressure


Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church within Germany from 1870 to 1878, resulting from Pius IX's declaration of papal infallibility.

What did the Balfour Declaration of November 1917, written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, announce?

Britain favored a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine

What was the primary consequence of the First Moroccan Crisis in 1905?

Britiain, France, and Russia began to see Germany as a threat to dominate all of Europe

Which nations joined the war on the side of Central Powers?

Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire

How did Louis Napoleon believe that the people should be represented in government?

By a strong national leader whose reforms would aid all people

Why did Prussia and Austria attack Denmark in 1864?

Denmark was attempting to bring two provinces that belonged to the German Confederation into a more centralized Danish state


Descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa.

What did the notorious forgery "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" suggest Jewish elders were planning to do?

Dominate the globe

Louis Napoleon's great success with the economy included which of the following?

Encouraging new investment banks and railroad construction

After 1860, why did foreign aggression diminish in China until near the end of the century?

Europeans had obtained their primary goal of commercial and diplomatic relations

Schlieffen Plan

Failed German plan calling for a lightning attack through neutral Belgium and a quick defeat of France before turning on Russia.

Young Turks

Fervent patriots who seized power in a 1908 coup in the Ottoman Empire, forcing the conserv- ative sultan to implement reforms.

What issue contributed to tensions between Germany and Great Britain in the first decade of the 1900s?

Germany's decision to build a large fleet of battleships

What part of Otto von Bismarck's alliance system did William II abandon?

Germany's non-aggression pact with Russia

Who were the Red Shirts in nineteenth-century France?

Giuseppe Garibaldi's guerrilla army involved in the invasion of Sicily in 1860

Why did Bismarck enact high tariffs on grain from the United States, Canada, and Russia in 1878?

He sought to win support from both the Catholic Center and the Protestant Junkers, who had large land holdings

After the Franco-Prussian War, Prussia

Imposed a harsh peace on France

The Media Restoration restored the Japanese emperor to power in 1867 and

Initiated a series of measures to reform Japan along modern lines

What was the result of the Mexican War of 1848?

It exacerbated tensions between the northern and southern halves of the United States as debate erupted over the extension of slavery into territory acquired from Mexico

What effect did the Dreyfus affair have on the late nineteenth- century France?

It revived republican distrust of Catholicism

By 1890, how had Japan met the challenge of Western expansion?

It selectively adopted those elements of Western society that were in keeping with Japanese tradition

Why did Italy, after declaring neutrality in 1914, decide to join the Triple Entente in 1915?

It was promised Austrian territory in return


Lenin's radical, revolutionary arm of the Russian party of Marxist socialism, which successfully installed a dictatorial socialist regime in Russia.

Who assassinated Grigori Rasputin in 1916?

Nationalistic aristocrats

How did Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Lundendorff react to Germany's loss in the war in the fall of 1918?

Not wanting to shoulder the blame, they insisted moderate politicians should take responsibility for the defeat

Unlike other political parties, Marxist socialists

Organized themselves into an international organization

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Peace treaty signed in March 1918 between the Central Powers and Russia that ended Russian participation in World War I and ceded Russian territories containing a third of the Russian empire's population to the Central Powers.


Policiesand beliefs, often influenced by nationalism, scientific racism, and mass migration, that give preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants.

Following the First World War, what was one of the most difficult domestic problems faced by governments?

Providing care for the large number of injured veterans

What was the greatest impediment to nation building in the United States?

Regional differences exacerbated by slavery

In nineteenth-century Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi was a

Romantic nationalist


Settler colonies with established populations of Europeans, such as North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America, where Europe found outlets for population growth and its most profitable investment opportunities in the nineteenth century.

Read Primary Source 23.5: Adelheid Popp, the Making of a Socialist. How did Popp describe the process of becoming a socialist in "The Autobiography of a Working Women"?

She experienced an evolutionary process beginning with enthusiasm for the royal family and for nationalism, then becoming interested in anarchism, and only later learning about socialism

What did Germany's Auxiliary Service Law require?

That all men between seventeen and sixty work at jobs considered critical to the war effort

What dies Wilfred Owen want the reader to understand in "Dulce et Decorum Est" (Primary Source 25.2)?

That it is neither sweet nor fitting to die for one's country

Great Rebellion

The 1857 and 1858 insurrection by Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army that spread throughout northern and central India before finally being crushed.

Treaty of Versailles

The 1919 peace settlement that ended war between Germany and the Allied powers.

What was the immediate cause of British entry into the First World War?

The German invasion of neutral Belgium

Which of the following is an accurate characterization of a socialist party in Europe prior to 1914?

The German socialist party talked revolution and practiced reformism

What happened to Armenian inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire during World War I?

The Ottoman Empire order their mass deportations from their homeland, resulting in about a million Armenian deaths from murder, starvation, and disease


The Russian parliament that opened in 1906, elected indirectly by universal male suffrage but controlled after 1907 by the tsar and the conservative classes.

Triple Alliance

The alliance of Austria, Germany, and Italy. Italy left the alliance when war broke out in 1914 on the grounds that Austria had launched a war of aggression.

Triple Entente

The alliance of Great Britain, France, and Russia prior to and during the First World War.

