AP Euro Religious Wars and Age of Discovery

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Baroque syle

Dramatic, action, motion, relligious, rich but subdued colors, overdone, unbalanced style. Emtional, sexy, lustful. Had a dark backdrop and a fully iluminated scene. exuberant art; appeal to the masses. Complex art for a complex time. Northern humanist art.

Why were Spain, France, and England in the best position to explore outside Europe?

Dumb geographic luck; they were united, they had money, they were stablilized.

Why did the African slave trade expand so rapidly after 1500?

SUGAR. S-U-G-A-R. Plus there was a prohibition of Native Americans being slaves.

Juan Rodrigues Cabrillo

First to set foot in California 1776

Marco Polo

Italian who went to China

What role did Antwerp and Amsterdam play in international commerce? And why did they play a bigger part international commerce than Lisbon and Seville?

They played every role; the were the nerve center of Europe. There was no comparison between the two pairs. Financial crisis mismanaged in Spain, it was a mercantile society

What happened during the first phase of the war?

(1618-1625) Bohemian Phase- War starts, Catholic League (King Frederick) vs. Protestant League (Frederick, elector of Palatinate), Bohemians fought for independence from Habsburgs, and Protestanism was wiped out in Bohemia. Battle of White Mountain = lots of dead Protestants

What happened in the 2nd phase of the war?

(1625-1629) Danish phase-King Christian VI of Denmark now involved, Habsburgs peak power, Catholic victories by Albert of Wallenstein (not nice, selfish and opportunistic, fractured Catholics by trying to make his own country), Edict of Restitution is enacted: All ecclesiastical lands must be given back to their original owners dating back to 1552, ie converted churches. Nasty anarchy and free for all

What happened during the 3rd phase of the war?

(1630-1635) Swedish phase, Gustavas Adolphus (Lutheran Swedish king) helped by Richelieu to divide Germany, which ended Habsburg idea of uniting German empire.

What happened in the fourth phase of the war?

(1635-1648) French phase. Cardinal Richelieu sent troops and $$$ to the German protestants, which meant that this pretext of religion was really covering up for political reasons. French involvement is because Germany is now kind of united under Phillip IV, or will be pretty soon if Phillip is going on like this.

John Cabet

1497 Canada and Newfoundland

Herando Cortez

1520 conqueres Aztecs, but really manipulates them

Ferdinand Magellan

1520 sails around the world

Francisco Pizzara

1520's discovered Peru and foughts INca's for Spain

Jaques Cartier

1534 French- st. Lawrence

Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis

1559; Was a watershed event: Ended dynastic wars, now the brutality of religious wars, religion is catalyst used to justify wars, however wars are fought for economic and political reasons ENDED The Habsburg-Valois War. Wars will now be more large scale, with nation states fighting each other, propaganda will be used to gain support for wars, wars will now use guns and artillery, which was indiscriminate against commoners and members of the upper class


1570's Spanish circumnavigation of globe

What medieval ideal died with the Treaty of Westphalia?

1648; The idea of a unified Christian Europe with 1 Empire and 1 Church; you have the printing press which spreads ideas and fractures Europe, the different religions, and the differing political ideals NOW: wars are country versus country, and this ends religious wars in Europe, private warfare stops

St. Bart's day?

Aug 24 1572, Margaret Valois was going to be married to Henry of Navarre. Lots of Protestants present. Including Admiral Gaspard do Coligny, who was the leader of the Huguenots. Protestants weren't supposed to bring weapons, and when they showed up, the catholics attacked. The Catholics were lead by Henry of Guise, who was married to Mary Stuart, who was cousin to Elizabeth I of England. Very violent wedding.

Peter Paul reubens

BIG BAROQUE DUDE, like the prince of Baroque, did Judgement of Paris and 3 Muses, painted his wife a lot, Flemish


BIG baroque dude, no motion, very tense, lots of self portraits


Classical, scholar, French, didn't want a boss

What were the various technological developments that contrubuted to Europes remarkable success in oversas exploration?

