AP GoPo Unit 5 Test Review

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Rank and describe the three main reasons social capital is declining.

1)technology 2)pace of life 3)religious groups OR 1. two career family (work) 2. mobility (10 min of commute= -10% of social capital) 3. technology

What are "linkage institutions?"

A linkage institution is a structure within a society that connects the people to the government or centralized authority. These institutions include: elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media.

What effect does immigration (legal or illegal) have on American political system?

As there has been an increase in immigration the progressive side wants to see them become more equal while conservatives want to see how to withhold the increase in the immigration. The leaders of our country need to focus on how we can help the legal while focusing on decreasing illegal immigration.

Will changes in our country make the US more democratic, or less?

I think it would make our country less democratic because the government would be doing it for the good of everyone and not the individual people.

Explain the way you think the US is most divided.

I think we are most divided because of political parties

List some ways the US could increase social capital.

Increase participation in religious groups, decrease the pace of life OR More deliberation where people or elected official get together and discuss public matters.

How does diversity affect social capital?

It can decrease social capital by separating people so their is not a common goal or any cooperation.

Explain the effects of low social capital on our political system.

It makes us less cooperative and makes it harder to listen to each others views. We don't work together well.

In a short essay, compare and contrast the major beliefs of liberalism and conservatism. Consider each ideology's approach to moral, economic, and national defense issues.

Liberalism's major beliefs are in change, social equality, and more government regulation with regards to the economy and social welfare. Conservatism's major beliefs are in supporting more of a traditional approach to society. They believe in smaller government (less gov't regulation) and are less prone to change.

Explain what politics in the US will be like in 2050

The Republican party will decrease because there will be less white people. liberal democrat

What impact does the media have on campaigns and elections?

biased portrayal of candidates can influence public views/opinions

What role does the media have on influencing opinion?

controls what the public does/doesn't see, biased reports

What are some consequences of low voter turnout

decline of popular interest in elections, weakening of the competitiveness of the two major parties

Are negative campaign ads effective?

yes, major part of how campaigns convince the public to vote for their candidate or at least vote against their opponent

List and describe 7 different demographic categories in the US.

(Right = Republican = Donald Trump Left = Democrat = Barack Obama) Gender - Males-right, Females-left Age - Old-right, Young-left Education - Educated-left, Less educated-right Income - Rich-right, Poor-left Religion - More religious-right, Less religious-left Sexual Orientation - Gay/support gays-left, Don't-right Race/Ethnicity - white-61%, White-right, Minorities-left, "2050-no majority (white will be plurality 46%)" Geography - Southeast-right, Northeast-left, Northwest-right, Southwest-right, West coast-left, Urban/university cities-left, Rural-right, Rustbelt: great lakes/manufacturing area (IN, OH, PA, MI, WI, etc) tend to flip flop on the scale, Sunbelt: southern US (warm climate/immigration) growing population fastest (fewer jobs, especially in tech), Solid South: 20th-century regional loyalty (most southern states voted democrat) switched due to party beliefs shifting

What are some factions in the Democratic and Republican parties today?

Democratic - Peace and Freedom, Socialist Republican - Constitution, Neoconservatives?

What effect will technology have on political socialization and political culture?

Media will influence people to believe certain things and persuade them to believe in different things even if it could be false

Describe the average American in 2050.

Multiracial, non religious

What are some of the most powerful interest groups in America?

National Rifle Association (NRA) American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)

Is ethnocentrism the same things as racism?

No, because you can think you have the best culture but that has nothing to do with race

Describe how technology affects social capital

People focus less on each other's personal connections because simpler ways of communication are present

How has the power of parties changed over the past century?

Radically. In 1900 the democrats were the 'pro-confederate' racist party. The Republicans had become the 'capitulate to the democrats' party. There was some issue with the short lived 'Bull Moose Party' but nothing really changed. The Democrats were about promoting the south in any way possible and the republicans were doing nothing. This started to change after decades of 'Robber Barron/Libertarian" economics tanked the economy and one man, FDR (who happened to be a Democrat - but don't give the party too much credit at this point) who moved in a new direction: Keynesian Economics. It worked and the Democrats moved away from the 'status quo' party to the economic 'get things done party.' They were still racist as hell. Then, starting with JFK and coming to full bloom under Johnson, the Democrats became the 'party of civil rights.' This was a blow to the Southern wing of the party who suddenly found the Democrats supporting exactly the opposite of what they wanted. They moved away from the Democrats in one big block, first becoming the short lived 'Dixiecrats' then, Nixon welcomed all these southern racists formally into the republican fold where they have been welcome ever since.

What is the difference between cross-cutting cleavages and reinforcing cleavages?

Reinforcing cleavages is when social and economic differences reinforce each other. Cross-cutting cleavages are when the social and economic differences pull people in different directions.

Studies show that, after we control for socioeconomic status, many apparent racial divisions disappear. Explain how race and SES are related.

SES - how wealthy you are, race doesn't matter if everyone has the same SES

How does the idea of the American dream influence American politics today?

The notion of the American Dream influences the U.S. economy because it creates the driving force behind the free enterprise system. The engine of the U.S. economy is entrepreneurship and the concept of an open society in which people can prove themselves based on their own merits. The American Dream is basically the idea that anyone can come to America and create an extraordinary life with hard work and skill.

Describe the way population growth is changing American electoral politics

The population of the minorities is rising and therefore the democratic party will likely gain more votes.

What are some factors limiting the power of the media to shape public opinions?

The role of the media in today's political sphere is very important. Perhaps more important than most people even realize. A free and independent media serves as a check on the government. If the government controlled the media, it could surely escape all accountability for any actions and would threaten the very principles of the free and democratic system we employ. However, as of late the media has not served its intended purpose, as an unbiased and impartial source of information. Instead, media have become partial, one way or another, on the political spectrum and therefore skew the way the information they present is perceived

What role do educational opportunity, economic wealth, and religious freedom play in achieving the American Dream?

They are the backbone of the what the American Dream. People who come to America for the American Dream are in search of these characteristics.

How does US political participation compare with that of other nations?

US has significantly less participation in terms of voting

What are realigning elections and why do they occur?

What? - Key/Critical Elections Why? - 1. Intense Electoral Involvements 2. Disruptions of traditional voting patterns and formations of new electoral groups 3. Changes/Expansions of Suffrage

Describe the average american today.

White, female, religious, middle class The average American is about $131,000 in debt. The average American spends $69 a day. The average American has $34 in their pocket. The average American watches 33 hours of TV a week.

Describe 3 current demographic trends in the US.

Whites are decreasing Hispanics and Asians are increasing Black are stable

Where do most people get their public opinions?

geographical location, social status, education, community norms

What are the effects of opinion polls upon democracy

helps politicians decide whether to run, what policies to support, what appeals to make in campaigns

What is America's main media source

internet, social media, tv

What demographic factors will probably hurt the Republican Party in the future?

older people with less of an attraction to minorities

List four dimensions of diversity in the American population.

personality, internal/external/organizational dimensions

List the main reasons Americans don't vote

poorly informed, disaffection, legal barriers, other legal requirements, many elections not close and some voters feel its not necessary

Explain the connection between trust and democracy

social capital=trust trust=want to vote more more vote=more democracy

What is the difference between political socialization and selective perception?

socialization is how we develop our political beliefs/values. perception is the process of only viewing what we want, usually what agrees with those developed values

How has media consolidation affected the media?

the broadcast regulations will affect the quality of news being produced

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