War Communism

The application of centralized state control during the Russian civil war, in which the Bolsheviks seized grain from peasants, introduced rationing, nationalized all banks and industry, and required everyone to work.

Why did the possibility of a federation of Italian states under the presidency of a progressive pope disappear after the Revolutions of 1848?

The cautious support for unification that Pius IX had offered before 1848 turned into hostility after he was temporarily driven from Rome during the Revolutions of 1848

In the early twentieth century, why were extensive social welfare programs slow to form in Great Britain?

The conservative, aristocratic House of Lords resisted the formation of such programs until the kind threatened to appoint new nobles who would support the programs

How did Bismarck structure the North German Confederation in order to secure the authority of the Prussian emperor?

The emperor controlled the army and foreign affairs, and universal male suffrage permitted him to go directly to the people if the middle-class liberals resisted his bills in the legislature

Who was Theodore Herzl?

The founder of the Zionist Jewish national movement

Red Shirts

The guerrilla army of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who invaded Sicily in 1860 in an attempt to liberate it, winning the hearts of the Sicilian peasantry.

white man's burden

The idea that Europeans could and should civilize more primitive non white peoples and that imperialism would eventually provide nonwhites with modern achievements and higher standards of living.

new imperialism

The late-nineteenth-century drive by European countries to create vast political empires abroad.

John McCrae's poem "In Flanders Fields," as shown in Primary Source 25.2, states that the dead want

The living to fight for those who killed them

As noted in Primary Source 25.5, the General Syrian Congress in July 1919 sought "absolutely complete political independence for Syria." How did it reconcile this demand with the mandate system?

The mandate system was to be understood as nothing other than economic and technical assistance that did not prejudice the complete independence of Syria

global mass migration

The mass movement of people from Europe in the nineteenth century; one reason that the West's impact on the world was so powerful and many-sided.

What belief drove native opponents to European colonial rule?

The nationalist assertion that every people had a right to control their destiny

How did the process of Italian unification survive the French betrayal of Sardinia in its efforts to unify Italy?

The nationalist leaders in central Italy overthrew their local princes and merged with Sardinia, despite the displeasure of the Great Powers

national self-determination

The notion that peoples should be able to chose their own national governments through democratic majority-rule elections and live free from outside interference in nation-states with clearly defined borders.

In Primary Source 23.1: The Struggle for the Italian Nation, what does Giuseppe Mazzini suggest must happen in order for "the work of Humanity for the general amelioration to be "accomplished by peaceful and progressive development"?

The people must rise up to create countries according to the natural divisions that exist in Europe

mandate system

The plan to allow Britain and France to administer former Ottoman territories, put into place after the end of the First World War.


The popularly elected lower house of government of the new German Empire after 1871.

Meiji Restoration

The restoration of the Japanese emperor to power in 1867, leading to the subsequent modernization of Japan.

October Manifesto

The result of a paralyzing general strike in October 1905, a Russian decree that granted full civil rights and promised a popularly elected Duma (parliament) with real legislative power.

In Primary Source 24.5: The Brown Man's Burden, a satirical rewriting of Rudyard Kipling's famous poem, what do the following lines mean?

The sacred "rights of man," when all is said and done, are only for Europeans

gunboat diplomacy

The use or threat of military force to coerce a government into economic or political agreements.

Why did the Germans accept the Treaty of Versailles?

They had little alternative, especially as the naval blockade was still in place and the German people were starving

How did some British women seek to affect British colonialism in India in the nineteenth century?

They worked to improve the lives of Indian women, moving them closer to Western standards through education and legislation

What was the goal of the Prussian parliament in the 1850s and 1860s?

To establish that it held final political authority and that the army was responsible to it

Upon his election as president, why did Louis Napoleon sign conservative legislation increasing the power of the Catholic Church and depriving poor men of the right to vote?

To get the National Assembly to pay his personal debts and change the constitution so he could run for a second term

What was the all-important goal of the architects of the Media Restoration?

To meet the threat posed by outside powers

Opium Wars

Two mid- nineteenth-century conflicts between China and Great Britain over the British trade in opium, which was designed to "open" China to European free trade. In defeat, China gave European traders and missionaries increased protection and concessions.

February Revolution

Unplanned uprisings accompanied by violent street demonstrations begun in March 1917 (old calendar February) in Petrograd, Russia, that led to the abdication of the tsar and the establishment of a provisional government.

How did Sardinia and its monarch, Victor Emmanuel, gain the reputation of a liberal, progressive state?

Victor Emmanuel retained the liberal constitution and its substantial civil liberties that was forced on his father in 1848

Fourteen Points

Wilson's 1918 peace proposal calling for open diplomacy, a reduction in armaments, freedom of commerce and trade, the establishment of the League of Nations, and national self-determination.

What was the long-established customs union among the German states?


In "On the Inequality of the Human Races (1854), Count Arthur de Gobineau divided humanity into the white, black, and yellow races and

championed the "Aryan race" for its supposedly superior qualities

Bismarck's alliance system was designed to isolate France and to

maintain peace between Russia and Austria-Hungary.

The Homestead Act, enacted during the Civil War, gave western land to settlers and reinforced the idea

of free labor in a market economy

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