Cannon/cannon balls w/ gunpowder Caravels-windpower/sails, maneuverable and could holmd more cargo Magnetic compass-north/south Astrolabes-lattitude

Why did 2/5 to 1/2 of French nobility convert to Calvinism?

By converting to Calvinism, the French monarchy, which was Catholic, had less power over the nobles. It was a way of subverting the power of the monarchy.

What were the origins of North American racism?

Christian theological speculation and Arab texts. The Arab texts said that the women were highly promiscuous and sexually aggressive and that the men were lustful and impudent. Primarily, though, Christian theological speculation

Why did the witch hunts come about?

Confusing time period. People dying for God, and the $$ thing. Its a great time for Europe, but nothing is changing financially.

Why did faith and religious certainty begin to come to an end n the first part of the 17th century?

Confusing times, new knowledge clashed with Church teachings, influence of the northern humanists. Its an early part of the scientific revolution.

What attracted 1/10th of all French citizens to Luther and Calvin during the early 16th century?

Corruptness of Church (Concordat of Bologna was a quick fix for govt, $$$$) Order of the Robe = tax free rich class b/c ecclesiastical positions heredity, moral/education/ntellectual reform not happening, so Calvin did something about it + Calvin wrote in French, so his writngs circulated more than Luther's teachings, appealed to MC, artists

What was the social status of women between 1560 and 1648

Decline in status of upper class women, which meant that eventually the middle and lowerclass women would eventually copy that to become more like the upper class. It was to keep women in their place. Women were subordinate to men, everyone was in agreement about this. Women must be married or they upset the social order. Submission to men was inherently part of a woman's nature. Kind of a moral message; in the bible, Eve fell first, she ate the apple first, Elizabeth Hardwick was the exception to the rule.

In what ways was this period of religious warfare full of contrasting attitudes?

Destruction and killing in the name of God?? Whats all that about??


Emotional center, dwarves, involved, Spanish

3 Sets of Religious Wars

Dutch Revolts 30 Years War French Civil War

Henry Hudson

Dutch, discovered Hudson Bay 1560's

What were the circumstances surrounding Elizabeth's decision to aid the United Provinces in their war against Spain?

English wool, the Netherlands bought it and shipped it everywhere, so it was to protect English interests. Plus, the death of William of Silent (Protestant) meant the Catholics were unchecked. It meant an eventual invasion of England. So, Elizabeth aided the Netherlands.

Who was mIcheal MOntaigne?

French dude who invented the essay. NOrthern humanist and skeptic. LIved during the time of the French civil war and was very against killing and violence. Thought very critically. Broad minded and tolerant, odd for his time. COncerned with humanity. believed that passion sometimes drove people beyond the bounds of reason, like Phillip II. He looked at all the options and believed the object of life was the knowledge of the self. rejected dogmatism, was secular but he was also catholic.

What were the political, religious, and economic consequences of 30 years war?

Germany's destroyed, utterly. 11/15 of population dead, 1/3 of urban and 2/5 rural. North prospered, more refugees, destruction of food and land, rise in value of labor, serfdom in Germany rises again. Economic crisis w/ the influx of Au and Ag from New world, and the shift to absolute monarchs. France and Sweden are the sort of winners here.

What were the various motiation s of the 16th century European exploreers?

God, gold, glory

How did the French Civil War end?

Group of moderates that straddled the line. Subordinated religious strife to political unity, so that state was more important than church. They favored accepting Huguenots and Protestantism. Edict of Nantes in 1598

What happened when Phillip tried to make the Netherlands Catholic?

He broke them. Fanatical Calvinists broke the CHurch of Notre Dame in Antwerp. The Council of Blood, which was part of the Inquisition happened in 1568. In the CoB, where 1500 men were executed. Civil war raged for 10 years, from 1568-1578. The Lower 10 Provinces were won and conquered, and therefore became unprosperous. They became the Spanish Netherlands. Antwerp falls, and Amsterdam becomes the new power.

Who won the War of 3 Henry's?

Henry of Navarre, who became King Henry IV in 1589. He was a very good king, and allegedly said that Paris was well worth a mass. He fixed France wit the edict of Nantes, which said that the French Huguenots were free to worship as they liked.

What is the so-called problem of Christopher Columbus? Ehat do the text authors have to say about this problem??

He wasn't very nice to native peoples, he was a crappy leader, he was greedy, and he didn't do anything people hadn't done before. He was a product of his times. He was no worse ant anyone else, realistically, the whole of Europeans were horrible to natie peoples.

What was the background behind the rise of Calvinism in France?

Henry II, the sadist who liked to kill Protestants, died, and his 3 sons took over the throne. The first, Francis II, died, after ruling for 17 months, then Charles IX took over at age 10. He was dominated by his mother, Catherine de' Medici, who was Catholic and wanted peace and order s long as her sons were on the throne. Charles died without kids and then Henry III took over for him. He didn't have any kids because he was gay. Then he died and the throne was up for grabs. Cue civil disorder.

Background for what happened on Saint Bart's day in 1572?

House Montmoresi: Catholic, old, powerful House Guise: Fanatically Catholic, had ties to Scotland and Spain, powerful House Bourbon: Protestant, powerful House Guise and House Bourbon wanted the throne. Margaret Valois, the sister of Charles and Henry III, is engaged to be married to Henry of Navarre, of House Bourbon

What were the French Calvinists called?


What were the terms for the Treaty of Westphalia?

Independence of Netherlands and protection by Britain (Except Spanish Netherlands) sovereign authority of German Princes(Emperor's power limited, but still a federation), Sweden gets $$ and Pomerania, France gets Alsace-Lorraine, papacy ended in German religious affairs. COnflicts over religion are over (right to independent worship). Like Augsburg, but included Calvinism.

What were the Wine islands?

Madera, Cateverde, and canary

What effect did European "discovery" have on Native Smeian'as well as the balue of the African slave trade?

Not good. 90% of Native American's dead from disase or overwork. And with sugar, the slaves were a commodity to be bought and sold. They were effectively dehumanized.


Peasant Bruegel, northern Renaissance dude, Flemish

Why and how did this tension get much worse after Charles V abdicated in favor of his son, Phillip II?

Phillip (who is fanatically Catholic) wants the Netherlands to be Catholic, and Phillip is not from that area, which means he can declare war on that province. Calvinism appealed to MC of Netherlands b/c of intellectual seriousness, moral gravity, and emphasis on good labor no matter who you were.

What were the economic and political effects of Spanish activities in the New World?

Plantation agriculture (which increases slavery), transplant of feudalism (w/ the viceroys), slavery now associated with race, lots of exchange of plants and animals (like domestic animals),


Playwright and poet. All his plays. Was a Renaissance man b/c of his appreciation for classical culture, his individualism, and his humanism.

What are the origins of trubles in France from 1515-1559 that resulted in 30 years of civil war from 1559-1589?

Population decline (less peasants, more rights for peasants), selling of church positions (meaning people are spiritually unsatisfied), inflation (new world gold), and the the nobles are in economic trouble

bosco de Gama

Portugul 1497 went around Africa

Why was there such severe inflation in the 16th century?

Price revolution!!!!!!! AU (gold) and AG (silver) coming in from the New World, and the MC in Spain wasn't around to invest the money in, because that's what you'd do. So money goes out of France because labor's cheaper in other countries. Nobles save their $$ so it doesn't go into economy.

What is meant by the Age of Reconnicasnce and the age of exploration

Recon- mapmaking Discovery-more knowledge Exploration- to go to other places

What intertwined the religious fervor and overseas explorations of Europeans between approximately 1560-1648?

Religion provides the pretext, $$$ the motive. Really they're doing it for God, gold, and glory. That's why they do all this stuff.


Roman, Painting of Jesus and John the Baptist


Scultped David, emotional and tense, Italian dude

What was the Spanish reaction?

Send the Spanish Armada after England, and they got beaten, badly. Mostly due to bad weather, and some help from the English cannonfire. The importance of this: Phillip II stopped reimposing religious unity on Europe by force, because he keeps forcing places to be Catholic.


Silence and light, French

Whate were the major literary masterpieces of this age?

Sir Phillip Sydney- poet; Astrophel and Stella Edmund Spencer-Faerie queen Christopher Marlowe-tamburlaine and Jewes of Malta

What is skepticism?

Skepticism is a mental check/habit that people do, it suspends a belief in absolute certainty in anything.

El Greco

Spain 1600, known for burial of Count Orgaz and Christ with the Cross, elongates stuff

By 1609, what were the results of this warfare?

Spain is finished as a world power, combined with the price revolt and inflation it's just not good for Spain. In 1609, there's a truce, recognizing the independence of the Netherlands.

Why did the witch hunts stop?

Stability is regained in Europe with the end of all the wars, and the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution

Sugar + slaves wnet where?

TO the Carribean, where they could be farmed via plantation agriculture

Charles V and the 17 Low Countries?

The Low Countries were the economic nerve center of Europe, they didn't care whether you were Catholic or Protestant as long as you worked hard. Charles V was from this area, and it was not fanatically Catholic, which ticked him off but he couldn't do anything about it because he couldn't declare war on his own people.

What did St. Bart's day trigger?

The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, which led to thew War of Three Henry's: King Henry III, Henry of Guise, and Henry of Navarre. Lots of domestic anarchy and religious rioting. Very bad for France.

What event is 1453 badly frightened Europeans?

The Turks took Constantinople

What cut off the slavic slave trade in 1453?

The Turks took Constantinople.

What circumstances led to the Thirty Year's War?

The defenestration of Prague directly led to the 30 Years War, where King Ferdinand of Bohemia sent two emissaries to Prague about closing Protestant churches. The Protestants threw the Catholic emissaries out of a window, and they survived. 1618, but before this, the Catholics weren't abiding by the Augsburg Settlement, which said that borders were drawn and that no one should try to convert one another. Well, Jesuits and missionaries and stuff disregard rules, and no one obeying rules. So Protestants form a club, The Protestant Union (1608) and the Catholics get jealous and make their own club, the Catholic League (1609).

What stimulated the slave trade in Europe after 1400?

The limitation of labor from the Bubonic plague and all the wars. And a Florentine law said that as long as a slave was not Christian, it was okay to own them.

What effect did the event in 1453 have on the geographic orientation of European monarchs and their merchant's allies?

They need new tech and an accurate clock, how to measure longitude and latitude because stuff isn't coming by way of the Mediterranean anymore, they have to go around Africa

What did Spain do with the New World?

Transplanted feudalism, setup viceroys whic = no selfgovernment

Spain and Portugul divided new world between where?

Treaty of Tordesillas- treaty that marked Brazil as the dividing point between Protugul's area and Spain's area.

What is slave plantation agriculture?

Well, you have a plantation that you work with slaves. A planation is a giant area of land that you use to produce something. Usually, these guys would produce sugar, because sugar was in high demand.

What do witch hunts tell us about the social attitudes towards women?

Women were easier to tempt to evil; women were easier to fall prey to witchcraft. Also, women without male supervision, like widows, were under suspicion. The ones who ask questions that don't have easy answers or people didn't want to answer were called a witch. The ones with independetn thought; it was a way of getting rid of the nonconformists in society. IT was an attempt to limit's women's independence.


first to Cape of South Africa (1488)

Ponce de Leon

fountain of Youth, Spanish, Florida


the violent women pictures, Dark and bloody, Italian chick

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